Thread #539298
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gamers? more like gay murrs
Boku no Hero Academia Full Metal Panic! --Episode 11-12 Happy Sugar Life Hataraku Saibou Hyakuren no Haou to Seiyaku no Valkyria --Episode 2-3 Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi Kyoto Holmes Ongaku Shoujo --Episode 2-3 Persona 5 Satsuriku no Tenshi --Episode 2-3 Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight Steins;Gate 0
boku no sore zore
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okay let's see here boku no hero persona 5 let's try that again persona 5 boku no hero ongaku shouji kyoto holmes hataraku let's try that
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so without further ado persona 5 okay lets start!
Pass Onna 5 Don't we have Jan tonight.
>>539325 yes
okay okay starting
>>539328 We're only at the OP do you need the time?
what time
>>539332 3:20 3:25 3:30
okie doke
Time to recruit the kouhai into the party.
I wonder how astoundingly expensive it is to get into a high school like this in the heart of Shibuya.
are schools in japan really that expensive?
Don't really know! But Tokyo is already a pretty expensive place to live, so I'd expect the expenses for something like a private school to be suitably expensive too. Especially in a very hot location like Dhibuya.
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This was also a really great dungeon.
Speaking of hot locations.
>I've been waiting for this
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i beat this dungeon in 2 days because they forced me to go home fucking atlus
it was a fun one though, a lot better than the bank imo
Combatto readii
>>539346 Looks like they got sent back home too.
>>539352 >tfw can't say you beat every palace in one day
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The music here was good too.
This anxiety of hers is really something I can feel deeply.
Hah hah hah. Poor Futaba.
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okay boku no hero okay let's start
It's actually really neat to see all the upcoming characters in full colour. I don't think I'd ever seen most of them out of the manga's black and white.
Hatsume is pretty fun.
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this OP isn't that great
I like the layering on Deku's costume now. It makes it look more like an outfit.
Ah here it is. Poor All Might.
This shithead's back again.
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>>539391 he's so insecure
it's hilarious
The girls are teaming up on Ochako.
i wonder if invisible girl will get a new costume
Hah hah hah. The OST and sound effects make this scene kind of silly.
This guy is Sugimoto/10.
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this guy is fucking tweaking
Oh yeah it's Eraserhead's wife.
This guy looks like a palette swap Deku kinda.
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he's more like fluffy bakugo
oh he's deku and bakugo after doing the fusion dance. dekugo
Bakuko sounds like a genderbent Bakugo really.
stain did nothing wrong
This seems like a fun game.
it's like some strange form of laser tag
a lot of quirks are gonna have a really unfair advantage at this game
Deku trying to be the tactician. His class has a few lone wolves though.
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I'm sure they'll do well.
Deku can kick wind with his legs.
>>539415 deku is going to grow up to be Guile
Gonna have a stint in the American military and come back to Japan with that dumbass table haircut.
as expected UA is on another level compared to the average student
Well there'll be some surprises in the other schools, but yeah, pretty much.
Aikawa's heartless "I'm not gonna tell you anything that would give you an advantage" really helps out though.
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okay ongaku shoujo okay lets start!
Ai doru
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crawling in my skin
Oh is she not actually going to be an aidoru but a support actor? That could be an interesting take. If this was just another girl becomes idol show I think it would be kind of, more of the same.
This doesn't really explain much.
This girl with the stuffed nose really likes her hipster glasses.
could you imagine being an idol and hating music
She's messing around with their costumes right off the bat. Though she seems to have a good mind for dancing so maybe it's a good thing.
Her first friend on this app is totally the tsuntsun one.
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I think this show will probably end up being average. oaky kyoto holmes okay let's start!
kyoto holmes is this ep 2 or 3 nevermind there's no ep 3
Yeah.>>539436 I wouldn't say I have very high expectations of it. Do we not need four people for this one too?
well okay
Who names their kid after a park or other geographical point of interest near where they live.
I bet it was her sister quote me if im right
Her mother and imouto speak with a bit of an accent but the girl here speaks a more neutral Kapanese.
Holmes is a suave motherfucker when he wants to be.
Also come to think of it, the girl from Kakuriyo is also an Aoi. Though it's a pretty common girl's name so, eh, not that weird.
The girl's friends also have a bit of an accent too.
He can also be one hell of a demon when he wants to be too.
Time for some SHERLOCKING
I was right
>>539449 Well, half right. Imouto wrote the first letter.
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One issue with detective shows is taht the culprit always confesses. Real life isn't like that.
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okay hataraku 3 okay then let's just start!
We aru cells at work Jan are you still around?>>539452 So you're going to ignore him for a show and then go on without him for another. He probably left since you ignored him for the start to Holmes.>>539456 Beep boop Rika.
hata best show this season maybe>>539439
Search [iqdb] (112 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Aho Girl - 08 [(…).jpg )
>>539453 what where is he? was he watching holmes with us? did I miss him? I didn't know he was watching. I see where he posted now though. Sorry, Jan, I didn't notice! So can someone get his attention? okay sorry jan! okay let's start!
>>539453 >>539453 >>539453
>This is the inside of the human body [Citation needed]
My body's a fucking temple. No ghetto like this in there.
His name is just plastered on his cap in big letters. Oh that's actually a type of T cell huh.
>Kill the fucking viruses, Shinji
>I've notified everyone through Dendritic Cell >It's not a cell phone
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The immune system is so violent.
It's got to be. Being the first line of defense isn't peaceful work.
>They don't pay me enough to put up with this shit
Dendritic seems a bit of a lunatic.
do they really have to typeset the stuff that is just a repeat of what the characters say
Maybe they're encouraged to be thorough.
Hah hah hah. Just punched right through the wall. Ah yeah I thought it would be this guy from the OP.
He's really JoJo/10. david production's putting their experience to good work.
Search [iqdb] (92 KB, 507x667, [HorribleSubs] Aho Girl - 03 [(…).jpg )
even white blood cell is afraid
is that a mothafucking jujubees reference
Search [iqdb] (125 KB, 680x715, [HorribleSubs] Gamers! - 01 [7(…).jpg )
The body had to wrok pretty hard on this one.
Influenza's a pretty serious issue. Looks like the REAL THREAT has made itself known now though.
Oh no now food poisoning. These are all sorts of unpleasant things to deal with.
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thanks for anime!
this person's body is so fucked up
Well in reality your body fights off small time invasions of germs and viruses like this constantly. These are probably supposed to be those occasions for the most part.