anime need a second to go take my temperature though
Good luck.
Asobi Asobase Boku no Hero Academia Cooking with Emiya Hanebado! Hataraku Saibou Hyakuren no Haou to Seiyaku no Valkyria --Episode 4-6 Island Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi --Episode 18-19 Lord of Vermillion Ongaku Shoujo Persona 5 Planet With Satsuriku no Tenshi --Episode 3-6 Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight Tsukumogami Kashimasu --Episode 1-4
We should really do more than four if we can manage it.
They just had an episode of Futaba stuff and they talked a bit about how crazy popular the Phantom Thieves are getting. Morgana expressed worry about not being human like the rest of them.
so they're about to get to the best part of the game when goro akechi does nothing wrong
i'll be ready in about 10 minutes when ika shows up
Ika should be watching. He responded to my message. I assume he will come here and orange.
okay ika can catch up that is true so let's start!
I I'm good to go
And either way he's played through the game. Probably knows what's going to happen. >>553880 Pretty much! Makes me totally the most important person when considering this show.
is ika not watching? >>553879 haha you're the only one that didn't play it I guess
honestly it shouldn't take a genius detective to figure out who the phantom thieves are especially considering one of them is ryuji
He kind of wears who he is on his sleeve. Zeroing in on their school would have been pretty straightforward for someone, and after that it's just a meticulous look at all the students. Wouldn't have taken long.
hi sorry I am Ali ve
9k ok
I can give you the time if you need it. We're only int in the OP.
this broken japanese lol >>553899 who would you romance if you could romance the boys? I would do Yusuke
>>553899 And they've only ran the female MC once. For a series with a lot of female fans, they don't particularly go out of their way to cater to them.
during this part in the game you can get a special scene with different girls depending on your rank with them I got one with Hifumi that was really good
I guess they won't show it -show anything like that in the anime to avoid playing preferences.
That guy can turn to metal or something, right? You can't turn metal into meat.
>>553926 now he's nikugou >>553927 this guy can shock himself retarded bakugo threw him a grenade for some purpose though
>>553927 You're thinking of the red-haired guy who was with them. And he doesn't turn to metal, he just gets REALLY HARD. I think he's still meat though.
there was a bit of filler in the past two episodes i wonder if they'll add a bit more
Well the OP indicates this arc's the rest of the season, so I guess they need to stretch it out to fit through. I wonder if they'll get all the way to Deku vs. Bakugou or if they'll save that for the opening for the next season.
Navel laser guy's one of those people that's been floated around as the villain spy in their class. The whole flimsy, weak thing could just be a facade.
>>553975 I'm hoping it does well and then some other work of Mizukami's gets an adaptation. He's got like three decent-run series that are concluded and could get full adaptations.
asobibidibabidibaso we were so close to watching 5 shows before 2am >>554000 nothing really mattress
Hanako is determined to set this rumour straight.
I was kind of expecting the "sick" angle to be this other girl trying to get out of this gloomy, weird club. But she looks like she was pretty into it.
They're all getting swept up in this. It's probably going to be a problem before too long.
It's going to end up scaring the crap out of tem again.
Well that's a pretty good excuse for not telling anyone why you were sick.
wow those must be some awful butt hurts
speaking of butt hurts
Fucking RIP Hanako
>Hanako had trusted that results were proportional to effort As if that's EVER the case.
Hanako seems actually seriously booksmart though. Like she can even look at others and understand their struggling. She's kind of an idiot in other ways though.
What the fuck is this.
What the FUCK is this.
Things always steer into the deep absurd whenever Maeda shows up.
Yeah, if it's hot, just put your hair up. Lke in a bun or something.
A bun might work, but like Olivia said earlier, something simple like tying it back tends to just make thicker hair just stuffier in that part. I was having similar problems a week or two back.