Thread #558349
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Asobi Asobase Banana Fish Boku no Hero Academia Cooking with Emiya Hanebado! --Episode 7-8 Hataraku Saibou Hyakuren no Haou to Seiyaku no Valkyria --Episode 4-7 Island Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi --Episode 19-20 Ongaku Shoujo Persona 5 Planet With Satsuriku no Tenshi --Episode 5-7 Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight --Episode 5-6 Tsukomogami Kashimasu --Episode 3-5
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Ika messaged me about how he may not be present today. If that's the case we should watch a few things that he will watch or doesn't need to watch.
And so the list gets picked away at less and less. I would say Persona and Boku no Hero Academia both qualify.
hello friends watch whatever i will catch up
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We should be able to get to it. I think I'll be back around for Saturday nights.
I would hope so.
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i'll watch boku no hero and hanebado
But not Persona?
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Do you also want to watch banana fish?
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sure>>558359 i don't really care either way i'll watch it but i already know what's going to happen the next palace is my favorite in the game though i hope it's good in the anime
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Let's just do all that stuff with Jan then. Person 5 boku no academy banana fish asobi sound good? Willing to do persona with us?
Yeah I guess that's true. I'm the only one that has no idea what's coming up.
If Jan's not sure he'll be around maybe we should do at least one episode of Hanebado!
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>>558362 alright i'm downloading persona>>558364 i would like to watch hanebado i'll be here tomorrow but not the day after and probably not the day after that
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okay, let's do persona 5 boku no academy hanebado that's ep 7 asobi we'll do banana fish tomorrow
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okay i'm ready sorry i haven't been around a lot
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persona 5 okay lets start!
That'll give us an episode of Hanebado! for tomorrow too. A douburu feature
morgana has entered his emo phase
RIP Morgana>>558367 It's fine, it hasn't held up watching anime. There's a lot of stuff to watch this season.
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This is a good OP.
I like the vocals. It -The instrumental isn't bad but It I feel the vocals are the strong part there.
Japanese employees can kind of be like robots.
>long time no see it's actually only been like a week
Yeah it's kind of a weird sense of scale. Morgana's kind of petty.
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>>558376 i mean it has literally only been a week since he went missing in-game if even that morgana's just a dork
Beauty Thief sure is rather airheaded.>>558377 Yeah I get that. Maybe one week's a long time for a cat though.
How karmic.
>You figured it out in just a day All you wear is an eye mask. It's hardly something that conceals your identity.
Search [iqdb] (244 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Persona 5 The A(…).jpg )
>>558378 I guess compared to how long he's lived a week is a decent amount of time
MC's just wandered off to water the flowers.
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>tfw you realize the anime you're in is running out of budget
Morgana's cat mode is a pretty nice cat.>>558383 Quality hasn't exactly been top notch for this adaptation. They seem to save their budget for decent bits though.
Morgana knows you've got to grind your low-level new party additions on the low-level mooks and not run them straight into a late-game dungeon.
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morgana always shits in ryuji.
Yeah. It seems kind of unfair that when he does in turn that Morgana gets way too mad over it.
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ryuji almost had him
Oh this guy's a stalker.
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nah he's worse than that he's scum
Well he's a cat-kicker. You can't get much worse than that.
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wow this guy got so much stuff on his shelves and maxed confidants with everyone already he must be in NG+
She's the fuwa fuwa this group was missing. Though I guess Anne is a little fuwa fuwa too.
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[x] touch fluffy hair
And MC's pretty fuwa fuwa for a guy. But she's -the- fuwa fuwa.
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he's so perfect
Full party in the ED, I guess. I like the swashbuckling-y outfit Haru has.
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it's missing the justicelord akechi ready i hope they put akechi in the black half of the background and have him walking the other way
Search [iqdb] (56 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Kokkoku - 11 [7(…).jpg )
boku no hero>>558397 >>558398 yeah, one more okay lets start!
Oh I didn't know he joined the party, hah hah. I thought he always remained in the amicably opposed party.
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this OP is way better than the last one in terms of fitting the feel of the series
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I feel like a "rescure dummies" challenge just won't be the same. They can't really get motivated it's not real people.
Well it's a good thing it is real people then.
haha holy shit it is real people
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they went to a lot of effort to make this realistic i guess
This guy is like that walking lump of hair from the Addam's Family.
Poor Uraraka.
kill her uraraka
it's the right thing to do
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bakugo is so lucky he has such good friends
It's a kind of charisma of sorts.
On-site review!
Reppu is a pretty good hero name. I like this Sugimoto-poi guy.
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>>558418 he's very excitable
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I like how the people in trouble are interacting with them. They must be like undercover heroes or something.
Nah, they're just part of an agency that's built around doing this kind of thing. They're all "normal" people.
As usual, Bakugou's perfect in everything he does except for handling other people.
It makes sense. The villains wouldn't just ditch the scene when there's a chance to shit on the heroes that come to the rescue.
>third in the heroes that look like villains so who is second and first? endeavor is probably in there
I would imagine they're probably less-ranked ones that look more out there. Endeavor's not really that villain-looking, after all. Especially when he's not flaming on, he kind of just looks like a super-normal, fit Japanese guy.
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with angry eyes and a scary smile and posture if i was a civilian and didn't already know he was the strongest hero i would definitely mistake him for a villain ready
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okay hanebado 7 0okay lets start!
her superpower of turning into a badminton robot when she's lost the will to live is pretty situational
Kaoruko still trying to do her thing of goading Ayano before playing against her.
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oh no she's got the killer intent
She's so excited to finally obliterate this obnoxious girl.
god i love this OP
There really are a lot of divas in badminton.
This guy wants to chear her up but he's not exactly silvertongued.
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>>558439 he seems kind of disillusioned with everything
Kaoruko going for the big hunt. She thinks this'll be her big show off but she's gonna get STOMPED
That transition for Ayano was good. Oh man she's gone crazy.
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she's playing against a badminton robot
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volleyball is despair
This is badminton, Rika.
>>558443 A robot could never derive that kind of pleasure from stomping its opponents. She's a badminton DEMON.
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>>558445 Yeah I don't know what I was thinking as I was typing that.
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sometimes i wish moe would let me delete three words instead of two
Oh Kaoruko's doing better now. I was kind of expecting a love game from this.
>This isn't even Ayano's final form
She can even talk normally and cheerfully with her friends and teammates while in demon mode now.
Oh Ayano's got the ribbon in her hair now. She's starting to resemble her mother more.
she wanted to psychologically damage ayano but ayano put her hair up like her mom
so this is basically what if peco and smile were rivals
It's kind of, yeah. Ayano's a bit sadistic where Smile was a more perfect robot. And Peco relied more on instinct where as Kaoruko is kind of calculative and cunning.
Ayano even got the last laugh there, hah hah.
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Don't put too much weight on the back of someone stretching like that. You don't want to stress something.
>>558458 she's a japanese highschooler she probably doesn't weight that much
Guy went and got a nice view and just walked off.
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oh no does aragaki have an injury or something >>558455 yeah it's not really that similar now that i'm thinking about it they both have aspects of smile and peco they're different characters really
Maybe she was the Peco all along.
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>tfw drinking kaoruku's tears
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asobi! pokay lets start!
i always misspell this as asobi asobaso when i try to search it ikaaaa i mean tildeeee>>558466 isn't it auspicious? asobi asparagus rikaaaa
Asobi Aspicious>>558465 It is but that breaks the pattern I've been playing around with.
>The Banana Papers Is this a reference to the Panama Papers?
banana fish??
>>558468 oh that makes more sense
The notTrap did their research well here.
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They're all kinda stupid.
Well they're highschool girls. It's only natural.
Hanako's pretty creative though.
Wow the two of them actually dressed up. Nothing about those costumes would What the fuck.
this show is so ridiculous
Return of the totally average school council president!
Oh no.
Hah hah hah. That perverted teacher got his just deserts.
Wow all these things are their fault.
wait don't burn it yet there's more pages
A spicy scent, huh.
Kasumi's saying it in a pretty insulting way, but she's got the right idea. Perfume and cologne isn't supposed to be used to completely overpower one's body scent, but instead blend with the natural scent of the a body.
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only true friends will love you despite your spicy scent
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this guy is the only realistic trap in anime
This notTrap is totally an actual trap.
>>558487 What about that guy from the show about hired killers from a couple seasons back.
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>>558489 i wouldn't exactly say anything about that show was realistic but he did look more realistic yeah
>Oh wow Kasumi is using XP
What. I was going to comment on the Japanese calling it gum tape, but then, well.
they're all so bad
They both self-destructed.>>558493 They're such good friends.
nothing good's come
I bet some things will come. Not sure about the goodness of it all though.
Oh this is a terrible misunderstanding. Wait she put it on properly. But she didn't keep her normal skirt on. How totally fucking stupid is she.
why not just wear the shirt over another shirt
Pft. Oh no.
hanako destroyed her nice shirt
Hanako's book smart but she has nothing but terrible ideas.
Kasumi's shirt looks a bit like a turtleneck on backwards like that. Turtlenecks are cute, she should have just gone with that instead.
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this show's really funny
It's super absurd. Oh hell yes the puppets are back.
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This is a good show, yeah. I like it.
snake janai
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well thanks for anime
Yup, thanks.