Huh Apparently that guy was against the vietnam war. I'd like to add however the his mom really was trying to kill him and he did kill her in self defense.
>when your job requires you to make decisions that make you wonder if you cost someone their job
>>534698 Haven't read it either. The book and movie are on my respective backlogs for their medium. Relatively high too But my backlogs are pretty big and I'm barely chipping away at them because of my depression.
i think you'd really be able to appreciate the comedy of it all it's a dark comedy but they use irony really well throughout the story it's a masterpiece for sure
my dumbass dissertation advisor spent an hour and a half this morning working through my design and getting stuck on all of the stuff i did, and eventually came to the same conclusion as me, even though i literally laid out every step i took to reach my conclusion and explained it to her she was like, no, that's not right and then worked through it and i was fucking right and she's like "this is great, let's do this, we were really productive today" bitch why are you wasting my time
do you ever carry stuff wu'ith your mouth when you run out of handd?
>sitting outside >hear rustling >mudt be the cat, oh right dead, neighbours cat, oh right dead too >okay what is in the shrubbery 2metres from me then?
It's the thing.
I think it got tn.
and tn bravely ran away ran home crying for mommy
but yeah mid typing that I was "wait a minute what the fuck is actually in the same yard space as me, there is a fence covering the entire thing, so nothing can get in and it wasn't a bird...
It's not a bad message though, talking to people is a good habit. One of the reasons people are so crazy these days is that they never get out of their neurotic little shells.
>>534750 I absolutely cannot believe there are people on this board who aren't powered by the sun I am absolutely livid
>>534751 sure, but not when someone is, like, eating alone invading someone's personal space is a horrible idea it's dangerous for the invader and could be incredibly distressing for the person that's alone if you see someone hanging out alone or something, it's okay, but while you're eating? that's fucking weird and creepy i would not trust anyone that did that to me
>>534767 Don't you think it's really interesting how society decides how it's cool to go after some people for their physical appearance but not others?
>>534774 If he were like disabled or a chick there would totally be people screaming about how it's not cool to shame him for his appearance. Especially on twitter!
just search twitter for fivehead >>534777 it's not the same. You can't pull me by the hand across the kitchen while we cook awful European food and awkwardly laugh
one of my colleagues keeps flirting with me even though i made it clear im not interested in him he keeps calling me handsome and touching me and stuff i really do not like it
I don't think we have a future together but I will enjoy this as many times as I can. >>534786 We added a lot of seasonings. why the fuck do you throw raw, uncooked onions into swedish meatballs. >just toss that shit in there >chop the garlic too and yeah, throw that in too.
>>534790 We saw a lot of different recipe methods. Only one of them actually put them in the oven. And I said "We should have done THIS one but we were too far down the line to change it up" >>534794 They need to season better.
>>534792 a meatball only needs dash of salt, some black pepper, good ground meat, 1 raw egg, some breadcrumbs and then paprika for some flavour according to taste and then onions or you can replace breadcrumps and onions with one bag of onion soup mixture
>>534797 Unfortunately not. He's one of those boring fuck ups that is just inadequate and incompetent enough to fuck things up, but doesn't really get critical failures.
>>534803 but seriously, what is the common store paprika poweder made out of? it is practically powdered food colouring
Probably pure paprika. But it's been kept in huge bulk and likely just all gets stale by the time it's packaged and sent out.
maybe it is made out of bell peppers?
>>534806 mm I guess this might be it but basically, when it comes to paprika, never buy the basic stuff or mass produced you don't even have to go look for some expensive shit, just go bit out of your way, even the same store might carry an actually tasting one
wew, I watched youjo senki yesterday and today watched 16 episodes of guin saga that is more anime in 2 days than in past 2 months
But pro tip if you want to do european dishes don't do anything from northern or eastern europe due to general lack of resources, we never developed a "culinary kitchen" untill much later, as in 20th century so most recipes are basically peasant food so not that delicacies, ofc with skill, experience and picking the right ingredients and making most out of them, you can get them to taste heavenly. but that requires repetition, repetion and repetition good borsch is good borsch
Like take Karelian pot/stew, which was a fancy food for the common folk during celebrative occasions (christmas, easter etc), but entered common meal status post industrialisation. It is just carrots, potatos/other root veggies, onions and meat and what made it special the MEAT
>>534827 figures I was just thinking there might be some loop hole due to weird shit that I just never knew about cause I don't generally go out of my way to research stuff that don't interest/affect me
so uh a real disease due to either bad luck on genetic lottery, or caused by bad lifestyles due to over nutrient foods available in modern times is a spook?
Yeah diabetes isn't a spook
though type 2 still does have that "genetic lottery" behind it
the word paranormal irks me, though I mean, if you actually find something paranormal, definitely prove it is real then it is part of the world it is "normal" it isn't supernatural anymore so then it isn't paranormal
>>534864 Well para means outer so its "outside of normal". I agree about supernatural being a bad word though.
they both essentially mean the same
>>534863 maybe we can send one up his a** to rescue his head!! truly an honorable mission
>>534871 I see a lot less mocking and a lot more plastering his name everywhere
Kirara ๐
>>534874 lmao the news here is full of shit like "thai officials say musk strategy not practical"
>>534873 he could have just I dunno donated money and useful gear
>>534876 I think he donated some other equipment but I don't have a sauce for that Really though I'm not sure why he bothered after the taiwanaese government was like "yeah thanks Musk but we know what we're doing"
>>534875 Oh, really? I thought that part was more or less subdued
I am quite sure he went with "kids stuck in underwater cave" hey this could be solved with a sub and then he actually found out what kind of cave and that it is 1. inland 2. quite tiny passages 3. just partially covered in flood water in several places and not continously and so on and by then "welp too late to backdown"
the funniest thing about the cave arc was people saying stuff like "WHY DON'T THEY JUST PUMP THE WATER OUT" or "WHY DON'T THEY JUST DRILL A HOLE" Like wow thanks mate you solved the problem that the high up geologists and other experts couldn't Give yourself a pat on the back
>>534879 did you read any of the details at all or are you just compiling a whole story based on like a couple header tags from articles
Kirara ๐
>>534879 no, you have no idea what happened he immediately said he should do it and then talked about it on twitter long after learning about the nature of the cave and even drew sketches of it
>>534890 cause I don't follow that kind of, as in elon musk stuff in media
>>534883 i don't really think you have a sense of what the obstacles and challenges were to be making judgment
remember that one time one of Elons cars used someones drawing without permission and when the artist asked him about it on twitter he just dismissed them
Musk would put that U2 album nobody wanted on it
Kirara ๐
>>534891 he was like, "lol, your dad thinks he should be paid for me using his art? it's good for exposure"
>>534889 it's not an elon musk story it's an international news story
>>534894 well to me the submarine thing just seemed somehting, someone would come up uninformed of the situation and then just go with, due to pride our news had nothing on Musk, cause no one cares about some billionaires shit
Kirara ๐
elon musk behaved stupidly but there's a lot to the story
i get that but i think it's important to let you know that you're really uninformed about the situation too so it's kind of baseless
and with paypal, didn't he just buy it out and then sold it? and that money coming from previous company he had co-found and sold or something
Musk is such a shit.
>>534915 I don't rhink any amount of reparations could undo the damage of any of the situations where it's applicable, but absolutely 100% he does, yes
Kirara ๐
wait according to wikipedia he only has a bachelors degree and it's in physics lol no wonder his ideas are bad unless he steals them he has no foundation to work off for engineering
>>534920 he quit college right? i mean graduate school..
>>534920 didn't the first model of tesla cars have some huge issue with batteries bursting into flames, due to them forgetting proper covring from them on the bottom of the car I think that should be like 101 of car design "protect engine/fuel from debree"
>>534923 I don't think wealth is somehow made legitimate once transferred to your kids, shoot me
Kirara ๐
>>534925 yeah i think so but batteries are really hard tbf
>>534927 its not magically legitimate or whatever But he owes nothing How would you even go about assigning people or institutions to receive the money in the first place
>>534927 it's just the fact inheritance used to be like, the only way to acquire wealth until recently.
>>534928 yeah but it was something like "we fixed by adding better covering to it" so all it says to me, not properly tested, since it was in the market at that point
>>534940 How would I know any of them? They're in like, Africa Ain't ever been there
>>534941 Why would we expect you to know anything. A lot of the times these arguments end with you saying "I ddont know, somehow" Maybe if you don't know, don't argue about it.
>>534941 >Elon needs to redistribute his money >to who >Idunnolol
At this point anyone that can be prosecuted for it has been prosecuted for it, or is dead And South Africa is now reversing its way back into quite "tolerant" gears recently
I'd be more inclined to whip up a comprehensive and detailed plan for this hypothetical repartion thing if there was a nonzero chance of it ever happening And there isn't So I don't care too much about it
Kirara ๐
his money should be used to improve material conditions in areas directly affected by apartheid building schools, libraries, etc repairing and improving infrastructure there's no way to give reparations to individuals, so if you're going with reparations, using the money to improve disadvantaged areas is the only feasible option
I'm not really too focused on the currency specifically either Wealth isn't just extracted and set to gather dust MCM baby
Another thing is that even if he ddoes do >>534948 Pretty much unless he gives like 99% of his fortune into it People will still say he didn't do enough.
>>534948 so just seize all of his money, eh? money maybe not hard earned, but money earned nonetheless I'd understand if you took just the amount he started with, or he'd be pressured into starting "Musk family for apartheid relief" in SA but seizing all of his assets now?
Kirara ๐
well i don't agree that he earned that money, but keep in mind that in my post, i did not say he should pay reparations so please do not assign that to me
>>534962 ok? doesn't change what i said it's still money you aren't paying your employees money they earned but did not get paid
money gained from shares is earnings sure it isn't hard work for it, but it is smart work for it
>>534965 Money they "earned" in a building paid for by the company with electricity paid for by the company on computers paid for by tthe company and with industrial equipment and materials paid fir by the company
>>534964 it's scathingly obvious all im saying is making uninformed opinions is a very quick way to make yourself easily dismissable just fuckin read about it before sayin stupid shit it's not hard
Kirara ๐
>>534967 ok? but operating costs aren't profit workers are the reason there can be profit workers don't need bosses, but bosses need workers workers are the ones endangering their lives on factory floors workers are the ones destroying their bodies for a wage while a boss does nothing and makes money off them it's not legitimate in my mind and never will be
Workers negotiate for their pay and can quit to seek for better employment if unhappy
>>534969 You sound llike sk right now and I mean that in the most negative way possible. Maybe they don't need "bosses", but what people figure out what materials to order and what people work on what
Kirara ๐
>>534970 no they can't musk's workers have no negotiating power
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
gonna vom
>>534969 either the boss runs the company which involves a lot of work or they hire someone to do it for them, if they are doing so well that they can afford it which requires lot of trust and risks and good brain on your head to recognise talent
at that point, the boss is essentially just a share holder, but with more shares to his name, though and not the boss anymore
well, im not gonna argue bc we all know we aren't gonna listen to each other
at any point in the hierarchial ladder of running a company, is thee *there isn't a position of "doesn't do anything" even if some positions work load is less hard work, it is usually smart work, that is completely different involving stress from pressure of keeping up the gears rolling and so on or having to make hard decisions like cutting costs or making risky moves
you can have your opinion over share holders and dividend "earnings", but companies as facilities, in a society with currency, wouldn't exist really
This is starting to remind me of sk complaining about his boss at the factory. And that she had all these meetings and he didn't understand why she could be stressed about them. In part because he fails to >>534978 It was at the pplace where you had to work making shit in that factory with all tge foreigners
But it is true, and I concede this point many corporational manager positions, ie. bosses aren't really required they are just fragments from the past way of doing things, that not all systems have managed to evolve past as they become more efficient through experience or research anyhow, even if someone does publish a study that says "mid level managers are useless and not required", it will take decades for that to actually spread into effect just due to slow movement and adaptibility of the machinery of such organisations
Her meetings had like nothing to do with logistics though Unless you consider like, "how many more people can we get here and how many are showing up on a daily basis" logistics >>534984 No but I don't need to have been because it's not what her position was >>534985 Not really what the meetings were about for the most part either
Also coming back to that list of three the 1) "invest in company" can mean raise pay or give bonuses to workers making sure your workers, who yes DO produce the profit, are properly imbursed for their effort is key factor of a successful company. Cause otherwise, if there is an option to jump to another company, who pays better, why wouldn't they?
>>534969 can the workers each individually develop a supply chain and the manufacturing potential to produce their proportion of product by themselves without the platform created by investing in the production via a factory
chinese comics, or hmm manhua? has gotten a lot more attention recently
China's been pushing a lot into Japanese animation territory too. There's consistently a co-op anime series each season, a joint work between some Chinese and Japanese studio.
also reading manga from a 50 inch tv screen is an experience especially when its resolution is stil lsame 1080
But anyhow manwha, manhua or thaistuff they add a new flavour to it, since while many stories the authors outside japan do might be similiar in setting and tropes used as ///
They add nice new flavour to stories, since they come from different cultures even if a manwha is in setting and tropes used identical to a manga, due to author being korean it becomes slightly different also many of them being webcomic,s it does allow them freedom to do whatever they want, with no publisher pressure or atleast no publisher pressure on the same level as the publicised manga in japan sometimes, just reading the same story, but made by say a chinaman is quite fresh, because of different art style.
Well yeah. I'm like water. Billions of years old Cmon tho that song is illuminating
I'm not sure if it does for me the same that it does for you. Would be nice to loop or transition between a bunch of similar stuff. I think that would work well for the kind of sound I like to have on hand to fill my head when I really need to focus in on something.
TN !PcAPtAiNJo just like this prolly doesn't affect anyone else but me in the same way
>>535160 I don't think that necessitates emotional or character projection though. Music's certainly evocative for me, but it doesn't really derive emotion.
>>535163 I've got some relatives out in Winnipeg. I've heard it's a plain of ice out there. Never been west of the provincial border though, aside from skipping by plane all the way to Vancouver.
>>535161 This isn't bad until 0:21. Then I can't really handle how sharp the sounds are.
>critic reviews of this album >"the first 21 seconds are pretty good"
>>535167 this whole album is flat to me after hearing fraujager i can't really bother with his other older stuff winter in the belly of a snake altogether really
I need a more effective means of getting myself into "time to get to bed" mode. It's too easy to get distracted and let an hour or more slip behind me.
are you the type to feel sleepy from stimulants i'd be up all night if i didn't have caffeine or my adderall i take either of those and feel instantly sleepy been that way as a teenager too and would slam an energy drink and go to sleep
Coffee can make me feel drowsier than I was previously if I'm already a little tired. Don't think it does much if I'm wide-awake though, and it does eventually kick in and energize me, so it kind of leaves me with a window. I've also been drinking tea all night so there's probably already a bit of caffeine running through my blood anyway. Don't have any experience with adderall though.
my fiber works again yaaay it was all because the guy that installed the cable in the first place didn't bolt the box on the wall and at the source on the pole down so he had to replace the line and bolt those two boxes into place as intended because the cable got damaged from wind
it is bit against my policy but hmm #flip (false) true i'll keep with normal i ndead space 1 okay
also it is kinda amusing that 3 people are supposed to get a derelict ship back into action
also I still wish there was a game that was about salvaging, fixing and exploring derelict vessels and spacestations and mining coloniess and each new thing, could lead you to just "nothing" or scifi adventure or horror
>tfw when HORROR game is better illuminated, contrasted and much more visible than action rpg why dogma are you so DARK
>supply check >enough ammo, enough pudding, enough danoninos god I still use those nicks for the items
welp 3 chapters + floating space chainsaw get I guess that is good enough for first run man the hard mode has isac's melee ability turn from nerf pls to "what do I even do with this"
>>535226 i squinted really hard because the image wouldnt load and so i looked at the thimbnail i thought there was some bare thigh at the top whoops >>535227 winter is better hibiki is best
>>535229 There are none that can compete with Hibiki.
>>535235 yeah but it really takes some satisfaction out that's cool for the campaign mode but in a pit against another human i feel like actual human senses could be leveraged a lot better than they are at least the competition thing has human votes you can't see who you were voted in comparison to though
>>535237 yeah the competition is fun because it requires coordination and actually thinking about how it looks but in campaign I can slap something together Free dress is a lot of fun
>>535247 i think so too i have a lot of fun with it >>535244 im okay how are you
>>535244 I'm probably gonna read some Harukuna Receive then read something else
>>535261 I feel the exact same way, I'm already older than most of the students who will be at my college and I havent made much progress in terms of credits and whatever
>>535261 who cares if i could have changed anything i would have waited to go to college until i was older my study patterns were still being thrown off by juvenile concepts of self and i held myself back like a lot of young students do college is such a breeze once you get a little older and the younger folks still don't have the ethic down you'll be fine everyone's gonna be too anxious themselves to even notice what others are doing
>>535264 I get anxious about standing out for things other than being smart.
>>535265 i don't really believe in being smart but i get you about standing out worries me a lot too had a lot of college anxiety personally about being poor, driving a junky car, not always having decent clothes, being kind of eccentric, and not having the right social graces lots of cringey moments for me tbh i think you'll manage better than me though you'll probably be fine
The one thing that worries me about going back to college is my poor verbal/social skills. Whenever I talk, it sounds like english isn't my first language even though it is and it's my only language and I end up sounding retarded
sometimes I see people in their 40s and no oneone rreally makes a deal out of it no one cares, we're too focused on our own learning and anxieties
>>535269 yeah but your world is different i get that feeling anyway people got a different attitude over there here in the states everyone's got such competitive anxiety birthed into their veins not just instilled by parents but from the culture a bunch of ruthless business owners have kids and try to raise them to be ruthlessly cutthroat and send them to school where they find anything and everything wrong about their peers and hold it over them their whole school life self worth is a difficult thing to come by over here especially in the schooling system of the aussies and new zealanders i know they seem to have a lot more sense of camaraderie through school i'm probably projecting a ton though
maybe I am just ignorant Not just about uni in the states but people here too. I don't talk to them very much That sounds bizzare to me though. Why would you hold something over someone when you could just do better in school instead
>>535272 Australian high schoolers can be real shitty. It's just that they grow out of it once they reach uni There was a lot of stuff that went beyond bantz and into putting people down for the sake of amusement
i dont mean uni, i mean like middle schoolers and stuff so it's built into our development
>>535271 you guys learn the bants when you're young though don't you here everything is so isolationary if it's not in your family circle fuck 'em
>>535271 alright my bad dumb topic i really shouldn't have brought it up im bein dumb anyway
>>535274 it's not like I'm offended or something. I thought it was intinteresting
>>535276 damn I guess you played yourself here then
nah but i realized im a little uncomfortable with it i did it to myself
>>535277 see this is what i mean it's just a different world boys in the US dont look like that
>>535278 I wonder With Chinas low ratio of girls to boys, do you think there's a possibility more Chinese boys will go trans
actually that's a fucking dumb question
no not really to be honest it's more likely there will be a pressure on marrying international women chinese men have been marrying into thai, viet, korean, and laos families for a couple generations now they have other pressure valves to resort to which are more appealing
>>535277 You could probably make this a New Zealand flag real easy
Well more than that you might grab some the already shaded red to paint the shaded parts
i wouldn't mind a hard-working successful chinese husband to be honest i'd be happy to stay home and cook meals and clean and write maths papers
are they really so hard working?
im not saying all of them are same as everyone else probably
>>535284 if you have to choose to marry someone and all you know about them is what country they're from, what country would you pick
that's kind of a jank question you can tell a lot about someone by what country they're from, or at least expectations of their culture and values probably mongolia
depends a lot on the roles and whether i'm expected to provide the circumstances in which i'd feel comfortable providing ar different from those i'd feel comfortable being provided for and consequently caretaking i've got qualms about being properly appreciated in the latter role in some cultures it's a terrible feeling to be someone's household backbone and not be appreciated also a terrible feeling to be a dedicated, stressed provider for someone who doesn't appreciate it switzerland, mongolia, or singapore probably
>>535289 Mongolia wasn't an answer I was expecting, and it's not somewhere I know a whole lot about Those are some good points I wasn't really considering when asking the question
if i was younger and going for a first romance sort of thing, even though girls aren't usually my thing, i think an indonesian girl would be kind of nice indonesian youths are really interesting and a little bit juvenile but i'm not at that stage in my life for juvenile romance anymore being around people so full of life and enthusiasm just irritates me these days
now if we're considering time travel as a possibility, i'd probably say an early-80s japanese gal that was something special
>>535292 I really have to wonder if the 80s was actually great or if my view of the time period has just been skewed by anime and music videos
it's less about any of it being great and more about the struggles of the time being struggles that are fun and immersive things which you could feel empassioned by no times were really great and things were always hard
>>535293 Everything I know suggests that the 80's were awesome. Aside from Thatcher, Reagan and the Cold War
the post-war boom was kind of easy, though not really great the 50s would have been a very comfortable and delusional time to live a generation of parents catered to by the boom raising their children to believe in values that were only temporary economically lots of opportunity was made i guess but the pressure wasn't there
Microwaves are always annoyingly inconsistent on how they heat up dense food. I really should have just re-heated this on the stove.
>>535294 >struggles that are fun and immersive I'm curious as to what you'd call a fun struggle
>>535295 It sounds like it was a great time but I try to be wary of nostalgia goggles
>>535298 it's kind of fun and enjoyable at the moment being a poor piece of shit and really getting to enjoy having the money to buy food and make some simple cheap meals and make them as satisfying as possible never does meat taste as good as when you have to scrimp and save to get some things like that
so something that's engaging and requires a degree of creativity? I can sorta see that
just staying within your element really it loses a lot of meaning to be involved in a contrived struggle where the rewards you reap are so distant from your values
Fucking milkbags. My family never cuts the corner off them properly and it's always impossible to get a fine pour going. It's irritating when I only want the slightest bit of milk for my tea.
maybe you should cut a proper corner into your family so they never forget
>>535318 I didn't need the guide I got trapped in a room and the door stopped working I'm pretty sure it was a glitch EIther that or I was meant to wait ten minutes for Charlotte to die
>>535322 got stuck immediately after they have to sit on the thing I didn't know it was for a year Maybe I'm not at that yet
I keep too many notebooks. I've been trying to find some pages of writing I did months back, but I can't find the one containing them. This almost makes me feel as if I didn't write them.
>>535333 that happens to me a lot i once left my window rolled down and it started raining and the four notebooks in my car full of important proofs got soaked i still wish i had them back
That's really unfortunate, yeah. I'm not really at risk often of losing stuff because I do a lot of re-writing. Second drafts and trying to squeeze out the best phrasing for a sentence and such. But it adds a complication some times of having like five drafts on hand and I don't remember which is the most recent one anymore. I should really date my handwritten stuff or something.
I should also probably start titling the stuff I keep in my Google Docs. Having to sift through dozens of "Untitled document" isn't really efficient.
Just a random thought, but ever realised that an execution by guillotine is quite hard to stop, in the term of "raid and rush the execution" you see in movies axman - just kill the dude hanging - cut the rope electric chair - prevent switch or cut power gas - open doors injections - preven doc from poking but guillotine anyone call pull the lever and the rope can even cut accidentally and then it is "whomp"
>>535443 yeah but imagine how cool and dramatic it'd be to block the guillotine with something while it falls
>>535445 Knock the whol guillotine over Dunno how though Really if you're gonna stop an execution doing it at the last moment is exactly the worst time to do it The guillotine is guarded and surrounded by a large crowd You wanna intercept and rescue while they're on their way to the execution location
>>535444 Yeah I was thinking could you throw or shoot the rails to stop it, but aside from jamming some log in the path, can't really think of anyway to do it when the execution is actually happening
Also in terms of "stop the execution" the one at the end of first Pirates of the caribbean movie is damn solid >tosses sword for Jack to balance on
really over the top, but still plausible
>>535444 yeah, but the point is that it is damn hard to prevent it when it is happening elec chair and such modern ways too, as anybody can pull the switch for murder but there are ways to prevent said switch from working but with guillotine there is no other way to stop it, when the executed to be is strapped in, aside prevent anyone from releasing the blade
>>535444 I think if death penalty is allowed, it should be done in a brutal fashion and possibly publicly so people actually are aware of it happening no injections or such, hanging or guillotine
>>535449 okay if we HAVE to do it, let's bring back bloodsports
cause that is what death penalty is the ultimate punishment the ultimate threat "this will happen to you if you break the law" well not the law, but well if you kill
so make it real make it always a moment that people can't hide from something that will be each time in public conscience
cause if people aren't aware that there are people killed by the state, which in democracy then in turn is in their name, then why have it in the first place?
Now that you mention it, I think if a state has a death penalty then it should occur in the open so people have to reckon with the true consequences of it If it just happens in some closed off prison area, if it's just something people read about in the newspaper, then they aren't truly being forced to reckon with it. If the citizens support such a thing I don't think they have the right to hide from the consequences of their actions
>>535455 If I could amend the start of this post I'd change it to something like "if you're going to support public executions, you could argue that" I don't think they should be public I don't think they should exist either
and here is also a thing a representative of the government, if not a member no a member shoul dalways be present if not even the executioner
once more, neither of us thinks death penalty in the first place is a good idea so if you are going to implement a bad idea why not go the full complete way? if you practice barbarism, why not be barbaric fully?
if it were up to me, then the head of state/government should always be the executioner if you are going to order people to die, then do it yourself
executioners historically have held a lot of dedication to their trade there's a lot of knowledge that goes into making sure that a hung man dies from the neck being snapped and not from strangulation over six minutes a lot of mathematical and technical expertise i would personally not want the oppressive authority under whose judgment i have been condemned to also be the one ensuring the swiftness and accuracy if my execution
and also been shunned by society because of it
>>535458 this is why I'd support always using a guillotine quick and brutal
and the guy who releases the blade only needs to pull a lever
an expert could make sure the guillotine is functioning as it does, without actually ever staining their own hands and thus the role of the executioner could be moved to the people in charge of the state, that enables and supports death penalty see if it is so "a good thing to have" when you yourself have to do it
>>535453 that's social terrorism type stuff though public lynchings to instill fear and to fall in line with a dangerous regime that's a really bad idea and comparing having the death sentence to that is really dismissive imo
>>535463 yeah my reasoning only really works in a context where society as a whole is in agreement and the government functions completely fairly What your saying is completely right, that's what would likely happen My reasoning isn't "we need to scare people into following the regime" (which is what it would get used for anyway) but that if the penalty is supported then people should understand what it entails Like the difference in signing a piece of paper ordering someone to die and being there to witness it. One is more detatched from the reality of what's happening
darker parts of society shouldn't be shied away from, but acknowledged otherwise you will end up with the "we didn't know this was happening" situation
is the kind of thing like secret cabinet meetings where the attendees go "if the public knew about this we'd be toast" and then you have to wonder, why do you do it in the first place?
should everything be public knowledge, ofc not are those kinds of meetings required at times, of course they are
kinda like how japan hanged that terrorist from years ago just the other week and quite many went "oh right japan actually has death penalty"
>>535464 yeah but executions are kind of a personal thing and the people that are there are there for closure and stuff having it be public and demonstrative is kinda dumping all over that is it worth stompin all over that just so people witness what they're supporting
>>535468 No. There are many reasons why they shouldn't be public Saying this directly contradicts my previous statement "I think if a state has a death penalty it should occur in the open". Because it was a bad statement
>>535468 How are people chosen to view executions anyhow? in the US that is
I don't say it should be public square or televised , but I do think there should be a possibility to view executions. Maybe not live or immediately, but atleast past ones.
>>535470 i'm not sure how public it is i say public in previous posts in terms of actually doing it in a public space i think it's somewhat public now? i'm not sure family, victim's family, related parties of the judicial process i think can go it might be up to the prisoner, or the prison. i dont even know im just thinking of
I'd guess it is like trials in general, unless closed specifically, they are open for the public, but ofc some are harder to get in just due to the fame and size of the trial.
and yeah, while on paper "public square executions" might sound like a way to remind people of the consequences of their actions and hammer it ins what they truly support, when they support death penalty, but in the end once taken out of writing, it will just become a tool of oppression.
of what sounds plausible*
i would guess that the prisoner could do some legal stuff to say "i don't want it open to the public" that doesn't sound right though more likely, "i don't // only those people on the list can be there" and obviously the victims families have the right to be there but often they dont go
There's new evidence in the Emmett Till case. That's the 1955 lynching of a black teenager who allegedly whistled at a white woman in Mississippi.
He was visiting from Chicago.
quick ducking seems to say "not open, but accessible" as in victims and family can attend and press can attend so I guess invite/application
>>535474 Is weird to think that a so called first world western country, has had public lynchings in recent history
>>535476 im not sure if press can be there the whole time they might be able to collect information and stuff, but might be asked to leave during the actual execution or it might be open to them too they definitely wouldn't be allowed to photograph or anything though
the big issue with public is that if any member of the public can come, there always will be someone who will come and be disrespectful or somebody who's going to be there for inappropriate reasons or protestors trying to leverage a point none of that stuff belongs with the execution, which is supposed to be about closure
>>535478 Well, to be fair Mississippi is anything but first world.
>>535479 I'd guess a "invite to victims" and "application to attend for anyone else" so they can either allow or not allow, depending on case, the presence of press/outsiders
>>535479 Mm, but the footage could be available on the internet or even if not, I just think that if death penalties are carried, they should be more publices about just to remind of people that 1) this is what the state does and you by proxy, if democracy 2) this is for the state side of things - that people are reminded that the ultimate punishment exists
there might be like state-provided recordings it'd have legal purpose i imagine but letting third parties record is just perverse
>>535482 Footage is available sometimes I remember some making the news because the executions were botched and the prisoners died painfully.
>>535483 yeah even if it was "open to public" I'd never allow recording devices
The chemicals they are supposed to use aren't produced anymore I think.
the lethal injection isn't as painless as it is suposed to be anyhow I still say "off with the head" it is quickest way and brutal way of doing the brutal deed
>>535482 this is going to be one of those things where it would just be a never-ending debate so with that in mind i'd like to say that i dont feel either of those things are what the death penalty is about or what purpose would be for recording
to wrap it up, I do however, hypocritically some might say, do approve of death penalty during crisis situations, especially war
>>535484 before moving out of missouri, i was living very close to a penitentiary that still had a gas chamber as a possible method of execution ofc nobody uses it, but it is part of the facility if anybody opted for it they could have it >>535493 i might be wrong that it was the nearby penitentiary but i know there are still some that exist i'm not sure what the cases are that would constitute its usage and maybe it isn't still a legal option and it was just a facility that had a vestigial one the more i think about it the less accurate my recall i think my first recall might have been wrong ima look
>>535492 Wait really? Like its available if the prisoner requests it? I didn't know they let them pick that one. Do you know if death by firing squad is still an option?
>Five execution methods are legal in various places in the United States: injection, electrocution, gas, firing squad and hanging.
that was easy to look up
Nito I guess people just don't pick the chair or firing squad anymore. I think there hasn't been a hanging recently either.
Cleaning my room over time is a habit I never developed But I'm gonna make an effort from now on to
is fun how it is actually quite easy to keep it tidy, since it only takes little, but continuous work while letting it go into disaster takes no effort, but lots of to clean
If nothing else I can see my floor now And I got rid of most of my empty booze bottles
I got a massive anxiety thing that happened while I was cleaning cause my dad was helping so once he was gone for a short while I pt a bunch of them in a bag and brought them downstairs Gonna throw them away in the weekend Even what was left is a lot
Oh and it turns out that temporary blindness I get is migraine with 'aura' or whatever So that's nice to know
I think it's related to stress
are you still takin sobril how long you been getting migraines
I don't take anything anymore, no I've never had a migraine in my life besides the temporary blindness It's a painless kind of migraine
But the blindness isn't like, commonly happening, it's seemingly random Today is like the... 6th time, ever?
has anything been different you don't have to answer my questions if it's not a big deal pathology is just my thing kind of so i inquire a lot
Not really? The tidying up thing has me a bit stressed out but beyond that, nothing really
do you generally use flux when computering
Yeah Well, lightbulb, but it's the same thing except free
flux has always been free ocular migraines are tricky because it can be direct or a secondary effect e.g. directly related to ocular activity or a result of some other electrical propagation that's interfering or secondary in a different respect regarding bloodflow and pushing normal activities into threshold territory
I doubt it's related to the computer anyway Today and the time whe it was the worst, I'd barely even touched the computer that day
Like I've basically been on this thing 2 hours total today, except after I was done
can you describe the temporary blindness is it sudden onset and short lasting kind of thing is it just spots or the whole vision field
i have a little doubt that stress is the likely culprit because you're no stranger to stress and anxiety and haven't had the problem before it might be a contributing factor but i imagine there's something different pushing it past the threshold by threshold i mean resolvable action potential there's either non-ocular signals unresolved that make their way to the cortex for processing and it's interfering with a region that's normally exclusive for ocular activity so it's causing misinformation, or there's some special ocular activity going on that is causing it, or there's something else rendering normal ocular activity to be above threshold because of physiological factors
e.g. have you been consuming a lot of sugars lately in comparison to normal
I guess I dunno, though
Not really i haven't really been doing much different When I talked to the doc about it long ago, he had no real idea what causes it
it's not particularly a rare thing so it's not like it's a huge deal that has to be sorted out i've lived my whole life with visual disturbances, migraines, and related effects it's just curiosity is all i guess
i know that eating red meats or garlic are huge triggers for me, as is abrupt changes in temperature or air pressure, or long-term subconscious stressors like living environments that make me uncomfortable none of which matters anymore though because i take lorazepam and it shuts migraines down completely that's why i was askin about sobril if you were getting them while on that it'd be a little strange
the visual field is cheating it has direct access to the most important parts of the brain whatever you feel, whatever your experiences are that take days or weeks of processing to elevate their way up just get interrupted by visual stimuli to say "HEY. HEY MAN LOOK AT THIS DOOR. THIS DOOR IS RED HAHA ISNT THAT COOL. WHERES THE DOORKNOB? OH THERES A KNOCKER TOO LETS KNOCK ON IT" fuck off ocular brain im busy
really the worst part was having to walk across a parking lot while my right side vision was in the dead zone
i have an inkling of a feeling that the reason static visual art like paintings and sculptures are so valued is because it's something static to stare at so the rest of your brain can process in a less obstructed fashion and that movies and such are often valued for the opposite reason, that it overrides all your brain's processings to flood the gates with easier to process stimuli i really don't like vision all that much there are things i really love visually but they tend to be the most static of things if i didn't have to see in order to edit for my work i would probably just wear an eye mask while working
Fuck job hunts I hate them I hate writing cover letters It sucks
There's so many meticulous details that need to be specified. Like supervisors? I'm not going to remember the names of my supervisors from jobs five years back. And I don't have references. I don't have phone numbers you can call to affirm my competency. It's ridiculously exhausting in the least satisfying way.
>>535569 Oh god I hate finding references Sure I can supply my old job number but who knows if anyone from there remembers me I hate going through jobs and eliminating all the ones that require a liscence I should get my lisence already
Did you find anything promising?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I see those eyes TN you should probably go
>>535574 For some of my jobs, it's a nightmare to even get a contact number because I worked in a central bank office. Even going on their website just has the numbers for their banking services. If there's a general offices number, they keep it totally out of the way or private.
This is just a single application for some possible positions at a Costco opening near-ish me. Took me 1.5-2 hours just to get through all the inane specifities they wanted of me.
you know what question I absolutely fucking despise >why do you want to work with us? why do you think I want to work
fuck fly landed on my head got spooked flies are spooks
Hataraku Saibou is hilarious -and- educational. Totally win-win.
Asobi Asobase is also some pretty high-tier comedy.
cells at work reminds me of that I think french animated show
Reminded me of a Japanese Osmosis Jones
Planet With might be good but I haven't decided yet Same with Banana Fish
I have Expectations of Planet With. Mizukami is writing the script to it and that guy fucking delivers. I enjoyed episode one of Banana Fish but I'd like to see more of how it all comes together.
yeh though of ongoing yuri series, bloom into you is best currently
been liking that a lot too, but of course it's also too slow to release for my tastes also they ended with such a cliffhanger in chapter 32 and then chapter 33 is about something else entirely! though it was quite cute too
are you following Nettaigyo wa Yuki ni Kogareru as well? it has a few chapter out
i sure wish it were like the 1950s-1970s and i could just be a housemate and keep things orderly it's not enough anymore now you have to have a career and be a full time homecare specialist and then you have to work extra hours to afford to pay someone else to take care of your kids it's sad
that's what I should do too honestly, but I can't stop myself from reading the newest chapter
they bore me at this point especially stdent teacher
'sides good chunk of them nowadays are essentially pedophilia mangas, with the other mc being more and more oft a middleschooler now than a high schooler
yeah there's no way the girl is a high schooler kinda messed up if you say it like that
recently there is a manga where a 20 something neet otaku stalks and creeps on imoto's class mate who is an elementary schooler real creep manga and despite it having a female mc it doesn't change the fact what it is
that sounds even more fucked up with the rain one the student at least initiated
maybe if it was actually written tongue in cheek with comedy in mind, it could work but it most definitely isn't
sometimes you pretty much have "normal" manga going around, but the mc just has been turned into a girl, to make it possible to publish it in some yuri magazine those are usually quite crap
I'm glad I never ran into that manga , haven't seen it on /u/ either which is where I get most of my reading material from
yuri manga from china, korea and thai that pop up recently are at times fun
got any you can recommend?
nothing which name I remember from the top of my head
I'll dive into the depths of /u/ then, surely they will know
TN !PcAPtAiNJo this is a short fun read
I'll give it a read, thanks tn-kun
also do you happen to know the difference between yuri and shoujo-ai?
japan doesn't really make a distinction, but to summarize shoujo ai is cute girls doing cute things with each other while yuri is outright girls loving girls
this guy in my friend group is calling me out on not liking him and not wanting to hang out with him unless its with a 3rd friend and he is right the one time we did hang out alone i really got to the point of just feeling like id rather be home
But now its like, I'M the bad guy because I don't enjoy his company i mean shit, I'm sorry
>>535727 pretty selfish of you to have your own feelings and motivations
dastardly, even
i have that problem too a lot though sometimes i have to avoid stimulation so i want to not be outside and not be engaging with people and to do so would grate my nerves to the point i'd be awkwardly irritable not like i want to be or intentionally being rude but i just gotta keep my mood level so it's like, no i dont wanna come hang out because if i do yall are gonna be distressed by my agitation and i dont wanna do that to you so i'll stay home but it just comes off like i'm avoiding them
>>535733 I have never gotten a dmca for piracy in my life, for a while I thought the letters thing was a myth Are you gonna have to pay a fine or something
>>535734 Yeah I never expected to receive a dmca in my life either, I pretty much just have to log into my ISP account and confirm some things so it's pretty much just a warning thankfully >>535736 this
Some times the letters are more of a formality or intimidation attempt. I mean if you're actually doing something like ripping copyrighted or licensed content and providing it for free somewhere, that's one story. But if you're downloading the content and they send you a DMCA letter, in some countries they can't actually do shit beyond just sending you the letter. Like I know that here in Canada you can't actually get fined from those letters. They'll send them to you all they want telling you to stop pirating the content, but you can essentially just disregard them entirely.
>>535736 >>535735 oh it's good they can't actually do anything Let them send their insignificant letters
>>535736 >>535738 Funny how this happened with a fucking 12 year old game of all things, I guess blizzard really is spergy about protecting their properties. >>535741 I guess that's true, but I don't think they're going to be releasing them for a while
To be fair, WoW is still ridiculously hot content for Blizzard. Even with classic editions of the game, there's evidently extreme interest, and therefore monetary loss on Blizzard's behalf, if they let people freely download and host/play on private servers. Especially with the upcoming rollout of classic servers.
I'm really on the fence regarding intellectual property defense like this. On one hand, I support the capacity for owners of IP to protect their work from being provided in a manner they can't be compensated from. To not allow Blizzard to protect it, but say "oh yeah but smaller developers and those with less financial stability should be able to" is kind of discriminate. But I also know a lot of people wouldn't be buying and playing these games if there was a manner of restricting them without paying. So I dunno. I like that these copyright letters can be thrown out, but I also figure it's kind of a sub-optimal solution.
>>535739 don't they have official classic servers? They're probably worried about people using WoW classic as a substitute for paying for the real thing
Of course the bleak outlook take on this is that only big companies like Blizzard can afford the legal staff to hunt down people downloading illicit copies of their work so it's not like smaller developers can really in the first place anyway.
Anyway I'm glad your DMCA isn't a big deal. I know they can actually be punishable in some parts of the world.
>>535740 You do make a good point, especially how Blizzard is about to re-release vanilla servers, but if this were like a year or so ago, I'd honestly just say to hell with Blizzard since for a long time they were being very stubborn about not releasing/letting people play the vanilla game. Also, Blizzard is just kind of a shit company in general that I'd rather not give money to. >>535743 Yeah, on the letter I was asked to confirm that I received it by logging in to the account but I've been having trouble doing so, so hopefully I won't get in actual trouble if I don't (which I very much doubt) also, my mom saw the letter first and got upset at me lol
Yeah, I still live with my folks, so any contact we have with our ISP tends to go through my dad. I couple -A couple years back I got a letter telling me to not download thie anime Maria the Virgin Witch. He was pretty nonplussed since he's pretty net-savvy, but I figure it was more the title which set off red flags in his head than anything, hah hah.
>>535736 it's just record keeping kind of stuff it's one of those things where, if they ever actually needed to legally prove right to terminate your contract or content owners wanted to litigate on a DMCA, they said "yeah we sent out the letters so they definitely knew it was happening" just downward liability stuff
>>535745 I watched the first episode of that show and thought it was pretty cool. Was the rest good? I don't hear about people getting letters for anime very often. Do you know if the letter was sent out by the production company for the anime or was it a lisencee like Crunchy Roll?
This electrical storm pretty much sums up the last month of my existence
>>535746 Yeah, I know. The companies that send out the DMCA letters do so across nationalities so it makes sense that in some places you can just disregard them out of hand. I mean it also works as an intimidation factor for some people, so considering the effort of sending out a formulaic letter, it's pretty minimal effort for what it can potentially do.
>>535747 It was the licensed company, I believe. After all if you don't hold the rights to a product you can't really properly accuse someone of depriving you of potential compensation for it.
It was a nice anime though. The whole thing was a self-contained story and the art was pretty clean. A little deus ex machina but hey, in a series that literally has Abrahamic angels, I'll accept a bit of holy interference.
>>535745 My mom is pretty old-fashioned and knows nothing about the internet so when she read the letter this is what she unironically thought: >>>/watch?v=HmZm8vNHBSU
>>535750 this ad makes piracy look so cool I love the music that goes with it, it just gets me pumped up to illegally download some films
im doing legal documents and this attorney is asking "Why do you think he was holding the phone in his left hand?" and i can't figure out whether the intended question is supposed to be why the witness thinks that, or is asking them to opine on reasons why the person might have a phone in their left hand it's not even important but that hasn't left my mind and it's causing me existential stress
Without knowing the full context, is it re-affirmimg the witness' belief that this person was holding the phone in the left hand?
I'm pretty sure it's just one of those court things where they're trying to prompt you to recount the event or establish some credibility to your recollection but it bothers me that such a simply stated question has so many possible ways of being received and answered i would probably be a really troublesome witness if i was ever on trial so many of the questions are implicit too, like "Do you recall during X's testimony that he said you did Y thing on the night of January 12th?" and then the witnesses will respond like, "no, I never did Y" that wasn't the question but nobody stops it because it was implied to be the question anyway
i like when there's really sharp people on examination that pay attention to that stuff and are stubborn when the attorneys are trying to do something weasely (aka always)
i really like doin these though as opposed to market research that was kind of fun for a younger version of my brain, but there's so much more information to probe here just the lexical difference between defense attorney and prosecution during cross-exam, you see so much of how they think differently one hearing obviously isn't enough, but that's what makes each next assignment that much more engaging because you've got something to compare data with now not v useful on direct exam though since those are all pretty pre-arranged
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
chicago i am in you and the sun rises
did you get a chicago dog yet
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
not yet im waiting at the airport
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
whatโs the scoop on the hot d0gs
chicago takes em pretty seriously i got one at the chicago train station and it was good i bet there are cool street vendors and stuff with good dogs tho they really like putting relish and peppers on them i think
same it's really good The bit where he asks for ideas, and no one speaks up because they don't wanna look stupid in front of the boss, that bit is so on point
I orderd in my work shoes in and boy are they are painful specifically on my left foot for some reason guess i'll be waiting until I have enough to buy some better ones
>>535805 I'd like some pancakes right now, that sounds good
pretty weird to see yall going to sleep and then im working and suddenly you're all back up again what seems like a very brief period later and then all back asleep again when im done with work shit cray