I had to tear down a bookshelf move its contents elsewhere tear down my stereo system move all my kitchen furniture to the "open space" so now I can't really do my laundry since no space to dry it save the corridor space that I cleared to move the fridge in and out and yeah it was on monday when they "ordered it" not last week THAT I EXPECTED THEM TO and it is wednesday afternoon now 1 hour before offices close and no sign or sound of the new fridge I am fed up with ordering and making bag/can food and having to eat everything on teh day I make it, since it doesn't last on the table
Should have just went full on COMPLAIN mode instead of negotiation when it broke down first can't get anything done in this country unless you shout about it But well didn't want to seem like a pain in the ass tenant to my landlord company.
someone in grad school is trying to tell me that people have such different "body types" that some people need a diet that is low in carbs and high in fats
that's not how the human body works that will not help you lose weight and it will certainly not make you healthy
they're arguing for a "ketosis diet" which is high in fats, low in carbs which makes no fucking sense If you're trying to burn fat through ketosis, why are you replacing all that fat with more fat?????? Moreover, burning fat through ketosis will make you thinner, but it will also make you EMACIATED because it is literally a survival mechanism that burns your fat so you don't fucking die when you're starving. So all you're doing with this diet is starving yourself enough to make yourself miserable, but not enough to kill yourself, and the whole time, you're not even losing weight because you replace everything you burn.
These stupid fad diets are incredibly dangerous to people's health.
I dropped almost 10kg in one year since moving here, for just moving more, eating less per meal and generally eating healthier My aim for this year is the "half plate of greens" but sad part is that costs quite a lot of money to pull
>>549920 the whole event is all weird you have 5000 people in the location, some who practically don't leave the whole 4 day event even ONCE and only hesburger, a burger joint is open 24/7 and only some random indian joint reselling grocery store food for 200-1000% increase in price is the other open food store there despite the event plaza, messukeskus, having like 20 restaurants during normal event hours. Why do people hate money?
Yeah, which is why we do excursions to food joints when we go retire for the night also >just leave your computer, monitors, mouse, keyboard, headphones on the event place and NO ONE STEALS ANYTHING love being finnish
The most amusing part of assembly are the tweens, 12-15 somethings who have practically slept 0 hours during the whole event, kept going with pure ENERGY DRINK POWER turning into zombies wondering around the place completely out of it you can also quite easily recognise the "jonne" spots, from the mess they make trash and bottles just lying around, with no attempt to clean it or gather it
good spots that I have toured is the "karhunkierros" bear's roundtrip in kuusamo was it 100 km hiking route and other must go is the "three country border" up in the arm at kilpisjärvi and while at it, you could go flag the Halti-tunturi, that would be a quite a trip 100+km at bare minimum
i made four clnes of hiera to do skave labor by running into a dealy labyrinth at level 1, harvesting, then prayimg they warp out uskng their own life force to teleport
the person i was explaining that a low-carb high-fat diet is not healthy to linked me to the "ketosis" page on Wikipedia which literally gave an overview of the information i just provided her i used to think this person was smart but this is the second time they've done something like this they also gave me "evidence" that a straw ban was necessary by showing me information that i had already provided that showed a straw ban was not necessary
>>550017 and if they care, they can just be the change they want to see and not ever USE straws
no reason to involve government in it
Kirara 🚗
>>550019 yeah but they want BANS even though 50% of ocean plastic is fishing nets
>>550014 intereatingly enough in eox farmers cant lower the encounter rate with a skill until level 20 which is kind of weird but mah //maybe thats to prevent what im doing
I mean, I am supporter of somewhat large government, though I would like to see ours get smaller I don't want government to dictate on what I can and can't buy or eat and so on unless it is outright deadly like say lead in food or water or what was that deadly compound used in insulation of buildings
What we could do is ban that vacuum-sealed plastic they put on every individual piece of anything you buy nowadays Scissors do not need to be vacuum packed, put a paper sheeth on them and stick 'em to a piece of cardboard
I mean they're a landlord, they likely have a bead on the color scheme of a lot of tenant unions and shit
Kirara 🚗
ill just blast "Kill My Landlord" jk i like my property manager she has been very good to me she's not a landlord she works for the landlord but in exchange she's allowed to live in the complex for free she and i are very good terms
btw ever wondered what is the story behind Landlord in hidamari? She clearly isn't the type to afford having bought that manor or the quite big looking house she lives in >>550051 yeah I bet
Inherited probably?
Kirara 🚗
i saved property manager-chan once her golf cart stalled while she was crossing the road and i got out of my car and helped her move it out o the way
>>550056 haha mine is kinda too a big company that not only deals appartments, but buys them and rents them out this is why I knew they'd take longer time taking care of the fridge too many gears instead of just calling a private person and saying "new fridge, now!"
Kirara 🚗
mine is decentralized so it's pretty responsive usually especially since my property managerlikes me
>see can I attack enemy army without the 2 nearby armies reinforcing it >okay can't >withdraw >instead of withdrawing back to the city fortress I sent it out from >the army decides to withdraw to a far away tiny hamlet and leave the city completely unprotected thank you creative assembly you all should be shot for your crimes against coding
i scanned some film photographs i took in high school today
So they've just thrown in a music player function to Ultimate ... just because? I mean it's a great addition but it's certainly kind of fringe to a game development.
>>550109 anything interesting? >>550110 Hasn't smash always had sound test? Or is this different?
I think it started in Brawl. But they've added stuff like being able to create playlists with the music tracks, and you can turn the screen of the Switch in handheld mode off and effective use it as a portable music player.
Kirara 🚗
yeah ill post after running them through Photoshop
Yeah, it's super cool. I'm just saying it's pretty unncessary considering game development to go that far. So it's pretty awesome of Nintendo to go for it.
Training mode keeps coming out with more and more information displayed. I love numbers.
>>550119 Yeah, cheap scanners can be pretty trash for anything except black and white documents, and even then, they can be sort of mediocre. Their functionality is pretty minimum.
ToN I picked up HC again last night and these instadeaths are annoying again >>550157 So did I for a bit but I figured out what I was doing Gonna save scum like mad
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
oh shit you actually did it I gave up use the uh guide probably
Looks like another storm is blowing in, though predictions don't say any rain until tomorrow evening. Still, we've had rainclouds hanging over the city for like three or so days now.
Today is a very not on top of the ball day I cant wait
There's no pre-loading for MonHun World on PC. That's kind of annoying. Guess I'll have two or three hours past midnight I'll be watching anime anyway though.
I've never used the Steam pre-loading ability before so I admittedly don't know how -when it conventionally kicks in, but I would figure it would be earlier than 3-6 hours before release.
Don't forget that cross platform play ain't all that easy!
>>550183 It's far, far easier in this generation of consoles than it was in the past. The PS3 might've had a totally different infrastructure that set it apart from Xbox/PC systems, but the PS4 is comparably much more in line with the other consoles this time around. Not to mention, there is a demand for cross-platform more than ever. Even if it takes work to establish cross-platform play, Sony is kind of messing themselves up refusing to put the work into developing it. And while they hum and haw about it, Microsoft and Nintendo are flaunting off how they're already providing.
Hmmmm. I mean, Gunn did apparently submit his script before getting fired. And as far as knowing the world, he's probably the most reliable. Honestly if Disney is dead-set on not hiring back Gunn, using his script is probably the best possible situation for a successful movie anyway.
Kirara 🚗
Apparently they scrapped the script or are planning t according to news i saw this morning
That wouldn't be very smart of them.
I think I saw some rumour-mill stuff that Gunn getting fired wasn't done on the behest of Kevin Feige, the guy that does all the MCU coordination at the highest level. It was an executive above him or something that canned Gunn. Feige was on vacation or sabbatical or whatever at the time and came back to, well, this. So apparently he's pretty fucking pissed.
Kirara 🚗
I can imagine. coming back to such a mess probably found out about it during vacation too must have really put a damper on things
Apparently other film conglomerates are also reaching out to Gunn to potentially pick him up if it all goes through too. Like Warner Bros. might be looking out to pick him up for some DC work. While I don't really want to go down this route, that would be some fucking poetic justice.
Kirara 🚗
maybe DC would finally see some success if they did
Wonder Woman did pretty well
Earlier today I messaged my mother asking if she knew if this week's garbage collection was garbage or recycling (they swap week-to-week). Her response was "pretty sure it was garbage".
Based on this, which of the two would you expect collection to be this week.
set em both out
What moon said
I'm the one that has to wheel them back into the garage, so I'd rather minimize the amount of work I have to do in the future. Besides turns out there's an online checker for which one is being collected anyway.
Unless you're hauling those bins up stairs or something I don't see why effort should come into play It looks like they changed our rubbish collection to fortnightly only which is really inconvenient >>550222 Hey rika
>>550220 I don't see why minimizing effort should never not come into play. If you can reduce the amount of work you have to do, why shouldn't you? Anything else seems wasteful.
On top of that I don't really want to be the only person on my block with the whole entourage of garbage bins out by the curb.
just churning my way through another month how are you doing
>>550223 I mean I don't know what your garbage situation is but ours is a metre or two from our doorstep so to me this seems like a tiny amount of effort I mean I'm sure it adds up but whatever
I hear what you're saying, but it's not like this is some long, arduous process I need to do to check which I need to put out. It's simply just a text message or punching my address into the city website. I'm spending far less effort to check than I would putting an extra bin out.
If anything I've spent more energy defending it here than I did checking which bin I need to put out.
Yeah I guess it's just picking your poison in the end
One thing that is fucking this household over is what I mentioned In >>550220 We now have bags of rubbish leftover because we're used to weekly rubbish collection
I wish I had gotten into DIY Warioware when there was still a community
All we did was walk the track and I am a puddle of sweat
Warm day in the big apple tonight?
The tunnels are ovens
Imagine a hot pocket crust Burning. But its hollow
And you're inside
The subway tunnels here tend to be pretty cool compared to the air above ground. Or maybe it's just the stations, I've never been deep in the tunnels without being inside a train car.
>>550292 because he can take it he's the hero Nintendo needs, but not the one it deserves
>>550309 That might be a tall order, hah hah. I 'm happy to listen, but I don't do a lot of looking myself these days. I'll see if I have something comparable though.
Just the Night Vale podcast. I'll be open to anything you got for real
https://disparition.bandcamp.com/album/fire-never-consuming-music-from-alice-isnt-dead They also produced the sound for the Alice Isn't Dead podcast. The podcast is decent too, but the soundtrack by itself has helped me zone in for many hours of crunch writing in the past. I've enjoyed bits and pieces from the rest of their discography, but I'd be hard pressed to give one on the spot.
Yeah I'll be downloading it ASAP, preferably the moment it releases if I don't need to go nap for a bit and miss it's 12:00 EST release. Though I might want some time to fiddle around with character customization and testing the waters, since I didn't play it when it came out for consoles.
>>550339 trust me i'll be spending an hour or two making my character anyways
I know eh. If it's as crazy in-depth as I thought it looked in console screenshots, I figure I'll need to allot a bunch of time to it and my cat too.
Kirara 🚗
cat creation isn't very in depth but chara sure is
Kirara 🚗
apparently im going to get slammed by Saharan dust soon
Taking aside the environmental concerns, the fact that dust from the Sahara can be carried on winds across the entire Atlantic Ocean is amazingly cool. It looks like there's a lot of problems that come with it though.
Kirara 🚗
true but it's killing hurricanes so idk how mad i am apparently it can really hurt people's throats though
Yeah, Googling it also mentioned it can wreck AC systems too. That one sounds like a fair worry in Florida.
>>550369 >i will isolate you from the jewish community people on the internet all think they're such a big fucking deal lol
Kirara 🚗
b birthwrong is great too the UK media made a big stink about Corbyn going to a Jewdas Passover Seder in which they raised a beet root and said "fuck capitalism" it made jewdas really famous and they sold that beet root for $50k and gave the money to charity
Kirara 🚗
when is the media going to learn that the only way to get rid of something is to ignore it
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
also the weapon that unlocks that pair is the "Master Key" and it's an axe. I've been told this references the Shining.
that scene with the coke vending machine in strangelove where they're arguing over breaking the coco cola companys property while the nuke's going off is gold
Go back in time to make sure vietnam happens so that all the movies get made
Kirara 🚗
>>550395 best joke in the film is when joker asks "how can shoot women and children?" and the dude is like "just gotta lead them less, haha! war is hell!"
>>550397 we gotta stop 9/11 to stop all the violent cartoons from getting cancelled
I am quite fuming here >>550404 yeah, I couldn't have received it last week anyhow, but the fact that they ORDERED IT ON MONDAY now this week and not earlier and THAT WAS MONDAY IT IS THURSDAY
Kirara 🚗
it's been like a week, that's way too long
I mean sure, they order it from a company and that company has to deliver it and so on but wouldn't they 1) make sure it is instantly available 2) say DELIVER NOW not asap but NOW and I havn't fucking even been contacted about timing for the delivery
if I don't get it tomorrow I will ask for compensation
Kirara 🚗
sounds reasonable they've really dropped the ball they got me a new water heater in a day basically
I mean it could be delivered today still like I said to my landlord company yesterday "I am home whole day tomorrow, could you delvier the message that DELIVER IT" but I guess not
>>550396 >Music wasn't bad either It's always just Creedence Clearwater Revival I mean it's not bad but guys come on pick some new music
>>550415 I think this would work in a movie but like the "joker bang gun, that fires the flag" btw why has that NEVER been in any of the movies
Kirara 🚗
wasn't it in one of the really old ones?
I am not counting the adam west ones no one dies in those
Kirara 🚗
fair enough
Except the people who got their moisture sucked out of them with a super weapon, got turned into piles of dust and then were revived despite their liquids having been mixed up with hundreds of other people
I really loved the campy Adam West batman as a kid and prolly still would summer at grannies was always watching batman during the afternoon with pancakes
>>550423 please pass on the message for me Tell them I called them a pussybitch and said fightmecunt
But the liquid sucking gun was DAMN creative gotta give them just how did it exactly work in the movie was bit confusing but in reality it would be damn scary gun
>>550457 well the lady doesn't seem that better judging from the campaign
Wait he is SON of THE RON PAUL how is he that crap then?
Biking in the valley early in the morning wasn't the best of ideas. Erryone's down here, both the people biking to work and the fitness nuts getting their morning workout in. Plus it's still completely slathered in mud in some parts because of all the rain we've been getting.
>>550470 Maybe, definitely doesn't help. I kind of pressed hard off the bat because I wanted to see how far I could get while pushing myself. I'm also wondering if the seat's too low or I'm not properly placing my feet on the pedals.
And maybe, JUST maybe, maybe I should do some leg stretches before setting off, instead of effectively going from sitting at my desk to on a bile Bike, even.
>mama clan forgot how ridiculous the badguys sounded in this
yeah either stretch or start off easy warming up isimportant
I used to be young and spry! This was never a problem when I was a kid or teenager, hah hah. There was a period of years where I more or less stopped biking entirely and picking it back up again I really have to correct the assumptions I had from back then
>>550474 I did, we got schooled on bike know-how and safety once a year when I was in elementary school. Don't anymore, but I can tell pretty well by feel that I'm probably riding a bike a tad too short for me. The details might fade with time, but the feeling of things lasts forever.
I kinda wanna go biking but I WANT MY FRIDGE I want something delicious food and cold drinks when I come back AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Yeah I'm gonna go enjoy some COOL r Whoops. COOL REFRESHING BEVERAGE right now.
I made a surprising discovery lately. The adorable logsnake that greets me on the departure and return of every valley bike ride I do isn't just logsnake, but logsnakes!
Whoever did this is a fucking genius worth all the praise I can give.
>>550490 The valley really is lovely this time of year. You should do a reverse snowbird sometime and flee north for the summer. Or just a week or so. There's so much valley to walk through, and I haven't even really checked out the nature trails on the west end of the city.
I dunno, north this year was 30c average for months and no rain
why dont we just purate the porn
If there's something I do really like about living at this latitude, it's getting to experience all the seasons Even if spring is rarely more than three weeks tops. Bar my fantasy of a part of the world where I could get this temperate summer year 'round, I don't think I could move much north-south-wise and be happy with it. I'm pretty much stuck in this general horizontal stretch of planet Earth.
>>550502 Winter is trash. Snow everywhere. Got to actually produce heat to be warm. Give me the scorching heat and humidity of summer any time over that.
I find it amusing that despite total societal collapse, rise of dystopian police state and practically no law and order on the streets whole wasteland outside cities being irradiated but USA flag is still there
anime toddie dominates all
Kirara 🚗
anime toddler
My average speed on that bike ride according to Google Fit was 15km/h. Which is ... faster than I was expecting. No wonder I wore my leg out.
>>550518 Yeah, I was only five kilometres away from being faster than I'm legally allowed to take those trails on. But 20km/h on a bike would have probably shredded me to bits. And I don't even know if I can get speeds that fast on the gears anyway.
>>550522 wat? I've done prolly 50 on bike on flat ground on asphalt ofc
>>550526 I'm not saying it's impossible for A bike to hit those speeds. I'm saying I'm not sure if the gears on -that- bike would hit them on flat terrain.
I've got I think 8 gear bike on 5 I push something like 25 on flat as cruising speed 6 I could do 30 to 35 and beyond that it just uses too much effort to go faster the 7 and 8 gears are more "get speed on downhill2
>>550530 It's a 3xSomething gear bike. I can't get one of the gear changes to work so I'm limited between the three I can change between. Which suffices. If I wasn't particularly out of shape I could easily clear all the hills on the trails I bike on with just those three.
wouldn't the Judge helmets obstruct your vision quite badly?
I'd imagine they have some sort of fancy HUD. Oh and fun fact about Judge Dredd. The comic takes place in real time so he's aged like 40 years since the comic started.
true dat their guns are fucking awesome so many options with them HOW do they even work?
>>550538 Close, he's 66. He however had a youth rejuvenation treatment in a recent comic. The judges organization required him to do it in order for him to continue being a judge.
also Steyer Aug? would that gun be manufactred or be around in the distant future of Dredd? Or is it just a collection of museum guns, like people having stuff from ww1 and 2 on their walls
I wouldn't even be that mad about the fridge if they had given me a date or called/mailed me on how the process is going but no nothing if it doesn't arrive tomorrow that is weekend without a fridge cause I seriously doubt that gigantti does deliveries on weekends
OH SHIT TYRANNY I forgot I woned that game I guess I should replay it from the start to rejuvinate my memory maybe stream it this time if someone is interested in magical land JUDGE Dredd
Dunwall guards seem to have same morality as US cops
Kirara 🚗
pretty much
Oh the person who did that short CGI clip of a giant spectre of Death hanging over the Golden Gate Bridge is from Toronto.
Kirara 🚗
neat become their apprentice!
https://www.cbc.ca/arts/how-a-toronto-artist-tricked-instagram-into-thinking-a-monster-was-attacking-san-francisco-1.4776690 Some of the other CGI stuff he does looks really neato too. They have a few pieces in the article.
the calls dont stop coming and they dont stop coming and thy
Kirara 🚗
hit the phone runnin
theyre complainng about our abandonement rate but then they do shit like schedule two people off the same day
Kirara 🚗
typical call center shit
though theyre taking away two of my team, one of them is the problem child, taking like 30 calls in 8 hours compared to my like 100+
im sad to lose the other one she’s pretty good at work
Kirara 🚗
rip o7
i should leave tbh they’d be screwed without ke and ky oartner though theres a new girl who isnt bad but she just has no confidence
i can apply internally at this point e eryonr who leaves here speaks well of where theygo
It’s not like i totally hate this job but everything that goes wrong boils down to someone that isnt me 99% of the time we cant give advice or read labs or anything so all we can do is send notes and sometimes that gets people pissed
like the other day i had to change an appt because the rules keep changing one of the pediatricians doesnt want well visits at the last spot if his day anymore and its probanly jsut so he
>>550609 internally like for a different administrative position?
>>550613 yeah like maybe i could get into it or something
Kirara 🚗
As far as I can tell, the only people that want to spend their entire career in a call centre must not be human at all. Don't blame you for wanting to get out of it.
Kirara 🚗
agreed call centers are miserable
like my group is usually not that bad but tbe rules are changing, occasionally they give us extra stuff to start doijg, its just like uhhhhgggghh
especially when you get someone whonus pissed and its lie rheyre directed st you and you cant do shit
like i was talking to a giy whonwas a little testy so i was getting flustered at him
we cant fax school excuses or arent supposed to and thats what he was wanting the clerjs at the clinic said they had nothing shen i called again to try and get them to talk to him to placate him, she was like “oh i think i did fax something” so she had misinformed me and that made me mad
World's only 17.5 GBs. That's not as large as I was expecting. Still probably gonna be a while to download, but definitely not the slog I thought was coming.
i am beginning my download
I'm working on getting mine. It always takes way too much time to allocate disk space before downloading games. There's probably a reason for why but I can't be arsed to troubleshoot why.
mine took a while to allocate too you might just have a slow rpm disk?
Maybe. It can be kind of cruddy to read and write from/to in a variety of ways. Maybe I should have put World on my SSD, hah hah.
Man I haven't slept in like nineteen hours too. Honestly I was hoping World would be a large-ish download so I could fucking nap during the process.
I hope the PC version works well with mouse and keyboard. I've been lazy getting PS3 controller cooperation with my PC and I don't really want to go to the effort now.
dualshock for windows is so eeeeeasy
at least ds; is
Kirara 🚗
yeah ds4 is at least
ds3 is a bit more complicated but easier than before with the addition of playstation now on PC you can get a ds3 driver for pc from that install if you google "DS3 controller on steam" you should find some reddit post that explains the process
I'll keep it in mind. First I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and see how their PC controls work.
an easier solution is probably just buying a wired xbox 360 controller for like $10-15 dollars
Yeah. Honestly if I snoop around there might even be a wired 360 controller somewhere in the house. I don't really like the feel of 360 controllers though, so that's a bit of a "if nothing else works" option.
i am experiencing some lag with maxed out settings on my 1080ti looks pretty great though
Oh shit.
looks like i might have to turn some settings down
Oh no. Do I pick voice language in Japanese or the MonHun language. My heart is telling me to go with the classics and do the MonHun language.
the VA in cutscenes is lipsynced to JP no matter what language you pick if that triggers you then go with JP voices
I'll see how much it bothers me. I've always liked the MonHun gibberish though.
MonHun language is nice after you've heard the lines one mirrion times
I havn't really been trying, but I have only like 20 total body count so far and low chaos still so unlike me first time I played dishonored, I just butchred any guards that blocked my most direct path
>>550651 yeah, but theres only three units you pick which of each year you like the most as the art though and you can vote for which year you like most so theyll get a (* uncap and improved skills
>>550695 Yeah, but equipment usually doesn't HANDICAP you this reminds me of some weirded diablo3 hats for wizard for example, that was equilevant of ball gag and facemask gimp suit
Kirara 🚗
it doesn't handicap me
not in game but in reality it would limit your vision and depth perception
but anyhow to expand, pirates and seilors would wear an eyepatch at times, especially during boardings, to more quickly adapt to the dark underdeck there wasn't much light there so being able to see what is what and who is who was kinda necessary to survive, especially if there were people keen on poking you with sharp things
Anyhow most of time pirates just went "gib us loot or we sink you" and people pissed their pants off and gave them shit Piracy was about intimidation and targetting prizes that clearly couldn't take you on Not all cannons blazing, swords clashing as the romantic view paints it.
I've only had a single blip so far. Everything else has ran smoothly on maxed settings for me.
>>550737 Maybe try updating your graphics drivers?
>>550734 >>550735 nah you can just turn the grafics up until it looks better than the cutscenes in the original game my computer just can't handle this shit for some reason
I mean yeah you will need a space force in the future but fucking 2020... and what will it even be just some soldiers posted on some station for no reason
Just gather enough supplies or go full napoleon and loot from the locals though then I wouldn't invade russia
Kirara 🚗
this run of dead cells is going so well omg i got an amulet that poisons my attackers, a shield that freezes my attackers, a sword with high dps and long reach, and i heal with every kill im so strong rn
oh i love meetings that make it so i have to do work for all clinic instead
>>550758 so just get someone to attack you and frozen+poisoned I mean if those deal high enough dmg, you are set especially if hit per kill is enough to cover the damage taken
Kirara 🚗
>>550760 yeah basically i take some damage when i block but im basically unkillable unless i get swarmed or something lucky
>>550756 i got to get owl to build a 13a character i think
>>550766 The cats are endearing when they meet up with you after the shipwreck. I got some real "this is making me want to hug my real cat too" moments after the scene. Maybe didn't help that I modelled my cat partner after my actual cat.
>>550770 >model your cat after your cat >year or so later >havn't played monhun in a while >decide to play it >your cat has died during pause in gaming aaaand sadness strikes
>>550770 my palico is also modeled after mine haha i always shout at him while playing and real Laz is always like wtf am i supposed to do????
>>550775 Up until World I've always modelled my starting cat in MonHun after my cat that went missing a few years back. It's both a little sad and my way of remembering the guy. Plus in every other recent MonHun title you get to bring to cats with you on hunts so I just always make my second cat the other one.
They pretty much act as AI players that aren't as strong and lean more towards support roles than aggressive ones. Even at max level they won't be doing more than chip damage to actual monsters, but the support they give can be a huge boon in solo play.
Kirara 🚗
>>550784 im pretty excited to start ill have to do my character soon
>>550785 just stack palico rally and afk while your palico does all the work
>>550822 reminds me of how in the past companies paid their workers in store credits, untill people went "uhh this silly, gib us actual money" I guess we have rewinded TIME
Kirara 🚗
>>550823 yeah, we used to have unions to protect people from this
Kirara 🚗
it's not scrip luckily it's not subtracted from pay
some alumni at my school are hanging out with one of the psychologists that have influenced me the most im so jealous he's def gonna die before i can meet him
does jan want to play the new one
my thought was anyone who wants or needs to drop out can cameo later sicne uh tou know cordell and fucking literally satan are still relevant
pan would have a tougher time cameo ing, being a dice god and all
I mean best I ever did was a communist revolution in high school and gathering few hundred "smoke mushrooms" and tossing them in a classroom in elementary
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
wait kirara did you pick fighter just so I wouldn't have to make klepto
Kirara 🚗
no and i didn't necessarily pick fighter just probably going to be hand to hand and simple because i am a simple mushroom
"I like to mess with corpses, but I don't like how they don't mess me back"
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
The idea Kirara had was taking "Kleptomancy", which is literally magic based on stealing the concept or attributes of things, and using it to steal the "death" of something.
I mean what is necromancy anyhow in some fiction it is pouring dark magic into things to give them life in others it is giving life to corpses, but in foul way
Anyhoozle, TN, were you to join, I'd have to give you the short version of last campaign since this happens immediately after. And also the lore that PAN, JAN, Kirara, and I came up with.
durid is in fact in true ways I haven't read multiclassing personally if you wanted to mix it with something but I think they have that kind of capability. Probably.
well yeah more like conjuring Less pulling the weapon from a place, more making it temporarily.
so pan's character is a conjurer of cheap tricks
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
A conjurer of FISTS
Kirara 🚗
fist wizard
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>550909 oh yeah true ways does have the // wait bestiary has the default fungal-person class if you want to use that one, but if you want to get crative I'm game
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
creative too
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
and not class but race
Kirara 🚗
oh is that in there?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
yeah it's near the fungaloids section
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
as in at the end
Kirara 🚗
i was thinking of releasing spores with a low chance of basically poisoning an enemy by growing inside of them
Oooooooh, that could be a good unique thing. And it'd be fun if you choose to return there for the quest to build trade routes. >>550953 I'd say probably but that'd likely be Kirara's call. They're his race
If the theory behind necromancy is removing the death of something, then no, since it'd have to be alive first. But that partly depends on the theory of necromancy in-universe. >>550956 That's fair. It will need to be in confines of the magic given in-universe though.
All magic that isn't Jer Khauff's is primarily derivative of Deesix's magic. Deesix is the god of dice and randomness. >>550957 We don't necessarily have unholy magic in this universe though.
There is Jer Khauff's holy magic, which is derivative from Jer Khauff of course.
Zariamancy is the most basic magic and the most diverse, it's Deesix's random power in its purest form. It can do almost anything, and things like Kleptomancy and Oplomancy are derivative of it.
Oplomancy is the creation of temporary weapons and associated uses.
Kleptomancy is the stealing of attributes or concepts of things. Forbidden level uses can completely steal actual things. It caused the mutation of the Werefolk and the Blobs.
>>550963 is not like the pasta provider invented it
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Kirara, there's an explanation for most of the races in that universe, but where did Injuns come from? Did they appear with Jer Khauff's seed?
Kirara 🚗
i think so
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Oh right There's also Olivia/Satan's power present, even if Jer Khauff is trying to hold it back passively. As more humans live to sin, Olivia grows stronger.
There's a small problem, though. I was told the employer is laid back, but she seems unreliable. She took three weeks to reply to my email and only replies once every day, which is problematic as I don't know where my interview is tomorrow. There are two possible locations.
>>550986 Thanks! It's all going not very well with it - I only found out she wants to meet tomorrow today. And she always emails at the end of the day, too! I hope your stuff will go more smoothly than mine is going.