Thread #560406
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Banana Fish Cooking with Emiya Free! Hyakuren no Haou to Seiyaku no Valkyria --Episode 4-7 Isekai Maou Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi --Episode 19-21 Kyoto Holmes Satsuriku no Tenshi --Episode 5-7 Shichisei no Subaru Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight --Episode 5-6 Tsukumogami Kashimasu --Episode 3-5
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okay free satsuriku shichisei isekai maou
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okay free okay lets start!
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This season has like no Rin.
Australia's a long way away.
Ikuya Ikuya Ikuya. He's all anyone talks about.
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This season also doesn't have a lot of Makoto.
So much for being Free!.
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okay satsuriku Are we on yeah ep 5 okay lets start!
Episode five of this.
This knife Rachel's holding in the OP is obviously the thing she was hinting at hiding in her bag I wonder when it's going to come into play.
Zack's so tsuntsun.
Oh this is a fun puzzle.
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These people love puzzles. I guess it's cause it's a game adaptation.
I wonder why the floor masters in wherever this is know everything about these two.
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okay schichisei ijay lets start
Oh right this was a cliffhanger.
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wait what
Living six years in a coma dream must be fucked up. I guess his brain is being held conscious or something.
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No he's tripping or something. I think this is all an illusion somehow.
Yeah, it's an illusion, because his brain is being held ... oh I meant captive, not conscious. Or maybe Asahi is just way OP. I'm too tired for this.
>a training ground to use Sense in the real world Yeah I'd kind of guessed that much already.
Teenager Asahi is pretty nice too though. Shame she's still trapped in the game.
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Yeah, she's pretty cute.
It's a good dress.
He's still getting stabbed in the back through. This brief stint in another - Oh he gets a second chance because of the holiday in "Asahi isn't dead" land.
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You can survive getting stabbed in the back. It's a real shame we probably won't get to see them save Asahi.
In real life, sure, but this is a game. And he's probably a rogue-type class, I'd bet he gets increased backstab damage. I'd bet that knife would have been a killing blow if it connected.
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Seeing a real life version of Asahi really drives home how unflattering her in game outfit is.
Everyone wants her Prophet Art.
She gets Haruto to princess carry her. Hah hah Clive was there the whole time.
If you can't pull it out, push it down! I wish they'd done that instead.
This girl with the lopsided haircut has a Subaru ring but she wasn't part of the guild back when they were kids. How mysterious.
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okay isekai maou! okay lets start!
Elves are quick to recognize lewdness
This hydra thing has some huge mouths.
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It's already survived longer than I expected.
As expected, it's pretty hydra-y. The name kind of makes you expect it though.
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Is he going to get an actual fight?
I mean if the core is limited to its body, he just has to nuke the entire body.
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Looks like that's what he did.
Well fucking RIP
I guess this goatee guy was looking for any chance to jump into a war with the Elves.
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He's having a tough day.
Sure didn't keep him that long.
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Maybe now he'll get a real fight.
He's putting some marks on Diablo, that's a first.
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He's taking damage. It's real pvp.
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Oh, I thought it was a close call. Maou doesn't seem to agree.
Well even if that last hit of Goatee's had landed, I don't figure it would have been much of Diablo's health. He seemed less threatened by it and more surprised at the difference in levels between Goatee and the common person.
Wow the bunny girl's gonna get him drunk.
Yeah that was the expected result.
This is getting carried away though.
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He's going to find something isn't he
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He found her heavenly pearl.
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I was expecting something that wasn't a pearl. Well, I guess he's weak to alcohol at least. thanks for anime!
I was pretty through and through positive that she was a girl, so. Thanks for anime. I'm finally free. Sleep just around the corner.