Banana Fish Chio-chan no Tsuugakuro Cooking with Emiya Grand Blue Hanebado! Happy Sugar Life Harukana Receive Hyakuren no Haou to Seiyaku no Valkyria --Episode 4-6 Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi --Episode 19-20 Satsuriku no Tenshi --Episode 5-7 Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight Tsukomogami Kashimasu --Episode 3-4
It's my fault I put a cup of tea in the microwave to warm up, expecting to grab it when the OP runs. That's always some kind of psychic cue for him to take ages to show up
This guy seems to wander from place to place until he passes out.
I wonder if he knows how much his life is in danger.
Oh well that'll do it.
normie-chan is going to die
I think she's probably safe until after Taiyou kicks the bucket. She seems to want to believe Satou's a good person.
Homeless-kun's a bit like a feral cat or something.
This is a very different kind of mother than the one we see in Shio's flashbacks. I wonder what happens.
Iori's learning, kind of. He at least knows now to ask people what they're going to do when they say "leave it to me".
Poor Chisa. She kind of gets messed around with by everyone around, even when she's not around. Though I guess she brought the whole boyfriend thing on herself.
>They made up
Lasted all of thirty seconds.
The karaoke in the ED has changed it's "We're sorry" at the end for a "thank you".
She seems kind of petite but she's actually almost as tall as Haruka. Or maybe it's the angle in that previous shot. I wonder if it's inconsistency or if they're just using a bunch of different angles between these cuts.
That's a weird top she's got. It's a short-sleeved hoodie but she's got detached sleeves in matching colours. I kind of like it though.
Time for a proper coach!
Oh it was the idol poking at Haruka in the ED there. I wonder if they change it up depending on who the focus character is.
These two shows are a lot alike. We're fortunate to have them both airing in the same season.
Asobi's a bit more so, but yeah.
Oh it might be getting close to the end of the chapters I remember reading. I think the scanlations progressed much more since then though. And the actual manga might be close to finishing up too, though I don't think a single cour's enough to cover it all.