No more Amanchu!, so I can't really get by on a short list.
Hisone to Masotan --Episode 9-11 Boku no Hero Academia Caligula Cardcaptor --Episode 19-22 FranXX Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi --Episode 12-13 Persona 5 Gun Gale Online
Well it is somewhat inconvinent that it comes on the best night of anime. I really don't want to wait on any of these shows, but it also feels like a bit of a waste to do it with only two.
So I think we should wait a minute for Jan, and then decide what we want to do if he doesn't show.
I can wait as long as you feel you can. Persona probably doesn't matter if it gets watched without anyone like I've talked about before. And I'm onboard with not really wanting to wait on FranXX and Hero Academia.
in the future just watch it without me whenever really i've completed the game so it's not like i'm missing a whole lot >>528611 i skipped a lot of episodes already haha
That's what I've been trying to get aaaat. I'm pretty much the only one with no idea what's happening so it doesn't really matter if one of you skips an episode.
i liked yusuke's character arc a lot he was probably my favorite phantom thief after joker
>Going into people's private consciousnesses in order to get material for your art I feel there's a moral concern here kind of.
oh i thought that guy was gonna be the hacker and their attacks were just gonna get dodged >>528628 if that's true then aren't you morally concerned with the p.thieves going into people's minds and adusting their values?
Man he got art critique'd hard.
>>528629 Mm, I think my issue here is that they're not preventing further abuse or "helping" people here. He's just peering into people's consciousness to process it into art. I feel that's too selfish a cause for the intrusion of privacy.
>>528630 it's okay he only wants yusuke to git gud really he's actually a nice guy
>>528628 also mementos isn't anyone in particular's palace, it's ust a collective consciousness for the average joe that has only slight perceptual distortions they don't have their own palace or anything, they just have a shadow in mementos so low tier criminals and spousal abusers and anyone who doesn't have a seriously deranged world view are down in there. >>528630 it's alright dude it's all in the pursuit of true beauty
Well maybe then not "peering into" but "peering at". Even if Mementos isn't anyone's palace it's still a ripping away of the barriers in place protecting these people's private thoughts from outside observation. And using that simply to pursue your love of art just doesn't sit too well with me.
>>528637 same it took me a while to get my proficiency high enough to fix that goddamn door though so i already had the back alley doctor and ryuji at 10 before i got him to 10 yusuke seemed like he was really strong in terms of damage so i used him all the time >>528634 when you're trying to paint the truth of people's hearts you need to see the truth of people's hearts! yusuke isn't doing it for fame or money or anything simple, he just wants people to feel when they see his paintings, so his cause is pretty noble! it's alright for someone like that to view people's twisted hearts!
yeah i don't think deku is going to become the greatest hero anytime soon or before he graduates from UA so i figure this manga is going to go on for anther 15 years
Well it's kind of caught between fulfilling Deku's goal to become the top hero and the fact that it's called My Hero "Academia". But maybe it'll pull a Naruto and Tokyo Ghoul and change up the title with a "new series". Make it My Hero Employment.
Well they were basically acting as vigilantes while rescuing Bakugou. As a pro hero he's kind of responsible for keeping vigilantism from out -getting out of control. And as pro heroes in training the students are too.
bakugo won't even let his best friend owe him anything >>528663 i think he just likes to expel people he's a big ruurus nerd his power is really cool though and i like his scarf thing
Poor Uraraka is too ... poor.
Poor Deku is too much of a nerd.
damn deku has a lot of all might stuff
tokiyama's room is awesome
Poor Tokiyami is too much of a chuunibyou.
Get fucked Mineta.
Poor Taildude is too fuutsuu.
Hah hah Uraraka and Ashido stole pairs of Iida's glasses.
I'm still in disagreement about them being ancient humans. I think the show's been pretty clear on them being a previous intelligent species unique from humans.
>I'm not a parasite anymore Yeah because you've got one of your own now.
>>528706 >perhaps klaxo sapiens weren't so different from humans i'm telling you dude they were humans that got too advanced
they lived in a utopia and then all that shit went down and we came and fucked the earth hardcore
this mission looks impossible
First sight of Strelizia and Hiro just zeroes in on it.
>Objective: Survive
Those kinds of missions are always the ones where it's designed to be impossible to survive.
>explosions in space immersion fucking ruined i can't take these giant robots fighting aliens seriously anymore
Hiro seems to get tied up a lot these episodes. He was entirely wrapped up in those VIRM fibres with the Princess a while back.
i guess he's going to die since he has approximately 50 drill appendages shoved in every part of his body
No onii-san don't die.
>Surrender yourself to the gentle, peaceful pleasure we offer
Come to think of it, considering the inability to be a parasite is pregnancy, and not sexual intercourse , the system is really biased against the female pilots.
Hiro is the doofiest prince.
Oh no
That doesn't seem like an accurate depiction of Hiro there. it's missing his BALLS of STEEL.
They're probably gonna get back to Earth and it's like forty years later there with all the Squad 13 babies running around. And Hiro and Zero-Two are gonna be the same age.
Honestly he's kind of fucking weird in his own right. I guess he's perfect for Pita.
losing weight the manservant way
The Kanzaki Elsa fangirls even get to see her live after it all too. Might not have won the Squad Jam this time around but this is a pretty good reward.
>>528807 he can't get it up unless elsa is cheating on him and whipping him at the same time
I saw an illustration from a future arc in the LN and there's a new team of Pita, LLENN, M, Fuka, and the androgynous woman and the green-haired girl that LLENN had to kill to make sure she could kill Pita. I'm hoping we get more of this in the future.
it's okay now that she's not going to kill herself her crazy level has dropped into acceptable ranges
that was a good series, i liked it a lot the main character was like a moe terminator and the story was alright
Pita's not really cute much. She's pretty kakkoii though. Elsa's cute even if she's as crazy as her in-game character.
>>528814 I think the story was pretty honest that it was just means to an end to showcase these great characters and fun battle royales. I can appreciate that kind of honesty.
Hopefully they do a second season, I think it's been doing decent in sales numbers. Haven't looked much at them lately though.