>>529229 Amazon Italy leaked a page for it they've leaked loads of games before the same way and it came witha splinter cell leak which we know is in development already
>>529258 im pretty sure i read about a pizzagate believer murdering someone over it a few months ago, but google is impossible to navigate easily so im not finding anything im looking for with a search i may be mistaken about it happening but i feel like i read it
I mean so many times, especially if perp is shot dead that all sides of media try to find a spin on their behalf like >this guy was on reddit, ban internet >he played gta5 ban video games and so on
cats don't really need bathing unless they are outside cats though
Kirara 🚗
i did it anyway
how'd he like it?
Kirara 🚗
he enjoyed it he likes being wet
some do
Kirara 🚗
he always rubs all over my feet and legs after a shower he gets so excited he starts chewin on me
my experience in washing cats is "there will be blood"
Kirara 🚗
some girl got attacked at a protest yesterday in Florida an angry trump supporter drove her car into the crowd of protestors and injured one the protesters got mad so the driver was taken into protective custody and the injured girl was arrested and is now in danger of deportation because she is in the process of gaining citizenship
The driver get arrested?
>>529278 at this rate, someone will get lynched at a protest doesn't matter which side does the lynching it will happen
Kirara 🚗
right wingers regularly try to murder protestors it's really scary the fact that the victim got arrested and may be deported is really scary
both sides do it when things get violent I just guess the right wingers are better at it
Kirara 🚗
no the right wingers almost exclusively do it during peaceful protests they always shoot at peaceful protestors at richard spencer gatherings and those are notoriously peaceful they also killed someone in Charlottesville that was peacefully protesting in the street
>>529283 Welp, it isn't like people didn't say this would happen when first violent counter-protests happened >>529286 what? When one side uses a club, the other will bring a bigger club
the first violent counterprotests were ones where the counter protestors were attacked and defended themselves
so anti-fa and such are no longer counterprotests?
Kirara 🚗
they are, but they were not the instigators at the first protests only after people had already started being injured regularly by right wingers did they start violence at the first sign of right wing aggression right wingers regularly bring firearms and even makeshift explosives to these protests while antifa at most brings a bat, but mostly keeps it to fists the right wingers spread false narratives to make people think they're the victims, but their narratives are clearly contradicted by video evidence and i have seen them attack protestors unprovoked with my own eyes
Anyone who uses violence, and excessive violence in self-defense is a bad guy no matter how you spin it if you are arming yourself, even in self-defense of "violent counter protests" you are in the wrong cause you clearly then are seeking violence ofc, if you go out in blackblock get up to counter-protest, even peacefully, the message is sent or whatever masks or get ups a right-wing violent protestor might use
Kirara 🚗
it's better and more effective than not showing up at all and when there's no black bloc, protestors get attacked too the shootings at Spencer rallies? no black bloc at all
Anyhow violence will always lead to more violence and at some point, the sidewith guns brins the guns
Kirara 🚗
both sides have guns, but one side doesn't want to murder anyone and yeah, violence is going to keep escalating and it's scary that police are protecting the ones attacking others unprovoked
>>529294 >at first stay out of the shit >get criticised >now protects only one side they really don't know what to do except the wrong thing, though who knows where the orders come from and how high up
Kirara 🚗
cops do what they're told they're told who to protect and who to target usually by the mayor
>>529301 Yeah that too if a group has violent history, no permit
Kirara 🚗
oh, you want a patriot prayer? that always ends violently, so no ez fix
here we grant occasionally permits to violent groups, but they get police escorts usually like say some black block group last summer I think it was during one mass rally, *mayday nto summer coppers noticed them carrying weirdly bat shaped flagpoles, so they went and took those away and similiarly they go for any right wing group carrying "too batty signs" not to mention we already banned few of the neo-nazi movements already, due to demonstrabtibly proving them to be violent far right groups
Kirara 🚗
unfortunately, too many in government are sympathetic to the right wing violent causes and always allow the permit, knowing full well what will happen
>>529305 Our coppers know to follow the rule of law and keep their own opinions away from work most of time >>529308 Naw, what I mean we can ban groups and organisations but anarchists rarely have a registered organisation like "anarchists ry" or anything there is nothing to ban and you can't just ban people from marchign in black clothes, ofc at times they go shouting to people "Masks off" but rarely do anything
But there sometimes have been mass arrests of entire groups, where bystanders sometimes get caught in temporarily, when a protest has turned too rioty my brother once got stuck up in one for few hours, as he was in the wrong plae in the wrong time
Kirara 🚗
just ban behavior if you have to although i am personally against it as an angry violent anarchist myself
They just hen pick up everyone, tell them to sit thightly in some bigger park or corner while going over reports and trying to figure if there is any case to arrest anyone and if they can be identified and if not they just tell everyone to go home and that their protest is over
and if there is, they pick up said perps and everyone else goes home
>>529315 You do it to let people prepare for the protest and the inconvenience it causes sure it is a method of censorship boiled down the right way, but in the end, if protests pop up randomly, you can't prepare for them and say be late for work and that would just cause people to HATE protestors all protestors
Kirara 🚗
yeah, from a tactical standpoint, you don't want to get permits unless you expect 100% that everything will be legitimate eg a three hour long organized protest
And also as you have permits, you can clearly state who you are and what you are protesting against so if some nutters come to your protest and turn violent you can easily say "they aren't with us"
Kirara 🚗
So not only does it grant you legitimacy and make it easier to advertise the protest, get news coverage for it and so on but it also protects the society from the inconvinence that a protest, no matter how large, may cause
>>529278 anyhow going back to this I understand the protective custody, even mass murderers have been on that to avoid lynching and I think this driver has a quite real risk of that happening to them even at their own home And say that was allowed to happen to someone, left or right, that would once again potentionally open up doors that should never be opened as for the deporting, why? Is there any proof of her doing anythign that would lead to revoking her residency?
Kirara 🚗
jail is a good protective custody for the driver
they don't need proof, she was arrested so they can push for deportation they don't need to prove anything
Good point, why didn't they just put her in solitary confinement ofc, I'd really like to read few articles on the matter and whatnot, since one source saying "custody" might actually mean she is infact in some holding cell the driver >>529324 really? Seems like tht whole bullshit with "you are on parole so now we can arrest your ass for anything and throw you to jail again" that happens in some countries ie. that tomym guy in UK comes to mind
Kirara 🚗
yeah, if you're on house arrest and you talk to a police officer, and the officer doesn't like you for any reason, they can have your shit revoked and send you to prison
Man with say the tommy robinson arrest, you have the system workign against an individual but a wild guess at history, I'd say in the US the problem with cops started with individuals individuals abusing their power as enforcers of law, and loose laws and whatnots that allowed them to do it like that whole "this money was used in drug deal, hand it over" thing But eventually those kind of people got further in carreers and now sit on the higher positions and now, you have similiar individuals on the streets as those guys always end up in enforcer roles, suits their personality and then you have similiar types looking after them
I guess professional pride isn't a thing or was and has died
Afterall a corrupt magistrate was at some point a corrupt pencil pusher at the lower levels and while power does corrupt, I believe the true shitheads were shitheads even while theywere peons of the machine
Kirara 🚗
cops are basically people who would be criminals if they weren't cops
Guhh is this just that pull of violence and power that forms up when these kinds of organisations turn corrupt enough
I remember hearing about a story about japanese soldiers occupying china during ww2 where some recruit was sent there, well recruits were sent there all normal soldiers, ready to defend honorably their homeland but half a year later after spending time with the garrisons in say nanjing and gettign pulled into doing whatever attrocities they were doing and they didn't bat an eye if ordered to execute someone with a sword or a gun
Kirara 🚗
like the first time i went to an FBI office with my full team, they pulled the only foreigner in our team - a Venezuelan guy - into an interrogation room and started asking questions about his dad and accusing his dad of being a drug runner, and when my guy got defensive, one of the agents messing with him put his hand closer to his gun and they had us watch this going on live via a CC TV and everyone was like "haha it's just the bants!" while our guy was fucking terrified
federal bureau of interrogation
>>529335 that would have been a moment to have a hidden cam on you...
Kirara 🚗
yeah i didn't know what it was like at that point and it's not like i could have gotten a camera in anyway
So I guess they are so corrupt, it has already bred a culture of corruption the norm is to be corrupt not be well normal as we perceive it
>>529335 is there like a measured response thing where they gesture like that and see how people respond or is it legitimately just prepping for the gun
protect and serve means to protect and serve indiscriminately if you don't protect and serve a victim of a crime, you don't fulfill your purpose
Kirara 🚗
>>529340 it's just to spook people literally nothing but intimidation they wanted to scare our guy because it was funny
i would imagine response to intimidation could be really useful information in an investigation but that's more like somethin an underground organization would do to get a feel for people than a federal thing with policies i pick up lots of really valuable information off subtle stuff but it wouldn't really look actionable in a report it'd just make me look paranoid and delusional
>>529343 We did stuff like this in the army back in the day, but then people realised it wasn't nice and well we banned it
Someone threatening to pull out their gun, is fucking insane.
"it's just a prank bro"
Kirara 🚗
yeah it's just the bants don't get worked up
Kirara 🚗
>>529344 well, they don't include stuff like that in their reports they don't have any standards of writing or accountability when it comes to writing fully and accurately whatever they write becomes what happened
Completely beside the point, but just suddenly got reminded of a time I was representing the conscript on some improvement meeting of the high-honchoes in the barracks and I was asked about ideas to imrpove general barracks life and I was "So howabout we allow the troops to keep the doors open and windows open and properly ventilate the barracks say during the time they are eating breakfast, would result in a lot better indoor air quality" and then some high-officer asks me "why aren't we doing that" and I am all "sir, because we aren't allowed to leave the window and the doors open, if no one is inside the room" and he just looks at me real silly all "huh, right"
i can usually tell when someone is unconfident in something they're doing, or if they're lying about something or what they're trying to do but in my social world those arent really things that need to be leveraged it's just kind of adjustment of my apprehensions like prolly not gonna invest a lot of faith in something that someone's doing or saying if i'm gettin those subtle red flags but i'm not gonna be like you fuckin liar i can tell you're lying because your actions seem stilted fuck you get away from me >what's wrong dude i was just tryna help you paint your living room. ok ive never done it before but so what get outta here you fucker dont lie you're not painting my living room you're tainting my living room
>>529350 general rule being >room occupied -> door open >room unoccupied -> door closed a quite useful thing even in basic barracks life, but in crisises and such even more important but still, if we know practically /everyone except the standby officer is out eating, well... why not use that moment to ventilate all the rooms and the barracks properly would combat the ever present issue of mold infestations that all finnish barracks tend to have
But I don't really understand the morals or how a person abusing their position lives with themselves IE. we have here a quite high publicity case going on about a chief of police, who ran a drug ring or was involved in the running of a drug ring while on the force for several years. dam hard to prove, with the guy's position and contacts and connections, but everyone knows he did it, but try to prove that before a court Just weird to think about it you lead the local police force, you make sure the people on the streets are behaving proper and disciplined and do their duty to the people and yet you are breaking the law Lead by example, is a virtue seldom found
For the people as a whole, sure But not for the 'corrupted'
yes it is
corruption is like a fungal infection if you don't treat it, the plant will die the tree will rot from the inside and be brought down completely and then even the corrupt people will suffer
I don't really know if that's how it works There's incredible issues with this kind of stuff in the US, and it's like the most powerful nation on this rock
The people are suffering, but life's still pretty sweet for the upper class and the politicians >>529369 Don't worry, there's way more security now than then There's like, a ton of intelligence agencies, mass surveillance of all online traffic, tracking data can be accessed with a warrant, ICE is a thing that exists They have a lot of avenues through which they can crush opposition
>>529368 Yeah but corrupt leaders and class can be overthrown and even with the help of said securities like say in egypt where the army eventually looked "okay time to side with the people" ofc, out of self interest and preservtion more than goodness of their hearts, but they could have also put down the rioters
Definitely not especially when the people are more against other people and not the corrupt elites or mid-elites currently it is quite basic case of "divide and conquer" if you ask me, going on over there
Well, immigration and ICE is a little more complex than the good and evil that everyone would want you to believe. But it's basically impossible to sort these things out these days since people are incapable of talking about it reasonably.
Kirara 🚗
i will allow you to say immigration is more complex than that, but it's clear to everyone that ICE is not
There are good holding facilities for kids and there are many kids who ccross the border on their own but there are also many kids whoc ame with their parents and the got separated and there is ICE abusing all of its power
Kirara 🚗
like i know people that literally lived through the holocaust and ICE reminds them of that there is no way to justify ICE we've all lived without it and we can easily live without it again
>>529376 Abuse again sorta implies their purpose lines up with your idealized purpose for them
Say there is that "majority of women crossing border illegally get raped" and THAT information doesn't keep them away then will setting up internment camps and making the punishment even more harsh work at all? you can't kill smugling by shooting at the smuggled goods, in this case people
It's really at a point where discourse is impossible. It seems like there are a lot of people who disagree with the idea that you should even have borders.
Well, I disagree with the idea that you should have a country, so borders have to go away with that.
My bare minimum for accepting borders, though, is that asylum seekers and generally anyone else, shouldn't be arrested and put in a concentration camp.
>>529381 it would take complete rearranging of the world, with complete collapse of almost all societies, if world was to exist without borders and such chaos, would lead to countless deaths
>>529383 Well there is seeking asylum and there is "entering illegally, getting caught and then seeking asylum" or skipping middle part and >>529389 sauce?
>>529391 This is precisely what I'm talking about. You can't have a meaningful conversation who er You can't have a meaningful conversation with people who are so convinced that they're right that they believe for you not to agree with them you have to either not understand or be evil.
>>529392 It doesn't matter if I'm right. I have no reason to believe you know the first thing about anti-capitalist arguments beyond what little leaks through my conversations with imats here on moe
>Center for Gender and Refugee Studies that is an interesting organisation, completely beside the point but just wanted to point that out
Kirara 🚗
>>529392 >You can't have a meaningful conversation with people who are so convinced that they're right that they believe for you not to agree with them you have to either not understand or be evil. way too true
That's right, so we can back up a little bit and say the situation with ICE is complex.
There are certainly things that can be done better, but you also have to take into account the fact that economic immigrants often lie and say they're asylum seekers.. You also have to take into account that human trafficking is occuring over the border and that just because someone claims an individual is their child that doesn't make it true.
But it's not It's controversial, not complex.
Kirara 🚗
>>529398 as a jew, what ice is doing puts an existential horror and me and i am 100% willing to end friendships with people that support any organization that puts people in concentration camps i sincerely hope you would never support that you can have your doubts about immigrants, that's fine, we have organizations that can deal with that ICE is a very specialized organization that is dedicated to gestapo-style tactics and the things they are do are violations of international law and treaties that we have signed and supported for decades they are a newly created organization and we do not need them, they, along with the patriot act, were terrible, terrible mistakes you, as someone that is against big government, cannot possibly support an organization that goes after citizens of the nation "just in case" they're illegal
Like the argument isn't "everything else is good, we don't need this thing" It's "This thing is bad." Your views on borders shouldn't actually matter here
Kirara 🚗
nobody has called me to tell me my dog died yet i only know because my step-sister heard about it from her mom
It's generally a good idea to stay out of any of these conversations
Kirara 🚗
it's generally a good idea to stay away from supporting nazis
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
these are both correct statements
Kirara 🚗
i just can't be friends with someone that supports something that once happened to my people and led to their genocide or anything that even mirrors how that genocide started
>>529393 wow first guy michael tan was it? has been writing about similiar stuff for ages man has this shit been going on for a while, though not so bad as now
Kirara 🚗
>>529408 it got really bad under obama, he started using ICE to deport tons of people obama deported more people than all the other presidents combined
>>529409 Well I guess trump derangement syndrome can at times be good, since it has so much attention now just hope it doesn't get dismissed by people as just that
hmm I think I did mention about this or atleast wehad this conversation that the moment some super shitty behavior happens from the big T, it might just kind of be "Immunized" to actual scrutiny due to the boy cried wolf effect atleast in terms of the masses
Kirara 🚗
yeah it's really bad
causee ven while condemning it, most media sources I view, go more like "why were you quiet during obama" pointing out the hypocricy is good, but at the same time you shouldn't play teams when someone is clearly breaking the rules
>>529405 I don't really understand how we jumped to supporting nazis.
Kirara 🚗
>>529414 like, i said, i'm totally fine with people supporting immigration law and border control, whatever but ICE is an organization that behaves like the gestapo and people that support it are the same ones that wouldn't have had any issue with jews being round up in the initial stages of the holocaust when i think about that, it fills me with such existential dread and rage, that i can't stand it so in my mind, anyone that supports nazi-style tactics like this are basically supporting nazis nobody has ever given me any argument against this or even attempted to, probably because the parallels are easy to see by anyone
Kirara 🚗
to be clear, i'm not accusing you of supporting nazis or being a nazi you are probably steering clear because you're afraid of being misunderstood rather than that you support concentration camps
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
As a side note I am constantly afraid of being misunderstood.
That's because we live in a society where you're set on fire and tossed out the window for having a certain set of opinions.
I see where you're coming from but I also don't really see how it can end well at all if I have a conversation about borders with people who don't believe in borders. I'm just going to endeavour to avoid political moe to an even greater extent in the future.
>What’s concerning about that explanation is that many asylum seekers who entered eventually overstay their visa thanks to the years and years that the asylum process can take. aren't they granted "pending residence" over there, for the duration, that would last say a month or so if they are not granted asylum?
Kirara 🚗
honestly, the only people on /moe/ that i think actually understand me fully are like jan and moon and probably blue
>>529421 they are supposed to be, yeah but ICE doesn't have to follow the law
>>529422 soeither they break the law or the law isn't written clearly enough
Kirara 🚗
they break the law generally the law has been clear enough that this hasn't happened until ICE showed up ICE is one of the organizations that got to be exempt from the law in explicit language under the PATRIOT act like the CIA and FBI
most likely, but since I don't know the US law well enough, and I doubt you have read that particulr clause either just heard of it it might just be working around some loophole, shitty and inhuman action nonetheless but there is a difference
I think USA is now at a point, that the people who support trump will rally behind him no matter what, especially when the media continues to spin the stories in absurd narratives, even when there is no need to Like take the whole Time Magazine cover about the ICE and border crisis was there a need to use a fake article, with a fake story to promote it? No it just suited them Why not actually tell the truth and just the truth, so you can actually reveal the shitty goings on, and not just give fuel to your ideological opposition
>>529427 It's fine. It's not your fault. I'm not being particularly nice either. My resentment for PC culture has grown considerably since it's currently consuming my brother.
We've reached the strage where he's demanding that everyone call him by a girl name with the implicit threat that he'll cut us out when we can't handle it.
And of course similiarly, people will rally against trump or would rally for their ideologically aligned "our guy" no matter what, if the opposite was true I mean, the media doesn't let the trumpalogus have any good moments, even when he does something that isn't at least negative or is something they would have praised any other person in power.
>>529431 I won't be playing that game, of course. If he has a problem with being addressed as "you" then he can go ahead and cut me out. I'm not going to enable self-destructive behavior.
anyhow >On Thursday, May 17, the ACLU will be in federal district court to challenge the Trump’s administration’s arbitrary and illegal incarceration of thousands of asylum seekers who fled persecution, torture, or death in their countries of origin. while I in no way approve of ICE and especially its behaviour Since similiar situation was and still is going on in europe, in terms of people crossing the borders I will just say that, if you were crossing the border illegally and are caught, the best solution for you then is to say "I apply for asylum" be it true or not ACLU sure uses in this article quite spiky language
Well 'nuff said hope ice gets its due eventually, even if not during trump reign I just hope this isn't the first case of many "witch hunt immunities" of trump's run
She's trying to convince him to pick a name that's close to his real name and she thinks she'll be able to handle calling him that as a nickname. I don't think that that's going to be a particularly effective approach, though. I don't think my mom is dealing with it particularly well.
It sounds like she's trying to deal with it the best she can. Your family being conservativeish, I'm sure it's pretty hard to deal with. It sounds like you and your mom are getting a pretty hard time.
it's a little overbearing to demand i guess i can't speak for other people i don't care who does or doesn't recognize whatever part of me pronouns are a dumb invention in the first place i'll always use others' when applicable but generally, with people that are close, people i know tend not to care too much
i'm not quite fully understanding the current climate shift about correctness and avoiding offending people i've been visiting tranny clubs in saint louis for like a decade now and prior to the current stuff you couldn't offend them if you tried they've already taken so much abuse and bullshit getting the pronoun wrong doesn't even phase them
my crowd's generally just really cool people and imo the most offensive thing you can do to a trans person is assume they're easily offended
I don't care what pronouns people use for me and don't completely understand why people are so sensitive to it, but I'm willing to use pronouns people ask to have used for them because I don't care about it enough not to.
I do think it's silly when people present themselves as strong egoists that don't need external validation but have breakdowns when they're misgendered, though.
>>529444 a lot of what i love about the culture im familiar with is the zinginess that comes from always facing a lot of negativity like just someone says somethin mean to 'em in public and sling it back play off the energy i feel like that's somethin you kind of have to do if it's something you care about is be able to endure or defend it in your own way while violence against the culture or actual hate is not at all cool, just little petty stuff doesn't have to always be taken so seriously it really dilutes a lot of it i think
i dunno maybe i'm not thinkin about it right i guess i should be happier that it's a more socially protected thing now it just feels different you kinda used to form the bonds that you do because you had to stick together a bit
>>529449 No, that's not what I meant, sorry. I meant conservative in the sense of traditionalism, rather than the political ideology of conservativism. People who are more traditional have a harder time dealing with the /// with those kinds of demands are // and are stressed out more by them than people who are less traditional. It wasn't a criticism or anything.
>>529450 there's definitely a difference between newer lgbtq culture and the older stuff i think the people that were able to be out that are in our generation generally had a lot of flak thrown their way and grew a lot of resilience and the younger folk lack that resilience now young people don't know how to handle the shit that gets thrown at them and it breaks them
>>529453 i knew this one fella, not transsexual but just transvestite just very flamboyant, like sequin gold dresses and goofy shit but he was so charismatic that people'd say shit and he'd just have some flamboyant remark and laugh it off "oh you know you want some of this big boy you don't gotta hide in the closet just cuz your girlfriend's with you" and stuff just so goofy i think a lot of that's really built into the culture in a way lookin out for each other and shit too and making sure people feel comfortable, but it was kinda worked for
now it's like "okay, here's the pronouns, here's everything, respect it" and it's like "ok you got it" and it's not really very rewarding i dont know i'm probably being stupid about this and probably derailing the discussion
Cause in the past it seemed, atleast here that the lgbtq crew kept to themselves, except during pride week and generally was "live and let live" you let them live, they let you live and vice versa no one bothered the other if there was no need to, save for bigots but then the facesmashers popped up at some point, and they started whining about all stuff inclusion, exclusion, bad portrayal in old media and how it should be burnt and so on and so forth
btw would you fuck a transvestite from transsexual transsylvania?
Beautiful men, beautiful women, beautiful in-between, that's all fine with me. As long as it's beautiful.
>>529455 Yeah, I think that's how it was. Pretty much everyone around our ages that are queer are like that.
I was at a meeting the other day where someone started off, like, "let's introduce ourselves, just say your name and your preferred pronouns!" and someone else said that we shouldn't have to list our pronouns, if someone wants different pronouns, they should speak up and say so, and people got upset about that.
>>529455 sorry to butt in, but this >now it's like "okay, here's the pronouns, here's everything, respect it" and it's like "ok you got it" kinda ignores basic aspect of respect, which is in most cases, it is earned not demanded
>>529458 Why not list your pronouns if you're gonna list your names anyway? This reminds me of a Zizek bit
Kirara 🚗
>>529464 Why list your pronouns if only one or two people out of twenty have pronouns that are different from what their look? It's a waste of meeting time
>>529468 They end up sticking out anyway But I mean maybe I'm wrong I think it'd be easier to mention the whole thing if everyone else is also just giving theirs But I'm cis so
Kirara 🚗
it would be better to allow people to say their pronouns if they want to >>529471 if they're going to stick out regardless, it's more productive if they add it optionally
>>529472 >>529472 >>529472 this it should be the person's themselves decision to whether correct someone or not not enforced by anything or one
>>529470' imgine if you started a meeting with "if anyone is gay please point it out" or "if anyone is german please point it out" or "if anyone is muslim please point it out"
>>529474 That was a bad comparison You use pronouns actively when talking to people I don't need to know if you're german or muslim or gay
>>529477 No because it impacts directly how I'm talking to them or about them I do not use different pronouns for muslims or gay or german people >how often do you use someones third person pronouns Regularly? >I think she just made a good point >I'm not sure what he means by this It's not needless at all
>>529475 >>529476 it still is pointing out someone's identity needlessly and how often do you really use in a meeting someone's who is third person pronouns?
It's not needless
who is present*
>>529476 I dunno in here I think I'd say and people have usually said, not that I really payed attention just "I don't know what you said"
>I'd say Maybe you would, but it's not uncommon at all for people to use third person pronouns
I havn't paid attention, but I think people here, atleast when speaking finnish, don't use third person when said person is present they directly address or use "what [name] ment is" or "I don't know what [name] means in this case" ofc, finnishd oesn't in the first place have gendered pronouns anyhow
ofc in spoken language, people usually use "it" when speaking of people in third person "se" is just easier to say than "hän"
so in spoken finnish, people aren't people people are objects
which illustrates quite well "intent vs content"
Kirara 🚗
my dad called to tell me about my dog and now i'm all fucked up i was doin oksy until he called and was cryin and now i'm all fucked up and crying and i set my glasses down somewhere and cant find them and lazarus keeps running away
>>529486 i went through that recently too im sorry give lazzy some love i really miss my support kitty right now i couldn't bring her with me she was a support kitty for my anxiety and just stayed next to me at all times
i wish i could just skip everything tomorrow oh well
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
i bought a pair of glasses for the first time ever basically no change when i put them on but the text on my phone looks slightly sharper? idk -0.5 anyway now i can look more engineery when i want to
>>529500 poor you, not + did your eyes get strained if you didn't have problems at seeing things or did you just get them cause they noticed your eyesight has worsened?
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
i dont know if ive ever taken an eye test before and since i had indurance i figured why not i wqs also looking at getting some computer glasses but these dont havr the blue light filter so really these are for aesthetic or psychological reasons more than anything
our optics stores do "free eye exams for everyone" during summers here
free gets people to come by and then notice "oh I do need glasses afterall" so they buy a pair and so on they wouldn't do it, if it wasn't profitable
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
my exam was 10 bucks copay and then they tried to sell me a 500 dollar pair that i didnt really need fuuuck that went to warby parker instead, 95 bux >>529508 there were all sorts of coatings and shit idk
500 for storage strenght specs... whatt he fuck what kind of frames were they even?
>>529507 I'd have to get some brand named frames and then real heavy coatings on them tog et to that price or use the more specialised stores, that mainly serve people with more advanced requirements for their glasses like multiple strenghts and whatnots my current ones cost me a whoppin 29€
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
this pair pretty hipster looking i didnt go full designer mode tho with clear frames
i lit a candle for my dog and Lazarus fuckin put it out so i picked it up to relight it and spilled molten wax on my hands and dropped the candle and now i can't fucking find it and have burns on my hand
if the person isn't religious or it doesn't seem the right time - implying the person is of the shared religion, don't do religious stuff to a mournin guy
Everyone who says "they are in a better place" to someone on socme and such, should have the very awkward moment of sayign that in RL and the person who they say it to responds with "Can I go there too then?"
I am awkward at that thing, since I don't really understand the whole concept of "my condolences" if I am not someone you really want to seek comfort from when you are sad, passive you btw anglish sucks at it, why would you expect some wise words from me? my condolences, what do you do with them? or what do I do with your condolences?
it is common courtesy to say something or the other, but if you don't really have anything to say, maybe don't say it silence can be respecti n its own form
Kumeta really nailed the biggest question regarding Hata's new manga. Every chapter I can hear him going "What kind of virgin delusion is this?!" and I love it so much.
>>529585 I literally can't order them because of the website design that makes me order all of my clothes at once and I can't do that because the shirt s are being discontinued
There's been this large-ish fly that's been stuck in my room for like two days or so. Something like a fruit fly I think. It's pretty harmless but it's large enough to be hard to ignore moving about wildly, and it's also really noisy.
>>529676 either that is really fluffy hair or there is a really alien head underneath
I do hate sunburn but man pulling off the dead skin feels good
Kirara 🚗
that doesn't really happen to me
Doesn't it? What's the most sunburn you've ever been
I used to never get sunburnt, unless I had my back to the open sun for like six or eight hour straight. But the years of spending way more time indoors seems to have softened up my skin a lot. Even so, considering I was out in the sun for nearly four and a half hours yesterday and the worst I have for it is a mild sunburn, I think I'm still good.
Kirara 🚗
>>529793 i spend all of my time in the sun in the highest possible UV index haha so pretty bad but i haven't had peeling skin after sunburn since i was a kid
>>529795 did you build up a sun immunity? >>529798 >iced tea what a madlad
Kirara 🚗
i can still get sunburn, but i am pretty resistent to the sun, yeah like i got some sunburn on my neck when we were in the mountains hiking, jan and me
Kirara 🚗
and i think jan only really got sunburn on his arms but it wasn't that bad although he almost got heat stroke
I'm pretty sure I had some heat exhaustion getting back from walking yesterday. Though it was probably also a mix of also physical and emotional exhaustion. By the record on my watch I had over 30,000 steps. I haven't walked that much in a while.
i've got so much fucking work and my dog died but i'm alive so that's a positive how are you
I saw about that when I woke up later that evening. I'm sorry to hear about it, losing a pet you're close to is tough. I hope you have good memories to remember your dog by.
They make you get an endorsement from a local 'reputable agency' so like a hotel you've got a booking at, or a Russian travel agency
but then you can also just apply for one online, which is quicker and cheaper, but surely defeats the whole purpose of requiring it in the first place so really it's just another way to extract a fee.
and then I'm paying all this money to the Expedition people to take me up the mountain, and so I asked if I can just get my endorsement through them. and they said yes but first they need my 5000 ruble deposit to clear. and that takes a few days. And they're being super slow about it. And I've got to apply for two other visas
Oh shit also hello marsh
Kirara 🚗
>>529824 doesn't look like it could be too generic to be sure
>>529841 Yeah. It's definitely the best thing about having a dead-end job I'm willing to leave and no real close interpersonal relationships
I can pack up and travel whenever I want
Kirara 🚗
i might get kicked out of my program soon if i do, we can use my loan money and apartment money to go fuck off in the mountains
>>529845 honestly I'm not sure why I don't just do this maybe I wll after I move there are too many places I want to see but also actually nevermind >>529846 wait why
>>529847 i needed 3/5 on my end of year evaluation and got 2.3/5 idk why, the feedback i got was really contradictory and my colleagues think it was because professors don't know how to deal with me there was a faculty meeting on friday to decide whether or not i get to stay in the program and i find out tomorrow
my evaluation gave me like 2/5 on interpersonal skills and said i was reserved and terse and appeared indifferent, but then later it said i appeared motivated and serious and always incorporate feedback and it said i have poor coping skills which is true but they don't really know about that
also they were upset that sometimes i don't know what's going on in respect to timelines which is fair but nobody knows what's going on, and im just the o one that asks professors what the fuck is going on
ill still get my Master's but i might get removed from the program and not get my doctorate
>>529849 >>529852 that's rough, man. Do they give you a chance to make a case for yourself?
>>529850 You can have mine if you want It's fuckin' easy
Just yell at kids to cook chicken
Kirara 🚗
no, but when i told my colleagues, they got fired up and wanted to protest to keep me in the program i feel like ill be kept in but they're probably going to make me do a bunch of shit to "remediate" me
what bullshit Do you have to stay with this same faculty if you ever do want to get your doctorate? can you like... transfer credit go somewhere better somewhere that they don't pull stunts like this
>>529849 damn, I hope you pull through it weird that they don't know how to deal with you you'd think psych professors would run into more fringe cases than you, even if you are kinda out there
>>529856 yeah, same faculty i can go to a different program though, ll idk if i would
there are a few professors that absolutely love me and some that really despise me
Kirara 🚗
>>529857 yeah, you'd think so im at least functional and i do well all of my issues are like, deadlines and admin shit i do well in my classes and am considered better than would be expected for my therapeutic skills
>>529862 dude nah. it's a sweet set up. You just delegate all the unpleasant work to the teenagers while you sit in the office and play around on your phone.
>>529862 it's easy aside from having to deal with everyone's problems and then having them yell at you as if it's your fault even as you take the steps to fix it managing people has made me really dislike people I used to at least find pleasant people show you the shittiest parts of their personality when you become the one responsible for their work
>>529867 god fuck you stefanie get out of the office and deliver these feedbacks you lazy bitch
>>529866 Or one faculty memeber with bipolar disorder.
>>529869 see this blue shirt, cunt that means you don't tell me what to do it means I tell YOU what to do and right now I'm telling you to go out there and deliver feedbacks on my behalf
>>529866 doesn't seem like a good thing that they can't come together with a coherent evaluation
Kirara 🚗
>>529873 i think they're pretty split on me probably by my interest level in the classes ive had with them
I think there's valuable elements to it. Different people will be more or less perceptive on certain aspects. The fact that one professor sees faults in his work ethic and another considers him hard-working isn't necessarily contradictory, it could be that Kirara found the latter class easier to keep up with or that the professor didn't have the same magnitude of work as the other, or several other reasons. Maybe one professor is more critical of imperfections in a certain subsection of the field than others.
one of them is really mad that you didn't read the handbook >>529871 I'm starting to understand why you always seem to either be travelling alone, or planning towards travelling alone
Kirara 🚗
yeah, and the thing is, i did, and i told that professor i didn't understand it, and she just said i didn't read it and now anytime anything happens, she says i haven't read it haha
Tiki, Nowi, Gwen, Catria, Raven, Fae, or Matthew. Ah, and Cordelia. and Sheena Those are the options. I guess it can wait for after the next season starts. Then I can choose a unit that I'll have in a team.
oh yeah tiki merge might be legit
I also got another Myrrh with -Spd but... I don't know if I want to keep the -Spd or the +Spd
Like, for Great Flame usage, yeah -Spd. But for Light Breath usage, +Spd is where it's at.
Titania getting a new weapon means that she'll show up on a New Power banner, most likely. Along with Nephenee. Which means that I can grab some Guard 3s. Of course, it would be better to get Nephenee but I really need two Guard 3s. Though I feel like, if I get them, they'll push out Guard as a seal and I'll be upset.
the us govt released a "replacement" for the food pyramid called the "food plate" that was funded by some of the largest agricultural corporations in the country it recommends that 40% of everything you eat should be vegetables and you should only have 20% of your diet comprised of the vague category "protein" meanwhile you should eat 30% grains and only 10% of your diet should be fruit also you should consume as little dairy as possible
and it's so fucking ridiculous
What about stuff that's both high in protein and IS a vegetable, huh? HUH?
Sounds so robotic. Maybe they are all trying to make you into machines.
Kirara 🚗
>>529956 who knows? they say it's based on research but they make it impossible to find the research it's based on
and it's fucking ridiculous that shit is not good those are horrible recommendations, that's such an unbalanced diet
statistical research from a population that's grown from generations of certain dependencies of economics on their diet we're seein the results of what is healthy stemming from that population i've yet to see a bottom-up approach of what's the most suitable for our biology yet to see research from* a bottom-up approach
ill show you a balanced diet *grabs meats*
Kirara 🚗
>In unveiling MyPlate, First Lady Michelle Obama said, "Parents don't have the time to measure out exactly three ounces of chicken or to look up how much rice or broccoli is in a serving. ... But we do have time to take a look at our kids' plates. ... And as long as they're eating proper portions, as long as half of their meal is fruits and vegetables alongside their lean proteins, whole grains and low-fat dairy, then we're good. It's as simple as that."[8]
I see nothing wrong with this
Kirara 🚗
>>529962 probably because you don't know a lot about nutrition
>>529961 three ounces of chicken is fucking nothing even for a kid that's not a meal that's barely a snack
It's not even a hundred grams. That does feel really small. Maybe, maybe if you've equally divided your protein requirements between your three meals, but who does that.
Kirara 🚗
>MyPlate is supplemented with an additional recommendations, such as "Make half your plate fruits and vegetables", "Switch to 1% or skim milk", "Make at least half your grains whole", and "Vary your protein food choices".[7] The guidelines also recommend portion control while still enjoying food, as well as reductions in sodium and sugar intakes.[1] your plates probably shouldn't be 40% vegetables and 10% fruits like that's so fucking weird historically, there have been very few peoples that ate like that, and vegetables aren't particularly more healthy from fruits, in fact, you get more and healthier energy from fruits than vegetables
1% milk isn't really all that bad. Skim milk is just water pretending to be milk though.
it doesn't make sense to me to balance your nutrition per every single plate that seems really unnatural in nature, when would we possibly be munching on an orange and some veggies while also collecting the meats off of a carcus the gut biome is really sensitive if you're gonna have some fruit, have some fruit have some meat separately later but these things digest in different ways and at different speeds, so stacking the variety there literally changes the way it's metabolized into the body as your gut flora are responding at a level to digest one thing then expected to also digest a different thing which normally is digested in a different way but your flora levels are all fucked up
>>529967 recommending to reduce milk as much as possible is ridic though like, i'm sorry if anglosaxons often end up with lactose intolerances, but my eastern european ancestors evolved drinking milk and consuming dairy, and i'm completely suited to consuming it
>>529968 it's so ridiculous, it's nonsense like even eating specific meals is really weird, we're more accustomed to eating when we're hungry if food's available
just buy lactose free milk or some shit that's whatI do
A lot of people experience who you want to be, but few experience who you really are.
people only experience who you are
>>529971 mealtime came about more as social organizational things obviously when you're hunting and stuff there's a designated feast time but in early ag families still it was just about coordination
some mixed meals developed complementarily, like having certain boiled roots before a staple meal to aid the digestion of difficult things but this is pretty random today about just mixing everything together based on a nutrient list regardless of what the thing actually is
maybe it has to do with the content of milk or somethinf I would imagine rationale with this sort of thing is to try and combat obesity
a better approach would be to teach about macronutrient daily recommendations and what kinds of foods they can get high quality carbs from but this was bankrolled by ag companies so of course that wouldn't happen
yeah but that takes effort and time from our schools why teach anout healthy eating when you can spoonfeed it through newly regulated cafeteria meals
why teach kids about healthy eating and then have school cafeterias provide the cheapest resourced foods available that are horribly unhealthy
Kirara 🚗
defund the military and use it to teach people to eat and also give kids healthy foods
Kirara 🚗
why didn't michelle obama do that if she actually cared about kids diets
>defund the military Nice joke
Kirara 🚗
you could probably do it if you shaved like 5% off the military budget scrap one or two airplanes and you can feed those kids
Kirara 🚗
>5 A Day is any of various national campaigns in countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, France, and Germany, to encourage the consumption of at least five portions of fruit and vegetables each day, following a recommendation by the World Health Organization that individuals consume "a minimum of 400g of fruit and vegetables per day (excluding potatoes and other starchy tubers)."[1] A meta-analysis of the many studies of this issue was published in 2017 and found that consumption of double the minimum recommendation – 800g or 10 a day – provided an increased protection against all forms of mortality.[2][3]
>A meta-analysis of the many studies of this issue was published in 2017 and found that consumption of double the minimum recommendation – 800g or 10 a day – provided an increased protection against all forms of mortality.
>all forms of mortality holy shit eating fruits and vegetables will protect you from gunshot death
>>529983 >this research showed that kids aren't getting enough iron in their diet, so we, your gracious government, have scrapped these airplanes to feed to your children
Kirara 🚗
>>529985 >we are going to fill your kids with iron
my health psych professor was talking about the food plate today in class, acting like it was legit and she's always talking shit about how everything we do should be informed by good science
>>529984 Well In general being healthier makes you more likely to survive injuries. So yeah
>>529986 "uh, we're really not comfortable with this... can we opt out?" >we can fill them with lead if you'd rather
Kirara 🚗
>>529988 i doubt you'd find the same results in the US at least, not all forms of mortality
>>529989 we'll fill them with lead, plus a $500 fee
i have to figure out what to do about my kitty my sister called me to say that she doesn't want to keep her so i have to come get her or else she's gonna find a new home for her i'm really far away so i'm super distressed about it >>530039 i dont even have a vehicle so i'd have to have my roommate make a 10-hour drive two ways i definitely can't afford the vet bills that she probably will continually need there's something wrong with her thyroid so she needs some medication for that
probably not vet visits might be idk without a vehicle, taking a cat to a vet gets difficult though i miss her a lot though weird because i was just mentioning it last night, and today this happens i'm so unstable though that i'm really worried about inviting something that can throw me off she's an old kitty, like 15+ if i take her to be put down soon i'm prolly gonna lose it more than i already am
but nobody's gonna adopt a kitty that old either and there's no way i can let her go to an adoption shelter where she's gonna feel confused and abandoned
Kirara 🚗
what do you want to do? if you could
she's a super good support kitty and just loves hanging out by you all day long even if it's doing nothing it would be somewhat bittersweet for me but if someone who needs that could get her i'd be okay with it just because i have concerns about my ability to provide her the care she needs if i can go get her i'd love to have her back, but so much so that i might be unstable i really have to avoid things that throw my emotions outside of a manageable territory lately which means a lot of sacrifice of things i care about
anyway sorry i was just tryna respond to how we are all doing today i guess i'm a little backed up
Kirara 🚗
>>530045 do you want me to give you a ride to get her?
i appreciate that but that seems like a massive waste of resources i'm not sure how urgent it is either i feel so pressured about everything lately that i can't gauge stuff right i hear about this and i think it's like something that has to be done asap if my cat's troubling her cats or whatever i can't stand the idea of thinking someone else is being burdened by me it just interferes and weighs on my every day and every moment and ability to do anything for myself
Watching Japanese people live-post reactions to the World Cup games has been a lot of fun. It's a great expressive language for reactions of incredulity and worry.
i'm just kind of frantic atm for a lot of reasons it would be fun to see you and stuff though but i can't be asking that kind of stuff
maybe we can do a photography trip or something soon but you know what i mean
Kirara 🚗
>>530052 yeah i understand maybe we could do it as a photography trip though if you want to ofc im just tryna help however i can giving the option and stuff
my professor is tryna say dogs and similar animals don't have any temporal concern idg how people can disregard evidence in front of their faces so easily nearly all animals have some level of temporal awareness and concern for temporal issues
>>530055 my dog whines at the door as soon as i leave like he's sad, but as soon as i'm back he stops doing it so he obviously doesn't remember?? obviously they're living in the moment
and judging by that moaning dog, he just moans occasionally cause his/her owner isn't present and not because it is always 14-16 and they come home about 17 or so judging by the moaning
If we're talking mammals, and most birds and fish, yeah, I'd say them having no temporal awareness is just way wrong. I think it's fair when we're talking some particularly stupid fish and most insects though.
>>530058 burying things and recall i can see being a system of mapping and not temporal reasoning but that's not saying temporal awareness can't utilize that system
>>530060 It is different from how we perceive it, but the "gold fish has 5 second memory" for example is one of the most blatant lies about fish memory
Yeah, that one is a total lie. There are some fucking dumbass fish out there, but goldfish are actually capable of surprising intellect considering their brain size.
Kirara 🚗
>>530061 at the very least, saying an animal can bury something knowing it will be there later is indicative of some level of temporal reasoning imv
or "birdbrain" when some birds are way smarter than theyshould be, if we judge by just brain size crowbirds especially, they NEVER forget a face and can gossip about people who mistreat them I wish I had a pet magpie
>>530067 also memory and temporal reasoning are different things memory can physiologically exist with no temporal reasoning
>>530066 I think most amusing thing I've ever read is the squirrel burying game >makes fake hideouts so that the observing rivals don't know where actual food is >but observing rivals know it is fake so they keep observing >so squirrel makes so many fakes, it eventually forgets where all its food is >and thus trees get grown in surprising places
I heard the florida school cirrciculum is fucked tho Like the feds can't intervene That is so fucking FUCKED
>>530066 yeah for sure temporal reasoning is involved in why animals do do it but i don't think it's necessary in order for that behavior to exist in context it obviously is but in the same animals including us grape apes, we recall similar information and strategize towards it without temporal reasoning all the time just instinctively
This dumbass fly that's been in my room now for like three days is being really fucking erratic right now. Keeps throwing itself against the window and darting all around above my head. It's super annoying.
>>530073 i see what you mean, yeah, that makes sense
like you don't set your keys on the counter with the intention of temporal recall it's non-temporal organization you're shedding the keys from your current set of assets in a place that you've organized in your mind as a place for keys recall just accessed the place for keys and goes to find them now if you're a fucking retarded piece of shit like me and can never find your keys then yeah you're going to have to think temporally about what occurred and where you put them and if that's a consistent problem for you then you might have to plan when you're placing them in the first place and think about when you have to go use them again
ants and insects have recall without temporal reasoning as i understand it
Yeah, I think you can bury something and expect it to be there without using temporal awareness. The concept of "later" doesn't have to be involved, especially if as a creature you don't have an awareness of "later". You bury it to keep other things that are not you/things you permit from eating it.
Probably a lot. But that could also be pretty dreadful.
>>530083 do you have a kidney stone >>530086 prolly not because 7mm is the threshold for surgical removal if it's bigger than 7m they'll just remove it surgically otherwise they'll just have you pass it naturally
i'm only badgerin the point so much because ive been thinking about it a lot like i was watching this really bad documentary on octopuses the other day and looked at some of the studies they were tryna measure the intelligence of octopuses and stuff which i do think they're extremely intelligent but octopuses are probably the most efficient neurological mapping systems in existence and all of our metrics for measuring their intelligence were really rudimentary physical mapping tasks like opening containers to get a crab those kinds of things are totally autonomically replicable it's not even close to measuring their intelligence imo
... I thought the OT started now But no one is here.
>>530108 we as humans have emergent systems that arise from intelligence and strategization, but intelligence isn't necessary for the development of such systems there's really a plateau in that abstract and concrete barrier at our baseline intelligence imo dropping under the concrete barrier and reasoning abstractly, we see how many things are intuitive to us innately but require a great deal of concentrate and effort to recreate on the concrete plane
that's very much the same for all emergent platforms we see animals doing something really simple and we try to reason about how we can recreate it on this emergent platform without realizing that it's already a resolved task on the foundational platform sometimes although imo i'm getting a little fatigued by the terminology of abstract and concrete because it's really binary and misrepresenting when it's a very relative concept all foundational processes are abstract to the emergent, concrete platform that arises from them and vice versa it's only concrete in relation to the its active platform
>>530110 i don't like how western science so frequently ignores viewing things systematically so many indigenous peoples didn't have method for it but demonstrated great understanding of systems
>>530118 i feel like a large part of that is the pressure of validation we're so pressured to socially be able to articulate things in a communicable way if they're to have any merit or function which obviously, for most things, we don't do but the things which are able to propagate through a modern social platform are communicable and you can't logistically articulate a system which is abstract to the very mechanized language you can share them culturally and generationally, being very dependant on timeframe and experiential illustrations but it becomes too compressed in a written context you're literally compromising the abstract notion you're trying to express by making it concrete and communicable
and when things have to be distributed in an academic setting or requested funding or any such stuff it has to be communicated formally there's some progress being made in that regard in how we're segmenting knowledge so that abstract things are still communicable within a certain sphere, but when it moves upward hierarchically to the government for funding, they're just seeing a flat projection
>>530102 >>530108 That's because its kind of hard to measure intelligence of an entity you can't really communicate with.
>>530122 i really made an error here by saying measure i should have said demonstrate demonstrations of intelligence and that the tasks to do so weren't necessarily intelligent
Kirara 🚗
who can guess what bizarre object was just shoved into my hands
someone just kind of thrust it into my hands and said they got it for me
Kirara 🚗
idk it's really weird i mean it's a very my-life kind of thing but it's still weird there's like no context for it or anything just, here, fossilized mammoth
If you don't want it you can ship it to me.
I hope people clone mammoths soon so I can have mammoth meat.
>>530159 the thought entered my head the other day about what if humanity died or whatever and AI/aliens visited the earth and found fossilized dragon dildos and there'd be a museum somewhere featuring them as fossils of life on earth
Also we never got our dog's ashes. I'm too afraid to ask why. I'll just keep pretending my parents forgot to pick them up. Although I'm sure my sister will ask on Wednesday.
>>530169 i'll pay my respects in another way besides words the words are just to let you know im doin so my respects to rusty
I don't understand what the joke is other than "haha, trans women aren't real"
>>530191 I don't think the joke is that trans women aren't real or that it has anything to do with being trans It's just funny to watch the guy react as the voice changes on purpose
>>530191 >the joke is that my sengen was on vibrate
>>530197 you're gendering behavior you're saying that women can't behave like that
That's a fair criticism
I'm not saying that, though I am saying the audience believes that
you are over analysing a simple comedy skit, with quite obvious punchline
Kirara 🚗
we can't control the audience if the audience doesn't appreciate it, it doesn't make it transphobic necessarily, though if i had more context that showed the people doing it were transphobic i'd accept that but as it is i don't see anything inherently transphobic about the skit
I think that skit is quite case example of british humour
>>530202 for all we know he was saying it's disgusting because she's wearing white after labor day everyone gotta be jumpin on to the bandwagon thinkin it's transphobic
I do see that it can be taken either way though, that's not really the issue I have You could see it as the dude getting righteously chewed out for being a bigot
there is time and place for those types of cones, but man are they SWEEt even vanilla is super sweet flavour kids love 'em ofc but without the neutral slightly salted waffle to balance it out, it just is too sweet to eat so add to it caramel and a quite creamy doughnut...
I think that would work as a doughnut filled with icecream with caramel on top witht he dougnut being less thick but that size... fucking heart attack
one of those weird strat games that only has skirmish mode it could really use some kind of "campaign" or somethign that would get you into the game instead of just "here figure it out" for turn based games and grandstrats that is a fine and dandy approach, but for rts, I kinda think somekind of single player campaign wouldn't hurt
>>530242 right?? like yeah we'll be gone but that's okay
>>530244 >this thing that would be considered bad by most people might not be bad Next Err >>530248 It's something
bad for who
>>530246 there would be no who if there are no humans so I'm guessing it would be good for the environment but then again all our nuclear reactors will melt down and shit that would be bad
i accidentally injured myself, and instead of the ooverwhelming wave of love and sympathy i expected, people are just roasting my ass like a stuffed pig i mean daaaaamn
man could you please not talk about a roasted pig's stuffed ass? i mean seriously i'm gonna get hungry
it's a cool idea but i feel like the implementation is almost lazy i bet we could come up with way better stuff and also have the patience and execution to make it seem absurdly natural in terms of the filming too natural might be bad though we might get our asses beat for holding up a teen romance story about a police officer and a young urban youth
Kirara 🚗
yeah, we'd have to be careful but we could definitely do it
title would be The Concrete Pillar
Kirara 🚗
girl in con crete
YUCK wtf
Kirara 🚗
chilli concrete
I'd totally go on a train with a book cover of How To Look Cool Infront of Black People
Fuck get over that shit by now
>>530279 Reminder that the perps spent less time in prison than Nevada-tan.