I want Elizabeth Bathory, I want LLENN, I want Syaro, I want Chiya, I want Nadeshiko, I want Jack Frost, I want Zero Two! Kyaa! I can afford it all but I know I shouldn't do it!
Ahh, but Kino comes with Hermes. I wonder if Rin will come with her scooter. If she doesn't I could give her Hermes. But that wouldn't be very fair to Kino.
Well, all but Kino are on preorder for a while. I guess I can just preorder Nadeshiko for now.
Wow, ToN. How come you didn't tell me about Akatsuki's Last Remote arrange
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>551007 I figured you'd be aware of that sort of thing.
once upon a time the world ended and a god jacked off to create the new world there were tall mountains where dragons live but nobody has seen dragons in ever there are velocioraptor cheetah monsters there are people made of fungus there are people without any bones there are some other things
we have our local fungi picked out what other races will our party get ya got humans ya got injuns ya got werefolk ya got blobs and you got more werefolk, thanks to Owl
I should say that "wants you to pick up" meaning "would like you to since they'll give you things in return, it's literally win-win" >>551091 works >>551088 yeah, the lich King is part of the original 13th age lore
Kirara 🚗
i don't mind giving them to the benefactor if i can't eat them
It is possible I have considered at least two possibilities in which you have to fight the benefactor. Though they're generally nice enough that you'd have to try pretty hard.
>>551093 just kill cthulhu and turn him into skellingtons
Kirara 🚗
i would rather eat him
of course if i eat everyone then bones will be left so that's good for you i suppose
oh i have background on the fungal stuff if you want i can give you stuff on dick cord or something
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Also you've correctly identified the benefactor's gender inadvertantly.
>>551096 >new world is made of organic matter populated by skeletons of everyone who got eaten
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>551099 That would be nice, it'll help shape that area more. I had some mental images of the fungus queen and now that she's your mom it's even more fun. However I can't help but see them as like the mushrooms from Dark Souls even though you've told me they look human
>>551102 dig up the tree people in guild wars 2 that but fungus
I love the attention to set pieces in this game. Like, none of this is traversable but it's there just to look neat. Splatoon's got something like that too and it really makes hub areas so much neater.
There was a great moment in the early-game quest to hunt the bird that's taken up residence at your desired campsite. I'd weakened it down and it was running off, and just as we rounded a corner, the vulture-y wyvern that stalks that zone was suddenly right in front of us. And so it became a chase as we ducked between it's much larger legs as it slowly realized what was running around underneath it.
It's really a different experience from traditional MonHun, where you rarely really have to deal with mulitple large monsters early on in the game. In one of the first starter quests I even saw a Rathalos walking about and NOPE'd out of that particular part of the map fast.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Hey Maria, how good at you at being around about 4 hours earlier from now to about an hour ago
>>551205 Where is your score and your bombs and your power and your graze?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
this is a photo game
Oh I haven't actually played any of those.
We should do Phantasmagoria of the Flower View multiplayer some time.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Sasuga Zun
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>run into clownpiece >die instantly
Git Gud
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>start fighting LoLK characters >things become less fun accreate
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>Doremi brings back her "guess I'll die" spell
>>551196 ahh. I guess that was this year's game...
Is Mogu Mogu in it?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
It'd be nice if we get to go back to the underground. I'd like to see Parsee appear again.
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
Soup Samurai L
>>551205 Sumi is cute in zun-art. I hope we get to see Shion and Ji'on in zun art as well. In previous photo games the characters dont appear in portraits or stuff.
Huh Parsee was in Double Spoiler
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
LoLK is cancer
>>551226 doremy is fun that's pretty much it. I personally like Double dealing character the most of the recent games.
>>551228 i mean she's shitty and that's her theme, being annoying. she's that isekai character who turns you into the least relevant character.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
doremi is not fun to deal with which is what's happening
>>551246 Sometimes I think it never got worse and we just got older
>>551258 i never understood this pizzagate thing until now, someone shoot people over this shit. and they basically hate the left, the gays and women so i dont know why i even go to that site.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>551258 uh see uh >>551188 I'm considering inviting you to the campaign but first fucking sleep I work tomorrow s
>>551262 whhat campaign is it something you're doing awawawa
that’s fine. kirara suggested i ask so i figured why not if you ever change your mind or just want to cameo for a night or something you can let me know
>>551276 were you ever able to S-rank the bathrobe mission in love nikki i just tried it like 30 times and i'm just barely cutting it short for S and i'm tryin hard
>>551311 I didn't get that far because I find the missions structure boring It's just matching your clothes tags with the mission tags with no regard for how it's actually looking The fun stuff is actually dressin up
>>551318 really? hmmm, maybe I should go back and explore that area more thoughroughly
that's what i thought at first but it's actually way more complex than that well, at least from the main tags you have to pull the items up in the recipe workshop to actually see their full specs some things say like "simple, elegant" but if you see their full stats, there's C to S rank for a variety of tags, and not all tags are on each item some will have like COOL - S, CUTE - A, and like 6 different stats that are actually pretty consistent with their appearance also the theme of the challenges seems to just have some preference i'll ignore minmaxing the tags and just try to actually put together an ensemble that'd be appropriate, but sometimes it's restrictive or difficult like in the mori girl, bath robe, punk rock categories
plus the missions give tons of resources so that's where the farming and grinding happens
sometimes the missions grade tags that aren't mentioned. Is there a way to see those? Like it'll say mature and simple but during the style off it also grades based on other things
only by keeping track of them when they show up in the grading or there might be a guide online that has it all listed out it's consistent each time for the same mission, but in different orders so you dont always know which one to boost with charm and stuff
uh, there are five scores for each mission it'll flash up on the screen with your score for that metric, cool or mature or lively or whatever it does the same five metrics each time you do that same mission so you'll know after the first time
>>551323 I guess it's not hard to just fail it the first time and write them all down
i do all the missions a few times to try to S rank them and also to get materials because they don't always drop some only have a percent i guess it gets a little grindy by the third area because you gotta go back and collect stuff to build new outfits before you can progress, some mandatory for a storyline event maybe that wouldn't be fun for you but i kinda like it feels like progress and there are sort of stories and plot that occur
>>551328 collecting things is fun As is material combination I've never been a person who enjoys grinds though
i mean the longest part of grinding it is waiting for the pop-up to see what item you got and clicking on it to accept it
god i hate shoutimg at random people but since i can't shout at the company that
ISN'T DELIVERING my fridge when they should
the fuck can i dp
fucking give me a contact number for the company god i pity the guy who calls me for the delivery time or the delivery lads they will unjustly face my wrath as reprrsentatives of gigantti
it's -probably- not the delivery folks' fault not that i think you don't realize that or that you'd do any different anyway
>>551373 it's not but it has been 2 weeks and by fucking law they shouöd
fucking monday well atleast now i know when i het it
but fucking mobdat monday monday man it took everything in me to not go "FUCKING MONDAY?" on the phone just now well i know to never personally order shit from Gigantti OYj, since they are shit
i am just gonna go buy alcohol and tutn my tub into a water cooler
fuvk that i don't have anyone i can just call to rant off for a while
just fucking proves you can't get anything done in this fucking country unless ypu start to active aggressively shouting at people
>>551374 >by law I wonder if you can get some money back here
i'd have to make lots of angry calls over maybe what 50€ one time lowering of rent
and seems like i am getting a more expensive fridge for my troubles anyhow but you know i wanted to eat something that isn't canned food/soup bags/mre stufg or pizzakebaba during weekend i wanted cold glass of juice i wanted to have butter and milk on me if i suddenly wanted to bake something i wantrd to have greens on me or ficking any meat or cheese
>must have been a real pain to not have a fridge during this heat wave FUCKING YOU DON'T SAY i wanted to shout i am impressed how little my vexation leaked to the lady calling me
i guess i will go on a shopping trip walk to vent off
>>551382 those things sound nice i have a fridge but it's very empty atm
ugh having spemt last 13 years of my life learming to not get angry because of my te,per i fucking have no idea how to cool down once i actually cross the line
who'd you kill this time?
the president
the fucker probably deserved it so what are you up to now TN_kun?
lying in bed gatherimg energy to go buy food and alcohol
the essentials in life I'm slowly doing the dishes and throwing the trash out yesterday the garbage bag was literally filled with maggots, it was quite hard to throw out had to clean the entire garbage bin too, since they spread to that as well
clean up more oft mayhap
I wasn't home for two days but of course my housemates don't do shit either
>>551423 thank it is annoying bc im still not sure where to go! ill have to call before i go and i didn't know id have it this week so i had no time to prepare it got sprung on me yesterday
>>551424 btw why is this a thing in quite many interviewd not giving proper addresses or how to access the annex they are in or which floor etc and lycka till
literally getting a job by being in the right place at the right time
this employer always responds to emails once every day, at the end of the day and took 3 weeks to respond to my first email
>>551431 more-or-less it's a paid practicum site which is basically employment that i also get school credit for
is it actually for a job?
>license apps for phones uuu wut we digitalising our ID cards now? man we are phoneslaves
>turner owns broadcast and streaming rights to sw 1-6 movies untill 2024 >meaning no non-disney sw on disney streaming services in foreseeable future hahahaha man that is some good planning there big d
>>551447 did you ever notice she only has four fingers and toes on each hand and foot
whenever my screen scrolls up or down the left half of it and right half of it seem to be out of sync or my eyes are out of sync not sure
try rebooting your eyes
yeah i can probably do that i think i know how
my roommate's friends are going to leave their pet ferret at our place while they move and get a plan sorted since they're not supposed to have it there i guarantee ima be the one ending up taking care of it the whole time not that im particularly bothered by it, i'd kind of enjoy it but i can pretend not to enjoy it
Ferrets sure are something.
I had a friend whose ferret would steal her underwear and build a nest out of it to sleep in.
they definitely do fit into that taxonomy yes
It would also tease her dog.
did it steal her dog's underwear too
plus i generally like doing things for people when they need something
not that i'm a people pleaser or anything, but it feels like i'm collecting social debt, you know i don't have real finances so i gotta be resourceful with my bartering >>551464 oh no maybe it'll be okay? ive never been called to jury duty, or at least not that i know of how would i even know if i got summonsed and just never noticed
>>551463 i dunno it says they might fine me if i miss it it's been like a week since the date i was supposed to go though and i haven't gotten another letter or email
not sure what to do now in my defense the site was down the day they sent me the mail
According to Wikipedia they're bred for fur and meat. So i assume they'd taste decent.
rabbit's generally pretty bland, not that that's bad im not sure whether the size difference would change the physiology of the muscle to change the flavorness of the meat or not the bland natural flavor of the meat actually makes it incredibly good for some of the areas where it's bred and hunted and eaten, where the staple vegetables and tubers already have lots of flavor and you want something meaty to absorb it in stews and stirfries imo anyway
>when you forget your tiki still has smite equippped and not reposition
Kirara 🚗
this whole place is sketchy as fuck waiting for the interview i know these folks are straight but this building is so fuckin sketchy lookin i feel at home
the chain challenge for guis is going to be insane
Kirara 🚗
you was talkin shit about them yesterday
yeah but its one thing to laugh off a dancer dagger its anotner to alugh at stat boosted dancers that dance each ither until tou die thsres also Loki who huts like a damn truck
its more theyre threatening because theyll be at the end of a gauntlet of other foes
>small russian city for one night >book cheap hostel >walk there from the airport. 9km >arrive at check in >zero english. Google translate >apparently forgot i was coming . No beds >woman's friend sitting with her at reception >for 1000 rubles you can sleep on my couch
Now I'm in some random russian living room
Man Marsh. Don't die.
>>551510 sounds like fun tell him cyka blyat from america
Maven Mobile
It's actually quite a nice house A lot nicer than a hostel So assuming i don't get kidnapped I'll chalk this one up as a win
Maven Mobile
Although i wish her teenaged daughters would stop staring at me and laughing
>>551612 hope your fridge arrives before you have to eat them warm >>551613 i really think people like that are well-mapped to differentiation of systems i genuinely think rigorous analysis would be a really good recovery channel for people seguing out of a life of street crime
hmm my fridge model and the closet itself is from 92 but the cooling systems for fridge and freezer are from 2003 and -04 interesting
tn is a pretty chill dude so itd be good to get that fridge
i'm really excited that i'll be getting paid again to do therapy too it's only $10 an hour but that's what i made at the suicide hotline too this counts for school credit and counts towards my license
i can't complain about a bit of income even if it's only like $150 per pay period or something
>>551666 i think right's does but left's is obviously cotton candy
The Magdaros fight is pretty fun. I love those big siege fights in MonHun.
Kirara 🚗
>>551668 you're gonna love the later magdaros fights and especially the mommy gf raid
I was playing with three other friends and we all took on the first quest hunt for the turkey vulture wyvern. That was a fun engagement. Having a bunch of people running around fighting a single monster is pretty fun, I can kind of see why impromptue hunting parties at lunchtime is an actual thing in Japan.
i want to fight that bomber guy he seems like a rude guy with a good irchestra backing him up
you're not supposed to do that part of CPR anymore unless you're trained to but even then you only need to do that if you're doing CPR for a long time or doing it on a child
adults usually don't need the breaths because they already have enough oxygen in their blood if you do CPR for a really long time you can deplete that though and kids don't have much oxygen in their blood so they need the rescue breaths
>>551691 the breaths only increase the survival percentage slightly and if you do them wrong they lower the survival percentage this is all new stuff though from the last year or two
>>551709 all of a sudden everybody is outta jail but it's funny cause no one is out on bail
set up preface here about a normal social encounter follow-up goes here about doing work with the local bar ironic statement here about confusing it for an alcohol bar really meant the bar association haha what a riveting story
it's disappointing how obvious a fake story is like all the time you know that game two truths and a lie? we should play it sometime but with two true stories and a fake story that's a lot more interesting
I know there's no way around it if you wanna do it for the sake of the plot, but pretending you killed the main character in episode 6 of an anime just kinda doesn't have any real impact
like, you know when someone's telling an anecdote that's meant to entertain but it's not funny or interesting enough just as a hypothetical anecdote so they pretend it happened to them even though it obviously didn't and it's just an instant flag for "shit that didnt happen" but they're not really doin any harm, just trying to spread a laugh or lighten the tone and not necessarily hog attention it's so fucking bland and obvious that it actually bores into my mind that's the closest thing i can understand to this concept of boring everyone talks about i assume stuff like that is where the term originates it's literally boring into your mind with its dull and uninspiring qualities
>>551717 or when someone tells a story that literally everyone has heard and you know it's not originally their story it's so banal that it makes me want to vomit sometimes
also this isn't an image representative of the tone of this post
>>551719 that one, as long as it's not trying to take glory for the content of the anecdote, i can understand to an extent there's really an art of storytelling, and being able to take someone's oral narrative and present it in a new light can really be a nice thing to be appreciated but that's subect // subject to the circle hearing it being in that storyteller sphere where they can appreciate the way a story is told separately from the story content i think for most social encounters that's probably not the case and it's more attached to the person telling it
gyppo blood maybe but the oration is the real skill of a good tale
most people don't have the gift of storytelling unfortunately lately it seems like everyone tries to be really circumstantial in their storytelling and that really bores me it takes all of the magic out of the story with extraneous details that aren't relevant or interesting at all
haha so we were goin to the grand canyon like, we flew all the way to las vegas to go to the grand canyon well, we did some other stuff, but anyway we wanted to go to the grand canyon, so one day we drove there we got ALL the way there and our driver got sick, haha i had to drive back and we didn't even see the canyon! haha it was great well not great, but you know, it was a memory i guess you had to be there
Kirara 🚗
we were driving to the grand canyon and along the way the driver's throat felt sore so we stopped at a general dollar and got cough drops and then there were a lot of chinese people in a bus at a different store we didn't buy anything but it sure was a store and then we kept driving and we started playing 20q and we got through it once i forget what the answer was but we were driving and there were rocks and we stopped to stretch our legs and take some pictures once but then we kept going and eventually we got to the grand canyon
i think a story like our grand canyon trip is best told in an oration circle and like 8-12 minutes long to really draw out the meaningful imagery and develop a meaningful story like the moth kind of thing if it's too much shorter than that it's probably not gonna do very much or it's gonna just be littered with stuff that isn't tied up or meaningful to the narrative storytelling around the campfire in longer sessions like that is really an important social activity we don't do enough of today
i feel like a lot of people are bad at telling stories even about stuff that happened to them because they have so much difficulty being in the moment like for really circumstantial stories full of irrelevant details like >>551725 there's like no emotional connection to the story and there's just a feeling of detachment like you're not a person in the story you're just a character and everyone else is just a character it loses that feeling of genuineness and authenticity that stories need to be engaging i think
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>now have to take pictures of Junko >the touhou whose theme is "my shit is all boring and meant to kill you"
>>551727 it's like an account of novelty at that point, like just a description of sightseeing and what eventful things happened may as well be a fuckin photo album slideshow "oh, and here's a bird we saw on the sidewalk." click "oh, this is a picture of salt on the sidewalk. we said it was snow, haha." click "this is a picture of an empty parking lot at a ranger station. we weren't rangers but we were parked there anyway." click "here's a picture of an empty field. jan said there was a gas station there!!"
I skipped the first 4 episodes cause I already saw them, but I don't remember if they explained 02's headband or not I guess I'll figure it out
Kirara 🚗
>>551729 yeah like what's the point it's not interesting at all "we saw a big crow in this cave, it moved around" who fuckin cares
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
tfw teleporting is done in a way that doing it can be really fucking stupid because you double tap shift which you hold normally for focus mode
click "oh, this picture is supposed to be of red rock mountain but it's all foggy. sorry; didn't turn out well." click
Kirara 🚗
i remember we were sitting in the car in red rock and talking about how fucked up life is and how we can laugh about stuff like being abused with a hammer
haha yeah i remember that i felt really bad when yall wanted to go down that trail and i was cold af and in benzodrawls and hurtin bad and was just pussin out i wish we could have done a lot more
i think there's a similar one with your arm in it both taken at the same place though
there's one i was in completely but off to the side of the frame in the foreground with some evergreens (?) as a backdrop and jan high in the backdrop with the earthen tones looking like he's about to fall and bust his ass i really liked the framing of that picture it was good
Kirara 🚗
oh yeah i liked that one it turned out well kind of by coincidence though haha i was already high when i was taking those i think
did you see jan's picture from saint louis when his mom texted him like, "don't join any gangs while you're up there!!" she also warned him to bring condoms
Kirara 🚗
oh yeah lmao the photo of y'all with the people having the party on the roof
dude those guys were so cool they havin a big party on the roof, me and jan just sittin there smokin our amspirits they're walkin back and jan just starts flashin some symbols at them haha they come over and jump up on the table and be all "OHHHH WHAT UP WE GOTTA GET A PICTURE"
yeah everyone jan talks to becomes his friend and he talks to everyone it's so crazy i don't know how he does it
yeah i feel like a shitty person in comparison all i do is snidely remark at people and cry a lot
i couldn't even make it to day two of the japanese festival when he came my bones were hurting so bad we just watched a baseball game from the bar and got drunk instead, which was still fun i was without my meds also at that time i haven't gotten to see him since ive been back on my meds it's a little disappointing we could have had a full day's worth of fun at the festival but i didnt have my addies ive got them now but i dont got my jammy
also what is the gimmick in that? In shoot the bullets, you eliminated shots by taking pics in cirno solo, she had that freeze power >>551792 LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAME
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Sumireko has a camera and can do that you have to take one photo per level But sumireko also fights back so you have to take one photo and defeat them, and your camera deals damage
I realised recently that my dreamhouse has moved from "top of a high building big appartment/whole floorappartment whatever it is called" to "somewhat large plot of land quite far away from nearest neighbour, so I can do whtever I want whenever I want"
Probably just gotta throw food near them for a while
@mats https://mangadex.org/manga/19630/gal-and-otaku-can-t-understand-each-other manga you might like
I almost passed out during this fucking smoke-filled 34c day but then I realised that would be weak as fuck. So I made it home while drinking down a 12 pack fuck yes
Fucking summer. It's only smoky and horrible during this season lmfao