Yeah I've been seeing that. Good for them. They got an award during...some...other gaming awards show in the States a couple weeks back too. The game's also on sale due to being in the BAFTA.
i finally broke down and did the arena quests thankfully some kind person in the lobby held my hand for the hard ones now i've completed every quest i just need those monster crowns
Kirara 🚗
>>>/@yashalevine/984555750432411648?s=19 love to erase decades of antisemitic crimes on Holocaust Remembrance Day to promote my ridiculous and violent ideology this shit makes me so mad my family was driven from the ukraine by
Kirara 🚗
soviet goons they participated in wwii to gain power, not help the jews they were fucking the jews during and after the war too why do people treat the jews like this
>>468401 we dont talk about the bad things that happen to my perfect wife
Kirara 🚗
>Trump tried to convince Comey the Moscow prostitute portion of the dossier was not true. “I’m a germaphobe,” Trump told him, according to Comey’s account. “There’s no way I would let people pee on each other around me. No way. lol
>"I honestly never thought this words would come out of my mouth, but I don't know whether the current president of the United States was with prostitutes peeing on each other in Moscow in 2013," Comey told ABC. "It's possible, but I don't know." >"I started to tell him about the allegation was that he had been involved with prostitutes in a hotel in Moscow in 2013 during the visit for the Miss Universe pageant and that the Russians had filmed the episode, and he interrupted very defensively and started talking about it, you know, 'Do I look like a guy who needs hookers?'" Comey says.
Well you've got another war coming up so that should get shit moving again for a short while, and people won't care so much who's who in the government >>468426 Who said anything about a war? Propaganda, I mean That's just one sided
Kirara 🚗
the state can't manage a propaganda war anymore in the US they can't rally americans to their side the way they ddid for iraq
i can't wait for it to all tumble down
I wish I could be as optimistic
Kirara 🚗
trump has like actually made the state function incredibly poorly his decisions have mutilated it
everyone the state is suffering considerably trump is president and workers are forcing states into giving them 20 percent raises the national parks are shutting down factories are closing
and the ring of criminals trump surrounds himself with are living with the fear of being exposed
meanwhile cohen is about to lose a court case with stormy daniels
trump's policies have increased the deficit so substantially that congress is talking about how they may have to cut military spending to make up for the tax cuts the rich got otherwise the state will not have enough money to function
everything is falling apart right now it's amazing
things were never really great but right now it's inches away from breaking the fbi is pretty panicked internally they're actively working against the president now too with the mueller investigation which has the power to do nearly anything thanks to the political climate that invalidates facts that trump cultivated
I've been watching a ton of Michael Parenti talks, and I think you'd find them very interesting, too Especially the one on Julius Caesar >>>/watch?v=_IO_Ldn2H4o This one
Is super interesting >>468508 It just starts on its own? What is with Bethesda and all their DLCs having no player triggers in the world? Starting New Vegas with all DLC is like, you leave doc's office and there's like 500 [OK] buttons you gotta click
Kirara 🚗
i think so you kill the assassin and then see the writ and go seek out the assassins in mournhold and meet alexandria and eventually sotha sil and stuff
Maybe I'll give Skyrim another try once I get a new PC, actually There's a lot of stuff I never did in it
Kirara 🚗
morrowind remaster when
that joke is Morrowind not Skyrim haha
OH I thought it was Skyrim, didn't expect morrowind to have dlc
Kirara 🚗
Morrowind had two expansion pack one takes you to mournhold on the mainland of vvardenfell the other takes you to solstheim, which is where one of the skyrim dlc also takes you they changed the geography too much to be realistic in Skyrim though
I wish when I went to parties there'd be a fight, instead of just drunken 20 year olds shoving each other until I leave, only to hear later that the cops showed up
I'm glad I left that thing early cause I brought pot
Kirara 🚗
riot against the state the state patches you back up to do it again
People adding crimes and felonies just to have cops go under more situations is making me really - somewhat stressed. idk, cops will never really stop existing on states but they should really start being limited. i know. im ranting... sorry.
>>468489 remember a long time ago when i said i was weak to exposure what i actually meant by that wasnt skin as much as exposure to a character will make me like them more over time
it was oligarchy of a very weird sort even from the ver ybasis it was >to be able to politics you will need to >be landed >serve in the army for atleast 10 years >advance to a higher rank in the army during said service >then run for politics and actually win elections
So really, removing power from this group in order to go against their wishes, effectively turn power to the people
and as the system ran longer and longer and reforms were made to various parts of the system, the political power started to stick to families and the requirements to become a politician became more lax and more connection and wealth based
is amusing that the game has unintentionally created a system, where it is beneficial for your economy to take loans from your national bank, so that you can atleast try to guarantee that the banks don't fuck up their investments by investing in countries that will eventually go to bankruptcy, ie. 3 million pounds just lost in russia due to war Ofc, provided your economy can handle the interest rates.
i had the intake with the 10 year old autistic kid i am not sure if i agree with the diagnosis of autism!!
what fors it seem like he has instead
Inb4 bad parenting
Kirara 🚗
nah, his mom seems pretty good she has a good grasp of basic behavioral principles and even has instituted good interventions in the home to improve tthe kid's self esteem she has her problems but she's not bad
The kid is able to do some coding, knows how to do woodworking, has used a 3D printer extensively, and was telling me about plans to build a small working model car from stuff he 3D prints.
>>468643 It does, but he also makes great eye contact, is highly verbal, turns to talk to whoever he's addressing, doesn't engage in any visible repetitious behaviors, or anything else you'd expect. He does seem to have some minor social deficits, but he has a good understanding of the intricacies of how people say what and what different facial expressions mean. He was far more capable than other children his age are. He just isn't interested in some aspects of socialization, in particular, the parts that bore him.
This kid has skipped three grades and has made friends in those higher grades despite the age difference.
>>468647 I played once this morning and it was cool, but I haven't had a single break all day and my phone was dead anyway. It seemed pretty cool. I wish it'd let me pick my team, though. I'll check to see how many people I've helped. 44.
46 It seems that it counts every time someone uses your unit rather than actually "the number of unique people helped" I have 50 friends but a lot of them have been gone for a week or so. So someone really likes my Matthew. He's good.
That reminds me that I saw an INSANE +10 Oboro. She had like carrot lance and distant counter and a bunch of other stuff.
I had to kill her twice since units recycle once you've killed the pool of them. If you attacked her and didn't kill her she healed like half her life.
It has a core 4 infantry team that charges, and my flyer team that attacks over whatever obstacle the map has. My flying team is great and is as durable as my infantry team.
This album is too country for me.
Kirara 🚗
>>468674 same since there's nodes where all armored units get +1 speed /// movement it makes sense
Kirara 🚗
low key upset that i got put on the worst team though
anna is the best team i domt know what youre talking aboot
>>468691 It's player generated content so I would expect it. But I am really really aggravated >>468694 Heard about it. Sounds cool. I'd like to see official competitive Commander.
Blue, did you hear that Standard commander is now an official format?
>>468693 It's balanced as fuck, moneywise too. Cause you can't have four of a $20 card.
Kirara 🚗
>>468693 they should give us items like chain arena considering the difficulty is so high
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>there's a flying insect in this room and I don't know if it can kill me or not fuck
The most annoying part about it is that they keep spawning "THE WORST POSSIBLE UNIT"(tm) The one time I was about to destroy a fortress, they spawned Chrom, Knight Exalt. And my forward team was three fucking dragons. I AM UPSET
>>468703 I am thinking of countermeasures for this. One of them is Drag Back I am going to try pulling enemies out of position. >>468706 This sounds terrible and you are poisoning yourself but I'll allow it.
>>468705 yeah ive been considering that but i don't have enough drag back or lunge for every unit and if i only hhave it on two or three units, iit won't work
>>468709 Lunge won't work. You need Knock Back / Drag Back >>468712 ah, right. It'll work for those. I was mainly focused on literally PULLING THEM OFF OF THE FORTRESS so that I can range shot the fortress itself. Fuck the enemies but that is good too
Kirara 🚗
lunge will put my unit on their spawn i.e. they have one fewer space to bring in a new unit
Okay the answer is that allergies can be hereditary. But aren't neccesarily.
Though he's a bit more of a loser than I am it seems He can't keep a drop for more than a few days without quitting
>>468728 Destroy the competition and get her as an exercising buddy. That way you'll both slim up and be happier even if this is a disaster in the making.
i felt really good today i started off my day with some red kratom and then had some green kratom like two hours before my session i felt like a human bean like all day i was even able to talk about teacup's death like five minutes before my intake and transitioned seamlessly into my intake without getting fucked up or anything and i was super productive my first Good Day in a while
i know a little bit about them i've done some studying i think i might have a tiny bit of ainu from when my ancestors were forced into siberia for a while
That might be pretty neat. I just like eating up cultural information, it's useful as creative material, for lack of a kinder term. And it was a little funny to me when I was watching Golden Kamui that I know a fair bit of Japanese culture but the Ainu are pretty unknown to me. I didn't even know they were a thing in Japan until that bear and loli anime.
the ainu are pretty unknown outside of japan there's only like 20k registered ainu in the world only like 100-1000 ainu live in russia these days i think there's a number of people that have ainu blood but not too many have a lot of it the ainu generally look more european than asian, or, well, eastern european they're a lot like slavs the japanese thought the russians were ainu the first time they encountered them
Kirara 🚗
or so the story goes
there was a mascal 2day i still have the blood on my uniform :( no one died though :)
It's a shame that this mode is winner-take-all at the end. The only thing that seems to matter is the final rounds. Then again, having a high GC Tier score is good too. ah, I understand now
Kirara 🚗
the wotakoi op is so cool
>>468784 The pair with the pairs fingerdancing is pretty kawaii as fuck.
it showed them playing monster hunter on the switch
Yeah, the game's title shows up in the credits too. I guess they got permission or something to use the actual audio and directly reference the content
Kirara 🚗
it's weird that they got permission to do that but showed it on a switch since it seems like the monhun team has to be incredibly [no commento] about any monhun switch stuff
oh, so there is they got permission to put other anime in the anime so i guess it's not that hard to get game permission either if you have the right contacts
i immediately lost most of my motivation to participate in this
Have you noticed that some units you actually see over and over again
Not to mention that the scores are way too low to be global. Scores would be in the millions/billions EASILY if it were the entire game on a single map.
They said at the start of this they were going to do a survey and ask for feedback on this event once it was concluded. So you'll have an opportunity to ask for larger groups in each world. I plan to mention that as well.
we're most likely not even able to see each other's status in it or help/fight against each other as friends idk that sapped my motivation
It took me a while to realize too. I didn't think much of the scores but then I wondered what "Outrealm" meant and it just made sense. In any case, MY motivation is more Sacred Coins I'm hoping we can end with 15 areas at least
scared coins
tbh not wasting the hour+ of my time to make a regional impact that has no global weight i'd rather make a small global impact than a large negligible impact
Kirara 🚗
same this event is a great idea but the implementation kind of sucks
now that i know this shit doesn't matter im even less satisfied
Kirara 🚗
what's even the point of random teams if it's not global
>>468847 i was workin my butt off to be top battler in an area so my friends would see it i don't care if these other idiots with a +2 smoke dagger kagerou see it
i had a journey in my grand conquest adventures today i checked out the units that i found really out of the ordinary, and saw some names coming up repeatedly as summoners of those units i can't even share the experience with yall to say, "Yeah, that renwick guy's marisa is really nuts" because nobody else here even experienced it the joy of this event would be getting to discuss the top battlers' units of various areas with my comrades through message board and discord i can't even do that focus groups and surveys only capture popular fringe opinions that sounds contradictory, but it's a fault of a business that doesn't understand its core constituents
Kirara 🚗
I'd give it an 8/10 rating for the idea and maybe a 4/10 in terms of fun and a 1/10 in terms of implement
Where your unit gets placed is random too and that saddens me
it reminds me of the most recent star wars movie where two and a half hours get spent with nothing actually happening besides catering focus group popular opinion
Kirara 🚗
uhh do you mean last jedi
last airbender was better tbh
Kirara 🚗
a lot of stuff happened in last jedi and it was probably the most well written star wars movie
>>468861 too bad kotorra or whatever was so disappointing
Kirara 🚗
>>468862 star wars has always been about mary sues
>>468865 luke had to struggle though rey spent most of the movie being miraculous at everything while still running away from everything
>>468864 did you see E;Rs review Me and Moon watched that it's the best thing to come out of Korra
Kirara 🚗
>>468866 rey is connected to one of the most powerful force users in the galaxy which is why she's becoming so strong so quickly the concept has been used numerous times in Star Wars extended universe
>>468868 yeah but that's really boring storytelling man luke was a little gary stu'ed but he still had to work for it and faced a lot of negativity han didn't like him leia didn't like him they thought he was a naive piece of shit, and he was rey just fuckin walks in and everyone swoons at her beating kylo ren without ever touching a light saber in battle? >he was injured the sith feed off the pain though like, the messaging of empowerment overcast the immersion, and i can't consider it good writing at all early star wars did a better job of it in the 70s, when writing was poorer
disney fucks everything up man
Kirara 🚗
leia and han thought luke was naive but they loved him almost immediately they have little actual development with him for the first movie and immediately become absolutely horrified at the idea of him being in the snow they loved him unconditionally
i mean how you gonna reconcile rey knowing more about the milfal than han and taking over the piloting and mastering it instantly mary sue af
Kirara 🚗
she knew about the recent updates to the falcon that she had seen more than han knew about the updates that he was looking at for the first time also being a good pilot comes with being force sensitive every force sensitive main character magically learns how to fly masterfully luke did anakin did that's just star wars
in case of luke and anakin both are set as pilots with dialog
That scene where Luke fucked a porg was weird and out of place Didn't need to be in the film
and in case of anakin in pm, he really didn't "fly well" just fumbled around and luckied critted the enemy ship well tha whole space battle was a deux ex anyhow
The prequels shouldn't be used as a point of comparison because they're shit Yes 10 year old Anakin flying the plane and winning the battle was stupid
Kirara 🚗
>>468875 rey was introduced as having skills related to piloting and luke wasnt established as a pilot until 4 minutes before he piloted same with rey
>>468877 anakin was an amazing podracer due to the force and quickly learned to pilot nearly every other ship in the galaxy
>>468879 lol even in the cantina scene he boasted about "i can prolyl fly better than you" to han
Luke being a shithead is a series constant though.
Kirara 🚗
>>468880 that's not any indication that he can actually be a good pilot
also he talks about imperial pilot school and whatnot there is a lot of dialog dropped here and there about his flight ability anyhow
Kirara 🚗
same with rey
well there used to be a scene that even established it, but it was cut was a bad scene anyhow
Well cause those pilots wedge and whatnot pop out of nowhere during the final scene they were ment to actually have screen time before luke sets out with obiwan and shit I am thinking it would have been before that dinner scene where he says stuff about the imprial pilot school or after it I've seen it once long ago, and it just doesn't fit into the movie all awkward like some stuff in the prequel movies that practically exist just to introduce some character or plot point, but totally don't fit into the flow
think that obiwan visits weirdo cafe and learns about kamino
Dexter Jetster is my favourite Star Wars character
>>468893 with a 50s diner Good world building Lucs =]
and a robot wife
>>468895 what if that whole scene was written drunk and coked up and then they just actually sent it forward and then when it came to filming they just went "lol lets use it
>>468897 I think they used the first draft I'd believe it
>>468898 would explain a lot about those three movies
It's very likely there wasn't much editing after Lucas put the script together. By that time he'd lost the good critics he used to have (namely, his ex-wife) and probably was surrounded by yes men.
Well no one believed when they tried it before or when obama drummed it they just stopped giving a fuck about what the people do and just act instantly on any "casus" they can throw together
they expect me to be a therapist too and im like wtf u train me with a 1 hour class and then expect me to treat soldiers so i just pass their test and then take them to real therapists
Therapy seems a bit expensive. I don't know how people afford it.
Kirara 🚗
wtf lol what do they want you to do tto treat the soldiers with one hour of training
>>468955 health insurance also only well off people have the right to be healthy in america
>>468956 I n the UK free therapy is getting some old person to look at you judgementally and try and shove you off as quickly as possible. private care is all about the rich people where they actually want to spend any reasonable amount of time with you. I think on the NHS it is hard to get mroe than 15minutes of therapy
>>468956 they want me to recognize red flags learn social skills talk to them properly and then give them good advice/ remove harmful stuff
Kirara 🚗
>>468960 just give them a beck depression index it takes like 5 minutes and doesn't need any training they can do it themselves if they can read tbh
>>468959 i want to offer a lot of pro bono therapy
>>468959 military care is like free care in uk or canada treat them easiest way possible send them somewhere else
It is basically depending on where you are how good a therapist you get or any sort of free treatment since some areas suck at therapy and others are really good for it. I know a few things suck but then the UK is kinda small compared to the US so a smaller pool of trained people. that and a lot doctors from the UK go overseas because the government is underfunding the NHS because the tories want to make an american style system so they don;t have to pay for care. Tories suck
Maybe I should force this shitty internet to download anime >>468976 I dunno, it looks character names someone x someone the tsu could be シ but I think it is ツ
>>468996 I'm guessing this is a parody image/ *? is that a weight on the table?
Kirara 🚗
>>469002 they're real calling themselves the irish republican movement lmao
that is so stupid lol, considering the IRA was born of a group of people with real army training. the IRA had barracks and operated like a real army. and then disbanded after years to get into politics.
They used a helicopter once to break a member out of a prison too.
For a violent rebellion group they were quite decent
Kirara 🚗
if you're gonna do terrorism, following the IRA's example ain't a bad idea
The IRA always annouced publically where they targeted and shit but they did a lot of fucked up shit as well. there are a lot of murders they are accountable for .
Kirara 🚗
i had an ancestor in the IRA back in the early 1900s
>>469009 it is a bunch of guys who are okay with violent actions to enforce their goals, of course some of them will dos illy shit, even if they had a legendary leader who could enforce the organisation to stay "decent", which they didn't even try or do but their bombings and such were always quite well organised.
They were very professional in the early days. right up until they disbanded and then what split off groups formed. They had the training to deal with a lot of shit from the british in the 1900s especially given the black and tan England I don't think properly apologised for the black and tan
this airport wifi sucks >>469171 what's got you so stressed neighbor?
>>469177 airport wifi does suck. just not having to do really, I usually distract myself with lots of things. but being here I can't really Hikkomori it up
>>469181 that and I'll have to go to uni at the end of this year and also dealing with family. >>469182 Finding good manga is a life long struggle!
Also I have a craving to smoke and I haven't smoked in months. I think the literal lack of stimulas here is a bit shocking for me. I should just download things overnight with this crappy net
sounds pretty tough, did you move recently or something? >dealing with family always a pleasure
>>469192 I've moved recently and I'm also over in the US visiting my mom for 3 months.
oh damn yeah I'm pretty sure all of new mexico counts as nowhere
It'd be fine with decent net. I mean I don't go outside a lot anyway. and maybe a cornershop to get cheap cigs and cider. Internet that keeps cutting out and no shops for cheap shitty food is terrible.
how's a neet supposed to make a living like that >>469210 what if you just pick up food and eat while you walk?
>>469210 That actually an old rule where on school days you aren't allowed to go anywhere in a school uniform in case you unfavourable show up the school. I think some old english school used to do that as well.
YOU CAN'T DETAIN ME YOU TYRANT >>469222 not too bad, I've got a 5 hour layover so I'm drinking at an airport bar I might play FE soon too, I brought Awakening with me and I've never started it which are you playing?
>>469225 the super olde one on super famicon shadow dragon something it's good stuff awakening is good too but I've never finished it also aren't those airport drinks super expensive or something
>>469230 they're overpriced but my friend told me to oit put it al on his tab, and I tipped the bartender a 10 so he's hooking us up on drinks I never played any FE before 7 on gba
>When Makita Maki, Hasebe Kokoa, and Tachibana Rinka are hit by a truck, they're transported to an unknown location. After fooling around, they eventually figure out that they're in another world. With their phones still connected to Twitter, now they must try and live in this fantasy world.
>>469232 Thanks >>469241 Oh that gyaru isekai. I started reading that a couple of hours ago.
>>469242 Finding good manga is a life long struggle indeed. One of my Tachibana daughters are in it so I guess I have to read it.
oh right, I need to catch up on dungeon meshi I think it's almost been a year since I read it >>469243 normally I'd do the same with a new series but everyone I asked told me to jist skip the pre-GBA games
Truck-sama is just omnipresent at this point. How is it not a youkai in itself? >Cross the street while not looking both ways and Otruckkami will run you over!
>>469249 >truck driver-san has gained title: garbage collector
>>469251 I bet with it has become a youkai from all the stories in manga at this point. If you don't look both ways and help old ladies across the road trucksama will send you to a new world!