Black Clover Cooking with Emiya Free! Hyakuren no Haou to Seiyaku no Valkyria --Episode 4-5 Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi --Episode 18-19 Kyoto Holmes Lord of Vermillion Satsuriku no Tenshi --Episode 3-5 Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight Steins;Gate 0 Tsukumogami Kashimasu --Episode 1-3
I didn't catch it the first time around last week, but they introduced the old quack's son as the strongest person in this water temple. And then he got immediately bowled over to show how amazingly powerful the evil group's beast dude is.
This series hits all the old classic cliches like it's a classic rock radio station.
>>550236 Yeah it was jobbing at its most transparent.
Oh he hasn't jobbed quite yet. Yet.
So he can change the rules of the game with his magic but he can't end the game. Just make a dumb loophole that ends the game like a second after the change in the rules or something. This is silly.
The QUALITY combined with perspective made the beast guy look really silly there for a moment.
That sort of situation's always felt pretty embarrassing by proxy for me, yeah. I can imagine being pretty traumatized by doing it in front of a lot of people.
KyoAni's doing a show of cute high school boys doing archery next season. I guess the latter half of 2018 is gonna earn them a bunch of fujobucks.
Your pain is the one thing That I feel inside me That I have been hiding Inside me for you Your death is the singing I hear when I'm dreaming And the bell I'll be ringing When I sing for you
It is sort of a weird stable time loop. Daru knows he can build a time machine because he himself built one in the future to send his daughter back to the past. But he probably wouldn't have ever built something on this scale if he didn't see it in the present.
I mean there's a lot of other world lines. Ones where all sorts of weird things happen. But I get what Suzu was saying.
Yeah, it would have been interesting. But I guess the first Steins;Gate anime was already pretty compressed for time. We did see some quick glances of them though, like Mayuri turning to green goo and geting half-stuck in a wall.
Well we saw him in episode one. I was expecting him to be this Holmes' Moriarty but he doesn't quite have the oomph to fill the role. Maybe he'll prove himself in time.
These monks are ridiculously forgiving though. Guess they're monks after all.