Black Clover Cooking with Emiya Free! Hanebado! Hyakuren no Haou to Seiyaku no Valkyria --Episode 3-4 Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi Lord of Vermillion Satsuriku no Tenshi --Episode 3-4 Shoujo Kageki Starlight --Episode 2-3 Steins;Gate 0 Tsukumogami Kashimasu --Episode 1-2
They got over the overused "enemy underestimates Asta because he doesn't have any magic and then expects their magic to defend against his sword" really fast this time. I guess that's a good thing.
yeah the hungry girl seems like she would be dangerous in a temple full of fish people.
I thought the obviously-a-fishgirl that was with Asta and Noelle earlier in the show would be fighting against Noelle. She took care of Charmy pretty fast though, so I guess she'll meet up against them before long.
wew he blocked pikachus shield
And this one is obviously her brother or something that's with her in the OP. Like his dream is even a carbon-copy dancer version of hers.
Guess the strong guy was just here to job for the real bad guys.
Oh he showed up faster than I expected. The beastguy is in the OP so I figured he'd make an appearance. But I figured they'd get a bit farther in this dumb battle game before he did.
They ramp up for this guy coming to mess shit up and then make it look like most of next episode is a flashback between Zappy and Hotshot.
This is kinda what we've been waiting on the whole time.
Yeah, this feels like the act climax. And then we enter the final act of the show. It's getting pretty exciting.
I wonder if Mayuris gonna kill herself to force okabe to act or you know just talk to him
I was wondering if she might too. In the OP though she's sitting in Suzu's time machine as it's getting all glowy and white though. Maybe she leaves him for good by jumping into the future.