Cardcaptor Comic Girls Cooking with Shirou Gegege no Kitarou --Episode 305 Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi Megalo Box Nil Admirari no Tenbin --Episode 2-4 Rokuhoudou --Episode 3-4 Tada-kun wa Koi wo Shinai WotaKoi
is rokuhoudou worth picking up?
i'm going to bed early to get ready for my flight tomorrow enjoy you're anime
>>490274 I think it's pretty nice. Definitely skewed towards a female viewerbase with a cast of mostly prettyboys. But they don't go for fujobait and most of the show is just comfy tea shop owning and making visually stunning Japanese-style desserts. If you're looking for more things this season to pick up it might be worth a test drive.
that sounds right up my alley, thank you i will pick it up and maybe join next week's viewing
Coolio! We do watch the show with Jan though, so watching more than what we have will be on hold until he gets back from kyamping.
Oh there's no ika yet. Let me turn on the ika signal.
Megalo Box is something we only need the three of us for I think. Jan watches it with someone else. Though either way we won't have him for a few nights, so.
We're five episodes in and we haven't even hit the actual Megalovania yet. There's still only one cour confirmed for this show, I wonder if they're holding on the second for a split-cour announcement or waiting to see the sales. Of -Or if the actual tournament will be more fast-paced.
The colours in this show are really desaturated. I guess that goes for some people but I don't really like it. It also makes the skin tones in the show all super-pale and almost pallid. I'd rather have a bit of vibrancy.
Some of these guys are a bit much, and some of them are a bit nothing.
>>490334 Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi? It's writted for an older crowd I think. This one is probably just an otome game adaptation, the other one is an LN series written for a college-age demographic.
yeah i think thats it
She has a strip of colour highlighter her chest. How silly.
You can tell it's aimed at a younger audience because it has some dumb mascot character.
I think the nerdy girl is cuter in normal mode than she is in idol mode.
I'm not really big on the braid/glasses thing. Though I guess it's consistent over both her modelling and normal outfits. Actually just the braid. Either way she's not really someone I pay much attention to because of those things.
Who bathes with their glasses on. Why are they BOTH bathing with their glasses on.
I've never understood how a people who live in a part of the world that gets insanely hot and humid during the summer could become so incapacitated soaking in bathwater like this.