Thread #471217
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Hisone to Masotan Amanchu Beatless --Episode 13-14 Butlers Caligula Dame x Prince --Episodes 11-12 FranXX Devils Line Gegege no Kitarou Major 2nd --Episode 1-2 Nil Admirari Persona 5 Rokuhoudou Saredo Tsumibito Shokugeki no Souma SAO: GGO Uma Musume --Episodes 2-4
coming home now be home in 10-15
See you soon, hon.
figure out what showa to watch
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Will we have Jan tonight?
i am here now and also my post has opened?
It seems to have opened.
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great perfect prepare for a great night of anime
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i'm prepared with franxx and persona 5 at least i'm not sure what else you usually watch tonight
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persona 5 caligula franXX amanchu
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oh yeah the diving show! i still don't know what is going on in caligula though
ready>>471251 no one does!
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persona 5 okay lets start!
Pairs Over 5
persona 2
persona dancing star night
this game has the coolest persona awakenings of All Time
Even in future Persona games?
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Getting locked in a cell in your own mental world space is really shameful when you think about it.
i like their use of the game's screen transitions too
>>471264 like i said All Time
every other persona game is good maybe p7 will have the best of all time
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that was so stylish
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This is a good game. The aesthetics are perfect.
Stylish cut-in for Intimidation.
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she's cuter in her teacher outfit
She's the one that does maid cosplay right. I don't really like it much.
she's a real meido for hire because teaching delinquents doesn't pay the bills
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Her maid outfit tries way too hard to be bubbly and cute. It doesn't play to her strengths.
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oh I forgot to post this. it's cool
wow morgana's voice actually sounds less annoying in the anime
i guess joker is speedrunning this mashing X through every exposition scene
The cutscenes probably move faster when there's no reading involved with advancing them.
you're telling me you don't read faster than people speak?
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I wonder how they'll handle the pacing for this. How many episodes? 26?
it's gotta be they're not even past like the first week
He's really not handling the Personession very well.
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you'll never see it comiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing
How stylish.
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it still kills me that this guy literally tripped and hurt himself and joker got the blame for it
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he used to be so fluffy i wonder if he will get less fluffy over the anime
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hmm do you guys want to do cagulia or sword art online next? I forgot about SAO.
I'd rather SAO but no real complaint either way.
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I'd also rather SAO! Let's SAO okay lets start!
I'd rather ah fuck i was gonna be contrarian to make a tie but now it won't work
give me a minute to download it and move this table
Reaaaady.>>471324 >>471318 Beep boop
table relocated chair replaced laundry imported to dryer locked and loaded captain
>>471327 Oh no Jan do you need assistance.
false alarm i was shitposting elsewhere
oh no tall people problems
So she's tiny in-game but hueg in rearu life.
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I wanan know the story of how she ended up with that really gruff guy from the first episode.
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michael bay: the anime
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>i became interested in VR when I saw on the news that it killed 4000 people
>>471338 more importantly it let 10,000 people live their life in a video game
She really is huge that's crazy.
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She really is tall.
Hah hah hah. She got so worked up over being big in the game that she triggered the emergency.
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SAO's creator seems to have an issue about character customization. He doesn't seem to care too much about it.
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>>471350 i would uninstall any game that gave me a randomized character
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Yeah, randomized characters sucks!
I wonder if this woman is an NPC. She seems a bit exaggerated.
Pinku wa pinku
That's kind of a neat experience. Hah hah hah what.
>that's a boy!
holy shit her pink camouflage actually worked
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Gotta go fast.
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So she turns into a pvp maniac.
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japanese men work in weird ways the tattoo makes her even hotter
Pita is a little bit weird.
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the most broken ass smg in any game ever
>>471367 pito bread
P-chan the strongst gun
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what if pito is her irl friend
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>tfw too short to clink metal
Maybe she's married to the guy who plays the big guy she was partnered with in the first episode.
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Who would have thought that SAO could be good. FranXX>>471378 I hated SAO from the very start. okay lets start!
this is real fun for now but so was SAO at the start from what I've heard concerning the actual authors of this spinoff i am sure it will avoid SAO's retarded writing i heard this episode is when goro kills himself
Spin-offs can be interesting even if the original series is garbage. They can explore parts of the world and characters which aren't bland or Mary Sue-ish.
this ep wioll be fun'
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RIP hiro she ruined everything by going too hard
nah will be daijobu he's a survivor
He's still got the stranglemarks on his neck.
>Even I'd forgotten about it until now He's lucky he's got a poker face to hide that blatant lie behind.
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Well I guess him licking her blood did end up being plot relevant.
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it doesn't seem like a few drops of blood would make a huge difference but the way they pointed it out made me think it was important i guess
The blood might carry a self-reproducing factor which increases in concetration as time goes on. And he has had like ten years from licking her blood for it to take effect.
do these guys really think they can stop hiro from doing what he wants not even the adults could
Well they don't know that.
what the fuck remove the seeds
now lick her cut too
>>471410 NO
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Dide she just leave the knife there. I mean sure it looks like a butter knife but Ichigo please.
is he going to use the knife
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002 is really losing it.
Goro's pretty good at being a voice of reason.
of course goro would want her to pair back up with hiro fast
>it's really quiet he's fucking gone
ruh oh
Hah hah they totally missed each other because they both got too impulsive.
listen to goro he's always fucking right
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what a coincidence
She's reaaaally gone crazy. Guess that's what you get for getting a child oni crushing hard on you.
her horns are getting really long
Her fangs have been getting worse too. I think they 're proportional to how oni-y she is.
ichigo is a retard hiro is useless to papa now they'll just throw him out
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>>471428 yeah wtf now what is he going to do
Hah hah hah man she turned on the aggression.
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>immediately recoils from the kiss
GORO NOOOOO why must he suffer
>i love you >looks at 002
"i know" -hiro 2044
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That was a good episode.
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goro smilin because he knows hiro can't go back to normal girls
goro is too pure for this show he doesnt deserve this
>>471438 Yeah he knows he's still got this rebound in the bag.
goro is too perfect he's going to get a bad ass manly death and everyone is going to cry
what would truly be shocking is if he survives to the end
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welp play okay amanchu okay let's start!
amanchu>>471446 i wouldnt say shoko tier but i like her a lot less this episode everyone made mistakes though 002 ichigo hiro even
Kirara was talking like Ichigo was Shoko-tier for this episode and I can't really see it. I don't think excommunicating one monster girl and breaking a boy's heart is quite as bad as causing mass-murder.>>471447 Valvrave.
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wait what shoko is he talking about? >>471445 hiro was doing the right thing at the wrong time he acted when he should have waited and didn't act when he should have too i guess>>471446 nobody is worse than that bitch
Ichigo was acting out of good intentions too. Though trying to catch Hiro on the rebound AS the ship with Zero-Two was flying away was pretty embarassing to witness.
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i'm sure ichigo will learn to not let her feelings get in the way of rational thinking and become a better leader and shit because of all this but there's no chance of her winning hiro's heart
>>471448 not purely i dont think she was doing it for herself too!!!
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She's not quite Shoko tier because she has to ruin everything to be Shoko. We'll see.
She mostly doesn't want to see her lover die. Nothing wrong with that.
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wait who the hell is this girl
I think it's a guy, man.
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Yeah they get pretty gay over the smallest of things.
Watching undersea wildlife like that seems pretty fun. Diving's definitely something I'd like to try out some time.
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The sunflowers in the hair to match the yukata is a pretty nice touch.
Oh I guess wait nevermind.
Wow Pikari you're gonna get your wife pretty mad at you if you go about talking about going on dates with cute girls.
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This is probably where she figures out what Kokoro isn't a -chan.
She got them some stellar seats for the hanabi.
this show is so comfy
Wow, sensei as a super midget kid.
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you gotta get used to this fish eat their own babies
Octo-baby army!
tiny octoples
whens she finding out he's a boy
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probably after he develops a crush on her because of all this
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thanks for anime! I guess she won't figure out his secret for awhile yet.
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me during this episode
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delaying p5 and franxx meant all the shows tonight were awesome it's not fair to the rest of the week!
Weekends have been so good lately. Even previous seasons have had super-stuffed and quality weekends.
i want the new franxx to come out
Just six days. Plus one to actually watch it since Ika will probably be boozing it up next Saturday too.
probably no birthday next saturday