Yeah, and one of them seemed to have a real thing for typical NPC archtypes too.
She slapped herself so hard she had red cheeks there.
He could just do it the Albedo way and edit their NPC character bio to be more normal and less NPC-y.
Oh Albedo has a suit of armor for doing dirty work huh. Maybe she's a fair bit different from the vampire loli.
can i just interject for a moment? what animes are moe watching from the new season?.. thanks sorry if it's busy..
Everything that's aired so far. It's only the first week, unless it's a short or a second season of something we haven't watched before, we tend to give everything a trial episode at the least.
Oh I guess there was a Chinese show I didn't bother listing, and one other remake of an old 1975 anime.
As a succubus, there isn't really much she can do for Ainz.
This doctor guy's voice echoes on "wa" syllables but nothing else. That's weird.
>To all male floor denizens Is Demiurge inviting them to do improper things for his crossbreeding experiments.
Ainz please.
>>535088 I think most of the NPCs don't have complex enough bios, even with how obsessively the NPC makers of Nazarick worked, to care about things other than work. So no, not really. But it looks like Ainz wants them to become a little more like proper intelligent creatures, respecting their own needs and having interests beyond work.
It's probably easy to remember even the name of an NPC meido when you can see their UI boxes. Though we haven't seen him seeing them I think since all the way back in season one. I assume he still can look at them if he wants to.
It's been awhile since we've seen Albedo in action.
I hope we get another really good late ED cut this season. Like that one last season where it cut in just as the Princess was showing off how much of a sociopath she is.
Hah hah hah. Ainz is really funny naked compared to the other Nazarick memb-
Well, they actually did blood draining mahjong in kaiji so
He should have gotten Ebitani to do the first declaration. As VENGEANCE.
>>535110 Yeah, I know. In the manga the arc around that lasted an insanely long time. Or maybe it was a different Mahjong game. Pretty sure it was the blood gambling one though.
The last Nano OP /ED I remember was Hidan no Aria's second season. And even that was a couple years ago or so. She's got a nice voice so it's always fun to hear a new one.
They're all fishpeople.
I wonder if she'll be rescued fast or if she'll have a chance to open a new Moonflower here. Chances for franchising!
Oh the little kappa familiar came along with her.
Also for an -for effectively a prison cell this is a pretty luxurious set up they've got.
>Okay, I'm gonna escape from here. She's pretty impulsively gung-ho
Hah hah hah. She got immediately distracted by UMI DA and got caught.
They're really lax about her being their captive. Oh I guess the whiny monkey is actually serious about it.
Wow, this is more than a franchise opportunity. Instead of a tiny restaurant she's got pretty much a whole inn to herself. She should just forgo the other inn and just set up here.
>>535133 I thought you normally liked rude grumpy guys that treated women without respect.
Cooking in an old-style kitchen like this would be kind of neat. Definitely not regularly, but as a one-off or occasional thing. Having the option rather than not, at least.
Drawing water would be a pain but it looks fine otherwise.
The stove/oven being a fireplace that needs to be maintained personally would be a bit of a pain too. At least until you understand where the sweet spots for heating food are.
Hah hah hah. Both at the other inn and this one. The young hostess is a bitchy girl that gives her grief. I wonder if she'll calm this one down like she defrosted