3D Kanojo Black Clover Caligula Cardcaptor --Episode 16-17 Devils Line Full Metal Panic! Gegege no Kitarou --Episode 3-6 Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi --Episode 5-6 Mahou Shoujo Ore Nil Admirari no Tenbin --Episode 3-5 Rokuhoudou --Episode 4-5 Shokugeki no Souma Tokyo Ghoul re
Actually, since Jan is due in for either tomorrow night or the night after, and I doubt you're particularly eager for this show, couldn't we do Mahou Ore instead? We don't need him for that.
The most recent episode, episode six. If I haven't specified a set of episodes in the List that always means the most recent release.
I kind of expected all of the last episode to go with minimal screentime for the two girls. Didn't figure they'd get the killing blow on the big Chilzilla or whatnot.
In any other mahou shoujo show a hot springs episode would sound like a nice premise.
IKA YOU WERE TOLD WE WERE WATCHING MAHOU SHOUJO ORE. LIKE RIKA EVEN Heughdssad Okay I can see how you got mixed up, but still. Have some sense for conteeeeext.
The whole show is a little creepy. black clover! okay i assume tilde is keeping track despite his bad internet lets start!
Kuso Kuroba
Heugh, no the download stalled and didn't finish. I really don't care enough about this show to reboot my PC just to finish this download though. I'll keep tabs and ask for the time if it finishes before you're done. Don't stop for me.
The running plot mechanic of antagonists underestimating Asta because he has no magic is getting really, really old. I guess he's still a rookie so it's not like news of a Magic Knight without any magic might not really be spreading. But even if it's logically-sound, it's getting narratively BORING.
>>494108 The dungeon arc was the best so far. okay lets start!
It had the only fight which didn't rely on the bad guy going "oh Asta can't use magic, he's weak" so sure, I GUESS. I still found it as insipid as the rest of the show.
The animation in this hasn't been great but I think it's been getting more and more QUALITY as it goes on. This is the same studio that did Madchen Marchen last season too. I wonder if they can hold out to the end this time.