
Thread #493666

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Kirara 🚗
chill me
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ow oof me poor wittle fingas fiwwed up with awthwitis

page check
currently on page 133
40-ish more to go by noon
been at it since 7pm
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I've Ohiod
And made my train.
>get on the train at the first stop before it gets full and grab a seat
All according to keikaku
So there's a new ToeJam and Earl game coming out this year
I'm pretty excited about it.
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Watching God of War from the beginning, let's go
Well, beginning of this new game, I'm not watching the older games
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So is Kratos 'the God of War', or did he just fight Mars or something in the first game?
Kirara 🚗
mars wasn't even in any games that's Roman
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Aren't Roman gods just Greek gods with a texture change?
in either case, greek has a war god as well, right?
I can't remember WHOMST but still
Kirara 🚗
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o ye
Kirara 🚗
he was a spartan
ares tricked him into killing his family so he killed ares
and eventually killed the entire greek pantheon
Olympus is vacant in-lore now?
Kirara 🚗

kratos is also the son of zeus
this is still a powerful image
Holy shit
what a dude
Kratoms, the god of warm
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My dude's got tattoos all over his son's body what gives
Is this just what having Kratos as a dad is like, you have just an excessive amount of runes on your skin growing up?
Kirara 🚗
that's boy's mother's doing
kratos cant read norse
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Oh fair enough
I was like "he didn't take the time to learn to read when he's just dealing with gods ALL THE TIME?", but then you specified
Kirara 🚗
he can read greek and stuff
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I love the death animations
Kratos just fucking takes a hit in the face, stands like a puppet and falls back

Like a cartoon
Kirara 🚗
the game is really good
great game play
amazing story
I want ti becoke one with my bed
Kirara 🚗
i want to remain in nature
in a cabin or something
my sleeping bag was not sufficient for this trip, it got like 20 degrees colder than i expected
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I'm watching northernlion play it and it looks like a buncha fun
Writing seems ok too
I've only really seen the very start, and the segment immediately preceeding and after you ress the tree man
Kirara 🚗
writing is easily some of the best I've seen in a long time
the way the story unfolds, the character development, the way kratos interacts with his son, it's all so good
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we'll start with a quick one-day hut, then use that temporarily while we prop up a proper cabin with a clay furnace
and then we'll keep the nearby as a cabana
it takes a bit of time for the clay to dry in layers so the cabin would take some days and appropriate weather
Kirara 🚗
im gonna replay it on a harder difficulty after my trip
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I'll likely already have seen the whole game by then
But maybe I'll still watch if you stream
Kirara 🚗
that'll probably be tomorrow and the game is 40+ hours haha

well then I won't have time to watch the whole thing no
The boy is supposedly mad OP late game, too
Kirara 🚗
sounds nice

yeah his attacks are really strong
but that's because all of the non-optional content is incredibly easy
be a little careful and use spoilers when --
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Also he's immortal ???
Kirara 🚗
boy is a god so ofc he's immortal
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I figured it'll be impossible to guess and besides it's not like a twist, so
the -- is keybound because i'm working
i just slipped, my fingers hurt
i was just trying to say be careful not to spoil stuff
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Oh I thought you meant the specific thing I mentioned with what I've seen so far
no just anything at all
i would like to enjoy the experience later on
Kirara 🚗
Leviathan is such a cool weapon
Kirara 🚗
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See what's strange is games like this where you're even with basic enemies after canonically literally exterminating a full pantheon of deities
Kirara 🚗
kratos had to struggle to kill the greek Pantheon
it was not easy
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But he did it
Common Wolf should not be a threat to Kratos
Kirara 🚗
but that does not mean he can shrug off anything

just because a man can destroy a battleship does not mean a fishing boat can't kill that man
i survived one motorcycle crash but that doesn't mean i'm confident that i'll survive all of them
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Is Kratos not like
And agile
Kirara 🚗
that does not mean he can survive anything if he tries to tank the hits
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I guess part of his ascension to demicide was likely learning how not to take so many hits, yeah
It just seems so strange for the legend of Kratos, the man who eradicated every god he knew about, dying from like, a wolf
Kirara 🚗
kratos killed those gods with his weapon
which he no longer has
he did it without control oof himself
he was an effigy of rage

now he is older, wiser, in control
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Oh he didn't use the axe then, I guess
He used these like, nunchuck knives?
Kirara 🚗
blades of chaos
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He still seems like a real unpleasant person from what I've seen
But that's to be expected I guess
Kirara 🚗
he's trying his hardest
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That's all anyone of us can do
Kirara 🚗
in this game, he's struggling with the weight of his past
he killed so many innocents
he gave into rage and vengeance
the theme of the original trilogy was revenge
this time, it's about moving forward without continuing that cycle of hatred
He's actively trying to be a better person, or is it like, a result of the journey with the ashes?
Kirara 🚗
he's trying to be better
he's terrified of the idea of raising a son to be like him
the story is really beautiful
i don't want to spoil it
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I like this kind of story, and I'm hoping they explore his motivations well
Kirara 🚗
they def do
there are parts so beautiful that they moved me to tears
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Kirara 🚗
i think itd be a lot more powerful to play it yourself
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I guess but I don't have a console, so
If I wait until I have enough good reasons to get a console, I'll likely never get to it
Ya but my PC is trash for the foreseeable future
Kirara 🚗
it's already cracked on pc
If I had a reason to think someone was gonna make one of those "Only the cinematics and plot elements" videos I watched for MGS, I'd probably wait, but I doubt that's happening
Kirara 🚗
Kirara 🚗
that wouldn't work for this
you'd miss out on so much important dialogue that just happens naturally as boy and kratos talk about their surroundings
The MGS ones had like, random lines and stuff while wandering between locations
They were thorough

But it'd have to be made very well
Kirara 🚗
gow has a lot more
Besides I wanted to see this guy's playthrough anyway
Kirara 🚗
it's a really good game
It does seem like it
any of you bitches read Yagate Kimi ni Naru?
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>159 pages, carefully typed and formatted in one text editor
>ctrl+a, ctrl+c, ctrl+v into a new text editor
>save and submit
sooner or later i'd imagine something would go wrong but it hasn't yet
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when you think your customers are retards so you put the puns in caps
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Tired of riding the SHORT BUS?
Check out our low fares, you retard!
I just looked at the dates
why are they sending an email every 2-4 days? that's insane
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
lol buck fares
Some of them even come once every day.
It's really absurd.
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I deleted the ones without puns in the subject field for a better image depiction of my relative experience
there's 18 more in that same period that don't include puns
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I feel in any other form of media that constant barrage could be considered grounds for harassment or something along those lines.
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i could have blocked them yards ago if i wanted to
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>someone makes a post about a serial rapist on work forums
>i make a complaint about the post citing it as not appropriate for the work forums
>the complain against me for complaining about them wanting to talk about rape on a work forum, alongside a barrage of PMs saying they'll never come back to the forums
all i did was request for an option to hide stuff that i don't want to look at
I've had similar lashback when I complained about not wanting to see auto-playing video clips of people getting seriously hurt or worse.
Other people can be really frustrating.
the title of the thread was like "51 rapes and 23 murders"
yeah like that's really want to see that after a 24-hour work marathon
i just wanted an option to hide the shit so i could browse work stuff without seeing stupid shit like that
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you'd probably get a kick out of those rev forums, T
it's like a place where normies go to pretend they're not normies while still acting like they're on facebook
it's some goofy shit
it's a workplace forum
you'd have to be a contractor there to have access
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rev forums?

What in the world
Kind of like those old forum posts of tech-savvy people before the Internet caught on?

Forums have always kind of rubbed me the wrong way.
Something about the interface of classic BBS forums just doesn't work for me.
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oh fuck you gotta sign up on maiotuku man
like, not even a real profile
just make some shit up so you get access to the forums and just take a gander
it's really not even i dont know what how it's a thing to be exact
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I've only been active on two forums and one was a game and the other no longer exists
Actually neither exists
My brain just auto-corrected that while reading, hah hah.
I didn't even realize it was wrong until you pointed it out.
Even now just glancing at it still makes me think there's only one 'u' in it.
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I slept
Life is but a dream
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sleeping after being something like 50 hours awake feels weird
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That picture it's cute
The artist does some nice stuff
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only took them A FEW YEARS
What's so good about it?
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Med Kit has been reworked after two years of uselessness.
Rocket Boots can be used underwater.
A previously useless trait, which improved Med Kit in such a way that it was still useless, is now useful with and without Med Kit, which is good even if you don't take it.
Elite Mortar Kit, after being nerfed in a Day One patch of its creation, has finally been unnerfed into a spot that is better than it was before it was nerfed.
Underwater skills have been improved.
All rifle skills had their cooldowns lowered.
A couple of other support traits for Engineer got super boosted.
Pretty much an all around good patch.
The only thing that was nerfed right out was a condition damage aura trait but I haven't used condi in such a long time so I am having a hard time being angry about that.
Oh that's where >>493758 came from.
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rocket medkits
Sounds like someone at ArenaNet forgot the ever-constant prerogative of "always nerf Engineers".
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That would actually be quite cool
shooting explosions of healing at your mates
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Nah, it actually fits. The way ANet does things is
>buff a bunch of things that people don't use at all
>nerf that one fucking thing that people really like right now
This time, That One Nerf is Pinpoint Distribution which provided 150 condi damage stat points to allies in range while you're in combat.
So Condi Engineers are going to take a hard hit when it comes down to group usefulness. Which sucks because that's one of our weakest areas.
Engis don't provide much in a group setting that can't be easily provided by others. PPD is it.
Meanwhile, a bunch of traits and a heal skill that no one uses are actually looking really good now.
Like Medical Dispersion Field
>A percentage of healing you apply to yourself is shared with nearby allies.
>Formerly 20%
>Currently 50%
That's really good.
Like... Engineer heals are strong. Healing Turret is the strongest heal in the game.
Engineers have some of the easiest access to water fields which can be blasted for healing.
Sharing 50% of my personal heal is great.
Now that I think about it, that turns Healing Turret into a full heal for allies too.
It heals the user for 2.5k when it comes out and then heals in an AoE for 2.5k a second later. So the Engi gets 5k, everyone else gets 2.5.
But with MDF, they'll get the 2.5k, 1.25k from your initial heal, and another 1.25k from the second heal affecting you.
So you both get 5k.
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Out for ice ccream
That has like
750ml of chocolate malt.
*was like
there's like 3 marvel movies I haven't seen yet but wanna
they're really pushing out movies
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I think they are pushing too many a year
Over the past ten years they've done 21 marvel movies
That's two movies every year
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I dunno, if the quality keeps up I'm fine with more honestly
And the last two are apparently real good
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fell asleep and spilled strawberry juice all over my roommate's bed, i guess
i didn't notice until i was already awake and moving around
and I'm like "what happened"
even though i'm standing up wide awake and they're already cleaning it up
like some cheap jank-ass hooch
like a smoothie?
I don't get it
Yeah the oversaturation of cowboy films in the 50s was a problem for variety in cinema
I actually don't mind the pace of marvel movies that much but it's hard to keep up with them all
>we had it worse in the past so shut up
i dislike this kind of "arghument"
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The tweet was inspired by someone, I think it was Spielberg, saying that superhero movies will go out just like Westerns did.
as opposed to figuratively releasing them
eat my asses you stupid fuck
well they will eventually when someone comes up with a new fad
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I can't wait for the isekai fad to hit America
monster cock vs. the blender III
revenge of the ballsack
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Or rather the disney marvel cinemas are bit rare in the sense, that they have also killed off their "competition2
DC fucked up major
the other studios owning superhero licenses didn't really do anything with them
well they did but failed
well just a point of view point there in the end
everyone else just didn't deliver anything that was on par with marvels stuiff

But in the end is not like "superhero" movies are a boom, they have been with us for a long time, just that the whole marvel thing started that cinematic unvierse and gave *made it bigger than it ever was

Kinda similiar to taht fantasy boom inspired by lotr and potter, however nothing really stood up to the two and only potter was a long spanning franchise
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Give me your power
what if hollywood adaptations of anime is the next fad
You'll be begging for Marvel to come back

Did Marvel kill off their competition? Seems more like their competition comitted suicide
Just look at DC
And then we'll have a bunch of hipsters saying how Guy Gavriel Kay was writing North American isekai before it was cool.
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I am just glad that vampire/dark fantasy thing is dead
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I don't think isekai would work
there just isn't way it would be marketable to the big audience
luckily, as proven by say netnote, those adaptions usually faaail real ba
I think Death Note could have been alright if they either made more than one movie, or made it a 24 episode television series, and if they actually followed the story from the manga
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>it could have worked if they didn't make all the mistakes they did
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Pretty much
What I'm saying is there was potential and it wasn't that hard to not fuck it up
Except they didn't care about what they were doing so they fucked it up
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But really they should just look at the live action movie adaptions japan already does itself of their animoos
they usually aren't that well received
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You'd need a "normie" free production team to do it
and does that even exist?
Death Note is already a fairly normie friendly concept. If they want to appeal to the normies they can still do the general plot. They might need to tone down some of L and Misas antics but the general plot would have remained intact

You'd have to be pretty dumb to not be able to understand Death Note
Why even pick up the liscence if you're just gonna shit all over it anyway
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yea, but I don't think people who don't really understand the sourcem aterial can make an adaption out of it
be it manga/anime or western literature or shows
and yet we got the deathflix movie
or f4nt4stic four
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Something bit my feet a bunch last night Iguess
they itch like the dickens
not everyone knows what keikaku means you nerd
that's why they include a translators note to let them know that keikaku means plan
The Fantastic Four movies are less a matter of "understanding the source material " or whatnot.
And more that Fox needs to put out a movie to retain the rights to the creative IP every couple years or so.
It can make almost zero profit but it's arguably more value for them to do that and hold the rights than give them up.

But I think that creative IP is within the crazy buyout that Disney did of Fox's media recently, so it might not matter anymore.
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was it sugoi
Oh, is he a footfag?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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soggy is many things
fucking hell forget even being able to make an injoke ever
between you and nezi this place is just suffocating
My response was intended to be humorous.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
It was?
It seemed like you were just asking a question.
You didn't add anything at all.
it's like taking a steak out of the frying pan and then having someone come up and lick it and say "oh i was just tasting it for you to make sure it's good"
like every comment that's made is entitled to your first opinion of it and sullying of any chance anyone else had to have fun or enjoy something
I don't think I get what you mean.
Are you saying that my reply makes it impossible for other people to reply and joke around?
i mean you suffocate the board by having to instantly respond to every post anyone makes ever
you complain about /moe/ being dead a lot but it's like you're going out and foraging from a tree and picking every fruit before it's even ripe and wondering why it's not fruitful
I get that your post is hyperbolic but I don't
*didn't ever consider me responding to posts quickly (sometimes, often, whatever) was a problem. Like how the hell am I supposed to know that that "suffocates" /moe/? Does being first to reply somehow magically ruin the discussion when I do it?
if i get the urge to come to /moe/ and want to reply to somebody
i no longer feel engaged by getting to engage that person in what i'm responding to
regardless of who i'm responding to, i know that the only thing that comes from me making any post is to engage with rei or nezi
regardless of anything
even if i'm not talking to them
even if it's not about them
even if it's a pretty directed comment at another person
whatever my action, it's just gonna be feedback from rei or nezi, and then the vacuum of five minutes without a post is going to spam whatever content was possibly there off the screen with a bunch of jargon nobody cares about
it's killing my motivation to come here and talk with my friends
it's killing everyone else's motivation to stay here long enough to respond
and all we get is just a lot of fluff and ohio, tadaima, im going to sleep, i can't sleep, ohio, music link, ohio again
it's not magical
it's just a normal reaction when you hog the social space
I guess I'll try to take in your feedback.
im just gonna dip because there's no reason for me to be this irritated by such small shit and it's probably not healthy for me or anyone else
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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so how about that lakers game
crazy right?
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Wow what happened?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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The left team scored a point
>scoring one point in basketball
dam dude
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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yeah it's hard
you usually score two points
colored dagger units confirmed to come
independent bang
S. Carey - Yellowstone (Official Video)

independent bang

there we go

this song is really good
the album came out recently
highly suggest
hey calm very chill very soft very good
This box of pasta is typical package cardboard, but it's also got a plastic bag inside holding the pasta.
It feels like such a waste, especially when the cardboard can just go in the recycling.
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And fly larvae can go in the cardboard box if you don't use it all in one instance.
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tfw airport
Kirara 🚗
airport deitos*
at least you can smoke here
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I become one with pizza
Maybe you should go see a doctor.
I bet they could find someone to cut you apart.
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TN I found something amazing.
Kirara 🚗
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Kirara 🚗
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It kind of looks like some constellations are already forming.
Kirara 🚗
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almost got abducted last night
Kirara 🚗
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Kirara 🚗
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ill have to go through my pics and find the best ones when i get home
by whom
The top of the rock directly up from the Dixie sign looks like it's giving the finger.
Kirara 🚗
a ufo
oh shit did you guys punch some ayys
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Did you guys have a fun trip?
yeah until we got to fucking Vegas
five days of near seclusion followed by this crowded place is kind of shocking
Kirara 🚗
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yeah but we made him a steak
we managed to survive against the odds
we defied the death flags

now we're back in Hell World
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Well my body appears to be reacting to what I put into it.
That's not good
Oh no
Kirara 🚗
oh shit did you do drugz
Are you melting?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
No I caved and got a pizza.

And ate it.,
Kirara 🚗
that's too hc for me
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welcome back!
damn dude a whole pizza?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
that's two hc for me too my friend, my body is getting a little mad
but it was delicious
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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I think that was a lotta sodium
Kirara 🚗
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im not back yet
im in vegas
You should go to the Pawn Stars store.
are you guys gonna gamburu
gambling involves real risk, but money is fake af
they already gambled the big gamble
who said anything about gambling with money
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I was welcoming you back to hell world.
Kirara 🚗
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I would say I'm glad to be back but I would be lying
Wow where's my welcome back to hell rika-chama
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the devil is on my side, filthy lawfag
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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How much would you pay for a figure of a cute virtual youtuber
I wouldn't waste my money on that crap
it's an even bigger waste than coke
Kirara 🚗
i would let her lick my feet
Kirara 🚗
that's the only way i will accept such a thing
id sooner buy a suptix again
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Pan did your trip fall off
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
did you get lan-chan
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Kirara 🚗
hello pan can you throw knives?
oh no i went ygg so someday i can get sara and someday i can atma fist dirt memes
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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I want to atma fist meme
But Dirt!Vaseraga is a tempting actual pick
Kirara 🚗
learn so you me and jan can start a knife throwing bike gang
more like gayseraga
is it hard to learn
no more than 14.99 unless it's posable
probably up to 60 if it was bjd
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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is that a y for "why vaseraga"?
He has an insane self buff - oh

His self buff is still incredible though
Kirara 🚗
idk we gotta learn too
doesn't your mom know how
im sure if she could learn it we can
Kirara 🚗
yeah good point
bike throwing gang
how do you win a fight against somebody bigger, stronger, faster, more skilled, more eexperienced, funnier, smarter, and more kind than you
>more kind than you
Gain their trust and then stab them in the back
Kirara 🚗
hold their foreskin hostage
youre screwed if they're circumcised tho
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None of those things can win against the power of luck.
Kirara 🚗
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And luck can be overcome by the power of love.
nobody likes luckshitters
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Luck can't be beaten by anything, not even love.
1 LUK 1 DEX life
Kirara 🚗
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Love is the strongest force in the universe.
Nothing can beat it.
Especially not luck.
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I disagree. Luck guides the hand of fate. Love is subject to fate's whims!
I only consider the bad things that happen to me lucky
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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who needs luckshitting when you can suptix
Kirara 🚗
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Love is powerful enough to overcome fate.
gotta use sorcery
what ab justice
the cosmic kind not the legal kind
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if ive learned anything from this anime its that luck sucks and doesnt work
just be a whale and then you don't need luck
Kirara 🚗
love beats justice
kinda need to be lucky to be a whale though
luck doesn't real
was tank an original for cowboy bebop ost or was it already a piece that cowboy bebop got license to use
I would assume it's original, like most of the stuff off the soundtrack?
Can't back that up though.
Yoko Kanno does come a bit -too- close to imitating previous works however, to the point where I've seen arguments saying she's pretty much plagarizing.
So it might toe the line a bit close to something you've heard before.
I'm pretty sure it's original
tbh i'm more weirded out at the term bumpers to refer to adverts
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morning shifts are the worst
Overall, mornings are pretty terrible.
waking up to see the sunrise is refreshing
I've seen plenty of sunrises, the lustre loses some shine after a while.
refers to cocaine wtf
the fact that bumping a post up and bumping cocaine share a word probably has to do with what the word bump means, not the activities
I'd like to live in whatever world that is where you can offer a ten dollar bill for cocaine
oh, the girl was saying to the interviewer that the term bump originates from bumping cocaine, and is used on the threads to keep the thread alive, same way you keep the high alive with a cocaine bump
the interviewer either didn't understand or they used dodgy editing to just clip it to sound worse
it hadn't even occured to me that that was what was insinuated until you two mentioned it
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I don't think as much as one person has posted "bump" on 4chan, referring to coke
Have you ever heard who's on first?
it's a pretty old joke
Nah, like
The whole thing?
does norwegia have any jokes/humor like that
The whole skit is like eight minutes long.
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I dunno what kind of genre I would put it in
I haven't heard of anything like that, but I mean I dunno what I'd be looking for
Abbot and Costello were so great.
The weirdest thing about them though, was that neither of them were Jewish.
werent they italian
is there much italian/jewish overlap
yeah i dont know how to really ask the question even
probing another culture's humor is such a weird thing to try to do
like logistically awkward
Costello was italian.
Not sure about Abbot. His name doesn't sound Italian.
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Like we have stuff making fun of cultural elements, I guess, but nothing that's literally "these people's names are starting to get weird"
Cause that's really not like, a thing that happens in any aspect of Norwegian society
abbot probably just comes from the church abbots etymologically
yeah nothing nearly that specific, but i mean maybe some iconic cultural thing or historical thing
like who's on first is such a ubiquitous classic
Oh nevermind
Abbot's mother is speculated to be Jewish.
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I mean it's a movie, but I'm just about convinced everyone in the generation before mine has seen Norske Byggeklosser
And Elling is pretty well known I guess
i have a hard time telling jewish and italian people apart sometimes because all i can really go by is the mannerisms and they're all in brooklyn or joysey
In New York, Italians are Jewish, in New Jersey Jews are Italian.
They had a big cultural overlap in NYC because they were both persecuted for being immigrants and non protestant. So just the way it worked out is that culturally in the US they (descended from immigrants to nyc) are really similar.
i've been having a lot of archiving impulses lately
just really strong desire to probe and document things and appreciate the things i don't know i'm missing
And the JJews and Italians stuck tigether and supported each other.
anime >>493970 →
when you think of hot dogs, do you think of beef or pork
pork always
I don't really think much on the meat they're made of.
Though I also don't really eat hot dogs.
You should try Hebrew National hot dogs, they're really good.
I have never seen a hebrew national hot dog in stores
yeah me either
i was starving on my train trip though so i got one at the train station in chicago before my connecting trip
it was really good
i really like them as street food from vendors and stuff, but i'd never buy a pack of the ones in the frigerated section of the store and make them myself
those are not at all enjoyable to me
Whenever I see hotdogs from street vendors 'round here they're always specific to what the hotdog is made of.
And they'll be offering ones from both beef and pork make.
So I guess that doesn't help for forming a concrete one as what a "standard" hotdog would be.
i like the pork ones
i guess i never thought about it until after playing D4, and this was the first time i had a hot dog since then
jumbo pork chicago dog, loaded up with relish and like whole peppers on top of it and a bunch of stuff
it was really good
cleared naxx first week it was out btw
server 5th
4chan autists win again
I wonder if there is a Jewish grocery store near you.
do jewish people even go to aus/nz
i've never met a jewish aussie
and i've met a lot of aussies, fewer new zealanders
We're on all 7 continents
You've probably met met a ew and it just didn't come up.
If there is I've never seen it
how many you got on Antartica
I found one
It's a co op
>A Montréal-style hot dog, as popularised by numerous shops such as the famous Montreal Pool Room,[52] is either steamed or griddle fried (nicknamed steamies or toasties, respectively). It is generally topped with coleslaw, onion, mustard, relish, and occasionally paprika or chili powder
tildy you ever been to montreal?
Nope, I never actually have.
Or never stopped, which seems unlikely, so probably never have.
It's considered a place to go for festivities and parties; I've talked with other people that pop over even from Toronto just for a weekend of partying and clubbing.
Which isn't exactly up my alley, hah hah.
They've got a lot of killer-good food over from Quebec though.
relieved bang
b n g
butts n' groins
I think the first synagogue in New Zealand was built in Wellington in 1870. But there had been Jews in NZ since the 18th c.
traveling just to go clubbing/partying seems really like a waste to me
the day-life and public venues and stuff is a much more enjoyable contact point with the city
for me anyway
*early 19th
what the fuck
It's sort of a carry-over.
The Ontario/Quebec region up to maybe thirty or so years ago was fairly sleepy.
Outside of some super niche things that might exist in university towns or at a reduced degree in Toronto, if you "really" wanted a place to party, you had to hit up Montreal.
if i lived in a place like that, i'd open a milk bar
people can spend the nights enjoying smooth experiences and jazz
relieved bang
y'all'st've ain't never lived here don't ya
Dude it's Walmart
Of course they'd have that
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Walmart has a lot
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relieved bang
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No I'm surprised that there are dr pepper beans
I'm surprised it even exists
I actually dislike dr pepper.
The only time I evever had some was by mistake and I think I threw up.
Or at least soat it out.
It sounds fitting sort of
until you remember what dr pep is
but pepper beans sound alright
Also Dr Pepper isn't a real doctor because there's no . after the Dr
Kirara 🚗
separated from jan
my trek home soon begins
happy trails
hope it goes smooth
take it as it do else the doin dont go
Kirara 🚗
there are no more trails ;_;

i took some kratom so i don't spend the entire flight craving alcohol
i took some kratom because my wrist is really hurting bad
work too long dont want to get an rsi
archiving hot dogs and milk culture now
Safe flying man.
Kirara 🚗
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im so sore

I'm sitting on the plane.
I will get to Orlando at 5:30 AM EST.
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when are you getting on the plane?
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Kirara 🚗
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I think I've got my row to myself.
Nice desune
That sounds pretty nice.
I guess flights like that aren't too common in the mid-spring.
Kirara 🚗
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It's almost totally full, surprisingly.
I only slept an average of like 4 hours the last week, though, so I opted to pay for a seat.
So I can easily get off the plane and get home.

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is it frontier again
I'm dying
I think they've finaly killed me
>LUKE at this deal
I don't get this one
Kirara 🚗
may the forth be with you

gotta airplane mode
see y'all llater
Jar matar
I bet I could write a program to make bad animal puns.
Wouldn't even need neural nets.
jesus christ
Just regex over IPA representations of words.
Huh that's actually a good idea for a research paper to submit to that joke journal.
later gater
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For what purpose
emopedia your number one documention site on emo music
i was trying to post milks on SK's twitter and this came up in the emoji search
i am kind of impressed with how detailed they're getting
tupw your twin brother from another mother is flying home and you still got another 3 hours to waste
I've already been to every area in the terminal
Did you guys go to the pawn stars pawn shop?
When I was flying home from Japan my flight was the last of the batch I was leaving with to fly out.
So I had a good couple hours to myself in the terminal.
I ended up listening to weeaboo sad music and being a little bit melancholic.
10/10 would intentionally pick a late flight again.
there's ears and nose emojis, so i thought for a second it'd be cool to just use emojis to represent an ear, nose, and throat doctor
then i realized that there's no throat emoji and that would be kinda weird
emoji sure are odd
I would rather have just flown somewhere other than home tbqh but II get this feeling every time I travel
coulda gone to the phillipines and probably just stayed there with however much you had in your wallet
I only have a single dollar with a suicide note on it in my wallet rightright now
and some stupid plastic rectangles idiots take as money
Also I found a /moe/ Android firefox glitch.
Well, it at least doesn't err
Happens on that
haha for real
i meant tildy post-japan
since the flight is cheep
I don't think I had much in my wallet either, hah hah.
Spent pretty much all the yen I had, and had maybe fifteen dollars CAD on hand.
then however much you had in your gullet
the only thing in my gullet is bagel
also that makes a lot more sense
there's no bagel emoji
but there's a breastfeeding emoji
I guess some people don't care about bagels.
But breast-feeding is universal.



bagels are top tier
Hard agree.
my version of android doesnt support breastfeeding
egg bagel with plain cream cheese
(not egg on bagel, the egg type bagel made with yolks)
Plain cream cheese is in general an A+ topping for bagels.
all the cream cheeses are delicious really
but if it's storebought philly cream cheese, imo plain is just so good that adding flavor takes away from how good the cream cheese is
gourmet cream cheeses made fresh at restaurants are really good though
get like salmon and caper cream cheese and all sorts of stuff
Philly cream cheese is so good that it's the only store-bought brand I've ever known.
Like I assume there's bound to be some other brands being sold in stores but I really couldn't tell you.
Some times variety is a really unnecessary aspect in life.
yeah same
unless you're making generic so you can sell at Aldi, or organic so you can sell at Whole Foods, why even bother entering the arena against philly
never had anan egg bagle
it's slightly more flavorful than a plain bagel
it's got egg yolks in the bagel dough
really tasty
A bit like the flavour difference between a "normal" bread and egg bread, I'd guess?
i'm not sure entirely the difference between bread dough and bagel dough
but i feel that the egg complements the bagel flavor very well
so a different flavor landscape, but yeah basically
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ah, that feels better
that's what i've been missing all this time
thanks, this is really nice
i was just watching some videos of river tributaries and drainage tunnels too so the visuals are so familiar to what i just tabbed out from
can't wait to finally take a fucking shower
only like 5 andI a half hours to go
Free yourself of that desert dust still clinging to your body.
the desert dust gives me character
the sweat and dried blood does not
my nice timbs took a beating too
but they served their purpose beautifully
how long have you had those fuckin timbs
I've got some good Australian boots that have served me really well in winter weather.
They've never had a chance to carry me through that kind of arid, desert-y weather though.
like 3 monthsI II bought them before I'd need them and broke them in at work
why do you ask?
I wonder if Aussie hiking boots are ideal for this kind of terrain
actually I'm not sure how popular hiking is in the prison colony
I replaced a pair of nike cross trainers with them
They're really great, worth the price tag I thinkI
oh that's not long at all
no reason just curious
These boots have also served me on the packaging floor for the brewery I worked/"work" at.
In a work environment that they recommend iron-toed boots for safety in, I was running around in these (that aren't iron-toed).
I even came close to running my foot over with a motorized handlift and they showed no particular scuffing.

Well these probably aren't designed for hiking.
For hiking you want something with good grip and strong traction on the bottom.
These boots are actually kind of slippery.
But they're tough and probably work well as work boots when you're ranching or walking around the brush.
These don't have a very tough toe, you'd definitely fuck your foot up if you rolled over them like that
they survive relatively minor impacts that your average hiking boot wouldn't, however.
A steel toe would make it really tough to hike. GottaI have flexibility.
they actually don't let you use steel-toed boots in a lot of hazardous work environments any more, like construction sites
supposedly a lot of injuries were worsened by the steel plating just slicing right through the foot when something fell on it or something like that
Makes sense but that's pretty scaryI
walking without toes would be extremely difficult
this might not even be true. it might be an urban myth
i've heard it mentioned in a lot of transcripts of focus groups that i've done, but people are pretty dumb so idk
I'd kind of thought about stuff like that when they were first telling me I needed good work boots working there.
Though most of the things I was handling probably wouldn't have enough weight to crush the steel plating into my foot.
it's true as far as it making it more difficultI, withoutI the use of prosthetics.
specifically your big toe carries about half the weight of your toes during a step, more soI up an incline.
It doesn't mean you can't run. It doesn't even mean you can't run without prosthetics, itI just means your gait will be missing the required digits to absorb the impact naturally.
there are a few track and marathon runners who do good work with nine or fewer toes, but the fewer digits you have left the more inefficient your stride will be.
yeah my boss took pity on my heat stroke afflictedI ass I'm free until FridayI night
Oh yeah Jan do you figure if you'll be free for anime time for tomorrow's session?
it seems false that any construction sites disallow them
looks false from testing about the risk of amputation too
did wotaku and roku get watched
WotaKoi's been watched up to the most recent episode, epsiode four.
Episode, even.
Yeah, sorry.
I need a better way of phrasing that.
Episode five should air and be subbed in time for, I want to say Thursday?
A bunch of comfy shows air that day so it can be hard to say when it actually gets watched though.
If you're interested in watching it day of I'm sure Rika would be fine working that in.
She'd have to be told though or probably just forget.
does that include episode four
i can't tell
reminds me of when a deadline gets moved up or gets moved back
people always get confused which is which timewise
I haven't watched the most recent wotaku
Will probably watch TokyoI ghoul and golden kamuy onI the plane unless you guys are gonna save it
For Rokuhoudou, episodes four and five are unwatched.
That one can be even harder to predict when it gets watched though.
We've saved Tokyo Ghoul, but watched Golden Kamuy.
Shows we've watched while you're out are GGO, Nanatsu, Golden Kamuy, Comic Girls, Persona 5, Hero Academia, FranXX, Amanchu!, Hinamatsuri, WotaKoi, and episode three of Rokuhoudou.
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That's a decent chunk, huh. At least we watched some of those already.
FranXX was so great.
I can't wait for the spider girl to fucking destroy everyone's tentative happiness.
Why are you apologizing? Typical Canadian.
I've told you to not worry about watching anything without me while I'm away. I can and will just catch up.
You were camping over the weekend and a lot of the weekend shows are really high-demand.
I figured some of them you could at least watch with Kirara.
I wonder which will destroy their tentative happiness first, Zero-Blue or themselves.
Spider girl will eliminate their house next episode I think.
They seem to be pretty mature about what's going on now, II don't think they'll dissolve from the inside.
Zero One or whoever she is will probably set the second cour in motion.
I'm fundamentally a worrying person.
This is me doing my best to not worry, which is pretty much minimalizing worry and ploughing on ahead.
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we're biologically obligated to worry
luckily we can choose what things we want to worry about
let the canadian worry about what he pleases
otherwise you'll end up worrying about the things you can't do anything about, and that's no good
I have spent a large portion of my adult life worrying about something or another.
I've become quite familiar with functioning while doing so, and even enjoying life while worried about something.
Such is life.
>when someone you respect and have followed for many years suddenly uses "this begs the question" wrong in their latest video
man guess i gotta unsub now
I had a critical thinking professor a couple semester back that had a small tirade for the misappropriation of "begging the question" in common vernacular.
It was kind of amusing to me.
there's really nothing that causes the tendrils of my brain to writhe around and grasp at the dark corners of my mind that make me long for death more than public affirmation of that context
how is it so strong and have so much momentum
how do people think it came to be given that context
it's not even about being a grammar prude or anything, it's one of those things where there's a big gap in followable reasoning and my brain just loses its shit

i get so uncomfortable when i can't follow some path of reasoning
even if it's not the real path of reasoning that occurred, at least an approximation
it makes me feel like i'm having a stroke or my brain just isn't working

yeah, the existence of it being used as some presented circumstance *raising the question* as opposed to the logical begging the question
i don't care that people use it
it's more that the misappropriation has propagated so far as to penetrate even educated, well-read, high-profile people that are making publications which go through a review and editorial process containing several other professionals
it's just so bizarre
i'm sure it doesn't merit this much attention but man i just dont know
Just to make sure, we're talking abou the divide between the fallacy of begging the question, and the common tongue meaning of using it to imply that a question is expected or "begged" because of a set of information previously presented, right?
For me though, the logical fallacy involving begging the question was never straightforward.
At least for why it's called that.
I understand now after encountering it throughout several academic experiences, but I would still say the phrase is not an intuitive indication of what it is describing.

And maybe it's just because I have so much experience with the common vernancular phrase of it, but that "begging the question" feels far more intuitive to me, even if it kind of gives the speaker a rather self-righteous tone to their material.
I would agree though that it's a problematic thing to use the misappropriated phrase in academic publications where people reading them might likely have the proper meaning in mind when reading, especially when there's near-equal substitutable phrases like the "raising the question" that you mentioned above.
Clarity is extremely important when you're writing for an audience and having distinct phrases that don't have multiple different meanings can help much in that area.
asking for the question
or asking for the initial thing, the thing being the thing you're asking for
it makes more sense if you think of it as premises and conclusions than questions and answers
oh neverind shoulda read instead of typing
my b
i'm just wrapped up in the diagnostics of it i guess
i want to understand how such a niche phrase even propagated to the broader public sphere, what vector for that informatic infection existed and how did it spread
history and archiving is not very different from virology and immunology i guess
the immune response is pretty weak in this particular infection for deliverying the T-cells (truth cells) to the infected pathways for some reason
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
hello friends how are you all doing tonight
Well no one really writes down the exact vehicles used for spreading phrases, words, and other vernacular around common speech.
We can have records that say when, and even some times where, a specific piece of language first rose or resurged in popularity before being enfolded in the larger public language.
But no attention is really saved for the exact ways those pieces of language moved.
we do have lexical histograms, but their efficacy is kind of bottlenecked for history and more for future posterity
most texts that have been converted digital are on there, but only recently is recorded text a comparable dataset to verbal language in terms of volume and whatnot

if we were in china, i bet this never would have happened though
yeah, the more i think about it the more i feel the bubbling up inside of content for that natural language encryption stuff i was talkin aboot
> ask 3 differentI people where to buy chapstick
> all point me to a shop that's closed so they can do shift paperwork
> just walk around on my own
> find one that's actually open in 10 minutes
never trust people to show you the way
what a fucking quest
>if we were in china, i bet this would have never happened though
I don't know about that.
China did have the whole Cultural Revolution where they destroyed swathes--
Oh I see.
I missed the swerve back to the original point.
i mean every time someone would use begging the question, it'd probably change form
babbooning the question
monkeying the idea
aping the thought
great ape conclusion
A Great Ape Conclusion sounds like some instinctive thing human beans would do as carry-over from our time as proto-humans.
Like a psychological phenomenom.
how many QP did you get from that quest
i'm all for a language like this
>You've just published a paper on the Great Ape Conclusion. What's that about? Is it a foray into the mysteries of humanity's origins?
>no it's about people using phrases wrong
china's so wacky
no rules at all in the flux of their language, just do whatever and it'll stick
That or the name of some stupid hipster alt-rock band.
They also have the advantage of having such an expansive language both written and oral.
Like there's only so many combinations of twenty-six letters in a reasonable length you can come up with before hitting the limit of max combinations and the soft limit of feasibility.
I'm sure similar feasibilities do exist in Chinese characters but when you have as many as do exist those limits must skyrocket.
it's a whole level more advanced in categorization really
consider the original name of something, an athlete or celebrity or whatever, as a pointer, like a neutral reference to the actual thing
it's tossed around with clarity as a true reference point
then you've got the chinese renaming everything with qualitative values that are somehow relevant to them, and all these different social spheres are using their own nicknames for that true reference point instead of the pointer itself, the real name
and it's just gonna stick based on how connected those descriptors are in that social sphere

it's pretty cool
maybe i'm not conveying the significance of that well, but it seems like a major difference to me to be qualitatively organizing things using the social sphere as your RAM than to just have an index of points that you can access and look up information about on wikipedia
not necessarily more organized, but it's way more dynamic
our system in comparison is unary and static
I didn't get anything except extremely overpriced chapstick and water.
>i need some chap's dick, can you help me
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Yo mow, I'm trying to remember my pre-Firefox/Chrome multible tab days
did you use multiple windows or just re-use the same one?
i would just stick to one browser-related task at a time and keep one, maybe two windows up
if i was wikipedia scavenging i'd open other stuff up in new windows so that i could continue reading what i was reading though
I still compartmentalize stuff using multiple windows, with additional tabs in those windows as necessary.
It's so far back that you couldn't get a brower without some kind of tab functionality that I can't really remember how I operated back then.
I think I would have likely used multiple windows though.
Yeah I just opened like 10 instances of IE
Ah yes I think it's all coming back to me
oops wrong quote.
I have a window with /moe/ and a handful of other boards up at all times.
I only close it when my OS forces a reboot on me, honestly.
Anything I need to look up quickly I pull up on my phone or tablet and close it when I'm done using it.
oh I'm stupid
I used to just have a bunch of windows andI
that I reused for looking up random crap
goodbye forever /moe/
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
see you tomorrow
see you later
Kirara 🚗
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Your idol has reached Orlando.
But please don't weep for me!
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One more day
Kirara 🚗
>Grants Res+3. Skills with "effective against dragons" are effective against unit. If foe has no skills with "effective against dragons," inflicts Atk-6 on foe during combat.
Kirara 🚗
i hope they give me my bag soon
there's wifi on this plane but I had to do some voodoo toI get it to connect to /moe/
this is why I always avoid checking anything
Kirara 🚗
wow you're alive

didn't have a choice but to check
wouldn't be able to fit the camping supplies otherwise
this thing on the seat says 38 mins until I landI
this is the futureI
unfortunately yeah

maybe next time you can come here and I can justify spending hundreds on camping gear

Kirara 🚗
woo bags are cummin
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
why would you come back to this god awful place
you should have stayed away while you were able to escape
this song is incredible
julian is a fr*cking genius
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
got dayumn 11 minutes
good artist tho
wow you finally made a good post
now just realize that this board isn't foolz and act like a normal person and people might even like you
got this stuck in my head
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
I mean I could simulate my IRL self onto this board if that would please you. I'd be very pleasant, quiet, and filtered.
I just prefer to say whatever is on my mind when I'm online know, it's the internet and who cares.
It just seems to boring to do my IRL act and be agreeable 100% of the time.
yes act pleasant
most of the people who talk shit to each other here have been friends for yearsI
posting like you're on /a/ here is just fucking weird
I pretended to be a nice person when I started posting here too
that's what you do when presented with a newI communityI
that's efficient behavior
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
I mean, yeah that's what you do with a new community, if you care a lot about what other people think of you.
I don't even care a little bit about what anyone on or off /moe/ thinks of me lol
there are just social conventions anyone should follow
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
>pretending to be nice to make friends
>don't care what others think of me
pick one
I'll pick the latter because I didn't act nice to make friends
politeness was just the proper thing to do
if you weren't so fucked up at socialI interaction maybe you could have a buddy too
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If you go to meguca or bun I'm sure they'd enjoy your company
yeah that's aI good idea
you should check out meguca you should fit in pretty well there
gah do they even make crossover cables anymore
these days I think compensate it with hardware
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
I'm not even sure what I do that triggers you all so much lol
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
you lot are mad at me the moment I start posting half the time, like give a dude a chance aha
Kirara 🚗
this humidity is killing me already
i want to go back to dry air
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
it's too late, you already made the mistake of buying a ticket back home
What if you did go back
And you became a mountain man
Kirara 🚗
i will eventually

feels so good to be in my own car again
can finally feel the speed
Don't speed too hard
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
is stick?
Why did they turn Zephiel's dick into a weapoon?
Oh wait I read it the wrong way nvm
Whose weapon is that
Kirara 🚗

Kirara 🚗
60 and 100 felt the same in the altima i was driving out west
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Dont' even care that Julius is red
He's gonna be my boy

Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
aww come on you gotta rent something more fun than an altima
use turo, get some weird ass car
Kirara 🚗
services like turo, airbnb, uber, etc are all bad
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Boy, the season just started
Gonna be rolling red for Lene and Ares and hoping I get some 4* Eirika along the way
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
Kirara 🚗
alright then

i probably won't roll
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
what do you hate specifically about them
Kirara 🚗
the companies abuse labor laws to exploit workers and escape government regulation while simultaneously making it difficult or impossible to unionize
sharing economy is anti-worker so i avoid such services
Don't you want blue mage Vegeta?
Don't forget that the end game for many of them is autonomous driving where they can kiss their labor force goodbye
Kirara 🚗
yeah but no orbs
and i gotta save up
I want my erotic red dancer though
Kirara 🚗
same but I'll have more chances
When are they gonna give mjolnir to odin
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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I'll take one of everything please.
Son of handsome sword boy
new sword dancer with hips that match her defense stat
and +10/+10 boom boom pow mage
>black eyed peas
Kirara 🚗
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
hang on let me JUST
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
that doesn't seem to apply to turo though, which is the one i mentioned
I just want Lene but Ares is okay too.
Btw, seasons definitely affect your score.
If it didn't before, it does now
My same team from last week rotated out of season and my max possible round score seems to have dropped by like 10-12 points.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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found it
Kirara 🚗
turo, like airbnb, disrupts the car market in a negative way and avoids paying taxes in addition to avoiding federal safety guidelines which can put people in danger
thank you
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Isn't it beautiful?
it's great
I hear the lyrics in my head and it's neat to see the mashup of culture
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
hmm, interesting.
how does it disrupt the car market in a negative way, or is that what you mean by the things that follow that phrase?
Kirara 🚗
sorry, meant car rental market
it has led to higher car rental prices

also the company that turo used to be (relayrides) was found responsible for two deaths and was also declared a scam by New York state
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
how does it increase car rental prices?
gimmee a song to get stuck in my head moe
pretty please
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
Kirara 🚗
in cities where turo is commonly used, rental companies make less revenue which they fix by charging more for their rentals
Kirara 🚗
it's the same as what happens with airbnb, although airbnb is a thousand times worse
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
wouldn't that mean lower prices for Turo as well though?
or am I just a dummy .-.
Kirara 🚗
what do you mean?
turo does have lower prices but many are reluctant to use it because it looks really sketchy and doing research on it shows that the company was declared to be a scam by New York
so people will still go to car rental companies and pay the higher prices because that's all there is
and everynight i play the wonderland tango
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
yes you already said that, but how is it a scam
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Kirara 🚗
it was declared to be a scam by the government for purposefully and maliciously misleading the public in terms of their insurance options and stuff like that
it's related to them taking responsibility for two deaths and then being evicted from new york
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these ads
3rd time stopping on metro ride
so convenient
well spent 4 billions
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
huh, does your personal car insurance not cover Turo rentals then?
if that's the case then yeah I can see why people wouldn't want to use it

yes yes yes I get it you've said scam four times now

what is there not to get about paying for a service that offers a cheap rental and the car is covered under my insurance in case there's an accident or damage?
what's the problem, where is the "scam" where I'm being ripped off
Kirara 🚗
it does, but like i said, the company relayrides was declared a scam
it was later rebranded into turo which provides a different service

I don't think you get it
Kirara 🚗
the problem is that the company has a history of being very scummy
im not saying it's a scam
the part you don't understand is that *I" haven't called it a scam
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
you said it was a scam four times
now you're saying it's not a scam?
Kirara 🚗
i said the government declared it a scam
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
why would you mention that four times if you didn't believe it to be true
why keep bringing up that information repeatedly
Kirara 🚗
because it was relevant each time i mentioned it?
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
I don't see how it's relevant when it's not a scam if I can rent a car cheap and have it insured
Kirara 🚗
1. it shows that the company has a history of poor business practices
2. it makes consumers reluctant to use the service which allows rental car companies to increase their prices
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
what the fuck does a history mean if I can do something here and today that benefits me with no more risk than a regular car rental
why would you even use a regular car service if turo is cheaper
Kirara 🚗
because the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
what the fuck does predictor of future behavior mean if I can do something here and now with no consequences
Kirara 🚗
you are very dense and difficult to talk to
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
you are very dense and difficult to talk to
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
you don't have to insult me just because you disagree with me, you fucking cunt
Kirara 🚗
no, you are failing to understand me at every point
nobody else on /moe/ would have so much trouble understanding such basic and easy to understand points or making simple connections between pieces of information
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
nah, done responding to you
fuck off retard
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
i'm gonna make some breakfast
lol he's still typing
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
i'm not reading any of that
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
wasting your time
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This is a really fucking good show
Kirara 🚗
>boo hoo why doesn't anyone like me
>place closed for food poisoning
>reopens and offers cheap meals
>people don't want to eat yhere cause of past incidents
hurt durr jag heter nezi and i would eat there
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
what show is that?
oh todsy is europe day
so todsy we celebrate autocracy and bureaucracy
Kirara 🚗
destroy bureaucracy
North Korea releases 3 American prisoners ahead of presidential meeting
Kirara 🚗
love this video
i do wonder will anythimg acrually
come out of this
fuck i hate my work clothes
i look too normal, peopöe sit next to me in busses
Kirara 🚗
seems like peace will
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
i mean if you refuse to give money to every company that's ever done something bad, you might as well leave modern civilization and live in the woods
can't buy a smart phone, forget buying food, etc
nothing came im the end out of the previous versions. though
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
what do you wear for street clothes then? are the work clothes obnoxious in some way?
post numbers are wonky today
Kirara 🚗
previous versions didn't include an explicit end to the war agreed upon by the koreas
Kirara 🚗
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i don't like the new chrome UI
>inb4 windbreaker+pants with flatcap becomes a fashion trend with hipsterd
it also shows some annoyinh poster
Kirara 🚗
didn't that already happen with leftists in england after corbyn did it lmao

yeah i don't like that UI at all
wimdbrealer os wprking class clothing here anyhow
slavs just stole the memes
Kirara 🚗
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jan and i got mistaken for brothers a lot on this trip
one person even asked if we were twins lmao
do you even look similiar?
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TN, have you read this?
Kirara 🚗
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Not really haha
One person was like, "are you brothers? you're mean to each other" because we were bantering and calling each other losers haha
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Kirara 🚗
this was the dumbest shit
He could have just stepped out the way
does this mean bill murray is stuck forever
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Hey TN, what's a very typical Finn breakfast?
Kirara 🚗

oh no
Kirara 🚗
Do you have Finnish coffee like Irish coffee
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outdoor workmoodo
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Kirara 🚗
it's so quiet at my house
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would you like me to sing
also that was quick to get work like that
Kirara 🚗
i tried to take a bath but i fell asleep in it haha
i took a shower because i knew i wouldn't get up if i laid down
finally done rotating and culling the photos i got on the trip
just waiting for them to finish uploading and then sleep take me
I used to lay down and sleep in the shower sometimes
and i STILL have Hey Kids!! stuck in my fucking head
god dammit
i've been hearing this damn song in my brain for like 3 or maybe 2 days now
i'm not too sure i kind of forgot a lot of what happened when i got heat stroke
Kirara 🚗
i poured water on your head and then we went back to the camp and you kept going hard so you almost got a migraine also i started getting sick too
Have you learned your lesson about proper hydration?
no i remember what happened after we pulled over
well most of it anyways i forgot what we did when we left bryce before we went to the camp
everything from about when we were going to set down but i was scared of the ants is kind of foggy
don't drink too much water though
Kirara 🚗
we went to the general store and got ice cream

take a bath
we'd be bath buddies
no lol
i'll probably get a bigger water bottle next time though
and remember the sunscreen
wearing a short sleeve shirt without sunscreen was fucking dumb
Kirara 🚗
the biggest problem was the tea not the size of the bottle haha
Okay I got a good idea
Iced tea flavored sports drink
I've got Umapyoi Densetsu stuck in my head now
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i also have sins of the fathers going in and out because i listened to it like 10 or 15 times on the plane
Kirara 🚗
still mad the altima only allows 255 songs from a usb
Kirara, do you have the rest of the week off?
Kirara 🚗
kind of
i will probably work every day anyway
I was gonna suggest learning calculus if you didn't have anything important to do.
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I've got the day off tomorrow
Gonna sleep forever
time to prune the songs you don't like that much

then again idk if other cars have that arbitrary limitation or if it's just nissan
no regrets
arizona tea is the shit
Mazel tov
Kirara 🚗
my kia lets me listen to millions of songs
Kirara 🚗
even if i didn't have anything important to do i would probably try to learn clinical skills for therapy haha
Calculus is fun though
How about you meet me halfway
And read The Manga Guide to Calculus?
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math is for nerdos though
So are clinical skills.
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>noticing a good pixiv recommendation just as the tab leaves the page
Press back
The recommendations refresh on page load
Oh yeahh
Next time hit print screen I guess
So I bought tropical flavor variety swedish fish and then started talking with my dad about Scandinavian fish dishes.
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On that not
SK, what does lutefisk taste like?
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Beats me
I hear it's good though
Isn't it like one of your national foods?
I thought it was like your apple pie.
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Have you ever watched Clarke and Dawes, Rei?
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It's Extremely Norwegian, but mostly a northern Norway thing
I get it
Yeah, there are extremely American foods that are mostly only eaten in certain regions.
Like grits
Or uhh
Fried rabbit
>Young rabbits are best fried, because they are so tender. The best way to check a rabbit’s age is to tear one of their ears lengthwise and if it tears easily, the animal is young. Also look for very white teeth.

What the fuck
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what do you mean what the fuck?
that sounds like a reasonable way to tell
if it works it works I guess
The tearing the ear part just seems odd, but I don't really ever do any cooking that requires me to handle unbutchered carcasses so I guess I m just inexperienced
Well I don't think the intention is to tear it while the rabbit's alive
Well yeah
But like, whats "tears" easily?
Like wet tissue paper, like aluminum foil?
I wish it were more detailed on how easily
Stuff like that always throws me off.
no more tears
no more crying
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You can tell a rabbit is old if it has tears as a result of fear
I guess it takes some level of experience in butchering rabbits before you really get a feel for what a young rabbit vs an older rabbit feels like?
I've never hunted rabbits before so I couldn't say.
i am actually less comfortable sleeping in my bed than i was sleeping at camp
i should just put a tent in my backyard and sleep there
set up camp in the old abandoned quarry
check out my new youtube video where i make a list of the 16 most epic kinds of printer paper
there's 16 kinds of paper?
there's a ton yeah
so many kinds
it is cheap fish soaked in water for days and then soaked in lye for days, by that point most of its actual nutrients and TASTE have been washed off
quite literally
the trick is, that lutefisk once prepared lasts forever properly stored
cause it has PH of 12
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it has a weird, but not offensive texture, that makes you think it is fish, but not really
and only taste it has, is the sauce it is served with or cooked in
but unlike some normal fish dish, where the fish can absorb the flavours in the stuff it is prepared with
this thing can't suck in anything more
Texas is too humid
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humid after all
>had a coffee at lunch
>14hours later still buzzing like a bee
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What you got against Mie.
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does anyone here know much about dirt
it is dirty
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They likely adhere to the same mentality my whole city does.
There's only two seasons.
Winter, and Construction.
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there has been drill durign summer, drill during autumn, drill during winter and now drill during spring
water they drilling
what do you mean by drilling even
or is it like a jackhammer
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No idea
drilling holes
or drilling screws in
I dunno
it is just drill sounds
drill sounds atleast once a week
oh like woodworking drilling stuff
not like construction, drilling the concrete apart to build foundation
wood or cement or whatever these walls are made of
and it is always upstairs neighbour
the fuck is with me and drilling neighbours
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Cute girls doing cute things


I've known it forever, I recently discovered Illest Alive, I didn't give Claims Casino so much attention, I probably won't, nor in the near future, I like a lot of songs from him, though.


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damn be careful with those commas someone could get hurt

Thank you for your advice
Why is everyone upset about Destiny 2? Is it not a good game? Anyone has any knowledge in this field?
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destiny of loot boxes
I have no stake in the game, but from what I understand, Bungee took on what issues were flawed in the original Destiny, did not really fix them, and for some of them only demonstrated more apathy towards making the game an enjoyable experience for players. Instead they focused more on a lot of the common flaws in "short term gain" games, like lootboxes to tempt players that want hard-to-get loot.

I also understand the endgame for Destiny 2 is even less engaging than the original game.
On this subject I am rather biased against end-game raidy content so the thought of just repeating raid-style instances over and over again to get marginally better equipment already sounds garbage as all hell to me.
But in my understanding from what people who play it think is that these end-game fights are even less satisfying than the instances in the original Destiny.
To make matters worse I think Bungee has touted several patches and updates designed to improve the player experience in Destiny 2, only for the playerbase to find the "improvements" sub-par and not what was advertised.

And on top of this I think the single-player campaign is rather short and unsatisfying, so people can't even really say "at least I got a good story out of playing this game".

What does that mean? They focus too much on skins?
game has little content aside from endless grinding for bad chance of getting good lot and constantly having loot boxes shoved at your face
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what did you think of that Said The Sky mix?
did you check it out

Yes, I listened to it in a sunny day so the mood was pretty perfect for it, I did found it enjoyable, but I'm usually waiting for a certain point of the day or a certain mood to listen to something, otherwise I'll not be focused on it fully. It's a nice mix, thanks for sharing it.


Alright, I understand your point. I was in a quandry since I saw it on a Humble Bundle thing. When it first came out I remember people were hyped out about it, so I was pretty confused why would they now be against it, but thank you for telling me about it. I played Warframe, but didn't enjoy grinding from a point that much, since it gets boring. I was thinking about getting it, but I'll chose to not to it anymore.
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>when manga has panels that aren't actually perfect rectangles
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Also, there were a lot of people saying they wouldn't play the game even if they got it for free, so I was curious about why it's that, but too lazy to watch a YouTube video myself.
Well think of all those free MMOs out there.
A lot of them style themselves off a similar progression model even if the gameplay is different.
Eventually all you're doing is just repeating instanced boss fights for loot that's only really valuable against the other end-game instanced boss fights.
Like I said I already find that concept boring as all hell, and I'm sure the vocally discontent group complaining about Destiny 2 is probably composed in at least some part of similarly-minded people.
At that point, even if it's free, why waste the time downloading and playing through the lower parts of the game just to do the same concept you would do in any other MMO?
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Grind 200 hours or pay 200€

I see.
I was thinking about buying Elder Scrolls Online, have you palyed it?
I have not.
My understanding of it is actually less than Destiny/2, since ESO kind of lies in a happy medium field of not bad enough to have a large vocal complainer base for, but not good/popular enough to regularly hear what people find really fun about it.
Funny how that works.
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I did notice how it's not that popular, but it doesn't have bad reviews either. I guess I'll have to try it myself.
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Who even plays mmos
Lots of people, evidently.
massive multiplayers, online
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They are massive!
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and they can't fit outside
now kiss
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I feel like Darling in the Franxx it's going to get a bad ending and lots of people are going to be mad about it
Bad meaning that Zero Two will die
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I wish my headphones had a better way of telling me my batteries are dying
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How do they do it
hellish noises of satan torturing cats, torturing babies, that are operating jackhammers?
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sort of
just an annoying beeping
02 did nothing wrong
At least it's good encouragement to get the batteries replaced ASAP.

She didn't.

People like Griffith did
they're the usb chargable kind
it would be nice if they could charge while I use them but for some reason they don't
oh well nbd
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I'm gonna rewatch one outs
Great choice
I'm glad the files have chapters, cause the OP is terrible
Like actually the least interesting OP of all time
It's gotta suck to lose a bet and get a sick job as a result
Man I wouldn't want to be this guy
I met a dude who has been playing tabletop RPGs for eight years and hasn't heard of F.A.T.A.L.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
what's fatal
Ohh man
Ohh dude
It's a game famous for being really bad
Like hilariously weird and bad
For context F.A.T.A.L. stands for Fantasy Adventure To Adult Lechery.
It has 11 page long character sheets. And a stupid amount of skills. Ability scores change all the time and you have to recalculate a bubch of shit.
Like for example one skill is "Urinating", you can fail the check for it and if you do I'm pretty sure something bad happens. For combat the body has 17 distinct hit locations. And also a bunch of really weird sex stuff that I won't get into excluding the fatal meme check.
"Anal Circumference check", which is something that actually comes up in the game.
I've only played a handful of RPG campaigns and I've heard of F.A.T.A.L. but I didn't know it was bad.
Does it have critical miss on pissing?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
oh that one
Something like that I think
I haven't read the rules.
>17 hit locations
That reminds me of that modern RPG with the giant fucking spreadsheet just to calculate how much damage your bullet does to what bodypart.
I don't think it's Zweihander.
Wait no i think thats fantasy only
I found it. It's Phoenix Command
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I used to see this image posted a lot
what's the name of the painting that comes from again
i can never remember
the scream
Okay I looked it up
It's actually for pissing on targets, not like roll a die if you fail your bladder explodes.
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always reminds me of DRR DRR DRR
thank you
i asked so i could look for the mami edit but i can't find it
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This came up when I searched for it.
Also fun fact, the sky in the scream is orange because of Krakatoa.
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the only one i could find was with this girl
presumably yeah
we dunno for sure, it's not like in the painting notes
it's just historically lines up
oh wait that's the one yeah
thank you
i misremembered it as mami
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damn i'm on a roll today already
I was going to suggest searching the tag "the_scream" on Danbooru but someone already found it.
get off that roll
that's not meant to being on
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but it's so soft and fluffy
you want me to sit on the ground or something?
get off the roll and get on some kratom
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not a bad idea but i've taken it a lot recently
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i guess it did work well to kill this soreness from hiking
i'm not too sore anymore now that I've gotten some rest though
what do you consider a lot recently
do you get problems if you take it too much or anything
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i mean like every day i've taken 1.5-3g
it's not a lot but if i take it all the time then it becomes ineffective
really? it hasn't lost any effectiveness for me and i take it almost every day except the other day when i had to do like 30 hours of work
although my metric for what seems effective might be different
i'm really just taking it as a sedative
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i mainly take it for the anxiolytic and pain relieving effect
i'm not too big on sedatives

and the red gives me a headache sometimes anyways
i usually take a blend of green and white
have you tried the yellow suwalesi?
i'm normally big on the reds but that yellow stuff (i think it's made from green) is pretty nice for that
i need the anxiolytic and appetize-rousing effects from the reds, it makes me feel like a normal person instead of a complete spaz
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i haven't tried yellow anything yet
i have a variety of green and white and a couple bags of red totalling around 2 kilos so i haven't been very interested in buying anything else in a while
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i guess the reds still do a lot for my pain but i feel like that goes without sayin anyway
these lollipops are too fuckin big i can't eat them even though i want to
they're really good but they're just too big
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i feel like the reds are a little oxymoronic on me
it works to relieve pain for a couple hours really well, but there's about a 50/50 chance that i'll get a really bad headache afterwards
green and white work almost as well for pain but don't give me a headache
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is it that frontal-lobe kind of headache and light sensitivity?
you really gotta avoid alcohol with the kratom or it's the worst kind of headache
i made that slip-up yesterday and the headache lasted all night even with a redose of kratom
i was using my lapop on cave painting mode on flux and still felt painful stinging from the light
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yeah it kind of feels like there's something behind my forehead pressing on my brain and temples and eyeballs
i get migraines that are similar a lot if i tax myself so maybe i'm just sensitive to that kind of thing

i can't say much about how alcohol affects kratom since i don't drink often or heavily anymore
i've had a beer or one mixed drink with kratom and it was alright
no headache but i did feel a little nauseous and dizzy so i generally do not mix them
migraine might have been from staying up the previous 30 hours workin tho
are you takin the diphens
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that seems excessive
i guess you gotta do what you gotta do though
did you get it done in time?
i take it when i need to sleep and i'm on a time constraint like if i have work tomorrow or i have to get up in the morning
on my days off i just lay around in bed for like 2 hours before finally falling asleep
yeah i don't have a desk so i'm working really slow now
trying to use my laptop on an air mattress
had to ditch my mechanical keyboard too
it sucks
One Outs is galaxy brain baseball
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that sounds really uncomfortable!

i'm so used to the chiclet keyboard on my laptop and tablet that my typing speed on the mx cherry mech i have on my desktop is barely even faster
i can still get fast enough that typeracer gets mad at me sometimes though

the other day i challenged my sister to typeracer, she writes fanfiction and short stories a lot so i figured she would smoke me but i was like 30wpm faster still
One Outs is an awesome show
my second favorite sports anime after ping pong
how far are you?
oh no way can i read her fanfic stuff
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Toua is ELONGATING the game
I've seen it before but I felt like watching it again
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she probably wouldn't want it she doesn't even upload like 90% of what she writes
a lot of times she gets started on a story and after like 30-50 pages loses the magic or whatever and gives up on it
maybe she's too self conscious about her writing or something
she won't share a lot of it with me either
oh nice
i've tried to recommend it to a few people here but idk if anyone actually ever watched it

are you a bad enough dude to sign a one outs contract?
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sequential uploading is really good in the common era for that purpose
just polish off one chapter, upload it, and if it gets enough views/comments relative to your other work then it kind of motivates you to get back into it

what kinda meat do you think of when you think hot dogs
pork or beef
or did you answer that last night
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i think of mechanically separated pork and chicken

all beef hotdogs are superior but usually a lot more expensive than the mixed kind
ive been cravin like a real craft hot dog all night and day
like fresh from the street vendor with all the specialties
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when i was a little // well when i was a young teen i had a sprite comic on a site called drunkduck i think
after a while it got pretty popular and the flood of comments and ratings and positive feelings gave me a lot of motivation
i was pushing myself too hard because of it though, posting a new strip every single day for almost a year until i finally burnt out completely and bailed in the middle of a story arc
a lot of my followers were really mad at me for it
that sounds cool as heck
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My only complaint is needing to suppress my need to analyze shit while watching it
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you definitely need a heavy level suspension of disbelief to enjoy it fully
but it's not really hard for me to do that
i dunno about cool i think it's kind of lame in retrospect especially how i handled it
but my point was that consumer feedback is a double edged sword i just kind of forgot where i was going with that post

i did get to meet some friendly and helpful people though
and participated in a really meta round-robin collaborative comic
a bunch of authors of popular sprite comics got together and made a comic with author avatars living together in a big house
since each person got to do whatever they wanted as long as it continued the plot thread from the previous strip it got really chaotic

eventually someone read my profile on the forum we had for organizing the thing and asked me if i was really 13 and i got embarrassed and deleted my account
just turn off your brain dude
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I gotta turn off a whole thing my brain does with everything now
Holy shit
There's a small chance I read your comic
Kirara 🚗
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me on the left, sleep on the right
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want to watch golden god?
it was like almost // no it was definitely like 10 years ago
if you were reading kirby sprite comics on drunkduck at that time then you probably read mine it was the most popular one

it sounds kind of difficult living by yourself a lot of the menial shit i would have to do is taken care of by my family
but it would be a good experience to be entirely self sufficient
Kirara 🚗
In a little bit, i have to figure out what to do for food haha
That was when I read sprite comics on drunk duck
man, stories of embarrassing shit we did when we were 13
that'd be some fun campfire conversation
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i'm happy to do the cooking if you can mow the lawn
or, in the case of wilderness survival, you do the hunt
Kirara 🚗
buying food for a single person is hard because it's so expensive
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me and imats did most of our conversing while we were hiking and already out of breath because we're dumb
at the campsite we mainly talked about yuru camp and how cold it was and about maintaining the fire
sounds fine to me gardening and lawn care is pretty fun
difficult to do it here though since i usually wake up pretty late and for most of the year it's either too hot to take care of the lawn or so cold that everything is dead anyways
between like february and april it's comfortable to go outside and do work though

i used to have a couple planter boxes that i grew herbs and veggies in and that was fun, i'd like to have a few more
lentil butter flour eggs pasta rice cheese soy and mik
it's like twelve bucks and you can make everythin
Kirara 🚗
it's not a proper diet without meat and i need bread too
i buy meat same-day that i have meat plans and just do it in addition to what i got
that saves a good chunk of money over keeping meat on hand since it goes bad
i love gardening but i can't do lawn mowers
Kirara 🚗
i only buy meat fresh and never enough that i have to freeze it which is exactly why it's so expensive to buy meat alone
meat for a single person is always a $15 steak or a pork chop which i can't eat
everything else comes in a bunch
i can't ask for a custom order of how much meat i want because of anxiety
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i wish i had a big freezer again
it's a lot easier to just shoot a deer and eat deer meat for 3 months than go to the store
super cheap compared to the amount of meat you get from one good kill too, the butcher me and my dad go to only charges like $100 for a whole deer
which figures out to around $0.80 to $1.20 per pound plus the cost of a bullet (~$0.60) and a hunting license ($25)
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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i had a big freezer that had probably like 90 pounds of antelope, elk, deer, and wild hog meat in it
after my dad passed away, i was cooking a lot of it up
and then like three months later, my sister's husband straight up decides they're gonna take the freezer, but starts by throwing out all the meat from it
i was gone so didn't know until i got back
i fuckin hated that guy so much
i'm glad he's gone now
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>throwing away 90lbs of good meat
>it was dated two years ago dude, there's no way it was still good
fuckin idiot
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what the fuck lol
does he not know how freezers work?
what is he gonna do with a big freezer if he isn't going to keep meat in it as long as he can
i about starved that winter too
my sister divorced him
he's just a scummy person all around
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he sounds like it i would have slapped his shit for wasting that much food
wasting food makes me feel bad
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i would really dig it if we could shack up sometime
i need to be around someone else as resourceful as me
gettin so frazzled by living with wasteful people
not talkin about wastin dollars, but resources
Kirara 🚗
wtf my mom ate all the snacks i had left here
or threw them out maybe

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worked late tonight, finally done
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Toua's salary is at like 2 billion yen, as though he could even be paid that much anyway
i saw this before but i really love this
Kirara 🚗
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hello rika-chan
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I don't understand
Kirara 🚗
what don't you understand
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The existence of that video
Kirara 🚗
??? why? it is extremely simple and easy to understand
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good thing she got rid of your snacks you were gettin a little chubby
what is there not to get?
birb got scared of all the rain and bolted for the nearest cover
Kirara 🚗
the bird is hiding from a hurricane
what part is confusing you

yeah man i hit like 115lb the other day after eating some beef jerky
>anyone know anything about the behavior of hawks that i can ... Aw, hell
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but how does it get into a car like that
Kirara 🚗
same way you do
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birds are fast
they can fly into your car fast
hawks are especially fast, and have good eyes, and are smart.
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I mean sure they're fast but
They're real far up
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hawks frighten me a little bit
i'd love to have one, but i'll have to start with a falcon and work my way up
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>dealer i haven't contacted in 5 months calling me
what the fuck dude leave me alone
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Yeah, but a hawk's job description is descending really fast, swooping down slowly on a precision point, and picking something up.
Birds of prey have really incredible specs.
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Just lend him some money he'll fuck off
sexist fukk
Kirara 🚗
birds land on the ground regularly
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Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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good morning rika
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birds suck
they're scary
don't talk shit on birds they'll fuck you up
Kirara 🚗
birds are fucking amazing
i was tellin jan how owls can kill and maim people and shit and he thought it was cool af
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Crows know who you are, and they tell their friends about you.
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crows are cool I guess
Actually crows are real cool, I think
Kirara 🚗
all birds are cool
Kirara 🚗
i used the Umineko trick with the tape on the door in my closet lol
my mom actually didn't invade it
Or she knows the trick
...which I can't remember
Is it slightly misplacing the handle?
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
crows are smart
Or is that death note?
I don't remember seacat
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oh he was calling me because my buddy wanted to go half on an ounce with me
apparently he moved to another city and that's why he hasn't been around
i don't really believe him though just moving 30 miles away doesn't explain why he didn't answer any of my calls
Kirara 🚗
you use the tape to see if the door has been opened
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This tells me absolutely nothing
Is it like a small piece of tape that'll be moved if you open the door, cause it's attached to the top of the frame?
Oh I see
Kirara 🚗
if the door has opened, the tape breaks
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if you remove tape and replace it it's very obvious that it has been reapplied
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what are you hiding in your closet
is it yourself
don't need that trifle in your life just ignore it
Kirara 🚗
clothes, games, hard drives, toys, etc
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nah i'm gonna do it
my good buddy is a poorfag he can't really afford the good shit and this guy doesn't sell anything less than that
he's got a good price though
ara ara

you keep your games in the closet though?
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Oh look, harvey the hawk has a nice little story.
Kirara 🚗
>Crude oil prices rose more than 3 percent on Wednesday after U.S. President Donald Trump's decision to withdraw from a nuclear accord with Iran, a move that helped lift equity markets as Exxon Mobil, Chevron and other oil majors rallied.
this is why gas was $4 in vegas
Kirara 🚗
when i don't want anyone to touch them
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gas prices are dumb
they fluctuate so much every week
i wish i didn't have to check the prices every day
i guess you can't really trust your mom around your games, huh.
she might pawn them to buy another fucking katana
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Turns out Harvey the hawk was injured (and a girl) and he sent her to an animal rehab and she got better and the released her into the wild.
That's a nice story.
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it's a neat story
i really want a falcon or a hawk but the license is pretty expensive
i know how to catch one but they've got almost as stringent regulations as adopting a child
you gotta have a stable home for X amount of time and buy an expensive license and have quarterly assessments where an inspector comes to your home
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being a falconer seems like a big responsibility
even little birds are kind of a pain to take care of
mine messed up her wing a few weeks ago because she got it caught in the cage like a dummy
now she keeps losing her balance and falling off the fucking perch while she's asleep
you gotta take them hunting for sure
they're huntin birds
you can train them to go catch squirrels and rabbits and bring them back to you
if you're not huntin there's no point in havin one
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I would not want to keep a wild predatory animal as a pet.

Dogs are fine pets because they're domesticated and bonded to humans, and cats are fine pets because they're lazy shits that leeching comes naturally to.
Birds of prey have to hunt and kill to be happy. You shouldn't restrain them!
Oh shit new US nuclear reactor design
For space
Kirara 🚗
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Hey, fuck you. Don
Don't talk shit about cats.
Cats aren't lazy and don't leech.
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i dunno cats seem pretty self sufficient
mine are dependent on feeding because we've raised them that way but their mom still hangs out in our backyard and kills the squirrels and stuff
is that a picture of you
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if you take them hunting they're quite happy in captivity
birds experience very high levels of stress and are quite happy to live in captivity if the falconer is responsible and treats their bird with respect
you keep them safe while they're sleeping and they're very happy to catch prey and bring it to you, because they know you'll give them a good cut of meat for bringing it back and not just flying off
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I like cats. I can just see teir true nature.
cats will naturally get rid of mice
Dogs wont do anything unless you train them
Kirara 🚗
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>I understand that cats are just lazy even though they're incredibly active and work hard all the time
>N-no that's not contradictory, I just see their true nature!
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that's not true at all
there are a lot of dog breeds that are naturally inclined to hunt rodents and other small animals
i had a rat terrier that i never trained and she would catch like 3 to 5 mice a week just because she wanted to kill them
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cats ar // are super helpful if you have a garden
they sometimes will eat your tomatoes if they get thirsty, but they keep rabbits and chipmunks and garden snakes away
Is that so?
I thought you had to train them to do stuff like that
I had a /// my parents had a dog who really liked to chase bees
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didn't we watch some ratting dog videos on synchtube once??
i think i remember that
My dog caught and ate mice
It was kind of a problem too
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yeah they were breaking up this nest of some kind of bedding or something in the ground
they had like 3 or 4 ratting dogs and they were going nuts it was funny
a lot of dog breeds have certain personality characteristics that they are almost hard programmed to follow
border collies and cattle dogs for example get depressed if they can't corral animals, they feel like they have to have a job to do or something
the one i had took it upon herself to secure the yard from invaders without me ever instructing or reinforcing her behavior, they just have to have something like that to do
What's wrong with garden snakes?
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nothing actually, i actually wish they wouldn't get those
the snakes get a lot of the insect pests that plague crops
but i always found cats eating the snakes in my garden so i just mentioned it
although there are so many pests that maybe the insects the snakes eat are eating the more problematic insects like aphids
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i like garden snakes they're super cute
my sisters are scared of snakes though so i always have to remove them from the yard
thankfully it's pretty easy because they're so docile
it's so cool to see your bird off in the distance just swoop in at you at 80mph and land on your arm
they're so pretty
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I know a cat, he's lazy.
Kirara 🚗
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>I know one cat that's lazy, so they're all lazy
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
It's him he's a cat
Ah yes
Anecdotal evidence
The best type of evidence for supporting claims. I know some who used it once and I hear it worked out really well for him.
That was really good
Kirara 🚗
i should learn to dance like this so i can scare fish when she gets back
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yeah especially that part where he shoots the guitarist that'll scare the shit out of her
Kirara 🚗
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>Fish walks in to see someone sitting there
>I start dancing towards her moving like a fucking necromorph
>pull out a gun and shoot the guy sitting there
>welcome home
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How is fish doing? Have you heard from her?
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (466 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Hinamatsuri - 0(…).jpg)
I haven't heard from her since she left
Search [iqdb] (337 KB, 515x632, 1505449683754.png)
Oh I see. I guess it's busy over there.
Search [iqdb] (263 KB, 1280x720, MS ZETA Gundam - Ep. 24 - Coun(…).jpg)
maybe she married a nigerian prince and got wired 7.4 billion dollars USD.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (320 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs]_3D_Kanojo_Real_(…).jpg)
Yeah, probably.

tell her to bust that princes head he owes me money
Search [iqdb] (293 KB, 1280x720, MS ZETA Gundam - Ep. 25 - Colo(…).jpg)
holy shit the full version of boku no hero OP3 is amazing
i actually called this in the thread we watched the first ep of s3 in i think
UVERworld is always really good though so it's not unexpected
when the FUCK is the full megalo box op coming out
Search [iqdb] (391 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Golden Kamuy - (…).jpg)
that's a good question and i can't find an answer even on the jp sites for it
Search [iqdb] (287 KB, 1280x720, MS ZETA Gundam - Ep. 24 - Coun(…).jpg)
what if there is no full single
Search [iqdb] (42 KB, 720x480, screaming.jpg)
we'll just have to make one
Search [iqdb] (308 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Rokuhoudou Yots(…).jpg)
okay mystery solved there is no single release date because it's going to be released on LEO今井、ニューアルバム『VLP』7月11日発売
タグ : アニメ主題歌

掲載: 2018年04月16日 10:18



2018年4月よりTBS、BS-TBS他で放送開始となるTVアニメ「メガロボクス」TBSアニメオープニング曲"Bite"、昨年配信リリースした"On Videotape"を含むすべて本人作詞作曲の10曲入り。

LEO IMAIバンドとして6年間活動を続けている岡村夏彦(G)、シゲクニ(B)、白根賢一(Dr/GREAT3)と共に初のスタジオ・レコーディングを敢行。そのインターナショナル且つ洗練されたクールなソングライティング力に溢れた楽曲に数々のステージで証明されているライブでのアグレッシブさとパッションを吹き込んだLEO今井の現在の魅力を凝縮した新境地のサイバー・グランジ・アルバム。
what the fuck

anyway it's getting released on the new LEO今井 album coming july 11th
i guess i must have somehow selected all on the article after highlighting the band name
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I can't wait more than a month I'm too greedy
Are you going to go steal it?
yeah who wants to go on a music heist with me
Kirara 🚗
and if there isn't a file already we'll just force the band to play at gunpoint
Search [iqdb] (340 KB, 1280x720, [Asenshi] Hisone to Masotan - (…).jpg)
if the album's coming out that soon they probably have an unmastered recording of the full song at the least
we'll just break into the studio and kidnap the producer
I'm hacking into their mainframe as we speak
Kirara 🚗
i'm hacking into their mountains
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water we up to this evening /moe/
anyone wanna degen with me and watch dumb vidayos
Search [iqdb] (453 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Amanchu! Advanc(…).jpg)
i'm catching up on anime and lifting
gotta get shredded if i'm going to climb any more mountains
is it normal to preserve your eggs after they've been removed
yes refrigeration is common
Kirara 🚗
i love when my power goes out for no reason
I hope the rain doesn't collapse the power again this year.
Even a strong wind breaks this shit.
Kirara 🚗
my head is so fuzzy
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Kimochi warui
get a job
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (782 KB, 857x746, 1438934505642.png)
1) i have a job
2) i am lazy
get another job
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (236 KB, 850x1260, IMG_20180508_091119.jpg)
My cat missed me so much that he won't leave my side now.

At least I'm not completely alone.
Search [iqdb] (393 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Boku no Hero Ac(…).jpg)
two of my cats forgot who i was and got scared
the other one rubbed up on me and then her sister came to me too
the boy cat ran away when i looked at him though he's such a pussy
two two-liters of cola and seven plates of food eh
Search [iqdb] (427 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Wotaku ni Koi w(…).jpg)
this is a secret post only cool kids will get this message : your gay
Kirara 🚗
it's hot in my house without power
Kirara 🚗
I can't believe Jan is fucking dead!
Kirara 🚗
i can
did you like the pics maria?
ill share mine with you once i put them together too
They'll catch you slipping up
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
who else but Jan! *theme song plays*
Kirara 🚗
look what im whippin up
oh wait no I'm an idiot I didn't see the secret post because my browser stalled so I thought Jan died at the keyboard
Now let's open up that secret spoiler


Yeah there were some nice pics in there
Lots of stars
Nice lighting
Search [iqdb] (433 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Comic Girls - 0(…).jpg)
>lots of stars
there aren't any stars in the album i sent you m8
Kirara 🚗
he must mean the stars i posted on twitturu
I'm talking about the cameraman of course

Yeah I thought those were the ones you were talking about
Search [iqdb] (175 KB, 1476x1493, 1447520710693.jpg)
I've started drinking a little bit of cola recently.
Kirara 🚗

oh no, i meant jan's
Search [iqdb] (347 KB, 1280x720, [Asenshi] Hisone to Masotan - (…).jpg)
do you grab the 2 liter and drink it straight out of the bottle like a truNEET yet?
he didn't reply to me on discord so i think he probably hasn't seen them yet!
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (377 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Comic Girls - 0(…).jpg)
>singing along to a song
>everything is fine
>cough in the middle of the song
>fuck up the rest
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No I usually use a glass.
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what kind?
i'm kind of a milk and water person but i have been having a bit of pepsi lately
coca cola seems kind of gross to me though
Kirara 🚗
they're adding photo mode to daddy war
Search [iqdb] (302 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Darling in the (…).jpg)
you got a long way to go
oh we just had a big loud thunder
now it's raining and thundering really hard all of a sudden
i'm kind of glad i got out of rural missouri before tornado season though
i'm down for dying but probably not in a tornado
Every game with an obsessive attention to beautiful graphics needs a photo mode.
Kirara 🚗
apparently nigeria is worried about another outbreak of ebola
Search [iqdb] (384 KB, 600x770, ebisu shark.jpg)
ebisu epidemic
Kirara 🚗
i don't see any news about americans dying in nigeria
it would probably make the news
Ah the weekend approaches
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above my head they're circling
the vultures want what's left of me
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Just the occasional coke.
Search [iqdb] (329 KB, 1280x720, [Asenshi] Hisone to Masotan - (…).jpg)
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I can't wait.
Every body's working for the week end
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (120 KB, 900x732, IMG_20180430_222023.jpg)
You shouldn't do coke.
Do smoke
Autocorrect what the he'll
This joke is ruined
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It's... barely even Thursday
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i kind of like ginger ale since i like the carbonation but not the caffeine
This is a comedy in two parts.
My weekend starts on Thursdays
two new asteroids were discovered today within the same distance from each other
Search [iqdb] (212 KB, 800x1000, Kamiya.Nao.full.1115650.jpg)
There's no weekend if every day is already a weekend.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (87 KB, 700x1020, IMG_20180509_071932.jpg)
me on the left
my quiet home and anxiety on the right
Every day is Monday or Friday depending on the size of your wallet
>goes camping once
>why is my home so quiet and empty
>this isn't living at all
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (121 KB, 733x994, IMG_20180509_055030.jpg)
at least in the wilderness im too busy to worry about my radio silent girlfriend
just remove your arms you don't need them
Kirara 🚗
Kirara 🚗
i want them
relieved bang
>>494720 →
>>494720 →
sugoi song 4.5 stars
Search [iqdb] (442 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Shokugeki no So(…).jpg)
i knew there was someone here that liked music
