Thread #54029
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all out
youjou senki
girls bike club
chaos child
and also urara
no not urara
It's not like we've got time for six shows tonight anyway.
Let alone seven.
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we should start with all out
orange for all out
ika is around here somewhere
ika is ready
let's start
also meow
don't tempt him
wait one sec
Damnit Squid can you be any slower.
I'm already dead tired.
ok hi
is manager-kun becoming a good guy
she says jersey cute
one more time one more chance
never ever give up
Search [iqdb] (206 KB, 960x1280, 1487807833976.jpg)
There needs to be an episode where all the fatties get together and eat.
fatty fatties
awaken my masters
wow fujofest
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nice phone case
i liked that scene
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thanks for anime sugoi!
what do the rest of you guys want to watch now?
np slut
I'm up for three shows.
I'm thinking Chaos;Child, Seiren, LWA.
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How about you, Ika?
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ika are you paying attention?
do you have any opinions on what you want to watch?
i see
orange for chaos
let's start
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Is Nono purple again?
not physicallly for them but for us yeah
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I like her former appearance better.
I guess the red head really was the evil one.
I like this appearance better.
The other one is kind of plain, but this one isn't too gaudy.
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This is just terrible, now they've killed best girl.
Not dead after all, apparently.
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Oh good, I won't have to drop this.
Oh good, I won't have to drop you.
so shes fake huh
He made his imaginary friend real.
A child of the chaos in his head, if you will.
Har har har.
Search [iqdb] (290 KB, 1280x720, 1478317641386.jpg)
on to LWA!
uh I guess we can do seiren first
orange for seiren
hello tilde are you there
Why not Seiren first.
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tilde where did you go
Search [iqdb] (101 KB, 1280x720, [DerpDesuYo] Owari no Seraph -(…).jpg)
hello lets seiren
oh no did he fall asleep
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Tilde has gone missing.,
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He was posting just a minute ago, I don't know what happened.
wewll we have other shows
LWA seiren saved if tilde doesnt show
youjo and maybe bikes watch
Search [iqdb] (107 KB, 850x797, 1487379928814.jpg)
let's watch youjo I guess
maybe his internet went out or something
let's start
maybe tilde will revive
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Tanya is supposed to be an evil tyrant or something.
I wonder if there's some point where she takes over.
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nazi science
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let's watch girls bike club
lets start
Search [iqdb] (127 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Minami Kamakura(…).jpg)
I've come to like this show a lot.
Search [iqdb] (172 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Minami Kamakura(…).jpg)
Kuma-chan is talking like it's a present from them
but she was a bad guy in that race
I guess she's really joined the club since she's hanging out with them now that they're back from the trip.
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tilde fell asleep
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How do you know?
i dont
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He did an impressive job falling asleep between posts if he did.
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he said he was dying
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She has her handlebars in the bath.
What a weirdo.
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Gaijin-chan is stealing the show.
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That's just good life advice.
Always pee whenever you can.
gaijin is the best
Search [iqdb] (666 KB, 1540x1549, 1488275439954.png)
Their team uniform suits Gaijin-chan best too.
Pink works best for blondes. It's not good with the complexion a lot of the other girls have.
thanks for anime!
Search [iqdb] (85 KB, 584x690, [HorribleSubs] Gabriel DropOut(…).jpg)
yes thank you for anime
RIP tilde