Hisone to Masotan Caligula Cardcaptor --Episode 16-17 Comic Girls Devils Line Full Metal Panic! Gegege no Kitarou --Episode 3-6 Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi Nil Admirari no Tenbin --Episode 3-5 Rokuhoudou Shokugeki no Souma SAO A: GGO
Looks like no Ika tonight. And we don't have Jan either, do we?
Jan's still with Kirara. I'd imagine they might be out in the wildnerness but even if they're in a hotel room they'll probably be at things by themselves.
Hopefully he shows up. Stuff is piling up, and there's some pretty good stuff in there.
Hisone to Masotan Nanatsu no Taizai Caligula Cardcaptor --Episode 16-17 Comic Girls Devils Line Full Metal Panic Gegege no Kitarou --Episode 3-6 Golden Kamuy Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi --Episode 5-6 Mahou Shoujo Ore Nil Admirari no Tenbin --Episode 3-5 Rokuhoudou Shokugeki no Souma SAO A: GGO
So does she just get to be alive now, even though she let go of her darkness?
Something like that I think. The Commandment that raised her is dead as beans and she's alive so I guess things are all right? I feel the show was a little hazy on that whole detail.
That doesn't explain why he was going to kill her though.
Maybe he calculated his odds of survival and didn't like the chances with her still on the team. I don't understand why, but he seems a bit under the pressure already.
The hype tracks on this show's OST are pretty good.
Until told otherwise I'm just assuming it's RPG skill bonuses or something along those lines.
>I might need it to commit suicide But...why? I assume there's no pain feedback. You lose nothing by rushing them with the knife even if you run out of bullets.
They probably should have been less excited to see her. Getting caught by a fast person like that in close range is not good for snipers.
This butch woman is a brute though. Hah hah that's so ridiculous. Even if they're that tiny the terminals shouldn't act as an invincible shield that you always keep on your body.
The pink P90 is kinda a dead giveaway though. oaky golden kamui okay lets start!
Yeah but it's also small and might not be something paid much attention to. Plenty of girls have some small, neon-coloured thing attached to bags, phones, keys. I see stuff like that all the time even if I couldn't tell you the actual object.
The little Boss did also have the same braids as the Big Boss in GGO.
It was probably just a "TRUE RIVALS recognizing eachother's soul" or some cheesy thing like that.
Why does he still have htadsjhasdl;jas What the shit.