I have the same problem. Luckily most people use a name and/or trip I found a nice middle class neighbourhood right next to my (shitty) neighbourhood. So close yet never noticed it before. Then I had a cycle around some business parks or maybe industrial area next to it. But not really big factories, more like smaller businesses.
the buildings, roads and pavements are generally old and fairly neglected pavements and streets aren't cleaned as often compared to nicer neighbourhoods by the municipality stuff like that some empty buildings that are entirely neglected
no i already have a gf see this is me and my gf she's like a million years old though
age is just a number bruv I wish you a happy life nice hair cut btw
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>557627 oh you unlocked dancer it's not great but it's good for memes Like people MVP the Alexei raid using it >>557632 if you buy the anime blu-rays that costume could be yours
Kirara 🚗
>>557634 it's really cute and i wanted a new class ill probably get drum master too after i max this one
If you do angel halo don't bother with dimension halo when it spawns >>557641 I actually don't think they did, though there are some of the bonito-based events in the side stories. But not the one with soriz
Kirara 🚗
i saw one of the manly events is in the side story yeah maybe they'll add that again someday because that event was so amazing nothing but powerful, sexy men and twinky sexy men fishing and fighting crabs, nearly naked, in the arctic, shouting it was fantastic
The arguments in the comments are so dumb "This is good, but parents lose their GODGIVEN right to make bad choices" That's also good Parents shouldn't be allowed to make bad choices for their kids
yeah because its the soda thats making the cheeseburger and fries bad for you
Kirara 🚗
well the soda is a big part of it and people who cut it out lose weight but restricting people from choices is stupid and bad we should be teaching them to make good choices
it is a factor youre right as someone who swapped off claliric soda i can conirm
Kirara 🚗
>>557673 kids should be able to have soda at a restaurant restricting that choice is Very Bad and authoritarian we should instead teach people to make good choices they don't because they've been educated to make bad decisions by the food industry
I prefer that, but I much prefer it actually happen than be some fantasy project that never actually happens Kids not being able to drink soda at mcdonalds is a sacrifice I don't see as particularly problematic, even if it's hardly the real problem with eating at mcdonalds
I appreciate seeing the difference between “obesity” in someone’s medical chart and “obesity due tonexcess calroies” in a chart
Kirara 🚗
>>557678 yeah but >>557674 who cares if you're not going all the way the only solution that will work is education
speaking of kaiingnbad decisions, i have chosen to eat the steakhouse mac and cheese with my steak today however they showed me the caltoies and i looked at it and said “yes, fuck my shit up fam”
>>557680 How effective is that when the forces that actually have access to the most propaganda resources push the exact opposite message at every opportunity, in every sphere of life?
Kirara 🚗
>>557683 it's not the truth is that nothing will be effective and these people are doomed but the only thing that will save some people is education they can use that education to make better choices or they can choose to listen to companies that are lying to them at least education has a chance to help people
>>557682 we gonna eat some good shit on saturday/friday my dude
tell your mom i said "the only thing i'll steal is your heart kyun <3"
If nothing else I think fast food places should be obligated to priovide the option As it stands here, at least, the choice of something healthier to drink than a soda is water or nothing
regulation should be focused on preventing companies from making such horribly destructive drinks
but other than that, we need public education and regulations should be placed on advertisements soda and drinks like that should get the cigarette treatment
i guess a goid thing about eu is its regulations, though we regulate more than eu on our own
Photoshopped ads for cosmetics and stuff were made illegal in Oslo not too long ago, I think That sort of thing is good
more taxes will just make people poorer here if anything, companies that produce those shouldn't be able to offset the cost of taxes on the people price controls and stuff that might actually work
Overall I'm for anything that directs the force at the corporations Generally anything It tends to be outside the realpolitik to do that though
here manufacturers changed stuff to avoid taxes cutting their products did hit on anything impprted ofc therr is aboit 50c price diffrrence between zero cola and normal cola for example per litre
Kirara 🚗
>>557705 i'm not directing force at corporations means they will offset that by making life harder for the people unless we prevent them from doing that, going after them with regulations and taxes will only hurt the poor
>>557721 I think wakamoto in funny roles is pretty much "wouldn't it be fun if the Wakamoto voiced this guy" and then they call him and ask if he is available and by his own account, he takes any jobs offered if he can
they do but do note how he has already had a damn long carreer and he has a lot of roles that were long projects, like imagine HOW many times he has returned as CELL by this point...
>Mom: Why didn't you call your grandmother to check on her? >Me: uhh for what >Mom: She broke her rib, remember? >Me: nobody told me that, when did this happen >Mom: I told you this, it happened Wednesday morning
bitch the only thing we've talked about since monday is the thing where you almost fucked me out of $10k and we talked about that on fucking friday
After I pointed out we haven't spoken since Monday except for texting about my financial thing, she stopped replying to my text messages. Before that, she was replying immediately. So she's probably trying to gaslight me or she's just losing her mind.
>>557760 Yeah I recall reading that yakuza ended up being practically proxy force of the cops having the armaments to actually take down unions, strikes and protests
Yeah, that's part of why the Yakuza became so powerful. Cops and the govt started giving them a lot of clearance because of what the Yakuza did for them. The Yakuza just used that opening to gain a ton of power and grew so big that the govt can't deal with them now. Yakuza has dirt on all of them, too, since so many diet members have used the Yakuza for their dirty work.
>>557762 Not to mentioni t would cost so much money Afterall, i do think they launder their money through fronts that atleast on some level pay taxes, and not to mention bribes
and could the japanese law enforcement even take down yakuza? if it actually came down to it, violence on the streets, would they have the resources to do it? And setting the army on a criminal organisation never looks good nor does it set a good precedent
They'd use the Japanese Defense Force most likely. The police and military are basically exactly the same in Japan. Their HQs are across the street from one-another and they regularly work together.
>>557769 I wonder how much the gunboat diplomacy before meiji restoration affected their imperialistic actions to come?
Kirara 🚗
probably significantly they modeled their invasions of china and korea (and manchuria) after the british colonization of india and were basically best friends with england until the 1930s
not to mention since they SAW what happened to china...
>>557772 They jumped into I think it was the Boxxer rebellion or the other to get part of the loot
But anyhow, I think during their earlier wars with china, their occupation was on par with the general treatment of the time You occupied and kept people in line, but if they obeyed they got somewhat decent treatment basicallyn o active oppression campaigns
>>557775 Most impressive thing is still their actual great leap forward in just few decades from going from a feudal level development society to comparable to western european states And it didn't even cost them millions in lives unlike in Soviet Union or China
Kirara 🚗
>>557776 too bad korea never got that kind of treatment they were treated like sub-humans from day one chinese were viewed as capable and able to grow, but koreans were viewed like rats
>>557778 when it comes to imperialism, japan's imperial might is probably the most impressive they did it with a level of efficiency that no western power managed to
>>557779 Korean issue goes back to their long history afterall the two countries never had that good ties, especially after that whole war during sengoku jidai
>>557779 and on a scale too after all the country is large with ah uge population can't even eb compared to our leap forward during 20th century
Kirara 🚗
it would be like if england suddenly took france and spain with minimal casualties and turned them into colonies within five years
>>557782 yeah but here you have to notice it would be 19/20th century england vs 15-18th century france and spain I mean yeah it would be damn hard still in just terms of occupation but there is a huge difference between militaristic thought, strategems, technological levels and so on
Kirara 🚗
oh, absolutely japan diligently learned everything they could from the west's successes and failures in a way that the west didn't if japan's culture and inferiority complex hadn't been so strong, they could have potentially ended WWII with a net-gain by stopping earlier and starting the war differently yamamoto who led pearl harbor strike force was under the impression that the US was aware of the war, though, and it's likely US was aware and sacrificed those people
But the British-china wars really show the importance of a powerful modern navy in terms of projecting force I mean, the Empire took down china with essentially just a fleet or two and their marines
>>557784 the oil blockade forced them to act as they did and their pan-pacific empire always had their eyes on the indonesian and ocenian islands that were held by european powers at the time and USA would have anyhow figured out a way to get into the war eventually they wouldn't have abandoned europe to hitler/stalin as long as FDR was in charge
An interesting alternate history would be one where Japan immediately targets Australia instead of the US for their first act against the allies. Taking Australia immediately would have allowed them to much more quickly gain access to oil and they still would have been able to easily destroy commonwealth vessels like they did in our reality.
>>557787 Yeah it would keep the conflict bewteen Commonwealth + allies and the Axis powers
Ofc any action against soviets would have been suicide and japan was damn well aware of that their little undeclared border war taught them to "not fuck with the reds"
I thnk all japan's participation in the war against Soviet Union would have just dragged the war a year or two longer, with 5-10 more dead soviets million dead
If Commonwealth didn't have the US to rely on in the east, Germany would have had an easier time against the allies, too.
>>557790 yeah but the material aid was at 100% steam already
Kirara 🚗
that's a good point
and without pearl harbour, there isn't taht SHOCK point to rally then ation to war, but I think it would have happened eventually some supply ship sank or luxury liner targetted who knows or british intelligence finding about the concentration camps >>557794 they managed to do it eventually to ww1 it would take longer this time but they would eventually geti nto ww2 too
US would have false flagged their way into the war if they had to.
But both in ww1 and ww2, the greatest contribution US did was ships and material sure in ww2 they ahd their solo show on the pacific, but it was more of a side front to the big show
But man what I wouldn't give for a ww2 shooter from the perspective of the axis or somethign else play as british soldier in the land war against japan in indochina or something
But I just think personally, how good a story you could tell fromn the perspective of one or more wehrmacht soldiers just follow some companies from 39 to the bitter 45 Hell, have the final mission be them fighting through soviets to surrender to the western allies as a big damn heroes moment
Like imagine having a moment in the game where you are forced to participate in some war crime, and if you don't yu get shot and then you take over another guy from the platoon or a guy from another platoon
I think having multiple protagonists would serve best I liked that in MW1, especialyl how the american guy then got nuked this way you could have some of the more interesting parts of the war told to the player, but without having some wundersoldier who just is everywhere
and then, just sell the DLC campaign s of "the italian fronts" the "finnish separate war" and so on
Kirara 🚗
a game that focuses entirely on seige of lenningrad would be interesting
Kirara 🚗
could even have a multiplayer mode where opposing sides fight it out for control of an open world
I think making a good framework for a game, that just builds on that would be damn solid like start with something relatively safe maybe but then keep selling story expansions to it
basically lure the people into your game in don't make any sequels just story expansions, like strategy games are doing but do it for fps or something
Hell with dedicated enough group, you could already do this as a fangame for that Killfloor engine running or rather vice versa game what was it Red Orchestra
But with game companies loving this "games as a service" but doing it only as PLAY IT ONLINE NONSTOP AND BUY OUR SHIT why not do it like CA and Paradox are doing with their games and just keep firing expansions on them but instead of having those expansions change the base game, do that as free patches if there is something that needs to be changed
and then have those expansions be like HL ep1 and 2 but working with the same framework and just adding new playable campaigns to the game
Like say a campaign following the advance of the army group south and their eventual disastrous end in stalingrad and then ahve some multiplayer maps made of it, that can be played really interestingly between players I think that ww1 battlefront game had a quite good multiplayer thing going on
CANON ENBY What a guy, that author Or is it a woman?
akihito is a male name I think but lemme check man
Considering their previous fascinations with drawing rather detailed depictions of naked little girls (and granted, boys), I would have run with the assumption of man too.
>>557816 Mitty was a girl, I think, but there's not a lot of reason to assume it was one girl and one boy
Mitty had rather definite breasts, so I'd assume they were female. Honestly that would make me assume Nanachi is female too, but what I really figure is that in the mutations that they went through the concept of having one particular sex went out the window.
I no longer have the software I used to make that not chipmunk out on me >>557838 They just correct for it in audio Which is what the software I used did, too, but I don't have it anymore
is weird how youtube does it so well, though
i don't use it much, but sometimes I do it saves quite good amount of times *time
Hmm my stereos are equally placed but whenever I lsiten to speech based content, I kinda hear the speech coming from the right always I wonder if that is the brain bias on picking that kind of stuff better from taht side or something or do I ahve the stereo settings wonked
I do have to boost the subwoofer anyhow at some point
btw are you, any of you, the type to line up for long time, maybe hours tog et an autograph from someone?
maybe if it was someone I really respected But otherwise no
I don't think I'd ever do it, ofc if I ran into someone and could ask for without it seeming pushy, I might but I definitely am not the "let's selfie" type if I meet someone famous or someone I follow
Tell me what I'm missing from this list. Hararaku Saibou Banana Fish Asobi Asobase Yuragi-san Jashin-chan Sunoharasou no Kanrinin-san Shoujo☆Kageki Revue Starlight Zoids Wild Planet With
>>557853 I believe that Angolmois is worth a look. It's a feudal japan vs the mongols kind of thing. Fairly nice art style and good action. Tilde likes it a lot too.
If you like Asobi Asobase, try Chio-chan out. They're very similar.
If you want to watch a show about fucked up yanderes, try Happy Sugar Life. It's very interesting.
>>557853 You're missing out if you're not watching Tonegawa
>The story of the game revolves around Itsuki Yuuge, a high school student who finds out on the day of his graduation ceremony that his cousin and childhood friend Mahiru is pregnant. Immediately afterward, Itsuki and Mahiru are taken to a magical world called Granvania, which is currently being invaded by monsters. The only people who can fight and exorcise the monsters are the "star children," and the star children can only be produced by the 12 "shrine maidens of the constellations." In order to defeat the monsters and return to his own world, Itsuki must father the star children with the maidens. wait didn't somebody here play this game
>>557867 It's not a movie about communism or anything like that. It's more about racism and stuff like that. But talking about Nation of Islam is just an infodump that I'll give him, really, and everyone will probably enjoy it because it's really funny.
>get all of their videos featuring swastikas demonetised due to youtube algortithm >just start replacing all o fhtier ww2 //just start replacing swastikas with youtube play buttons in all of their ww2 era videos it is funny
>>557853 If you want a good, sporty series, Hanebado! has been really good so far. Interesting characters and some surprisingly fluid animation and cinematography. Jan's been really enjoying it too.
>>557880 It's the sakuga show of the season, isn't it? I've heard good things about it, but I've not gotten around to watching it yet
Mm, I don't really know if I'd call it sakuga. The animation is fluid, but it's not that sort of egregious beauty that I feel sakuga is renknowned for. Really I should emphasize more the cinematography compliment. It's rare that an anime really "gets" the concept of a virtual camera within the process of animating the show. KyoAni has a really good knack for it, and Houseki no Kuni absolutely nailed it throughout its season. I love it when it happens though, but I consider it kind of different from sakuga. Hanebado! has some scenes where the "camera" follows the shuttlecock for example, as it travels from one side of the court to the other, giving this minute bounce as it his -hits the court and ricochets. And the work they do with cut choices is what feels like to me intently artistic.
This is also on top of just being a genuinely good sports series that I would have been happy enough to watch without the added cinematography.
>>557893 My colleagues' incompetence is really causing me a lot of trouble this past week. I almost want to throw them under the bus even though they'll probably get kicked from the program if I do.
Will things calm down for you if you get that new job?
>>557894 Here in Canadia, while we do have no name brands, we also literally have a No Name brand. It's pretty cheap and decent enough products though so it's pretty much what it says on the tin.
>>557896 Oh yeah, I've seen some pictures of that It just says what it is in big text and no real aesthetical stuff beyond that, right?
Like a can of No Name juice just says "Orange Juice" in big letters On white background
>>557906 It does a really good job of making you figure they're Really Bad Things. Mizukami seems to like sunken and blackened eyes as a way of conveying wrongness/corruption, if I remember correctly.
>>557909 I'm only going to make $10/hr at my new job, but I'll get benefits, at least. Working for $10/hr with a masters is kind of fucked up, but I might be able to make $40/hr next year.
>>557911 i would swap what i make for 10 plus benefits steady hours would be comforting too it's handy to make more working less, but sometimes there's not much work at all and that's a little unsettling
I'm just hoping it's good work. My co-workers and bosses seem fine. I was supposed to start tomorrow, but my stupid colleague smoked a bowl and now she's putting off her drug testing, which is delaying when I can start, because we have to go to an orientation thing.
Her annoying mistake is delaying me from starting my job, though. Some other colleagues fucked up and caused me a lot of trouble in a different thing, too.
Usually my problems are my fault to some degree, but this time, they're actually not, and I'm doing things properly, so this is really annoying!
>>557936 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyiDf91_bTEgnBN0jAvzNbqzrlMGID5WA&disable_polymer=true here hab fun Games Workshop is a British company afterall
hm the only loli manga I know is Rain and the other side of you and I don't think the teacher counts as a lolicon, does it? ah you linkeed it thanks mate
I remembered a time back when I started university and PAN was there and he spotted me walking and came up and jumped onto me a bit to say hello and that made me really happy.
Kirara 🚗
>>557962 an excessive and dangerous amount of a drug used
there are specific recommendations for dosing of drugs going over those dosage recommendations is considered somewhat dangerous but going over an excessive amount can lead to dangerous adverse effects that's where the overdose is
on nutmeg, you don't get high the hallucinations and other symptoms are an overdose
whenever i behaved badly in grade school, they made me copy down pages from the dictionary like just write it down on paper i've probably read most of the dictionary
>>557991 i got in trouble almost every day because i'd finish my work quickly and get bored and talk to classmates or fuck around and fidget and i got detention and stuff for it
>>557992 During third and fourth grade, I did all of my "homework" as in the stuff listed in the book during one bored weekend and thus had no math homework for 2 years if the homework was outside the book, I would have to do shit, but other than that yeah one weekend, vs never having to worry about math homestuff during a whole semester? I think my trade off was good
>>557993 I did that for basically all my subjects every trimester in fifth grade and just fucked around. like I read books openly during class because the teacher knew I knew all the stuff because he graded it already.
And also by 4th grade I began to hide books in my desk to read when I got bored with lessons I read for example lord of the rings entirely during school hours, as it was hidden in my drawer
Special treatment was banned here in all forms, so the slower kids wouldn't feel bad about the quicker kids well being quicker
also I raised 6 spiders in my desk, in a hole I dug with a pencil there
also i had a chair that would build up static electricity really easily and I should shock people a lot. i wouod also shock insects just to see what would happen.
my family is taking a two-week vacation off of work and going to europe i'm so pissed off because they could have bought me a new car for my birthday with that money instead...
>>558046 wash it? I guess that would leave in bleeding you not being the owner
Why do people keep pets that don't clean themselves like cats?
>>558048 whenever you wash a ferret, the scent glands start secreting oil to replenish the skin and it's even worse for a few days >>558052 yeah it's not that it's dirty or its caged hasnt been cleaned they're naturally very musky animals
>>558037 I was afraid to ask this because I thought he was talking about someone important and I'd look like an idiot for not knowing
>>558054 don't they clean themselves the way cats do?
>>558053 if you've got a big enough place that you can keep it separated it's not too bad probably they're not very cuddly animals their form of play time is to run around you and back up on their haunches and then launch at you to try to bite you they're predatory animals naturally so they like to attack things, even though they're just playing they do that and sleep about 18 hours a day and stink
>>558056 and so do cats my left hand is a living testament to this due to all its scars from cat bites
and my right hand too
>>558059 yeah im not against that they're kind of fun to play with, but you can't leave them unattended or around places that they can crawl somewhere that you can't get to because they will do that and you'll have hell trying to get them out of there
Same here, but I am so far away from that I am just knowledgeable history and philosophy and theology and most of that knowledge has degraded due to being TN by now
maybe there should be some Polymath union or something
Kirara 🚗
>>558069 idk one time he got me in a voice call and spent the entire time talking about how he disliked her and wanted me to help come up with ways to bully her so probably
he would ask for help with planning his math program and also help with his math work but like, any time me or sammy tried to help him he just disappeared i think he was just trying to look cool and make people think, "wow those are hard math classes!! you're really smart!" or something
>>558078 btw just gonna say it since I said "tn points" you are still in the negatives, due to giving past tn of late 2016 and early 2017, when he was homeless a lot of undecerved shit not that it will influence how I treat you or anything just kinda wanted to say I kinda bare a grudge for that for the foreseeable future, that will not manifest in anyway, but exists I guess active passive agressive posting? ahahaha
Kirara 🚗
>>558079 yeah same haha i couldn't stand it sometimes
im gonna go watch astrofighter sun red my dad is really late
no squirrel is a herbivore thing ferret is a carnivore thing the dietary difference makes their meat taste different >>558100 which is why I added the thing as in ferrets also eat other things than meat, and not like cats that just eat grass to puke hairballs but squirrels anyhow are nut and shit eaters first and meat eaters second
squirrels eat meat too they scavenge dead carcases
btw compared to the past, since your political ideology has, I bet you r past self be shocked, quite much What abotu your religious stance? *has changed
>>558103 My past self wouldn't be surprised by my political ideology at all. He'd be surprised by my disregard for rules and common conventions, though. And he'd probably be surprised I'm religious.
>>558104 I've fought three bosses so far, I guess.
I am not 100% consistent, but I do follow a "lead by example" and "be the change you want to see" so if I ever became "anti-free speech" I'd start with myself
Yeah I think that is How I can accurately depict myself Someone who advocates for maximum individual freedom, while at the same time rooting for nation states nation as in national states Each group of people should in paper, be allowed to dictate themselves and what is more commonly unifying thing than nationality/ethnicity?
in terms of geography it is so ugly I should move there and convince it to invade its neighbours to becoem more aesthethic Internal war is allowed in the state law last time I chekced
>>558156 no not sunday september 6th falls on a thursday >>558155 is it obvious that I haven't traveled before >>558158 It's the day PAN most often has off, and JAn is usually off that day as well
There should be slightly more freedom focus than combat focus this time around, and combat is what takes a while and also is less stoppable
Anyhow I thin once it starts we can mux about the deets more I bet so what is your schedule the coming week cause I bet i will need your babysitting to get through the actual character creation process
Aside from partying with PAN and co I'm free but that is part of the issue The week after I have to work and do Guild Wars But I will definitely be able to help you It's my responsibility
you are not going to party pan is going to party and you are going to be boring
ALSO I AM SURROUNDED BY GIGATONS OF NERDS IN ALL DIRECTIONS OF MY LIFE but I am only one I know that watches TTS aside from REI, but he is passive atcher
Well that's not reeeeeally how classes kinda work like We could go for multiclassing but you're kind of new and I'm not even familiar with multi-classing. >>558204 Right right
When I was using Cag to help out the party since they were down one player, I had to kind of remember some stuff But it's basically all beneficial. The alchemist also has a few things they can keep using but a lot of their stuff is one and done until you rest up and get them back
>>558208 basically the whole unlimited skeletons is tied to "availability of materials to make skeleton juice" which is why I think alchemist type is the best way to balance that shit also makes it interesting and gives option to use poisons and potions and whatnot
If you decide to forgo the casting/alchemist route, we can always just have it be your side hobby that doesn't reflect your combat prowess. >>558214 hai hai
>>558213 IT IS NEVER CASTING it is always sidehobby gathering materials buying materials and mixing stuff
there is no magic in that
if you want to involve magic, and spiritualism you ahvet he actual SOILI thing
Kirara 🚗
>>558211 my bad eel is most appreciative m(_ _)m arigato
Remember necro-chan actually has a whole fucking religion founded by herself
For what? and I can say that jails wouldn't hold her that fine and the village that did that to her well... I don't think the graveryards would stay unburied
>six flags isn't even open the day I want to go what the fuuuuuuuuuck It's open the 25th so we could all go as a group if it doesn't rain but what the fuuuuuuuuuck
>>558234 Deshou? Anyway, after Elijah Mohammad of the Nation of Islam died, his son took over and came up with this crazy story claiming blacks are the original humans and white people were created by a black mad scientist.
ok we got banter magic the gathering card games that aren't mtg an entire city of things I think we're going to be fine also the mystery box that kirara's bringing
03:00 would work out well for me, if I could be consistent with it. but that's less than an hour off and I only woke up like three hours ago.
>>558512 Yeah, no thanks. The long nights of winter are far too depressing for me. I hate waking up to the sun not yet risen and returning home in dusk light. I'd rather have long days and short nights year-round.
>>558513 Very understandable sentiment Personally I love it though. I like being able to walk to school while it's still somewhat dark and the sun's still rising
I'm the guy that only needs 4 hours daily. And I wake up at about 6:30 am everyday Mostly just to do chores while the fucking fortress is still sleeping The environment is just More of my thing Mostly cause I live is a dry ass area I need da snow
>>558518 waking up before sunrise and going to bed after sunset is the optimal way to play human but i sleep when i can given a schedule i can't control