I'm not sure why she expected them to even keep their promise. What the fuck was she thinking Why don't any of the soldiers stop and wonder why the students they're shooting don't come back to life? Aren't they under the impression that they're monsters who immediately regenerate? This guys death was great though
I just tend machines that make... I don't know if this exists outside scandiland, hold on creamed potatoes? that's what the machines I tended today make, anyway They make french fries and stamped potatoes or whatever and a buncha other stuff too No chips though They also make like, all the ethanol in Norway? For liquor, anyway, from what I understood
huh, interesting maybe like mashed potaoes? never heard of creamed
yeah that Creamed is different though, it's basically sliced potatoes with a cream sauce
Which was the anime with the alien cube that trapped some people inside?
figured it out, it's Kado
Every now and then I try something with walnuts in it, and each and every time I can't get why people like these in particular. They taste to me like blander peanuts without the satisfying crunch.
I feel like with the degree of importance Nintendo places on their flagship titles, they'd definitely do a new generation for their new console. I wouldn't be surprised if they announced both and that Kanto v2 was coming out first, though.
I'm a little excited to see what they have planned though. BotW was a total change-up from what had been the standard Zelda game model for the past twenty years or so. Odyssey on the other hand, was very much a return to traditional Mario game design with new stuff in the higher-level mechanics. With Pokemon I wonder how much they'll opt to keep the traditional gameplay model in place or choose to introduce a different way to play Pokemon.
>"His face appeared slightly orange," writes Mr Comey, "with bright white half-moons under his eyes where I assumed he placed small tanning goggles, and impressively coifed, bright blond hair, which upon close inspection looked to be all his. The way he describes him is like a childrens book character. Orange face and bright hair that is impressively all his.
He sounds like he rather enjoys his anonymity, for the most part. I think it would probably be pretty nice to have the resources he earned when he was younger without all the nuisance of the fame that usually comes with it.
He met a witch who secretly gave him the powers to skateboard when he was a child. thats why she cackles maniacally.
Honestly, Hawk is such a generic looking person. I don't really remember what he looks like and if I saw him in person, I wouldn't realize either.
If I looked it up right now, I'd forget in a month
I'm pretty good with faces. I probably wouldn't pick him out on the street or something, but if he was alongside a rather clear indicator like a skateboard I'd probably recognize him in an instant.
I'd probably recognize him if I saw him on the street.
Wasn't Trump's entire political platform one of fighting back against a supposed conspiracy? As for mysterious energy, Donald thinks humans are batteries
Kirara π
that's totally different there's a difference in the characteristics of the archetype
more importantly he's trying to make a statement about animism which is a really strange thing to specifically mention his comment about animal spirits forcing movements is absolutely bizarre and a total misunderstanding of the concept
I want to know if you've heard the album "Doo-Bop" by Miles Davis.
I know half of these tracks >>471708 >>471706 Kirei ni Shitemoraemasuka Same mangaka as Sankarea, apparently https://mangadex.org/manga/21906/kirei-ni-shitemoraemasuka
>Their music has been described as a place where "Spanish flamenco and gypsy rhapsody meet salsa funk".
>>471716 It's annoying to have to double drag to save an image. I don't know what's happening there Also having all the "popular works" on the side bar rather than your own follows is just not as great
I finally got over the anxiety of calling people and called the brewery I was working at to ask about my tax forms. Even had it nicely jotted down in points I could refer to so I don't stumble or seem foolish. And then the assholes aren't even picking up the phone.
Congrats Oh, not congrats then.
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-5592667/Fear-Japanese-knotweed-strangles-plants-xenophobic-says-environmental-expert.html this can't be real
>>471743 you'll never dare to call again what if they don't pick up again? leaving you hanging is even worse
>>471762 I could imagine he's got an executive position where he "yes"s the decisions. But the decisions are already determined to be ideal choices by the time they get to him.
But I kinda doubt he actively does anything except sometime guides the overall direction Afterall the kind of "murdochian" reporting doesn't exist anymore, which he was flamed for back in the day
I wonder how much a hdmi switch would cost cheapest I've browsed some, but usually they are way above 50β¬ but our stores, unless you hit some niche store rarely stock the cheaper stuff and aim more for quality
cause I have my pc, ps3 and x36 taking turns on this monitor and switching the cables gets tiresome after a while not to mention how it fucks up the position of all the windows on my monitors
There's so many points in the show that are like "this is off" But it's written by human beings so of course And a Japanese human at that So yknow "Of course this is just the truth of this world"
being a librarian might be fun I could shit out that qualification in 2 years or less but the pay would be at most average and will libraries be around 40 years hence?
Like "why'd you touch down in Japan, mr alien-san?" "Because objectively, Japan is the most empathetic" Like for real dude? Japan? The same Japan we have in this reality?
Being at the other end of the barrel of a nuclear gun held by the same nation that killed a fifth of your former nation's population because you voted wrong will make you not like them
>>471807 We don't point the nuclear barrel at people without nukes that aren't developing nukes. Not having nuclear/biological/chemical/radiological weapons development programs is a good way to not make yourself a giant fucking target
The US has been since the fucking cold war The US IS literally on the North Korean border in prepartion for invasion
>>471823 it is something like 2k⬠as far as I know, but that is all the money you will be spending, aside on the connecting airports as the trip investment includes the money you are given to spend there on tourist shops and whatnots but man it would be interesting and safe as long as you don't disobey the guides
>>471820 During times of high alert there will be some sort of low ranked military officer accompanying the president who has a briefcase with the launch codes locked in it.
>>471824 I read a photo blog of a russian who went and it didn't seem like you'd really have to obey them you can just ask to go places and they'll take you
But I would never travel to the oil sheik countries you never know when they choose to enforce the local laws on you, instead of the tourist laws especially if you aren't rich enough
don't seem like very interesting places to go tbh
I dunno, it would be interesting to see that money and splendor atleast once but there are places like Singapore and Hong kong that are quite similiar megalopolises to browse
>>471833 that is an amusing thing to do, but consider when you need to RETALIATE against someone hostile who has already launched all of their nukes... you have seconds
tbf retaliation by nuke will actually never be necessary >>471838 No but like It doesn't actually serve a purpose beyond deterrence Once you have a nuke coming at you, if you can't stop it, there's no reason to send your own. There is literally no benefit
>>471837 Yeah cause it is MAD scenario then, but the point is, if they know your end needs to butcher a guy to fire theirs, that might make some crazy think "hmm we might have a chance" >>471837 No there isn't except revenge you think people are 100% rational beings that don't act on emotions "you are going to kill us, we are going to kill you"
No, I just said it won't be necessary Whether it'll happen is separate
defending yourself from enemy invasion isn't necessary either
if you conlcude "oh we can't win" you might just roll over and let them take over
Defending yourself from invasion accomplishes something If you can't win, it's probably not a good choice tbh
if you can't win you will just send young men to die and cause needless hostility between your people and the invaders, who might take it out on civilians so, if the enemy invades you and you can't win, the humane solution is to give up on day 1
Israel's nuclear policy is second strike based Cause they got in trouble last time they did a preemptive strike
>>471849 These kinds of ideas are fun to play with, but they are in the end naΓ―ve You'd have to get everyone to agree to these deals you'd have to in some nations change them constantly, making it a damn big hassle, not to mention how the hostages would react to it mentally and it still wouldn't stop some maniac who would wage a war and sacrifice their hostage and imagine the public reaction to say finland's cabinet going "okay putin dowed us, we are now killing his daughter" are you really okay with that?
They inevitably fall victim to the belief that wars are waged out of pride or ego or on a whim Which isn't the case
It could avoid nuclear war possibly maybe but really, you just nuke a different city or get a message to them The CIA is fucking everywhere and NSA taps like, the internet They can get a message to Ivanka if they need to
I think an old woman threatened my life earlier today
Nuclear war is a spook anyway I don't see it actually happening because it's a meaningless way to wage war >>471862 To use nukes, you have to not want the stuff you're nuking And then, why are you going to war?
>>471860 You can only use nukes if the other party has none basically and even then you completely eradicate the target, making it 100% worthless and then you have the consequences of entire world going "dude you did WHAT?" >>471863 first and only offensive use
>>471862 Hiroshima and Nagasaki actually recovered pretty quickly in terms of radiation hazards
>>471863 also >comparing nukes of 1945 to modern bombs
Yeah modern nukes are like comparing nukes to firecrackers These things are huge and there's loads of em Nobody stocks kilotons anymore
or they are pin point accurate clusterfucks or drill deep underground to take out bunkers
Yeah but the amount of time for the radiation to go away isn't directly proportional to the blast yield
and then there is the high risk of high orbit detonation due to counter measures whatnot that could wipe all of our satellites
>>471867 dude even if you don't include the radiation once you nuke a city, there is no city
>>471874 you only need enough defense at that point to be able to defend your hidden launch sites and ensure that enough material leaves them to hit the enemy
>>471875 Weren't they negotiating something behind the US?
Kirara π
the military advisors told the emperor not to surrender unless they had favorable terms the us refused tto accept any terms so when the Japanese tried to surrender, the surrender was refused and then we bombed them to convince them to surrender unconditionally
>>471858 >>471859 what the fuck guys i almost tripped twice walking home what the actual fuck
>>471877 Maybe, but it wasn't going anywhere We had to nuke them twice for a reason
>>471877 there was a coup detat attempt when the order for surrender was about to be given, with plans to seize the tapes, cut the broadcast and even secure the emperor it just barely failed that was on the day of surrender
But anyhow, the fire bombing and conventional bombing of japan actually killed more than the nukes
>>471884 Well... they didn't accept ANY conditional terms from any of the axis nations only total surrender only country fighting on the side of germans that didn't unconditionally surrender was us
>>471915 yeah I thought the term hood was used because gangsters liked hoodies or something >>471919 lol no II wouldn't have
>>471918 I almost bursted a mouhtfull of water at my monitor and kboard You would have paid for them
What the shit did I come back to.
density of the ninth level
Man I haaaate hate hate winter. There's like five centimetres of snow but its been rained on and soaked up so much water that it's ridiculously heavy for how little there is. But it's all melting and has been seeping into our basement so it had to be shovelled away from the house. And having to do that while it's lightly raining as well is even worse. I'm so tired of this. I want sun, I want warmth, i want green.
But yeah without mods skyrim would be a damn shallow game and even with mods the mechanics are shallow but that doesn't mean it isn't a fun sandbox to play in
>>471957 and fuck it is like >5 minutes before getting to character creation
>>471954 People would buy that. I would buy it, play it for an hour and 59 minutes and then get a refund.
>>471957 I think it's more that people that are passionate enough about the game have made many, many playthroughs of it, and having to go through >>471958 this every time is exhausting.
Kirara π
idg why they can't just do it like they used to where you create a character whoever decided to not do that with fallout 4 was a moron
Way to make skyrim more interesting >have that rebel leader pose as dragonborne and make it quite mid to late game reveal that you are the actual one or something
Way to make Skyrim more interesting is just make Elder Scrolls VI because you're not going to bring a game like Skyrim into eight years after it was released.
Wait wait wait I thought of a brilliant idea for a mod It's Skyrim but you play as The Doom Slayer
i remember someone was recreating Morrowind from the ground up and someone else was porting Skyrim into Morrowind's engine I wonder how that turned out
sorry, but only one of them could have done anything wrong those are the rules
Nah man, they both made a lot of mistakes.
Kirara π
Kirara π
the only mistake zero two made was letting those humans live tbh
Lashing out like that and getting erratic was definitely a mistake. Regardless of whether you're human or a monster that's just being shitty. That's pretty much what Hiro was trying to get across to her even if he did it in the most asinine way possible.
Kirara π
to be fair, zero two doesn't have the social skills or history to be expected to act differently what happened was tragic but her behavior was completely reasonable given her history and the way she's been treated goro kind of understood that and so did some of the others but ichigo was completely selfish and unreasonable in the way she acted if ichigo hadn't treated zero two so horribly, none of that would have happened and eventually zero two could have made progress towards socially acceptable behavior an autistic kid isn't at fault if you grab their hand and they hit you to get away
>parents have a room filled with paintings titled after their children >everys ingle one is them doing it
>>471998 A lack of social skills and a history that how many people know of though. Hiro, to a degree. But the rest of the kids don't know the full breadth of her issues, and Ichigo was coming off of someone working to convince her that Zero-Two was a heartless monster. If you can't blame an autistic person for hitting someone to get away, you can't blame the person grabbing their hand either. People make all sorts of mistakes based off their imperfect information or their nature. What happened with them wasn't the fault of any specific, they all made mistakes for one reason or another.
>never enter this room kids >then one day the enter it
>>472007 They were all aware of how she is, even if they don't know why. Goro and some of the others were able to understand that. Ichigo probably understood that considering how intelligent she is. I can absolutely blame a person for grabbing an autistic person's hand. In fact, typically in instances like that, everyone blames the person who grabbed the autistic person. If you kick a rattlesnake and it bites you, you don't blame the rattlesnake for biting you. Zero Two isn't a human. She may be like a human, but she's different from humans. It's obvious that she's not normal, even if you think she is human like Ichigo might. She was being incredibly selfish even though she was most likely fully aware what she was doing.
She was already aware that Zero Two wasn't going to eat Hiro. She was using that as an excuse, but she even admitted that Zero Two was turning Hiro into a "monster" like her, just as she claimed she was going to kill him, which she knew wasn't true, regardless of what the nines dude said.
>>472011 Shoko ruined everything through her stupidity. Ichigo is ruining everything because she's selfish. I doubt she'll realize she messed up until everything goes wrong.
Yeah, Zero Two shouldn't be eating people, but this would have been resolved easily and most likely pretty well if Ichigo hadn't gotten in the way of Zero Two and Hiro's relationship development.
To be Shoko-tier, you have to unilateraly compeltely ruin everything just because. Ichigo is being dumb and she's probably messing stuff up but a lot of the fault lies with Zero Two on this one since she was like "oh yeah time to freak out and eat this guy wait no actually he really was my darling oops". She knew what she was doing was wrong and didn't care until she realized that the person she was eating was someone she didn't want to eat.
>>472010 I don't believe any of them knew Zero-Two was a monster until Hiro remembered and Ichigo got told by the prettyboy. I don't think it's wrong for them to get on guard that they've been deceived into thinking she was a human, even if a weird one, until that point. Zero-Two might not be human but she's also not an animal. I can't blame an animal for biting me but I can definitely blame something on the same levels of intelligence and complexity of thought as one, or in close relativity. I'd feel she lies in that region at the least.
I'm also certain it's not "just an excuse", because from how it seemed to me she definitely didn't want Hiro turning into a monster, or getting eaten, which as far as she could tell with the information she had on hand, was the one of two fates left for him if he was to keep riding with her. I don't think she was wrong for acting to avoid either two of those fates from coming to pass.
Can you guys have this discussion in the anime thread? I haven't started Franxx yet and would rather not get spoiled anymore than I already have been.
>>472011 so does shoko do any more ruining after trying to surrender the valvraves? Does she get worse in the last three episodes? I'm shocked at how quickly she managed to reverse my opinions of her. She somehow goes from best girl to worst girl in one episode
>>472016 Shoko just repeatedly ruins every thing over and over past that point. It's amazing how one person can ruin everything so many times. She's like ruining things incarnate.
>>472014 They didn't know she was a red oni, but they'd been calling her a monster occasionally since episode 1. Especially after Mitsuru got messed up by riding with her, they called her a monster. They all also knew that her riding with Hiro was doing something to Hiro. The guys did, at least. We know that because he had the growth and everything. It's not fair to blame Zero Two for acting like that just because she's intelligent. She wasn't socialized with other humans and has only been injured by humans in the past. The humans also took her darling away when she was young, and her darling was the only connection she had to humanity. There shouldn't be any expectation for her to behave like a human across the board because she wasn't human and was never treated like humans. Her behavior was totally reasonable considering her circumstances, and even humans that have been raised like her behave like she did in real life.
Ichigo might think those fears are what's motivating her, but I don't think that's true. She had evidence to the contrary that they were true. err, that they weren't true. She chose to believe them because that's the most convenient rationalization. It's not something she's doing consciously, in my opinion.
>>472021 and worst part is she doesn't even realise how shit she is
>>472022 There isn't arguably any expectation for Zero-Two to behave consistently like a human for us as viewers, but the kids didn't have the full understanding of her situation and can't be expected to act like her behaviour is rational or reasonable. More than that, they're kids. They themselves have been raised in a strange environment that basically seals them off from what we as viewers would consider normal socialization and child raising. If anything, it kind of seems like they're raised as super-insular cells of four or five pairs. Wouldn't that in itself build up suspicion in foreign elements. Even if not, again, they're still just kids. I have a lot of opinions on letting kids their age take authoritative and important decisions in the first place , but anime. I don't think it's fair to assume they can make complex decisions based on information that doesn't make itself particularly clear. More than that they're in an impulsive and fair irrational age being teenagers. I don't think it's fair to blame them on something that they haven't been raised to encounter, at a point in their lives where they're prone to making impulsive or irrational mistakes. It's easy to look back -look down on it as a spectator and see things through an adult mindset, but as kids they shouldn't be expected to have that same capacity. Mistakes were made by all the kids and Zero-Two, but there isn't a blame game here that is fair to play for anyone.
to live as bang, a gracious, cheery sufferingSearch [iqdb](133 KB, 800x800, 1502569865419.jpg)to live as bang, a gracious, cheery suffering
By the way ever realised how it is silly how "horsepower" is still used as a unit It made sense way back in the day when locomotives and shit were breaking through, and it is a simple unit to visualise "one horse power is as much power one horse has" but if you ask the average lay urban dweller "how much power a horse has" the fuck they can answer that
>>472040 gluten stuff is because of allergies tho. it really can't be helped.
>>472043 Some do it cause of life choices for god knows why
>>472044 eh... there's not much point on avoiding gluten tho. i guess with lactose is different since most people can't digest it.
>>472049 Is one of those weird notions that it makes you healthier, makes the world better and saves all the starving children like carping or whatever it was called
The worst part is that is that because of all the assholes who don't have it making a big deal about shit. It makes the people who actually have it seem like assholes.
>>472042 Language and metrics both share a lot of legacy issues. And really, why come up with some new term when everyone is comfortable using horsepower. It's not hurting anyone to keep in use, and the effort that would go into overhauling isn't worth the disruption it would cause.
I worded that terribly
I actually had to look up what 1hp is in slightly saner units.
>>472053 Yup, but it is still silly language and terms can be silly and still functional >>472057 haha I know well in offices they do and less developed parts of the world
So is the term "hanging up the phone". No one actually hangs up a phone anymore.
Kirara π
>>472033 I think it's fair to say that what happened was tragic, but I don't think it's fair to call Zero Two's behavior a mistake. What she did was rational given her circumstances. We see the same behavior in humans and animals in similar circumstances. The kids may not have known what Zero Two was, but they were certainly capable of knowing that they weren't treating her right. Goro and the others knew that what Ichigo wanted was wrong. That's why I say Ichigo made a mistake. Her behavior led to the unfortunate event of Zero Two acting rationally in /// rationally but in a way that wasn't ideal for anyone. Ichigo didn't have to behave like that but made a choice to, because she was blinded by her selfish desire to be with Hiro.
But I do miss that smashing the phone on the box thingy when you really wanted to end a call that turned sour with emotion gave you a satisfying feeling
Anyways, one horsepower is the power required to move 75kg up one meter in one second.
>>472057 did anyone actually owned chord phones anyway? like, i did but i wonder how long people stopped using them.
Well A metric horsepower
>>472062 I still have one. I wish I had a rotary phone though.
But in terms of general public use, the chord phones quite quickly disappeared from the market, as mobile phones became so cheap and a mobile contract became cheaper for the WHOLE family to have one each, even if the package wasn't a family pack, than to keep a chord phone home. not to mention gave you the privacy of always answering calls ment to you
We still have a landline. For some reason. >>472069 And also spam calls meant for you
never had the problem with those
>>472069 yeah here a phone contract costs more or less the same so people just pick the mobile option.
>>472072 Here say a mobile contract with unlimited call, unlimited sms and unlimited 4g costs you 15-20β¬ a month, a chorded phone would cost you 40β¬
We get a free land line phone service with our internet.
US doesn't either. I wish we did. Analog broadcasting is so elegant.
My cellphone doesn't get any spam calls. But I do get a whole bunch of people who call me by one accident or another.
>>472058 I think it's totally fair to call what her behaviour caused a mistake on her part. Just because an action is rational doesn't relieve it of being a mistake, in my opinion. A mistake happens when your action, rational or not, doesn't produce an outcome you'd prefer. If my cat bites me, even in a rational situation for her, it's a mistake because I'm probably gonna shout from the pain and ignore her for a bit because I'm likely to be a little pissy. I don't blame her for biting me, but I still would say she's made a mistake. Ichigo was overly compelled by her concern for Hiro, both seriously for his wellbeing and romantic concern, and yeah, she made a mistake because of that. But Zero-Two's mistake was acting out and attacking all the kids after they found Hiro's hospital
But I don't understand people who toy around with telemarketers if you don't want to listen them a rude 2fuck your shit" is much more preferrable than engaging in long conversation only to say no and you can actually tell if they are that type, but company guidelines dictate you have to go on andw aste time on a guy who isn't going to buy jackshit
I usually just say "no thank you" and hang up.
easiest way cut in and close
but telemarketing is one of those jobs you don't want to do
>>472079 hospital bed empty. For that matter he also made
>>472086 I'd rather work at a dog kicking factory.
>>472098 No they were definitely real charities. I don't remember the exact names but it was stuff like emergency service support and cancer groups Like the SES
the current temperatures in the US are all over the fucking place random ass splotch of like 50 degrees in the middle of colorado, just an hour's drive away from like 80 degree weather
>>472100 the great lakes area sure is oft colder than the rest of the continent
Kirara π
>>472105 a little higher than it used to be the water around new york is gonna be way warmer than usual this year usually storms get fucked up in the cooler water surrounding new york but this year it's expected to be quite a bit warmer in the waters in that area so even hurricanes coming from the direction they usually do which get weakened, won't be weakened as much as usual new york could get a cat 3 and i wouldn't be surprised
and if memory serves, not that much high ground inthe way of the seabreeze
Yeah. Coincidentally, the Appalachain mountain range runs approximately along the line of blue and green along the east coast there. Funny how that works eh.
>>472119 >gets hit by hurricane in NY >starts driving towards flo >gets hit on the way by a hurricane >arrives in flo >gets hit by a hurricane
What he really OUGHT to do is hit me up while New York gets rebuilt. It's like a few -- well, maybe a fair number of hours by bus to get here. But pretty cheap. At least we never get hurricanes here.
>>472167 they made 4 batman movies and one was good and second one was "okay" and rest were... and of the superman movies the first two were only good ones and even then the second one was bit silly
>>472168 well they tried that with man of steel, though nolan didn't stick to the project more than some main ideas they still stuck his name to the credit as producer or something
But really what gave them the idea, that the director behind 300 would make decent superhero movies?
The full director's cut of Watchmen is apparently really good. I think the rule of thumb for Zack Snyder is that he's good at adapting but the projects he works on tend to be huge as fuck. Way too long to fit into a movie. And when it comes to cutting things everything falls to shit.
>>472173 Yeah but they changed the ending which is unforgivable
>>472177 I thought they took out the squid? Wasn't the new ending that ozymandias bombed a bunch of places with some technology that made it seem like Dr. Manhattan did it?
>>472178 squid was replaced by fantasy nukes in all big cities instead of just random aliens in new york basically changed from "random alien threat to" earth vs dr manhattan
some say it is bad, but imo it works fine enough I mean as a consistent threat, a guy they know to be dangerous and have seen go berserk works better than random squid
>>472181 the way you said it implied they changed endings between director cut and theatre cut dolt
>>472182 Yeah, I didn't mean that. It wasn't implied either.
They should do a Red Son movie.
that would be a damn blast it would have to be 2 movies at the very least, though
>>472183 >quotes a post that talks just about the director cut of movie >they changed the ending umm...
>>472186 If I said "he changed the ending" then maybe you could infer that, but as the director's cut is done according yo the director's wishes ... *to the
Well if you cut away the batgirl story from the beginning and then just watch the actual killing joke yeah but then it isn't really a movie, but just a 40 minute special episode
if they had to stick something to it, why not have some batgirl vs joker storyline or something that is good and fits into then >batgirl is kindapped near raped and then has sechs with batman
The should've done "killing joke" followed by "girls night out" or the comic with booster gold trying to change the past and failing.
Actually Girls Night Out would've been a very good choice. Much better than that crap they tacked on.
Point is they should have adapted some actual famous storyline to it as tacked lenght booster since they wanted it to be full sized movie and not some half assed shit writing original crap
Wait I may have misremembered that comic name. It was the one with zatanna trying to change the future and failing several times so after finding out that killing joke is inevitable she and some other heroine go out partying with batgirl to give her one last night of fun.
>>472196 yeah that would have worked fine as tacked lenght booster
but if you don't end the movie in that "batman and joker laugh" you ruin it
and if you have it before it kinda ruins the story
Well Yeah I guess.
so it doesn't work
But basically 80% of Or more of tbe people who saw it knew what would happen.
indeed, but you have to think of the story working otu even if PEOPLE KNOW that is what making movies is about people who went to watch harry potter most likely knew how it would carry over
What a shame
I actually saw Killing Joke in theaters. There was only one day where they showed it and I think all the theaters only had one showing.
killing jokes is damn expensive as graphic novel
watchman and v were the SAME PRICe but are like what 300 pages long KJ is like what 50+
The reissued version of killing joke is supposed to have much better colors. Also I think V for Vendetta and Watchmen are cheaper because they are likely printed in much larger print runs. While killing joke is a bit more niche, classic it may be.
I bet I could get it cheap from amazon etc I just like buying my books from stores the browsing experience is part of the charm
>>472208 yes ofc, but when you have fucking BOOK sized graphic novels running on same price as "few collected issues in one volume" it is quite uhm, no not giving you money for this even if you know the reason why it is more expensive, doesn't mean you have to agree to pay the asked price.
I have Watchmen and V for Vendetta hardcover.
Kirara π
the reissued killing joke has really good colors yeah
V for Vendetta movie is actually an amusing adaption since it takes the core ideas and works them into modern world it isn't as good or as indepth as the original, but it works damn well with the time given to it
And Natalie Portman
and hugo weaving as the voice of V
Ah yes 4chan man costume
guy has damn good voice
and the movie came out when he was somewhat poplar just after lotr and matrix
>54 in the picture he hasn't aged well wow he is the same age as my mother welp cloudflare is a dick
>>472222 That picture would have been while the Hobbit movies were coming out. They did a really solid job on makeup for him if that's how he looks normally.
>Millennia after much of the world was destroyed in a cataclysmic event, civilization has adapted a new way of living. Gigantic moving cities now roam the Earth, chasing and devouring smaller traction towns for resources. Tom Natsworthy (Robert Sheehan), a low-class citizen of the moving city of London, finds himself fighting for survival after he encounters the fugitive Hester Shaw (Hera Hilmar). Opposites stuck together, they must forge an unlikely alliance that could change the future.
I dunno if that works as a movie, but fuck it would be good setting for a game
>starts snowing immediately after I walk outside Fuck
>>472229 Maybe it would work as one of those giant mediauniverses where you have shows, comics, games whatnot in it who knows it has Pjackson as director so it might be good
sunless sea is such a fun world, though the game does get damn grindy too quickly
>>472228 It only bothered me because I went out in flip flops. Seriously though fuck this weather. I made the mistake of buying a pair of shoes that isn't waterproof, and its rained or snowed every week since I bought them.
>>472231 I sent it out to ambush people just like you
>>472230 Jackson needs to get some better editors and people who will say no to him though. I think he was starting to get a bit of the Lucas throughout production of the Hobbit movies.
Sunless Sea's problem is that the grind is front-loaded. You start off so weak and you have to put in the WORK to get money and better equipment. But once you have a couple successions under your belt and a store of money, stats, and a good carry-over weapon, then you're set to accomplish shit. Getting to that point can be patience-breaking though.
>>472233 well hobbit was a mess and even he didn't want to do it and hated it
>>472233 >and then rng sinks your ship and you start over with a new captain
But really I had like >good run then death due to stupid >excellent run that ended with rng fuckery >started good due to inheritance stuff, but then rng fucked over >now nothing except gun from all previous playthroughs left
Kirara π
>A Burmese python with a tracking device led Florida officials to a record-breaking sex party
>An invasive Burmese python with a surgically implanted tracking device led Florida researchers to the largest python "aggregation" ever found in Collier County >A couple of days before Valentine's Day, a male python (or sentinel) nicknamed Argo was fitted with a tracking device and led researchers with the Conservancy of Southwest Florida to a 100-pound female python about to lay eggs.
>The researchers found Argo with a pregnant female weighing about 115 pounds and seven other male Burmese pythons. The eight were the most snakes ever found in one place within Southwest Florida and the western Everglades, reports the Naples Daily News. fucking snake weighs as much as i do
I guess USA and Russia are really similiar, except usa constitution is a lot better
This type of cookie I have here tastes way better in outlet, imperfect and unsuitable for retail sale type than it does than actually out of the box. The ones out of the box don't have as much cream and jelly filling and the cookie is drier. It's kind of weird really.
I reckon I'll be in michigan this year from midwest to south to midsouth to midnorth within about two years quite a traveler are the lakes nice ive never been
They can be pretty nice. You get away from the cities built on them and they get really scenic and have a lot of natural beauty. The Great Lakes are an important part of a watershed ecological region in Canada and maybe the States, not sure, so you get a lot of flora and fauna that are specific to that region. It's a lovely part of the country up here at least.
i'm talkin about the great lakes ofc i'm living on a not-so-great lake at the moment it's pretty toxic
What do you mean by toxic? like horrible communities?
I've camped on Lakes Ontario, Erie, and Huron in the past. They're lovely natural regions and living in a city on one means you're never more than a few hours drive away from a preservation or camping site. The pollution in the lakes heavily depends on which city you're living in. Toronto's striven really fucking hard to improve the quality of water in the lake along its border, and have managed to make the lake water to the point where you can technically swim in it free of health issues. I'm still not certain I'd go for a swim myself, but I appreciate the effort put in. I could imagine in other cities they care less about the pollution in the water.
I've only been to a tiny lake in my town in England and up north in England to Lake Windermere - Where beatrix potter wrote her books.
>>472395 it's filthy here there's literal lead in the water the air is full of smog from the nearby quarry
>>472398 Wow, that is pretty bad. I thought the big lakes in america were a big tourist spot?
im not at a big lake im at a lakeside community in rural missouri
>>472399 They are a pretty big tourist spot, yeah. But they're also big. Like, really big. A city can be built along the waterfront of one and pollute the hell out of the water, but you drive for a few hours along the waterfront and you'll hit a part of the lake that's still extremely clean and unpolluted.
Thats a shame that pollution of the lakes happen.
the toxic lake i'm talking about living at is a manmade like in a mining community in rural missouri it's just toxic all around here >>472404 no, there are mines and quarries all around here, and there's a manufactured lake in this area as residential property so people can boat and fish and swim i wouldn't though
>>472403 Oh do you mean like a flooded quarry? There are some quarries in england that are flooded and make man made lakes
>>472403 I bet the quality of the lake brought down the residential prices
maybe i'm not representing it right there was no residence without the lake it's a lakeside community they built the lake in order to build residences
it might be a natural lake, im not entirely sure, but it's been dammed and planned for residency either way
There's a lake in Australia called Lake Disappointment Nice of them to warn people
>>472422 whoever named that lake feels like someone I can get along with! >>472410 Ah I understand you. I thought orginally the lake might have been more pleasant given that they made it for residency, but that might not be the case.