Also worth noting about the whole thing: If the cops had actually done their job rather than stand back and let shit go down, just like they did outside Milo's thing, BSM wouldn't even have been known
>Turmp supporter in video shouting "bunch of fucking niggers and JEWS!" ayy lmao
That's not me just capitalizing jews, by the way he raised his voice further for that one
Yeah I've seen trump guys call Jews kikes too Saw one shout at someone for saying that too though
>>50228 No Chaffetz is just another dude who hates the poor.
Oh man whoever's selling antifa merch must be making the best joke of a profit in the history of humanity Anarcho communists are buying his capitalistically created stuff, for the sake of promoting communism
still downloading no progress bar so idk what's going on
Koi- >(a) Short Title.—This Act may be cited as the “World’s Greatest Healthcare Plan of 2017”.
>It actually gets used later on in the document What is this absurdity.
My country.
We have become our parodies.
It's like you're 2000-2008 all over again. History really is cyclical.
Well yeah, he hasn't done much, but apparently it's above estimates? Maybe just being Trump has made some of the private sector think they'll be fine going forward?
ACA was repealed too, wasn't it? That freed up a lot of resources for businesses that until then had to provide healthcare to all their employees
>>50273 lol no, not yet. None of that stuff is finalized yet. They're pushing forward to try but they've generally decided that they won't repeal ACA until they have a replacement.
And as it stands, the replacement is trash.
Oh damn it has a built-in blue light filter though
>>50274 What's with the ring of apps. Is that something you put in yourself?
>>50280 You can edit that sorting if you wanna, but it's a bit roundabout You gotta hold on each app and then drag the app in the screen that comes up afterwards
Yeah, haha It's a good sorting I've been using this launcher since you told me about it in November Or October? It's so good
>>50301 Which sometimes has useful information that I'd otherwise miss!
I don't follow a lot of people on Twitter. Mostly just friends. I'm trying to make a point of following more by following the people I bought stuff from, but it's still hard. Following people falls into that same hesitation I get when intentionally creating a digital footprint.
I don't think I'd be able to care anymore if I followed more than 100 people
Oh they're all pretty great to follow. The devs are connected to designers and designers know all kinds of shit. I've said before that the game industry is the test bed for all of the dumb shit that happens in media at large. And it keeps happening.
>rolled Niles on my FE:H alt no
I got a five-star Lucina from the princess focus the other day.
I had this thought yesterday, but Who are these people who think following Burn or Redbull is gonna be even remotely interesting? You're opting in for what is literally just ads With no benefit Now there's just more ads in your feed
>>50316 Now whenever I see something like this out of him, I immediately worry there's something soon to be implemented that completely contradicts the statement.
Oh also looks like there were other people with a similar shield at the rally So that is likely not gonna be a good idea to detail in Legality wise
More people doing it makes it less unique and less likely to be considered person >>50322 Ohhh Yeah that makes sense
No I mean it's likely a copyrighted design by some corp
>>50319 Breaking: Trump to remove right to work for women. "They deserve better" the president is quoted as saying
Remove right to work? or remove Right to Work
As a government, by allowing women to work we are signaling that they have to. This is oppressive, and Bannon has helped me draft a document rectifying this patriarchal system.
>>50331 Right to Work is some kind of policy that certain states take up. I don't know exactly what it does but any time it is mentioned it always follows some really terrible circumstance like they can't have a union.
Right to Work means you don't have the right to a job
It means you can be fired for any reason at any time Unless it's discriminatory (targeting a protected class for being a protected class)
>>50333 So it's like the opposite of right to work
"Introducing the new Right To Free Speech. Under this law, the government can silence you for any reason at any time. This ensures you are able to express yourself"
They can only get away with terrible things by calling it the exact opposite of what it is.
>>50341 They're just woefully entirely out of touch with the rest of their country. Or vast majority anyway. Just look at Beaver Boy who thinks a single iPhone is equivalent to a poor family's expenses for health insurance.
We don't believe in democracy. We don't trust half of our country to make good decisions. We don't even trust them to make good decisions for themselves. >Maybe you shouldn't have bought that iPhone, dude. >I think there are millions of people, homeless people for instance, who just don't want health care. Jesus said, the poor will always be with us, after all.
Yeah who'd want health insurance? That's such a drag when you're homeless You have to like, be cared for if you get sick and stuff, and you're not allowed to just die in the waiting room while someone checks the paperwork If I was homeless, I'd say I don't want healthcare because it's just a fucking drag
I don't know if you're aware of this, SK, but most homeless people don't want to die.
"we have the best healthcare in the world" Yeah sure, Ted, for about 15 people at the very top For every single other human being on the continent outside Canada, it's SHIT
>“So there’s a group of people that even with unlimited access to health care are only going to use the emergency room when their arm is chopped off or when their pneumonia is so bad they get brought [into] the ER.” Isn't this, y'know, perfectly fine? I haven't been in an emergency room since my ear almost fell off as a kid.
>>50364 It's bad that those people still have to pay for the healthcare that they could need in the future
What if you're psychic and know for a fact you'll never need healthcare? I think you should be allowed to not pay then Same if you know you won't be affected by a war or anything, you should just get to not pay taxes really
>>50364 He's trying to make a point about preventative care but he has bundled it up around things that are so bad that it's dumb. Preventative care costs money. It's an upkeep that people can't afford. Eating healthy is preventative care. It costs money. It's not always available under WIC. Lots of people live in food deserts where they can't even reach healthy food. And so they live on otherwise.
Yeah, since when has emergency rooms been utilized for preventative care.
And as I said, you're gonna struggle to find anything you can really call unhealthy
>The reason that the rich were so rich, Vimes reasoned, was because they managed to spend less money. >Take boots, for example. He earned thirty-eight dollars a month plus allowances. A really good pair of leather boots cost fifty dollars. But an affordable pair of boots, which were sort of OK for a season or two and then leaked like hell when the cardboard gave out, cost about ten dollars. Those were the kind of boots Vimes always bought, and wore until the soles were so thin that he could tell where he was in Ankh-Morpork on a foggy night by the feel of the cobbles. >But the thing was that good boots lasted for years and years. A man who could afford fifty dollars had a pair of boots that'd still be keeping his feet dry in ten years' time, while the poor man who could only afford cheap boots would have spent a hundred dollars on boots in the same time and would still have wet feet. ?This was the Captain Samuel Vimes 'Boots' theory of socioeconomic unfairness.
Oh whoops. But I feel a similar parallel can be drawn for fast food.
like there's MACCU DONARU but beyond them... I dunno where to find bad food
>>50377 The cost for fast food isn't reflected in your pocket so much as in your health. And then your health costs rubberband all those costs with interest because lol you've got digestive tract problems You've got heart problems You're prone to stroke That's life.
>>50381 It's reflected in your pocket, too. I see fast food all having deals. "Family dinner, $21 for a bunch of food!" That's not cost effective unless you have a family of 5-7 people.
The amount I eat when I cook for Fish and I costs probably $3 a night at most. Maybe $4. $7-8 when we splurge.
To get the same amount of food from McDonalds would easily be $10 for the two of us together, as opposed to $3-4.
>>50383 A ten pound sack of potatoes costs me 5.50 CAD and lasts me like, a dozen meals if I was only cooking for myself. I could spend that much on a large french fry at a place that makes decent quality fries and get a single meal out of it.
But if I was to buy the other things I'd want with potatoes, cheese, spices, cooking oil, I'd end up closer to twenty dollars. Where as I could just get a meal there and now for less. It's all about what frame of reference you're able to look at.
I dunno. I think a lot of people are adding tons of unnecessary things to their food. It might make it taste a bit better or more interesting, but it costs a lot more and you don't usually get a ton of health benefits from it. It feels like a waste to me unless it's a once-and-a-while thing.
I think people can EASILY eat more for less if they start with more money.
For example, it costs me $3-4 to eat per night, but I have to spend maybe $20 on the food at once to get that cost effectiveness. If I only had $5, I might have to settle for the dollar menu, which feeds me tonight, but it's terrible in the long run.
People should just eat whatever has the most nutrition per $ It's food You eat it and you're done Use money on something that lasts more than like 15 minutes
Fuck that. Food tastes good and it's mentally elevating to enjoy good tasting food. >>50392 Hey man I'm white and I pretty much always season chicken.
>>50388 I'm going to say I strongly, strongly agree -disagree with the first bit of that, but that I think you get what I'm saying. It's just a lot of people don't have the ability to look at that larger frame of reference of buying for a series of meals. Whether they are just lousy with money or just outright struggle to put together enough money for a week's worth of groceries.
People are very bad at resource management, in general
People will buy a ton of shit they don't need but want, despite not being able to afford it
KFC WEDGES ARE GOOD. BARBECUE CHICKEN SNACKER IS GOOD TOO I don't really have much of anything else from them
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
things that we all know are bad kfc fried chicken little ceasers pizza
Walmart anything food.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
I actually got some Walmart bakery french bread that was pretty decent I was susprised But generally yeah
I just remember the buffalo milk mozzarella cheese we once had from Walmart. You could use that stuff as an eraser better than you could use it as cheese.
I support Jewish hotdogs >>50418 no they don't lol are you fuckin high most places don't even serve them because most people won't eat them
I support Kirara's Jewish hot dog >>50421 i prefer he flavor personally
I generally don't like mixes of ground beef and pork. It tastes noticeably more bland to me. But when meat prices skyrocketed here, you noticed it a lot more in the grocery stores since it was a way to keep prices down. At least meat is getting back into normal pricings again.
Most major companies will have someone on hand to respond to angry tweets like that.
Yeah but I'm not angry anymore and now I feel bad
Yeah KIRARA, you WASTED that poor man's time. Maybe there was someone with a critical phone problem that had to wait because THEY WERE BUSY ADDRESSING YOU.
Wasting time huh
>>50429 Well whatever it was still super unprofessional what they did
American corporate culture seems to be about being as unprofessional as you can while seeming professional
Wait they responded to a tweet I deleted like 20 minutes ago??
Oh yeah, yesterday was Tuesday. If T-Mobile Tuesdays got me tickets to Get Out, I'd see it immediately. I think I'm going to see it this weekend anyway
>>50433 I don't think they responded to anything, I think they just @'d you
>>50431 It's kind of weird that they force the updates on you. My phone gets all its updates from Google, which sends out notifications when there's a new firmware update and lets you download and install it on your own time.
I'm sure she doesn't want things to go bad for you. She just wants a story to chuckle about.
>>50457 its a long story but rika said some hilariously racist stuff and got upset and pouted for a while about us laughing at it and she likes interesting things and doesn't mind if everything goes badly for other people as long as it's funny
I don't even remember what Rika said, though I remember the situation Weird
I don't remember either haha >>50458 I don't think she wants things to go badly for m Just that she wouldn't be opposed to it as long as it was interesting
Also I'm toying with the idea of maybe having the circle behind BSM be solid red in the middle, maybe with a white star And then you have the white and blue circle
> I, as his mother, take offense to the thought that he is some hormone-drunk sloppy boner-machine (man he’s going to hate me for writing that phrase in a public forum) who is completely blinded to good sense and morality. I have raised my son to be respectful and responsible young man, and he portrays those qualities in outside situations, as well. all these extremes
OK so seemingly it's not racism, but the existence of racism It's racism also >>50478 The existence of racism means you don't have to actually be subjected to it, you just need to think you might
>the gap in health between pregnant black women and pregnant white women WIDENS as you move up the socioeconomic ladder The only right thing to do is make sure black women are poor until we fix this
What if we make EVERYONE poor by electing more Republicans in 2018m
some woman apparently made a clinic where they just try to be super supportive and it's working I guess? super laxly run though
Like this isn't gonna last a long time without government funding because they don't worry too much about money, or even showing up on time for appointments and stuff
>>50484 Thanks also vote for me as Republican CongressMAN from FLORIDA!!!
Daily reminder that if you deport the immigrants, you're making the economy tank because now you don't have a second class of citizens willing to do awful work for barely any money You have to stop these racist deportations because otherwise we won't have sla- I mean workers
>>50511 Need to be tough on Mexico! We don't need sugar! We have HFCS!
finished my call with the big boss lady now oh god she's from joysey and has the joysey jewish accent total chatterbox 100% of my clients are jewish now
i was asking if i need a foot pedal for their particular software (because it's integrated only with a foot pedal) or whether i can have separate audio files to use on my own software and she's like "oh no no honey you gotta have a foot pedal you can't do transcription without one because you'll have to rewind and listen to what people are saying again"
like damn, i get the point of a foot pedal but that wasn't my question ive done over 500 hours of transcripts without one i don't need one unless the software requires one but you CANNOT get a word in with the joysey jews
what really confuses me is this lady was like "This is gonan // gonna be different from the transcription you're used to. we'll have multiple speakers, not just one, and you'll probably have to do some research to accompany for it. it's way different." there's nothing different about that from what i'm already doing
I've ranted about it before, but it's still true The watering down of every fucking term out there makes those actually experiencing it seem closer to the most retarded use "I was sexually assaulted! CALL THE COPS" "Oh lol, someone touched your butt? that's rough"
Yeah, the fact that I feel gross talking about legitimate problems I have is really fucked up
It happens with everything, but stuff like this is really bad Autism is somewhat in a similar boat, but there's still a clear distinction between people with autism and people who are just autistic about something
But when it extends to stuff that makes peoples lives shitty, I think it goes too far Though at the same time, I don't know what to do about it because it's a deliberate tactic It's not an accidental thing, it's deliberate use of words to get in on that victim status If it was accidental, you could launch a PSA campaign or something like "hey don't do this, you're hurting actual people by watering down this term" You can't do that when the intended recipient already knows and that's PARTLY WHY THEY DO IT
I wish I got to mansplain more, but the people I interact with are either male or they have a rough idea what they're doing so I don't get to Is this a form of anti-male sexism? The elimination of room for mansplaining must be curbed
I guess at this pioint you call it "cult of technology" in a way. You can see it, especially when jobs was still alive, at apple consumers, in everything Musk does, and wacko products like solar roadways Even if you point out using logic and evidence that "yo shit be wack and not real" they just dismiss it, similiarly how religious, especially people in cult and cult like sects dismiss dissenters and outsiders
that would be a fun topic to write a paper in
People hate reality Reality is the cause of out suffering we shudder from the sight of it We want fantasy
basically the blind belief in technology and "science" is similiar to the raise of new age movements some2 0 years ago, those have afterall faded away reality is cruel and people want something to hold unto, and as religion is no longer that thing in the west they find new ways where to place their "faith" in. The whole SJW movement and such is blind faith in their tolerance and "communism can work if we do it" and all dat shit
To be fair Reality hates people too
>>50609 are people retarded? do they realize how long it's going to take to build a roadway to the sun? what are they even going to do once they get there
Even in watchman there was "i have walkedo n the surface of the sun"
>>50629 Even then, you'd still drift towards the centre and eventually be compressed down into a minuscule volume Suns just ain't worth walking on.
>>50631 imo the impression is annoying and obnoxious in the first place
It's just low hanging fruit overall You don't need to even be halfway decent to get people enjoying watching you rail against trump in whatever way you can
But then again, this guy eats and believes whatever the fuck CNN tells him Hillary lost because America hates women, the EU is the best thing to ever happen to humanity, and if you don't think your country should be a fucking hospits for every motherfucker who manages to GET TO IT, you're a fucking egoist
>>50636 And also any star in the universe similar to our sun, with or without planets.
OK YOU KNOW HOW THE SOLAR RAODWAYS SUPPOSEDLY MELT SNOW? Why don't we, hear me out here We take that tech But instead of making a road, we put it in front of a plow and just drive it along melting all the snow?
We could just put it in the air and melt the snow before it hits the ground
We should pave the planet with solar roadways then the whole planet would collect ALL the energy and we'd be protected by the indestructible panels and then we could fire solarbeams at any aliens that come at us
No but really If they produce enough energy to melt snow, we can just put them in the front of vehicles and move those along the road It'll be cheaper AND it'll be a job
Did you know the nazis are still around in a base in antarctica?
>>50680 anything natural satellites, like saturn's rings or not-native but natural satellites, like meteors that fall into orbit, though it's usually an eccentric orbit manmade, whatever
>>50689 No there's another one where the US military doesn't let anyone in It's a militarized area in the arctic somewhere, and alien memers think there's a secret base there with alien tech, that the nazis discovered and stuff Granted, the theory doesn't actually include the nazis still hanging out there, that's me making stuff up
worth noting is that earth's moon is probably not a native moon, being so large comparatively to its host planet but regardless it's got a cleared orbit about the earth and fits the definition of a moon
Theology? Golem has nothing to do with theology and more with occult and mysticism I think the roots of the story are from late medieval or early reneissance period I think it was from prague
On its forehead is the word Emet written in Hebrew It means Truth You erase the aleph to make it say Met which means death And then it dies
Golems operate by putting small pieces of paper in their mouths that tell them what to do
Dude the vast majority of people don't know a fucking thing about theology Above average basically just means you read SOME stuff Also I'm below average for atheists, because they're generally more well read than any other demographic but the FUCKING JUDEN
The only people who care about religion at all are REALLY religious people and militant atheists Like everyone else doesn't give a fuck
>>50716 Heh But how old is the golem myth anyhow I never really found older references than the Prague thing where someone made one it and it supposedly killed them
>>50717 I'm awfully interested in it and i'm neither of those Religion is such a footprint of recent social progression I look at it to learn alot about us and stuff from an anthropological point of view i guess i find it fascinating
Is curious how it is Prague in english, though many germanic cities that passed owner post ww1 and 2 got their names changed to something closer to the local language. But not Prague
It's Praha btw in czech
My head's telling me it's land of the free, home of the brave But I'm not sure
we should have put potatoes on the moon and seen how long it takes to bake them through solar radiation alone
would be very simple to put a device that measure their temperature and then sends a radio signal to earth
that does sound neat
as long as you put them ontop of styrofoam, they'd never lose their heat because there's no atmosphere for the heat to radiate away and styrofoam is a thermal insulator
Make it something you serve every presidential candidate during elections just tell them "moon baked potato" and if they eat it, they aren't wise enough to run
You can't have Trump eat it You won't get a good judgement on the quality He'll just tell you to believe him, and that it's the best potato ever, amazing in fact. He'll then assure you Hillary Clinton would have given half the potato to Iran
And the other half to jina
And she'd be left with no potato because she's a bad negotiatier and she makes bad deals Trump, though, makes the best deals
it'd be wasteful to take the potato back off the moon it would still be providing valuable data until it's so heated that it's destroyed i'm going to pitch this idea to nasa i wonder whether trump would approve a budget spending several billion dollars to send potatoes to the moon
Also on the topic of faces in Log Horizon Isuzu doesn't have freckles in real
few things as cathartic as cutting toenails
it's like shaving or washing your hair after you got mud in it the act itself doesn't have a base amount of pleasure to it but seeing it done and the results feels good
>>50761 Send it to the chinese or russians then they can brag about being the first to land a POTATO on the moon
>>50765 greentext not letting your toenails grow out until you accidentally slice one foot open with the toenail on another foot because your family keeps stealing your clippers and losing them
>>50768 greentext not ordering toenail clippers bulk on amazon
>>50767 NK beat everyone to that long ago All their leaders have chilled out on the moon, and the sun too
>>50771 i had a whole clippers set cuticle things, three different fingernail clippers, toenail clippers, nail buffers and just slowly they all disappeared it's even in a little leather case fucking people just take them and lose them
>>50774 i remember that thing when some lady chopped off her husband's penis and put it in the garbage disposal, and they were talking about it on whatever talk show that is that sharon osbourne is on and she was like laughing about it and saying "I think that's fabulous" and they were all making jokes about it, and some girls were like "i'm sure he did something to deserve it"
can you imagine if there was a news case of a man who tied his wife up and cut off her tits and a group of guys on some news channel were like "Woo! You go man, way to show her." "She probably deserved it!" "That's how you put a woman in her place!" and they all laugh
she also got almost no jail time
Are there mechanics from Elder Tale in the New World that just expend money? Like alchemy, or some skills using gold
>>50779 not news channel but a syndicated talk show on a public access channel
>>50784 to be fair, knowing it's sharon osbourne, she was probably joking about it in the same sense that me and you joke about awful shit -- just extracting the absurdity out of the reality she was laughing at the idea of a penis in the garbage disposal spinning around and she's just someone without much of a filter
but when you're staging that discussion on a talk show like that, it's kind of sickening. i'm sure sharon wasn't thinking about female empowerment, but more like "people are just always doing fucked up stuff" and just drawing absurdity out of it but the crowd reception is still "woo! go women! show those men!" that's a very tangible element that is being injected into the discussion when it's being joked about publicly
but it interests me because i'm wondering what are the baselines for why that's received differently than the example i gave above
Yeah that jarred me too quite much >guy disappears into weapon effect >no big halo >no report to round table
what was cool was there was one girl on the show who was visibly annoyed by it all and was like, "I can only think of one reason why cutting a man's penis off would ever be reasonable" and the crowd just erupts into laughter and the hosts start talking towards the idea of a man cheating and she's like "no, i'm not talking about that. it's really not funny. i meant another thing that i'm really not going to talk about on the show here" i.e. rape i liked that girl i have no idea who it was though
Also the castle that kid is in, that's definitely disney's castle
So, using scissors, in the mirror, in a left hand, upside down (the hand not me) is a nightmare for dexterity. It's almost impossible to get the scissors to end up where you want them to.
>>50848 I mean, this is pretty much my strategy i've been playing the "don't get sick" gamble for two years now it's worked so far this bronchitis is the only one that's cut it close as of yet
That is a good point, questioning high expenses of departments but I could never see anyone say it like that atleast who is speaking before an elected body
He's got a point though How the fuck do you use $16 for a muffin
But say a politician here had a same issue he'd have a stack of papers where he'd list some ridiculous expenses and also mention the muffins and speak all well political not holding a muffin and speaking like the average bloke from the streets or ranches
One foolish guac bowl merchant stepped forth to oppose me Before the final chair was seated, I tore open a portal in time, and flung him into 2017, where my high energy is law Now, he seeks to return to the past, and undo the evil that is MAGA
>>50909 i'd probably kill myself if i had to work for trump unless i could whistleblow something so i look like the good guy and can get another job later
Two people apparently shot in Stockholm No link yet, but this twitter has been true so far in its reporting
I guess holocaust was systematic genocide, but even then it was covered up, run by a totalitarian government and anyone who would've gone "hold on a minute" would've found themselves in the trains
Systematic is when the system is doing it by design Systemic is when the system isn't designed to, but does it anyway
A tap is designed to let out water A leaky pipe isn't designed to, but does
Cause you know systemic violence would be violence that affects EVERYYY OOONE and systemic racism... what even is that I guess it would be extreme xenophibia, but that wouldn't be within the system itself, but towards everyone outside of it
communism is systemic violence and systematic violence if you think about it
bone marrow or something is I think but never heard of actual whole bones being transplanted I mean why would you, that is not your bone? That is like giving a size 45 shoe to a person who has a size 40 shoe or vice versa what would they do with it?
no i mean the whole bone
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I'm going to give you my bone
i bet you can do a bone transplant i bet it's done in reconstructive surgery all the time
i think they do bone grafting but not a real transplant
yeah that's what i meant your own bones like maybe if you were disfigured in a situation and you had good leg bone left on a leg you lost half of, and also arm issues whether you could just pop a femur out and plop it in the humerous
I thought I had an image that would go with it, but I guess it's not tagged yet
>>50970 me and i think rin watched some spinal reconstruction surgery they were doing all sorts of neat stuff urologist surgeons are really amazing too one poor guy had no bladder for whatever reason, or it had to be removed, and they took a segment of his large intestine and made it into a new bladder for him reconstructive surgery is really neat
>growing blood But you can just grow a human instead and they'll produce it for you naturally The human body produces like several liters a day, doesn't it?
>>50986 that's like buddhist monk "pretending to be dead" tier
I don't think my phone would miscount 5 times in a row and land in the same area of 3 numbers
no, the point here si that the phone measuring thing just sucks
It's worked fine in the past
i have a smart watch that is attached to my wrist and I can get 50-150 while sitting on my computer doing nothing and it is actually designed to measure heartbeat as a feature, and not just an app
the consumer use cheap shit just don't always give good reliable results
I wonder if it has something to do with the way I was laying down, maybe the finger wasn't getting the full bpm or something Something like a vein being squeezed by the way my arm is placed?
You know the education system is healthy when the professors are telling students to be ashamed of their race and sex
isn't it statistically proven atleast once that actually white female would be more likely to be protected by the cops or for that matter female of any kind, the protective instinct be a thing afterall
Atleast here there are several "911" calls records that went about this way >help I am being assaulted >okay where you at whats your situation >woman/wife/spouse/etc is beating me >are you getting your ass kicked by a girl? what a sissy
But of course if instead of calling the emergency servises you defended yourself You'd be charged for assaults, bruises and self-defense damned, you are a MAN beating a WOMAN
>hello, finnish cops >there's a man about to assault me! >OK stay right there. Now extend your arm towards him and show him your palm. This should make him stop
Or was that Sweden, maybe? It sounds like Sweden, but I think it was the Finnish cops
Yeah, I'm hoping it will be good. Atelier Sophie missed the mark a little bit, but the general rule lately has been that every other Atelier has been good.
>>51006 oh those inform vids and shit... yeah that produces retarded results at times like >school complaining about nearby refugee asylum causing trouble for their students >maybe you should enforce dress code so that the refugees aren't provoked
the copps can do anything if they see someone commiting crime etc but their PR department is just acinide, cause they are afraid of being called racist like cancer
>>51019 I've never played Atelier. I might get this one because I want to get into the games, but I have more Nioh to play and Nier a Tomato is in the mail.
I'm having lots of fun with the new Story of Seasons, I plan to play that a bit tonight too. I'm in summer now and it's very comfy. I should be able to put up a large barn tonight too. I already have a large chicken coop.
This is all a part of my plan to mass produce pudding.
Small barns have a place. The area you have to work with is 5 blocks tall. A large barn/coop is 3x3. So I'm doing three small barns/coops above a large to fill the space. So 3 small and 1 large. Right next to it I'm going to do 3 small 1 large too.
Well, above my coop currently is 2 small barns, 1 pet house, and a silo. Next to that I will do a large barn and 3 small coops or barns though. Probably barns.
In total I'm planning for something like 4 cows 2 sheep 4 chickens 1 quail
I think that gives me 2 leftover spots, maybe I'll get an alpaca too.
If you complete the tasks your father laid out for you, you get more field to work with. Don't cement your plans already.
>>51031 I'm going to use the area in the main yard for animals mostly, so that I can care for all my animals first thing. The extra fields I'm going to use for crops and trees. I'm definitely going to use at least half of the first additional yard that opens up for an orchard.
Crops are a big stamina investment this time, so it makes sense to get into animals and trees since they're a relatively low stamina investment.
>an earthworm has no brain, just a simple clutter of neural cells. Yet an earthworm will learn, when tested in a labyrinth test, to avoid paths that always result in an electrical shock. You would think that the europeans would learn this so simple thing, that an earthworm can too
Is story of seasons Harvest Moon, or just a very similar thing?
>>51035 yes and yes Story of Seasons is Harvest Moon, except that the company that licenses Harvest Moon in the US lost the rights to the name. So now it's Story of Seasons.
So it's a harvest moon game, but in the US it's not?
It's Story of Seasons anywhere outside of Japan. In Japan the franchise has always been known as Bokujou Monogatari (Ranch Story) and that has not changed.
But in Japan it is Harvest Moon It's just not a Harvest Moon title outside Japan
Thank god they changed the name in localization because man, Ranch Story is a shitty name for a game, even if it's perfectly describing the contents It's like calling Doom "Shooting man"
But to confuse things, the company that still holds the rights to the Harvest Moon name have been contracting new Harvest Moon games all the while.
>>51050 Is the jan in that timeline cooler than me?
He has some quite interesting quips >The best guarantee for peace, therefore, is that all parties have a) a lot of weapons, b) accurate and devastating weapons, c) approximately the same number of weapons. On going Third World warfare is by no means due to the fact that there are more or better causes for war or too many weapons, but the fact that there has been too little and too bad weapons. Armies equipped with Kalashnikovs and armed trucks can wage war with each other ad infinitum, without any party suffering catastrophic losses and peace therefore becoming an attractive option. translated by yourstruly
particle wave theory is interesting It violates relativity though
>>51053 i think it makes sense that threats eventually transcend from physical to metaphorical as countries develop their armies and weapons i don't know if the end result is peace or not, though that's interesting to think about
>>51055 longest peace era in europe is afterall post nuclear weapons... >>51057 no that is a quip from Halla-aho about warzones in third world
Huh Gattling had basically the same philosophy That's why he made the gun
"Modern war is way too costly in both life and finances, thus it is impossible for any modern nation to wage a long and lasting wars like in the past. Thus it is in our prediction that the war will be over by Christmas" -important people in 1914
>>51056 So the Jan in that timeline doesn't post on /moe/? He must be doing a lot better for himself then. Or he successfully killed himself. I'm proud of him either way.
I hope the US enters armed conflict with someone soon. I want to throw my life away killing people who don't even want to fight.
good old modern armies trained to shoot on sight and then no debfriefing about the mental issues people who aren't psychopats etc. they will eventually develop due to you know killing people
>>51102 it would've been probably helpful to just say yes, but it doesnt look like you gave it away to anyone
that's what the correct answer is supposed to be, but i don't see it at all. I thought it was f.lux maybe, so i turned it off, but i still don't see a damned thing i'm calling shenanigans on this vision test
it says HAT but it could be your monitor (or your eyes)
it's supposed to be a vision color test though not a vision resolution test if i REALLY get up close i can see it super faint i don't think this is a good way to test color vision
i can see it from the regular viewing angle of my monitor easily
oh well if your monitor doesn't have a good color range it might not pick up that way color isn't a static thing, different monitors have different color definition capabilities
Some monitors can have good resolution but worse colour ranges like Bang is saying. My two monitors have drastically different colours on their neutral states.
oh okay, it's not supposed to be like color blindness it's supposed to be color acuity yeah okay that makes way more sense i probably have bad color acuity i realized what they were doing the next one down, they're just slowly dropping the difference between the two colors i was thinking what the fuck this isn't color blindness i was led astray
you could also just have issues differentiating those
it could still be color blindness and we're all just blind to the color
I've heard men have worse colour acuity than women, but I don't know how much that is grounded in old wives tales. I do know I do pretty well on colour acuity tests though.
I can't see a thing out of that
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>51116 Men are more likely to have red green color blindness, also the only people in the world who can see in ultraviolet are women.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
gattsu da ze
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Kirara is slowly dying
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i was never alive
>>51118 Both being details that do not really serve to answer my doubts.
>>51116 There's an element of truth to it. Men are far more prone to colorblindness.
>>51116 If that is true, I imagine it to be an environmental thing more than genetic >>51124 color blindness isn't color acuity color acuity is distinguishing fire engine red from ferrari red like on the lipstick shades
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>51123 >The most common cause of color blindness is an inherited fault in the development of one or more of the three sets of color sensing cones in the eye. Males are more likely to be color blind than females as the genes responsible for the most common forms of color blindness are on the X chromosome. As females have two X chromosomes, a defect in one is typically compensated for by the other, while males only have one X chromosome.
>>51116 i beat both of my sisters at the couple color sense tests or whatever we did
>>51130 two shades of blue with the same Y and G but slightly different R or wait i'm retarded two shades of green with the same Y and B but slightly different R in someone who has problems differentiating G and R is going to be difficult to discern
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
it depends on your color blindness type
>>51131 All the girls I took the colour acuity tests with were people who do art on a daily basis. I mean my scores were in line with what they were getting, but I also know for a fact that they finished the tests much faster than I could.
>>51134 it could just be that you're pretty slow on tests (not necessarily bad, if you're being diligent) which i wouldn't be really surprised at a sample size of one is meaningless anyway unless you're sampling how good a dick tastes
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
slow as in RETARDED
>>51135 I might have been slow because of diligence on it, but that would have been a diligence born out of a lack of confidence. Where as they could confidently blaze through it and still produce similar results.
I mean I kind of take a slow and meticulous approach to a lot of things anyway. So this doesn't really break character.
I wish I could be faster at somethings though.
>>51132 the wavelengths of the light aren't being combined inside your retina colorblindness affects the resulting color, not its components
>>51139 i wish i could be faster at life so i could fucking die quicker
>>51140 there is an addendum to this if you're talking about RGB light instead of RYB, like on a screen which i guess we were but I don't know for sure that that would make a different or not if it's RYB, like paint, you could (as a color blind person with red-green colorblindness) mix what looks like red paint and red paint together and come up with... well it would be brown that's a bad example but you'd see the effect of the blending because it's moving the wavelengths to frequency that your cones can interpret
Like I know it sounds inane but I wish I could shave faster. But whenever it comes to the task I'm slow and careful and make sure one part of the skin is smooth before moving on. It's not even particularly good to spend that much time on a single part of the face but I can't fight the urge to take it carefully.
>>51143 i have this problem when shaving although i'm shaving my body, not a beard but still i can't shave my legs fast enough, it takes like hours usually because i have shitty razors
>>51145 those shawl/wrap things are really nice because, when it's warm, you can wrap it around your waist and it's like a wrap and then you're already wearing your choice of skirt or pants, so you can take it off and wrap it around the shoulders like a shawl
>>51146 That wouldn't solve the problem of being cold, it would make it worse.
>>51148 That sort of thing is good when you're out and about and need to store your warm clothes in an easy way. I'm home though so I'm just going to wear a big warm shirt.
I just have a nice thick wool cardigan I put on if I feel I'm getting cold. The days are decently warm now but the nights are still cold. So a bit of an extra layer like that is nice once night rolls around. Easy to slip on and off too.
i keep one of those little mexican blankets nearby so i just drape it over me when i'm cold i'm not sure if yall know what i mean, but they're just like woven, hard cloth they're not comfortable blankets, and they don't insulate a lot, but they're heavy despite their small size it's like a poncho
>>51150 That's a weird thing to wear when sitting around home. I guess it makes it easy to expose yourself, though. I heard that was one of your interests.
>>51152 the woolen crocheted ones yes i have a couple
>>51153 I am not interested in exposing myself at all.
>>51152 Yeah I know what you're talking about. It's not quite the same but I've got this huge, wool-knit blanket from my step-grandmother I've had since I was a kid. I used to do
>>51157 I have never said I was interested in doing it.
>>51156 the same draping thing with it when it got too cold here. The only reason I have this cardigan now is because my mother was apparently fed up with me moving about the house wrapped up in a blanket.
I asked this legal company if they had a confidentiality agreement i needed to sign and they're like "No, but that's a good idea. Do you have one you can sign and send to us?"
yeah because i totally know how to draft up a confidentiality agreement the fug
>>51164 i mean, they still held everyone to confidentiality that's what brought it up. She's like, "Oh, the samples we're sending over, they're confidential so don't share them with anyone" like duh, no shit that applies to all transcripts so i'm just like "so you'll send over a confidentiality agreement or something" and she's just like "oh we dont have one but we should. do you have one?" why the heck would i that's so weird
i have one that my center uses it'd be a week before i could get a copy of it though
>>51168 You could have put that money towards a 1070 or 1080 without settling for a 1050 or 1060 or whatever you got.
>>51169 now I have to make one and sign it and send it to them it's probably easy but still that's asking me an awful lot
i don't think this company is used to dealing with actual transcriptionists she was telling me about how it has a high turnover rate and people get scared off by the hard work i'm like "hey ive been transcribing for years now i get it" and she's like "Yeah, but this is different with legal. You've got several different speakers, so you have to list different speakers, and there's a lot of terminology you might need to look up"
>I've literally done a focus group -- several -- for pharmaceutical companies who bring like 10 doctors in to a conference room to talk about various potential new drugs specific to strange fields like allergists and stuff and had to look up names of all these compounds and enzymes i wonder where she had been advertising before that she's finding shitters that think it's TOO MUCH WORK
>>51176 I dunno really, I never had any investment in her. But I've got Gwendolyn in FE:H and she provides a similar role as Effie as a unit while being less chunky.
>>51170 it was over the course of months though >>51173 shes really good like the best sword user >>51174 English Effie is the worst thing in the localization they killed her so hard
>>51188 One of my original two was -atk, so I fed her to the other one, which was +spd I think. I think my new one may be +atk but I haven't checked her yet,
>>51190 As in a cashier's check? Or is it a personal check?
>>51172 I think I already asked this but i dunno if i got your input they pay by company check what can i do with that if i don't have a bank account water my options
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Hey guess who gets to red the original elfie
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>51189 a business check/company check, specifically not a personal check i don't know exactly what a cashier's check is but it's a check that has the business itself as the accountholder and issuer, not an individual
>>51194 i don't know i don't really know anything i'm agreeing to an expensive commitment (costs incurred plus half-pay during training) on the hopes that i can actually do something with these checks if i can't, i'm screwed
>>51195 I'm not a checking expert, but I'm pretty sure a business check isn't different functionally than a personal check. If you have a lot riding on this though, it may be good to call and confirm that that's what they do.
I guess getting a bank account is not an option for you?
I could try, but it's incredibly doubtful I had a bank account closed due to negative balance and my credit is probably below 500 plus if i ask around and keep having banks run my credit checks, it's gonna be even worse
It might be a good idea to call the business and ask how they do their checks. I get paid in checks from a company account, they have the company name on them and they're signed by my boss. They're the same as personal checks.
I have been paid in the past through cashier's checks, though, and those are a little different.
I had to shell out 50 bucks (half of what i have left until the 15th) to buy a foot pedal for this stupid job i kept asking her if they could send me the raw audio instead of this packaged file that they do which launches an executable file with the audio embedded that plays in CourtSmart because i didn't want to buy (or use) a foot pedal and she's like "Oh, no, you need a foot pedal for transcription. it's a must-have. you have to rewind, and pause, and play, and it's just too much work without it. it's not possible."
bitch ive put together my own platform to where i can do all of that by hand without having to use this stupid equipment, and guess what, i do it faster because of it all it takes is some simple awareness of what function you need done and an ergonomic way to address it a foot pedal is not ergonomic, nor efficient fuck sorry2rant
Sounds like it's an industry run by people who don't quite understand all the intricacies of a computer.
people who GREW UP IN 1970 by grew up i mean had careers in 1970
It's kind of annoying how many industries that use computers as a core part of their operations are not actually optimized to utilize the best functions a computer has to offer.
>>51206 95% of people are just terrible with computers and cannot be expected to even have mastery over the basic functions of a computer. I have to help people with computers all the time and I'm far from being a tech person.
To get some perspective on it, I try to imagine the world as if every computer were as difficult to use as a printer.
>>51212 Persisting incompetence is no excuse to forgive it.
>>51212 i have on my resume all of my years of experience, as well as some of my goals in transcription (talking specifically about building a transcription-oriented text editor) but i don't do the lame shit like "STRENGTHS: PROFICIENCY IN MICROSOFT OFFICE SUITE, INCLUDING EXCEL, WORD, OUTLOOK EXPRESS"
but i still have people asking like, "This is very important. We use WordPerfect for our transcripts. Do you know how to use WordPerfect?" like jesus christ of course i do and even if i didn't, i can literally just do it in notepad and plop it into wordperfect and then format it there to meet the standards gaaah