Cooking with Emiya Hanebado! Hyakuren no Haou to Seiyaku no Valkyria --Episode 4-6 Island Jashin-chan Dropkick Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi --Episode 18-20 Kyoto Holmes Lord of Vermillion Ongaku Shoujo Satsuriku no Tenshi --Episode 3-6 Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight Tsukumogami Kashimasu --Episode 1-4
We may be able to do 5 if we make good time tonight.
Lord of Verm Satsuriku Hyakuren Island Jashin-chan
Hyakuren is the one that gets dropped if we're moving slow.
If it's not really an option if it would cost us too much time, it's fine, but we could try out Tsukumogami instead of Lord of Vermillion. Which is kind of a dull show I don't think any of us particularly care about.
>>554667 Full length show yeah. It's a show about a brother and sister that run a sort of "help store" for Tsukumogami, those Japanese folktale creatures of objects used with care and love by people for so long that they become sentient. From what I've looked at it seems kind of youkai-y. So looks maybe fun.
>>554684 wow is very time consuming and I have lots of other interests.
okay lets start!
This would be episode three.
It looks like they update the OP with flashes of the people that oppose Rachel and Zack. Unless this gravedigger kid and the crazy doctor are all we'll see. Doubt that though
Oh I thought there'd be two of them or something but he just ran away from Zack.