she's +atk/-res ill probably never use her unfortunately
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Res refine would set her back up to neutral, and extra attack is pretty nice.
But if you won't use her oh well. If you feed someone else Blarrserpent just make sure it's someone worthy.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I want to roll for the sake of rolling but I looked at the schedule and saw when the next new units and legendary banners are
Kirara 🚗
i might feed for mirror stance the tome isn't really useful to any blue tome units except lym
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
oh yeah that's also something she has unique to herself. I was like "What else could you take from her, ATK Ploy?"
Kirara 🚗
if i had close counter it could be a useful tome
Kirara 🚗
so i might just wait
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Might as well let her hang out and dig pitfalls in your base
Kirara 🚗
Samsung's latest Galaxy phone, the Galaxy J2 Pro, lacks one skill you'd expect any smartphone to be able to do: connect to the internet.
That's right. No 3G, no LTE, no Wi-Fi, no nothing. Samsung says the phone is intended for students and senior citizens as a way for them to make calls and use apps, minus the distractions or confusions of going online.
how do you get the apps????
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I guess they get to use what's built in and that's that
You know Kirara we didn't finish the Symphonia anime and I don't think Mithos had enough time to go into it but his solution to racism was to make everyone the same race.
I don't really have anything insightful to add to that, but I was reminded of it.
Kirara 🚗
that's such a racist solution
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>469345 Which is why Lloyd and pals punch him in the throat. He backpedals eventually and just decides "Well fuck it if that won't work I'll just make the world perfect for myself and my sister"
Kirara 🚗
any solution to solve racism that doesn't come down to "stop being racist" will inevitably be racist
I hope none of you are in the impossible section
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>Berseria is on sale but Kirara still doesn't have time to play it what a world
>>469367 tell me the fucking names you dweeb or I'll start believing in spooky things
Kirara 🚗
megalo box and golden kamuy
Is golden kamuy fun? I looked at it but didn't know if it's worth watching
Kirara 🚗
it's really good the first episode was amazing it's a really good series
I've seen a fair bit of chatter on Golden Kamuy with manga chapter releases, in that range of popular, but not shounen mainstream-level popular that usually indicates quality of something. So I'm expecting it to be pretty good.
>>469373 The best part of this was the immediately following >Well I guess I should have expected this result
Gonna check that golden show out, might be kewl
Kirara 🚗
megalo box is aoty potential tbh
I'm not too big into sport anime usually is it very sportsy?
Kirara 🚗
it's just futuristic exoskeleton boxing mostly just HOT BLOODED people beating the shit out of each other
Kirara 🚗
and class struggle
may as well check out the first ep then
Kirara 🚗
the SAO spin off is gonna be amazing too it's written by the kino no tabi author
Kirara 🚗
and mommy gf of the season
I did watch the first episode of that too, forgot about it wasn't really sold some guy giving the girl orders the entire time pretty much all that was going on
I wonder if adverts in bus stops and public places even work. I just ignore them without thought.
Kirara 🚗
>>469407 Advertisments don't really work in the way people tend to think they do. They're not relying on you becoming more factually informed on the product in the ad. It's more of a peripheral awareness, or ensuring the product is now something you're marginally more conscious of being a thing.
saturation and positive association
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I don't think I can do Valter!Infernal with a team of my favorites...
>>469409 I only really remember adverts from when I was a kid watching telly. I can't renember an ad outside of that, I am probably not social enough to be targeted enough maybe. I keep seeing ads as annoyances to be honest. Like why waste my time with commercials.
Kirara 🚗
adjust your favorites
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>axebreaker fuk flier emblem almost worked instantly
>>469412 See but you're still working under those common misconceptions. The fact alone that an ad has lodged itself in your consciousness as an irritation means the ad has succeeded in its objective. Ads serve no purpose beyond increasing your awareness of the product.
>>469416 Maybe off the top of your head, sure. But next time you're in the shop, in some aisle, and you're grabbing for a particular product? That's likely the result of the ad you don't recall having stolen itself into a small corner of your brain.
Hm, but i don't remember the advert itself? I mean I don't think I've ever been influenced to pick up a random product. I don't like products i am not used to and ones I am used to are ones I had as a child.
The adverts are the ones you don't even realise you've noticed
>>469417 *the best >>469415 Ads don't just need to increase someones awareness of a product existing. They can also change how you feel about the product, to use the ad to colour our perception of it.
>>469416 It might not specifically have influenced you alone but it combines with a range of factors. If you're comparing two similar products and you've seen an ad for one but not the other, you're likely to buy the one that's been advertised The fact that you don't think advertising is effective is exactly how they're able to use advertising to nudge your awareness and opinions. You're influenced and you don't even realise it
Kirara 🚗
it's like subliminal messaging
much better
>>469416 I think it's easy to say that, but forgive me for not believing you for a second. You probably don't want to think it's that way because it sounds scary or worriesome. It happens to near every human bean though.
I didn't seem to find the first episode of that show as funny as most everyone else did. I mean it was good and enjoyable, but the first episode's humour didn't quite click with me. This week's episode was amazing though.
Hm, I don't know. I'm anxious about what I buy that I usually buy based off calorie count or feature or x Something I've never felt an advert has been successful to me but if it is subliminal i guess it is impossible to know.
Kirara 🚗
guess im not going to be productive today
Kirara 🚗
>>469424 you don't feel it it's a subconscious thing
I suppose, I do think of somethings as more professional and some as trashy but it is then hard to tell if I unconciously subjected to something I haven't watched telly in years alot of ads I was used to watcjing look absurb to me.
I wonder then if everything we hear, see and say makes us buy particular products and services.
I love those coco cola ads where it's summer and everyone's having the time of their lives and it's all happy and it implies Coke is responsible for it
Kirara 🚗
i guess since i can't work, i have no choice but to watch more anime instead of working
Are you being kept from working by your cat or by your brain?
by anime most likely
Kirara 🚗
my cat obviously if i could i work i totally could i am highly motivated you see but i am powerless so it can't be helped you understand
>>469454 Like even if there's no work there's too many games and mangas and animes to get through in one lifetime
Kirara 🚗
too many people to see too many places to do
too many people to do too many places to see
too many people to place
too many dos to place too many sees to people
Kirara 🚗
>Lead was found in 70 percent of the 2,797 homes the Chicago Tribune sampled across the city since January of 2016. >Chicago's drinking water is full of lead, report says
Truly Chicago is leading the nation
is that going to be the next Flint?
J Is that lead from all the bullets?
Kirara 🚗
>>469462 there are many flints flint still doesn't have clean water after so many years
that's pretty shitty
Well, it's not all bad The people selling water bottles are making a killing
Kirara 🚗
all of the clean drinking water near flint is owned by nestle and they're just pumping it all up to sell elsewhere
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I think I'm going to leave Valter alone for now
Kirara 🚗
>Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s administration has fended off a lawsuit demanding the removal of lead pipes connecting homes to the public water system, but the judge who threw out the case last month acknowledged that scores of Chicagoans are drinking tap water contaminated with the brain-damaging metal.
nobody cares nobody has any power to save themselves the people need to rise up and take back their lives stop letting the rich and powerful poison us
maybe in a few decades in the meantime I'll watch some anime
I have to believe it'll happen
Kirara 🚗
i should become an eco terrorist or soemthing
>>469472 you seen The East? p dank movie about that
Kirara 🚗
i have not heard of it
>>469472 dump so much lead that they have to steal the water bottles
>>469474 I'm seeding one of the release so grab it if you're interested
Recycle the lead pipes into lead bullets to shoot the rich and evil.
and use the rest for a throne for me to sit on
>>469478 I think that is a bad idea. Monarchies suck
you're in the US, you can order some kratom if you want it
>>469495 maybe that's what I gotta do too usually I don;t feel like doing my course work, so I just don't
>>469496 that's what I gotta do sometime as well not looking forward to it tbh
Kirara 🚗
yeah same i took the red at like 9am and the green at like 1pm it was such a smooth transition i'm bout to take 2g green
>>469497 yeah man drugs is super cool get some coke or h
I guess I'll go to the shop
>>469500 you use a scale or what? I have one, but it's not even close to 1g accuracy, more for 100s of grams
Kirara 🚗
>>469504 i started getting capsules they got .5g each makes it real easy even if it's a little more expensive no gross texture or taste either and i can easily bring it with my to uni or some shit and nobody will see me mixing weird ass powder into my drinks lol
I'd probably die if i brought any drugs l. I was wondering about that stuff that made you feel calm. Sounded neat
>>469505 yeah that sounds pretty good for use outside of home I don't even mind the taste or texture tbh the marijuana edibles I've made taste worse tbh shrooms taste even worse, god damn that's the worst taste ever
Kirara 🚗
the texture really grosses me out
but kratom is some miracle shit it makes me feel human so easily and consistently better than any antidepressant
if it was up to me I'd be drunk or high the entire time why can't humans feel this way all the time
Kirara 🚗
they can all they gotta do is lose their chains
don't see that happening any time soon sadly I guess it's drugs for me in the meantime
Kirara 🚗
we could just lose our chains and hang ourselves with them
that's my plan B well I was more thinking those dank suicide bags
Kirara 🚗
lmao the ones from kabaneri or whatever?
dunno what that is I mean just a bag with nitrogen or helium
Kirara 🚗
oh in that anime they have suicide bags that they put on their hearts and it blows a hole in their chest
that'd work too, but sounds tricky to make by myself
Kirara 🚗
market them as fun party favors
great present for your family and kids
These should be given out free by the government .
Kirara 🚗
oh yeah that's them
I started a sourdough culture gonna try to make some bread from it tomorrow I hope it'll be dank feels pretty weird to use this organisms that are already in the flour, you can see them work and smell their products
I'm gonna become an expert if I can just make dumb shit up like this and get paid by a magazine I'll tell you the true personality of anyone by their thumbs
Kirara 🚗
let's start a zine
if you can write well you can be an expert on anything the pure garbage I've seen in "respectable" newspapers is surprising
Kirara 🚗
true personality of famous communists based on their dicks
Kirara 🚗
emma goldman here? big ole floppy wiener that's how you know she's hardscore
Kirara 🚗
hardcore too
the most interesting bit of her book was the biography that was included have you read it?
i think the gay admin at the clinic i work at figured out i'm nonbinary somehow because the other day he was talking about how only men fail this one thing in our program and i was like "is that right?" and he said "you'll be fine though because you're, you know"
That is so ambigious that I'd feel anxious if he said "you're, you know" >>469682 Singing, dancing and idoling on stage
what was the thing?
Kirara 🚗
it's just a big project that has to show how good we are as therapists it's called our CPE
>>469681 haha he's a pretty cool dude, i don't think he meant anything ominous or anything he probably just realizes that i'm not a typical guy or that i'm just presenting male
i'm teaching the admin about XDCC and how to find what anime is airing and stuff
wow, you can't reveal your powerlevel and the "secret" means to find anime too easily! XDCC is secrit club level
Kirara 🚗
it's ok, he's good he has high potential i just have to develop him properly
don't let the normies know
>>469687 Wow you are like the hidden onee-san behind the curtains, cultivating the future non-normies. and also I think it is pretty brave to call yourself non-binary. a lot of anxiety with gender identies around.
Kirara 🚗
i don't call myself nonbinary offline usually only close friends and twitter know i'm nonbinary and some of my leftist friends IRL
>>469687 oh you mean the gay admin is he cute and stuff?
>>469691 people don't even know I'm a leftie tbh. >>469697 ah. yeah i should have specified.
Kirara 🚗
>>469692 he's not unattractive but he's not my type
>>469693 >Sorry to keep you waiting >Oh! you are giving off a different feeling from usual. >for the purpose of getting ready to go out, (two character names I can;t bothered to figure out) >came to help me. >Different?, you can laugh / (laugh if you want) >Yes, your // I thought you looked really cute. >Something in russian >Nn? I haven't heard that before? What does it mean? >Who knows. >? >baka
I'm mad so many people are just like critizicing the trump criticisim. they dont really know how is to get your country messed with by others. even if the chemical weapons things is correct, i dont think that'll stop them. this is a 7 year war and they had no actual reason to attack RN.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Oh Kannagi is flaunting her power
I've read a translation before though
Kirara 🚗
the admin is one of those guys that is like a chihuahua they try to act tough but they're small and weak he needs to be with a burly manly man or a tall dark handsome type
>>469702 oh those. aren't you smol and weak too? well no, you're an athlete.
Kirara 🚗
i'm reasonably strong and i can fight i'm a dex build
Kirara 🚗
i have like moderate stamina and really high stamina regen but low HP (probably) i've always been too good to sustain serious damage but i think i would crumple easily if i got hit hard in a weak point
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I'm a mundane build.
Kirara 🚗
back when i did martial arts i never really got hit in competitions i am pretty good at blocking and evading
it's warmer than I anticipated outside
>>469698 thanks now we need a russian to know what she said
Why are the heroes called "periods"? This is a dumb anime and I'm 3 seconds in
Kirara 🚗
because the japanese like to use random english words
yeah what imats said I feel like the show is ironic
>>469709 идиот Means idiot apparently. so pretty much baka in embarrassment.
one of my mutuals that i super love passionately believes the syrian chemicals are real and i passionately don't believe we're both postin shit like UNFOLLOW ME IF YOU DISAGREE lol
holy fuck I didn't even look at your follower count that's pretty high
I passionately believe the reality of the chemical weapons is a red herring, because it's unrelated to why the US seeks warfare
People are ripping into corbyn for saying bombs won't help the people in syria. I mean, at this point bombing has a long history of fucking everything up I don't get why people want strong displays of miltary to "make sure the russians know they can't fuck with us" like I don't think bombing syria is going to change much except fuck up those that can't recover from it.
Kirara 🚗
free them from their sorrowful existences
exactly free them from their earthly presence
>>469722 Yeah I got no idea how it ended up like this I was just a shitty twitter person with like 50 followers, found communism and now I've expropriated the followers
Kirara 🚗
can't be oppressed if you're dead
Kirara 🚗
i got like 60 followers in the last week because i made like two good tweets it's amazing
Twitter is hard to do. I don't have enough strong opinions and blowing up normies is probably not going to get followers! that and talking to people is terrible.
Kirara 🚗
two people that live in my area reached out to me because my one tweet got so big and wanted to potentially get involved with the leftist org shit
sk found a niche in twitter and exploited it the market works
Kirara 🚗
HUGE BIRD I need to get my camera ah I need to get out bed clothes
Kirara 🚗
is it a hawk
what are you doing in the US kannagi-san?
Could be!
Kirara 🚗
>>469739 she moved there she already has a baseball cap, three guns, and a big ole truck
damn she's already more american than I am dutch
Kirara 🚗
if you moved to Pennsylvania you'd be pennsylvanian dutch
It was a huge crow. how disappointing. I rushed into trousers and slipped on the floor for nothing.
Kirara 🚗
you should go find wild turkeys
I'd die. please kirara.
Kirara 🚗
no it's fine you'll be fine
Kirara 🚗
this isn't far cry
No way, I started reading up all about wild turkies after seeing far cry ones. There are some horror stories out there. they are on my run away and cry list.
Kirara 🚗
haha they're really not that bad i've been around them lots of times and never got hurt
>>469778 No way, I'm gonna recklessly download all the anime for this season!
Kirara 🚗
i realized yesterday that if i have clients that are children, i can basically just play games with them and call it rapport building and count that as therapy hours
>>469780 get them hooked on mobage? they come out of therapy with waifus and advanced mobage skills.
>>469780 i spent a lot of time with the counselor during elementary school he said he was gonna get me a pack of pokemon cards and then he never did fuckin cold
Kirara 🚗
>>469781 they come out of therapy with gambling problems*
>>469783 F2P is best way to play. It makes the rares all the more precious! wakattenaino
i think my new 11 yo client is gonna be fun he's a super cool kid maybe we can do origami together
I only got a single shiny pokemon card as a child and some of kid snatched it from me. Humans suck!
>>469787 Make him do a modified rosarth (however you spell it) test but instead of ink blobs, anime waifus. he has to pick between all the deres
Kirara 🚗
i wonder how he'd do on the rorshach idk if he's autistic like he was diagnosed
>04/18 Wait, this manga has an anime this season Oh it's a short
is choco max level?
When I did an autism test at school, it was about some story I had wrote. I was horribly smug about it. I feel embarrased thinking about it.
i feel embarrassed thinking about anything
the ED is fun
Kirara 🚗
I haven't finished any of the Persona anime series, I keep wanting to finish the games first. I wonder if I can emulate P4 and P3 on this laptop. Although I haven't got my save data. I have all the old save data from years ago on my pc.
Kirara 🚗
i'm really not sure this client has Aspergers but he was diagnosed by someone who has their doctorate so it feels like i shouldn't object to it kind of but idk the typical symptoms just weren't there when i met the kid
What are the typical symptoms of Aspergers? >>469801 Damn
watching anime
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
water valter get
Kirara 🚗
>>469800 generally we see a lot of social deficits problems holding conversations and understanding the rules which govern conversation difficulties understanding things that aren't explicitly stated it's a form of autism
but this kid made great eye contact he turned to me or his mom depending on who he was talking to, was making eye contact was very verbal feels comfortable coming in to sessions without his mom present even though i'm a completely new person has a good sense of humor was able to pick out the nuances in his mom's ton /// tone of voice and even her facial expressions
how does this already have a spin off
>>469803 Wait so what indications of aspergers does this kid have, then?
Kirara 🚗
his mom reported that he has trouble being involved in conversations that don't interest him, but he doesn't think it's as severe as she does and he doesn't like to be touched by other people including his mom (in certain situations) like if they're sitting on his bed, he doesn't want to be touched, but he'll still hug his mom
he has some behavioral problems in school but i think it's because he's bored
Doesn't everyone? Kid's just honest
I got diagnoised with aspergers when I was younger. I wonder if I went to a doctor now they might think differently or not. I'm not great in social situations but I can talk to people if its things I'm interested in.
yeah i think it's easy to misdiagnose because the symptoms aren't really descriptive enough like, unless you've seen it before, it's really not... i dunno words
Kirara 🚗
he started talking earlier than they expected him to, apparently and he met all the normal developmental milestones
i think he does have some communication problems with his family, but i'm not sure of the degree to which he has them because i think his mom is biased towards thinking he does which is influencing her perceptions he expressed to me that he does have some communication problems and appeared to be troubled by them, and they're certainly troubling, but they appear to be the result of him speaking before he thinks, he's an impulsive speaker
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
earth mission complete!
this is why i could never be a clinician i'd have to really depersonalize hard and tell all these moms to stop backseat driving their therapy and if you want them to make any progress to shut up and let the professional do their job
Sounds like a normal kid to me
Kirara 🚗
he's not quite normal, he's incredibly intelligent, which is why i think he's having some of the behavioral problems he's bored
>>469812 his mom is actually pretty smart and i think she'll definitely cooperate and do so well she's instituted a few behavioral interventions in her home which i thought demonstrated pretty good judgment for someone without any psychological training pretty decent interventions too, stuff to help with the kid's self esteem but i think she's focused on the diagnosis that might not need to be there, she's seeing what the diagnosis says is there instead of the real symptoms that's my impression after being with them for an hour and a half or so, at least
I wonder if there's anything to dream interpretations
I doubt it
I mean in terms of like subconscious stuff bothering you or something, manifesting as dreams
obviously you can't tell the future or something from dreams
Kirara 🚗
i don't think so i don't think subconscious stuff comes out in dreams, dreams are usually parts of conscious memories and sensations and stuff
Kirara 🚗
in my opinion, at least
iunno where my dreams are coming from them, cause every dream I can remember for weeks now have been things that have never happened, like even remotely
I don't think anyone knows really don't think they have even figured out why we sleep
Kirara 🚗
i don't think they're like actual memories just pieces and parts of memories your brain flashing neurons and stuff triggering bits and pieces of memories in different ways
there was a time i used to dream based on the stresses of that day sort of these days there's not much memory recall and it's more around fantasization, usually whatever i'm thinking about when i'm going to sleep i guess it's a little more conscious usually i dream about being underground someone might say there's some interpretation there of what that means but really it just means i want to be underground
I either die, the world ends, or it's like wish fulfillment or something that's all I get
Wow I sure did spent like $75 on records. I'm getting $15 back though cause I got something by proxy for a friend.
sometimes there's a combination
btw krr half kilos for $45 sale
I also got Superbad and Be Kind Rewind together for $1.
Like one time I died and the world ended
you already take lsd and stuff so you're pretty attuned to your unconscious anyway i think dream interpretation is probably more important when you're naive to it and haven't parsed that channel before once you have, you don't really need to try to understand it because you're able to see how your unconscious works >>469835 you're not naive to it you've been in altered states of consciousness
I mean, I don't 'do LSD', I've done it like 4 times or something I've got one tab left
didn't know that sk-san how'd you like it?
Is that like Altered States?
It's a lot of fun, but I need something lined up to occupy my time or I get bored and it feels like a complete waste It opens up my thoughts really well, like weed but more
>fun why use drugs for fun instead of exploring yourself
>>469838 >It opens up my thoughts really well, like weed but more yeah same, I just spend hours laying there thinking to myself
ya my mate told me there was new steins gate. I might wait till its all aired and binge watch
>>469871 But does it have the terrible Suzuha path?
Man I really wish Chaos Head had been as successful as steins gate
Kirara 🚗
i wish it had been as good as steins gate
It was actually terrible though
kurisu is love, kurisu is life
>>469868 It's valentine's day so she bought a bunch of cheap chocolates and is repackaging them into things to make it seem like they were homemade. And she's going to multiply in chocolate on White Day because she's popular.
why are twitter moments so disconnected with the rest of twitter I want things to match my twitter. Not whatever is happening in the US. Where are my anime and manga stuff
No idea I don't fully understand twitter moments
Kirara 🚗
i think they're chosen by editors or something
They suck.
It feels as if every day there's just another isekai to read.
What if a meteor shaped like a truck with Earth and God came down and reincarnated Earth as a new planet
Total Extinction! I Am The Isekai?!
>>469890 There are as many isekai as there are stars in the universe
It's more like, we can't get this stuff off the ground today, yaknow So like, what can we do today? I think it involves creating a state within the state
Kirara 🚗
i think it involves the creation of a community rather than a state people connected by mutual acts of kindness and aid
Well a state is a tool And it doesn't need to be enforced in similar ways But what little resources and power the people have, I think we need to put it together somehow
I dunno, they're not fully formed ideas But I've been consuming a lot of stuff in the last few days, and it's made my head start grinding
Kirara 🚗
i agree that we gotta put it together but i don't think we need any real hierarchy for it we can naturally organize horizontally as a community grows and there might be people around whom things start to center, but as long as it's a community and not an organization, it'll be hard for them to amass power and they'll frequently have things center on them solely because of their organizational abilities
I guess a state is the wrong term More like an institution, where resources are collectiviced, and it expands to grab more, while remaining directly democratic ideally
I interrupt your thought processes for this cute picture of me and someone that Kirara isn't
>>469925 like an organization that keeps track of everyone's resources and distributes them based on votes?
>>469930 Something like that It could be used to implement our own rules for communities, too You could, hypothetically, discriminate against cops when it comes to distribution THat sort of thing
Kirara 🚗
well yeah i think that's pretty necessary that's something that anarchists have been doing for a long time
But \\\ Yeah, I mean I don't think it's new I'm just unsure how principled I am towards it being entirely horizontal, and such
Part of the inspiration was that talk by Parenti I linked you
I don't care too much about whether what he said is true, but the way he described Caesar, he was authoritarian sure, but he used his authority to go against the senate Or a lot of it anyway, and that's really the main way he was authoritarian Which he did by building or at least respecting a separate, proletarian democracy To some extent It's still ancient rome, Caesar was no communist
Spent a little mpre money. But I got five really good CDs.
Also historians apparently being majority reactionary is something I didn't know
Kirara 🚗
>>469935 caesar was generally supported by the senate even when he declared himself dictator for life without a vote senate was implicit in his shit senate was with him when he marched on gaul and everywhere else
>>469940 after he pissed them off but they initially were all for him
Cause how do you piss off an oligarchy? Not by maintaining their class interests, that's for sure
Kirara 🚗
>>469942 most of senate was fine with him it was only like 20% of the senate that killed him, afraid that he'd become a tyrant
I mean I find it hard to believe that the ruling class in modern times will suffer Hitler, but oligarchy was annoyed with this guy being too powerful
But hey, I'm not super read, and really I only got this from Parenti's speeches But it does make sense
Kirara 🚗
senators were held to really strict ethical standards they weren't oligarchs they weren't allowed to be involved with any banking whatsoever for example they had heavy restrictions on what kinds of contracts they could enter and they were punished if they broke the ethical guidelines at the time of caesar, the senate wasn't particularly corrupt
I mean these are still things a ruling class can offer up as concessions for their right to rule
Corruption means nothing
Kirara 🚗
corruption means a lot
Who cares if a slumlord is corrupt? He's a fucking slumlord He'll do what's good for slumlords whether bribed or not
Kirara 🚗
the part of the senate that killed caesar did so because they were afraid, in part, that he would allow corruption and be corrupt himself the senators that killed caesar were in part working against their class interests in disposing of a tyrant
Kirara 🚗
i'm not saying the senate was good or that they were good, just that they had principles they adhered to and some took that very seriously caesar was killed by those that took it seriously
the senate was full of wealthy nobles. the senators did not get paid to be senators so only wealthy nobles became senators generally caesar had no real intention of getting rid of the nobility or anything like that, he just wanted the power to do whatever he wanted without consequences he wanted to use it primarily for imperialist conquest
Was Caesar heartbroken by Brutus' betrayal or did he merely realize that he messed up when even his friend had to stab him?
>>469951 It just seems strange to me that he'd need to seize power from the bourgeoisie in order to do exactly what is necessary for the continued existence of the bourgeoisie
Kirara 🚗
>>469953 he did not "seize" power senate named him dictator it gave him that power \
Parenti mentions that dictator doesn't mean the same thing as the english word, but I dunno how much truth is in it Overall from what I've seen, the guy knows what he's talking abou t
Kirara 🚗
a dictator in rome is someone /// was someone that was elected to do a certain job usually military conquest but sometimes other tasks they were given extraordinary power to use to complete their task these people were obligated to step down when their task was completed
caesar's appointment as dictator perpetuo meant that he had no time limits or obligation to step down it was a declaration that he was basically a man with the power of a monarch he sought to engage in extensive imperialist conquest to bring more wealth to rome and himself and of course, the aristocracy caesar's goal was always to create a massive empire, he wanted to follow in the footsteps of alexander the great caesar was basically being declared as a divine being, much like alexander the great was
while his motivation wasn't a desire to explicitly bring further wealth to the aristocracy, that was something that would naturally occur as he pursued his whims senate recognized that and gave him the power necessary to do so, knowing it would further their interests caesar was an amazing military strategist and was fairly popular with the citizens in part due to his extensive and successful military conquests he probably could have taken power if he needed to, but he didn't need to, because it was granted to him
Learning much
Kirara 🚗
parenti has an interesting perspective and is an intelligent person but it should be no surprise that his history of julius caesar and the assassination has been called historical revisionism
wish i could get some oxy fuckin old generation abusin it now i gotta suffer
Kirara 🚗
old people ruined everything
and they gotta preach at us too like they know what's good for us because they've been through it "don't do X and fuck up your life it's addicting and dangerous" fuck off gramps i know how to not be addicted to things because we actually know restraint and are educated about pharmaceuticals the blind and paranoid leading the competent
why does both slaying and killing axe exist what do you think of // >>469965 oh does it i thought they were different branches nevermind does it stack with flashing blade what do you think of flashing blade slaying axe anna or flashing blade giant spoon anna
>>469964 Weapons that reduce cooldown like slaying or killing weapons just impose a permanent -1 to the charge, so they stack with quickened pulse, heavy/flashing blade, and infantry pulse. also wrath and steady/warding breath
>>469973 38 seems to be the limit of all my units when you remove their A skills. So I guess so.
>>469974 Oh. I'm doing okay. Something fucked up happened, but it isn't directly related to me. It's fucked up enough that I'm still turning it over in my head and am unwilling to talk about it though.
Kirara 🚗Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>decide to shoot for a neph dupe on a whim well that didn't work
>>469983 I'm on roaming International so it's a quid a MB.
>>469982 >>469981 >>469980 It's nothing to worry about, my role is more or less that of an onlooker and it's no real danger to me. It is fucked up, though. I'll talk about it once my brain has worked it out a little betetr.
>>469985 Take care Rika, I hope it wasn't too upsetting whatever it was.
(I'm in the middle of fixing up my Blazing Blade save actually since I lost it) I'm still doing Lyn's stuff again though
one green out of five summoning sessions man and it's bartre oh well
Hector really just does the axe thing. I guess you can throw your axe and not worry about other people picking it up too much when you use a cursed axe.
Kirara 🚗
since when is armads cursed
waitin on armored and cavalry daggers and flying archers imagine tryna use a dagger from a horse
Kirara 🚗
i hope they up the dagger game they need to do something to make them more viable i want to use them so desperately
>Lyn: So, Hector, what did you bring to cook? >Hector: Armads
>Kinoshita Kazuya is a regular college student who was just dumped by his girlfriend for another guy. Feeling down in the dumps, he decides to use an app called Diamond to hire Mizuhara Chizuru, a rental girlfriend aaaaaaaand dropped
>>470051 That's not about NTR, though. It's about a guy that hires a hooker for compensated dating.
well you can have fun reading it if you want
This is just Iron Man
I have witnessed DUB SUPPORT on my tl Crushing
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWEKo-Shi
It took until the end of the eighth chapter for cute girl #1 to show up. It is amazing that this isn't axed
Kizuna Ai is unfortunately where a lot of good art has become centered Not terrible though, I guess Her design is OK
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
she's cyoot
I wouldn't use that strong language
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Kizuna Ai is Kizuna Cute
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
You know what's really annoying. Hearing someone repeatedly say the same thing over and over and over trying to use text to speech instead of using their thumbs.
>>470086 I would think so, but it dpeends on the church. 11 is a little late to start, but some churches do a early sermon and then a late sermon and you come to either one. Some will do like services starting at 9 and then sunday school after that and then let out for lunch.
I was worried your mother would be someone you'd be with and she'd spill every ounce of spaghetti about jewishness Or something You know, to torment you
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I was basically thinking about how your day could go wrong
If it's 100% in korean why are you being requested to go that's odd >>470108 ... why?
Kirara 🚗
No, but we might have a Korean guy with us.
>>470107 I have to "immerse" myself in Korean culture. There aren't any opportunities to do that here except for this church. For class.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
but why though
Kirara 🚗
It's supposed to build cultural competence.
Which isn't something I need to build.
Kirara 🚗
Should I wear a tie? The pastor dude in the video has a tie on.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
The music from a CD I snatched one time is the epitome of what I know about Korean culture so I can post songs from that for you.
Kirara 🚗
Yeah, but do people wear ties to church?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
My church is fairly casual it seems Sometimes we dress up for specific days but I only wear a tie on those days. I normally just wear a polo and jeans.
I really would say it depends on the church here too.
Kirara 🚗
My conceptualization of church is that you have to wear a suit or something. Your "Sunday best".
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Well, there is the phrase -yeah that one
Can you see the audience at all in that sermon video
Kirara 🚗
i cannot
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
You can go for the suit and tie business I'd say sticking out for being overdressed might work better than sticking out for being underdressed.
Older people wear there sunday best but I don't see many younger people wearing anything fancy. Just smart-casual sort of wear. I have no idea about korean christian churchs though. If I had to look into korean culture I'd go to a korean food place or try and talk to someone online. unless I suppose its american-korean culture or something like that I never really though of koreans as christian though.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
After a quick google I found a website for a korean presbytyrian church that claims they don't care what you wear really.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Of course, that could vary
Is this what you going to:
KPCA - Korean Presbytrian Church Abroad
Kirara 🚗
it's called Open Kingdom
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
At first I was like !!!
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
But then I was like "oh..."
Kirara 🚗
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Top 10 anime betrayals
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
It's literally a gun
Damn these open kingdom church websites are a pain to search through. Did jesus ask them to make shitty html. Thou shalt make your website a pain to browse
What's the difference between a "womans university" and a regular one Is this a common thing in Japan?
Fuck I forgot my old broken D&D character i was supposed to bring. It wasn't in my folder with most of my sheets. >>470131 What do you think it is?
>>470132 A university exclusive to women I'm just surprised it exists I guess
>>470133 That's what it is. Why wouldn't it exist? There weren't girl or boy only schools in Australia?
Why would it exist. Why would you restrict your student body to one gender. Yeah there were but only for high schools Not universities
>>470135 Because That's why Well, there aren't mens universities anymore iirc
Kirara 🚗
why do we do anything? sometimes things just are how they are someone with an idea did it a hundred years ago and it's still there
There's a lot less than there used to be. For example, the ivy league used to be mens only (like most universities). But there were corresponding female only schools for each of the ivy league schools. They're referred to as the seven sisters. Those schools are now co-ed. Although I'll still snicker a little if I hear about a dude who went to Sara Laurence.
*Sarah Lawrence
>>470131 Womens old universities
There are some in the US and UK as well you know
There was a lawsuit about one of those women's universities actually.
>>470140 It turns out there are some in Australia No idea why this concept is so new to me
Oh yeah I bought that album I asked you to listen to.
>>470142 like Rei said, universities typically used to be male only.
A giant snapping turtle dragon fiendish undead thing just bit off a character's dick in D&D.
>>470144 yeah but I assumed the concept of a single gender university was just something people used to do But I guess not
Well "crit on the groin", but it totally bit his dick off.
>>470146 They used yo do it, and not all of those universities have become co-ed yet.
I saw a nice movie featuring an all female university it was called Mona Lisa Smile
Kirara 🚗
>wins her first pvp fight outnumbered 3 to 1 That camo sure is something
If only games were as fun as they look in anime.
if only anything was as fun as they look in anime :(
anime makes mmos seem way less tedious than they are in real life
>>470153 The SAO GGO game was a lot funner than I thought it would be. I got too sick of going through dungeons, but they pulled off a shooter MMO to be pretty good
>>470156 I haven't played that but I saw it in shops. usually I see anime adapted games and I think there gonna be shit
Kirara 🚗
>>470158 Man that guy on the right With that strand of hair running down his forehead I just wanna grab it and snip it off
>>470156 What if we did a sao mmo with perma death for your characters
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
7200 calories
>>470157 In the past I've been super suspicious of licensed games, but this year I've played both the SAO and SNK games and they were fun Maybe the years of licensed shiity quickgrabs are over
>>470159 That would probably make me not play. I'm super casual. If a game presents any kind of difficult, I will put it on easy
>>470163 Log Horizon is cool because of all the social aspects and stuff like the player run economy I never played a lot of mmos but I hear new ones just downplay the social aspects >>470161 The SNK unity game was pretty fun It's not liscenced since it's a fan game, but it really nailed the spider man physics
>>470164 new mmos are all theme parks basically the only aspect of open world is moving between instances/rides
Kirara 🚗
log horizon would be fun to play the tabletop game for
I bet when they meet up in real life it'll turn out the tall girl is actually really short and they'll be like whaaaaaat what a crazy inversion
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
that sounds hardcore
Kirara 🚗Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
"Sea Salt Pepperoni Chocolate Bark"
Oh, I never really thought about it but I guess her avatar is like Kirito's trap one. It's just this random deviance from the norm. It is pretty cheap to have a character be that small unless that is accompanied by some other weakness.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
"Jalapeno Bacon Margheritta" wot
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>bacon syrup
Kirara 🚗
>>470175 Isn't it? You'd think it'd be really hard to handle, at least. There's got to be a lot of dissonance when you move around since you're seeing things at a perspective like a meter lower than usual.
Kirara 🚗
are they gonna use one OP for all of franxx?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
"Loaded Baked Potato Cereal Nachoes"
>>470179 Seems that way sadly It is really a poor choice for a show like this
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>1110 mg sodium >in one serving
Kirara 🚗
>>470181 Maybe shit will hit the fan soon and they'll change the OP or maybe after the current stuff gets resolved they will, to represent it
>>470178 In the novels it specially says that controlling a character different from your own height, weight and such is supposed to really difficult. because you have to learn how to walk and move since your body is used to thinking it has further reach or shorter reach and your feet hit the ground sooner and shit.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>nectarine-broccoli salad
Kirara 🚗
>>470184 yeah, i remember reading that, too i guess it's not a big deal but it's still weird
>>470244 Bullet is basically no personality look at my ass the character oh and tits >>470243 Noel is pretty okay but she has a lot of flaws in how she's written.