Thread #551231
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Hi hi hello
Banana Fish Cooking With Emiya Hyakuren no Haou ot Seiyaku no Valkyria --Episode 4-5 Isekai Maou Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi --Episode 18-19 Lord of Vermillion Satsuriku no Tenshi --Episode 2-5 Shichisei no Subaru Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight Tsukumogami Kashimasu --Episode 1-3
We should have Jan tonight.
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oh cool banana fish shichisei shoujo kageki isekai maou
Or well maybe? We could do Shichisei first since we don't need him for that.
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okay, that's a good idea. Shichisei okay lets start!
sShi chi se oh whoops. Well.
Oh yeah he's going to go fight a thousand people to get his dead waifu back.
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I think the red haired girl is the best girl.
She's been pretty cute.
ok what time
Oh didn't expect that. 5:15 5;20 5:25
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5:10 5:15
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
2018/08/10 (金) 04:37 No. 551252
Hi Sam
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>>551252 it can't be helped
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Imagine being so good at video games that you can solo entire pvp guilds.
To be fair most of them are probably shit at the game. But yeah, strength in numbers.
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>>551255 he probably just plays a broken class
This is such a villain's castle too. The guilds aren't even trying.
punch magician is a strong class
It's a neat concept. Shame the player is a dick.
And her response is pretty much "cry more losers".
she just vaporized their entire guild
Holy hell this is some crazy magic shit.
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A game that lets you mess with other players minds like that is kinda messed up.
Well it's a full-dive VR game. At that point all sorts of things get kind of weird when you think about it.
They're such good friends.
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the team attack was cool this show is kind of generic though
It's got some cute characters, and it's not bad. Could be worse.
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okay banana fish Maybe it just has a lot of action. okay lets start!
this episode was 700mb from HS wtf man are we waiting for ika?
Banaaaanaaaa>>551281 Wow yeah. Wonder what went wrong with the encoding here.
Hah hah hah. I've done that exact same thing before, not knowing the rest of a song.
Road trip!
Ash and his entourage
What a pleasant man.
Poor mouse. Was all comfy in there and got disturbed by Eiji.
Eiji is so earnest.
How romantic.
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So there's the two ojii-sans, Ash and Eiji. Poor Shorter.
Geez fucking louise. Ash has had a rough life.
Pft. Fucking Eiji.
Oh not again.
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shorter is hard as fuck
Yeah that's some crazy hardcore shit from him.
Looks like Papa Lynx is a good guy in the end. I feel bad for Jennifer though.
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Ash has it tough.
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he's so cute when his life is fucked up
>>551301 So all the time then?
Cross-country road trip from Cape Cod to LA!
this episode was too action packed they couldn't fit the ED
A worthy sacrifice. It's a good ED though.
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oaky shoujo kageki ep 4 okay lets start!
what ep is this?
We shall all become Starlight!
okay i have become starlight
Wow you can't show something that lewd on television.
This seems to be a regularly occurring experience for Karen now.
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This reminds me a little of idolmaster expect everyone is trying to kill each other.
so it's like realistic idolmaster
It's got some vibes of Utena too. The girls are pretty Idolmaster-y though.
Hah hah Karen what are you doing.
Hikari's being really tsuntsun here. She's ran away from school and is telling Karen to stay away with cute knife-bear stickers but is also sending her images hinting at where she is.
the goddess that monitors the halls
Attennae-chan has finally snapped from Karen chasing after Hikari too much.
Theatre girls are fucking bonkers.
There's been a lot of Tokyo tourist spot cameos here. There's the three-coloured bridges and the golden turnip on top of the building. And others.
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I like scenery porn.
Hikari seems to be getting the character focus she needed this episode. Seems more like a character and less of a reiclone.
THIS IS Tendou Maya
Hah hah hah. Attennae-chan is trying her best.
Oh man they're ALL helping out here. What good friends.
Wow they were out ALL NIGHT together. What rebels
Hah hah hah. Buuuusteeeed.
That was a sweet episode.
THIS whoops this show is good
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okay lets do isekai maou okay lets start1
Elves are quick to recognize lewdness!
hai hai i'm about to kill the anjanath wandering aruond in the first expedition you do
I bumped into it when I was chasing that dumb bird that was in the way of them setting up the second campsite there. There was a fun moment where me and the bird were ducking between its legs.
This slave mistress is stepping pretty close to learning Rem's Pretty Bad Secret.
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getting kinda risky!
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This fucking dialogue.
The magic theory stuff is kind of interesting though. If only the implementation wasn't, so ... eugh.
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this show sure is something
Of course it's the fucking elf that comes waltzing in playing a flute. What a twit.
mind control soon
Yeah I don't expect this elf to be at the bottom of his dirty tricks barrel yet.
Hah. Poor Diablo.
Holy fuck, poor Diablo.
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diablo has a hard life
Oh he's that kind of onii-san.
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there are a lot of deviants in this anime
I guess this guy gets cinderized next episode then.
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That was a very interesting episode. thanks for anime!
Super interesting, even. Thanks.