>>470295 I had american sized japanese food! portions huge Yakiniku beef with rice and for desert I had tempura coated matcha ice-cream my stomach is dead.
>>470316 i just learned about what skills do what and then figure out what i want a unit to be able to do and put skills on that will make that possible
Kirara 🚗
for now it's probably best to ask for advice and we'll teach you about different skills as we recommend them
>>470316 That's the most fun part Finding out how to torture your enemy
Kirara 🚗
>spend two hours trying to build something >feels like two minutes
Its about a 1gb download for FEH right now. ah shit. I forgot to put it in to JP. since I prefer that
>>470345 it should just be an hour and then you are free. you can also claim to have a tummy bug and stay home? but I think they'd make you go another time instead.
>>470357 I'll tell them about how packs of peanut m&ms are consistently .06 ounces lighter than normal packs of m&ms it's a big conspiracy they'll let me in for sure
Kirara 🚗
>>470359 what the fuck this is crazy why isn't this on the news
mars co. owns the lamestream media rise up people break your chains
yes but all monhun stories are inconsequential this one has more story than all the others but it's still just flavor for the real draw of the game which is fighting big mons with big weaps
there's a story that exists only as motivation to go fight increasingly harder monsters >>470410 it's definitely not on the level of DD at all it's basically if DD ended after grigori and he didn't talk to you at all in the game
>>470411 yeah it's a good thing that wasn't the real final boss or it would have been a huge letdown though the seneschal was pretty boring as a fight as well
matt daimon is a great fight at least >>470417 I literally just waited for my archer and mage to whittle him down because I couldn't reach lol >>470413 good luck finding your japanese waifu
>>470414 why couldn't you hit the legs or climb it or anything >naw just hit the sweet spot on the stomach >with what, my 2hander?
I should finish the game at some point I left it lying after I ran to a giant eyeball boss at that island dungeon, that I couldn't do anything, due to no climbing and no spots i could reach with my sword
do you want to use peri, kannagirin i believe she takes some effort
so a random thought if a self driven car causes an accident, who is to blame? when a car accident happens, it is quite easy to point out the drivers that caused it, but when the car drives itself
Not all car accidents have humans that are to blame though? you can have something fall into the road and cause to cars to hit each other. >>470453 I dunno but you have planes in the sky hundreds of them flying without a pilot controlling them except for take off and landing.
ofc not, but majority are minor issues ofc one can always counter argue with "self driven car won't have the typical kind of car accident" which would be bumber-rear collision
I really scraped the roof of my mouth kind of bad on this pizza. I didn didn't expect the crust to be this stiff.
>>470452 we still blame the pilot if it is pilotical error when they crash or try to find out the technical error that caused the accident and then have commitees etc to figure the whole mess
>>470456 I could add her too, But I'll leave room for a cutie.
The whole idea of two planes crashing into each other In the open sky With all that room Is hilarious
The sky is divided into lots of lines that amount to air highways. These air highways are monitored tirelessly by air traffic control. There is no plane in the air that is unaccounted for. Pilots have to submit flight plans before they are allowed to take off. So it takes an extreme level of negligence for two planes to collide with each other, and it very rarely happens, and when it does, it is clear who is at fault.
It's a little more foggy with cars.
>>470461 and not even on some narrow strait IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DEEP ATLANTIC OCEAN
>we do not need to watch we're we are going sergei >is very big ocean
i like regular tea tea flavored tea is my favorite
>>470494 Is it just peaches that you dislike then? I am not too fond of eating peaches because of how messy they are. Or atleast I can't seem to eat them without getting my hands and face sticky.
>>470514 I was gonna laugh at you but honestly that's pretty smart Every time I eat pizza I bitch about my hands getting all greasy And then my keyboard gets sticky
i eat pizza with my hands and wipe the grease off with a napkin or just hold it with a napkin to avoid getting greasy hands
>>470517 That's disgusting, you touch your keyboard after eating pizza without washing your hands?
>hands greasy I don't think I've had a pizza that was too greasy to touch and eat. Most of mine are // all of mine so far have been nost greasy at all.
how greasy is the american pizza dough really? cause >>470522 I mean i wouldn't use my keyboard or phone without using a napkin, but like super greasy... nah
>>470521 I just wipe them on a towel usuallythen wash my hands when I get up
>>470522 It's not too greasy to touch or eat, I just don't like any grease on my hands.
>>470539 broccoli with cheese is delicious i bet it would be good on pizza too tomato sauce is just another flavor that goes with broccoli
>>470536 You have Hell Pizza, what else do you need?
Pineapple on pizza is pretty weird. I can't stand how sweet it is.
Pineapple on pizza is pretty good
>>470544 ikr I don't even know how this other pizza place even stays in business with Hells around >>470547 I agree I don't understand the people who hate it
Would you eat pizza with peaches on it?
Peaches would probably get gooey but pineapple is firm so I can understand that but it is so sweet it caramelises with the heat too
>>470551 probably not baked peaches doesn't seem like a very good idea
if you're gonna put fruit on it it's gotta be rigid enough to survive in a pizza overn
>>470572 I'm lucky to have advisor Rika around! I'll need to pay attention to more of my lower stars. I've not got a great grasp. I was mostly playing around with cute characters before.
>>470574 Yeah, 4 star heroes can be good. Once you have a lot of feathers you can build a high merge common unit and it will be one of your best units. One of the disadvantage of exclusive characters is that it's hard to build up high merges on them.
>>470585 Yeah, Dorcas is super powerufl. I need to level mine too.
>>470589 I think I have a fair few feathers at this point probably not enough for anything major since I haven't really participated in anything for them.
Entire enemy teams are throwing themselves at dorcas and getting eliminated! and his only low level.
>>470640 My best hero is a +6 Corrin. So that's 140,000 feathers for 7 5 star Corrins.
>>470651 Wow, that is an insane about feathers!. I haven't got anywhere near the amount for that. That SP is really high, it feels a bit disgea like with that 9999 there!
>>470700 maybe the metal makes it taste colder? >>470699 drinks usually have a ml/l measurement as well as oz at least i'm not really sure if other stuff does i don't really look at it after i buy it like i would a bottle or can of something
>>470701 naw even poured in a glass it tastes better I think it is something to do with how the carbonation is fixed and differences in container is like how restaurant served sodas always differ slightly in taste, due to how they mix their stuff or if they get premixed stuff
i imagine sealing it in an aluminum can is a better way to retain carbonation than a plastic cap especially with how roughly drinks are handled in factories and warehouses
>>470703 basically it expands least and can handle most pressure and retains most inside
>>470702 I like boring drinks into glasses sometimes but sometimes they taste nice in a can. I think the container does have some perception to the tast eof the drink. >>470707 Please. No bully. The later it gets the more incomprehensible I am.
But most fun is comparing how the sodas, say coca cola taste in various places like macDs of different countries how much water they use and so on you have the "quality standards" you are supposed to fllow as enacted by coca cola, but as if they are enforced in restaurants and food joints
i pour beer in a glass if it's in a can but drink it from the bottle if it's in a glass bottle if it's in an aluminum bottle then you're a sinner and you're going to hell
>aluminum bottle what in nine hells
Yeah what the hell's an alunimum bott- Actually wait I think I've seen some in Japan. Never to hold beer though.
everything wrong with a plastic bottle combined with everything wrong with a can at least it doesn't taste weird when exposed to sunlight like green bottles
green bottles are the dumbest invention in the history of drinks
i like them because they can be resealed
>>470711 >at least it doesn't taste weird when exposed to sunlight like green bottles wat
Green glass bottles I'd presume? I could see the green glass filtering out some elements of light that might make things weird.
it's because they don't filter out ultraviolet light it makes beer taste bad when it's been in the sun for some reason
>>470718 basically >Certain light sensitive compounds present in hops are the culprit of the skunky aroma which lead to the production of 3-methyl-2-butene-1-thiol (MBT). MBT has an extremely low flavor threshold and is very similar to the compound produced by skunks for defense.
Deviljho first showed up in Tri on the Wii, I believe. Released in 2009. He's a popular monster and fills a fun niche that most others don't really -- the niche of potentially randomly bursting in on a hunt you have for a different monster to screw your day.
I wonder do I have that little "tenshi's journey" art thing even anymore is something I almost ordered from japan
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
after 450 hours i am beginning to get bored with MHW we really need more monster variety here I understand they spent a lot more time on the environment and graphics in this one but the lack of content shows as a result
450 hours in one game is damn much way more than waht I put in on games
it's not really that much compared to how much i played p3rd but i usually put at least 100 hours into whatever i am playing if i actually like it
i'd probably already have the guild card medals all collected if it wasn't for some of them being stupid ass rare endemic life you need to be a black ops pro to even get near
my dough is rising right now I hope the bread tastes okay
>>470749 my dad was giving my little brothers a speech about respecting women and I burst out laughing and had to describe that one meme with obiwan and anakin
>>>/@nytimes/985302972900003840?s=19 >self-immolation >nobody saw it happen >in a park >prominent pro-lgbtq lawyer >"we found a note so it's suicide" fuck cops
damn episode 13 was some good shit I can see where this is going
Kirara 🚗
13 was best episode
wait I just noticed horriblesubs has subs for the OP in FranXX did CR start subbing them now?
Earlier when it was first airing something something there was a discussion and I said "Zero Two strikes me as a character I would like" and you disagreed saying there was someone else who you felt I would like with a generalization of what I tend to like.
yeah dedicated is a good word for him I hope he rejects her so hard
yeah I bet you'd like the worst girl ToN
Kirara 🚗
oh yeah i think he'll like her
>>470808 he keeps betraying my expectations i always expect him to just go with the flow and be a depressed loser but he actually goes so hard despite his demeanor
i had a horrifying dream that there was a duck with no eyes and no bill following me around it was a gruesome thing i dunno why i get dreams like that prolly from not taking my anxiety meds
Kirara 🚗
damn yo
what a fowl dream id tell you to see a therapist but hes probably just a quack
without using google, can you name a living scientist a /sci/ question redirected just doin a query
Michu Kaku? Or however that's spelled
Kirara 🚗
what are we defining as scientist any researcher that uses the scientific method?
that's the underlying question being looked at in asking this what people think counts i would say a career researcher that is involved in the application of scientific method yeah >>470856 i dunno if kaku is actually a scientist the most common answers seem to be kaku, tyson, bill nye, dawson, jane goodall >>470859 i can name a bunch of them just by thinking of my physics faculty at uni >>470860 i don't think he's ever been a scientist tbh i think he's always been an educator >>470859 -- i can't particularly think of ones that other people would recognize off the top of my head though
Kirara 🚗
i can name a few then victoria follette, edna foa, off the top of my head
I'm not sure if Tyson is like, active in research or if he's just a pop sci educator person now
>>470879 Well, I lied to a very nice pastor about going to church. The church was small, but everyone was very friendly. They were excited to have guests, and gave us lunch, but it was mostly tonkatsu, so I pretended I was fasting for blood work. The pastor praised me for my patience in being able to sit and talk with everyone while there was so much good food around and for not giving into temptation.
There was a lot of music. The pastor played guitar a lot. There was a lot of singing in Korean. The pastor spoke in Korean and in English so we were able to understand what was going on.
Is "you are the fragrance of God" a normal Christian greeting?
Yeah, they said we become good smelling to God and Christ when we allow Them into our hearts. And then we got introduced to everyone and everyone shook our hands and told us we were the fragrance of God.
at least conquest is “wait for free stuff” i guess
federal tax amount is $3,760 fuck man that's as much as i made in the last three and a half months
and i have to pay 200 dollars just to file ive got like 500 dollars to get me through the month and i have to move in like a week can't i get a break jesus christ
that's rough anon-san hope you survive
oh boy my state requires tax payment by check and i have no checking account this system is so fucked
If Rika is around the front page needs a clean.
oh even better i didnt check what it is but im sure its just peachy
nice meanwhile ”yeah stay right there inigo” ”you sure ton that seems like a-“ ”yeah youre fine” ”okay hut what about l” >Sigure smashes Inigo into paste oops
>>470904 i feel like i'm having an aneurysm trying to read this post
>>470911 once ypu have some really well made units things will fall into place
Kirara 🚗
there's a big difficulty curve, yeah once you get the resources you need to get past it, things become more about how to do something than whether or not you can they give out orbs so often that it's not too hard to build resources now
the maps with restricted spacing tend to be a lot more interesting of a challenge i think robin's GHB map for instance, especially the all-cav challenge
I can take the camps but the forts feel impossible to get.
on the rival domains? do you have us on your friends list you can use ally heroes in that mode so you could borrow my robin and kirara's alm to help you out
Kirara 🚗
ive got hector up right now but you can use him yeah i should have you added, i never deleted you
>Friends Helped: 106 wha how is this even possible
my friend code is 3480159727
Kirara 🚗
>>470919 every instance that they go into battle with robin, it counts
>>470917 My team is mostly ally teams I only have mostly moes on my team
>>470923 i dont think i have you added i did when i first downloaded the game but that was on my tablet i had to restart >>470921 use my frobin she's a really joyful addition to the team
Kirara 🚗
what does your box of characters look like, kannagi?
the irs rejected my tax filing because the AGI for 2016 didn't match what they had on file when i filed last year turbotax double-charged me but never filed so they didn't have anything on file lol fuck my shitty life
oh no do you need a lawyer or something or you just have to pay whatever they say?
Kirara 🚗
what happens now?
i just reset my AGI to 0 and re-file and i'll still have to file for 2016 sometime since i guess i never did but that will cost more than i can afford just to file let alone the actual tax payments i'll call up the irs later on and let em know i'm havin trouble sorting everything out and they'll help me through it just annoying
>>470931 hoping they'll work with me a bit hopefully they'll realize i'm just a poor peasant struggling to survive and not some fraudster trying to cheat on my taxes they've got bigger fish to fry
Kirara 🚗
>>470934 just your normal box, the characters you have which 5*s do you got
>>470936 oops mislink >>470941 She is so powerful! Nothing can stop her, I really like using her. >>470939 Danke! >>470940 Rika gave me some team composition advice yesterday. I haven't played too much so I guess I've missed out a lot of orbs to get more 5*s
But CD skills are some of the best skills in the game. Even if you don't use the unit, you can just feed them. This is legitimately one of the best banners
I have a lot of missions that give out orbs still so I can probably get a few
Kirara 🚗
wrath is good and steady breath is good, but they're not worth risking not getting new units that will have powercreep skills
>>470954 The risk of not getting one is the same as not getting the new units so I can't agree with this. That is, outside of the Legendary banners but those will only have one new unit and a bunch of other may be good 5*s This is one of the only banners where I want to roll more than two colors.
I counted up all the orbs I could possibly get from the Quests and Missions and it is a total of 85 right now but am not sure how quickly I can get them all!
Kirara 🚗
>>470957 flashing blade is super limited in who you can put it on i don't have as much use for that as i do the others and even wrath, i don't have much use for unless i can get some other incredibly rare skills
>>470958 is that counting paralogues and book II? and all three difficulties? some things might not appear until you finished others i think i got like 300-ish orbs just from book II and paralogues the blessings maps have some 5-orb missions too >>470961 FIVE GOOOOOLDEN RINGS
in my gc world sharena is getting utterly ravaged she's about to have no areas left idk what happens then >>470974 same i havent been that interested in it kinda timely
>Etrian Mystery Dungeon is primarily redone tracks from EO games >"Well gee what else can they put in?" >redone versions of incomplete tracks only heard on the bonus cds whew
But realyl being alive isn't that expensive, just being comfortably alive.
All you need is to reject materialism and gather people to live in a underground commune and occasionally fight off necromancers and people who go into fell moods.
Hmm but I guess you'd need people to hold some posts and jobs in order to organise a society and run it as undead are quite brainless they can't really do any complicated jobs
A necbromancer with a skeleton army could be fun to be I wanna hang out with Jameson and make Jan feel angry
Skeletons all looks similar too, everyone should become skeletons. no more discrimination. although brittle bones would be pretty bad and maybe it would cause a demon king to rise up. and then you'd have heroes who want to protect the captilist society over the commune of undead
thingken about how sitcommy it is that i was pretending to be Christian at that church and they pulled out pork for everyone for lunch that's such a seinfeld development
>>471024 That is because you are a star in a very dramatic show called your life. I think you are popular idol for some 7th dimensional beings who control life like a game
>>471032 Oh TN I think you may appreciate them too. https://mangadex.org/manga/22955/nettaigyo-wa-yuki-ni-kogareru Since you're such a critical yuri consumer
i haven't been able to get my green olwen i actually havent even been able to get a summon circle with any greens on it i've had like two out of my nine tries got a bartre and a frederick
It's not about playing for the plot. If anything, that's probably the worst part because I haven't really paid too much attention to the plot and they could SOMEHOW do something that makes me incredibly frustrated concerning it.
i mean, did yall ever play the pokemon trading card game for the plot it's like that
Every Gunnthra you summon is from a world before she dies. But it's just not the same. I have someone else's Gunnthra. This isn't the one who pledged her thoughts and dreams to me. Give her back. Why did you do this?
This will be a pretty hot topic for a while in the community I'm sure, but as long as you keep a fire burning for her in your heart I think it'll be fine
>>471075 How hard is it to make sure someone doesn't get published. It literally has DO NOT PUBLISH all over it. Who ever wrote the DO NOT PUBLISH is probably fustrated!
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
you know what the worst is having to move my units single file across this single tile bridge
It would have been better if they didn't write DO NOT PUBLISH on it because then it could just look like someone REALLY fucked up. But instead it just reminds everyone that they pre-write the stories of people's deaths in concern of speed.
cause soviet union liked to make their heroes bigger nto to mention the non existing "champions of work" >>471088 me too, cause it is fucking hilarious
Kirara 🚗
i want to believe
Kirara 🚗
i can just imagine that albert dude's face when the SS came back and were like, yo, these batteries are fucking dead
>>471089 there just is that, the SS liked to have a hard hand vengeance on any pranksters so... unless they were in a hurry, that whole town might have been burnt
did y'all know that they show professional jenga on ESPN2
No I think they show professional vidya on it too though. And professional magic the gathering
Kirara 🚗
sports has changed
Maybe they will show professional mobage on it in the future.
>>471124 I keep seeing ads for streetfighter and madden tournaments on espn now >>471123 Good Jenga should be an olympic sport Fuck theh should show competitive uno
>>471156 They should have just ended WW2 by singing at the germans Instead of dropping bombs on japan they could've dropepd a fire mix tape
Kirara 🚗
im thinkin about outing one of my professors as a domestic abuser well i guess not my professor because i avoid his classes but a professor in my program
a lot of students really like him he does a lot of couples and sex therapy stuff and stuff with ptsd i found out recently he makes inappropriate comments on the appearance of some of my colleagues
it makes me really sick to think that he's teaching couples therapy with a domestic abuse arrest record
when you're old and have connections, nobody finds out about it people don't run background checks on their therapists so clients wouldn't know since the charges were dropped, as they usually are with domestic violence, it didn't affect his standing with the APA
but idk if i can let him get away with it much longer i found out a few weeks ago it's really gross
>>471166 this is weird as fuck here you might not get a tech job or something because of dui or speeding or not get a maintenance gig if you are employed already
Kirara 🚗
we're "innocent until proven guilty" so if you don't get sentenced because your wife is terrified that you'll kill her and drops the charges, you never did anything wrong, legally
yeah but there is crime record and some require spotless well some do get old like dui or speding anyhow
>>471192 yeah but that's what happens when you invade other countries
it's almost funny Like the guy's just blown up and the other guy's standing with his mouth open in shock and suddenly the toe flies in like a loony toon
>>471195 >invade I thought they were liberating it
Kirara 🚗
well he was actually covered in pieces of his buddy it's just that some of it got in his mouth this probably isn't /moe/
fucking hell most annoying boss fight in whole prince of persia series done the incarnate of everything that is glitchy in the third game
no wait that brute fight is more annoying in ww
So I just caused a death due time paradox >kill an enemy >die due to enemy hitting from behind >rewind with the sand I absorb while lying dead >rewind to a moment I am not hit by the enemy, but the enemy I got the sands from hasn't either been killed >enemy I killed to rewind disappears in a buff never seen that happen
I got a fair amount of exercise yesterday and was up for like 40 or so hours by the time I went to bed last night. So I ended up sleeping for 10 hours straight, then slept intermittently for the rest of the day. I expect to fall asleep again soon.
>>471222 I am well, how are you doing tonight? my legs are very sore though so I am having trouble walking >>471223 get some exercise you will feel better afterwards!
>>471223 >I did absolutely nothing all day. wowme2
>After a night of drunken revelry, 19-year-old Kouta Satou decides to relieve himself near a seemingly secluded temple. Meanwhile, an angel is attempting to seal the queen of the underworld into a holy ball with his bow. Unfortunately, he misfires, trapping her instead inside of Kouta's unwitting balls. The angel departs, leaving Kouta a dire warning: if he fails to resist ejaculating before the end of the month, the queen will be released and mark the end of the world.
>>471299 Slacking off online is not a hobby for me its a bad habit. before I know it, I've spent hours sitting at a computer and I can barely remember what I've done in like the last 10 hours.
>>471315 It's relaxing but I don't want to have years of my life with gaps in it! I should probably also move, I got up out my chair today and tripped up and fall on my face because my legs had gone to sleep.
That's very moe.
Not really. It's not moe like manga its unpleasant when you get pins and needles
Next time don't stand up when both your legs have fallen asleep. I can barely walk with one foot asleep. Trying to walk with both legs asleep was a poor decision.
Gee, you are a genius. Thanks for the advice.
To be honest, I didn't really notice my legs were asleep or cut off from blood flow until I got up. This chair isn't great though. sometimes I get up suddenly and my heart start pounding. like I've suddenly sprinted or something.
>>471346 I hop around when it get that tingling feeling. it is such an intense feeling that it is like getting zapped with electricity. I hate blocking the blood flow in my legs or arms I've woken up in the morning with my arm with no blood and it is so floppy. you can actually punch yourself in the face by accident like that, without blood arms are actually heavy.
>>471371 At somepoint you'll run out of money and then have to reacclimatise to working with human beings who actually have their lives together! I wish I could earn money being NEET. That would be amazing. I'd probably die though, like heart failure from lack of exercise or something like that
fucking hell I really forgot how much your enemy is controls and camera in the final boss fight
>>471348 i woke up once and couldn't feel my arm at all maybe a normal person would be a little freaked out but half asleep i thought it was the coolest shit in the world i spent like 5 minutes touching my arm because it blew my mind that i could touch myself and only feel half of it then i slowly regained control
>>471384 >It blew my mind that I could touch myself >slowly regained control wow lewd
It happens fairly often for me, I have to be careful since I have low blood pressure. it isn't pleasant at all it gives me anxiety because I'm always scared I might have fucked up my arm. >>471392 Oyasumi!
>>471384 I wake up every morning with an arm like this usually. It doesn't take as long for sensitivity to return but I get it a lot.
>>471390 i wonder why it doesn't happen to me i can only remember maybe a handful of times my arm has ever gone numb (not including getting shocked) >>471394 it sounds like you're reaching really hard!
>>471397 >against your other arms will Are we parasyte now?
>>471398 I know blood pressure effects it. I have very low blood pressure and a shitty board. *body so I get it often and I get pinched nerves and stuff.
I've done something to my laptop. suddenlty the arrow key scroll is way too fast. this is annoying.
The wind has been howling almost non-stop outside for the entire afternoon, evening, and now into the late night. It's brought with it freezing rain, and before that, snow. It's now mid-April. Where is my spring.
it has been spring for two or three days here inbetween rain and cold fronts that drop it back to 40 it rained three days ago, and it's been slowly climbing back up from below freezing actually tomorrow is going to be like 80 degrees until it rains again This is what texas is like in "spring"
and then eventually it will stop raining and i'll want to die every time i step outside until mid-october
i wonder if there's a place on earth with weather that always stays perfect
Whose perfect, not "who is" perfect. I don't care who is perfect. I mean I hardly care what someone's idea of perfect weather is when it contradicts mine. But that post was technically asking for someone's perfect.
in this sense i mean somewhere that isn't vulnerable to turbulent weather that doesn't get a lot hotter than the spring and autumn months and isn't prone to storms
>>471489 I'll confirm that the temperature is mild here. It rarely gets below freezing in the north island. The hottest it'll get is 30c in the summer. I guess it's windy and rains a lot but it's not what I'd call turbulent