Thread #483026
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Hisone to Masotan Comic Girls Gegege no Kitarou --Episode 3-4 Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi Mahou Shoujo Ore --Episode 3-4 Megalo Box Nil Admirari no Tenbin --Episode 2-3 Rokuhoudou --Episode 2-3 Steins Gate 0 Tada-kun wa Koi wo Shinai Uma Musume --Episode 2-5 WotaKoi
Moshi moshi
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okay let's see what do we want to watch tonight?
It's hard to pass up Megalo Box. If we don't have an immediate Jan we could start with Steins;Gate too since we don't miss out on him for that.
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okay where is Jan though? steins gate mahou shoujo ore megalo box is comic girls acutally new? we just watched it if not watakoi
I'unno. Might be either MonHun or Dad of War.>>483063 Comic Girls airs today, so yeah, this is a new episode.
I want to wathc wotakoi
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okay steins gate mahou shoujo ore megalo box watakoi yeah setings gate okay lets start!
Are we just gonna orange for Steins;Gate then?
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sorry someone was distracting me
>Okarin already has someone he likes Yeah and she's DEAAAAD
I wonder when World War III kicks off. This is supposed to be a BAD END after all.
Pocket Kurisutiina
The little one has a really cluttered desktop on her laptop.
Suzu's soldier training gets a bit in the way, huh.
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Guess her plan to avoid her didn't work so hot.
Well Suzu's not running off immediately. So the plan isn't totally failing.
Well her second theory wasn't entirely wrong, in a way. Oh but her third theory was accurate.
This professor is a bit of a dangerous person.
This must sound pretty weird for Mayushii though.
Things were kind of going well for a little bit.
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stuff never goes well for long mahou shoujo ore which episode are we on okay lets start
Episode three.
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oh accidentally downloaded the 1080p version
Oh no how terrible.
She's really trying to rationalize this. Oh shit her friend is doubling down on it.
>As we sing and dance, our shoes ring out What.
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Oh turning into a guy's made her AGGRESSIVE.
ATATATATATATATATATA What is this First of the North Star fighting style.
>>483121 Are you okay.
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>>483124 oh yeah I'm fine someone was distracting me but it's finally taken care of.
Did you make sure the topsoil doesn't look like it was terribly disturbed?
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I'm probably going to be watching megalo box with someone else btw I was hunting with imats though
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Just watch it twice~
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wow did you just tilde at me
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wow that was violent
This series is bizarre.
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megalo boxing! okay lets start!
>Gearless Joe >Literally has no Gear The madman.
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wow, did not expect that
It's a little weird though. They had the plot from last episode to recruit the mechanic kid into their team, presumably to maintain Joe's Gear. And now he's fighting Gearless.
how long until comic girls?
>>483145 i figure he'll get upgraded roboarms eventually
>>483147 Sixteen minutes. Plus however long it takes for Rika and Ika to stop being distracted.>>483148 Yeah I expect it too.
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yeah, about 18 minutes
One hit and he's already so out of it.
Concussions are serious shit.
I guess the kid is earning his salt though.
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Looks like it wasn't a concussion, it was just fear. They did a good job making me think it was a concussion.
I mean I'd still insist a concussion was definitely a part of that.
That sustained note in the OST during that last bout was so good. The production for this series is so amazing.
Oh man it's Prince Zuko.
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This was good. We're doing watakoi and not comic girls though aren't we?
Oh right, that's how it ended up being decided.
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Can Jan Watakoi as well? Or does he not watch that?
He's definitely watched it with us.
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okay then watakoi okay it's okay we're ready now! let's start!
Muzukashii shi>>483186 I think Rika originally had it in mind but Squid wanted WotaKoi. All the good shows this season kind of come at you in bulk on a few days of the week.
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i had to download it i thought we were doing comic girls
Naru's faces are so good in this series. The anime's done a good job on adapting them.
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>When your boyfriend helps you finish drawing your fujo doujinshi
he's an awesome editor because he treats it like a game or something i bet
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Pikkushivu Poor Hirotaka.>>483199 >A NEW CHALLENGER APPROACHES
That shriek was amazing.
Comiket is so fun though. Even if it's packed beyond human sanity.
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Choosing a workplace close to where you live actually does heavily reduce stress and life disatisfaction. I guess chosing a place to live close to your workplace kind of works out the same.
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Oh man her seiyuu CAN really roll her Rs. I'm totally envious.
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Yeah, I can't do that.
Oh they're keeping the Wii bits. I was wondering if they're update that to Switch controllers. I guess you couldn't get Narumi's terrible wheel handling with the Switch though.
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me on the left
>>483226 Me on the right.
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Mario kart is so fun.
Except I'm totally not that good at Mario Kart, hah hah.
The off couple in this series is super adorable.
Wow Hirotaka's got Negima figurines. Talk about a past from the blast.
And Yu-Gi-Oh! cards.
>Naru's the one that got Hirotaka on his otaku spree It's like poetry/
>Punch me! >Okay
I love Hirotaka's embarassed thing where he puts his hands under his glasses.
See? Super adorable.
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cute stuff
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>>483239 it's gonna smudge though
>>483243 Yeah I know, that thought always comes to me when he does it too. But it's still adorable of him.
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thanks for anime! that was a good ep
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wow he's a fucking genius except what if someone found out he hid his porn in his bro's desk
Then he gets to take over as the sempai at work. IIE SEMPAI, I AM THE SEMPAI NOW.
this shows good
It's a really nice series. I'm happy it's gotten an anime.
Grand Blue is getting an anime next season too. All we need would be Dungeon Meshi to get an anime and most of the stuff I'd wish you people would get to see would be adapted.