Oh well, I'm hungry and I kinda wanna make Papa Rellena But I don't want to fry it. Maybe bake it. But also, I"m hungry now and I don't want to cut // cook at all
god i am tired i have no idea did i sleep at all durimg night
i had a dream or vivid hallucination about a dteam where i tried to fall asleep, from which i woke up and tried to fall asleep again, from which i woke up and then spent entire nighy trying to fall asleep from which i wole up to loud music ftom outside in the same position i recall last lying in when i tried to fall asleep for the first time
and was confuse as fug but considering 3 or so hours had passed and it wasn't night actually when i went asleep i thinl i slept some and dreamet some
changed back to sleeping with a blanket rar'ther than just covers maybe too early
I moved from without anything to just covers a few days ago. I think you're rather early with the blanket
is comfier with some substance and not just sheets nights are here already 10c or less
yeah true, but I cannot sleep from the heat if I put a blanket in even at 10C
keep window open 24/7
I close it between 10 and 20 to keep the heat out of the house but otherwise it's always open during the evening and night
also this is not a winter blsnket see viltti and täkki
I don't even own a winter blanket, way too warm especially if I sleep with someone else
who on /moe/ would be most likely to waterboard themselves
i'd probably waterboard myselves
Kirara 🚗
i was just thinking about doing it
i've experienced it in controlled settings it's eh whatever you're imagining it's like, it pretty much is i imagine the repetition and duration makes the bulk of the experience though i just had a baby taste
Kirara 🚗
i feel like the reasons people say it's terrible are probably not the reasons it's terrible i think it's probably related to sensory restriction followed by an intense stimulus so the brain is trying to use its resources but doesn't have access to them and can't understand why so it panics
pretty much anything is durable if you know it's controlled and it's gonna stop as soon as you want it to take that away and it's horrifying
>>556069 well you're literally breathing in water so that automatically triggers panic in the brain but i think a very key difference in the real cases of being waterboarded is the breakdown and stimulatory isolation prior, like you said in good faculty you can still kind of keep it together and prioritize and strategize how to endure without leaking information and yeah, that rush of stimulation when the mind's already been taxed to its core and primed for the isolated environment really makes it impossible to defend yourself from interrogation you might not even be able to realize why you're there or what information they're trying to obtain so it's all just a state of panic
that's part of why isolation training is so important for operatives who are vulnerable to being interrogated being able to anchor in importance that otherwise might be hard to retrieve and prioritize when the mental landscape has changed it's actually really hard to navigate back to things which seem concrete in one landscape but make no sense or don't seem applicable and are too abstract in a different landscape
during worst heat i was taking a bath with a wet towel on my head and water bottle nearby and tgen it hit me "aren't i just one step away from waterboarding" and decided to see what it all about
btw it was horrible
the media reports that it's supposed to feel like you're drowning but that's wrong because it's literally drowning that's the physiological process of drowning, but you're given oxygen so that you don't die so it's prolonged, repetitive drowning
yup your body reacts real weird to it
Kirara 🚗
which /moe/ would you trust to waterboard you
in which way trust that they'll do the real deal and not wimp out or trust that they'll ease up when you want
probably no one that implies trust/confidence in their ability and not their intention i'm not confident that anyone reliably knows my limits that's a pretty complicated thing
Kirara 🚗
which /moe/ do you trust most to help you complete seppuku
can't trust any of them, they might stop me seppuku is best done alone
motivation reasons
actually i'd probably trust sugoi to do a legitimate waterboard not because he'd enjoy doing it or anything, and probably the opposite because he'd have some acuity for the process and procedure
which /moe/ would you trust to share your thoughtspace if you had to share a body
Kirara 🚗
jan ez
>>556089 do you really want to have to hear his internal laughter every time you go take a poop
>>556094 Just keep in mind that just cause it will, doesn't mean it should.
The complete Diablo III collection is coming to the Nintendo Switch. I don't really have an interest but maybe it could be a "way down the line" thing.
much lighter head
gah forgot to remove the wet bandage after shower now it seeped into my sheets and they are wet too
Kirara 🚗
drug testo tomorrow
>>556101 i hope you haven't been shooting up a weed
so i notice dried blood stains on my sheets and start ponder when and from where? within 2 weeks i've been using them earlier? old stain, since old sheets?
and if it is old, why haven't i noticed it earlier
>>556121 >>556128 why don't i get magna weapons from arcarum i did the first two days but since then ive only gotten anima and a blue crystal i got this from a boss today at least
>>556129 oh ok the bosses only drop those magna weapons regular ones are chests
they still have to drop of course, its not guaranteed your best bet is mimics or regular chests that are gold, and aat the ebd of a stage you get at least one gold
plus the better stuff shows up more on higher difficulties
yeah i just unlocked flb in the story i got to get to 73 so i can do orchid's fate episode
the primarchs are the hard part the anima are elusive unless you host, and it takes two days to farm on set of host materials usually
Kirara 🚗
wow i will probably not do that any time soon
hopefully i can get my dark and fire grids going soon
>>556143 you can leech the raids on raidfinder and stuff but since theyre hard to host they can be hard to get into
orchid’s third skill is an easy 1 mil nuke btw
Kirara 🚗
oh nice well im on chapter 64 so ill probably get there in a few days
i dont know if youre familiar with how she plays or not
Kirara 🚗
I know she uses shields and stuff but that's it
she makes a shield equal to 40% of her hp and gains a massive massive buff art the same time, but if her damage exceeds that shield she gains a miserable debuff for two turns her ougi resets the shield, and her second steals meter
also she has unique dialog when black knight is also on the front lines and its super cute
Kirara 🚗
that's cool
>>556151 bk: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH orchid: ooooooo... [something about hers not being good enough and she needs to try harder]
Kirara 🚗
just went to a petstore to look at fish for like ten minutes
Kirara 🚗
i want to look at fish
man the night where pan and i amrathoned inferno cop was something
>>556180 i just googled best hospitals in Florida and then looked at their specialties, Shands has the 22nd best pulmonology department in the US. Its also a university hospital so theres a good chance of clinical trials.
That'd be super neato. I've been recording myself reading books, its kinda fun doing different voices and playing with how to say certain words. I used to listen to Radio 4's reading of books in the midday, it was amazing how people can read books.
Is it unreasonable to feel bothered by having kissed someone in a dream that wasn't Fish? On one hand, it was a dream, so I didn't have control over it. Logically, I shouldn't feel bad. But I still feel guilty about it emotionally.
The way you described the dream made it sound more like the dream girl was being forceful than like it was something you went for Honestly I think getting bothered by a dream is like getting bothered by masturbation. It's all internal You can't control your own emotions and tell yourself to not feel bad, but logically yes you shouldn't feel bad since it's not your fault Actually I don't like "not your fault" since it implies there's a dault to begin with when a dream is internal Being botheerd by it is reasonable but you certainly shouldn't consciously be mad at yourself for it
I haven't watched TV regularly for about the same time, actually I had a TV in my own room when I lived with my mom, so I watched some TV at a somewhat regular frequency
Now I watch TV like, when I'm eating And not every time I'm eating
She seems very eager to help out I'm sure it wasn't even necessary, but she's helping to close that gate, and earlier she brought someone a pair of scissors
>>556236 The bucket is there for her to put the trash into so she can throw it all into the bin However there is too much trash, she has no willingness, so instead she buries her head in the bucket and ignores the roblem
>>556262 Because we're burning it all up? Nice ambience. I like the little synth flashes that start around 2:30
i wonder why my scalp is so hot recently at times
Drink more water?
it feels like i am excessively producing heat that gets vented out through head at times
Well if you are excessievly producing heat, which considering your weather, might be true, your head is the part of your body that loses heat the fastest, so it stands to reason that it would feel like that's where it's being vented.
just wpnder why don't ever recall having this issue scalp being hot to touch even so hot it interferes with sleep
well if it keeps happening, I guess I could go see a doctor a general health checkup might be in due anyhow
We've got a big ol' maple tree in our backyard and it's been shedding its maple keys in recent weeks. And my cat keeps tracking them in when she comes in and out of the house a dozen times a day. So they keep sticking to my toes when I walk in those parts of the house. It's been really annoying.
maybe it just is the humidicity?
common element on days it happens is high humidicity though maybe it is just lack of sleep too
>>556336 sounds like you need a rabbit to go along with that cat
bah this sony bd audiothingie doesn'ta llow audio output through HDMI what bullcrap
that's quite useless so you need to use an aux cable for audio or something?
Ishizuka Unshou, the voice of Jet from Cowboy Bebop and Hohenheim from Full Metal Alchemist, and more recently Old Joseph in JoJo's, has passed away from esophagus cancer.
I will just later figure out if I can set up the aux settings so, I can have the headphones jacked in and the steroe system jacked in at the same time I would have loved if it had worked with HDMI audio but >sony
I can't wait for when everything is wireless fuck wires
juggling batteries around sounds even worse than wires
I am talking about wireless 100% not even power chords the world tesla invented wireless power
>>556382 all out of milk would you mind picking me up some from the store i can// here's a few extra dollars, pick yourself up a strawberry milk for yourself
I just thought I'd check and >two days of maint for phase 2 >gets delayed several times still >is still going This Kancolle phase 2 sure stinks of phase 1
Eh that doesn't translate well enough I didn't know Unsho died
Well it seems to have happened within the past half day, so you're not really late to the news.
I'm having fun just seeing the timeline fly by and finding all the commies When I went to bed yesterday, the local timeline on mastodon.social was like 90% communists, it was WILD
>.social I have an intense distrust of tlds that are also words except for .net and .to.
It's come to my attention that you could end up following one plot trail, and then immediately doing something else, so I need to keep track of what anyone else who is actively doing things would have done in the same sort of time span. I hope my brain can keep up.
Assuming you're the adventurous sorts of people, which why wouldn't you be, I'm thinking about having opportunities while you travel to look around while your transportation is taking a break. Animals gotta eat and all that.
I suppose there's the matter of you stealing transportation, but that I guess will come up when it does.
>>556493 Well she was pretty aware of the fourth wall. Maybe she didn't want to soak up all the experience for fighting that she didn't need, when all her low-level companions benefited from it much more.
last three nights I've gotten high around dinner time and then just fall asleep at night waking up in the morning like the entire night didn't happen very strange feeling going to bed feels very good as well
Naw, I just passed on getting any last time my guy was getting some, cause I wasn't sure if I had any money coming in or not Poor decision, as it turns out, cause I did get money
Naw I'm getting paid good now Like $21.50 an hour equivalent I've been low on funds though cause my first full month of work was kinda split up between the latter half of one month, and the first half of the next, then vacation for 4 weeks
From now on though, I should be getting decent money
Kirara 🚗
i haven't taken amphetamines in like 20 days i gotta go back to it soon though
>>556506 so you're out of that program? if I recall you had to work for the same pension you had before? how many hours do you work? That's quite a nice wage
>>556507 I've taken kratom three times now I think and haven't really liked it much so far still got some left so who knows what next time will bring
Yeah, I got my foot in the door with a factory through it I work 8 hours a day, though not exactly 40 a week, cause when I have evening shifts, friday is off But it evens out cause the night shift bonus is good af
Considering grabbing some overtime once I get a bit more settled, as well, cause the pay is outta control for night shifts A guy at work told me he got like $60 an hour out of a night shift overtime
Iunno I gotta upgrade my PC, get a car once I get a license, and stuff like that Buy a lotta weed, save up some Maybe splurge if the offer of acid or something else fun comes up again
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>556513 I'm one of those people who is allergic to the outside.
(i.e. pollen and shit)
Odagaron is my biiiitch. I fucking hate this subclass of hyperactive dogs.
I feel ya I asked a dude and it took him about 4 months to get two tiny stamps I barely felt anything either since I took them one at a time big mistake but oh well, didn't want to do two at once
few months ago at a party someone gave me what he said was coke but it was probably pep or speed or something quite disappointing to be honest, I just had a small energy boost and not much more kept moving m leg up and down when talking to people, basically only thing I noticed
just got a mugshot done and my fingerprints on record using some new scan tech that gives like fucking a fucking 3D scan of my hand i guess it's time to destroy my fingerprints
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
fucking a fucking
Kirara 🚗
ugh i gotta wait like an hour to pee in a cup why is this so inefficient you can't get an appointment but if you walk-in, you gotta wait an hour or more???
>>556559 Is that going to be your advise for all your clients?
Kirara 🚗
why do people have their volume turned all the way up on their phones we're in a fucking waiting room WHY ARE YOU READING YOUR TEXTS OUT LOUD TO YOURSELF
it can't be helped that they never learned to not read what they see out loud
>>556562 reminded me off >some older guy is grumbling about >suddenly in large voice shout seemingly to his lady companion >come on you whore suck my cock you want it come on slurp it >everyone goes wai wa >he realises he spoke outloud and annoumces "i am mereöy trying to plug my phone into a charger"
this dude in the waiting room got a nice watch from someone who saved from eating desert dust he emailed someone on the computer he was a Sargent in the marines he got someone a job in the air force and "basically he owes me his life"
Kirara 🚗
that dude he saved is cheatin and he said "why you cheatin" and he said "im not good at this" he told his grandma about it i think the dude is his brother? he's laughing about this a lot
Judging from the weather, we might have to Six Flags on the 23 which excludes Wulf from that festivity However that could mean we just hang out a lot more once the 24th hits If he's off the 26th then the 25th would be the best day in terms of time to do things.
I have the vehicle from noon on the 20th to noon on the 26th.
That might ACTUALLY kill me When I was working late shifts at the university I used to drink an energy drink occasionally and I would sometimes feel my heart doing weird shit
Kirara 🚗
haha it's probably fine
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
he said to Kirara, man with literal heart problems
>>556607 i dunno, a jonne can drink a case of energy drinks in a day ir two you are a big man take it
Kirara 🚗
mondai nothing
Kirara 🚗
actually earliest is probably 7 earlier if we're south of Atlanta
If Pan works on the 26th he works at noon would be the only issue with that. That's what my concern is
Kirara 🚗
ill see what i can do i have a doctor appointment which i can reschedule but that'll only save me like 30 minutes I have a 9-11 thing a class might be able to get out idk yet
yeah im registred as a dependent under her so i can have health insurance and she did something that fucked up my finances for school and i lost a grant but i can fix it and it should be fine now
the system is just weird over there you are 25, you'd think you'd be able tog et decent insurance on your own I already had several good deals under my name when I turned 19
Kirara 🚗
>>556639 i could if i were rich but i can't afford an extra $5000-10000 cost
>>556640 >people don't want to pay few % of tax to cover for a decent health insurance plan >but are fine with paying static large sums, most likely larger to get insurance I just don't get the mentality
Kirara 🚗
speaking realistically, i will probably not be able to have insurance after im 27 unless i marry fish i have "pre-existing conditions" which makes // will make me ineligible for a lot of stuff
kinda reminds me of this Donna Leon, some posh american born novelist, who has lived in italy most of her life
google translating from the article interviewing her
>The Finns Leon praises profusely. "You are straight and friendly but modest. And that honesty." Leon says she was shocked by her last visit to Finland when she noticed how someone had left their computer at the cloakroom of the restaurant. - "I think that a computer left behind is stolen in 4.5 seconds. You on the otherhand think no one is stealing it because it belongs to someone else", Leon wonders. Leon thinks it is admirable that the Finns are not only honest, but are dead certain that everyone else is too. - You're definitely the last place in the world where things are like this.
and that is a fact I can while doing stuff in a cafe leave my laptop there unguarded take a long dumb in the restroom and come back and eb 100% certain no finn would have stolen it
>>556667 macarones are 20c a 500g bacon is cheap sausages are cheap frozen veggies are cheap kg of potatoes is 50c range kg of rice is about 1€ mix and take your pick canned fish can be cheap too but that varies
and then learn to cook from those
investing in good spices is a must, if you ask me sure it costs quiite lot at that time, but say bottle of soy easily lasts you a month, so you divide the say 6€/4 weeks and end cost is small
pirkka, rainbow, xtra/x-tra are all cheap brands that deliver atleast okayish quality lidl is the cheapest store of the three, K-markets, S-chains and Lidl but it lacks variety and the goods are kinda hit or miss at times
I still remember that one meeting I had with an indian business man of some sort during a hiking trip must have been 12 or 13
it was real weird in the way how he treated me quite like an adult not like finns would have treated me, kinda looking down on a kid, if he had been a finn but kinda like a "young equal" also weirded me fuck about how he essentially called me "mr touhou" after my first name
>>556702 yeah during this summer, i think personally it is related to humidicity, but my scalp is basically at times functioning as a heat sink like it is fever temperatures or hotter so hto it at times prevents me from sleeping
so I was thinking is this heat related or something else? I can't find anything related to what I experience, since the general head skin issues bury them under, if even someone else has experienced the same so got any info of anything similiar?
I have my own data, and so far I think tiredness can be ruled out stress is not the issue and neither is neck and shoulder pain common combining factor between days it has been happening is humidicity over 90% but this didn't happen at Tapiola, the place I lived in 2012-2016 and it experienced 100% humidicity days too, being sea shore town but then again, that place was much hotter, cause of being exposed to constant daylight and lacking proper ventilation compared to this place
but still I am experiencing it rn and it is only 16 outside, but I guess inside itm ight be 20+ and humidicity is indeed 95%
guessed so weirdest thing is that it started happening after I started complaining about sweating and each time it happens I also stop sweating completely so what the fuck am I some machine?
>>556716 do you want me to read you a bedtime story
>>556715 chicken is really versatile the dark meats are full of flavor for dishes where the meat is the core flavor the light meats are less so and can soak up the flavor of the other ingredients
dark meat is thigh and leg meat white is breast and wing
right um what is this dark meat light meat difference again?
>>556723 yes you might be confused because there's white meat and red meat, like chicken versus beef but separate from that, there's white meat and dark meat referring to the different parts of a chicken the thigh and leg meat is darker and has more oils and flavor the breast and wing meat is a little dryer and neutral
I have mixed reaction to breast meat we as a family ate breast meat so much I kinda... still have bad memories of it
It is the only memory I know of havign thrown fit over food getting tired off chicken breast or chicken leg+breast or some kind of piece
next time, like fucking next day we ate the SAME MEAL I said it is best ever, because I noticed it tastes so good when dipped in the "chicken juice" that drips from the meat because both my father and mother had gotten upset and worried over stuff from my outburst fuck
>>556729 on thursday while shopping I noticed a seagull with a fishlure stuck in both of its legs so I went out of my way to find a security guard patrols or some kind of people to tell it to, since I had no idea who to call at that point and told them of it I went with them to show the seagul in question, still like the smart bird it was sitting at relatively the same spto I found it in, i guess birds are smart enough now to seek human help figure that out and told them of the thing and asked them if they can call someone who can ease the situation
I just couldn't walk past it
>>556730 yeah i bet you do like the dark meat dont you
I WALKED past it but turned around and went to see if I could do something about it of course I couldn't seagull is still a fucking wild animal and doesn't let humans capture it
>>556745 is it I heard that it in terms of anger isn't that much of a factor I personally think it is having experienced one or the other sort of catharsis many times
Kirara 🚗
>>556749 it depends on the outcome of the anger being witnessed e.g. someone hitting a cop who gets away with it can bring catharsis to an onlooker who hates cops, but seeing someone hit a cop and not get away with it will make the witness angrier
>>556748 ive eaten rye bread but i hesitate to say ive eaten good rye bread
>when you would have wn a defensive battle against a superior enemy, if not for third of your men getting stuck due to bad pathing AI
... BAD PATHING AI has been a problem of total war games SINCE the first game and is still an issue how much do you have to give a game company money for them to fix the ACTUAL ISSUES instead of eigher 1) removing those features that have issues, thus making their games inferior 2) ignoring them and instead dishing out more bugged content for more money
>game features lot of damn good quotes from historical minds, philosophers, poets, politicians, generals, and others of the time >doesn't allow taking screen shots of the loading screens why?
Kirara 🚗
>>556755 they call italian ice "water ice" in philly and it's so silly that ive started saying it
>“The great uncertainty of all data in war is because all action, to a certain extent, planned in a mere twilight – like the effect of a fog – gives things exaggerated dimensions and unnatural appearance.” von Clausewitz
Carl von Clausewitz his theories Still affect the modern world
I like everyone else has run away their general is dead but these guys THESE GUYS are like "we have a chance" FOR FATHERLAND and then I turn my 16 howritzers on them...
>hans >what did I tell you about overloading the cannon >that it can destroy the cannon and harm our friends >well >it destroyed our cannon and harmed our friends >so whose fault is it >mine sir >and do you think I escape punishment? >sir with all due respect, no >you said it Hans, you said it
what should I do with hans and grigori+
and franz, wilhelm, joseph and daniel attached to the same unit?
>>556795 so am just gonna ask for once to give you your MUCH CRAVED attention why? normally no one replies you actually it requires special super special case for someone to go out of their way to not just outright report your shit ass so why keep coming back?
This place rejected you This place will keep rejecting you You will never be accepted so why insist on coming back there are boundless other places for you to seek acceptance in and yet you keep time after time coming back here to be rejected
or is rejectal the thing that gets you off? Even then, just don't
You're more of a Hook. Think yourself some dastardly pirate but really you just bully kids and run with a crowd of incompetents.
also WHY IS IT that even when I am the host with someone with bad connection I AM THE ONE LAGGING BEHIND IN INPUT but when I am
Is it always in the "benefit" of the slower connection? If that is so, then WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU DESIGN A GAME LIKE THAT it is so fucking annoyign to notice you are getting your ass kicked, because all of your input is happening in the past well in the future and it is the opponent who is lagging, but you are the one who suffers for it
I have noticed that either my singing, when enemy is using russian fan/microphone on and stereos blasting stuff, plus game sounds works as an effective counter measure or just helps me to concentrate
I think I will arm this weapon of mutual assured destruction
>>556831 Okay four minutes are up. What's the verdict?
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
Perfectly balanced.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
the countryside is already on fire let the motherfucker burn
Maven Mobile
I don't know if I'm living with someone or not There are shoes by the door and some crap in the kitchen But it's been a full day and i haven't seen or heard anything.
Has the semester started yet? They might just be enjoying their free time or visiting family.
Maven Mobile
>>556879 Yeah. That's true Semester proper doesn't start for another week
You need to use the time you have before they comes back for realsies to CLAIM DOMINANCE over the place.
Maven Mobile
Fat cube in the bathroom Anime coffee mug in the sink
Cheap figurines lined up on all the available surfaces.
I cannot wait until we get waifus like in Blade Runner
>>556944 I want one that can take over my shitposting shift while I'm working
what if we'd like her shitposting more than yours?
Maven Mobile
>>556946 I'd want mine to take over work while i kept shitposting
Maven Mobile
>who the fuck would buy Alexa >1984 style constant surveillance for people too lazy to turn off their own lights >add cute waifu AI >Fuckin' sign me up twice
>>556948 yeah but then they'll just employ her instead