Thread #506783
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How timely. Hisone to Masotan Cardcaptor --Episode 17-19 Gegege no Kitarou --Episode 3-7 Hinamatsuri Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi Last Period Nil Admirari no Tenbin Rokuhoudou --Episode 6-7 Steins;Gate 0 Tokyo Ghoul re Uma Musume
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I'm already committed to watching a movie with rook so I probably won't be available today, sorry! I'll catch up later.
What'chu watching.
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The Blood Spray of Goemon Ishikawa. From what I understand it's a short movie, though. He should be around in five to ten minutes then I'll be gone.
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okay I think we will have to watch some that Jan will have to catch up on. tokyo ghoul nil admiral steins gate last period
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okay tokyo ghoul okay lets start!
Haise gets to enjoy a Ghoul Raising Project.
He's had better days.
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If he's crazy from hunger, why not just feed him?
He's probably depressed and rejecting food or something.
his kaneki-kun died :(
I like this opening almost as much as unravel
I guess him taking on Nutcracker is gonna give him some trouble.>>506813 There's things about it I like, and it's kind of grown on me. But I think the other OPs have been better so far.
By like a conisderable margin.
I didnt like season 2's opening
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I can't remember. Tokyo Ghoul is best when edgy though. The edgy opening was the best.
They're trying to put Kaneki's mask back in his hands, eh. I think this guy had the same tattoo excuse when he first turned up.
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He needs to get edgy again, he's boring like this.
They're really having fun showing good sides to both CCG members and ghouls.
And bad sides to both CCG members and ghouls.
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I like that cute girl, she's got the right ratio of cute and bitch.
Makes her a kindred spirit, eh.
Wait they still haven't caught Toruso yet. They were chasing him in the first episode and we're now eight in. Talk about incompetence.
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They're busy with something... okay nil okay let's start! oh sorry I had nil trped but not posted I guess we're doing nil ep 7 okay lets start!
Okay? Okay.
Somewhere along the way we ended up totally caught up in this show.
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Yeah it is a good filler one. Also this OP making watching the rest of the episode worth it.
The heroine is cute too.
i still like the demon inn one a bit more
I guess this is another episode focused on this twerp.
Oh I guess it's this guy. What kind of outdated era involves having three specific seating areas for singles and couples.
You don't check anything in a game of cards you idiot.
Oh curry tonkatsu is pretty good.
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Protagonist-chan is really cutest in the OP.
Squabbling twerp.
The Karasinsider is having a lot of fun messing with her.
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shocking truth
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the ED is pretty good too.
The music's good but the manservice doesn't do much for me.
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okay steins gate 0 okay lets start!
Oh yeah there was a considerable cliffhanger last episode.
Also that one guy with the two-faced mask is a reference to the stickers from Chaos;Child.
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I'm sure they're jsut selling something.
i was lied to i thought cern wasn't involved in this timeline
They weren't. Now they are again.
Oh shit, Braun is on their side this time. I guess you don't fuck with his daughter.
I wonder if that wasn't CERN then. I thought Braun was a CERN agent too- Ah yeah Okabe's come to the same conclusion.
Daru's a pretty good friend.
It's Congroo damnit Ruka.
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I guess he does know something.
I wonder if this is his in for getting into CERN once things really go to shit. Or at least I think he becomes a proper mad scientist before this is all said and done.
Fonettikku coodo
Hah hah hah we're getting into some more crazy "real world" conspiracies.
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He's gotta save her again!
Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat
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oh no
This is a huge world line shift.
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last paradise same difference okay lets start
Period, Rika.
lost paradise
Wow they're illegal workers.
And the Kemono Friends references begin.
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Yeah, this is the kemono friends episode.
Oh they really had to hammer it in eh.
Now, as undocumented workers, they're steering political momentum in this foreign Realm.
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This seems like something that won't end well.
Hah hah hah. They're working together again.
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gacha time
Ms. Memes with the meta comments again.
>Swimsuit Episode They're pretty upfront about it.
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thanks for anime! ofif to bed for me early day tomorrow