some friendos invited me to play dota 2 so i joined them on the second match they invited some dude i didn't know who kept spouting homophobic slurs the whole game and complaining about everything i'm like, "dude, can you just stop" and he didn't understand what was inappropriate about it i checked his profile and he's the leader of a steam faith group why are people so nasty
A couple people I occasionally play with are pretty toxic towards anyone they don't know in the game, regardless of the team. They're fun enough people when they're not like that, but whenever things start going south for them, they lash out at other players. Some times they'll run for like ten minutes after a game ends, trash-talking the targeted players in the post-game chat. It's exhausing and I don't really have much to do but tune it out. I just want to play games.
>>554035 Oh these aren't even the ones you played with, hah hah. Those ones don't even play DotA anymore. Probably better for their character to not.
>>554034 imo it's a sign of a really weak player everyone in the grind has to deal with the same random variables some people get upset at them and think their mmr has been stolen other people learn to deal with it and don't have that problem because they know how to navigate the situation obviously not all games are salvageable, but your ability to redeem those in the gray zone improves your margins so imo part of being a high-rank player is being able to overcome bad teams and bad teammates, or at least having a high margin for dealing with them and that ceeday guy you play with is pure fucking cancer i can't stand him
>>554034 oh it's not ceeday? yeah i probably don't even care to know what it is if it's worse than that
i can't stand playing video games with anyone who rages and i always quit if i start to feel like i'm going to get angry at a game before i get to that point people that complain too much just aren't fun to play with there's a certain few people i used to play monster hunter with that i always had to find a convenient reason to dip when they joined the party
im patient almost to a point of autism in the worst possible games i do feel discouraged by it, but i view it only as a chance to improve my understanding of the elements i potentially have to deal with it's like a puzzle i have to figure out what lead people to think something was the right idea so that i can better empathize in reconciling those kinds of issues should they ever come up again the only time i ever legitimately get angry at a game is if it's personally directed at me and is inflammatory
I don't think I really get angry at games. There's definitely moments of frustration, things like pointed frustration at a particular moment. But it's hard for me to get angry at a game. The game's just bits and bytes, after all.
The stuff that gets me mad is when I feel targeted by someone, especially if it's unjust or obviously them exercising their anger problems by taking it out on me. There's way more productive means of helping someone understand where they messed up than raging at them.
>>554043 if it's targeted about gameplay i'm usually not upset because i can either keep playing and show them up which happens a lot -- i'll get flamed a bit then perform extroardinarily well and they shut up or, if i dont, then their flames may have some merit and i'll feel compelled to see what i've failed to do better
it's when it's entirely separate from the game and just hatefully inflammatory because of me being me that i get really wound up and upset about and it happens more often than i'd like
people flaming me doesn't really bother me it pisses me off when people complain about the game and how it works though something like "you are a shit ass fuck" is nothing to me but "X is so FUCKING OP, WOOOOW, cheap, ez, freewin" and that kind of shit is annoying
>>554047 I don't have that kind of confidence in my abilities, hah hah. I'm well aware that there's lots of things I'm not really good at, and I'm fine with people pointing out the faults in things I do. But when it comes as an insult, I don't fucking condone that kind of behaviour. People that do that sort of thing to me, they can either shape up their language or accept that I'm intently not listening to what they're saying anymore.
>>554049 being a dota player i'm pretty immune to toxicity the same complaints i have in this case generally i deal with all the time imperviously but when i'm with friends and it's invited to bring someone in who's just going to be toxic, not about the game -- thought he was also toxic abou the game -- but about flaming gay people as much as possible it's a little more perturbing like, i play with those folks for the positive attitude and mentality they generally have and this dude invaded that if it was just public solo-queue stuff i wouldn't even pay it any mind because im not a very sensitive snowflake >>554052 the sound of cold
>>554051 sounds a lot like the people I used to excuse myself from everyone else in that group is great, funny as hell and really friendly but those two were just so unbearable i would rather do literally anything than be in their presence if i was trapped in a burning building and they were the only people coming to save me i would jump into the fire i could never understand why everybody else would play with them >>554052 why is it so skinny? what's it look like inside that tube?
i could if you wanted but i wouldn't be very good right now i just took my night-time meds and had a bottle of sake with this soba scrabble might be fair game who's in
also planning on customizing the genoace with CGUE pieces particularly the arms and shoulders i want a different head for the genoace but i haven't figured out what i want for it yet possibly Jesta head
>>554095 Isn't it pretty much already in T-34 colours though? It's got that dark green going on
>>554098 Good on you Are you gonna learn how to weather and stuff? Make it look like it's been through the ringer, got mud and stuff on it
Kirara 🚗
>>554097 yeah but i want it to look really good i love that suit so i want to go all out make a masterpiece might try to learn battle damage before i paint it too idk i been thinking about it for years
Kirara 🚗
>>554097 yeah i want to but idk without a good place to paint it's hard to learn and practice
>crowd of middle aged tourists >tour leader calls out to ask whether everyone has their buddy >people literally link arms >somebody calls out their buddy is missing and they have to wait
Ohh, you can take those off without paying! They're super poorly designed and you can just unscrew the lock mechanism. They open right up and you can take them off.
you should totally put it on a cop car though I guess it's harder since they have verification that it was placed on your car though If it happened to me I'd just take it off and throw it in a dumpster and claim it never was on my car
My dad showed me how to do it haha Most of the digital boots are the same design with the same flaw I guess losing a couple doesn't really phase them with how much money they make from those tickets
We wouldn't really be able to claim that it wasn't on our car since they already tried to pay it off once but my sister's card was declined. and you can only attempt a card once.
there are some doujinshi im looking forward to from 94
Fuck I really need to get to comiket before 2020. The fucking olympics are gonna ruin it and akiba. Not forever But the damage will take a while to recover from
Kirara 🚗
what do you mean the olympics will be super anime
Kirara 🚗
like the governor of tokyo wants to turn tokyo into an "anime city"
>>554184 from left to right: my blue businesses, my socialist morals, my inner realization that it won't work anyway so it's okay to do a dumb thing since it'll just fail and I'll waste money at best
especially this trio abessive, instructive and komitative cases using word hat - hattu hatutta - without (their) hat hatuin - with (their) hat hattuineen - with (their) hat
for example i was this week without my fridge olin t ämön viikon jääkaapittani
or nobody works without pay ei kukaan palkatta työskentele
i walked bare feeted kävelin paljain jaloin
i fought with teeth and nail taistelin kynsin hampain
Maven Mobile
Err. Joo Yrrmataa
tn arrived with his grammar tn saapui kielioppineen
weird cases to grab your head around, but used in everyday language a lot
anpther thing of note in finnish is dropping the pronouns in spoken language
ie. will you drink with me joisitko kanssani there is no "you" there, it is combined into the verb-body joisitko sinä kanssani there the pronoun is added, but it isn't required there, neither grammatically or just to deliver the message
and tge "me" is present in the "-ni" suffix of kanssa joisitko sinäminun kanssani same sentence but double the lenght
however in spoken language, the word joisitko would become joisikko, due to it being easier and faster to say
there's a ridiculously stupid quest in monster hunter now that makes one of the weakest enemies in the game stronger than an elder dragon and it can one-shot you with half it's attacks and it's immune to traps and all status ailments including stunning and it can't be knocked down and also the more damage you do to it, the larger it gets and the larger its hitbox is and also it's the // it's incredibly fast and unleashes combos nonstop
Levels don't really exist in MonHun. There's a Hunter Rank number, which can grant you new hunts, but even that stops after a while, and is only a representative of the time you've put into the game and the kinds of quests you can go on. Your equipment will have stat numbers, which in the case of armor can be increased, but that has a hard cap. Everything else involves choosing your gear appropriately and then gitting gud.
I got annoyed by the material grind that came againstm e in dragon's dogma, while I was clearing the black island whatever dungeons the game justo ccasionally throws those "thing got attracted by death2 monsters, and some of them have like 2000 hit point per hit attacks and they take no damage from my sword, which is best I have found in the game so far and all I have left is the black island dungeons
so the game basically just said to me "grind better armour" and I said "fuck you"
when i use the color changing version of that armor, i usually make it pink-gold but i don't do that often because i need the two points in crit boost the torso gives the torso i can make pink only gives one point of it
Reminds me a bit of an armor set for a monster you can hunt in 4U and GU. I used it a bunch because it had good skills, and because it compliments the Charge Blade weapon from that same monster.
For a moment I look at that screen shot and go "huh was I that far along in the quest chain last tiem I played" and then I recalled how I kileld that one boss in just blink the fucking too much % thorns aura my minions have just kills some enemies in an instant
>>554281 It's a bit spikier but you can probably see what I find similar. The melee weapon type (since traditional MonHun has a different set for both ranged and melee) also has a longer, more chainmail-y skirt. Which is what I remember more.
>cropped pic of tweet takes up more space than uncropped pic of entire page Come on Seriously
I mean I understand the mathematics behind this and can accept a certain level of bullshit with data compression But really Literally all you need is a thing that says "crop it to these four points" And that won't take up 90 kilobytes
>>554293 It's one of the four flagships for Generations, so I don't know what the odds or addition order would be. And despite being cute, it doesn't have great skills, so I don't know how popular it actually is.
Kirara 🚗
eventually i think they're supposed to add new areas to MHW there's only five right now
>>554294 looks quite I dunno mongolian meets eskimo/inuit
>>554296 A lot of the design motifs from MonHun take after those kinds of fashion cultures. Especially for cold-region monsters, you get a lot of Eskimo poofy armor sets. The one I was posting you get from killing a literal giant mammoth.
in terms of divisions I outnumber the russians, but they have what 400 men divisions... fucking hell also my army is battered from killing less pure germans
I like how I have fought 3 defensive battles so far into the campaign all 3 battles have been fought in forts, that I made surrender before my armies and captured intact but >game
Radobaan feels like a distant relative of the Gravios and Basarios. With the sleep gas and generally being a big, rolly lummox.
So today I saw a car with the vanity plate catbus and two plush catbusses and a totoro by the rear windshield. I forgot to take a picture because i was in a hurry.
>>554338 Oh, my nose was really runny and I felt pretty crappy most of the day. I'm feeling a little better right now.
>>554341 Your body is rejecting England! It's telling you to return to the desert!
I think I have a flu. pretty tired, sore throat and death headaches
>>554340 If it makes me feel better I would go back. the heat there was so nice. the humidty here is killing me. I haven't felt good since I left America actually.
>>554342 Yeah, once you get used to low humidity, the coast feels like hell. The air is so heavy and wet.
>>554343 Its insane how oppressive it can feel. I feel tired all the time, It rained hard today which meant the humidity went stupidly high. I wish I was back in the endless harsh sands of New mexico again
>>554344 my dad is moving to arizona so i can easily stop by and bring you to the grand canyon next time! you should see how beautiful the desert can truly be!
i'm drinking lipsim a drink for deal with the flu. It tastes so vile. Every time I take a sip I feel like my body goes into a spasm from how disgusting it is.
>>554357 Lets! Conquering big mountains and sights sounds like a fun trip. I also kinda wanna try roasting marshmellows
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>554357 Flashfest and Legfes basically have the Grande units that only appear during -fes split between them. for better or worse.
Kirara 🚗
>>554359 hmm well i have 3000 crystals so i can still roll
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
protagonists like Rosetta and Io are in Legfest. characters like Orchid, Black Knight, Lucio, etc are in Flashfest.
Kirara 🚗
i have rosetta and io already
ohh cool maybe i'll get lucio
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Lucio is pretty nuts They made him MORE nuts by giving him sword proficiency in light, the sword element that also can use Ultima Sword
>>554358 Yeah! We can do it! Camping road trip through the west! Jan and I made some nice tea in the forest while camping. I can bring my stove and kettle so we can take a break from camping for tea time, too. It's a very proper kind of exploration!
Also Immanuel Adler, guy has gone from rookie garrison commander to one of my best generals, just due to the sheer amount of shit thrown his way >5000 venetians >6000 austrians >fuck who knows how many russians the guy is made to kill
I found a free femtocell on Craigslist It's really far away though. Like almost three hours round trip But it's so worth it
Tea in the forest sounds pretty relaxing, especially when I watch Yurucamp and stuff like that. I have my japanese tea kettle too, it'll be a cultured tea drinking exploration. pip pip
I see why you like taking on Radobaan with a Bow Kirara. Getting off a Dragon Piercer right down the full length of its body is ridiculously satisfying.
I like fighting everything with a bow, but yeah, it's so satisfying. There are a few REALLY long monsters that are really fun to dragon pierce.
Bow is really cool with Racchan because you can knock it off balance while it's rolling at you, and that feels super cool.
>>554369 We watched Yurucamp by the fire with some hot choco. I hope you're ready for fun! in a year
Yeah, I tripped it up a couple times as it was rolling around. I was taking it on with a friend since he wanted sleep sacs and both times I got the "most parts broken" with it. The first time I managed to get the tail severed pretty much right before we killed it too. Was some really satisfying timing there.
>>554372 severing the tail with the bow is super satisfying yeah With the proper build, I can send a dragon piercer straight through a Rath and sever its tail, starting from the head It's always really satisfying
I play almost exclusively with the bow haha I love it so much
I started toying with it after hearing reviews from you and some other friends. Though I think my Charge Blade runs still considerably outnumber it. Once I get some more advanced materials I'll get myself a nice, sharp Long Sword too. They're fun, but you kind of need to be perpetually on the offensive with them. And they've got shit for sharpness early on.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Kirara if you farm shit from the event you can get a 10 roll from the treasure shop
If you're keen on the rings you can get those too I'm lazy so I'm waiting until the new raids to get those since I have everything else of value.
Kirara 🚗
>>554375 i always love fighting alongside with the charge blade because it's cool to watch that lightning strike go off the dante blade is really good i have like 400 bow runs and all my other weapons are less than like 50 haha
>>554379 Well that's one of the really nice things about MonHun. You're never really punished for sticking with a single weapon. And at the same time you're not really punished for playing with all sorts of types, aside from maybe risking going broke, hah hah. They give you a lot of freedom to play how you want.
>>554380 Yeah it's been really good so far. What's your flavour of weapon?
MHW PC sells over two million copies in under one week.
beautiful >>554382 no surprise I am actually surprised it sold that low
>>554383 Would probably be higher if the game hadn't already been out for like half a year on console. I think in that same timespan, it sold five million on console?
The PC version does have some gripes that I think are reasonable turn offs for some people too though, like how the mouse emulates a control stick, instead of being a direct input of the motion, and it has some weird optimization problems with certain GPUs, and some textures don't render that well. And at the moment the multiplayer servers still seem kind of skippy, though I didn't have any issues playing with a friend today.
>>554381 I used switch axe in the 3DS 4U and the // a bunch of different ones in 3 and the psps games. but on MHW, I'm using the Long sword - Katana. First time I've used the long sword. >>554386 Cute.
>>554381 Yeah, I like it. Especially how many builds there are. I've run like seven different bow playstyles. I wish the decorations I want weren't so rare, though!
>>554381 I have around 60 runs or more with every single weapon. like I've said, there are no bad weapons in MHW. Charge Blade and GS are still my favorite though.
>>554385 The Long Sword was super bland in previous MonHun games. Not that it was a bad weapon, it just didn't really have any quirk beyond "don't stop attacking you fucking coward". I haven't had much experience with it in World, but they seem to have given it a couple new moves.
Its kinda fun so far, you can launch yourself up in the sky like with the insect glaive, (if that works the same in this game) The only weapon I don't fancy much (haven't tried in world) is the hammer. the hammer is a pain.
the hammer can pull off INSANE damage with a sliding build i've seen people deal hundreds of damage with a slight bc you can get like 100% affinity with some of the hammer moves that have slides
So a random thought about military strategems through ages
Cavalry Wedge So, who was the brave guy to be the first guy in the wedge? Or the second and third guy and so on
Like how suicidal do you need to be to be THAT guy
Hammers are also one of the weapon types that are best for doing stunlock combos too. I think it and Great Sword are the only reliable stun weapons if I remember correctly.
I like the Hammer, but I can have a bit of a hard time with it since its reach is shorter than the weapons I usually use, and that throws me off.
>>554396 probably got a big promotion for being that guy
I am not fond of the hammer even though it does flinch the monsters and do some heavy damage. I prefer the slashing damage weapons. I also suck at lances.
don't make me buy a game when I'm going to spend ludicrous amounts of money on a trip
Kirara 🚗
i hope they release a lot more cute armors in MHW i love that they release new content for free every month it's fun to constantly be able to come back and spend a bunch of time in new content and then i get back into it and i go fight other monsters and stuff again and it's really fun
The armours are amazing in some of the games. I love some of the palico armours
>>554409 I hope when they get around to dropping G-rank for World that they release it in step on all platforms. Even if there's still no crossplay for the future, it would be fun to at least be able to talk about it.
The // I haven't figured out all the MHW events. >>554413 Its pretty good! I got it on offer so it was cheap ish for me. >>554414 I can't seem to find find much about event content for pc so far.
Oh yeah, everyone is playing monster hunter now. I've been thinking about getting it.
>>554412 If you're playing on PC, I don't think it has all the event content that the console releases have.
Yeah, they haven't done the events that the consoles have, yet, I think. We have gotten all the QoL stuff they've patched into the console releases though.
The events are all going to be under Event Quests. There have only been two events that weren't just quests, and that was the Spring Festival and the Astera Festival. You'll probably have to wait until next year for that, but you'll probably get the DMC event at some point and stuff like that. Idk if you'll get the Street Fighter collab and I know you won't get the Horizon Zero Dawn collab.
Yeah, I'm not actually certain about the DMC event, but I'm expecting Behemoth might get put in since Squeenix has been pushing Final Fantasy on PC pretty hard lately. And Kulve is an actual MonHun monster so it's bound to be in there eventually.
I wonder if they've already included Devil Joe or if that coming up too.
You'll absolute get Kulve. You'll probably get Behemoth, too. It's not an event, it's a permanent monster added to the game and there's just some FF stuff in the quest - quests surrounding it.
>>554418 Well Lunastra's a pretty late-game monster, but Deviljho's kind of sweet spot is that early high-rank point that players get to. And have him start being a random possible asshole that can just charge in and mess things up.
I don't quite know how HR scales in World, but that sounds about right? Like I'm at HR 8 and I feel I've got maybe twice as much to get through the main story. So it sounds like he shows up right about when players are getting into the "post-game" content.
HR is locked to content until you beat the main story and you don't get into post-game content until around HR 26 or something after HR 29, your HR starts to be based on experience gained instead of just story content
>>554423 Hm, all right. This is all pretty new to me since the single player of previous games was standalone to your HR. You could be fighting the final Elder Dragon of the game's plot and be running around in high rank and still have your HR at 1.
>>554425 yeah, it's pretty different this time, i guess the single player campaign doesn't even really exist it's just a campaign that you can do single player or with others, although you've obviously noticed that haha the big HRs are like, 10, 15, 30, 50, 100 and 200 i think i'm only around 70 jan is like 150 or something
Don't join TN cavalry, if I lead an army and it is gunpowder era your life expectancy will be short like 50% casualties per fight
>I have resolved to never start an unjust war, but never to end a legitimate one, except through the defeat of my enemies -Charlex XII of Sweden Ironic
A tragic figure in a way Born 1682, enthroned 1697 In 1700 the Greath Northern War began, when everyone even slightly hostile to sweden went "hey what if we all gang rape sweden at once" and they did and they all lost initially however, due to the ambition of Charles, the war dragged on as he kept waging the war even after it was clear that he had won so sides that had surrendered, rejoined the war and Charles lost armies tor ussian winter, cause of course he did and after waging the war for 18 years, having started it when he had turned 18 years old he died of a stray shot to the head in norway, tryign to conquer a fort from denmark
and thus, the war ended with the dead of the warrior king
and the swedish empire turned into swedish kingdom, their ambition ruined for ever
Oh yaeh and the reason why everyone attacked sweden THEN they thought the boy king weak and meek
Must have been a surprise, when the boy king kicked ALL OF THEIR ARSES and then some
oh and finland got occupied by russia, and suffered a lot for it during the latter half of the war in finnish, the occupation is called "The Great Hatred"
Main fault of total war Ai lies here in some games they have managed to avoid it in others well not and fun is like this has been there since their first games and it keeps popping back constantly so I guess their AI is still similiarly coded on some level.
Reorganising basically, the AI wants to reorganise their lines to match the enemy's or something and what it just leads is them running their units left and right with no clear goal, while you move your armies to better positions say if you just keep waiting for them to reorganise, they will do it and then attack or defend or whatever but if you keep moving your armies and can bombard them with artillery... well cheap win is a cheap win
I love the reaction people generally have to me getting hit by ultimate moves in this game they just all break down when they realise how it SHOULDN'T HAE HIT ME but it did I guess in the latest game mechanics it is gair game hit but everyone always breaks down laughing
I thought for years that I loved mayonaise Then I realised it was actually aoli sauce I loved I bought mayonnaise once and realised what I thought was mayonaise was not in fact mayonaise
Kirara 🚗
mayo is honestly disgusting
Are millenials the most prolific mass murderers in history? They just can't stop killing things
he's really messed up he doesn't care about anything like he doesn't even care about being in prison and when they finally caught him, they asked him if he did it, and he was just like "yeah"
he also sexually abused the corpse quite a bit although that wasn't included in the legal proceedings
the kid who died had a girl he really liked so silva told him that she wanted to talk to him but he had to do something first, which is how he got the kid to let him tie him up and blindfold him and strip
>>554459 >he knew that she would be suspect. She feared that she would be ridiculed, but she was so disturbed by her dream from the night before that she decided she would take the risk. (In fact, during the trial, the defense attorney hinted that her knowledge didn't come from a dream, but it was only a ploy to cast reasonable doubt.) She knew little Jerry Lee and her dream had told her where he was. On this same piece of land there existed an abandoned septic tank that the kids used for a fort. It had steps leading down and was a great place to hide. In her dream, she saw Jerry Lee's battered body inside. Duuuude I bet she told silva what to do with the body and he wrote it down
if you were playing fighting games ranked fighting games would you have a combination that has a "press button to delete a mistake and punish your enemy" as a thing you'd build your character combination on? I mean yeah it is damn solid one one but WHy?
>>554475 silva probably let it slip and she found out or she saw it happen, yeah silva didn't really care so he stopped hiding it pretty quickly he pretended to join the search party because he thought it'd be fun but after that, he stopped pretending
>>554474 no, he's an incredibly ill person that feels to attachment whatsoever to himself or the world around him on a fundamental level, i think, he doesn't feel like anything is real
Ranked matches in just about anything tend to de-evolve into unfun
Kirara 🚗
ton, do you like eggs?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
eggs are pretty good I am aware that mayo is made of eggs
Kirara 🚗
alright good to know
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Are you going to cook for me
Kirara 🚗
something like that
>>554480 I think ranked can be fun It's more tense when there's something on the line and it releases nice brain chemicals when you do well Also it puts you against players that are on the same skill level as you which is a good thing
>>554487 Yeah I can see why it'd be annoying in something like yugioh or a fighting game Where there's a meta game with lots of high tier options and if you don't pick those then you're fucked
When you play ranked in a card game and everyone's doing the same busted stuff when you're trying to use things you like, it can get annoying. The fun stops there when you enter into bad situation after bad situation.
>>554479 do you ever learn from your mistakes, if all your mistakes are erased by a button?
>>554486 >>554480 ranked are fun but there is in my opinion in terms of anime games, a kind of "serious fun" and "cheese ranked" serious fun is the people who fuckng KNOW what they are doing those guys take the game and characters and lore to the ANIME level and you are just "wut an why is this so awesome even if I am losing" and then there are "cheese ranked" who just use cheesy character combos or cheesy characters to win matches, because there just isn't counter to them, except playing other cheesy shit
>>554493 combine 3 of this kind of characters... and you have what I call Artillery battery not to mention all of them MOST LIKELY ARE UCHIHA that are already fucking good at everything anyhow so you have 3 characters that are good at long, mid and close quarter combat with homing missile barrages
how do you counter that except using another fucking cheesy combo
My god I just met some pro player that taught me the new meaning of annoying I mean he was damn good but FUCKING HELL COULDN'T HE HAVE PORTRAYED THAT IN LESS ANNOYING COWARDLY WAY
>go to player matches >single fight guy with no support cheat buttons >picks character that can be 10000% cheese >well this doesn't mean anything >he starts playing it 10000% cheese ... ain't my day
Since you've got your concept down it'll basically all come down to race which oh yeah I should probably pick what benefits our unique races get instead of the regular, and a class. >>554535 Mechanic is about the same as any other action But in-universe I'll do sometime for you.
Before we go there can you explain, not NOW but later how the magic and shit work
both in universe and in mechanic
what's necessary sense of layers i guess
>>554534 so mechanic is "cast fireball" fireball flies?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
well casters tend to have a set of "slots" that you put your spells into some of those spells can be used all the time some can only be used once a 'day' >>554539 there's a book with that information
I'll gladly try to explain it to you but real talk there is literally a book in our resources devoted to this information >>554542 Do you want me to make a video of me creating a spellcaster in 13th age
If you tried to create an item and were proficient in the field of doing things I would allow you to periodically attempt ot make things >>554557 Well technically going by the necroclass I believe they're actually moooks
they are not slaves, they are bones movign aroun without soul or will they are not followers they are not summons they are not well what can you think of?
If you're worried about mechanics, but don't intend to use your skeletons for battle, I don't really mind the mechanic of that being just really loose Like if you can easily conjure your bone boys and want to use them for simple things or puzzles on occasion that'd be cool.
o is not easily conjure the bone boys are forever there
Kirara 🚗
easiest way would just be to have a background in necromancy and use that
every bone raised as skeleton is forever a skeleton
How many skeletons are walking behind you at all times
and at the beginning + 0
but the point is dead corpse =/= skeleton it needs Pure Decayed completely rid of flesh skeleton = skeleton
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Considering that necromancy in the part of the world you're in is no longer a thing, the more skeletons you carry around, the more weird looks you're going to get.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
There are two people who can perform necromancy right now and that's TN-chan and Bene-chan
Now are PAN and JAN going to balance out you two nutbars or are we going to have even more crazies
Kirara 🚗
i am just going with the flow i'm not nutty at all
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I'm just going with the flow she says as she consumes mortal flesh
Kirara 🚗
what's wrong with that it's the circle of life she's gotta eat, too, you know all flesh decays might as well use the corpses of our enemies for something productive
>>554583 >>554581 seriously fungi + bonelover combo here isn't that insane if a skeleton is MANGLED cracked like say back bone is broken well it is UNUSUABLE
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>554584 True. However some people might give you some flac
Kirara 🚗
good, we can use that to ensure we remain loseless
>>554645 >>>/watch?v=hfPnq3i4Udw the video is important to the experience >>554644 i was wondering a lot about some similar stuff today i was gonna pose a question here to you but i decided not to
>>554649 yeah but with so much context i can't draw from everyone else's context in a meaningfully concise way which is the same reason im often lost at how to describe myself in a way that doesn't necessitate that i think it's inherently impossible without compromising the signal
or it's at least as hard as trying to tell a story and convey the weightiness of the situation it takessome thread-building and willingness for people to follow along and build an internal intuition around the concepts presented but doing so for something declarativeas opposed to sharing an entertaining story is extremely preachy and off-putting that's my biggest hurdle is trying to tread that line and have meaningful messaging come through in an engaging way without being too diluted to retain interest or losing engagement and having it seem irrelevant
especially when the content im trying to make available is systems of communication far more complex than natural language mathematical representation is pretty sufficient but i have no voice to actually publish anythingi i dont think that's why ive been thinking about a youtube channel but it seems really dumb and then i keep asking myself why i even care to spread my knowledge it's just discouraging i wish i was sniper wolf
Kirara 🚗
imo if you want to do something that's reason enough why does there have to be a deeper reason than that to do anything if you want to spread your knowledge i say do it even if you don't have a deep reason to do it
Philadelphia has a really cool museum of human oddities. Stuff like skeletons of siamese twins, the things found within human bodies post mortem, various skulls of strange misformations. We hit it up the first time we Philly Trip'd the city. Probably would have spent more time in it than we did if we didn't get there not too long before it was set to close up.
Shit - I'll even go see the historical collection of Rembrandts
I'm not opposed to FINE ART
Just gotta be in the right mood
Yeah, I'd like to hit up an art gallery somewhere that's got some reknowned pieces some day. Would be neat to see some of the classics.
Maven Mobile
>>554764 I'm like a block away from this place
Supposed to be one of the biggest/best collections in the world People travel here specifically to see it
I was going to go today But then i just... Wasn't feeling it.
Oh yeah, the Hermitage. I know about that place because of the Civilization games, hah hah. Didn't know it was in Russia though. I'll have to keep that in mind if I ever make travel plans.
Maven Mobile
Moscow and st petersburg have totally different vibes If moscow was more like the hardline soviet cold war police state side of russia Then st petersburg is the artistic, cultural side of things
>>554767 Well it was a long-standing capital of Russia before the country got Soviet-ized. Plenty of time to aggregate culture. Moscow became the capital after it only like a century or so ago, so that probably makes it feel more "modern" and less cultureful too.
>>554762 >>554761 Oh yeah the Mütter Museum That place is fucking awesome they got all sorts of weird ass shit
Maven Mobile
>>554770 Yeah. I know. It makes perfect sense from a historical peperspective It's just notable how the two places have such drastically different vibes Even now
>>554768 This looks soulless >>554769 This looks pretty beautiful on the other hand
>>554858 i absorb memes can you explain t aside form a mispelling of gonna
Kirara 🚗
>>554860 it's just slang generally associated with black vernacular it means "fixing to" in the way gonna means going to it's been used since the 90s at least
i see so at least i didnt yse it weong but ky yse of it was at least questionable
Kirara 🚗
it's not bad to use it i was just surprised haha
oh jan are you wanting two turns on initiative with that though i might need to nerf your damage too
Maven Mobile
Shit Give me something hyper-masculine i can do Quickly We just bought ballet tickets
It's true though Whenever aussies take a shit in a new location it's customary to leave an offering to the great Rainbow Serpent to ward off bunyips.
These days a lot of the superstition is gone but the practise still remains
Kirara 🚗
what's the best option
I have my door open for 10 to 15 minutes while the fridge was changed and during that time I get 5 flies in my appartment what were they doing? waiting outside my door?
>>554937 He started talking about conspiracy stuff and then also Jesus He had passed thtpugh my car previously and was mumbling about people not liking him when he was angry because he was the incredible hulk
Maven Mobile
I can't believe you passed up the chance to be his friend
>>554940 Come on dude Anybody who walks between cars and says "good morning everyone" in the afternoon is gonna be a nut And if he said "good afternoon everyone" they're either a homeless beggar or a nut or both. He could have been asking for money because I was barely listening to him.
>Craigslist posting says pi ck up by Tuesday >poster doesn't reply to email on Tuesday Seriously dude, do you wanna get rid of your shit or. Ot *not
>>554942 maybe he already got rid of it or just expects someone to show up if there's a listed address the few times i have gotten stuff off craigslist it's like, "Ok it's on the porch come pick it up and leave 20 bucks in the mailbox before somebody else does"
the air flow inside it must be real thight I guess if you have heard of an insulated thing leaking air you know that kind of "squeezed" pitchi it makes makes me think the fridge is leaking air out, but isn't the case
basically 1) flies can't see slow movement, due to the high speedw orld they live in 2) hit just before them or arc your blow so, that the fly flies into it
>>554956 their reaction to air pressure isn't dependent on being able to process it in their insect brain either their wings are just super sensitive to stimulation and the mere act of flying involves stable air pressure you bring it in the wrong direction and they'll dodge it without even knowing why just because the air pushed them away to catch em with your hands, should you want to, you gotta like slide into the air pocket next to them and the draft pulls them in instead of trying to swing your hand at them directly
yup, but if they see you come close, they will fly away before you even swat
>>554957 i used to catch flies a lot as a kid anyhow on take off, they can't fly backwards or sidewards, so they either go directly up,rare as fug, or forward
but damn are they quick and nimble flyers
>>554958 oh yeah for sure i'm talking about mid-flight it's different if they're grounded
hmm I was thinking my fridge is crooked, but the whole damn closet is crooked
Found a free 30ft boat on Craigslist Unlike most free boats this one seems to be in good condition It seems the giy is giving it away instead if selling it because he's getting divorced soon and doesn't want his wife to get money from selling it.
So you have Jer Khauff's holy magic which can be channeled by devotees like you reasonably would any divine magic. But then you have Zariamancy, the magic of Deesix, cubic god of chaos. In order to use any form of Zariamancy, including the subsets of Kleptomancy, Oplomancy, and Gyromancy, you have to roll a die. You don't have to keep doing it, once you've done it once you can 'go off' for a bit and just cast.
Both of these magics consume "Spiritia", which is the natural magic essence found in all beings and in nature.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
do you think I got everything, Kirara
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
oh and I guess any sort of outside influence or things like demonic power might be a different type of magic altogether. >>555002 yeah it's not particularly complex.
Yours ? Yeah pretty much. We just sort of got together and made up a bunch of stuff, after all. It was pretty on the fly.
By the way, you don't necessarily, as discussed, have to be limited like Zariamancers and whatnot. Your magic is allowed to be on e of those exceptions