>>539204 moon what the fuck is with these voters I don't even fit the theme and I made top 2%
>>539206 have you tried judging at all it's a one-or-the-other thing i think it links you up with other people around the same votes as you, but im not sure so it might just be that you did better than other people with 0, 1, 2, ... N votes
>>539208 hahahaha i came across that same one holy shit that was funny as fuck
>>539208 like there's probably people who just send nikki in with the basic white t shirt and nothing so you probably skip above those >>539212 you gotta use the dress, not the top i forget what it's called but it's just the white shirt you get at the start
>>539211 I tried sending her with the default for shits and giggles and you can't
>>539210 I want that trex now look at this clusterfuck
>>539212 i'll show you my green lapels entry hold up i still went goofy but i at least took the time to make my stuff green i used the red hot pants and dyed them green in the customization thing i don't have many customization materials or many base materials so i just made do with what i had
im in the top 58% with 1100 likes i wonder if maybe it just gives you the achievement reward for free the first few times you enter there's still people voting though there's voting achievements too i think so you'll p much always get some votes
>>539214 honestly change a few things up and it'd be pretty good like the leggings
yeah i just grabbed all the green stuff i had and made my shorts and journalist-blue into green i didnt have green shoes
i wonder if any passersby on /moe/ will hear our chatter and pick the game up some day
i haven't been able to get into mansionair they just don't do it for me for some reason you ever find a band that you just like, can't connect with at all
yeah occasionally though i can't think of any examples off the top of my head i've found bands in genres that i like that i just don't seem to enjoy that much it's usually something about the singer's voice or accent that throws it off in my experience i like mansionair since they remind me of Phoenix though
>>539227 >since 2018 top lol i wonder what golden kamuy tastes like i'll probably never find out i might never drink again >>539228 i think the language barrier might make it difficult i'd enjoy listening to his voice even though i don't know what the fuck he's saying though g god damn i got a paper cut under my pinky finger nail and it hurts every time i hit the apostraphe or p key
Accurate though.
>>539228 He seems pretty fun. Might be an entertaining person to chill with.
>>539232 damn someone gave me a bottle of wine yesterday for my birthday and ive been starin at it and was probably gonna down the whole thing tomorrow but now ill feel even more guilty than i otherwise would since you said this
>>539235 Take your anger out on the wine bottle Pick it up and smash it to pieces Actually don't you'll have to clean it up
>>539239 yeah dude imagine throwing down a big fancy bottle of expensive wine Just throwing it onto the ground and the glass shatters everywhere, the wine goes all over the place
>throw it at a wall YE Find a nice brick wall and throw it at that
>>539238 something tells me that this would be really satisfying >throwing it onto the ground throw it at a wall and watch it spin and then explode everywhere >>539237 >>539235 well it's not like i don't still smoke quitting is pretty easy for me i'm a natural born quitter
i don't really want to break glass i want to drink it
>>539240 No you want to smash it You're basically smashing capitalism and you're into that aren't you Wine is a symbol of wealth or some shit and you want to smash it to pieces
coming soon to a theater near you: shootin brass >>539245 whoa that image is in my folder of DtB images i collected when i had a shitload of free time and nothing to live for good taste
i used to break lightbulbs and eat them when i was a young girl
Kirara 🚗
it's nico nico ni's birthday and you know what that means
>>539261 tell her that birthdays are bourgeois nonsense and to get her a gift would be a crime because she deserves to be celebrated every day of her life and not just one day a year
i forgot my sister's birthday is tomorrow and have no idea what to get her reeeee
Tanjoubi omedettes, Kirara.
>>539261 is she allergic to chocolates if not then buy chocolates everyone likes chocolates and you can get it from anywhere
>>539260 >dad why didn't we get any presents for christmas? >that's what the bourgeois want son
>>539268 i'll buy you a frog for your blender >>539272 are you ok ton >>539273 does a frog not notice if you slowly increase blender >>539269 WHAT KIND OF FUCKING SHIT ASS MCDICKSUCK ESTABLISHMENT DOESN'T HAVE GOD DAMN CURLY FRIES GET ME YOUR FUCKING MANAGER OR I'M GONNA CLIMB THROUGH THAT FUCKING DRIVE THRU WINDOW AND STAB YOU
oh wait no im misremembering it was about hot water damn
i had a really good sandwich name for mcd's the other day but i cant remember it now it was some classification of crime i can't remember like a mcassault but not assault not a mcbattery either
Kirara 🚗
my first smoothie will be a codeine smoothie
slippery frog slope
Kirara 🚗
codeine and wine smoothie
>>539277 that's gonna be // wait no codeine tablets or syrup? tablets will make it nasty bitter >>539279 make sure y ou don't have too much acetaminophen in your codeine and wine smoothie or your liver will quit
Kirara 🚗
i don't need a liver I spit on liver
you need a liver to liver
Kirara 🚗
im gonna be a christmas cake soon unless i get married this year
i dont even know her
>>539276 hmm McAttack rhymes i actually can't think of many classifications for assault McManslaughter McOutofIdeas
>>539283 ive been a christmas cake for a while almost got married twice never did idk it's not so bad
>>539271 yeah im fine i just cant thpe on my phone for beans and also should be sleeping
oh i think it was a McArson although a McSedition sounds pretty tasty too
McArson sounds like it has ghost pepper sauce on it
>>539283 i never understood the christmas cake thing i never buy christmas cakes before the 26th you can get them half off or more dude
>>539293 Yeah but they're all cakes anyway so who cares if you want cake, get it 75% off or make it yourself
i never buy valentine's chocolate and wait until the day after mother's day to buy my mom flowers too you can get all sorts of cool shit for mere shekels the day/week after christmas/new years as well i got a nice bluetooth speaker for my dad last year for a third of the MSRP like that buying gifts for people when retailers have jacked up the prices just in time for the holidays is stupid
>>539292 fire isn't even real >>539287 oh okay i thought you were having a stroke >>539291 here at mcdonalds, we put the mclabel on the mcsandwich and mcdeliver it mcstraight to your mcdoor >>539295 sometimes i think about putting my hand in the blender when i use our blender i have no idea why i know it would be unimaginably painful but i get these intrusive thoughts like when i pick up a knife and for a second think about stabbing myself or when i get a new gadget like a phone or something and think about throwing it out the car window and watching it explode on the pavement or when i'm leaning over a 2800ft cliff drop and i'm like hey matt wanna jump?
>>539296 haha i saw my friends from high school and was telling them about our trip and i haven't seen them in a few years so they didn't know how i am now and they were like "you could have died" and i was like "so what my buddy would have died with me" and they got really upset
>>539301 im ok, celebrating my birthday by staring at a bottle of wine how are you
>>539303 i told them about the beef jerky in the tent and reading about bears and they were like "what if there had been a bear??? why didn't you have bear spray???" and im all "haha we would have died together so whatever" and they didn't get it those fools still cling to life
>>539364 no i don't want to press on my eyes because it fucks my vision up squeezing my head feels pretty good sometimes though like if i have a headache
>>539392 well it's good to hear you're slowly recovering at least >>539405 >>539402 get the essential phone it's a pure android experience >>539410 i always put shit off until the last minute too
>>539425 huh, interesting too bad I already wasted my monies
I swear my cat intentionally goes outside when it's pouring rain so that she gets nice and soaking wet and needs to be towelled off when she comes back inside. An experience she really, really enjoys, so.
Play Catacomb Kids and enjoy dying horrible deaths, I gues/ ?
>multiplayer is only local I want to multi. But I guess I should expect this with an alpha game
If you eat five bats in a row, your SPD goes up and your jump is improved.
>>539502 I'd say Dungeon Meshi, but it's only a manga for the time being. And it's a little bit different in tone, but has a lot of similarities to Made In Abyss.
I might as well look into it
Oh have you not been reading that?
I barely read manga at all I don't even watch that much anime anymore either
nothing wrong with having a high level of intelligence
You know that one trolly problem where if you pull the lever it plays a random anime song Imagine that but the last song you hear before you go is from Rick and Morty
Kirara 🚗
there's a new Muse single and a new Death Cab single
I successfully killed and ate 5 fishahnas in a row and I sprouted gills so I should have been able to breathe underwater but the BAD SWIMMER trait overrules it so I still sink and still drown incredibly fast.
Anyway, I died on a spike so this doesn't even matter.
No, I was successfully able to escape drowning. I had a lot of HP. But I got into a fight and tried to loot a corpse and didn't know it was on top of a spike when I jumped right on it
>>539614 yeah but I htink that series basically bridges the main heroes with some of the game versions of them also >gold cooler I wish they'd have gone with I dunno platinum or something make him look like metal cooler, but not metal
Yeah but frieza has stated that he went gold, because gold is coolest in his opinion and that you can decide somewhat on the colour
huh Well I dunno Maybe Toriyama FORGOT AGAIN
Or they just went with gold but if they actually bring him a into canon, I hope he has a different form than just gold
THough he did go Gold after hearing Frieza did Maybe he didn't realize he can decide the color himself
also if hhe is brought into canon, it kinda breaks the canon, so I guess he should be dead or something?
Eh, he can get ressed like anyone else really
Yeah but waht I mean they can't just reintroduce him like they are doing with broly since broly and paragus can just have been in hiding but Cooler? if he was around, then the cold empire should be going stronk
It is the best idea, honestly. It's so easy to die in confrontations. In the bottom left you can see my spells. The one with a zero is my heal (because I used all the charges) The other one is Blink, which is a teleport that lets me even go through walls. Both of them were very useful for being able to survive three stages without a weapon
But at the very least the sea was warm like 25+ degrees real rare for sea to be that warm here ever, mainly because usually storms and winds mix up the water so it doesn't get to pile up the warmth like it has now
dunno even how that happens at times like -20 and it is misty how the fuck does taht happen? weather and atmospheric conditions mixing up just right can produce real weird shit
Was fun swimming in the sea while two strangers talked about it and hte other was scoutng the surface for signs of it and i am all "hey we are swimming here mind not spoop us about that?"
it was bit weird the other guy was clearly night guard for the boat club/peer that was next to the pier we used to go swimming but the other guy was for some reason sitting at the pier at the middle of the night, 23:45 i think it was, since I asked him the time, with several large bags writing or reading something using a headlight didn't think of it odd at the moment, but later recalling it, it was bit weird
his leg was surgically removed non-lethal damage because it wouldn't kill you
>>539688 That reminds me of something really funny. There was a character making a heal check to do minor surgery and they failed and almost killed the character. The DM forgot he could just take ten instead of rolling. Because thats how skills work. (except in times of stress like the middle of combat).
Every time I hear about D&D it makes me want to just stick with 13th age.
Though it's not like the second run will be able to be played until like 2020
>>539690 Well I play 3.5 which has a lot of rules. 5e is much simpler so I can recommend it if you want a rules light game. I personally don't like it because of the lack of rules.
Kirara 🚗
13th age is even simpler than 5e it's pretty casual (not in a bad way) 5e is casual in a bad way
5e is at this point of casualness where there are enough rules to be annoying but not enough rules to really allow for the full experience that you'd get from 3.5 and the rules just aren't intuitive either
I had Owl go through some of the stuff he likes in D&D and I was hoping to just be able to slap that into 13th but I forget if I saved all that in a text document or not.
I mean I basically threw his barbarian class out the window for the most part and homebrewed his powers in the first campaign.
Could you imagine if Olivia had stayed in your party the whole time?
Although the hilarious combo of Aurelia and Cag was great. >Aurelia has a daily that can regen everyone's things >Cag has a power that regens a daily and two powers for the target >Can cycle this forever >Only realize this at the final boss
>>539710 thanks, it is my favorite meal >>539711 surely nothing like that will happen again
>>>/watch?v=AO_mAfYM1Vo this shit popped up in my recommended it's like an exposé on emotional support animals and tryna say people who need them are just trying to cheat the airport policies then they demonstrate how easy it is to fake having emotional illness so you can save 25 bucks on your flight and take your animal on with you
like, a whole lot of aggression against emotionally unwell people here it's not like mental health is a REAL disease right it's not like a service anima idk im too angry lately
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I feel like I could implement this stuff. This is primarily for my campaign folks and probably rei
>>539725 i can't imagine living to be 67 not that im afraid of being old but i lose people faster than i acquire them so i'd run out of people way before then
>>539742 chicago's the only show that's drivable there's one in salt lake city though, or some in texas in october salt lake city on september 11th we could fly there
Kirara 🚗
>>539745 i don't think i can unless it's during a break from school
gonna start with strawberry banana since it's so easy and ive never made smoothies before
you gotta take the shells off before blending
Kirara 🚗
maybe i should get a strawberry peeler to get the shells off more quickly
i wonder how rook's enjoying his banana slicer
Kirara 🚗
in eden of the east, there was a lady that cut off people's dicks with a sausage slicer or something i think they called her the johhny snatcher or something
>>539764 a touching story of a middle-class white teacher working in inner city schools and tames the troubled youths and wins their respect by coaching a rowing crew to state championships
>>539800 you're asking what to do about melted people until they evaporate and then comparing it to evaporated water you're dodging your own question man i dont think you thought this one out
>>539803 No I just pointed out that people when they melt don't get stuck on the gorund like eggs
>>539805 because "boiling water doesnt stick to the pan" boiling is evaporating water is already melted if it's liquid and water indeed does stick to the pan
Also taking this silliness to another level, imagine if some people actually melted into puddles of liquid and that liquid evaporates over time so following just basic water circulation, that would mean that people liquid would eventually rain down people rain clouds
>>539809 it's not time that makes things evaporate, it's heat water will evaporate over time in the sun because it's got a pretty low boiling point what melts at that temperature probably isn't going to also evaporate unless there's very, very low atmospheric pressure like you dont see cheese evaporating once it melts though the water may evaporate from it and then it gets dry
Ah that is indeed a good point How does evaporation anyhow work, since other things than just water evaporate and have higher boiling points in regular temperatures
well, heat is literally the energy contained within a system so when something is solid, the molecules it's made of are very tightly bound together, rigid when enough energy is applied to loosen those molecules up, they're sort of connected but not rigidly, like you could imagine having a whole bunch of those magnetic rocks and making a line of them they can pull each other around in a loose form but are easily broken apart, compared to putting all the rocks into like a block structure covered on all sides what is keeping them together as a liquid is partially the bind between molecules, but moreso the air pressure around it pushing the molecules together if there was no atmospheric pressure, most non-polar liquids (i.e. not water) would just become gas
but since we have air pressure, you have to add enough energy that the molecules can push harder than the air pressure and separate from each other once they're separated, they're free-moving on their own and that's a gas the molecules now move very fast and bounce around things in the air freely how much heat needs to be added depends on what the molecule is
if you had milk and wanted it to evaporate, what would happen is the water would evaporate from the solution and leave behind everything else in the milk but without the water that's how you have the food product called evaporated milk (i think, idk actually know what evaporated milk is)
mm and that is also what those soup cubes essentially are, though added some powder stuff for storage I guess powdered stuff, like powdered milk is weird anyhow
most liquids you're going to see in normal human activity is actually just water though just solutions with water there are acids and stuff, acetic acid, oil, hydrogen peroxide but anything you're consuming is mostly water
hydrogen peroxide will actually lose its extra oxygen if left open and will become really gross water
yeah should have specified when i said "liquids" earlier I didn't mean water solutions and such, but acids or gases in liquid form and so on usually stuff that you if spillt and starts to evaporate can be a health issue
btw moon heard of a manga called Maiko-san Chi no Makanai-san?
oils are made of carbon molecules so they're gonna be a lot heavier than water molecules, so it'll take a lot more heat for them to evaporate however, they burn very easily, but that's a chemical reaction, not a state change like evaporation >>539818 i have not i am working for the next day or so but i'll jot the name down
>>539849 Why is he making an argument for a private company It's not like it'll even benefit him if they implement this I don't understand his motivation at all Oh wait I'm a dumb idiot he's arguing they should be paid more
>>539850 I can understand the logic for a "pay per use" services, but it always ignores the fundamental part of it quite many people WON'T then be able to afford them or even if they can, won't since they will have better things to spend their extra dimes on especially libraries, free information, should always remain free as in funded by society
>>539851 yeah, but an essentially comission pay will always fuck the employee over only places where I think it is acceptable is real estate and cars, since the 1-5% cuts they get are HUGE in those
Kirara 🚗
yeah, commission only helps in theory those barista s in cities may get raises but people anywhere else will lose a lot
>>539854 comission seems even less appropraite when it's not as if the baristas can somehow make themselves attract more customers It's not like a sales job where the quality of your work is so directly tied to the amount of sales you make It's better to have a stable wage instead of getting paid depending on the amount of people who happen to come through the door
>>539865 they put out an insanely sized update recently and everyone is talking about how amazing the game is now they're saying it's basically a new game
From what I've been seeing after the horrible release, the developers pretty much went radio silent and threw a bunch of effort into making improvements. The game's had like three or four major content updates now and each one seems to radically improve people's opinion of the game. Maybe I'll check it out when it's on sale.
>>539867 I talked a lot of shit when it came out but credit where credit's due it's nice they kept on supporting the game two years after release JESUS No Mans Sky was two years ago?
they should have just shut up originally instead of trying to PR so hard with an unreachable deadline
>>539868 >>539867 or maybe it is what is essentially stockholm syndrome
>>539869 Not to mention all the new content is free of charge. They've been pretty thorough in trying to improve people's standing on their game since the release.
but the tweet is kinda funny
but NMS biggest downfall imo, is how repetive it is with nothing to really do in it
I feel bad for games devs They spend so much time and effort on making something and it'll get trashed Making a good game is very hard
also for a "no man's sky" doesn't every system have some alien presence in it, and this doesn't include the "robots that come after you when you over harvest materials"
Allowing the water and infusion object (fruits and/or vegetables) to just barely mix together so that only the slightest bit of flavour mixes with the water but you get ALL OF THE NUTRITIOUS VALUE. Or something. It's always seemed like a preposterous concept to me.
you can infuse these nuts
I just saw a person in a t-shirt with Bart Simpson covered in shit.
>>539887 seems like just a setting that brings clear juices with fancy marketing
also name a fruit+vegetable juice?
Tomato and carrot.
usually it's got a bunch of stuff like spinach, kale, celery, avocado, kiwifruit, apples, and a bunch of shit or like papaya, guava, passion fruit with some vegetables added
>>539892 but this cracks the "is tomato a fruit or vegetable"
>>539903 one of the few idioms that sound better in finnish
Kirara 🚗
is that an idiom i have never heard anyone say that other than giogio
really? paskapuhetta, mutta uskon "shit talk but I'll believe" is very common phrase here and amusingly, if you switch syllables, common practice here for comedy it becomes "uskopuhetta, mutta paskon" faith talk, but I'll shit it
i dont think that counts as an idiom i think those are called an adage
I just use the word idiom, cause it is the first one that pops into mind when I think of proverbs et al fancy anglish words
or a proverb yeah that's probably the most appropriate i couldn't think of it though
for something to be an idiom it has to have meaning that's not communicable from the words themselves as in, uh, i can't think of any right now
yeah sorry i guess it sounds like i'm nitpicking or trying to correct you but i'm not i don't care how you use words, i am just a word historian and think it's all interesting even though it's probably incredibly boring
in finnish you just say wordplay, that generally refers to all "prover, idiom" etc or just "saying" for expression, colloquilism and so on because it is a simple language
>>539912 naw is just a language tick I have developed and kinda given up on fixing first word that adequately enough describes what I want to say, I use which at times makes me form a sentence that has finnish, english, swedish, slang and then finglish in it
Kirara 🚗
bets on how long it takes me to cut myself on the blender
But that really depends on your attitude, most likely it will take about 6 months or so cause that is about the period of time you'll get used to having it around and aren't careful anymore but as you havn't had an accident with it, so you end up having one >>539919 or you do it on the first try
>>539915 probably asking because it already happened so like two or three minutes ago
I mean many heavy machinery have somehting like that, but they are usually used to cut HARDER things than human so it is easier to have them "too soft, stahp"
i bet you could probably throw a bunch of thumbtacks in the blender and turn it on
I still think it's unfun though I don't like it when a game drops a stealth section in Because the rest of the games mechanics were not built around it But the good news is that you can just skip that entire arc of the game if you really want to Just go straight to ganon
>>539981 >not being good enough to overcome the odds
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
they JUST kill you
>>539981 So don't get caught. It's not hard. Like I get your greviances here but you're refusing to treat getting seen by them as a fail state in the game.
you know what is undeniably shit the stealth sections in MGR
hey kirara, you might know, if anyone you know how people set like certain audio frequencies of sound while they're doing activities, just steady noise is there anything like that for visuals that i can set as ambient visual intake while i'm transcribing like idk just ambient visuals idk how to describe what i'm asking sorry
Like a screensaver
kind of yeah but just light patterns im lookin on youtube but it's all like psychedelic stuff or fractals or kaleidoscopes and that's not what i mean >>540006 that's too real, something that'll occupy my eyes but not allow them to discern objects and things >>540007 yeah pretty much idk how to even look i guess the closest thing i can think up is the visuals on this song here: >>>/watch?v=cqKOISC-kd8 but like a lot faster just not so harsh that it'd cause seizures
>>540010 yeah my visual senses slow my brain down so much i think i need something passive for that part of my brain to do so i can think clearly just like having background music for your auditory processing need to trick my eyes into thinking they're doing something useful so they can fuck off for a while
>>540014 I kinda get this, but for me it is "to look outside from a window" it doesn't matter what kind of view, I just need to like be able to gaze outside, and blank out
>>540016 yeah i get that and do that sometimes, but it depends a bit on what the activity you're doing is if i'm doing something really fast-paced and my eyes are caught up in this non-moving pane or trying to passively follow visual information related to the activity i'm doing, then it slows everything else down idk if that makes sense like how you probably have moments where you want to listen to heavy, loud music and not tranquil soothing sounds
Man I remember fwe times having worked in offices and such and not having easy access to a window I could peek out from it just fucked my brain over during the day
Kirara 🚗
first smoothie is good but my banana: strawberry ratio is not ideal
also completely beside the point, but I think I have gone from sunset person to a sunrise person >>540020 those go together in cakes, but I don't think as a smoothie/juice it works
generally speaking, I don't like banana in juices or smoothies it just has a very weird texture that always irks me
Kirara 🚗
strawberry banana smoothie is like the prototypical smoothie
is actually curious how straberry is the flagship berry and banana the flagship fruit and quite cheap too despite both being actually quite resource heavy to grow
btw mats buy a strawberry shortcake (slice at the very least) and run i tthrough the blender