Thread #469017
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Yuru Camp mini OVA Beatless --Episodes 13-14 Butlers - etc. Cardcaptor Comic Girls Dame x Prince --Episodes 11-12 Cooking with Emya Full Metal Panic! Invisible Victory Gegege no Kitarou Gundam Build Divers --Episodes 1-2 Hinamatsuri Isekai Izakaya --Episodes 1-2 Lupin III --Episodes 1-2 Major 2nd Rokuhoudou Yotsuiro Biyori Saredo Tsumibito Uma Musume --Episodes 2-3 Grancrest Senki --Episodes9-14 Toji no Miko --Episodes 7-14
Yes hello?
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hello Ika shuld be along shortly.
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Also this was amazing Best OP of the season Best anime of the season >his name is Joe
>>469024 namatsuri
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okay well name stuff you want to watch while I try to get my head around this list, haha
I'm curious about the izakaya show. Izakaya is a Japanese-style bar, so it kind of sounds pretty similar to that Isekai restaurant show from last year that was pretty nice.
Isekai Izakaya?
>sunrise okay i'll watch it
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okay that's on the list Gurazeni, do we want to watch it? Ika didn't seem to want to but it looks like the kind of thing that may be good to me.
If we're going to watch a baseball show let's just do Major 2nd. I don't really want to watch Gurazeni. I mean I don't particularly care for either of them but I've heard good things about the original Major I believe.
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okay In that case let's cut Gurazeni from the list. oh full metal panic no vetos on that right?
I haven't really followed Full Metal Panic but I'll watch it if on your watchings. So no veto on it for me.
I didnt watch previous is it sequel?
i have fmp/major/isekai/hinamatsuri
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>these people haven't seen full metal panic let me skim it fast to see if you can pick it up from where it starts.
>>469036 Just put it on the list damn it.
ywah for one episode we can try it
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full metal panic hinamatsuri Isekai Izakaya comic girls
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sounds good i'm ready
Okey dokes.
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full metal panic okay lets start!
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I don't know how well you're going to be able to pick this up, a lot happened in full metal panic. In fact it's been so long since I've watched it, I don't know what's going on either.
those are the full metals and they are about to panic
I'ev got the gist of it.
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kurama reminds me of batou from gits
Yeah I see that too.
i don't think foreknowledge is a real word
There aren't any real words to begin with.
oh holy shit it is
>>469053 i mean a recognized word
Yeah I'm just messing around. Go men nassy.
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So Sagara is the protagonist. He's a soldier who also goes to high school. He was a child soldier so he's kind of retarded. The blueish haired girl is Chidori, she's the main heroine. She's also a bit of a bitch. Also her hair used to be a lot more blue. Now it looks kinda bluegreen. The silver haired girl from the start is the secondary heroine, she's like a general's daughter or something?
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damn the art in this is good I guess it is only the first episode though
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wait you tellin me performing covert operations using a highschool as your base is a bad idea
No one would ever guess it though man.
I'm a little surprised they didn't do a re-cap episode or an OVA episode 00 to cover the previous events. A lot of these series that have been getting picked up years later have done stuff like that.
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>>469061 just don't think too hard about it man take a page out of sagara's book
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>>469061 That actually may have been nice because I watched this like before even coming to moe it's been so long. And there may be some OVAs or something I missed.
sagara's war autism detected him through the fucking walls and in the dark
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no need to be so mean to griffith he just wants to talk
He really is a Griffith carbon copy, isn't he.
>>469066 well his eyes may or may not be the wrong color depending on which canon griffin is the most canon griffin
holy shit MC just got burned hard and didn't even realize
.>wiping your nose with your ponytail
Yeah that's pretty uuuuhhhh. Fucking grody.
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Hair isn't very good for wiping snot on.
Oh I'm familiar with these two.
sanada is so fucking cool
even with an iq of a squash
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what kind of ghetto shit antenna
>A long five minutes How long does five minuters even last.
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okay hinamatsuri okay lets start!
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esper musume
ep 1 was funny as heck
Wow this one has all the luck.
Oh shit this one gets a motorcycle gang as her manservants.
they're so baggy makes her look like a delinquent
He's a pretty quick thinker.
shes got the yankee thing down
yakuza gonna crack down on street crime
This Yakuza guy has some E-rank luck.
>>469091 F-rank or SSS-rank it's hard to tell
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>>469092 Luck loops back around at the extremes.
she broke her fucking kneck
Stuff like this always makes me expect a stinger. Ah there's one.
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and now she can't get back delinquent hobo esper time
poor nitta
He really does have it rough.
his bad boy persona has been ruined by a daddy persona
He's trying so hard now.
That probably sounds pretty bad to her classmates.
>coming to a bar when you're already drunk ballsy
And now the chuugakusei is serving the bar.
That poor, poor girl. Holy shit.
she's a good bartender though
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girl's night out
Oh I've seen this panel from the manga.
Oh no.
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haha they're having real fun
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supa irrusion
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just use hina to steal from a bank
wew thats like 29,000 canadabucks
Yeah they really spent a lot. Real Yakuza life.
>>469117 well he's already blown a million yen on buying his daughteru clothes and 2.5 million on one night drinking he's gonna need to get his yakuza hands busy soon
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Money does not seem to be an issue for him. okay what was it next isekai izaya okay lets start
Boozing in Another World
isekai am sick of all this isekai
at least it has production values
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>all these overlays is this a fucking variety show
Yeah I'm wondering that too. They're not going away. Wonder where HorribleSubs ripped this from.
fuck clinking glasses together always makes me cringe
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Yeah what is with these overlays?
edamame is a great bar snack
A good healthy option for when you're out drinking.
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The stuff at this bar must be really good.
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I think they like it because there isn't such a thing as a japanese bar in this isekai world
this show is like a budget isekai cafe
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delicious japanese odin
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>>469134 It's like the generic version. Like you'd find on the bottom shelf cereal display.
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>>469138 I always buy the generic stuff that comes in bags. I don't need a box and preservatives for two dollars more.
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all this odin stuff is cracking me up
the overlays are finally over at the end of the show
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stuff is getting 3D in here. oh this is a 14 minute episode?
Yo whoa This is not what I expepcted now I finally understand the variety show overlays
Oh I see.
>>469143 Oh I totally missed that too, hah hah.
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well, whatever. We'll cook with Emiya after Comic Girls.
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lots of cooking
what the fuck is that chopped peppers?
i dont want to watch this showi think it kind of sucks too bland
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>>469154 agreed the production value can't save how boring it is the cooking segment at the end was cool though
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comic girls play ;ets start!
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seems like it's just one bar food dish a week kind of thing
Cosmic Girls
let the chuuni cosplay #stopbully
Public transit is daaaangerous!
i want crepe
Blood splatters in shoujo manga have their place. They turned that splatter into some pretty cool art.
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rohan kishibe's newest disciple
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Otaku shows are always good.
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I also like the technique when real life photos are used in anime like they're doing for the stock here.
Oh they're all the same year. That's a surprise.
they seemed older
Hah hah hah She's aaaall on her own.
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power level exposed except no one knew what it was
Awa wawa
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Puni puni boyon
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cooking with emiya ep 4 I think Ika doesn't watch this, right? thanks for anime! okay lets start!
Yeah Ika doesn't care for delicious family cooking.
nope thank you for anime
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thanks for eminem
Time for everyone's favourite literally who.
I guess they only do one episode of this every month.
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Yeah, they come out at a rather low rate.
Oh no.
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Don't worry, best assassin has got this.
San do uitchi
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Time for cooking.
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Oh, it's rare for Issei to actually appear. He's that character you always forget about.
Even in the original series he was pretty minor. A little strange considering he's supposed to be Shirou's best friend.
Caster is super-cute in casual.
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She'll probably get her own ep later. thanks for anime!
Yup, thanks.