Thread #482217
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cream cheese bagel
Osoi yo
Hisone to Masotan Caligula Gegege no Kitarou --Episode 3-4 Hinamatsuri Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi Last Period Mahou Shoujo Ore --Episode 3-4 Nil Admirari no Tenbin --Episode 2-3 Rokuhoudou --Episode 2-3 Steins;Gate 0 Tokyo Ghoul re Uma Musume --Episode 2-5
I had it prepared.
i have hinamatsuri, last period, tokyo guru, caligula, hisone to masotan
Yeah there's plenty of things we can watch with you tonight.
i have everything on that list except uma musume and steins;gate actually but it was getting a little silly
Yeah, I figured so. It's been a few seasons since we've had a consistent fourth along for anime.
if you don't have a fourth wheel the car is hard to turn
Instead you just gotta drive one of those motored tricycles.
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okay tokyo ghoul caligula hinamatsuri last period
Is Ika going to be along soon?
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where is ika
Osoi yo
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kita ready for tokyo ghoul kaneki-kun
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tokyo ghoul! okay lets start!
Reaaaady Since this season is one-cour and there's way more content than that in the re manga to date, I wonder if they do a second season, if they'll just call it Tokyo Ghoul re:re
>>482237 Tokyo Ghoul reeeee
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>>482240 Oh shit it's Scarecrow.
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This show really was best when Kaneki was max edge.
That one guy isn't as clowny as the other two.
With Kaneki I thought one-eyed ghouls were supposed to be rare freaks of existence. They seem to be more commonplace two or three years later.
>Such a beautiful girl here Is this clown just lazy with checking the goods or is he trying to scheme the auction.
Also the little brat kind of reminds me of one of the GATE girls in crossdress.
he's just clowning around
Moves fast for a chubby woman.
Most of the Doves are pretty bad at fighting ghouls. They're supposed to be a trained elite group for that purpose and they kind of end up like mooks.>>482253 Yeah I thought that was a neat touch.
just like papa
are you okay bro
He seems alive-ish for now.
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THat trap is a real case of draw a girl, call it a boy.
I don't even know if they've called it a boy though. I think the series has had fun leaving the gender pretty much entirely ambiguous.
They're definitely more feminine than otherwise though. But there's still room for leniency.
Oh boy time for SCREECH PV.
>Another one-eyed ghoul So much for Kaneki being a special snowflake.
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caligula okay lets start!
crazy people the anime
Time to enter The Matrix.
Well this certainly helps comprehending the reveals of last episode.
now i understand
it all makes sense
i just need to take more drugs
How teenage-girl-poi. Can't bring herself to shatter her cellphone.
Oh shit. Time keeps on slippin' Slippin'
This edgelord looks like he belongs in the previous show.
This guy isn't really getting a hint.
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This show is so weird. I guess it's about to get really crazy.
I'm hoping it'll be pure trainwreck. Like a proper Sunrise trainwreck. Though since there's not enough "real" people for them to genocide it'll probably not be that cuhrazee.
They were so wrapped up in their own thoughts they didn't catch the other wasn't all glitched up. Oh time went on slippin' Slippin' again.
These other girls aside from the evil one and the two normal ones are kind of werid. Weird even.
>The names of flowers >Snapdragon
Oh shit that's actually a flower. I thought it was a cellphone processor reference because that girl is always on her phone.
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oh gosh this is so cringy
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me trying to figure out this show
This is a pretty creepy tea party.
Damn that is a lot of sugar.
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What the hell.
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yep it got weird
I mean this was already pretty weir- Okay.
Oh there she goes.
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So u is a bit of a genie huh. You got to be careful what you wish for.
What's with phone-chan though. She seems kind of removed from the conversation even if she can see Himawari freaking out.
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she's blogging this rn
Oh shit. Hah hah hah hah.
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i like phone-chan
Oh I guess that explains it. She wasn't seeing the same shit the people who could already see glitched people were seeing. Has this dork with the floating chibi just been Archer-sitting on this couch ever since inviting the MC to talk with him.
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>>482305 gotta look cool
It's probably been close to like twenty-four hours though. Guy's got dedication.
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pop team epic! hinamatsuri okay lets start!
Yeah, bkub, who draws Pop Team Epic, has been doing all the PVs for this series, for some reason.
Hi na ma tsu ri>>482311 Yeah they're really just skits. But they do have the next episode's episode number and title of some philosopher's quote in them. So they're supposed to kind of serve as a PV.
hanami zucchini>>482309 i'm not sure you can really call them PVs they're kind of funny though at least
Wow it's Kirara.
FUCK The police
Yeah I figured he was a hobo.
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homeless commune time
He's pretty experienced in the ways of being homeless in the big city.
>Making money is hard Fucking sage advice.
musa musa musa
Anzu has a hard life.
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>>482322 it's a hard knock life
>Juice dou dai? >It's coffee
She's got a better attitude than Hina in a lot of ways though.
Nitto is a pretty good guy. Even if he's part of a violent criminal syndicate.
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his heart is thee same color as his hair
Hah hah these adults are vicious.
a fresh start as a homeless girl living the dream>>482329 yakuza shopping district
>Upstanding model student by day >Boozes-slinging bartender by night
1500 yen an hour is pretty good though
This woman is V I C I O U S . Hitomi is well-prepared to combat her though.
>>482333 hitomi is a good girl
She's gonna get schemed though.
So many of the adults in this show are evil. And the one yakuza member we consistently see is the decent one of the lot. Kind of.
Hah hah the teacher can't believe its possible either.
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>>482337 i wouldn't believe it either
This is such a bizarre bar.
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i want to go to the little song
Hina's absolute self-serving nature is a little endearing too. She's gonna trash his place trying to clean it though.
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she's learned respect
Nitta's art collection is the real tragedy of this series.
Wow you can't just cut to the ED like that.
wow what a way to end the episode
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This series really nails its absurdist comedy.
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yeah it's a great comedy it's a little comfy too ready for mobagay
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That episode went by fast. Last Period! This one should be good. okay lets start!
I'm still amazed by how they spoiled the big surprise for this episode in the preview image and episode title from the end of last week's. I didn't catch it at all.
what time
00:45 00:50 00:55
grazie grazie
oh yeah tilderino i had real waffles with real maple syrup earlier it was great turns out you can buy the waffle flour that they use at the merriott hotels in their waffle mix it's called golden malted
Oh that's pretty neat. I think we just make up pancake batter when we're doing waffles here, hah hah. Between homemade and frozen waffles I think they're not too far apart, as long as you defrost the waffles decently. But I can't really hedge on syrup. Having had so much maple syrup growing up, the other syrups just taste kind of weird to me.
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pancake batter and waffle mix are made almost the same way but the golden malted flour gives it a delicious malty flavor >>482358 maple syrup tastes way better than fake syrup but the rest of my family didn't like it that much lol
now take the money and leave fuck the village
MC is too much of a CHAMPION OF JUSTICE to do that.
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>Billhook cleaver
miss memes
She is kind of meme-y.
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so where's the big reveal
>>482368 You're already looking at an off-colour Hanyuu
what the fuck lol
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This was the preview image for this episode last week. This week's episode is even called "Sono Higurashi".
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here we are we even got a mii
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this show is like 100% memes and fanservice
oh she's acting like a main character now
oh the mayor's little brother is a nice guy
Last Period must've had a Higurashi collab or something. Yeah looks like something like that.
They're communicating in their own language. Oh shit the WISEMAN are here to save the day.
that was such a weak waisuman poof
>>482381 USO JA NAI KORA
It's funny that they could only get Yukarin to actually do lines for this episode though. All the other Higurashi characters were mute. Also this third guy who's not with those two anymore was Ryuukishi_07 I'm pretty sure. The guy who writes the When They Cry series. Oh they gave us one last shot of the off-colour Hanyuu.
I guess the off-colour Hanyuu also had a few lines.
ghost hanyuu
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nipah > unyu
You can't beat the Nipah. It's simply the best there is.
thanks for ani me
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nipah is definitely the best thanks for anime
>>482391 arigatomato