Currently, the plan is: I will leave on May 5th, pick up Jan who will fly in, drive On May 6th, I'd pick up moon/rook if they are interested/can make it We'd reach Bensalem on the 7th or 8th Then we'd fuck around in Philly for a few days and then go home, people who have work could fly back, anyone else could drive back with me Tilde could fly in to whichever airport is cheapest along the way from Florida to Philly
And I don't have classes until the 15th so if people want to stick around in philly for extra days we can do that
let me know if this works for people/if you're interested
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
sk could fly in at cheapest airport along the way as well
Currently I was toying with the thought of just flying in to Florida and leaving with you from there. I don't think there would be a huge difference in pricing on where I'd be flying in to really.
that's a lot of people for me it will entirely depend on when i've got to go to trenton, NJ I'll keep you posted unless i buy and bring a laptop, i wouldn't be able to take a long trip, and even then i'd be working
>>50531 Which would be great You, Jan, me road tripping Singing songs Hours and hours in the car
I can fit 5 in my car
>>50537 And from a totally selfish point of view it's what I want the most. Being able to see as much of the States as I can while I'm there would be nice.
>>50543 nobody's holding you to a standard in that regard everyone is dealing with social anxiety on group trips, even normie people takes a bit to loosen up but that's what makes it fun
Yeah, I think so too Plus we'll take you to a gun range and rent somethin for you to shoot
Just be warned that when I get excited I get really excited, and when I'm not, I'm really NOT excited < I look like this like 99% of the time, no matter how things are around me
Shooting things would be fun though
That's not a problem It's whatever It'll be fun >>50548 Oh yeah, that'd be awesome
I just mean I'm a really cold person and hard to deal with because I get fucked up in the head when I'm too long near people and away from my own stuff like my PC and whatever But whatever, you're signing up for this I guess