
Thread #559525

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Kirara 🚗
a new thread is better
But what's cooler than being cool
liquid nitrogen probably
Kirara 🚗
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I've spent 15 or 16 of the last 20 hours hammering out my dissertation proposal and I'm like 40% done with it.
I'm like 60-70% done with what I wanted to have done by 9am.

I've eaten like four oranges.
liquid estrogen
eat more oranges
Become an orange
it's caleed HRT because you HuRT
jesus christ dude
Kirara 🚗
kare no shift wa bunbunbun has been on repeat for the past 8 hours i think
Kirara 🚗
im feeling powerful
like im 20 again
Make sure you feel tired at some point.
Before your body gives out before you realize.
Kirara 🚗
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i feel tired but i also feel powerful
it's like that youthful energy that lets you go hard even when you're tired
i thought i ran out of that years ago
you can use rapeoil as lamp oil
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I guess I can use my oil lamp again
not pictured
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while putting it out, it created a nice red glow that shone through the plate I uses to extinquish it, however I didn't manage to capture an image
the second iteration of the stickflamebuild didn't succeed that well
what kind of oil?
He means rapeseed, which is what canola is derived from.
It's just a joke in bad taste he likes.
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oil lamp in question, the original lamp oil I bought for it was quite...
fire hazardous
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now I just need to remember that the lamp oil has some rapeseedoil inside it, whenever I move it
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And in this case it actually is canola/rapeseed oil, though made in germany
we finns generally use a completely different plant, unique to this region for it
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>steampunk airship hunting dragons( sky whales)
this is quite a japanese manga indeed
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also doesn't this art style/character designs really remind you of something?
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My wife (sleeveless)
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Not shipped with koishi in blue books, though
Upgraded from girlfriend, huh.
When did you make the move.
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That's pretty good.
I like boots like those.
i'd like to get some better boots
i have a sheep purse that fits well with the dress but i think the book fits that slot better
My problem with the book is that the saturation is way off compared to the rest of the composition.
Everything else is kind of lighter , pastelly, or desaturated.
And the book just sticks out because of how crisp its image is.
the book is a newer item from a recent banner
i think everything else in there is fairly early stuff
or fairly basic stuff
i think that they're capable of some better quality now i guess, though some of the new sets that come out are a little, eh, silly and immersion-breaking
it's called docile alpaca
im not sure where i got it
when you clear chapter 3, you get a house by the way
you can visit other people's houses and decorate it, just like animal crossing
darn I want that sheep dress
That's super cute
Oh neat, I've almost cleared 3
I feel like a lot of the early stuff gets way improved on
There's a pair of jean shorts that doesn't fit with anything I pair it with. Like it's really poorly overlaid
A lot of contest submissions look really silly. I like it when people submit stuff that's simple but cohesive
yeah i got better jean shorts from somewhere
i think ive got like four now, and that early pair is just bleh
but that's why i like the customization feature so much
you can take those things and upgrade/color them, or you can use them as materials for crafting different items
i got seven hours left meself
but this faggot kitten is being really obnoxious and i can't focus because he keeps causing trouble
i wish he was outta here
Kirara 🚗
2 more hours until i stop workin on this for today
Kirara 🚗
laz was fucking doing that like all day
it's really hard to work when he's just fuckin with everything
i did like 18 hours of writing my dissertation proposal today, although im gonna do it for like another hour and a half too

my dissertation chair wanted me to summarize the articles im using but im not doing that shit
i already fuckin read the articles and there's a fucking abstract that's a summary
im not gonna sit here and summarize like 40+ articles
that's so much writing that i can't even adapt into my proposal
it's a total waste
if i were to integrate an article into my paper, my summary of the article would end up being a comprehensive synopsis and interpretation ending up longer than the original article
i need to get better at conciseness (concision?)
but fuck, comprehensive and thorough is more enjoyable to read imo as long as it's paced well
Kirara 🚗
i am the opposite
everyone says i am too terse when im reporting stuff
like, my work is always accurate but people just complain that im too straight to the point
but the only way i know how to fluff it out is to write in a more creative tone than a technical reporting tone? and when i fluff my work with a poetic style of writing im just told i shouldn't do that?
and if i ask how to fluff they're just like, "write more"

for my lit review though like im not going to summarize articles
im telling a story and building a narrative that leads into my study
im taking information from the literature and integrating it all together in a way that flows and each point follows coherently from the last

nobody wants to read a wall of completely unrelated article summaries
i'm a mathemologist so i like granularly laying out the logical procession and explaining it in very consistent detail (not necessarily very thorough or completely comprehensive, but such that the energy between steps of the procession is consistent and there's no awkward gaps)
this preference gets me in a lot of trouble though because people think i'm really condescending, like i assume that they're stupid so i have to explain everything to them
it's just how my brain thinks and my learned pattern of distributing information
a lot of times i'm only explaining something because i just found out about it and thought it was cool like recently
and then someone's like "i'm not stupid you dont have to explain that to me, a middle schooler would know it"
well i didn't, jeez
Kirara 🚗
oh yeah i know what you mean

im kind of annoyed with my dissertation
well my dissertation chair
she made me cut a lot of stuff out of my study because she thinks more than 3 IVs is too complex???
for regression
like ive run regressions and worked on models with like 50 variables
for stuff that was presented at a conference too

so my results are going to be super neutered
"check out my regression with one predictor even though i dedicated a large chunk of my literature review to discussing predictors"
Kirara 🚗
i guess i can always redo it later properly
isolating data?
Kirara 🚗
predicting attitude changes
my chair basically made it so i can't do that though
because she didn't want me to workshop the vignettes i came up with
so she literally wants me to administer two measures to the participant, followed by a psychoeducation component, and then immediately adminster those two measures again

are you fucking mad
it's so stupid it's bad design
Kirara 🚗
my original design involved presenting participants with vignettes that would be used to measure their attitudes because i didn't want participants to get a psychoeducation lesson and just be like "oh well i guess they want me to respond like this now" but that's where we are i guess

like this kind of study isn't good in the first place but at least it was originally somewhat sound
i can't focus on my work at all
this kitten is running all over and knocking shit over, there's a ferret in the other room that's rattling its cage and smells so bad
the ferret wants out to play but i dont have the time to be watching it or to clean out its cage rn
nothin gets done around here really if i dont do it it seems
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I feel like a lot of winning designs look like characters you'd see in a banner ad for korean mmos

Yeah upgrades and fusions are good
I only realised today that clothes have secondary tags like "punk" or "school" and that those aren't just fluff terms used in quest descriptions
Kirara 🚗
did /// when does the ferret go home
no fucking clue
roommate's friends, i dont know them that well
Do you think there's anyone trustworthy you could call and be like "hey do you wanna play with this cute ferret for free"

Yeah there's more to it than just the match the tag game I thought it was earlier. Like how certain clothes won't fit the theme and the game calls you out on it
there's a whole lot more to this game than what's initially laid out
i'm continually impressed as i get further into it
that's a bigger hassle than looking after it
i dont have time to micromanage that shit
Kirara 🚗
that's fucked up
and i guess y'all keepin the kitty
he's not mine
i take no claim to it
if i can't have my grandma kitty for my anxiety then i don't really want one
it's just my roommate's cat
Kirara 🚗
are you the one that has to take care of it or does he at least do that
i don't take care of it but if it's doin somethin it shouldnt be doin around me im not gonna let it
like playing with an electrical outlet et cetera
it's not a task im obligated to do or anything like that but it's just a natural response to having an animal around
they take up a portion of your focus inherently
i need to get a desk so i can have a little more privacy
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Could a ferret electrocute itself from an outlet?
talking about the cat
or a cat do the same
Kirara 🚗
yeah that's fair
Kirara 🚗
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finished with dissertation stuff for the day

lets see
just two more responsibilities for today
gotta write a guide on avoiding burnout
and i got a class at 6:00

i kind of want to keep working and take a nap later since i feel like i got productivity momentum
but i'm gettin a headache
good job
Kirara 🚗
burn-out is in the ICD-10 but it literally just says "burn-out" as a potential diagnosis but without any information about it at all
please take a rest if you can
god work
Kirara 🚗
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i'll rest when my productivity momentum dies down
hai hai

sp veronica is nuts wowowowow
it's really not worth building up the energy to work, for me, unless im gonna keep it going for a long time
it's wasteful to build it up and then leave it early
Kirara 🚗
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yeah i don't usually feel like it's worth it unless i can get like 8+ hours out of it
it's really unusual for me to still have working momentum 20 // after 20 hours of work so i might as well use it
Kirara 🚗
Kirara 🚗
McAfee is really funny.
I decided to straighten my hair and now I have an explosion of floof.
now I know why I don't do that.
Oh, I didn't know you had curly/wavy hair.
Kirara 🚗
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That's funny.

He's so nutso.
floof is great tho
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Yeah, I have really curly hair, its a pain to deal with usually.
in New Mexico the low humidity was made my hair so straight and manageable.
I'm all floof now!
See myself in the mirror was shock!
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (112 KB, 555x649, [Doki] New Game!! - 07 (1280x7(…).jpg)
I knew New Mexico would awaken your desert heart.
You wa shock!
I'm a desert dwelller now.
guess I'll have to live with it!
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (92 KB, 1280x720, [Doki] New Game!! - 06 (1280x7(…).jpg)
We shall find solidarity through the sands
and rocks
A place where the air is actually breathable

and scorpions
And lizards
and snakes!
The true bonds of humanity have been revealed through endless sand and rocks
Hello, yes.
This is snek.
Kirara 🚗
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Kirara 🚗
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We are one with the cacti
No step on snek.
Kirara 🚗
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i'm writing a guide on avoiding burnout through self-care but i'm writing after spending like 20 hours writing without sleep and the irony is funny to me
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You should invent Desert Therapy™.
You to put some of that knowledge to use
We can't have you been as dry and lifeless as the desert
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>quest to smash a capitalist
>rewards money
maybe you can write your own advice and take it
just say 'works for me' in the footnotes
Kirara 🚗
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>Bring people into the desert
>Leave them there
>If you return to me you shall be cured

I shall never dry up
I will always be moist


did you know there is cow therapy
Makes more sense to me than horse therapy.
Actual non joke desert therapy.
Whatever it may be.
I'm not surprised
Is there snake therapy?
Aidoru is truely the wellspring of energy!
Kirara 🚗
i'm sure someone has a therapy snake somewhere
Kirara 🚗
I guess if you use a snake for exposure therapy, it'd technically be a therapy snake
As expected of snakes.
Therapy bear.
get all the grizzly details off your chest
did you guys know you can put mayonnaise instead of butter on the outside of grilled cheese and it will brown up real nice just the same
All you need good toast and cheese
Sounds disgusting
Kirara 🚗
yeah but >>559636
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you can't taste the mayonnaise after it's grilled it just gives it a nice crunchy crust
Kimochi Wario
Kirara 🚗
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I know a good way to get a crunchy crust
try it sometime and find out
crunch this
I'll bet
Kirara 🚗
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it's crunch time
jimmy neutron this shit dude
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>need to fill in my total earnings this year for tax stuff
>literally don't have any fucking idea how much I'll make by the end of this year
No clue whatsoever
I haven't had a full month of work at this job yet, I have no reference here beyond manually adding up the hours in a week, figuring out how many are gonna be nights, how many are days, and how many are mornings
And then multiplying those by the % for those, which I don't know what is

I have no ability to guess
I literally just know I get x money per hour, and that's what I know

Why the fuck am I supposed to know this BEFORE I'VE EVEN HAD A JOB
Kirara 🚗
holy shit
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i honestly just guess whenever i have to do that shit
wait that doesn't make any sense
why do you have to fill out your income when you have no fucking income right now
I've never had to pay income tax because I'm a NEET.
Kirara 🚗
>In 1869, while doing experiments searching for the location of the soul, German physiologist Friedrich Goltz demonstrated that a frog that has had its brain removed will remain in slowly heated water, but an intact frog attempted to escape the water when it reached 25 °C.

idk why but this has me laughing so hard
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Because my boss needs my tax card, and to get that I need to tell the government how much I'll make this year
This shit is fucked, man
wait why would a frog with his brain removed do ANYTHING?
Kirara 🚗
that's so fucking strange lol
it says he demonstrated it so i'm imagining him bringing a group of colleagues around a dead frog in a pot and they're all just looking at each other giggling while he explains how he removed a brain from a frog and it's not moving anymore
Kirara 🚗
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>this frog leaps from the water!
>however, my friends, my brothers... this frog does not... for its brain has been removed

>uhh ok

>astounding isn't it?
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Fuck it I'll eyeball it and hopefully I can just change it later?

I'll just keep track of it and I can probably change it later
He managed to remove the brain and didn't think it killed the frog?
Kirara 🚗
>Goltz held a unitary view of brain function, which he demonstrated in London at the International Medical Congress of 1881. Here he showed that a dog with sections of its cerebral cortex removed, could still remain functional. Conversely, Scottish neurologist David Ferrier held the belief of localization of cerebral functions, which he demonstrated at the same conference. Ferrier presented macaque monkeys with particular paralysis following specific surgeries of the motor cortex. Ferrier's demonstration of localized functionality impressed the medical community, and was seen as a major impetus in the development of neurological surgery.

idk maybe this dude was good enough that he could take out a frog brain without killing it idk maybe he replaced its brain with something or it was magic
what an odd experiment, you could just remove a frogs heart and then go see the soul resides in the heart, the frog does not move
Gotta go
so this guy lobotomizes monkeys for kicks, huh
Well, that's what I'm doing
I'll just put a reminder on my phone to make sure it's correct in like, december
Kirara 🚗
>Lewes published his findings four years and many frogs later as Sensation in the Spinal Cord in Nature, Dec. 4, 1873. He summarized the story this way:
>"Goltz observed that a frog, when placed in water the temperature of which is slowly raised towards boiling, manifests uneasiness as soon as the temperature reaches 25° C., and becomes more and more agitated as the heat increases, vainly struggling to get out, and finally at 42° C., dies in a state of rigid tetanus. The evidence of feeling being thus manifested when the frog has its brain, what is the case with a brainless frog? It is absolutely the reverse. Quietly the animal sits through all successions of temperature, never once manifesting uneasiness or pain, never once attempting to escape the impending death."

hahaha what the fuck
that's probably the best option, i'm sure that if they require you to put down your income before you have a job they let you change it after you have a job?
unless this system is broken
Kirara 🚗
everyone was like fucking mindblown that this brainless frog didn't do shit
Kirara 🚗
>while healthy frogs will jump out of water when the temperature slowly gets too hot, brainless or spineless ones will not.
hahahaha what the fuck is this
It feels like the sort of experiments and conclusion you hear in modern day conspiracy theories
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Seems I can change it right now even, if I wanna, so I'm sure it'll be fine

There's no way they can expect me to possibly calculate the total yearly income when I've had 2 half months, a vacation I DON'T KNOW IF I'LL GET PAID FOR, and now 3 weeks
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vero vero
Kirara 🚗
what did she say at lvl 40
what is that fucking weapon name
how do you even pronounce that
Kirara 🚗
hello skaj elf
Kirara 🚗
(i made that up)
hewwo?? skjálf???
Kirara 🚗
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just normal text messages from my colleagues
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here let me show off how cultured i am to rei
Kirara 🚗
more like homo

do they got that in the hotel?
is that not a normal thing that happens to people from time to time or what
Kirara 🚗
girls don't usually just text me about their pee it's kind of weird
i mean your pee being clear doesn't seem like a big deal
why did she even text that
Kirara 🚗
she's scared because she's faking a drug test and she thinks her pee being clear is going to alert the dude at the lab or something
no i bought it at a thrift store
oh lol
Kirara 🚗
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oh in murphy?

how did you like the drive through the forest
did you stop at the olympic park

five bucks
i did not we didnt spend a huge anount of time there
swe aimed for the antoque shop, then went next door to the thrift, then went to the kuseum bext to that, but then went to rock city
did you and pan do the thing at the creek
Kirara 🚗
man when we were there, jan and notso spent like three hours staring at tadpoles at the olympic park
fucking tadpoles are so cool man
Kirara 🚗
you were laughin like "hahaha look man they're all killin themselves"
wiggly wigglers
nature is so funny
Kirara 🚗
yeah nature is pretty awesome

i think we are gonna go to the cock museum
Nice desu ne
Kirara 🚗
ask them if you can see the rabbi while you're there
Kirara 🚗
coca-cola is kosher and there is a rabbi that oversees manufacturing in order to maintain its status as kosher
that’s actually cool
Kirara 🚗
yeah they actually changed the formula a little to make it kosher a long time ago
Wow, I didn't know that.
What does the rabbi do all day? I can't imagine the production line changes much
Kirara 🚗
he probably just hangs out and reads torah
nothing makes a rabbi happier than sitting around and reading torah
Rabbi's are kinda adorable.
Kirara 🚗
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I wish I was in the desert right now!
Kirara 🚗
Oh damn, I need to get out of the house.
I was meant to meet up my sisters.
I was too busy lazily browsing pixiv and bad memes
Kirara 🚗
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have fun with your sisters
i'm watching a guy install carpet and he's so fast
installing a carpet wasn't anything like this for me
so damn tired
Kirara 🚗
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Somehow, I'm full of energy and feeling incredibly productive despite having not slept in I think 28 hours and spending all but four or five of those working.
Kirara 🚗
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It's like I'm 20 again
Kirara 🚗
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Well, except for the perceptual abnormalities
Staying awake for an extended period of time feels good if you're trying to stay awake. For a decent portion anyways.
Kirara 🚗
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Nah, that's not what this is.
This feels more like a hypomanic episode.
Maybe it's in response to what I saw the other day.
Dude I fucking wish I could be hypomanic
I would be so ptoductive.
Also did you see the hunter indictment for campaign fund misuse?
It's really really funny.
Kirara 🚗
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Oh, I missed that
haha he says he's excited to fight the charges
that's really funny
This is the tl;Dr
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called the fuck out of work because Food Girl's birthday is today and I want to see friends
fuck the tunnels
this goofy ass outsourcing company offers copy-past services
lmao what
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (45 KB, 285x530, img_chara_01_full1.png)
>"On or about May 19, 2010, in Santee, California, Margaret Hunter spent $307.72 in campaign funds at Target to purchase a tablecloth, three square pillows, a three-piece brush set, a metal tray, four temporary shades, four window panels, a white duck, two Punky Brewster items, a ring pop, and two five-packs of 'animals.' In order to conceal and disguise this illegal charge, Hunter falsely told the Treasurer that it was for 'teacher/parent supporter events.'"

hell yeah
that's what i call livin
Kirara 🚗
>"On or about September 16 to 19, 2011, in Boise, Idaho and elsewhere, the Hunters spent an additional $640.05 in Campaign funds for a family vacation centered on a family member's participation in a dance competition."
Search [iqdb] (904 KB, 769x832, ばらむ - 不夜城 (63539153) .png)
By the way, I highly recommend this Comiket's Akatsuki Records album. It's really nice.
Especially the Mokou theme one
Kirara 🚗
>"On or about December 13, 2013, in Reston, Virginia, Duncan Hunter spent $63.57 in campaign funds at Best Buy to purchase a pair of gloves and a car charger for an upcoming trip to Pittsburgh."
Search [iqdb] (264 KB, 1673x2018, Dken93PUwAAwvso.jpg)
Like I really can't remember listening to an Akatsuki album straight through this many times on purpose. It's really good.
those are some expensive gloves
Kirara 🚗
> "On or about September 26, 2015, in Anaheim, California, the Hunters spent $229.44 in Campaign funds at Disneyland's Star Trader shop on gifts, including two Minnie Mouse Ear headbands, a Star Wars droid knit beanie, and a raglan-sleeve black-and-gray Star Wars girls T-shirt. In order to conceal and disguise this transaction, Margaret Hunter falsely informed the Treasurer that the charge was for 'food/bev.'"
jesus christ hunter
Kirara 🚗
>27. "On or about November 23, 2015 in an attempt to justify the use of campaign funds to pay for the family's trip to Italy, Duncan Hunter attempted to set up a day tour of a US naval facility in Italy. After Navy officials responded that they could only provide a tour on a particular date, Duncan Hunter said he would discuss the proposed date with Margaret Hunter, then subsequently told his Chief of Staff, 'tell the Navy to go f*** themselves [no alteration in original],' and no tour occurred."
Kirara 🚗
> "On or about March 4, 2016, in Washington, DC, Duncan Hunter spent $462.46 in Campaign funds for 30 shots of tequila and one steak at El Tamarindo restaurant during Individual 8's bachelor party."
wha holy shit C-Clays is in the DoujinStyle discord
Search [iqdb] (193 KB, 1200x850, ラパメリ - こいしちゃんまとめ (70263080) 9ページ.jpg)
I know someone has the RD-Sounds album. Why won't they upload it?

Kirara 🚗
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oh no my 30 hours of no sleep and non-stop productivity is rebounding and destroying me

because they are abominations before God
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Kirara 🚗
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you have to find who has it

and eliminate them
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Be right back~
Kirara 🚗
i have class in 5 hours
im kind of afraid to nap
How much money did this guy spend in total?
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Nap at school in front of your class.
They'll wake you up when class starts.
Unless this is somehow "Unprofessional"
which is trash because w
Kirara 🚗
lmao that sounds uncomfortable as hell
no way i could sleep there
that's way too dangerous too
bring a pillo- oh okay
yeah but it's a slow death
sleeping is like halfway there
Kirara 🚗
schools are where people go to die
those two seem like potentially legitimate purchases but why best buy and why that fuckin expensive
Kirara 🚗
sleep is 1/60th of death according to the rabbis
i read that as "according to the rabbits"
Kirara 🚗
them too
it's also one fourth of our life
or one third is the statistic but that ain't fuckin true
Kirara 🚗
i made some commie on twitter really mad by calling them revisionist when they claimed the USSR wasn't anti-Semitic and then calling them ableist when they called me a moron
and now they're like sending really boring generic communists at me to talk shit for some reason
denying historical facts is really weird to me
are there tests for serotonin levels
Kirara 🚗
idk if any are commercially available but yeah
bone density is linked to serotonin levels, but bone density is also linked to the thiamine consumption in alcohol metabolization, and alcohol use is linked to lowered long-term serotonin levels
it really bothers me that statistics holds clinical significance and is interpreted as real data
i want to unlink shit like that
Kirara 🚗
yeah that stuff bothers me a lot too
everything is so confounded
and we pretend it's not
it's okay dude they test serotonin in mice so they know what they're talking about
an animal whose brain function is mostly relegated to their gut health is a pretty good indicator of how a chemical that goes from the gut to the brain is going to function in a human brain
like don't even worry about it
they're scientists! they know what they're doing
btw did you know that serotonin is the chemical responsible for making you feel good? :)))
also tricuspid valve failure and irritable bowel syndrome and carcinoid syndrome but that's nerd talk LOL
what matters is it's the chemical responsible for making you feel good :))
Kirara 🚗
yeah but what about that epic dopamine when you get the (you)
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dozed off while watching a youtube video and i was 18 minutes into the next one by the time I realized
dunno how long I was out
i wasn't even asleep, i was just knocked out and couldn't process anything
I heard everything but didn't notice I was listening to anything
haha did you know dopamine is the body's NATURAL reward system?? makes you feel good
and you can get it from exercise, sex, chocolate, jolt energy drinks??
haha i dont know how anyone could do drugs after knowing this one simple hack that unveils the truth of life and our body's complex chemistry
Kirara 🚗
did you know that when you hurt yourself your body releases HEROIN to help you deal with ut?? the human body is amazing
😂😂 feeling sad (depressed)?? here's one secret the pharmaceutical industry doesn't want you to know!!
a simple regimen of exercise at the gym, eating healthy food, and spending some quality time with friends and family can bring you back to normal in no time!! no need to get swindled by Big Pharma's false narratives telling you that your daytime blues is a problem
Kirara 🚗
the only antidepressant anyone needs is the sweet smell of blood and open fields
wait i thought we were being satirical here
Kirara 🚗
i was thinking we could just smoothly transition to the real shit and nobody but us would notice
Kirara 🚗
i think im in a hypomanic episode
Kirara 🚗
or maybe not
as soon as i posted that i got smashed with tiredness
better call saul is getting amazing
aside from storyline entirely, the whole thing is a cinematic masterpiece
every scene is so amazingly done
i can't get over it
Kirara 🚗
when fish is home again i will probably get back to watching it
Kirara 🚗
the museum was cool
now we’ere eating at “jr’s log house”
Kirara 🚗
what do they have
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im hungry
i could go for a log sandwich or whatever they have
Kirara 🚗
sawdust soup
bark and cum burrito
Kirara 🚗
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i ordered off their lunch specials though
Kirara 🚗
I can't read that dude lmao
i only happened to take a picture, so it cant be helped

bty the way, aquarium or arcade, which would you prefer
Kirara 🚗
aquarium with fish
arcade with jan or rook
tossup for anyone else
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i meant us you goof
Kirara 🚗
it's a tossup i don't know
ive heard atlanta has a good aquarium though
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on the one hand, we could take our damphs and play on the initial dick cabinets head-to-head races for five hours straight, upgrading our shit along the way after each race
on the same hand, we could go watch the eels until we get hungry
Kirara 🚗
watching some fish for hours sounds really relaxing but i feel like i couldn't get the full experience bc there would be so many other people around
i'd give you a benzo it'd be okay
i think i'm probably more stimulated by watching fishes than by playing in an arcade tbh
fishes stir so many thoughts in my head about ecosystems and origination
games are fun but they feel kind of numb
sounds like we are hitting the arcade together then
Also if i neglect to pick one up coild ylu bring a nail clipper ive got a mad hangnail
They have like a mini (it's still big though) branch of the aquarium at the airport.
are you that eager to show pan how much you suck at videogames
Kirara 🚗
just use a knife
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you blocked me again didn't you
you really like doing that
it hurts, you know
are tou crazy that is a knife
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my nose has felt like there's something in the back of it ever since I got home, and I have no fucking idea why
I wonder if it got scraped or something by something I breathed in at work
Dunno what that'd be though, cause the only possibilities are like
Cheese powder and powdered milk, garlic powder, pepper and that's it
Some starch, I guess

it sucks so bad
Kirara 🚗
pan does it doesn't he
i was fixing my nails with my knife when jan and i were campin
it's probably fine

oh i need to look at atlantas knife laws
idk if you guys know this one simple hack to good nails but moisturize you savage fucks
Kirara 🚗
i always moisturize
my nails are great
Last week when I clipped my nails I forgot to clip my right index fingernail.
Kirara 🚗
if i got a conservative loser to pay for me and some friends to spend a month in Venezuela who would want to come
i bet ton doesn't even exfoliate
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if I can get the time off I probably would tbh
"venezuela" may be going through some shit, but chances are that's not the whole country anyway
Kirara 🚗
lmao he probably doesn't even know what exfoliation is
I'd need to get a passport though.
Also probably not because I think leaving the country would stress me out too much, especially going to a third world country.
Kirara 🚗
it's basically the whole country but we could just go survive in the forest
i don't think i'm currently allowed to leave the country
Kirara 🚗
oh damn
Paying for someone's vacation to own the libs
Kirara 🚗
maybe ill see if i can get charlie to pay for my vacation
Is this offer limited to the people of the United States?
Kirara 🚗
probably not
it's not actually an offer though
like it's not something im recruiting for it's just a hypothetical
bc i dont have a passport xDD
Kirara 🚗
oh daaaamn
Well if it's hypothetically at a good time I'd be interested.
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i still wanna go to mongolia tho
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in seriousness, i'd probably be willing to go
idk what having a conservative loser pay for it entails though
i feel like there's a mission there and probably being located in the turmultuous areas
and venezuelan women scare me
Kirara 🚗
he just doesn't think anyone can live in Venezuela and not immediately believe that capitalism is better than socialism even though Venezuela isn't socialist
i mean, i could already answer that issue now, but i know that's not the point
i'd be down to challenge my expectations at someone else's dime
i'm p sure my expectations are solid though
I think im finally getting the full withdrawl headache from the medicine I ran out of a few days ago.
Kirara 🚗
yeah same

i wonder if he would bite if i messaged him
Really I just think I can enjoy myself while travelling.
And it's not like Venezuela's problems are solely dependent on their economic model.
So their entire argument isn't really there to begin with.
social media is so cheaply commercialized
he's prolly only going to front for someone who's slanted towards it already so he can write an article about it and make a profit
that's the point of such an anecdote, to spin it
social media isn't receptive to arguments as much as anecdotal evidence
even if some people are who are on social media, it only has to appeal to a slanted audience in order to carry weight enough to be profitable
you can take on such a challenge and succeed, but i guarantee no article is published saying "anon et al prove internet guy wrong about venezuela"
it's so selective
Kirara 🚗
i don't think he knows how to write
his thing is like weird demonstrations
like wearing a diaper and no pants at a college to protest safe spaces
would you wear a diaper underneath your wedding dress just in case
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Last month
Because now I'm back on my phone where I left off!
Oh that guy?
I think he lives in the Chicago area.
Blue it's been ten and a half hours.

But congratulations.
Kirara 🚗
no, im not gonna wear anything under my wedding dress

yeah i think so
i would probably wear pants under my wedding dress tbh
just kidding i'll probably never even have a wedding
Kirara 🚗
you could borrow someone else's wedding probably
you mean like find a young girl to transplant my consciousness into and take over her life and exceed in school and find someoone to marry and experience it firsthand?
Kirara 🚗
moon do you want to be my made of honor

i was thinking wear her skin but that's basically in the same vein
it wouldn't work
i've already thought about it
Kirara 🚗
what would be the major obstacle?
money tbh
remapping a consciousness is a one-time thing and it's pretty expensive
if i was able to afford that process, i could afford the miniscule in comparison cost of just cloning myself and starting over
i'd have to enter the foster care system (again) though as an undocumented child and, while i'd know better how to handle it, i dont particularly want to do that
Kirara 🚗
i can adopt you
i was thinking i'd just live underground with myself until at least teenage years
and have a big systems lab to inheret from me
Kirara 🚗
i want an underground bunker tree house
i was thinking like the operations underground and having an above-ground lifted observation deck/lounge for casual engagements
if i invited friends or investors over, i'd just send them up there while i prep and sanitize and go up there
more like a lighthouse than a treehouse but kind of the same, maybe
Kirara 🚗
that sounds nice
if i had musk's money i could do real stuff and not this hokey shit
Kirara 🚗
it sucks that he's so rich and so useless
Kirara 🚗
imagine being rich enough to own like five companies which have lost money for the past five years and be like yeah watevs im startin another one
Kirara 🚗
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Kirara 🚗
oh Lord
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The only good conservative comedian is fucking DEAD
Kirara 🚗
it makes sense
dog orders mcdonalds for toddler
mother finds out why and thanks him
so, my plan so far is just to set flags for new google news articles related to popsci
then read in the text from each file, put it through text to speech, and record it
then to use a simple algorithm to test each word in each sentence against license-free content for images, select the highest volume word, and select the top image to display for the duration of that TTS sentence
then make a youtube video out of that compiled content for a generic popsi garbage channel
The thing I was gping to plan out and start doing research for before programming seems like a huge pain in the ass to implement.
Kirara 🚗
something is happening to me
Kirara 🚗
maybe ive been replaced by an alien
That's like
The reverse Capgras delusion
Kirara 🚗
it might just be my tongue
the guy at the gate to coca cola museum basically expected that i had one so they are probably common
Kirara 🚗
my chest feels like it's on fire
Well then you'd better put it out!
Kirara 🚗
haha im the only third year student in this class
everyone is my kouhai
Kirara 🚗
idg why I'm so functional after like 40 hours no sleep
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hello hello
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (109 KB, 1280x720, [Kuusou] New Game! - 05 [FA1C2(…).jpg)
Hi Rika!
So I have this kindle I inherited from my dead aunt
And every time I think I'm going to use it I feel really shitty about deleting her stuff.
You can't just move it onto a hard drive or something?
Maybe, not sure about backing up like the user profile
It's just
Using it feels so weird
And also this is the only physical possession of hers that I own.
So it feels sort of fucked up to erase every trace of her on it.
Also holy shit my head hurts
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Is anyone else playing azur lane?
Kirara 🚗
i dropped that ages ago
it got boring really fast
Kirara 🚗
girls Frontline is probably the best of those kinds of games
Kirara 🚗
azur lane is also incredibly lewd
like annoyingly vulgar sometimes
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The english version is out so I've been playing.
I'm still really early though.
Kirara 🚗
i got bored of it pretty quickly
bullet hells don't interest me
the girls are mostly forgettable too
Kirara 🚗
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i think there might be something really wrong with me
Tasty steak dinner.
With sweet potato home fries and broccoli on the side.

Feeling tired yet?
Kirara 🚗
not at all

also as a side note i just had a really weird interaction with my crazy neighbor
i told him about seeing that dude get his leg ripped off and he was like, "damn man, how'd he get hit so close to the hospital?"
and seemed to think being in proximity to a hospital would prevent car accidents?
Kirara 🚗
idk what im gonna do if i can't sleep
maybe i will go to the hospital tomorrow if i can't or something
Do you have any melatonin on hand?
Kirara 🚗
yeah but 20mg of melatonin doesn't put me to sleep when im not fucked up
Doesn't hurt to try.
Kirara 🚗
there's something wrong with my tongue
what if he is on to something
hidden game mechanics and shit?
Kirara 🚗
he's probably not
My guess would be that car accidents would be more common near hospitals due to ambulances.
i bet the just poorly worded a though pn the lines of "wonder would he have died of loss of blood if it had happened further away" or something
Kirara 🚗
nah, he legitimately couldn't understand how a cat accident could happen in front of a hospital
the hospital has an aoe healing passive
Kirara 🚗
if only
Kirara 🚗
he was also surprised that they couldn't re-attach a leg just by sewing it back on
Maybe he's a robot that's infiltrated humanity to instigate its downfall.
Humanity doesn't need an external force to do that
Kirara 🚗
i took four benadryl
and i can feel it coming for me
at last
Riding on a pale horse?
Kirara 🚗
coming to take me home
Country roads
would u live in 15,5 square m
appartment, 500€ rent per month?
I could.
Five hundred Euros is a bit too much for me to figure it a steal though.
Definitely decent though.
Kirara 🚗
goodbight wcerynoe
Good luck Kirara
I live in 34 for 500
good night kirara
sleep well
Well yeah, that's definitely a steal.
A decent single-bedroom apartment in this city would go for about twice that anywhere that's not in the dumps.
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I mean it is a compact and quite well thought out appartment
and you can fit in 70 of them instead of the usual 30-40 in one flathouse
and the price isn't bad for within city limits
but seriously 500€ for a tiny box
make it atleast 400
cause 500+water+power+so on
real price is basically upwards of 600€ per month
Being in a big city will always make rent prices come at a premium.
That's just something you accept if you want to live in one.
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I went and checked, the average price epr square in the region they are built is about 19€
those houses have 34€
sure are asking much, but well when there is a house shortage...
they actually had to apply for a special permit, as minimum house size in finland is 20 squares
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the 500€ is also amusing in the sense, that it is 50€ less than the student grant + living benefit is combined
Can kinda see who it is marketed for
Going bed, night.
good night
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Yet another leadership challenge
and now two members are fighting each other for the current guys job
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Remember that one period in the early 2010s where you guys changed prime ministers once a year?
Ruddles > Julia > Abbott > I forgot his name
What a wild game of king of the hill your parliament is

Oh man he might not even finish the whole term
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It's Turnbull now
now we have Peter Dutton and Scott Morrison challenging for PM I think
Dutton is the Ex-cop home affairs minister that wanted to give refuge status to white south africans because they "integrated really well" or something like that
oh wait Morrison is the home affairs guy
Dutton is immigration that makes more sense
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want some?
no thanks, i dont really like pie
is casserole
oh then sure
what kind of casserole
I thought it was pizza
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I thought it was a pizza for a bit
Yeah same
I was gonna ask why TN put macaroni cheese on a pizza

Don't look at me TN is the one who made the macaroni pizza in a pot
a noodle pizza? wtf you guys
mm the tomato was a nice addition to it
it actually looks very good, well done
i made some mashed potatoes but added some meat flavoring to it, a couple eggs, and cheese
then fried some flour tortillas, packed the potatos into them, and folded them over like a pierogi kind of thing
and the bacon on top added a nice touch to it
as they fried ontop and leaked their grease to it
bacon is nice with macaroni
it didn't solidify as I expected guess I added bit too much milk
macronie pizza
but I don't likle adding so many eggs, that the egg-milk mixture tastes of egg
also cheese would have helped, but didn't have any
There's no cheese in it?
What's that melted looking yellow stuff

Oh it looks nice then it made me think it was cheese
mm cause I don't have any
it is the eggmilk
man the tomatoes add a nice touch to it
i use cooked milk instead of cheese whenever i have no cheese
i should get some milk that's better for cooking though
some half and half or buttermilk or somethin
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lil bit of paprika and this would be perfect
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anime >>559937 →
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okay rate my food now
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what's up
im watching mongolian broadcast television
that's quite good
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The album came out a few days ago so I'm listening to that.
I'm just trying to figure out what's the next step
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how's your head feeling?
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The smoke has been terrible lately so I'm actually falling in and out of consciousness
This will srop soon hopefully so I can finally get back to being a normal functioning adult
the smoke? what do you mean
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From the fires in BC
It fluctuates but it's been here since like August 4th
SOme days are trash af and some calm down but it still lingers
It's terrible and I think it's taking a hold on my sanity fr
Nah it's manageable.
I don't even attempt to stay outside for long
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oh wow i didn't know it was that far north
ive heard about it down here but i guess it's either more common or more widespread than i realized
that must be really difficult, i can't even imagine
i hope it gets better soon
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How are you on this desolate day
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a little helpless feeling and discouraged
my mom just had a really, really big surgery today
she's gonna have to stay in the hospital for 30 days to recover
i want to go see her
i'm broke though and can't afford the train ticket at the moment
because my roommate decided to ignore the electric bill instead of pay the installments on it from a balance prior to when i moved in, so even though i asked several times if he needed help with it and he said no, it became a problem and i had to front a stupid high bill instead of the more manageable installments that we should have been paying
ate up all my extra money, which normally i'd be okay with strapping down for a month and not worrying about it
but in this instance i want to go see my mom because A) I miss her and B) I know she's having a really hard time right now
well not -right- now but once the recovery starts
she's surely zonked out on pain meds atm
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I hope the recover process goes smoothly

Maybe you will get an opportunity to see her soon, by chance or by effort

Is it possible for you to borrow money from a trusted source for the ticket?
If you feel it is urgent to see her then you should trust that feeling
It's worth it to make their day
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nah, i don't know anyone
i don't have a credit card or bank account
i have no friends and no social leverage
i dont really have anything anymore
don't even have my gun anymore to solve my lead deficiency proble
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ARe you going to be all right?
I can give you my steam if you want to talk more
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i would like that
though i dont particularly want to talk more at this moment
there's mine if you want add
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Oh, my own link is in the e-mail.
It's completely okay if you don't have the energy for talking anymore, you can take it at your own pace.
I'm just listening to tunes and trying to play some game like CS or Dota rn
i didnt think you played dota
TI8 is going on right now so not a lot of people are playing
Well the stream's on its last set of the day, so people might be hopping on for games soon.
im about to watch the open ai match from mid-day rn
i was working and sleeping all day
i was looking for some TI broadcasts in mongolian but i dont think there were any
The OpenAI match was pretty interesting.
Even considering the limits involved, they've already evolved pretty complexly.
im about to watch it i dont want spoil
compared to the benchmarking earlier this month?
or compared to last year's exhibition?
Well my metric is the exhibition last year, since I didn't check out the benchmark they did against the talent.

Yeah they talked about it a bit.
The AI has evolved since then, they mention early on that the AI doesn't need the five invincible couriers anymore, and operate with just the single one.
yeah they did 5-on-5 benchmarking with a limited hero pool at the beginning of august
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Like the twilight of a winter forest
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There's some nice clouds looming around
I wonder if it's going to rain soon
It's supposed to on Saturday or at least that's what they're saying
so in case anyone was wondering
you can't really lit a long lasting fire in a coffee mug
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there just isn't enough oxygen
I take it you've experimented with this
just now
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Guess I won't be starting any coffee mug fires any time soon
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I'd guess same applies for any cylinder shaped object
the ventilation would become an issue
how would you light a fire in a mug anyhow?
Kirara 🚗
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What's in the jar that guy's holding
with matches
I mean what are you burning, not how did you get it to light
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burning materials on my desk
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i found an interesting image
Kirara 🚗
fruit punch
Kirara 🚗
You gotta punch him before he punches you
Kirara 🚗
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i only drink falcon punch
Kirara 🚗
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i wanna go cause trouble
let's fuck off and go cause trouble
Kirara 🚗
Let's take my dog for a walk and not pick up after it
Kirara 🚗
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let's go to bed an hour past bedtime
Mum's gonna flip her lid!
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the new overwatch animated short is really good
even though it features a lame character
no corners
no angles
no rectangles
Kirara 🚗
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>didn't not
atleast they are honest
Kirara 🚗
that's an extremely specific niche
Kirara 🚗
longer than a fuckin LN title too
it lacks "i can't believe" and "isekai"
Kirara 🚗
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i love this sticker
im gettin it
Kirara 🚗
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yaho kannagi
Heya Kirara! How are you today?
Kirara 🚗
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im alive and feeling like 7/10 full power which is pretty decent
How are you?
I slept in a bit, so I recharged my batteries a little too.
I'm a little nervous about my ultrasound appointment for my leg today, I had some leg pains and they wanted to check my leg.
Its really late appointment too. 8PM.

I also have to choose what societies I want to join for when I start uni, I'm thinking of joining the LGBT and a Anglo-Japanese society.
I usually feel scared to join groups but It'll be interesting to actually properly interact with people!
Kirara 🚗
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Yeah, that sounds really spooky. I hope it goes okay! That's in like 7 hours? or 6

I'm proud of you for taking so many steps towards your goals
you're doing awesome!
Yeah in about 6 hours, I just hope I can find the hospital okay, its a little bit out of the way.

I'm feeling a lot more positive, I get lot of moments where I'm panicked but I feel like I don't want to waste time being closed up.
I'm probably still going to be fair cynical of normies but atleast I'm not cowering away from things I wanna do and part in.
Kirara 🚗
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The desert is truly the best place to grind levels.
You're becoming so powerful!
Kirara 🚗
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ton tell me about the kitchen
what cooking supplies are there
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I've advanced to a new level of enlightenment.
I'll have visit again and recharge with the desert energy.
Kirara 🚗
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After you witness the true power of the mountains and canyons, you will become invincible
i think theres things ypu can borrow but currently we have a toaster, oven aaaaaaaaaaaand
oh and a stove
Kirara 🚗
pots and pans?
Only one pan
Kirara 🚗
oh after looking snd sskong pan we have those
Kirara 🚗
that new overwatch vid was really fuckin good

what size pot
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No Google... not like this
I'm gonna try out overwatch on the weekend since it'll be on free weekend.
Kirara 🚗
you're fuckin dead kiddo

i want to but i don't have anything i can run it on
ive always liked dva a lot but that vid made me really think she's def best girl
v relatable
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Kirara 🚗
wow chrome
Kirara 🚗
im gonna use that Surge as broth for the stew
I don't really know much about the characters I'll have to check out Dva, I've seen a lot of pictures of her all over the internet and cosplays as well as mercy I think
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Kirara 🚗
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for some reason i thought it was like dou va until that vid where they called her dee va

like my version obviously doesn't make sense now that i think about it because she's korean but still
Kirara 🚗

in awe at the size of this absolute unit
That cat looks wealthy indeed
I've heard other people call her dee va so I kinda knew about the pronouciation.
althought kinda curious how you got dou va, that kinda sounds russian ish?
I know nothing.
Kannagi, do you know about Gremlin DVa?
It's a really funny meme that angers a lot of DVa fans.
It's basically just her as a himotou like character eating doritos and drinking mountain dew.
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hell yeah
for our adventure today we are gonna go to publix
How exciting
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Have this stuck in my head.
"I don't know what I've been told. But Marc Mercado ain't got no soul." to the tune of Black Dog.
Oh fuck
I accidentally copied the thing my friend sent me instead of the video (black dog) he sent.
Kirara 🚗
yeah, dva is russianish
Kirara 🚗
i like that they showed dva as someone who is trying to escape from her ptsd and is a workaholic to that effect

because same
She has ptsd?
Kirara 🚗
yeah the new short movie showed her to be struggling with ptsd
Kirara 🚗
at least it isn't a nuke this time
Kirara 🚗
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Kirara 🚗
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Not wrong, and that's the problem
Kirara 🚗
my dissertation chair is trying to tell me that a person cannot be transgender, only "transgendered"
she believes that "trangendered" is a verb
and despite explaining that literally uses it as a verb
Kirara 🚗
literally nobody uses it*
thats a bery specific thing to be concerned anout
like to have that particular stance on tue idea
the mollie tibbets thing hits me very close to home because I am from iowa and I think it would be the responsible thing to do to be aware that this sort of stuff is a very real reality for females everywhere and although my female friends have not been murdered I know that they have all been harassed, threatened, abused, etc.,
it would be silly to say that we all have to suit up and go around fighting crime but maybe there are many little things out there that we can do to make the world more safe and comfortable for the women in our lives
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>there's a live action mob psycho 100 adaption
I've heard it's pretty bad.
I have heard the same, now that I think about it
Kirara 🚗
i think i might be starting a union at my uni
i talked too much about it and now people want me to
big mover and shaker kirara
this is how it starts.
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Holy shit
Why do they wanna anyway, is there anything in particular to work towards?
Kirara 🚗
because everyone feels taken advantage of
like we're being forced to do things we shouldn't
working ridiculous hours
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It does seem hella good
If you can manage to actually get the sort of solidarity it requires for anything to really be accomplished, anyway
Kirara 🚗
i might be able to
but idk if i should do it
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Well what are your concerns?
Future employment prospects?
Kirara 🚗
im already on thin ice in the program
they could find a reason to kick me out

i would have to wait until after November when my probation is over
so they would have to start a whole new process to dismiss me
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Yeah, I mean organizing can be pretty risky
Waiting should be alright, right?
Kirara 🚗
the two black people in my program feel like they are super disadvantaged due to two race and want to do something about it
so i was talking about how a union could give them power

we can threaten the accreditation of the psychology program so union actions would definitely work
Kirara 🚗
im getting some work done on my car
and sitting in the waiting room
and they got a coffee maker
and it's covered in ants
Delicious coffee covered ants
Kirara 🚗
Kirara 🚗
oh damn my area is getting a socialist rifle association chapter
Kirara 🚗
There's a part of me that is always enamoured by scaling of intensity like that.
Kirara 🚗
haha yeah
its so gradual that it feels normal but it's actually kind of crazy i guess
Fast and Furious 1: Racing really fast!
Fast and Furious 7: How do we take down that mercenary helicopter?
Kirara 🚗

the times sure have changed
Search [iqdb] (491 KB, 1200x746, Z.O.B - クラウンピース練習絵 (65109964) .jpg)
Time does nothing but change
Time doesn't even real
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (718 KB, 810x2588, Screenshot_20180823-140932_Twitter.jpg)
the girl who likes to bring firearms to the location of one of the most devestating school shootings in our history is now desperate for attention as she runs around the school asking if people hate her or not
while planning a rally to bring hundreds of armed people and open white supremacists to the campus
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That is pretty common with the fashy women
Southern does the same
It, understandably, isn't a thing the men do since they actually don't all look like the same barbie doll
Kirara 🚗
did you see this bootlicker implying that it's ok to price gauge
Fucking ghouls
Kirara 🚗
the absolute garbage goblins
I forgot to turn off my watch's exercise timer after I finished biking this morning and now it thinks I burned 900 calories in the past three hours.
It's hard to believe that's accurate, hah hah.
Kirara 🚗
damn you exercising like fucking the rock
eat 10000 calories a day to survive
I don't want to hulk up like he is though!
unimaginably accurate
Kirara 🚗
you'd look goo
like maoi from moana
with fewer tattoos
and you know, paler
Kirara 🚗
I'm suddenly quite tired.
Guess it's finally hitting you, huh.

Well another plus to going out biking often is that I'm getting a fair bit of sun.
I probably can't get Oceania-level dark but I can get on Mediterranean olive-skin at the best.
Kirara 🚗
I managed to sleep for a few hours last night, at least, haha.
There's probably a lot of sleep debt you've got racked up yet though.
can't wait for openai match 2
yesterday's was great
It was a really interesting match.

One thing I noticed though is that the AI's reward system doesn't seem to account for saving long-cooldown skills very well.
They blow their big skills pretty much right off the bat, which is fine early on, sure, and probably triggers positives in their reward system.
But then late game comes around and they need to save their big skills for important moments, and they just, don't.

Their warding is also hilariously wonky too.
so glad to see them get stomped by a real team. the benchmarking was done by pro players but just scrambled, not an actual team, and i think it got more hype than it deserved for wrecking the humans
Kirara 🚗
great, all you need is the muscle then

maybe i should nap
i think it's something more subtle
it's always doing gradient ascent, so i think it favors things like map sight from creep waves and keeping the map as what it thinks is favorable more so than being prepared to teamfight, like maybe that by popping exorcism and pushing those waves out it doesn't need to be prepped for a teamfight because it's in a position to avoid a teamfight
or it might be undue weighting from the connection that the creeps are at the t3s, and in say half of those million games a day it plays, that's the time to be using those skills
they seem to notice that the enemy has vision of a certain location, so that's why i think they'll go overboard with sentries in an area
they just kind of plop them in areas that have a high frequency of revealing a ward, and if one's not found in an area they'll try some close by areas that fulfill its recognition of where vision was at
but the ward may have expired or they may have had vision from something else
Kirara 🚗
maybe ill nap
Kirara 🚗
wait i just said that
Naps can be good.
enjoy your nap
I feel there's probably an absurd level of complexity in not knowing where the enemy team is too.
Like, if you can't see any or limited opponents, it probably reasons that a teamfight is not coming up, kind of what you were saying.
But on the other hand you can't really predict what your enemy team is doing out in the darkness, and it's always easy to judge the mistakes the AI does in blowing crucial skills early in hindsight when it comes back to bite them.

More than that though, even really, really late in the game the AI would blow one or two ultimate skills on a single target, like dropping Ravage or Chain Frost, or both, and then getting jumped on and losing the teamfight because they don't have enough oomph.
It happened way too many times during the single game for me to feel it's an "excusable" mistake for the AI.

I was also kind of disappointed that the global Call Down talent the Gyro AI picked up wasn't really relevant. It dropped it in really weird spots.
Kirara 🚗
idk if ill nap yet
ill think about it
wanna watch me play catacomb kids to 24/7 lofi hip hop radio, the best beats to study/sleep/relax to?
Kirara 🚗
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i love this alien design
Kirara 🚗
those are the best beats to study/sleep/relax to buf im probably napping soon
Kirara 🚗
maybe i should lock my Twitter
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I hope it's not giving you too much stress. You should probably rest anyway after all that nonsense you were going through the other day. Have you caught up on your sleep
Kirara 🚗
it's not really stressful but i have a big enough following now that any one of my tweets can blow up
which is cool but at the same time i have awesome mutuals and im happy just interacting with them

i got a few hours of sleep last night
im lyin in bed right now
i need blackout curtains i think
Kirara 🚗
also some MLs keep trying to tell me that suppressing Jewish culture to eliminate it isn't anti-Semitic
Just develop a circadian rhythm so broken that you can sleep in pretty much any kind of light setting.
The only trade-off is that you feel perpetually tired all the time!
Kirara 🚗
maybe ill put a blindfold on
Kirara 🚗
that dva movie was really relatable
Kirara 🚗
she's best girl for sure
I've been meaning to watch it the past couple days, but my time for watching stuff has been pretty taken up by DIGITAL SPORTS.
The Blizzard cinematics are always so good.
Kirara 🚗

it made me want to play and play as dva
Overwatch just isn't a really fun game for me to play.
Those arena FPS games aren't quite my cup of tea.
If it had a single-player story or something I might be interested, but the multiplayer isn't really a draw for me.
I just can't be bothered to get good enough at Overwatch to play it like I did TF2
And since I don't have the motivation to become a stomper, I have to rely on teammates. Randomly assigned teammates.
Kirara 🚗
i just want to play as dva
using chain frost to clear creep waves is almost standard in real people games
it's a pretty low cooldown at level 3

but yeah, the system is built off of millions of games per day against itself and just pulling from its own meta, so teamfights are probably really responsive and not anticipatory
i think the more it plays against real teams, the more it'll be used to that
but im not sure how much it'll matter when that's a scarce game once a year compared to millions of games per day
it might have a little memory gem there of some unexpected behaviors from the opponent, but i think it'd be drowned out by all the noise from the other games
well... i guess that memory event kind of gets seeded in and will change the way it plays against itself ever so slightly moving forward, which will create potentially a meaningful thread of development
but it'd have to really gain traction, you know
it might not be viscous enough and the next game around it just is slippy and whatever internal meta is happening squashes it out of prevalence
Kirara 🚗
blindfold time
Best of luck in the Dark World.
i really like their rotating lane strategy though
i tried doing that a few times in comp many years ago
i'd do chen mid but i'd clear a camp and get a creep first so i'd have the 4 role get a quick level 2 off the first two creep waves then rotate to his lane while i took over mid
then when i got 5 i'd go gank top and have the offlaner go mid to finish up level 6 while i controlled top
sharing the exp is really strong i think
I found that really neat too. There's probably some specific drafts too, that could really, really capitalize on letting their heroes collect a more even divvying up of levels and experience.
Having to sack a particular role because that's just how it should be has never really sat well with me, though maybe that's in part because I'm often the player in that role, hah hah.
Pros have talked about realizing strats and tricks from seeing how the AI has developed, so it might be interesting to see what they take away from these three AI games this International.
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Can't believe I get to live to see a US congressman go to jail for buying steam games
He also played golf and lued *lied about it
Saying "I bought golfballs for wounded warriors"
Wounded warriors is a charity for veterans fyi
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Another day another desire
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Truly, an incredible case

The best part may be that he apparently didn't need it for actual campaign financing
If he put in some work he could have probably whitewashed it through campaign financing anyway, too
This is kind of beautiful in a way.
Kirara 🚗
feel like i got beaten up
at least i napped
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got em
Kirara 🚗
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Kirara 🚗
okay i have mostly recovered from the total destruction that nap inflicted on me
I'm pretty tired myself.
But there's DIGITAL SPORTS to watch.
Kirara 🚗
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ton got to have publix fried chicken today
pan too
for the first time
and they're sleepin together
It kind of comes off like a trailer trash honeymoon, hah hah.
Kirara 🚗
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yeah they're definitely doin that kinda thing
Kirara 🚗
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How the fuck do you spend $3.3K on burgers?
That's a LOT of börger
Kirara 🚗
not just burger
fast food burger
in and out
3.3k of in and out
I don't know if those are good burgers
Kirara 🚗
that's like a cheap as shit burger
that's probably like
2800 burgers
...what kind of fucking timescale are we talking here?
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Cause honestly it sounds to me like he just got burgers for his campaign crew... every day or something?
That's what, 8 or so burgers a day every single day of a year
Kirara 🚗
oh those burgers are way more expensive than i thought
that's like 500 double burgers
or like 700 single burgers
That's still a lot of burgers
Kirara 🚗
well, with drinks
that'd be a drink and some fries with each burger
in-n-out is a highly contested taste space
it's shit and it's also the best shit on the west coast
it's one of those things that people will argue for their lifetimes about
Kirara 🚗
ive never had it
Kirara 🚗
but it's a greasy ass fast food burger so it's probably not good
after all it's not cooked with love
cooking with love is important, right, blue?
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McD doesn't cook with love, it doesn't even cook with good wages, but the burgers are alright
Kirara 🚗
maybe there
here, they're disgusting greasy things
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Granted, I exclusively buy the cheapo double cheeseburgers
I don't buy like, the Mcwhatevers cause they're like eating one of those hamburger patties you can buy at the store

the double cheese are good, not very tough or anything, nicely sized
Kirara 🚗
when you visit the US we will get you some of the greasiest most disgusting fast food burgers
and some of the best ones (5 guys)
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If we don't visit a KFC I swear I will hold up the plane and refuse to let it leave the airport until someone brings me one of those buckets
Kirara 🚗
KFC is probably the worst fast food fried chicken but we can get a bunch of different fast food fried chicken
a whole fucking battery of taste testing
I still gotta try the traditional american cuisine
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hell yeah food coma

Can ya get small orders of stuff like those buckets?
Like the same thing but a lot less than a bucket?

Cause I, a Norwegian, am unable to eat that much and then also eat within the next 16 hours
I can't do it
Kirara 🚗
overeating fast food and shooting guns
Kirara 🚗
yeah haha you can get a small chicken and it's the same chicken
the buckets are like, family meals
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Oh, I thought you bought the buckets like how a lot of people will get like, more than 2 burgers at a time
Like it was just somewhat normal to buy a bucket for yourself
Kirara 🚗
well im sure some people do but they're like $15 buckets marketed as a family meal
Probably my main reaction when seeing the food will be like "are you sure they didn't fuck up my order?"
Cause like, $15 sounds real cheap for that much chicken

How much is a big mac anyway
Kirara 🚗
a big mac combo is probably like $6 or so? im not sure but around that, $5-7
would come with like 750ml or a liter of a drink and a ton or fries
Just the big mac is $5.85 here, apparently
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Like when people in the US talk about fast food prices I'm always like "what the hell, that's so cheap"
But then, the prices aren't comparable because of other factors, really
Kirara 🚗
it's cheaper here but lower quality
It really is too much to expect for a McD to be a McD huh?
Kirara 🚗
anyway we gotta get you all the main chicken joints
chic fil a
hardeys/Carl's Jr
Search [iqdb] (873 KB, 1658x1622, __astolfo_fate_apocrypha_and_f(…).jpg)
Hell yeah
And ya gotta take me to some sorta big store with a huge snack aisle

Like a walmart
Kirara 🚗
we can take you to a Walmart those are basically snack aisles
Kirara 🚗
the whole american experience
Kirara 🚗
in Orlando, there's a gun range near disney that is marketed towards foreigners
signs like
real yankee hours
The real best burgers are from fish and chip shops
Kirara 🚗
fuckit got late
gotta slep
Kirara 🚗
dream of fried chicken
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hello hello
Kirara 🚗
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Hi, hi, hello
How did that interview go?
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Hmm, don't really know yet.
He told me that they're doing budgets next month and to check back weekly until then.
There's one person who has priority over me, but only if she can pass some tests and get some certifications that I already have.
Kirara 🚗
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You should get rid of her just to be safe.
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I now have ... a lot of cookies.
Kirara 🚗
that is a lot
what did you doooo
Biked out to a n outlet store.
It's like nine dollars for that whole bag.
Kirara 🚗
haha the characters in this show reprogramed a robot to have fun and Netflix audio description keeps referring to it as the party drone
I wish I could be a party drone.
Kirara 🚗
you can be
i believe in you
I cant believe i get to touch kirara in about 24 hours
Yeah but I don't believe in ME.
Kirara 🚗
25 hours
also if you touch me i will cut you
you can't touch an idol without permission! ♥️
yo ton make sure you get me the aidorus autograph
Also what the FUCK the throne in the library won't activate
Yeah for some reason it just doesn't activate
Unless I already activated it and forgot
is this hello charlotte 2
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (520 KB, 579x807, Nyma_introduction.png)
rate this alien design
oh wait it’s eo4
uhhhhh im not sure why its not activating
Anakin's Jedi Apprentice/10
Kirara 🚗
she doesn't look anything like asoka what
Oh maybe my memory is wrong then.
I thuoght they both had that kind of hair style.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (112 KB, 307x325, Ahsoka_Tano.png)
yeah you're super off
There's probably some other Jedi then that's like that.
Kirara 🚗
reminds me more of space dandy
Kirara 🚗
but i like it it's such a good design
That was the easy response though.
Kirara 🚗
Voltron is really good
Kirara 🚗
harvard is like
the stupidest place in the fucking world sometimes
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The ivy league is trying its hardest to flush itself down the toilet lately.

Well I consider her a friend so it's a shame that I'm in a position to benefit from her misfortune.
Kirara 🚗
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The ivy league is definitely succeeding.
They're all such jokes now.

Wow, that sounds awkward.
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Well, it's fine.
She's already taken her tests and is waiting on the results.

I also don't think she knows that I will benefit from her misfortune, and I haven't said anything about it. I don't plan to.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (170 KB, 788x1003, IMG_20180815_212158.jpg)
won't she find out if you get the job?
house candle us
angel bones
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Yeah, but I don't think she knows that she's next in line.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (297 KB, 1024x1024, UMP9.png)
Oh how did you find out, then?
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I was told as much during the interview.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (248 KB, 1024x1024, Carcano_M91∕38.png)
Insider info, huh

I'm hoping to start my new job on Monday, but I probably can't.
My colleague is fucking me over really bad with her stupid pothead shit.
I've been considering just throwing her under the bus because I'm so frustrated with it.

if you're free, the second OpenAI game is running right now.
Search [iqdb] (85 KB, 680x960, A5C02582-778B-4567-8631-77890FB16547.jpeg)
have you feh people had any interesting happenings with the new characters or have you been busy with life stuff
Kirara 🚗
spent 200 orbs and got one (1) celica
ouch im sorry
Kirara 🚗
yeah feh is gay
Kirara 🚗
the bad kind of gay
what's the good kind of gay?
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Kirara 🚗
our kind of gay
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i'm tired of being called gay tho.
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I've spent that and had nothing.
I've had bad luck this time.
I'm enjoying azur lane though so at least there's that.

Well, good luck!
potheads can be annoying!
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Don't be gay then.
Kirara 🚗
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She's really annoying me.
She smoked a fucking bowl after being told she'd hve a drug test, so she's been putting off her drug test which is delaying everything for me.
She was even going to fake the test, but then she chickened out and delayed it even more.

She kept texting me to tell me about her pee, too.
I feel bad that my moe pals are having bad gavha luck
i wonder if my sister still plays. she has a job now.
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Oh, she deservers to fail it then.
THat's not very smart of her.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (265 KB, 1024x1024, MP7.png)
Yeah, she's really lucky I didn't out her.
I'm really annoyed about it.
I need to work so I have money! And hours!
She got really paranoid about it and started like, calling me to talk about it nearly every day this and last week.

And, like, texting me about the color of her pee and stuff like that.
It's kind of uncomfortable!
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (520 KB, 579x807, Nyma_introduction.png)
Pretty lanky.
These burgers are so juicy wow.
Considering how hectic I was while grilling them they turned out really well.
i hope i enjoy your beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeef stew
i hope i enjoy your beefs too
I hope we enjoy my bee fhtoooooooo
Kirara 🚗
you will
Kirara 🚗
haha there's a tabletop game episode in Voltron
they were meeting one of the party members and he gave his description and background and the other two people were like "sounds like you're too busy to help us with our quest, cya"
and they just leave
This fucking browser keeps deleting my name on /moe/.
It was probably a pretty exhausting background though, huh.
Kirara 🚗
haha they keep doing dumb shit like jumping out of trees and taking fall damage
this is so good
Sounds pretty realistic.
Kirara 🚗
yeah that's what i was thinking
it feels like the writers def play
Kirara 🚗
>I really think my character would have remembered to bring a torch.
>Oh, why don't you check your inventory? hmm, no torches? I guess you forgot to bring them.
This comes up a lot in my game but I always fucking have ropes and torches and flint and steel and what not.
Kirara 🚗
>How do I check for traps?
>roll the d20 and add your trap skill to it. if it's high enough, you're good
>what if it's too low?
Kirara 🚗
lmao and they got the one dude who constantly gets crit'd
Failing a trap check can be really, really good.
For those enjoying the game solely as entertainment that is.
Kirara 🚗
yeah he failed and it was hilarious

the guy who got crit died again and just used the same character and said it was his twin brother
changed his name from shiro to gyro
Kirara 🚗
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i am going to murder this woman
she is causing me so many fucking delays
just do your fucking paperwork so we can start working you annoying piece of shit
Maybe you ought to send her one of those skeleton deadline stickers.
im tryna watch the openai match now
but this glados thing they're doing is so fucking cringey
i can't stand it
Kirara 🚗
or a bomb
Kirara 🚗
the oppai match
It's a very minor part of the game once the initial bit is over.
Kirara 🚗
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Kirara 🚗
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God School House Rock is so good.
*God, School ...
Kirara 🚗
Kirara 🚗
ifkr lol
Search [iqdb] (115 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Youjo Senki - 0(…).jpg)
I doubt tinder gathers the brightest of us anyhow
i've gotten to the point that i doubt any trending/viral anecdotes on twitter
the incentive for that volume of views and rt's is way too high for people's imaginations to be restricted to honest things
it all feels so bland to me now
it's like reading 4chan greentext stories that you know never actually happened
even if it did happen they all feel the same now
Kirara 🚗
all of them are ones other people have posted before and went viral before
i just got recommended some dry satire/parody video on youtube which might be all right but it has a laugh track??
why tf would you put that in dry humor
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (359 KB, 2048x1535, IMG_20180823_215824.jpg)
That's a lot like my cat, except mine is well into her adult years and probably beyond encouraging towards being less noisy.
Get a collar that shocks her whenever she meows.
Problem solved
Kirara 🚗
I'm assuming he got hacked.
Kirara 🚗
he did not
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (520 KB, 579x807, Nyma_introduction.png)
I ate a bit too much food tonight.
I'm not really bothered since I didn't eat much today and I moved a bunch.
But oof. My stomach.
Kirara 🚗
yummy yummy yummy
Supper in my tummy
Kirara 🚗
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I still haven't gotten to see Fish yet
Is the hospital she's holed up at allowing visitors?
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (48 KB, 240x321, 20180818_053723.jpg)
well all hospitals allow visitors as far as i know
i just haven't been told i can see her yet
I meant allowing visitors for her particular, but I figure I got my answer.
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i wish there was just stock audio of generic dialogue in various languages
i need german stuff
There might be
It would probably be called "stock background conversation" or something like that.
Don't they have language learning material like that?
Search [iqdb] (574 KB, 620x706, ears.png)
they have shit that's like
(english word/phrase)
(german word/phrase repeated four times)
i can't use that for anything
i can't learn like that either it seems useless to me
I mean if I search "simple Japanese conversation" I remember being able to find stuff that was just two people talking about catching the bus
The sample stuff for the N3 test was like that
There may be a german equivalent
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i'm seeing something called "listening comprehension"
it's still like too sterile though
i feel like i need organically spoken stuff by people naturally

i'm not sure why it's easier for me that way but it is
i think the natural human compulsion for mimicry is stronger when you're dealing with real, raw stuff and not scripted, laid out stuff
there's traction to it or something
Kirara 🚗
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I'm getting tired of waiting.
I was supposed to be able to go today but nobody called me to give me the go-ahead.
Oh, that probably sounded a bit curt, didn't it.
I got the gist of what you meant, I meant.

If the meido's still looking after her, maybe you can call her?
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (350 KB, 810x2007, Screenshot_20180823-225748_Twitter.jpg)
blue is so mean to me

I called earlier but no answer and no reply back yet
I want to see her badly
This whole thing really pissed me off.
The lack of communication was fucking ridiculous.
*was and
Nvm that *
No Blue is entirely right in this scenario.
Anything involving that sort of composition deserves nothing beyond being dumped in the FUCKING GARBAGE.
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Kirara 🚗
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my buddies are all turning against me
Going bed
Kirara 🚗
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she's so cute
Kirara 🚗
Oh he's got The Moody Blues as his Stand.
Kirara 🚗
have you not read part 5
I have not read any part in full except for Steel Ball Run.
Kirara 🚗
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it always surprises me
The anime announcement waaaay back where they announced their intent to animate all the parts came at the time I was thinking of reading it.
There was just an opportune moment.
And now every time I think, "well they're taking so long, I might as well just go read it", the next part gets its announcement.
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I never read past I think first half of p4 because DUWANG and just never went back to the manga
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (82 KB, 1280x724, Tumblr_pb20afJSRK1va3eivo2_r1_1280.jpg)
wow you're all CASUALS
It's made for an enjoyable experience so far.
No ragrets
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If a series is long I will read it when it ends
if not well
Kirara 🚗
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i love this alien's big hands
hat series is that?
Kirara 🚗
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and I bet there is already porn out of her
Kirara 🚗
she's been around for 2 years so probably
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Oh I thought this voltron was some new series
well this new incarnation of voltron
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (499 KB, 746x995, 20180823_234514.png)
it started airing in 16
it's had like 7 seasons since then though
mostly six episode seasons
Congrats you picked the best part imo
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e in //
Me in the future
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quite good art there, mate
anime >>560406 →
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Literally the only compliment given to me in months
thanks 2hu
Kirara 🚗
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guess which /moe/ is bleeding right now
I'm so tired.
I thought I slept decently enough last night but nope, guess not.
Maybe it'll be a restful sleep tonight.

Kirara 🚗
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he probably won't bleed until we meet up

the correct answer is me
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hello hello

What was it about azur lane you thought was grody?
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How'd you blunder this time?
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (575 KB, 752x1003, 20180823_234531.png)
I dunno, I'm just bleeding.

The large number of characters that are made // are shown clearly to not he wearing panties, the several characters that show their nipples in their CGs, and the number of characters which just have clearly visible panties before they're even damaged.
A lot of the art is pretty tasteless.

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Oh, I see.
The kancolle art is racy in a few places but I agree that azur lane is probably overall a little bit more sexy and stuff.
from where?
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (499 KB, 746x995, 20180823_234514.png)
Well, I guess if it doesn't bother you, more power to you.
I don't really like it, though.
That and the boringish gameplay, I just couldn't keep my interest in it.

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It doesn't bother me too much.
When consuming weeb media I'm almost always in old man mode, at least when I'm not in fujoshi mode.
So stuff like that doesn't bother me at all.
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Wasn't azurlane chinese made?
Kirara 🚗
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I guess I'm just not as vulgar as you!

I have a cut on my leg.
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There's nothing wrong with being a maiden with an old man's heart.
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see if you ruined any clothes or linen
atleast will be easier to know where the blood comes and not just one day notice "huh I have a large blood stain on my sheets, where the fuck did this come from"
Kirara 🚗
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Well, that's arguable, but whatever.

I don't think anything was ruined.
It only got on the tile foor.
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>and then he serves those formerly people mushrooms in his restaurant
Dorohedoro is so good
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It's totally not arguable!
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If you are fine with an old man having a maiden's heart, you must fine with the opposite
Kirara 🚗
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It totally is.
That kind of mindset is the same one that motivates colleagues to tell me about their urine!
It's not good!
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An old man doesn't mean pervert, though
Yeah but perverted or not, talking about urine really feels like the kind of tactless thing an old man would do.
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I dunno, aside from senile old men, no old man I have talked with or heard talk, started going on ramblings about their excretions
what does a rapper call urine?
They call it urhyme
Kirara 🚗
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Oh I guess you know some girls with old man hearts in real life huh?

Maidens with an old man mode is one of the best female archetypes though. You should have some appreciation.
what in blazes
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they aren't that fun in rl, though
Kirara 🚗
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i know right

I don't appreciate perverted women involving me in their gross stuff.
It's very inappropriate.
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this seems like a conversation that might pop up in sorrow tv
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Her piss fetish doesn't have anything to do with me looking at anime girls though.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (126 KB, 1000x1000, IMG_20180709_084626.jpg)
Sure it does.
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I don't really think it does.
Kirara 🚗
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You're saying I should appreciate it.
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I'm saying you should appreciate the archetype. You don't have to appreciate her piss fetish.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (189 KB, 1186x1761, IMG_20180813_151833.jpg)
It's hard to appreciate an archetype whose sole purpose is to behave inappropriately and make people uncomfortable.
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Some people are pretty discreet with it.
I imagine she is too, and she's just telling you about it because she's dtf
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If a guy would do that you'd bring down the hammer on him
So much for "equality"
Kirara 🚗
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But saying it to someone who is clearly not dtf isn't very appropriate.
She told me about her period, too.
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Well, as far as guys go, you're kind of the exception.
Most times if a girl says something racy like that to a guy she's going to get
maybe most times is a bit much
but a girl is much more likely to get a positive response from something like that than a guy is. So girls are more likely to go with that approach.

Plus if she's into pee she's probably also into humiliation so she's probably enjoying saying embarrassing stuff like that too.
So you're saying she's going out of her way to try and humiliate and embarrass him
That doesn't sound like a good person
Kirara 🚗
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Why am I an exception? Because I'm not dtf?

Rika is saying she's humiliating herself by saying embarrassing things to someone she is interested in.
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If someone comes out with gross hit lines on you, it is always gross and awkward, no matter the gender of the people involved
Gross is fairly subjective though so that's not really a great metric to work on.
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Yeah, it's a thing where she's humiliating herself.
Losing bladder control and wetting yourself is really humiliating. It's also way easier for girls to pick up that kink because it's easy for girls to wet themselves and insanely difficult for guys to wet themselves.
It's a biological difference that has to do with the difference in length in the urinary tract.

Yeah, exception may be a bit of an extreme word, like when i was saying that it works most of the time.
but saying stuff like that is a pretty common female tactic, since girls are kinda left with the role in the game of needing to invite a guy to be the one who gets things rolling.
if that sentence makes any sense
Putting that medical knowledge to informative use I see
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (86 KB, 849x1200, IMG_20180719_170842.jpg)
That makes it more inappropriate!
I'm being sexually harassed.
Unwanted sexual advances are being directed at me!
By someone who shares your archetype!
i dont think that pee and humiliation are inherently linked
there's probably overlap but i don't think it's too connected
Search [iqdb] (76 KB, 612x664, sabagebu4.jpg)
Yeah, you're being sexually harassed.

I don't share that archetype when it comes to romance.
Or sex I guess, she's looking for sex and not romance it sounds like.

I think they're pretty closely related since one often comes with the other.
Kirara 🚗
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I don't like being sexually harassed and I feel like it happens more often than it should.

Well, she should know that she won't have success with me
I've even been encouraging her to date some NASA engineer she had a date wth
I'm very clearly not interested
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Well, the heart wants what the heart wants, you know.
It seems like some hearts just want someone to watch them pee.
Kirara 🚗
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That doesn't mean you should sexually harass people just because your heart wants to fuck!

How am I supposed to tell Fish that a girl keeps texting me about her urine?
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Well, young women can often get away with sexually harassing people with impunity.

Fish would probably be mad but I think she's too shy to do anything about it.
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What if fish turns out to be the yandere type and it turns into a bloodbath
Kirara 🚗
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Fish will probably just have them executed. You know how the rich are.

Young women shouldn't be able to get away with sexually harassing me!
Being one of the few men in a field that's mostly women probably doesn't do me any favors.
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Gender roles are just like that.

I don't think Fish is the yandere type.
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I wouldn't actually be surprised if fishdad had some muscle on call
Kirara 🚗
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I will destroy gender roles.

I don't know. She has been protective of me before.

He does
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Gender roles are a bother at times, but you probably shouldn't destroy them.
They have some nice aspects too.
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If i lived in usa and was rich, for sure I'd hire some thugs to work for me on call basis
It would seem like bad idea not to
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (59 KB, 293x227, 20180510_030548.jpg)
He asked me if I would do some thuggy shit for him once

I'll destroy anything that allows people to sexually harass me without consequence!
Kirara 🚗
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If you're going to sexually harass me at least like complement me like "damn kirara nice ass" or "wow kirara you have great legs"
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Quite rude
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>you have a nice beard can I touch it *proceeds to touch without waiting for permission*
That legs photo was pretty great ngl
Search [iqdb] (1.2 MB, 848x1200, 1407635720808.png)
That's too bold.
So what does the beard feel like
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well it is short now so there is no danger of that happening for few months
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (365 KB, 489x1006, 20180823_234501.png)
"Kirara, let me pee for you" is far bolder
Kirara 🚗
my legs are my best feature
it's the power of running
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (154 KB, 1098x1316, DKFv_CUVoAAtUl3.jpg)
well maybe someday the world will learn i am not dtf

goodnight /moe/
Run away from your weakness
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In a way it isn't though!

anyway bye bye
>>560539 →
>>560539 →
>>560539 →
