it has BIG plots I can tell you that it is a real trash show though, but in an entertaining way or the manga is atleast dunno about the anime
looks like horriblesubs has a censored version? maybe I'll wait until blurays then surely some day the new DxD season will finally get blurays released as well
There's uncensored TV releases, the censorship is mostly just small stuff. Like cutting out three seconds of one of the girls grinding with her clothes on on top of the guy with his clothes on. Questionable at best, but still in the uncensored releases.
It's especially weird considering the CrunchyRoll release has stuff like this still in.
>>558578 Oh yeah if you are intrested do you want SW music+drama cd + shit pack? it has lots of jap stuff so it might be fun to listen to in terms of learning japanese
>>558580 the absolute state of crunchyroll or whoever it's ripped from
>>558581 I don't think I'd enjoy the SW ones. If I was going to do that I'd want something with Yuuko's or Takane's voice or something, that's so nice to listen to
>>558598 Citrus isn't I guess inherently bad it is just 100% tropes that EVERY ANIME OF ANY SORT has done before and 100% of yuri tropes that anyone who has read any yuri at any lenght has run into a million times
it si just so lazy what is that wakowzki shit movie Jupiter something Jupiter Rising of yuri anime or well Jupiter Rising of romance anime or Jupiter rising of drama anime and ALL OF THE ABOVE it is just so well DONE it has 0% new to contribute to the overall genre of any kind, drama, romance, yuri, anything and it doesn't even do the tropes well, that you could forgive it being bland and overdone, but good enough so you will just read for /read it for what it is but no citrus is also filled with BAD WRITING to boot characters are shittily written and non consistent plot jumps to suit fanservice scenes jump to suit fanservice
the whole fucking thing is essnetially "look I am good at art and can draw good scenes, ignore my shit plot"
fully agree dude I couldn't read citrus for very long, the stupid cliffhangers with stupid drama every fucking time at elats the art was good yeah, but that couldn't hold me I did watch the entire anime though, but it was also pretty bad
hm overlord soundtrack does not have any drama in it
Ano Ko ni Kiss to Shirayuri wo would maybe be a fun adaption as well it switches between couples kinda like sakura trick did if I remember right
>>558612 there's a few couples right though I guess most of them aren't really officially in a relationship some of them are pretty darn implied especially with all the kissing
but it still hasn't really EITHER gone into yuri that much it is quite soft core
why can't they just draw a het manga but have two girls instead of a boy and girl something like Tasogare Otome x Amnesia but with two girls would be fucking great
>>558619 hahahahaaha you can actually tell SO obviously when some author does this it just is so bad
Horizon did it amazingly well, but what to expect from a good writer
the only other show that springs to mind with a normal lesbian couple is that older show with the newspaper delivery business tiny girl who is actually old runs it or something, forgot the name
Fuck subtext in my opinion it is fun in terms of providing art without angering the money providing weeb shits but at the same time it just is eternal "do they or don't they"
>>558625 I know the show, but even that didn't really have proper couple on screen
didn't they kiss and make it fairly obvious? been a while since I've seen it
TN !PcAPtAiNJo I would also just love a short anime that animated yuri shorts from magazines
TN !PcAPtAiNJo oh yeah the NTR author has done quite a lot of decent to good yuri, btw the NTR is just their main published thing, shame that
>>558629 this is cute as fuck there may be options for shorts. Candy Boy was fairly short for example, but not just one episodo
>>558631 have a couple forming and then having slice of life stuff
that fake marriage one by Kodama looks interesting as well didn't expect that from someone who drew the NTR shittu
TN !PcAPtAiNJo and here have a fresh couple being awkward and super cute and fluffy
yeh but it is a pixiv manga so it gets quite many updates
oh wait no uh I mistook it from some other
TN !PcAPtAiNJo this is a fun manga to read "Ongoin" but it is actually based on the AUTHOR and her actual GIRLFRIEND so it is more of a diary in manga form everything by this author is damn good too
except the "heart of the girl"
TN !PcAPtAiNJo more chinese stuff this is a fun short finishedo en too
gonna have a lot of downloading to do I did download the girlfriend gamer one already, but didn't read it yet looked very itneresting
centaur no worry has a yuri side couple that is fun in the manga the anime is kinda meh
it is "if you liked the manga and got into it, it is fun to watch then, because things in motion" but I don't see anyone who isn't a fan of the series watching it
the amount of untapped gay manga is enormous imagine if they actually make yuri anime
TN !PcAPtAiNJo this si the body swap manga btw it is solid 4coma gag yuri but it doesn't go anywhere
have you read yurikuma arashi? I read on /u/ the manga is pretty nice, but people on /u/ also like Citrus
TN !PcAPtAiNJo here is a damn SOLID one its sequel is still on going but this one has finished
that manga also has a movie apparently
wow an hour long OVA
and it is on nyaa
TN !PcAPtAiNJo this is very solid one Wife and Wife two girls living just married, well unofficially since no gay marriage in japan
TN !PcAPtAiNJo this is also somewhat good
TN !PcAPtAiNJo also this is damn solid too robotto love this isn't "proper" yuri since MC also does have a crush on one singular guy and sometimes adores little boys but she generally ONLY fucks girls and does it quite a lot
scifi space spy action, with girls kissing girls
and lot of comedy it is more of a gag manga in the end
that style I do like kinda reminds me of western comics in some way
also check these trips
TN !PcAPtAiNJo also this hasn't yet become proper yuri but I bet it will but it is DAMN CUTE food manga
I wonder if I could mail order a gigadrill she-knight like this
if you find a way could you order the mum for me? I'll pay you back + half of shipping of course
TN !PcAPtAiNJo oh yeah and this isn't really yuri at all an dunno if it ever goes there but it is two unrelated girls living together being cute and doing cute things, while damn good drama and plot goes on from author of inugami to nekoyama
but seriously >this anime is so gay >do they actually go out in it: no >do they do anything that makes them out toa ctually be a couple: no >do they even do proper subtext: no then why the fuck do you say it is gay?
i had a dream that i robbed a mall or something by accident like it just sort of happened and me and some strangers ended up having to just go with the flow the old guy in our group died but the rest of us escaped the police and we got away
I gotta pack up STUFF And then pick up a CAR and then ROAD TRIP WITH MY BUDDY for HOURS
>Set up a team of antagonists lead by a big, ominous dude >Have the all lose or defect and the big bad defeated by an iron sandal halfway through the season >What now
No but they replaced the Fae and stuff with a Subaki Julia combo to back Katarina up Now you've got the whole triangle ready to slap your face if you try to exploit it
>>558720 there's no way this is real you printed those headlines yourself
Kirara 🚗
well i didn't someone printed them from real headlines though
some things are believable, but brunch and wine corks? that really cannot be real
Kirara 🚗
oh, definitely brunch i remember that one it spawned a week of discourse on left twitter people were arguing about whether or not brunch was bourgeois or not
naturally i was anti-brunch but only because pro-brunch people were mostly angry MLs that were calling people counterrevolutionary for wanting to do away with brunch and i thought it was funny to make anti-brunch tweets and make them mad
1. overthrow bourgeoisie 2. seize means of production 3. abolish brunch 4. or optionally: mandatory brunch
Kirara 🚗
the discourse today on left twitter is about degrowth "do we want to save the planet or not" basically MLs are arguing that degrowth is a malthusian attempt to cull the population (because they don't know what degrowth is) and anarchists are arguing that we should limit production and scale back unreasonable growth so the planet doesn't die
>>558732 excuse me if I'm wrong, but is degrowth not just capitalism with a green shirt on?
Kirara 🚗
>>558734 you are wrong degrowth is the systematic elimination of capitalism's wastefulness MLs want to retain that wastefulness and think they can continue using capitalism's productive capacity degrowth says uhhhh no, there are ecological limits and we need to scale back production because we have gone far past those limits and are destroying the world degrowth is part of green anarchism
coco cola made their new cans green tho the environment is gonna be just fine
>>558735 I see. I took it as scaling down production under the current relations in the hopes it would abolish surplus value by removing growth from the equation
>>558737 the only thing it is moving is cokes profit projections in an upward trajectory Look how misleading this s shit is you just slap some green and a leaf on a can and people assume you're doing something
>>558745 Yes buy coco cola stock so I can dump mine
I saw this piece of nazi propaganda in a museum the other week It says "workers break your chains!" in big, one word on the chains is obvious and the other is "exploitation" at the bottom it just says to join the nazi party
quite interesting I think. Firts I thought it was some commie propaganda
>>558756 >toaster But that's extremely important I like the sound it makes when it hits the window a lot. Do you plan out for when there's fireworks or is the camera just on standby? It sounds like something difficult to photograph
I found something out about my university that kinda puts me off attending fresher's week. everyone apparently gets an 3 or 4th year student to watch over them that are known as their "student parents" - you get given student dads or moms. Thats really creepy.
that's how they do it at my university as well never thought about it that way really
I guess I've been online too long with seeing people calling older people their dads in particular contexts, I guess it is innocent. but it also bundled with the anxiety of being forced to hang out with people I don't know.
the internet rots your brain. Leave and never return!
but that's part of the point, being "forced" to hang out with new people so you make some bonds everyone is in the same situation I personally never felt forced though. I often just left and joined again the next day because I didn't feel like hanging out or partying hope it's that relaxed for you as well
Yeah, I should really be more outgoing, I tend to pre-emptively find excuses or reasons to feel anxious about meeting up with people. I dunno what it'll be like in freshers week but apparently I have to watch out for "freasher's flu". which sounds fun. I don't think I'll take part in too many social normie stuff.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
and so satan equipped his mech suit to fight the bikini armored girl with a sword
The power of love and God shined upon Frankenstein's monster so that he could strangle Satan enough to disable him so that they would both die to a firing squad of tanks.
that sounds good. You looking forward to it? your japanese is quite good, right?
Yeah, I'm super looking forward to learning a lot more and getting into all the details I've always wanted to. plus getting to go a year abroad is neato as heck.
>>558783 Yes, my life has leading up to this. fansubbing anime. I'll aspire to be commiesubs tier.
>>558781 your study will be in japan for a year? I'm jealous as fuck
I ordered some lebanese takeaway, looks pretty tasty. >>558788 Yep, I'm really looking forward to it! I'll have to wait 4 years before then though, >>558790 I'll dedicate the episode to you, it'll be full of moe shitposts and memes. >>558791 Nice desu ne! Thats a really pretty landscape, the sky is like the blue I saw in New Mexico. I haven't seen such a blue sky since.
>>558789 those 4 years will fly by, trust me I'm entering my 5th year in september
>>558792 Time always seems to b // move at speeds relative to my fustration with its passage. either it moves super slow or it moves way too fast and I don't even notice the day coming to an end
You know, cream cheese exists, as a dairy product, as something that blends harmoniously with grains, fruits and vegetables, and fish. Some weird crossing point flavour nexus where you'd never really consider mixing those things elsewise.
>Someone else in the house loads the dishwasher with only a few dishes and then lets them sit there for a week >Even after the dishwasher is run, there's still gunk and mold residue all over everything Guess who gets to scrub them clean, huh.
Kirara 🚗
just saw someone lose their leg in a car accident fire department is here now, dealing with him his leg is lying underneath the van that hit him he was on a motorcycle he's alive a very clean break
seeing that dude get fucked up triggered me a little i spent some time processing it but i guess i just need some time hopefully tomorrow will be better and i can be more productive
I would have been surprised if he died. There was a lot less blood than I expected. Coming out, I mean. But maybe that's because we started putting pressure on it immediately.
>>558879 When does something not happen? I was pulling out of a hospital today to go home and saw a van hit a man on a motorcycle. The man's leg was torn off, the lower leg, from like, halfway up the shin down. It was really bad.
Yeah. But I handled it okay. I didn't shut down or anything. I just got in there. It's not like there was anything I can do about a severed limb, though. The guy was alive but unconscious and he woke up while the guy that hit him was putting pressure on the wound. The fire department showed up really quickly. Two guys from the hospital took over for us before the fire department showed up.
I've been kind of out of it since. I was only able to get half the work I wanted to get done done. But I gave myself time to process it so I'll probably be okay soon.
I've seen people die before, but this was my first time seeing an accidental amputation. It was a lot different than I expected.
>>558880 Damn what the fuck I would be surprised anyone is able to get any work done after seeing that
I got a little work done. I was able to just get involved in my work for a few hours, but eventually I couldn't anymore, so I just stopped instead of pushing it. I started feeling really crappy so I just had a cup of tea and it helped a little.
>>558887 Maybe I'm wrong but "smoke visible from space" seems like it'd be indicative of some sort of problem And not something "epic" Then again it's as you say it is
>>558886 I've never had Peko before So many tea flavours and I keep buying the same ones
Yeah, a problem can be epic in size or concern. They've also got a hashtag for air quality in the Tweet so I'd assume they're aware of the problem here.
>>558888 I mainly drink Darjeeling and Orange Pekoe. I have Earl Grey and stuff, but it's just not as good. I only have Earl Grey if I'm having milk tea. I also like Yorkshire a lot, it's really high quality.
That's kind of funny, I can't really get into Earl Grey with milk. I like it a lot though, but I prefer it as a morning kind of tea. It's something I'll have a huge mug of with my breakfast.
For every other instance my house always keeps a box of Orange Pekoe stocked.
Does anyone else find english breakfast tastes sorta weird I dunno how I'd describe it, like some sorta pumpkiny flavour
>>558893 yeah that's a good way of describing it It's bland
>>558890 you're halfway to a collection of the Gloriana crew
Yeah, I really don't like it. It's a really flat flavour, there's no sharp points to it. It's kind of the liquid equivalent of rice gruel.
Maybe that's kind of the point of it, a simple, unassuming flavour for the morning. Nothing that would excite you as you're stumbling around the kitchen trying to get your kettle on the stove. Not for me though.
Fuck I burned my finger.
How and how badly did you burn it
I was serving food from a pot into a bowl and i accidentally put the bowl down onto the stove touching the pot and when I went to pick it up one of the sides I touched was superhot. >>558898 Already did
Cold water that shit son
Plus I held onto a glass of ice water with it for a while too. Also check my triple dubs
all he has to do is try to prevent it from collapsing NASA has already devised a way to do it although they can't do it yet we can bet Elon he can't come up with a better solution bada bing bada boom supervolcano eruption
>>558914 Is yellowstone alone enough though? It's not good enough to just take out America, you gotta finish the job
Kirara 🚗
Yellowstone is probably enough the eruption would cause a nuclear winter that will lead to worldwide food shortages which will probably cause governments to collapse and a lot of people will die
posadists are honestly the weirdest part of the left which is hard to do
I don't know much about posadism other than a nuclear attack is supposed to destroy the class system and soehow aliens are involved??
Kirara 🚗
posadists believe a number of weird things they believe that aliens that visit us can only exist if they are communists and they will help us become communistz communists* revolution is /// communism is also a necessary outcome of a nuclear war, according to them additionally, the soviets developed a method of speaking to dolphins and the dolphins taught them that the ideal way of having children is a water birth
Kirara 🚗
also they're trotskyists
oh wow
Kirara 🚗
Argentina actually has a posadist party
surely it is a joke party like the libertarians
Kirara 🚗
no, posadas founded it in the 60s there and it's still alive
life sucks drop out >>558927 well I guess it makes sense that he made it at least still crazy stuff
>>558922 >Flying saucers, the process of matter and energy, science, the revolutionary and working-class struggle and the socialist future of mankind Heh What a titoe *title
>>558931 Play Tetris You know how after you play tetris it fets stuck in your head? There was a study about it being used to help people who've had trauma or get traumatic imagery stuck in their heads and evidence suggests that it helps get that stuff out of your head for some non trivial amount of time.
Kirara 🚗
interesting i haven't heard that ill try it
FormerRei@mobile It can also help prevent people from developing ptsd in the first place. >>558935 Possibly but I dont think there's been a study done on it.
>>558932 i read a few reports about that it sounds interesting it makes sense to me logically engaging your brain with a high speed puzzle game prioritizes the game over traumatic thoughts tetris isn't really a game you can play without thinking so i imagine it works with other games and activities that require constant thought
I was organizing pictures in my diwnloads folder and I fpund a bunch of stuff from the /v/idya booru.
>>558946 it's all a bit much the sleeves look silly and so do the wings
>>558944 i like that it looks stylish but not too over the top >>558948 it looks like hector broke his axe the axehead fell off or something >>558947 oh wait no ephraim stole hector's axe and hector jacked ephraim's spear in return
i'm gonna be honest i think all of those designs look pretty lame except for celica
Kirara 🚗
agreed celica is crazy good too her sword gives her +3 speed and lower special cooldown and se has death blow 4 which gives her +8 atk when initiating combat
They're still alive They can fight to live more You have to know that you've done all you could and the only next step is knowing you can only help so much before you cannot offer any more help This will help you in the future, to know what your boundaries are and how you can make a difference
>>559009 If I could just reason it out and get over it, I would have done that already There's nothing I could reasonably be expected to do to help with an amputation but I still feel helpless It's reasonable to feel helpless but that doesn't make it less distressing for me
You've done all that you could and that is what matters I feel that emotional turmoil too, the way that I could help so much more but I cannot It only feels worth it when a human life is saved
>>559110 I'm setting up my study desk but I got distracted. I got a new set of clothes the other day and I've been pretty happy with them, especially this cardigan it's so nice.
>>559112 What makes that cardigan so nice? I got a desk for studying and it just ended being the model kits desk
>>559113 Its cosy as fuck This sounds like how all study desk end up. I don't even have study stuff on this desk at the moment.
>>559114 They look pretty cozy. Like a blanket you wear You gotta plant down the study stuff before the desk gets colonised by miscellaneous books and stuff My desk gets so dusty but there's always so much stuff to move off of it
could you remind me of anywhere you might recommend we stay once re retire tonight ideally near Atlanta/ohr base of operations
Kirara 🚗
>>559142 when the gang went through georgia, we stayed at the SpringHill Suites in Columbus, GA
if you find a TownePlace Suites, those places have kitchens so we could cook something if we wanted to
Columbus, GA is about 2 hours south of Atlanta, though idk how you'd feel about a 2 hour drive there and back to hang out I've never stayed in Atlanta before, so idk what's there
I drove through Rome, GA and that had a beautiful downtown area, so that might be fun for you to explore lots of antique shops and cool stuff like that
Rome was awesome. Especially that guy sitting on the stoop.
whats a stopp
wait, he wasn't on a stoop he was on a bench I think.
>>559142 if you're looking for shit to do today, you could check out chatahoochee national forest well, you'll drive through it if you go to Murphy, but you could fuck around out there maybe you can find the creek where i fucked up my knee that one time, the one that Pan used to always joke about tried to find it with the gang but we couldn't haha
That column wall off a bit in the distance is pretty weird looking, sloping with the hill. They should have kept it more level with the horizon or something
>>559150 it's not "weird" it's "avant garde" >>559151 maybe he'll find the creek with pan and you know
we should have gone into that open tomb looking thing fought some ghosties i guess we were kind of pressed for time though haha i think that was the day we made Notso wait for a while
Kirara 🚗
well one of the days we did that
It's been hard to go more than a couple days without a fair bit of rain these past couple weeks. Makes it hard to get outside and go biking, I really don't like having to go through the valley shortly after a rainstorm.
>>559154 well it's his fault for being born without the soul of an adventurer. >>559156 it's rained the last couple da ys here too, though it only rained for approximately 5 minutes before it was done
>>559162 hoodie + scarf is more effective at fighting the cold than my jacket protecting your neck and head is important
Oh well I don't put anything over my head, unless I'm trying to keep the snow or rain off it. But I've got thick hair so I'm pretty well off. I do like to keep my neck warm though, yeah.
I could always toque it up but that might be leaning on stereotypes much and I don't really like how frizzy they make my hair and really, I've just been pretty good without hats for most of my life.
nothing wrong with beanies eh
They're certainly warm and good for keeping the snow off your head, eh.
>>559198 I have an ultrasound appointment for my leg in 2 days time. I always get anxious about appointments where I can imagine getting being told I have cancer.
Benign brain tumor is scary. I found out at the start of this year I had an arachnoid cyst in the back of my head. that was a fun discovery.
>>559198 Benign tumors are pretty common, even brain ones. They just get found during ct or mri scans looking for other shit. I don't remember the exact statistics but benign tumors of any sort are found in a non trivial amount of the population.
>>559199 My best friend has a sub arachnoid cyst. It was found like eight years ago and hasn't been a problem.
Stuff like this always make me really want to kick my anxiety to the curb and do what I want to do I should really make of an effort to overcome my fears
Anxiety clings like something fucking vicious though. Some times it feels like the harder you try to shake it off, the tighter it clings on.
>>559204 that's true but that's largely in part due to our fear of change when existential anxiety motivates us to make positive change in our life, neurotic anxiety is always there to push back against it just gotta say fuck you neurotic anxiety
i usually see neurotic anxiety as a sign that i need to do something (when it's in response to something new i'm doing or a change i'm making) because i probably wouldn't have it if there wasn't some existential anxiety pushing me to make that change
Kirara 🚗
do y'all know that old documentary "The March of Time"?
Kirara 🚗
well documentary series technically
>>559205 I got a citation that suggest its more Like ~560,000/300,00,000
Kirara 🚗
>>559209 data from meta analysis of 38 studies suggests prevalence is around 28 per 100k
Kirara 🚗
err incident rate not prevalence
Kirara 🚗
166.5 per 100k according to for prevalence of non-malignant tumors
>>559206 >just gotta say fuck you neurotic anxiety Yeah but it's never that easy. I get that it's a simple enough resolution but that doesn't account for the sheer grief that comes with trying to accomplish it. Anxiety doesn't just disappear the moment you tell it to fuck off.
Kirara 🚗
it's not that easy but it is that simple
Yes ... that's what I just said.
I'm so used to compartmentalising my anxieties and ignoring them. as in ignoring the cause or avoiding doing anything that makes me feel anxious.
It meant i I've fucked up a lot doctor visits and not got the medication I've needed.
Kirara 🚗
>>559215 yes and i'm confirming what you're saying because you seemed to think i was saying it was easy which is not what i was doing
>>559210 >>559212 These guys don't seem to give their source But I would not be surprised if its that much higher in the US.
Kirara 🚗
both of those articles provide their sources the information provided is based on the data they collected the second one talks about the cancer data registries and other sources from which they collected the data the first one is a metaanalysis of 38 studies so the source is the combined data of 38 studies on the incidence of brain tumors
Incidence rates don't make any less scared, the anachrnoid cyst is apparently common but it still disturbs me that I never knew it was there in my head. it fucking scary. *it's
Oh shit they do give a citation Time to check it It better be good
Some guy used my truck and took my keys home So now I've had a bunch of time wasted The only part that annoying
Annoyed me was that I thought I screwed up
Kirara 🚗
>>559221 for reference, the impact factor of the journal the second one is published in is 7.3
Kirara 🚗
which ranks it in the top 3% of quality journals obv impact factor isn't the perfect measure of journal quality but it means it's generally considered high quality and trustworthy
>>559217 I understood what you were saying, what I was trying to get at though was that not accounting for the difficulty when describing how simple it is, feels a bit in the same vein as trivializing the problem. It's like seeing someone trying to reach behind a desk to get at something and saying "just move the desk out of the way", but it's a large, heavy desk and probably something that would be difficult to move.
>>559223 It's from the official US brain tumor census.
The storm that's been going on today picked up again, after a couple hours of peacefulness. Just now there was a peal of thunder that went on like ten seconds.
Kirara 🚗
>>559227 oh /// of which one neuro-oncology? the second article i posted is also from that but it looks like my 7.3 was from 2015
also >>559226 doesn't seem like it supports what the website says
I went and started rading the journal It seems lke the people on that brain tumor website were just lying.
Kirara 🚗
>>559225 i don't think that's an accurate comparison, but that is certainly how it may feel to someone with anxiety ultimately it does come down to just making a choice and doing something, although there are things people can do to ease themselves through it anxiety creates the appearance of a world which can't /// of the desk which can't // which is too heavy to move, to use your example it helps the person to deal with the anxiety of choice to some degree because it creates the appearance of a world in which the desk can't possibly be moved (e.g. there is no choice to move it) part of learning to deal with anxiety is learning that the experience of anxiety alters the way you interact with the world and appears to limit one's ability to choose, but the ability to choose is still there (despite how unpleasant that reality may be) in the end, it becomes as simple as choosing to do something despite the anxiety or choosing not to do something of course it's not easy, it's existentially horrifying to overcome anxiety and take responsibility for choices so i don't think it's trivializing anxiety to say that it can be overcome by choosing to overcome it and i don't make value statements regarding whether someone chooses to overcome it or chooses not to, either
>>559230 It is nice to know you can't trust brain tumour websites.
>>559232 Well I'm going over the data right now and I think I know what happened.
it was the brain tumors that made them do it
>>559231 Maybe it's just me then. It's far from the first time I've been told I just have do -to get over something to get over it, and it probably won't be the last. And it's hard to feel anything but distaste for what's been such worthless advice for so long.
>>559231 I can relate a lot to how anxiety changes the way I view the world, It fabricates situations that just don't exist and it takes a weird push of strength to get past the fabrication. like when I worked in my office - I had to go for meetings or I'd be in trouble but I'd get so much anxiety about entering a room that had it door closed and there were people inside it. It made my heart pound just trying to go and open the door because I was afraid of disturbing people and having all their eyes turn to me. The need to attend the meetings forced me to overcome the anxiety if I didn't have to attend those meetings I am sure I'd just walk away and avoid situations like that.
Kirara 🚗
>>559235 that's probably because people that don't know anything about anxiety are telling you it as advice without telling you how to get there or helping you understand what you need to know to make those choices
Kirara 🚗
and i'm not saying your distaste for that is unreasonable because it is
Kirara 🚗
because it is reasonable
Well I wrote a shitton of e-mails I should I sent ages ago. I could keep this up and contact my local council for new bins but my initial burst of enthusiasm has died down the sleepier I get. the council are the most bureaucratic fucks ever. It'll take them centuries before them send me my rubbish and recyling bins I know it.
>>559242 Its sort of become weird sort of defense mechanism where it doesn't really help me an awful lot.
Kirara 🚗
>>559236 yeah, exactly it functions to make the world look differently and effectively help you avoid things
I guess they don't have the space for I guess for lack of word, trash sheds
>>559247 Sounds fucking weird but I guess its a similar concept to the bin bag locations for rubbish removal in Japan, they separate them out in different places even with burnable trash. That be useful for me now
a separate shed/building depending on area and how many people share it, that gets emptied every X day/week and depending on the community it can be barebones as trash, plastic, carton, paper, bio or it can have metal, glass, battery and so on I think at bare minimum when arranging it on a housing community basis, you will need trash, plastic, bio and paper
I keep seeing on twitter how someone lost their internship to NASA by insulting a spokesperson for NASA when they were told to mind their language. I feel kinda bad for people who don't realise they can fuck up in like seconds on social media. Imagine going through all those interviews and papers to get the internship and losing it in like 5 minutes on twitter.
>>559252 This is preciely why I have 0 socme presence
>>559252 The full story's a little more complex than that, the guy they told off actually worked to help them keep their internship even after that. They lost the internship after their friends brought attention to the person by spamming the NASA hashtag non-stop.
But yeah, it's probably best to act decent on social media when you're aiming for positions like that.
WHY does there have to be a huge truck unloading whenever I want to use the dock
That's what docks are for.
I feel i pretty much let my online presence die and now it's harder to talk to people online. It's probably easier to meet new people than remake old friendships...
I gotta pull an all-nighter to get this work done by deadline since I couldn't work yesterday I told my professor about what happened yesterday and they thanked me for disclosing it and suggested we monitor how much it affects me this week but didn't give me an extension haha
>>>/watch?v=ERHfSisg__o#t=1m10s >>559271 Might just not be the sort that gives extensions easily, so people don't start to beg for them left and right, but doubt
>>559271 It almost comes off as kind of an "asshole scientist" kind of vibe. Like jumping at a chance to have an experiment to monitor.
>let's monitor how it affects you but not do anything about how it affects you dick
well monitoring it is reasonable advice and stuff but yeah haha if you're going to recognize it as a potential problem, at least give me some leeway i got kind of emotional talking about it too idk if she noticed though since i tried to hide it
this is the program chair that i had to fight for an extension after my concussion btw
Well if you had said "I have car accident related ptsds already without freshly having witnessed one" but dunno if that is something folk are comfy saying easily
the professors are really manipulative so im really careful to control what i talk about with them a lot of them know what happened i think but i don't think they know about my alcoholism or PTSD well, one knows about my alcoholism
if you are a deadpank snarker, I think it could be done without anyone being able to use it against you, but then it might affect how seriously people treat the trauma
>>559277 i don't tell my psychiatrist about my alcohol issues -- use or non-use issues i told her back a few years ago when it was a bigger problem, but now i just say it's not an issue i don't think she'd understand i think it looks to her like standard substance abuse issues if i present it as an ongoing problem, so i just say i dont have any problems without it i think she doesn't think i could really have severe ptsd or identity issues because those are statistical outliers and it's more statistically likely to just be an overly-anxious hypochondriac who thinks problems are there that arent
it's really tough
and a lot of times it's like, "Well, why didn't you tell me about X before?" and i was never aware that X is the kind of thing that needs mentioning because my life is my only data point for reference of normality, you know? and by it, i mean my perceptions of significance and not actual dialogue
my mom's having a big surgery tomorrow and i'm really worried something's gonna go wrong idk everyone says i worry too much but i think i worry just the right amount
spinal surgery i'm not actually worried about the surgical procedure itself i'm worried about the anesthesia for such a long process she's on medicaid or medicare or whatever so the options are limited i'm worried that the anesthetics will be wrong and she'll either not make it or, worse, wake up during the procedure she's also a statistical outlier so i don't trust some high-volume piece of shit anesthesiologist to judge right what's appropriate for someone who's been on so many medications or for the anesthetist to follow the procedure right even if it's solid i don't trust anything atm
completely beside the point, or well related, but what kind of anesthesia they use nowadays to put you under? I guess for a surgery like that they'd go full unconscious aye?
so many US hotels have cooking capacities or hotels abroad I hate how none unless you pay FUCKTOn of money >>559298 a hotel room here is basically bathroom, 2 beds and a tv and you pay 100€ a night or more
Kirara 🚗
very few US hotels have kitchens compared to ones that do don't*
>wanna travel in finland >prepare to pay 2-10x the price for travelling in central europe >why aren't people travelling domestic at all? this HONESTLY was a discussion amongst the hotel chains here a few years back
Kirara 🚗
>>559299 someone's gotta cook for those sheltered losers someday we'll have a big old /moe/ cookout it'll be awesome
the stove is from like 1980 judging by the picture ton sent me haha
>>559304 yeah because i let the planning fall apart since i spent the entire spring basically breaking down bc i didn't know what was going on with fish haha
>>559339 oh, ok i saw a really bad accident yesterday and i was thinkin about that time you crashed a few years ago
i had a seizure i didn't crash really
Kirara 🚗
i guess that's true
i've seen a really bad thing like that though i didn't really want to leak
Kirara 🚗
when you did ride, did you worry a lot about cars and stuff fucking you up
no because i was hyperattentive at that time i can't function like that anymore though so i worry all the time i had seen a couple die on a motorcycle before i even started riding and it never swayed me then but my nerves are a mess now i can't do anything
does the winduhh mass? that large vechiles push before them affect you while riding a bike btw?
Kirara 🚗
i always had an awareness that riding a motorcycle was dangerous but idk it didn't really feel as tangibly dangerous until now this guy's leg just got fucking ripped off idk why that surprised me so much probably because it's my first time seeing an accidental amputation
>>559349 a vechile pushes aside a large amount of air while moving, the bigger it is the larger the gust of wind it produces passing by I have gotten few times knocked into a ditch while driving a bicycle and getting passed by trucks and shit
>>559350 you're asking if the wind drift affects riding? yeah of course >>559348 yeah idk cars are just as dangerous imo if you're shit at riding then yeah it's dangerous or if you can't watch your surroundings i was hyperattentive though i always had a count of how many vehicles were within 12 seconds of me and where they were at i still never pull out in front of a diesel after what i've seen happen both instinctively and because i know how diminished their view is straight up saw a guy pull out of a turn too close and the diesel truck didn't see him and as soon as he hit the back tire, the guy just tumbled onto the rode and less than half a second before the truck tires crushed him idk i'm sure you don't wanna hear about more shit atm but you asked i guess
and that even happened to me once while I still had a moped, though it was more because I lost control due to it and not falling over directly
I think being exposed on a bike makes you a bit more careful, or that is what I imagine Car you are snug as a bug inside a steel frame, unexposed to the elements I think makes it much more likelier to get complacent, unattentive or something and thus get into an accident
>>559353 people die in car accidents being stuck in burning steel frames a lot too when the accident was minor enough that they'd have survived being ejected from a motorcycle
It makes me always cringe a little bit, when I see people riding their bikes on shorts and tshirts I didn't own a moped that long, but the two jeans that got fucked due to just 50km/h speed slide I did on asphalt wasn't fun also riding on icy roads without winter tires is dumb
Kirara 🚗
>>559351 i saw a car roll around the end of july it was like one of those vans with the big ass idk the word uhh sun window, the window in the top of the car it was really crazy cars are nuts ive been driving safer lately i think
i used to drive pretty crazy and feel exhilirated by it idk now it's more pleasure to feel safe than exhilirated
driving smart is much more amusing than driving crazy
Kirara 🚗
i went off my amphetamines for my summer vacation although that was only two weeks i was trying to just like control myself i guess trying to he deliberate and by the end of the break i felt like i was in total control and i could just behave deliberately and be satisfied with that as soon as i went back on my meds for school i suddenly felt like i couldn't act deliberately anymore everything just kind of felt like auto-pilot again i think im going to just start using my amphetamines specifically when i need them to work instead of using them every day
i don't like taking them i do take them functionally but i feel they inhibit me like a lot which is good in some circumstances but when it comes to making money to survive, i can't dodge that obstacle
Kirara 🚗
yeah without them my work takes longer but i feel like i don't necessarily need them unless i have a deadline or something they fuck up my social interaction they make me feel like im on autopilot i just want to be free
my work goes faster without amphs but i can't focus on it because i don't feel it's important because tbh it isn't
Kirara 🚗
i hate that we live in a world where we have to feel like taking shit like that is necessary if we want to survive
my feelings are much more subdued i think the most powerful and stimulating feeling is to be completely sober but it's also a selfish and unproductive one the ultimate feeling is to be so connected to the environment that you're in sync and attached, which society inherently is the deviation from for preservation and the construction of new environments it's an uncomfortable transition and it pushes the scope out of the individual element but it's not illegitimate
speaking of meds, since you two are I guess well versed in them, do you know how long general painkillers affect you?
Kirara 🚗
>>559364 i think so too i spent so much time on amphs every day since fucking 4th grade i thought i was sober all this time but i hadn't been sober in over a fucking decade it felt so good
>>559365 what do you mean by general painkillers ibuprofen? paracetimol?
>>559368 i think the suggested redosing is 4-6 hours but im not sure >>559366 it's troublesome too if i go full sober from my meds, either benzos or amphs, i feel almost nauseated from the constrained environment that's why i'm so keen on the idea of going full off the grid but unless i do something like that, i'll feel so caged amphetamines empower me to function in a confined space that's all they do some people say they're like cheating on life but i disagree so much
so I guess it should be wearing off soon I am tryign to figure out how bad my backsnapped and is it already healing or not depends on how bad it is today is going to either be lounging around home with small exercise in form of walk in the evening or going to help with housework at my mother's place in the afternoon
From experience I know I should give it another day of rest, but sometiems the thing is snapped for just a half a day or so but sometimes I go into doing stuff too quick and then I have 1-2 weeks of pain in that spot
Kirara 🚗
>>559365 like me specifically or theoretically how long they should last?
Dielectric Lady Land
Kirara 🚗
>>559369 i think it's kind of the opposite for me it's like i feel like im really being in the world and not just observing it or rather not just navigating the world but actually participating in it actively and i still wanna escape to like off the grid but that's because i want to experience myself in the world more
Going bed NNiNigNighNight
>>559373 i'ma go ahead and say i think that's probably an environmental difference than a physological one i think you have more space to occupy than i do
i need to occupy less space when on amphetamines because of the space of psychological recursion before i ever got on them, from age 14 or 15, i've been talking about hermitude just so i have the space to think clearly without external influence so much so that my ex left me thinking i'd eventually resolve to either hermitude or joining a monastery or something which i probably would have been happy doing but whatever benefit amphs provide, it allowed me to segment that higher internal function i craved while separating from the external environment that i could just return to when comfortable i think it's been a compromise on both fronts i think my capacity has been hindered in exchange for malleability and amiability to environments i can't control i don't feel the need to control so much of my environment i just function within it, even if i don't like it it gives me patience for things i don't naturally have the patience for which, again, is probably good in a social aspect given my proclivities
Kirara 🚗
i feel like i need to control my environment on amphs at least I didn't feel like that off them idk the last time i went off them i was just living impulsively and not deliberately and i felt like i was high on that and it caused me a lot of trouble that im still dealing with the consequences of but this time was really different i was experiencing the world so passionately but deliberately and i was in complete control it was kind of intoxicating at first but then it just felt really satisfactory and normal
being full sober brings me to a similar state as when playing the last of us and being tasked with those earnest obstacles that you have to do it feels meaningfully connected and deliberate yeah, it feels so real there's satisfaction to action but also there's dissatisfaction to inaction in the realm of what constitutes meaningful action in my sober world which there is not a lot i can control of my environment so the amphs make artificial that meaningfulness in an environment that has none but that i need to survive within
Kirara 🚗
things feel a lot less meaningful on my amphs but at the same time my capacity to effectively do some of the things i find meaningful (like reading/learning) is so drastically reduced without them
I was thinking of befriending it with food, but I dunno where its nest is and well, tbh you don't want to piss off nesting corvidae
I haven 't been attacked in a while
Sounds like a good thing.
A bike ride around might fix that I swear though the attacks were worse and more frequent when I was younger maybe I just don't get out as much as I used to
btw went to see its wiki and >In 2017, Wired published an article calling it "2017's Most Important Internet Phenomenon" and noting that "Poe's Law applies to more and more internet interactions". The article gave examples of cases involving 4chan and President Donald Trump's administration where there were deliberate ambiguities over whether something was serious or intended as a parody, where people were using Poe's Law as "a refuge" to camouflage beliefs that would otherwise be considered unacceptable. I love how someone had to come there and add trump into it because of course
Bought myself a thermos because I have so much tea lying around that I never drink and it would be nice to have it on the road The only problem would be drinking too much in a situation where we have to have a good idea of rest stops because bathroom breaks are a thing
Otherwise it'll be good for weaning off caffeine because I can have an energy drink and fall asleep now
Yeah, and tea is a fair bit of a diuretic, so it makes you need to use the washroom more. I've thought of getting a thermos or thermal carafe for my desk even. I'll go through a pot or two of tea in a day and it goes cold pretty quick once a few cups have been poured out of the kettle. I just nuke it in the microwave but tea really is best when not re-heated and it's still hot.
Maybe I could just get a tea cozy instead though, I do really like the kettle we have.
I can't sleep if I want to finish this work. I couldn't do much yesterday, so I ended up having to do it all day today. I've written roughly six pages of incredibly dense literature review and the methods section of my dissertation. I just have to finish my literature review, or, well, most of it. I'm probably looking at another 10-15 pages, so I probably won't do all of it tonight. I only need a rough draft of my lit review complete for tomorrow.
I'm pretty satisfied with how it's going so far. Although I would have liked to get it all done. I have to send it to my dissertation chair by 9am. I don't have any responsibilities until 6pm tomorrow, so I'll probably just work until 9am or something and then send whatever I have, and then takr // take a nap. I'm taking a little break right now. I've been writing for about 12 hours straight.
>tried to adjust glasses while picking up my glasses on the desk
>>559480 Yeah, that is pretty intensive. Hopefully it's some good rest you can get after you wrap up.
mangareader sites should have a tag for "sword and sandal" and stuff fantasy or separate modern fantasy into another category I dunno
Fantasy is a pretty broad category. Which for the sake of categorization is pretty bad, really.
they already have isekai and game tags to narrow those out luckily or in
>>559500 yeah buit you can add scifi tag for futuristic fantasy or say action for action, adventure for so on and so forth so somekind of tech level specification would be useful
over categorisation ofc will lead to problems, but I think some kind of sub-cat for fantasy, like isekai already for example is, would be useful to separate say school life fantasy from fantasy set in actual fantasy world
That's kind of what I'm saying. Fantasy is kind of useless as a category because it's too vague. Like magic realism, urban fantasy, sword-and-sorcery; they all fall under fantasy despite being considerably different experiences.
dragonball is fantasy for example, but when you think of dragonball, do you think of fantasy?
I guess next time dex chooses to have a QA or feedback session I could propose it
>>559504 I'm not really the best kind of person to posit this question to. I get what you're saying though.
The t Twitter app is really good at saving bad images It seems moe doesn't like them all that much
I know saving images from Twitter's web site saves them to your PC as a .<filename>.large format, which totally messed up being able to post them until you remove the .large part. Maybe the app's doing something similar.
Yeah. ?name=orig and other varients are part of my autocorrect I wonder how mastodon and Gab handle their image stuff Well if the traffic every fully moves their is any body's guess
>>559513 I think it is just some cover image I grabbed from dynasty
or somewhere
I think that's the one by the author of Mysterious Girlfriend X. A boy's mother is a mangaka and a bit eccentric, and something happens and he starts to relive the memories of his deceased? father falling in love with his mother. And that starts to mess with his head. Or something along those lines maybe.