>>489312 Yeah I love tht. She really reminds me of someone I know.
So my bookcase was leaning really far to the left. I got it to balance back by moving a bunch of heavy books to the right side and then the actual final thing that made it stop going back was putting a copy of the DSM-IV on the top right. If I remove it the bookcase leans over again.
If that hadn't been enough I was going to remove several paperbacks and put the complete works of Shakespeare their instead.
>>489321 she had to sign a waiver for it i do transcripts of this garbage all the time, they pre-waive and then stage the encounter i mean it's real, but it's guided >>489324 then it wasn't published
Kirara 🚗
>>489323 i have been interviewed by infowars at a rally before they didn't ask me to sign anything they just recorded it
and either way, that person is real and does a real leftist podcast and shit and that's really infowars bullshit so even if they signed a waiver it's not really fake i don't think
>>489325 everyone does it >>489329 yeah >>489326 i guess fake was the wrong word, but it's a little bit hammed up i mean i guess it could be just a random encounter but i've done the raw footage of these things spfly for infowars before and it's usually a few minutes of prep beforehand done it for john oliver too hate doing all of it though tbh i feel scummy as fuck
I remember you with the infowars guys on your phone video at a trump thing I think
Also I forgot how lewd it was before recommending it to her. Have you read it? It's by the mangaka who did Yuria 100 Shiki
You can just look at >>489357 That's basically the punchline of the series. Anyways I had forgotten how lewd it was before I recommend it to you. Sorry
Turn it on, leave it on for a bit then let it cool and sweep out the corpses.
why would you put wasps in a stove.
presumably they put themselves there >>489373 stove not an oven
Oh yeah Uhhh Actually turning the oven on might still kill them.
Or make them angry Getting a wasp trap or making your own might be a good idea
I though a Stove was an oven with gas rings on top
eh i'm not sure, maybe i use stove the same as you'd use range but maybe that's actually stovetop
I am not sure I understand where the wasps are? inside the door or inside the gas rings? >>489381 Wow I was worried for you! Wasps are the worst My heart has been toyed with
i don't have any wasps i'm writing a wikihow article about how to remove wasps from a stove
i am sorry
Well I guess it might useful for if I ever encouter a wasp in the kitchen. I am sure I'll lock myself in my room and google if the army can be called for extermination
>>489381 Shop vac But like where would they get inside?
The best way I deal with wasps is call for imouto shut door and wait for all clear
I just stay away from them. We rarely get them inside.
wasps are horrifying.
We got more bees than wasps in our oold place, but even then it was a pretty rare occurrence. >>489387 Why?
I have a massive phobia of wasps. I'm also severely allergic to their sting
Oh well there you go
My gran doesn't give a shit about wasps sting, she'll just grab them out of the air and crush them in her hands
If you do it fast enough they won't have time to sting/bite you.
>>489391 i'd like to grab you out of the air and crush you in my hands
I am probably capable of it mechanically but I don't like crushing animals with my bare hands or deet or whatever *feet It's really gross
>I don't like crushing animals with my bare hands -Rei
Well I don't
how to wear gloves
I couldn't say "insects" because spiders are arachnids
How not to crush animals with bare hands
>>489399 I know how to do that I was really good at catching insects and reptiles with my bare hands as a kid
I am joking it is just a such an absurd thing to hear. >>489400 I presume you didn't crush the reptiles.
someone should invent self-washing hands
>>489401 I didn't crush either. It doesn't count as catching if you kill them.
I get what you mean but you can catch and crush. I atleast I am relieved to know you werent popping lizards as a kid.
>>489404 you've had snails before havent you? i found a cool snail trap design and recipe
I accidentally killed one with a net as a kid the one time I decided to try doing it with a net. The rim of the net hit the lizard really hard and killed it. I felt really bad about it.
>>489405 Yeah, My granma just put bowls of salt water outside and got billions of slugs and snails.
>>489407 my only problem is prepping the snails you have to use a big heavy knife to chop open the shells and it's so incredibly dangerous for the big snails in this recipe anyway i'm very low DEX so i'm always dropping and fumbling shit i don't want to try slamming a heavy sharp knife into a rounded hard shell that i'm holding
Snails are very unappetising to me since I was force to eat them on garlic bread as a kid. I don't think I'll ever eat them in the future. and probably not frogs legs either
>>489410 no? frog legs are really good do you not wanna be part of our /moe/ survivalist wonderland with me jan and kirara it's gonna be a great life you should be there
Frog legs are supposed to be really good but frogs are my favorite animals so I don't want to eat them.
It just feel super unpleasant thinking about eating a frogs leg I mean if I had to survive I could do it but for pleasure probably not
>>489413 it's not a sacrifice to pleasure or quality to live off the nature on the contrary, it's so much more fulfilling the food is so delicious and full of flavor and all the natural seasonings you can forage and grow yourself really make it fun
Dune lizards are kick ass
If I ever eat at yours moon I hope you don't brew Eye of newt, and toe of frog, Wool of bat, and tongue of dog, Adder's fork, and blind-worm's sting, Lizard's leg, and howlet's wing
>>489421 eels aren't greasy they probably are if you buy them in cans eels are pretty good, though a bit of a chore to prepare
i think i like pomfret the best though
>>489423 >its really *real Wow, frogs leg festival >>489424 Eel wonder if it has a strong taste, it probaby something I'd expect to be acrid for some reason.
it's really a pretty tasty flavor, but it is kind of strong yeah which is why it pairs well with a bed of rice it's so tender though
it's good with the lemongrass coconut milk because all the sauces just flow together, and you usually have some kind of noodles in there to accompany it like asian vermicelli or some glass noodles
>>489437 The name of this video makes me think of that site for all like how to do guides and zen stuff. Village something. I think before youtube was popular.
we cook frog legs at work for a special sometimes and it's the worst
>>489495 they use that label for everything nowadays it's probably a breathable fabric that won't cause you to sweat and they just call it smart underwear
>>489509 i can tell exactly what the marketing team was discussing when they came up with this too haha probably had a focus group to ask various groups of people whether they wear boxers or briefs and why heard some talk about it feeling youthful and free, but a little juvenile -- "i'm functional now so i need to use briefs. it just looks like you're not serious if you wear boxers" HOLD UP LETS MAKE AN ADVERT THAT MAKES IT LOOK YOUTHFUL, SEXY, AND FREE SPIRITED BUT UH PUT BUSINESS SHOES ON HIM AND A TIE, AND MAKE IT LOOK LIKE HE'S IN A RUSH
I think marketing team people are different level of human thinking. Beyound our mortal ken.
>>489518 SUCH ZEST FOR WORK. HE FORGOT HIS OTHER CLOTHES. What a twist, they played on the idea that you are in such a rush you forget your underwear. He forgot his other clothes instead!
if they wanted to sell boxers, they shoulda had a fit young muay thai kickboxer model them a female model guys would buy that because they'd think it'd be adorable to have a woman who can beat them up and wear their underwear whenever they feel like it
Kirara 🚗
>>489518 > heard some talk about it feeling youthful and free, but a little juvenile -- "i'm functional now so i need to use briefs. it just looks like you're not serious if you wear boxers" When's your boss ever gonna see your underwear though? How are they gonna see your non serious boxers?
>>489528 My bosses all just let me give handies for promotions they never needed to see my undies
>>489527 You don;t show your boxers to your boss? How you going to get PROMOTED?
>>489527 You don't understand at all you don't dress for other people you dress for YOURSELF it's not about who sees it it's about how self-conscious you are in the hypothetical that someone might see it DRESS TO IMPRESS EVEN IF YOU WORK AT HOME follow my startup entrepreneur webcast with a special coupon code and learn all the trade secrets
I've never felt confident because I worse particularly impressive underwear. Maybe I need even more impressive underwear. >>489529 Sell me your most impressive underwear good sir.
>>489566 try to channel it into function if it's causing you some paralysis, try some 5-HTP or valerian root to take the edge off then tackle your duties i'm still trying to get my anxieties under control -- it's hard sometimes you'll be fine though dude i know it
Anxiety with serious things like lease agreements or dealing with payments and stuff is really hard to control. You gotta do your best and I am sure things will go fine.
That reminds me I need to check I've paid the last of my internet bills from my move
Something is messing up my Internet tonight. Seems like it's on my PC's side though. Maybe I just need a restart. It's bad enough that I can't reliably post on /moe/.
Oh wow I didn't check my e-mails till now https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/476090608/the-good-life SWERY's game got funded.
I really didn't think it would suceed in time, it is really impressive how quickly they got more than double what they had like a week or two ago. so much money that fast
>>489576 it's okay i found something to be so excited about it's taking my mind off of the worry and it involves leggings
that's good to hear i'm afraid to let myself get excited about anything anymore it's safer if i dont
relieved bang
>>489596 damn you sound like some old bang let me hook you up on that new bang lifestyle repeat after me: "fuck that shit, man"
it's not sorrowful it's comfort i'm not that old, wound-up, always going 100 miles an hour moon and overcharging myself i sedate myself and the tranquility is so peaceful now i wish i had done it more before
relieved bang
alright then how about this one repeat after me: "nagisa dies at the end of clannad"
that's not at the end it's like in the middle-ish she's alive by the end of it anyway
it wasn't even a trainwreck trainwrecks are fun to watch
There are loads of old shows I enjoyed watching Alnoah and Guilty crown feel a bit recent for me. I remember stardriver sundays. ITS A PINCH DAZZLE THE STAGE
The first half was fun enough. I remember trying to herd like eight or ten people into the thread to watch the first cour finale. And then that fucking TWIST at the end of it. The second season didn't deliver on the impact of that finale at all.
Kirara 🚗
first half was legitimately good
>>489618 Star Driver was always a good show though. Not like, AOTS-tier or anything, but solidly good.
Penguin Drum was fun with the rock around Japan. Mawaru was also fun. MAWARU
Kirara 🚗
>Shibireru darou?
I also like Kuma Arashi That was hilarious
Yeah that was fun. Penguindrum had an amazing emotional punch to it that Kuma Arashi didn't quite deliver on.
I think Ikuhara is in the process of putting together a new piece actually. At the least I think I remember seeing some chatter about that.
Utena was thirty-nine episodes and a movie. Penguindrum was two-cours of episodes. Kuma Arashi was one. I wonder if his next work will just be a movie or a few OVA episodes.
I remember waking up lazily in bed before work watching Kuma Arashi with moe. GAO GAO
Kirara 🚗
>(TN: Take this paragraph with a healthy pinch of salt. My translation of these sentences is definitely iffy due to an overabundance of katana in colloquial use – which I am failing to grasp even with the dictionary.) >overabundance of katana
My first thoughts were totally "why are you quoting TN?"
Well I see TN as TN now instead of Translating Notes. too. So I cann understand that.
Bottom right is comfy. Never heard of glamper though. >>489642 Waking up is always disappointing to me in way at least recently I've been like well shit I was comfortable. >>489645 Nope?
Kirara 🚗
you've never heard of glamping?
I've never heard of it but the mash-up was pretty easy to separate for me. Glamour camping, pretty much?
ultralighters are the people that go and hike like 10 miles a day and they're all rich they'll go and spend like a week just hiking through mountains and shit with all their incredibly expensive lightweight gear
Yeah if I was rich I'd totally consider something like that. I don't really like just relaxing around when I'm out in the woods. If I have to be out in nature I'd rather be doing something.
You'd probably die if you did that like ultralighters do it. You can't do it with nothing, or you'll die because there's no food or water.
-I- could handle it though, hoh hoh hoh. We used to do hiking all the time up in cottage country. I'd need the gear but the moving part of it would be no sweat for me.
Whenever I hear about people that do those long trails through the Rockies or the Applachians I always feel a bit like I'd like to do that some day. It sounds kind of fun.
>>489654 Set up a convience store in the wilderness
>>489660 will do it'd probably be in the summer sometime but idk if i'll have time for that before i graduate haha
Appalachian trail sounds fun to do.
>>489661 Oh yeah no I am -totally- banking here on you needing a few years before you could, hah hah. I need a bit of time to get my shit together after all.
>>489717 I could I even thought of a design But there are existing blankets designed for this, so I may get one.
>>489718 i was thinking just some layers of nylon stitched between two mylar sheets, but with the interior mylar perforated so the nylon absorbs some heat but won't push it out to you
i was thinking imgay
>>489719 I was considering an active cooling system with coolant (probably water) running through tubes. Or like Peltier cooling But I haven't slept in like 24 hours so I don't know if that's actually a good idea or not.
Seems totally feasible to me i'm a minimalist though so i really like the idea of a basic heatsink with something resistant to thermal radiation, like mylar or styrofoam >>489724 well yeah it'd have to be external if it's gonna cool continually a pump may not be necessary but you'd still have to have the chilled water coming through, or at least the water take a route that deposits some thermal radiation to a heatsink
It would likely need an external pump and reservoir. Plus the pump would make noise.
the body wouldn't produce enough heat for this i dont think, and the water wouldn't be a steady supply or be able to deposit it quickly enough, but probably you could make some stirling pump that utilizes the heat youre trying to export in order to make it happen wouldn't make noise either your thermoregulation would have to be so intense though that you'd have to keep getting hotter to cool yourself off so it's a dumb idea
I miss having my bed adjacent to a wall. I could lay next to the wall and use it as a heat sink.
As soon as I decided to work on the next campaign my motivation vanished. It's awful
>>489761 It has an srd, you should read the rules before buying. >>489762 Motivation is the most important part of being a GM well Assuming you know the rules of your system
Kirara 🚗
ive been gradually reading through the mechanics i really like the stress mechanic
Is the game d20 based?
Arrrrggggggghhhhhh I want to sleep god dammit
Kirara 🚗
nah, it uses d6s which is kind of a turn off but i bet you could maybe adjust it somehow
Right? That's my biggest problem with GURPS, its d6 based. I like rolling a variety of dice >adjust it somehow Good luck The only system I know of where that actually works is tristat dX And that's because its die agnostic, but you could change it later
Kirara 🚗
it looks like a really casual game even if i keep the d6, i could probably GM a game for my colleagues or something they don't have any tabletop experience
I need to hear what the bird wants to do regarding DND If it works with the setting we established I might be down.
Though if he plays stickler with certain rules I'm going to be upset. Alignments should be guidelines, not hard rules.
The DM would get super pissed, it will be really funny.
>>489781 That's how alignments work Like it really isn't super important except for shit where abilities depend on alignment Like paladins or uhh Monks leveling up Or paladin's of fear and slaughter Paladins are lame anyways Generally only assholes play paladins Or lawful good
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>Paladins are lame anyways oh never mind >assholes play paladins this is accurate.
That is actually good to know, however I think Owl might be playing with other folks one of the more recent ones. I'll check it out before deciding, probably.
5e is for posers And "look at me I'm so nerdy" types The vast majority of sales are because of stranger things It's not a bad system, but people are saying "oh man this is the best version if d&d ever, look hiw mainstream successful it is" But I can guarantee you Like 80% of the people who bought it because of stranger things will have stopped playing in 2 years
Also the all roleplay component of the last D&D session actually went really well. We have to roleplay as noblemen and noblewomen on a political council and we gotta negotiate/bribe/threaten each other in character.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>489793 I'll be sure to roll with your punches but they might punch back sometimes. Just a forewarning.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>489794 Local Liliina Lover has gotten like 3 Jakobs and 2 Grimas going for probably Genny since that's all that's left
Before voting But if we roleplay really well we get xp for our actual characters.
Oh shit I can actually open my window now. I should go do that
Kirara 🚗
time to watch west world
Holy shit its cooler already
I'm gonna go try and fail to fall asleep Bbl
Kirara 🚗
the motivations of the robots are so weird in westworld this one robot knows she's a robot and she's killing humans but she still is obsessed with her robot daughter that she now knows isn't real
It's in a place where it gets cold ocean currents that fight against desert winds and it produces a unique fog so thick that plants and animals in the Namib can survive off it. Animals will lick moisture off of rocks and stuff. It's amazing and unique.
Well atleast they were just smuggled and not destroyerd
Kirara 🚗
my question is still, what the hell did hobby lobby want with cuniform tablets from 2000 bc are they fucking trying to pull some ancient ritual or something
I dunno what do you do with a 10M painting? be it a famous picasso or some modern art squirt on the canvas People get things for whatever reason Collector spirit applies to say figmas and figures too what do you do with them?
Kirara 🚗
hobby lobby is run by right wing Christian extremists I bet they were trying to prove something about Jesus or something
>>489842 >they actually gathered the artifacts and purified them of ancient sumerian demons
Kirara 🚗
haha that sounds plausible
Kirara 🚗
hobby lobby sued the government and won claiming that they shouldn't have to provide birth control in health care plans because it was a violation of religious freedom
providing birth control is given so people don't end up with life ruining consequences, man or woman though I don't agree with "free abortions" or state benefit ones
Kirara 🚗
i believe in access to abortion but i don't like abortion generally and think we should have many available birth control options so abortion is rarely necessary
there should be access, but it shouldn't be just done willy nilly
>>489857 oh damn slashin these fares lower than ever cuttin out the competition
it doesn't say he used a knife though hell, there are stores and supplies after security checkpoints from which you could fashion a shiv easily i mean you can just use a plastic comb and a lighter, both of which are allowed
hey can i ask you a small favor i kinda need some help could you like uh break into your psych facility and steal some neuroleptics and mail them to me
Kirara 🚗
we don't have meds at my clinic or i would tbh we just have therapy
it was worth a shot if i can get myself stable soon i really gotta find a psych up here though and hopefully one who recognizes i'm not okay instead of reassuring me that i am it's already hard enough for me to tell, but i feel like i'm suppressing a lot in my prior visits
woop that's neither here nor there
i had an idea today about, instead of permanent seclusion in the wilderness, couldn't a one-month artistic subjection be kinda neat i could ink paint, you could photography primal expression and the recovery from technological suppression as the artistic subject it'd be totally cool
i'm just dreaming i spent most of today transcribing rich people from LA talking for three hours about their next photography projects and how much money they're gonna make from doing the most fun shit in the world i'm not deluded enough to think that pathway is available for anyone to just go and do and get a year's salary in three weeks but it's a good fuckin idea
Kirara 🚗
yeah id love that so much
making money off of photography sounds like a lot of work.
>>489868 plus it'd be p cool for you as a psychologist i could be your subject >i spent a month in the wild with some crazy individual following desparate artistic expression you could really capture mental illness in a positive and compassionate light and influence the way the governing forces of psychology press on us nah nobody'd take it seriously except art university students anyway
well, it's be fun in its own right to just go out in nature and feel things, and have your artform of choice to interface between those feelings and your expressions that's inherently fun on its own and satisfying and plus, you can't really define a subject and trajectory and then go effect it it's one of those things that you have to just follow and explore, and interfacing with it directly is what forms the trajectory of your final body of work to pre-define it and incubate it in your own head and not follow it along step-by-step means it's a pretty shitty subject
i just like to see cool shit art from a crazy secluded in the wild sounds like cool shit you should sell it and become crazy rich
Kirara 🚗
you'd get really good writing out of it too i bet
>>489873 crazy people don't get rich for putting in honest effort that's not how that works ted kaczynski had to start bombing people to get anyone o // to look at his work and it's an incredibly highly regarded piece of work the publication systems just aren't built to scope out, respect, or care about good ideas or altruism it's got the next fiscal quarter's margins in mind so that they can expand and hopefully afford to be able to do things they value later
Kirara 🚗
crazy people only become interesting to people when they're dangerous or funny to watch suffer everything they do is still usually just disregarded "he's crazy so this isn't worth trying to understand"
a story about a looney tune // toon exiting society and then finding peace and happiness in the wilderness isn't an interesting story at all nobody feels comfort out of that they then are pressed to feel that maybe all the things they view as extreme in what they see in people already doing stuff like that (there's a lot) maybe are valid and decent people and aren't making huge mistakes and then people are like, "well shit my motivation to do what i am doing was to not turn out like that, but that's fine too? what do i do now"
they want the heartwarming story that still ends miserably so that they didn't bother feeling compassion for someone who is still alive and okay because that's a waste right
But art and photography is a little different! you get to capture those special moments that people don't think about and coax them into feeling something, if they're open to it that's what's always appealed to me i've always felt things so much in a way i've never been able to get other people to see and i've always wanted to be able to >>489880 i'm not going to lie, i dont remember i have been blocking out a lot for a while and a good bit of memory confusion i think you may have asked me and i think i would have said it'd make me feel too much and opted not to i don't think i could stand seeing jammy sad i'm so selfish
Kirara 🚗
did you ever get to see that photo of jan i took at the cemetery last year, moon?
Wouldn't it be a fancy gallery if you had the paintings lined up by few photos of the creation process the artist being photo'd as they paint, as they ponder as they anquish?
i usually only really do landscapes and stuff but idk photos of people that feel emotionally powerful really appeal to me too like real shit candid emotion
>>489882 yeah someone snuck a couple of really sneaky ones of my on a trip i took to california a long time ago and they caught me actually sincerely looking really happy and natural even something happy like that i can't look out without wanting to cry most of the time i'm just a giant ball of shaky nervous energy and anxiety
Kirara 🚗
seeing other people happy makes me tear up pretty often idk
it's when i was at the utah salt flats i've been really dying to go back for so long ive never felt such a happy moment in my life as that time i didnt want to leave
Kirara 🚗
id like to visit the salt flats at the very least when i do my internship out west, we can go to them if not before
i want to share the places that have made me happy with the people i love
Kirara 🚗
the lady that used to cut my hair retired so im at a place ive never been at now and there are some other people waiting and they're all speaking another language with each other and seem to know each other it's giving me anxiety but ill look weird if i just leave and i won't want to come back if i decide to try again
kurdish barbers are good, but man do they love their fashion haircuts getting an ordinary cut with them is a battle especially since their finnish is like say 10 is native and 7 is fluent 5
Kirara 🚗
hmm, is cutting hair a common occupation for kurds?
seems to be
Kirara 🚗
hmm maybe then they do seem to do fashion haircuts here
Kirara 🚗
one of these guys looks italian like a generic movie Italian
Kirara 🚗
hmm, maybe not kurdish the language sounds semitic
it was jordan arabic that explains why i didn't recognize it there were some hints of french influence that confused me but i guess that's how jordan arabic is
Though considering barbershops are heavily present in urban areas urban areas got hit most hard so that would mean most of them would have lost their homes and businesses
The weather here went from cold and rainy to warm, humid, and rainy over the course of one week. We had like a single week of spring. At least leaves are budding again at long last. I've missed the greenery.
>>489948 i want to bring him on trips eventually but he's going to take a lot of training and acclimation before he can i plan to work on it this summer
>>489951 well make sure you bring enough clothes and everything i'm going to have two pairs /// two outfits for camping and one for flying back so i don't have smelly clothes on the way back
you don't need to bring shampoo or body soap or anything like that
i've got cups for us, the kettle, some pots, a shovel, a saw, a compass, the tent, rainfly for the tent, and a stove we'll have to get fuel because i don't want to bring a gas tank on a plane or even try to
Yeah that would have probably been a bad idea even pre-9/11. Gas tanks are pretty safe and well-sealed but that sounds like a stupid risk to take for flight companies.
There really ought to be no challenge finding an outdoors store or camping goods out that way anyway.
I do some human factors work and a few years ago I was working with this aeronautics engineer and a programmer on some automated weight distribution mechanism for small planes, and we were reviewing incident reports of plane crashes, and there were quite a few (relatively) that just like, burst into flames, and it turned out someone had brought fuel or something and the pressure changes caused it to explode i don't think it happens every time but i'm kind of paranoid about it now haha
The pressure changes would make the fuel more Fuck I can't remember the word Anyways it would make it vaporize more easily so then the vapor can be ignited from sparks or even just hot electrical components
Kirara 🚗
>>489956 Yeah, like I figured, stupid risk. It's the kind of thing that, sure, it doesn't happen often, but if it does happen it's REALLY BAD, so why even take the risk.
Also tars are not compressed files Tar takes a bunch of shit and turns it into one file so it can be put onto a backup tape. Its a portmanteau of Tape and archive. While gzip can only compress a single file. So you tar the directory with the files and then gzip that. That's the origin of tar.gz
I'm setting my email to auto-respond to everyone informing them I'm on vacation and can't respond. Hopefully that will clear up some of the stuff that got me in trouble last time I decided not to check my email for a while.
>>489982 normal type - hairs can be found in both wild and urban regions, their large hair offers them good camouflage. Can be known to hide in people's hairs chesthair - the growth of the body of a hair has a faster growth rate than its fur, however its increased bulk allows it to protect itself easily nesthair - a fully grown nesthair is known to let flying pokemon nest in its fur, the pokemon groom its fur for parasites while the nesthair offers them protection
toof - a ghost/rock pokemon. When a tooth falls from a human or pokemon in ghost pokemon heavy areas, sometimes the tooth become haunted. They are known to try to attach themselves to the mouths of other pokemon teef - when a toof that has attached itself to a mouth encounters another toof, it will try to defend its "home", which sometimes leads to them merging into a new creature. Now cannibalistic, it preys on other toof and teef Threef - a teef that has eaten enough toofs and teefs and grown a "third head". It is speculated that given enough time, a threef could form a pile of countless "toofs"
If I find a twitter client on google play that's better than the default and under 10 bucks I'm buying it
Gimp - dark/poison - an ekans that has adapted to living in severs. a gimp has a thick layer of outer covering protecting its entire body from the toxins, only opening slightly at mouth to feed Bodosomo - to better protect itself from even more polluted grounds, bodosomo has now become blind and evolved instead more mouths, to better feed on any nutrients it encounters
Damp - water/normal - a sad pokemon, it is born very happy and merry, but as it encounters sadness the bucket like growth on its head increases in size soak'd - depressed pokemon, now fully entrenched in sadness, the pokemon only seeks to prolong its misery drown'd - water/ghost - once the bucket becomes too large for the pokemon to move, it will remain stationary untill it dies of hunger
flatpak - normal/grass - this herbivore pokemon has adapted to eating human made fibers, it disguises itself as boxes, so people would throw clothes inside it, that it can then consume wardroab - fully grown, the pokemon now invades people's houses and tries to trick them into feeding it directly
>>489997 I'm okay! I'm just hanging out. Waiting for my clothes to dry so I can finish packing. Fish is en route to Nigeria. It's so quiet around the house.
roadkill - ghost/fairy - a fairy pokemon ran over by a car, despite its nature it is still friendly towards humans roadking - a roadkill that hs been consumed by hate towards humans, known to be very aggressive
egg - bug - a breakfast pokemon, it parasites inside humans and thus tries to get itself eaten. Even sliced and digested, the eggs it carries will survive. Baconeg - a baconeggs flesh is very delicious, but hard to prepare as the eggs it carries are even more resilient Fullenglish - a culinary delicacy sought after, but only prepared by few. A badly prepared fullenglish will result in life long infestation of egs
>>489998 Oh, did she leave today? I couldn't remember when that was supposed to be. I think the trip will make her stronger, which is good.
dukburg - bug/poison - trash pokemon it eats thrown out food, but despite its apetiting appearance is extremely poisonous. Known to prey on egs quakstak - the limbs of it can be extracted and eaten, but are generally not considered a delicacy, the pokemon grows more limbs endlessly and naturally sheds them, however they are not edible.
>>490001 Yup. Just me tonight! I'm leaving at 6am tomorrow. My flight leaves at that time, that is. I hope it'll help her be more confident. I think the meido she's with will be a decent companion for her at least. I hope she doesn't like Nigeria more than she likes living with me!
>>490004 You don't think so? Lagos is on the water, too! Yeah. I fly in at 8am tomorrow and Jan gets in around 9pm. So I'll be fucking around for like 12 hours in Nevada. Then we'll sleep at a hotel for the night and tomorrow morning, we'll head over to Zion.
We're gonna do a night or two in Zion and then head over to Bryce Canyon, probably.
bee - bug - a cute pokemon very friendly to humans, however they will still defend their nests beeeee - a bee that has stung an invader and got stuck, to escape it elongigates itself and grows more wings untill it can detach itself
Kirara 🚗
probably sucks people's souls out through its stinger though
But imagine a parasitic creature that disguises itself as most common food items to lay its eggs inside you or a pokemon that eats our junk foods and looks like it to camouflage itself
The guy who cut my hair earlier was pretty weird. I think he was an ex-con. He kept talking about how shitty the cops are and how he keeps getting in trouble for "bullshit" like driving with a suspended license. We talked shit about bosses, too.
He was kind of sexist, too, haha. He was asking me how the girls at my school were and when I said my program was like 95% women, he was like, "aww yeah, that's nice" And kept commenting on how my school has lots of hot girls.
He did a pretty good job, though, and knew his stuff.
>>490014 The guy that cut my hair was a white dude, actually. He was telling me he doesn't always understand his boss because his boss speaks Arabic and is from Jordan.
Oh yeah there is also the "do as in this pic" thing too I just describe a rough layout and see how they interpret it and then based on that decide do I come there again
I probably won't go back if I find someone I know I can consistently get appoints with but overall I was pleased with the experience
Some guy walked in a told a joke It went like, so this lady goes to her doctor, and she complains that her husband's dick is too big so it always hits her liver, and the doctor said "should we shorten his dick?" and she said "no, i want you to move my liver"
it wasn't very funny but everyone started laughing hysterically
I just waltz into the shops ever since I started paying for my own hair cuts
>>490055 not if i TAKE AWAY YOUR HANDS or tie you up or something i could hang you with paracord i guess
>>490056 if you're going to hang me you have to promise to hang me with piano wire and glue my hands to my head so my head gets cut off and it looks bad ass
Because if you do that, bigger and scarier people will eventually scalp and behead you. Everyone wants to be the one doing violence and no one wants to be the one having violence visited upon them.
>>490078 jan and i already long for the sweet kiss of death so when they finally come to get us we'll happily die in battle and go to valhalla or something
>>490091 non, non I also have a proper appreciation for karma and poetic justice. When someone lives by the sword, they have to die by the sword. You can't just confine them. I wouldn't let you have such an unbalanced fate.
>>490088 Probably less than 30 Most are super cheap
Here's the cockroach, I got it in the little blind box thing. I hap hoped I would get the Saber one but I didn't. Also this is not my pic, mine is still unassembled in the plastic bag.
Well, "unassembled" It's just not on the stand and not holding the bag.
>>490083 >>490094 no need to worry rika when there are no more people left to kill i will slay imats and then fall on my own sword i'll put an end to this rotten world
Hrrm I might keep that revoltech box out and put the figure on the desk I'm getting soon.
i am so fucking bad at killing the soul eaters wtf
wtf ribs don't have eyes
oh this one had a pillar next to him for easy cover haha
Kirara 🚗
>>490110 just fuckin throw your axe at their heart dude
i bought these lollipops but they're TOO BIG i can't just hold it in my mouth because then it just rests on my teeth this isn't what i wanted i wanted something comfortable to suck on, not lick on
>>490125 i'd hate to be the guy who ate 3lbs of gummy worm 6 hours later doing that's got to mess you up internally
i'd imagine he throws it back up for most other food challenges it's probably fine to let it pass, but you can really fuck up your body with that much sugar
Well after this non-weekend, I'll have 24 more hours saved that I can use for anything. I only have four vacation days until next May. So I have to do overtime to grab more Koi time.
>>490170 I knew I should be suspicious of her taking my boy's arrows
Kirara 🚗
idk she actually didn't do anything wrong i don't think i just don't like her really
but atreus does so you gotta deal with it for his sake
bitch took my green arrows and spat on my cool severed head
meme-ir didn't deserve it :(
Kirara 🚗
mimir is the best
mimir tells the best stories like that time that all the gods gathered together to laugh at a drunk mentally challenged giant manchild
pls do not bully the giants
Kirara 🚗
>>490179 the sequel to that story was really good too
as an archivist, i'm so glad that videos like this exist >>>/watch?v=EZJAtkqiV8U everyone's stupid videos of social function in decades past that they never thought would mean anything they're the most valuable things we have now
>>490182 >why can't we play out there with the other children
gay culture in the '80s was a lot more sophisticated than i expected i always got the impression it was just a drug-filled shitshow nelson and dick made me feel a lot better
>>490204 >>490203 i wish people were this friendly at 7-11 today also they have the slurpee machine behind the counter so customers can' t let their kids make their own slurpee and get fucking slurpee shit EVERYWHERE ALL DAY
>>490209 no back in the 80s that's how it was in modern 7-11 it's always public access which is fuckin gay i'm not retarded dude i can mix two slurpee flavors together if you ask
>>490208 sweet dreams dick i sure hope you have some nice dreams about the super highway
>>490209 just use a ratio dude it's not rocket science like 30/30/40 or something
you're right it's slurpee science
>>490207 not that i've ever even had a slurpee in my whole gay life, but i'm always turned off from even walking towards that shit when there's sticky sugary slop everywhere i don't wanna step in it an dhave my shoes be shit all day
>>490216 nobody does it's right in front of the only path behind the counter to the rest of the store so i have to mop it like 50 times a day
>>490202 >you enjoy that sugar, don't eat it all in one place
>>490202 the guy actually annoys me a little bit i feel like he's on something, considering it's 2:30am on vacation near disneyworld he's willfully making some people uncomfortable, and while they do turn around and go along with it and it's fine, i really don't like people doing that i have shit like that happen to me when i'm just at a store trying to buy some batteries or something and someone's way overly chatty and wants to tell jokes and engage while waiting in line -- not normal chitchat but like showy flashy want some attention from everybody stuff man i'm just here to get my batteries can you eat a dick or two
>>490219 he's probably not on anything but the blonde haired guy with his girlfriend is coked out of his mind for sure
>>490222 a group of young adults taking a vacation to disneyworld and then making a run to 7-11 at 2:30am in the mid '80s
def coke
I prefer atk coke
spd coke is the optimal strat
hp coke where it's at you cannot fight the wall >>490228 no it stops here
are we gonna go through all of them
>>490158 the point is that they aren't supposed to be visible in the log and for reasons unknown for a period of time, they were visible so anyone working at twitter could have potentionally seen anyone's account deets
so am guessing either some crypting issue or it forwarded the passwrords to a wrong loaction or something isn't it fun how you can trust these big companies to always keep you secure
>>490231 hey i was wonderin about your heating blanket it's been pretty cold up here and i might need to get me somethin like that yours was pretty good right, is it expensive are the cheaper ones trash
>>490232 I think mine was like 150 give or take. It's nice, it works really well. I don't know how cheaper ones are. This is the only electric blanket I've ever had. I tried it on a whim.
>>490233 what brand is it? does it provide some smooth warmth without being a sweat oven? is it timed to go on/off or is it just low output all night
I'd really like to get one of those Purple brand mattresses too but they're like 700 bucks after rebate and that's not cheap for me i'd have to save up
Those purple mattresses are made from some polymer mesh so the mattress breathes and it doesn't have readjustment issues like memfoam i think that's really cool, since the hard part of laying down for long periods is having your skin suffocate on the point of contact and having the mattress get hot in the back while your front is still cold if i had that and a heating blanket i dont think i'd ever leave the bed >>490239 probably hot enough on max settings that you wouldn't want it in direct contact with you those settings are more for if you want a few blankets of insulation and then have it on top to pump some heat through >>490241 a purple mattress? i really want one
my roommate has one of those it looks pretty comfy
yeah the mattress
have you sat/laid on it at all
yes but not for any really significant amount of time it's comfortable but I don't know how it would feel after sleeping on it a few hours
you should try and sneak into his bed so you can try it
he's out of the country for a week or two he probably wouldn't care
oh well there you go sleep in his bed and report back with an unbiased review
thing abouyt mass effect 2 was, that after you got the "portable nuke" you pretty much get to fire it about 4 times max it just uses too much ammo and the special ammo is damn scarce
I've been invited to hang out with a bunch of people and I'm anxious as hell. I was being polite but I can't help be feel like I made a mistake and should have avoided saying it would be nice to go out. >>490304 Well I can't, I would require their transport to get back home and everything. It terrifies me that I'll will be hanging out with people. I f I was with someone I knew I would be calmer but right now, I feel ill.
>>490303 how did it happen? is it people you met, or associates of your mom's or something? you'll be fine! you're not the only person in the world who has anxiety, and they'll understand! just don't feel like you're a freak for being a little anxious, and ease into it you'll calm down and it'll be easier than you think
>>490305 It's my mom's partners side family. I feel just terrified that I'll be a situation that I can escape. I don't enjoy social situations, I mean I can get along with people but its work with people I haven't known for a long time. I wish I didn't say I felt stuck where I was, they kindly offered to take me out to places and try out things and I said that sounds neato.
>>490308 I can't help this feeling like dizziness, I know that it might be fun and I'll get to do things instead being stuck not seeing anything new but I just wish I had soemone I knew with me. so I can just retreat them.
>>490307 look at it this way you'll get a chance to experience some of the US that you haven't been able to you're out traveling! enjoy the chance to experience something new even if it costs a little social anxiety, it's probably worth it! wouldn't you feel worse if you went back to england and didn't get to do anything while here
>>490307 remember your breathing! you're dizzy because you're anxious and your heart rate's up do some jumping jacks, get that oxygen flowing into the brain so it can think clearly, and you'll be solid! it happens to me all the time
i wish i could be there to help ya out with the retreat and exit strategy, but i'm sure you won't need it anyway you can pretend i'm there and retreat to me in your own brain if you want it sounds dumb, but i use my brain as private space when i'm in socially anxious situations, and put the rest of stuff on autopilot it works!
Focus on the things they're showing you to try out and think less about the people themselves And just fill empty space and silences by asking about the places themselves if you feel like you have to
It sounds weird I guess but I've never proactively made friends with anyone in public, people always come up to me. so the situation where I'm with completely strangers so new to me, like I I've always had a friend I know with me. Suddenly people wanting give me an experience of santa fe and american want to take me out and I can't polite refuse.
And I can properly read their expressions and moods, I can't tell if they are upset or just agreeing with what I've said. *can't I've always known I'm either completely independant or close to one person and don't stray from them. Moe is such a good place for me, Haha. I don't know where else I'd be able to try and relax and talk about this feeling of stress.
reading expressions and moods is so contextual when you're neutral and reactionary, rather than momentous and proactive, then it's impossible to read that context because there's too many variables to consider but if you've already got some momentum in your own expression in mood and a little bit of resiliency, it doesn't matter as much what their mood or expression is
that sounds a little inconsiderate, but it's not they're also feeding off of your energy with their mood , so if there's some intertia, they can deflect it a lot easier and connect with what you're trying to do and where you're going
my verbiage is a little weird, but just ease up and it makes things easier for both sides it's okay to be anxious, everyone is don't let it cause you to freeze up though
I act like I'm doing well in a social situation, so people think I'm comfortable. on the inside I'm not terribly comfortable. I think I understand what you are saying. I also just think I don't know them well enough to understand how they process things.
And Americans are super different. they can't either really blunt or say things which sound sarcastic but they actually mean it.
Thanks for all the advice moe. It's really calming. My stomach is painful right now, I'm trying to calm down. I just acted like I was in England and expected to be in a context I was familiar with and suddenly. people are friendly enough that they want to take me around, I'm like AHHH NO. I'M REQUIRED TO BE SOCIAL.
And if worst comes to worst, just remember! A few hours of a single day is nary much time at all. And there's a possiblity you might never have to see these people again.
>>490315 you don't have to understand how other people process things! it's okay that's what's potentially fun about meeting people is getting to interact with processes you don't know they don't know yours either, and that's totally fine don't feel like you have to be conforming to some mood or mentality around a group of people the americans don't understand each other much better than you understand them either, they're all just kind of doing their own things and nobody's gonna expect you to be a 100% fit in personality in a foreign country around new people you're being overly critical of yourself here
and don't be afraid to just say you're a little nervous being in a different country and not knowing how things go here if you get in a pinch people will understand that for sure they probably already expect that
It's so scary though, Its been a super long time that I've felt this anxious. I was really anxious throught the airport but a nice mexican lady helped me out which was so easy.
>>490320 I am a little worried about if they can take me home if I feel overanxious, I don't want to spoil their day and I'm far out so they'd have make the time to take me home. Even in England I've suddenly decide to leave a friends and go on a 4 hour train journey home. It just a little scary knowing that I can't just get on a train or bus home and hide in my bed for a bit to relax.
If I do go out in american I the future, I hope I can hang out with you moon, I think it'd easy to relax and enjoy. and we've talked loads about places to go to and stuff to see.
just remember to breathe, and remind yourself that you'll head home before the night is done and you can relax breathe deep if you feel like you're gonna panic and just fade the moment there's nothin to worry about
Thanks, I feel a bit better now. sometimes after these bouts of anxiety I feel like I don't understand where they come from. The build up so intense and then when the situation is gone and over I know I feel relieved its gone and I find it hard to recreate the feeling of anxiety to understand it. It just happens and I feel unprepared for it.
I really appreciate the advice and ability to talk.
>>490329 the left and right brain have trouble communicating sometimes because they're using different encoding on their signals sometimes we get a little backed up when approaching a task we're not familiar with and the two brains haven't figured out how to cooperate their signaling for how they each organize the relevant information
imagine a dance duo who each knows their own choreography but not each other's and then tries to perform they're gonna stumble a lot and get irritated with each other until they find each other's rhythm it's kind of like that in our brains, and we get cluttered breathe, be patient, and try to loosen the friction which makes it worse