we broke a heat record today and that record is set to be broken again in two days my AC is having trouble handling this heat it keeps shutting off during the day
>>538209 Oh that is really good. Darkest Dungeon does a really good job of making those moments that your characters remain stalwart feel really, really good. Like that "TICKTICKTICKTICKTICK" build-up to the triumphant shine is just a HELL yeah moment.
Kirara ๐
it's so stressful when you're getting close to 100 the other day i got THREE virtuous in one dungeon I couldn't believe it
Kirara ๐
ofc my dps got fearful though which is like -20% damage lol
I love it when games give you a resource like that to manage. Like you can barely really impact it yourself most of the time, you just kind of guide its increments and decrements and hope nothing goes terrible. Darkest Dungeon does a really good job of being as much of a resource management game as you can out of a dungeon crawler.
Not yet. To be fair I haven't even beaten the "base game" yet. The run I kind of petered out on I hadn't installed any of the game-changing DLC yet like the Court or the districts. Felt like I should try and run that before tweaking the experience much.
>>538220 it's so surreal Like seeing a geocite fanpage for some 90s anime But it's for Jimmy Neutron and it's still updated The forums still have regular posters too It's fascinating
>>538221 the dlc improves the game so much crimson court is really cool and difficult color of madness has an endless mode where you just fight endless waves and dead characters don't stay dead forever it's really fun for experimenting
Yeah, I read that the Crimson Court is a pretty big change and a fair bit of a difficulty spike. Which is in part why I didn't install it when I was doing my feeling around of the game. I was considering getting the Color of Madness during the most recent sale but I was pretty short on cash. Annoyingly enough I got some government money this week so that isn't an issue anymore. If only timelines actually lined up, hah hah. It's definitely something on the to-get list though.
bloodsuckers in crimson court are crazy flagellant and shieldbreaker are really cool new characters though there's also this awesome crocodile boss thing that i love fighting
cc introduces set trinkets which are fun i have a trinket for my highwaymen that gives +45% chance to virtuous and it's so good it was really hard to get and i live in fear of losing it
Can't you pick up trinkets on character deaths? I mean I guess you could get a TPK, and maybe that's a bigger concern in the hardest, darker dungeons.
Kirara ๐
not if you have to retreat from the fight
sometimes you can reclaim your trinkets from a shrieker, though
Oh yeah right that's how it works.
Though why isn't Tony playing this game. It isn't weeb-y, sure, but I'd imagine dungeon exploration games would be up his alley.
probably but i haven't watched any anime in two months and i can't watch tv or stare at my computer screen or i get a headache, anyway
it's been like years since i watched anime with /moe/
/moe/ is always so dead during anime time though it's weird it didn't used to be like that
i thought about buying darkest dungeon a bunch of times but every time i did the recent reviews would be like "DON'T BUY THIS SHIT THEY FUCKING RUINED IT IN THE LAST PATCH REEE" and i'd have second thoughts
I'd personally just chalk that up to people being "I HATE CHANGE" as they are prone to be. The game's never felt broken, those people are probably just unhappy their preferred cheese strat got nerfed.
>>538240 I've thought about that a bit recently too. Like, the unique anime threads were created because the mix of anime talk and general talk was a mess for the threads, on top of spoilers. And now when anime threads pop up everything just goes quiet anyway. I don't really have an opinion on whether that's a problem that needs fixing or not I've just observed it.
>>538240 you would like a few shows like bananafish i think there are some good comedies too
i think you and rook would appreciate this show too
also i'm glad i'm not the only one that noticed it's always dead during anime if anyone is even talking it's usually them talking to themselves or 2 hours of no posts at all
/moe/ is dead during the day now too the people that used to be active just aren't here anymore
like rika makes 1-5 posts in the main thread every day we have fewer anons daytime /moe/ is basically five people having the same conversation every day it's sad
>>538249 Roc watched episode two of Hanebado in the thread so I figure he's enjoying it yeah. It's a really good show and is one of the things I look forward to during the week.
Hataraku Saibou is another really good show.
>>538250 It's hard to have fresh conversation when people aren't doing new things. And I don't know if this is commonplace but I feel as people move into adult lives, you end up doing less new things on a regular basis. So it kind of makes sense that conversation runs out to me. But this isn't much value since I don't have a solution to the problem.
it's hard for me to watch /moe/ die like this /moe/ has been my social support for a long time now and it's like ive just suddenly lost it maybe i didn't really notice until i lost fish
>>538256 yeah we get nothing but shitty people coming in
it needs new people but the newbies we get always act shitty
>>538255 Maybe I'm presuming here a bit but maybe you offloaded the support you had on /moe/ onto Fish.
Honestly I will probably be scarce again once I am over my concussion there's really nothing for me here anymore unless im stuck in bed i really can't even get emotional support from /moe/ anymore people used to be able to provide it but for some reason a lot of people seem to have regressed emotionally and now if i say im worried about future miscarriages, people say stuff like "hopefully you'll be home for it next time!" makes me want to hit people
>>538250 all things come to an end there is a lot fewer people posting here nowadays everyone has splintered off or found a different outlet or otherwise passed on so it goes it's pretty depressing that it has to be this way >>538258 >"hopefully you'll be home for it next time!" i'm not sure what this means
>>538258 It's always hard for me to figure out what to say with stuff like this. I've mentioned before that relating is how I try to find empathy and understanding with other people's struggles. But I don't think I have anything I can relate with to these kinds of problems. Every time you bring up the stuff you suffer through I can't figure out the words to put my emotions right but listening to how hard it is for you does really make me worried and anxious for your well-being. I'd like to be able to be there for you though.
even just being there is enough like i don't expect anyone to have magic words for me but if something happens, like, i don't think it's hard to be sensitive to that and a lot of the people who helped me through teacup and other misfortunes straight-up ignored it and i don't mind if people can't handle it and don't engage, but if you don't engage bc you can't handle it, don't tell me how much you care about me or whatever at least acknowledge it idk it's so stressful /moe/ is really stressful it's been where i vent for so long and now that function of /moe/ doesn't exist so it's incredibly stressful when i try and it doesn't work im probably being unreasonable but it just sucks i don't really have anyone else to vent to
Kirara ๐
it's selfish but i guess im just selfish
You've done a lot for people. I don't think it's selfish to look for something in return.
>>538263 i dunno man i acknowledged it but there's not much else i can say without being melodramatic and depression hour doesn't real anymore if it's anything to you my mom had a miscarriage before she had me but i don't know how it all went for her because she doesn't like to talk about it
>>538262 Yeah I just don't know what I can say in these situations Like I can say "wow that's really awful" but I have no idea if something like that actually helps
just being able to vent is nice nobody has to say any magic words or anything idk it always feels unwelcome and usually someone quickly tries to change the subject so i just don't do it anymore it makes me mad when people say it's okay or whatever but they won't listen
"oh don't leave /moe/! we care about you! but let's ignore that heavy stuff" fuck anyone like that
>>538271 i miss when i could blog about my problems a bit but it seems pointless nobody is even around most of the time i'm awake or after work now and i don't wnat to derail the thread when people are actually talking either i'm not sure where i'm going with this why did i even make this post fuck
>>538271 It's not about finding the magic words for me, but more the inverse. I get really anxious about saying the wrong things or wording things in a way that seems insensitive or half-hearted. The fear of stepping on eggshells gets me so worked up that by the time I think I might have something, often it would end up seeming insensitive or half-hearted. I'm sorry. I don't want to come off like I ignore your heavy stuff or am insensitive to your problems, but I'm honestly just really bad at expressing myself.
>>538271 i had big struggles once i asked for help from /moe/ didn't get it now i've changed my expectations so i don't expect it there's other things to be enjoyed from the community separate from that so it's not about not wanting to help with something heavy as much as not opening the pit of dumping my own heaviness out that comes with that conversation given stuff recently i feel that's the case for many people everyone's kind of struggling as is, man it's hard to reach out and when we do you kind of snap at us
Kirara ๐
>>538278 yeah it sucks i just wanna go live in the woods
>>538280 what is there to be enjoyed from the community these days i know i snap and i always say i am going to stop venting bc i snap and people get upset and tell me it's ok and i shouldn't stop
>>538282 /moe/ is almost always dead it's basically the same conversations every day when im here sometimes there are interesting conversations but /moe/ isn't a very good place for me to relax anymore it stresses me out
>>538279 that wasn't directed at you, i don't think you ignore it or anything sorry
probably nothing dude there's nothing of value here at all besides our ability to reciprocate your pain there's like no value at all in any of our company or values or opinions or anything that makes people people
Part of why I've been taking pictures while biking around lately is in hope of prompting something interesting here. I'm generally good with my visual memory, I don't need the pictures for myself. Biking has been kind of nice and I'd like to explore the city more. I've lived here my whole life but have mostly kept to maybe less than a sixth of it. If I go exploring I'm bound to find interesting things to talk about I bet.
I really like it when people post those sorts of photos Like that one of the statues lying around on the ground It's something new and weird to talk about
i don't really do much that's interesting and /moe/ appropriate
>>538287 Yeah that was me. There's a lot of artsy stuff and unique things squirrelled away here in the city. I'd like to go find them all.
>>538281 /moe/ stresses you out?? I found this place after leaving a ton of other boards which became too toxic. This place seems pretty chill. Do you usually get the same people posting each day?
>>538289 >/moe/ appropriate sometimes I wonder if things are just too restrictive in culture I'm not saying that /moe/ needs to become /b/ or something but I just don't know
Kirara ๐
>>538292 yeah except people die a lot ive been here for like 5 or 6 years
the changes are just stressful
is your main complaint that the people posting aren't the people who you want to be posting
Kirara ๐
it feels that way
Kirara ๐
ok man
im just being honest it's not easy for anyone atm we're all tryin the kind of stuff you're saying does cause some ... put-down-ness
Kirara ๐
ill just keep everything to myself from now on
that's not the implication i was making and i feel that response is really dismissive you know there's more to it than that and i'm not gonna pretend like there isn't
Kirara ๐
if you say so
i do say so i'm not really gonna encourage this i know it's not you and i know it's not right
Kirara ๐
hey guys i was super ready to go to sleep but the NANOSECOND i put my phone down i started having awful lying-awake-in-bed thoughts
classic, classic stuff
I would lie in bed for hours when that shit happened to me... then I found melatonin lol
>>538309 i'm not sure what you want you tell us to ignore it complain when we do hurt us when we try to help we do care but you block off all the access points then make us feel bad for trying it's not like you're alone in suffering either you have people trying to reach out to you because they also suffer and you shut them out i guess i'll just take the 'ok' and leave it here
>>538258 wpuld ypu rather i just jeep quiet instead i was trying to talk to you and make it more apparent that i care but you know im bad with heavy shit man
http://nlab.itmedia.co.jp/nl/articles/1807/20/news078.html http://neweva.blog103.fc2.com/blog-entry-5559.html >2020 I guess 4.0 is happening afterall
I kept getting ads for this meditation app, but they were more focused on the act itself, which makes me want to try it sort of Just not with that app cause that would mean advertising works!
Really rather those ads over a ton of other ads I see though
Advertising works whether you want it to or not. Often times it's actually more the latter than otherwise.
>>538383 for a bit of context >>538376 it's a creepy pasta meme of some sorts based off a Japanese sculptor's representation of the yukai "Ubume" At least that's what I have gathered
Yokai All you need to need to know is probably in the tweet anyway
>>538399 aw maan iโm still free for a bit today if youโre dosn i badi ally didnโt sleep last night but we did you not find my email? [email protected]
Twitter almost obliterated my phone battery today. Apparently when you mute notifications for a thread, it doesn't stop your phone from displaying them. It just doesn't display them in the app.
Twitter sent me more than 4000 notifications today.
this tweet is starting to blow up too, it got a retweet from someone with 30k followers
i got this really weird reply today >>>/@utterpurevoid/1020410482656546816?s=19 they don't follow me, and they only have two tweets: some gibberish, and this statement directed at me
Kirara ๐
also i don't want to talk about the politics in either of my tweets, so let's just avoid going there on /moe/
i realized i have cereal so im just going to have that as soon as i stop feeling like passing out
Oh yeah something like that's available to me too I guess.
Kirara ๐
cereal buddies
Well I might get a bagel and cream cheese instead, hah hah. I'd have to clean up the bowl I use for cereal and I don't know if I want to do that in the moment. I'll reconsider when I'm hungrier later on.
They're still both those kinds of low-effort breakfast foods though.
I'm thinking of setting my text tone to be something really annoying but only while I'm at D&D. Like a bazinga sound clip
i wonder if you can have a set of ringtones and one is randomly chosen at the time of a call
I miss the old nonfree.pizza >>538463 I just thought of that a couple of minutes ago. I think it could be done. I thought of a really naive (terrible) way of doing it and it involves an app running constantly in the background waiting for you to get a call and then picking a random ring tone.
>>538481 he had like 400 tweets referencing pedophilia and making jokes and comments about having sex with children and when someone brought that up he started trying to delete them and claim they didn't real
Oh well, okay, yeah. What the shit, man. What possessed you to think this was a good idea.
Kirara ๐
a lot of rape jokes too he released a statement saying he's not like that anymore but he had like flur /// four years of it in his tweets
That's really unfortunate. Not that he was let go, but that he was the kind of person that should be let go. The GotG influence on the MCU was great.
Kirara ๐
yeah, it's really disappointing they should give gotg to the thor Ragnarok director
Hah hah hah I was thinking that as you were writing it out. Ragnarok was already pretty much space opera with humour. Waititi would be perfect to inherit that feel.
He could even include his cameo rockman character in since he's already an alien anyway.
Kirara ๐
yeah, haha It's a good thing gotg3 is like two years out otherwise this would have really messed with it
Yeah, could have been another Solo on their hands.
Kirara ๐
good that marvel moved so quickly too i can respect that
Doing some extremely short skim-reading on the topic, apparently he's always been for this kind of offensive humour? Like, it wasn't something unknown when he started working for Disney/MCU, or shouldn't have been at least. So it's a little weird that it only got addressed now.
But well, better late than never.
Kirara ๐
I guess it only got addressed now because someone made a fuss about it.
To be hard neutral about what's right or wrong here, perhaps the kind of comments he's made in the past, Disney/MCU didn't consider to be as offensive to the lowest common denominator public in that time period. Or that they didn't expect GotG to be as ridiculously popular as it ended up being since they were pretty much literal nobodies to anyone who weren't huge comic nerds. So it didn't matter that they had an asshole directing it.
I'm surprised Disney didn't fire him sooner considering how squeaky clean they try to keep their brand
yeah they also had another kid aged 4 that they were treating well
That is disappointing, to put it mildly.
what in the fuck
Kirara ๐
it makes me so mad
My neighbours are barbequeing something and it's not helping me here.
maybe you can go over there and ask them if they would kindly barbecue you
There's too many kids around by the sound of it. I'll just stick to my house.
Whenever my mother makes rice in the rice maker, she always makes the amount the thing is set to take as its maximum. Which means even when we only really need maybe three or four portions of rice, we're getting six or eight. So there's often times a container of cold rice in the fridge.
Turned out convenient tonight though.
Also I need to remind myself that meaty curries do NOT heat up well in the microwave. Got to stop doing that.
Because my friends want to watch Kaiji S2 and I can't watch that without something light to go with it. we'll probably never get to watch Hanabi though
Grand Blue's ED is pretty fun too. I hope they've got a set of karaoke songs to pull from. Or maybe have other character duos chime in.
They gotta do a Cakey/Chisa ED
My thoughts exactly. Maybe a less chaotic Chisa/Nanaka ED with Chisa oblivious to how topically crazy a song Nanaka chooses.
I should check in on what people are saying about it. See if it's decent.
Kirara ๐
i would be playing that if // next week if i didn't have a concession
Kirara ๐
a concussion
You've got a break coming up in your school work though, right? At least you might have time to play it then.
>>538522 screencap their reactions or something I'd love to see someone react to the climax of the chinchirorin arc on their first viewing
Though on games, I'm wondering if I should Amazon pre-order Generations Ultimate. I save eight dollars by doing so and it's probably a week-one purchase regardless. And it saves me the effort of transiting down to a store to buy it.
Kirara ๐
>>538539 yeah but im losing a week of it because of my concussion so ill only have a few days really
Aw, that's disappointing.
Kirara ๐
yeah, it sucks i might go solo camping in appalachia for a few days with my time bc i gotta get outta here and i might be in DC for a few days
If you find a good camping region if you do, keep it in mind. Some time down the line I'd be down for camping in that part of the world if you're thinking of group camping again. Maybe next summer or so if luck provides.
Kirara ๐
yeah sure there are some spots i been thinking about i met a really cool guy on twitter that does a lot of camping in appalachia, we've been exchanging photography tips and stuff i might ask him if he knows a good area
I've been sneezing a lot lately. As far as I know it's separate from anything else going on with my body so I'm not concerned. But man it's kind of annoying.
ive had something going on too i can't tell if i have a sinus infection or my body is just acting up like i slept weird and strained the tendons in my neck
Though I should confess by "a lot" I mean like one or two times a day. Which is a lot for me since I don't sneeze often unless unprompted.
Unless prompted even.
i sneeze if i drink caffeine or eat too much or obviously if there's a lot of air pathogens
>>538557 I think it was a bad joke or something. You know, like how people say "download this, it's dolphin porn" Because I mean... uploading actual child porn to your own website ...
Yeah, it IS a bad joke. But I don't think it was. I don't know the actual time it was uploaded but if it was 2007, that was when no one gave a shit about your bad internet jokes. And look at us now, 11 years later.
Just a prank bro
Jesus Christ I'm so tired
I mean "I don't think it was actually that kind of content" It was definitely a bad joke
Fun fact: Tomorrow is statistically the day I'm most likely to meet a cute girl who shares my interest in music this year.
>>538571 Not unless Sam's a cute girl and also going to Pitchfork.
So there's a non negligible chance that i didn't take one of my meds. Cause i was intending to take a melatonin, my depression med and a benadryl. And after I took the benadryl i couldn't remember if i took the depression med or not. But on the off Err chance that i did take it taking a second one would be really really bad.
I once took a dose at 11am, completely forgot about it, and took another at 3pm. It was pretty fucked I would say. The imbalance would have crippled countries
Do you ever want a book so much that you consider contacting a publisher that specializes in reprinting out of print books on the miniscule chance that they'll print it? Pic related
for my anxiety meds i'll take a second dose if i'm not sure because to not have it is generally worse but antidepressants definitely shouldn't be double dosed seratonin sickness is hell
>>538592 I think they did a good job with Raven. She was always kind of on the spooky ghosty kind of thing. The costume change on Beast Boy is still something I don't really like, and Starfire seems more like a fire alien than a psychic alien, soooo.
But man what the fuck Robin. You're supposed to be the plucky in the Titans.
so does Robin hate batman or something in Titans? I only saw the cartoon
>>538599 Robin loves whoever I, the player, tell them to love
>>538598 I only watched the old cartoon too, but I don't think he's got anything against Batman in it. Always figured it was a "you're old enough to work on your own, so go out into the world and protect people independent of me, Robin".
>>538600 "fuck batman" just seems really out of place to me
Even if he has something against Batman too, the egregious violence he seems to engage in also seems really out of place. Like the fuck did you go through that you not only hate him, you enthusiastically refuse to engage in the man's vigilante philosophy.
I think it's called being incompetent writers who only want to be lel epic meme random xd who don't have any regard for a character's original personality.
>>538602 This is really nitpicking but I think Robins shuriken things look dumb Really dumb
I didn't mind them. Though it's weird that he's got such a hateboner for Batman but still uses shurikens like he does.
>>538603 That doesn't really answer the question though. I mean, you're not wrong, but it's out of scope. Like, when a series of three devastating hurricanes hit the east coast in an unheard of rapid succession, you don't answer "why is this happening" with, oh I bet our screenwriters are just shoeing it in and coming up with impossible situations. What shitty writing, am I right? Not seriously, anyway. There's likely not going to be a good reason for why he's like this, unless there's a total change to Robin's backstory for this series, and like I said, you're not wrong. But it's frustrating to have things like this that don't have topical answers.
>>538605 Do we know for sure he has a hateboner for batman Liike ToN says they might just be bad writers They probably thought it would come across as "oh Robin's saying that he doesn't need Batman and can fight crime on his own" but instead it makes him look like he genuinely hates batman "because the writers are incompetent" is a perfectly reasonable answer when the writers haven't thought of a reason as to why something happened There probably isn't an in universe reason, the writers probably just incompetent, or the marketing guys said it needed to have more blood and more action
I would argue that "because the writers are incompentent" is not a perfectly reasonable answer.
It's a -correct- answer, but it's a cop out. And like I said it doesn't address things within the actual frame of reference of the show's story. So it's not actually answering my question, which may or may not actually be reasonable or at least explained.
I say the wriers are incompetent partly because I'm half awake but also because what little I've seen of Teen Titans Go made me very angry.
>>538607 But sometimes there is no reasonable answer precisely because the writers didn't think of one There may not be a reason why Robin has decided to stray from Batmans teachings In which case the answer you are seeking doesn't exist because the writers are incompetent. Also the movie isn't out yet so I'm not sure why you'd expect an in universe answer If one exists it'll be explained or infered from the movie, which is not out yet.
>>538608 Well in Go's case I don't know if the fault lays at the feet of the writers, or the director(s), or the officials at Warner Bros. or whoever else is the ones that greenlight new projects. If your boss tells you to write a comedy that eschews everything dramatic about the previous incarnation of the franchise, you can't exactly go back to the material of the original.
>>538610 Just because there's no reasonable answer is no reason to settle for a cop-out. I'm frustrated because there's a clash between Robin of the past and this Robin, and I would assume for a lot of people the dissonance is also frustrating. And arguably this should have been something the marketing staff should have predicted and given some grounding for. Because you should know how bad comic book fans are with change.
In a sense it isn't that weird to see the gratuitous violence, considering DC's movie Batman has been pretty violent himself. Maybe for DC's attempt at blending their movie series and television series they're keeping with the recent movie Batman. A Robin from that environment might be more vicious too.
I tried to quit but there's no use Cause I'm addicted to her abuse
maybe now that I'm earning some money I can finally fix up my mountain bike and start riding again
>>538660 Man don't WASTE your money on HOBBIES SAVE that shit so you have money when your car breaks down
I mean you're not wrong but I think all I need is a chain at least to make it rideable we'll see I could use exercise that isn't lifting crates off a truck
Biking's pretty nice, especially if you live somewhere you can easily get off the streets and onto trails and the like.
I'm old and never learned how to ride a bike I HAVE learned how to swim recently though, so that's pretty cool
I know I will never be able to roll my Rs and that will haunt me until the end of my days
speaking isn't exactly my forte either
>>538668 you shoud give it a try, I find it to be a pretty enjoyable method of transport personally
>>538677 what i meant to say is that i cant ride well like i can survive around the block but i don't trust myself to not bust my shit
My main issue is that my legs just die horribly after like 2 minutes of it make like 10 seconds if there ever happens to be a slight incline how do you survive?
and i'm decently in shape, i can run a 5k without stopping or walking any of it but that pedaling just rocks my shit
I guess that comes to you over time my friend used to be afraid of standing up and would just ride sitting down he ended up buying a bike of his own and now rides to uni when he can
>>538680 I don't really know what to say about being exhausted after two minutes of biking. Maybe you could look into making sure the bike length, or the height of your seat too, is best for your body size? If you're riding a bike too small or too large for yourself, muscles might be straining.
For hills, it's best to get a bike with gears so you can shift into a lower gear when going up hills. Higher gears are also good for flatter parts so that you can build up a higher speed to hit the hill with.
Also, check to see if your bike's brakes aren't too close to your wheels when not in use. That's a lot of wasted energy if you're pedaling to compensate for the friction. Not to mention it wears on your brakes.
if you have no brakes use your feets
i was feeling excissively agitated for a reason i couldn't figure out just a moment ago then realized flux was on custom settings and not doing its thing i feel immediately calm now what a relief
Is it being out of what you're accustomed that makes you agitated, or the actual light being produced that does?
i imagine the physical stimuli from the light eyes are a really vulnerable thing they take in so much stimulation and feed it directly into the brain with very little filtering compared to other sources of stimulation and you've got several hormones regulated just by information from light intake, not the least of which is melatonin you can just get a lot of nervous friction occuring that's slogging down your other processing faculties and it's distracting, which then becomes irritation and frustration from expected outputs being slightly off all in a very subconscious way ofc consciously it was resulting in a sensation of discouragement from activity like a pretense of fatigue when considering options and feeling a little dysphoric
probably something that you folks call boredom, but to me it's a constant feeling of irritation now that im not straining my eyes, something as simple as that, i'm happily enjoying videos of silverback gorillas
my lips got all chaps yesturday all of sudden, so that carried over to today along with my sinuses kicking in so today was not very productive at all
damn she took that like a champ I'd have legged it
it meant no harm just natural stuff they play with each other harder than that so it still used a lot of restraint very gentle believe it or not the guy who got up in a panic actually probably made it worse
>>538699u that one that broke the branch on purpose was cool really clever It looks like a nice life
showing dominance is a very strong skill for gorillas they spend their whole lives refining that skill, and they have very keen senses about how much to expend doing it they almost never overdo it and the only times they really threaten harm is when doing so is that necessary next step of that dominance if something is only a conceptual threat, like that doctor and the film crew possibly proceeding to follow them, and not a serious immediate threat, they're just showin off playing and fighting aren't particularly different things there, and they don't overkill
>>538701 yeah the strength there looked very controlled If that gorilla wanted to crack her skull it probably could have done so easily, but it just bowled her over
>>538703 which is not at all a dangerous thing for a gorilla they have very different kinds of muscles than humans so tumbling around isn't even remotely harmful to them i think it's really interesting that showing off/playing and performing the duties of the rear guard to protect the family are identical what a natural buffer
musk is hiding thousands of defective cars so he can lie and say his cars work >>>/@IspyTsla/1020024882166300672?s=19 most of the model 3s are defective murder machines and he's padding his numbers by saying they're complete and usable but nobody is getting their cars in the past two years like 3 people have been killed by tesla cars and not just killed, completely decimated, to the point where the car was decimated as well in two separate incidents, toi too*
>>538773 Did the cars catch on fire? >exploded goddamn
Kirara ๐
one of them exploded the other drove itself into something at such a high speed that it obliterated the car and driver and the driver couldn't stop it because it was on auto-pilot
>>538773 battery explosions I guess this has been a real issue of tesla from model 1
Kirara ๐
SpaceX has failed to accomplish much too musk is great at spinning it as a real success but the failure rate is incredibly high and musk will never get us to mars with it the successes aren't even his
>>538778 after he had his pedo tantrum and mini sub BS, everyone finally realized it's great
>>538777 I've always thought of him as practically a snake oil salesman, even if spaceX might in the end do good but I just find it amusing how quickly it happened everyone went from PRAISE MUSk to fuck musk
A guy on youtube has taken it upon himself and 2 other buddies to sub movies made by the boys in revolutionary Catalonia I didn't even know there WERE movies made by them
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Kirara ๐
there is no revolutionary catalonia yet
Well call it what you want but an attempt was made
it might have even be 3 at once but it kinda is amusing how you can list countries that were not at war with germany during last century than countries it was at war with more easily that is
Kirara ๐
3 with one bullet would be hardcore
With a single bullet
Kirara ๐
tom here is sniper elite
Riding around the European countryside on his motorbike, sniper rifle strapped to his back.
that'd probably be pretty fun if done right plan your infiltration of a city, able to take any number of paths into it
yeah it should start with "okay the aim os to have fun and be engaging, fuck everything else as seconday" on the planning phase including historical accuracy
Kirara ๐
yeah haha
not that the series has ever has that, except locations I mean you can kill Hitler in one ofthem
Kirara ๐
but it's all snipers and wacky kills
If I wanted historical accuracy I'd build a time machine and go back myself.
fuck my throat is sore been a while since I shouted loud, I guess
>>538879 I only ever saw a handful of episodes in the rare occasions I watched television away from home. Never got the channels they ran it on when I was a kid.
Kirara ๐
wait is it the cartoon, not the cgi thing?
Probably CGI. I think they showed a CGI Episode II/III Anakin right at the end of it.
Kirara ๐
oh, that's a different and new show sorry, got confused err the cartoon and cgi shows are different shows sorry im very frazzled today
It's okay I'm very tired and it's making me sleep-deprived drunk.
I dunno, drunk can lead to hangover and having your glasses forgotten in a different city
Kirara ๐
ive never had a hangover
any kind of tiredness from drinking on the next day is hangover basically
This mousse cream cheese ended up being really good. It's a pain to spread since it rather just slides around attached to the knife. But the aerated cream cheese accentuates the sweetness of it and it comes off pretty tasty.
but it wouldn't be her and it's probably a bad idea to make a robot that looks like that for sexual purposes haha
>>538898 Lack of partner, capacity to afford it, desperation to satisfy the urge, quality of construct. Probably not in that order though the first is a pretty if/else one.
apparently gunn was taken down after a considerable effort to create controversy from a fellow pedophile and sexual abuser that doesn't like gunn because gunn talks shit about trump
sorry, not fellow pedophile, since we don't know if gunn is a pedo but the person going after gunn is allegedly a pedo and explicitly has admitted to being a sexual abuser
Yeah, I saw some stuff about that when I was looking into it/ I don't think it necessarily redeems him of his actions, but it's frustrating that it's something like this that has it brought to light. Instead of for the sake of just ice.
Kirara ๐
yeah, i agree
also disney ignored women when they complained about depp who is a domestic abuser and yet they dropped gunn immediately after this loser mens rights activist brought this up
im gonna try to play 8path and see if it destroys my head looking at my switch screen is kind stressing my eyes so i expect it will but maybe ill get used to it and it'll be okay
Does a proper television monitor give you more stress than the Switch screen?
Kirara ๐
tv, switch, laptop all seem to stress my eyes so ive been avoiding them phone does a little but it's much less, not sure why maybe something with the construction of the screen theoretically any LED screen should bother me and cause headaches
maybe it is just size also if memory serves, phones use a bit different tech than most screens, especially if you have a somewhat recent phone while I imagine your tv and computer screens are more dated
Kirara ๐
yeah, im thinking size might be part of it my phone is AMOLED my tv is really new, though, a smart TV from last year
Kirara ๐
AMOLED is much quicker which may be why LEDs hurt because the constant flickering requires more eye strain to keep track of images faster may eliminate that if my eyes can't tell
I didn't finish the demo, but I liked the like 10 minutes that I started with. I'd consider buying it if I didn't have like a bazillion things I should be completing.
Plus EOX is August 2 so I'll be scouring that in a language I don't understand.
the exposition in octopath traveler is kind of annoying it's like visual novel with very little breaks for gameplay, when you're in the beginning of a character's story hopefully it gets less intrusive and has more gameplay in between 30 minute exposition sessions tho
En route to the music festival. My dad told me that he got hit on by a young woman whom he thought was in her 30s but she turned to have just graduated from highschool. She was purportedly "stoned out of her mind" and from Jackson Mississippi.
Kirara ๐
damn some people look way older than they are
i had an opposite experience recently a girl at the clinic looked around 16 and i made a comment, asking about her to her clinician, and they said the client was like 30
>>538988 >>>/watch?v=Ks0to2QuJt >>>/watch?v=Ks0to2QuJtM They have some really really good covers of older songs. That one is the mary tyler moore show theme song.
The War on Drugs Random bands I know nothing about.
>>>/watch?v=DrQRS40OKNE I haven't seen this band in like a decade. They barely toured though because they haven't had a new album in almost a decade anyways. They're one of a few bands that I like to describe as "hauntingly beautiful".
Kirara ๐
Spotify recently recommended them to me and they're certainly pretty cool although i haven't gone through all of their stuff yet
Mykonos is also a good song. But white winter hymnal makes me shiver. I used to know all the lyrics, now i still know most of them but I can do all the "oooh ooh ooh ooh ooh" parts perfectly.
I guess the point is a character you run around on the main map and also encounters with. Maybe that's the distinction, since in Octopath don't you have 8 people who eventually meet up, but until then you might consider them all separate MCs
That's kind of nitpicky I'd think but it might be the idea.
I'll make all my visitors sign a waiver saying if they do dumb shit and fuck up my wedding, they take full responsibility for any injuries they incur and they cannot seek legal action against me for any physical violence that is inflicted on them.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
Iโm playin hollow knight itโs cool but not quite as fun as celeste for me having to wait this long to get. an air dash is frustrating also why is greenpath full of penises
>>539043 probably liability waivers are pretty basic you can't do anything remotely dangerous without signing a document saying that whatever company you're doing it through isn't liable for any injuries you sustain
>>539042 it looks pretty good but i haven't played it yet
>>539045 work related injuries and accidents are bit different form say being beaten up by the groom
Kirara ๐
heh if I was a dick, I could call up the cops to stop the neighbours playing loud music
That's the one with Roundabout on it. Also the guy whonsold it to me seemed really interested when I described Jojo's Bizarre Adventure to him. I think he was like 68.
why would you describe anime to some old timer?
I mentioned there was a japanese tv show that had it as its ending theme and then he asked about it.
As in, the master's grandmother was an actual isekaier from the fantasy world and apparently some elf guy had an isekaier wife from earth
also I wonder what woul dhappen if you stayed over after saturday, when the doors are gone in the fantasy world? could you then go explore our world as a fantasy character or would you get warped back regardless once timer hits not to mention, why is the restaurant set up like it is anyhow
arthur chu just RT'd me and now i know that my battery will never survive twitter
Arthur chu? More like Arthur Who?
ya I dunno whom that is either actually
Kirara ๐
chu is a dude who won a ton of money in Jeopardy and went on to become a big anti-racist and anti-bullying blogger and he's one of the anti-gamergate people that the alt-right obsessively hates
Oh, that's probably where I heard his name before, even if I never figured out who he is
Kirara ๐
he's got like 40k followers
Kirara ๐
i guess i will just turn off all my twitter notifs when my phone is not plugged in
>>539077 damn I guess you're in for a big follower windfall
>>539075 He also called in a bomb threat to a party because he was butt mad that the venue didn't cancel the gamergate party that was being held there.
Kirara ๐
>>539080 well that's what people say but there was never evidence of it despite a police investigation
>>539081 People dislike him for being a jackass on jeopardy too. Bringing in game theory to jeopardy takes out the fun.
Considering the right wing are willing to kill people, I don't think calling a bomb threat on your own stuff is that far out
Kirara ๐
>>539079 i just got like 100 followers in the past few days and im still reeling from it this is getting excessive i got a concussion and now im good at twitter????
>>539083 Morons on both sides are willing to kill people, don't pretend its just a right wing thing.
It's not like I put it past liberals to do dumb shit, no But false flags are uh, kinda common also
Oh, I meant like Actually doing it ...now
Kirara ๐
well in any case chu RTing me means im going to get slammed with liberals and alt-righters ughghghgh
On a trivial note, a lot of the city scenes look like they were shot in Toronto. I recognize the bus/subway stations and design of the vehicles, hah hah.
I don't really have any investment in the character so it's not a big deal to me if it's good or bad. I was just excited to see really obvious shots of places I've been before.
>>539111 it was like 7/10 it was funny and interesting but idk something just felt off about it it didn't really feel alive maybe because i knew that it took place before infinity war
I don't know if it fixes her or not but she seems to be an on-fire alien instead of being a psychic beam alien.
Kirara ๐
ugh, her hair looks so fake
alt also* >fuck Batman lmao
does anyone else find it sort of weird starfire is wearing a furcoat I only watched the cartoon and I don't even remember it that well but I remember her seeming like the person who would be opposed to that sort of thing
>>539115 I know right. I got really worked up last night about how Robin's some grimdork in the series apparently. He's supposed to be the plucky of the Titans.
Kirara ๐
>>539117 yeah, that's so weird why is DC so bad at this
but really, that dialogue lmao
>>539116 Could be not a real fur coat, that's cruel.
I think it's kind of suitable if she's not as much of a hippy in this series though. She looks the kind of weird you'd expect an alien not in touch with Earth norms would look.
>>539118 because they still think DC only sells well when they go DARK and EDGY and miss what actually made 89 batman good or nolan trilogy good
>>539118 I'm willing to give the dialogue a bit of a pass since Raven was always the chuuni MUH SUFFERING character But it is a bit much.
>>539119 yeah if she's not such a hippy it's probably fine I think they'll have a problem with people comparing it to the TT cartoon since that's what most people were exposed to rather than the comics
The cartoon is also a really fun piece of work with a lot of really good story arcs. The Teen Titans world is something they've got a fairly high bar to clear for quality.
But seriously DC went wrong in every possible way when they had batman use guns and kill
Kirara ๐
it went wrong with man of steel
it went wrong with attaching Snack Zyder to WAY TOO MANY THINGS. The guy has an interesting mindset and can make a good movie. But it makes all their movies feel really same-y. That's something the MCU's done really well, tapping in and out directors to keep the feel of things a little different.
>>539125 i guess that's fair. The fact that the trailer's really Raven focused makes me wonder if they're gonna launch right into her stuff for the first story arc. And if that's true, man, I don't know. At least in the cartoon she had some of the most interesting story arcs, but it's also some pretty thick stuff. I feel whetting themselves on minor issues and building as a team would be better. And then launch into Raven's story arc once they're established and Robin's maybe considering not being such an edgedork and embracing being heroic.
>>539129 agreed i think starting with origin stories is a bad idea here too it's not necessary and can just be explained in narrat narrative raven's origin best kept mystery until her arc
I saw gguy in a dsa tshirt.
>>539131 Man. Fifteen years ago you'd be wailing on monsters to protect both the landlord and his residents, who have a happy and harmonious lifestyle otherwise. Gaming sure has changed.
you'd think so but there's a forest dwelling naturalist huntress girl that is friends with the animals, uses a bow, is hard working, and understands that life and death are both beautiful and it's fine to let bodies be eaten and reclaimed by the forest so ive already been won over
>>539174 I am not saying this year isn't dry I am just saying that these arctic circle forest fires happen every summer, unless it rains the whole summer like last year Dunno why they are being covered about in the news outside our country
Kirara ๐
because these fires are attributed to the global heatwave that has produced the highest outside temperatures ever recorded and has killed hundreds of people across the planet and is melting the ice caps at three times the rate we expected them to be melting and is literally indicative of our doon
anyhow, despite name "arctic circle" giving you ideas of it being quite arctic and cool, but quite oft during early summer and late summer, the northern parts of fennoscandia might be the hottest parts sure hot years like this are always hotter than averge, but the average isn't somehting like 0 to 10 durign summer, but 15-25 rather even in the northen most parts gulf stream is a miracle of wonders
On another note, thanks to last years insane rains and the heat of this year, our crops have been failing catastrophically Wonder how it is elsewhere when first world starts to wonder about food shortages (mainly prices rising, not food running out), who knows how many people elsewhere die of hunger due to not having money to import food
Kirara ๐
so tressa doesn't just loot corpses she actually finds dead bodies just lying around everywhere she goes and takes the money from those
Man she's a hardcore fucking scavenger.
>>539187 It's a JRPG world abound with monsters. If you think about it for a moment there really ought to be lots of dead people out and about.
just finds? >>539186 true dat and it being medieval world too most likely, is not like people had long life expectancies
Kirara ๐
yeah but like walking around a merchant dock and she's like, oh, money from a dead person! neat! these mfers are leaving corpses out on the streets