>>>/watch?v=5FWQdDwN3Fg some feh thing livestreaming in three minutes? idk what it's about announcements or something maybe or maybe something boring >>464868 → anime here
Guys how am i gonna be a competent worker when there's so much stuff going on?
Bluff your ass off. Welcome to real life.
A less cynical and condescending approach, strategize and determine what's best relevant to keep track of. There will be so much stuff you'll be expected to or you'll expect you'll have to be aware of, but in reality, not all of it will be relevant. Take your time, use the fact that you're new to this to learn, and don't be afraid to demonstrate something you grasp particularly well. I think it's best to try and minimize your worries where you can, and keep in mind that you can do this.
so I was working by myself today until my buddy got called in halfway through my shift I rung up almost 600 people
>>>/watch?v=5FWQdDwN3Fg: Fire Emblem Heroes - Feh Channel (Apr. 9, 2018) some feh thing livestreaming in three minutes? idk what it's about announcements or something maybe or maybe something boring
>we're changing the name of tempest trials >it will now be called tempest trials+
I know right. It's kind of silly. Just keep the name if that's all the changes you're making to the name.
Buncha heroes are leave five-star dropping. I guess that's both a good and a bad thing.
mostly good imo
I haven't played since like the first month or two since it came out so I don't know what the star upgrades are like anymore.
you should pick it back up man it's really fun now
Saias comin out
Another stamina reduction. Stamina is always an annoying part of mobage so it's always nice to see it be less relevant.
stamina's so archaic for this game it was such a pertinent element of earlier mobage systems but it just doesn't fit anymore for this it just restricts some resource grinding
>Randomly-assigned I mean I get it, they don't want to intentionally create an unfair bias for one of the three. But that's disappointing.
>>464814 I had the iso up a bit higher Which increases noise.
I can't see too well on the phone
Oh right a plane trailed through my photo
Yeah, how rude of it.
No It's aliums
>>464815 this makes me excited to go camping it's been a long time since i've seen the night sky
Yeah, her photos from last night had me thinking along the same lines. I haven't been out of the city at night for a long, long time. Maybe I should spend some time at the cottage this summer.
>>464819 Are you going with kirara? I am too much of a wimp i think. I had a big flashlight tonight so i can see anything approaching or hiding.
>>464821 yeah, we're gonna become Zionists in utah i hope we get to hike up a mountain it's a great feeling getting to the summit of even the tiniest mountain
>>464820 ive been basically living through camping as temporary housing for upwards of a year it's great sometimes but man i just want civilized society again i'll swap you if you want
>>464821 That's not being a wimp, that's being smart. Going out without the flashlight wasn't a great idea. Especially since there are rattlers around there.
>>464824 Nah man, sorry, I wouldn't commit to more of a week or so of it willingly. I 'm much more at home living in the city.
>>464821 If hiking at night without a flashlight is what big strong men do then I'm a wimpy ass mother fucker. It's hard to do anything or enjoy yourself if you can't see shit.
>>464825 on a spectrum of wimp to smart it's pretty obvious where kannagi rests
I meant I am too wimpy to go camping but my sentence structure was shitty. >>464828 I am very smart.
>>464826 i might move to michigan if i do i'll let you know and we can holler at each other across the border one evening?
>>464847 >>464846 don't you think there are enough shootings in detroit already
>>464842 Yeah they're literally back-to-back against the international border. It looks like Kitchener's the furthest westward I can go through the provincial public transit though, I'd have to check private transit companies like Greyhound or something.
Windsor has a relatively low crime rate, even for Canada.
>>464849 why shoot kids in your school if you could just throw piss snowballs at them instead
>>464852 good point let's fill some with rocks and some with arsenic
>>464850 Wait what? You can get 100km from Toronto by public transit?
Actually now that I think of it I can get that far away by public transit here too.
>>464854 no he meant what he said without meaning what you said
>>464856 i can't even fucking get to the public transit without a car
Though I guess this image is too wide. Interesting. The same train company could also get me to Hamilton, Ontario, which isn't as far directly west as Kitchener, but is a bit south, so it might be about as close to Windsor.
and it only takes me to the city center of either dallas or ft worth and a few other stops in residential areas between it's a good way to save money on gas if you have to commute to one of the major cities and live nearby a station i guess
it's also a good way to get to the entertainment district of Ft. Worth quickly, sundance square is pretty cool
Fuck this reminds me of the four days I had a job. My commute was like an hour and a half of public transit.
you realize some of us put up with that every day for like six years right
I'd put up with it if I had a job too.
i wouldn't put up with it sounds like a waste of my fucking time
>>464917 i remember reading about what it's like to work on a train when i was trying to find out what i gotta do to be the guy who sits in the box and switches tracks to reroute trains trains are pretty cool what's it like to work on a train
You ever work with people with autism?
According to my autistic friend who went to train school, like half the people there were autistic.
>>464923 I know what it's like to work with trains barreling in your direction.
>>464934 No near deaths yet Hard to call it fun but it's okay. Point flagging is scary though. Because your job is keeping inspectors safe from trains that don't know You're on the track until they see you. Unlike the usual where you set up lights about 500ft in advance
how close do you stand to the moving trains
Hopefully it stays that way
>>464937 Oh is that where you wave the flag to slow them down near where people are working? Err, slow the train?
Anyway I'm gonna take a nap.
Maria, do you read onepunch man?
I used to and then I stopped even though I really liked it I can't remember where I stopped. I'm pretty sure I got past the alien arc though I only read the goodart version
You should go catch up then. Or just reread the whole thing an not worry about where you last left off. It's been updating pretty regularly the past few months.
I should catch up on a lot of things
Hrrrm I mean Yeah, probably But I'm currently rereading it so you'd definitely have someone to talk about it with.
Oh yeah, the geography thing isn't in that pic. It comes up in other stuff, like the boros fight. But basically in a few pictures its clearly not our Earth.
>>465036 oh I see I assumed the date just had to do with the setting of OPM so I glossed over Clearly it's not set in our timeframe with people like geno
It does They're past the year 2990 >>465047 It's not on Earth
>>465093 If you have to study immediately before the test then you're probably not prepared. The fact that you did well means you knew it well enough already. I mean, the extra studying doesn't hurt.
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
>>465094 idk the material just isn't very difficult it's a pretty easy class
I've been in calc before and it's a lot harder than this class
You gonna take calculus again? Calc is where math starts to really get fun
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
>>465103 unfortunately last time I took it I was taking a lot of classes, advanced classes too, and it was all too much. i was still recovering from depression/suicidal thoughts and had panic attacks, had to drop everything including calc I'm not sure, I don't think I need calculus for my major. maybe business calc
Yeah, I feel yeah on that I had to do that cause of anxiety and depression a couple of times
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
my test that i turned in went like 1) ez 2) ez 3) ez but small mistake 4) PANIC PANIC FUCK no answer turned it in and just left lol
>>465208 that's not good enough. i want to kill him in real life >>465209 oh that was a cool first episode until it got resolved in a dumb ass pink kirito way.
Kirara 🚗
>>465210 there is no them in real life they aren't real
>>465211 data is real i want to kill his data in real life
Kirara 🚗
i read the original ggo novel the original SAO author is so bad that he's good sometimes
GGO doesn't seem irredeemably awful, but it's not exactly great either
Kirara 🚗
this show is a spin off with a different writer, i thought it was actually the adaptation
the novel is so stupid like everyone is getting guns and kirito is like "i want a sword" so he gets a lightsaber and blocks bullets and shit and everyone is like NANI???
Yeah girl Kirito is like the one redeeming quality This new show isn't that though, it's following some tall girl playing a little girl with a bunny cosmetic
Kirara 🚗
it's got one of my favorite chara designers so i gotta watch it
>>465245 I was watching with my friend and when that guy caught up with her like "I knew there were more enemies but didn't tell you.", we both went "I woulda shot you then and there"
>>465247 sometimes you gotta deal with it so you can win
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>"The website further emphasises that the game will have a greater amount of dungeon crawling than ever before, and confirms the return of subclasses and force boost/force break." >return of subclasses and force boost/break >RETURN OF SUBCLASSES THE MADMEN
No, it's Etrian Odyssey Cross The last EO game for the 3ds It has characters and classes from every etrian odyssey game
Why does anyone in the SAO universe spec into anything other than agility, ever? It seems so blanatly overpowered
Why doesn't everyone just make their character not tall so they aren't huge targets >>465254 Just look at actual fpses you wanna go fast and bunnyhop and shit that's the true meta
>>465255 because if you play the monkey in timesplitters you are a fucking sinner
Why anyone would play a big character in a shooter where your speed is clearly independent of physical size is a mystery That game should be teeming with tiny boys and tiny girls >>465272 Oh yeah I guess there's that
Kirara 🚗
wouldn't most people want a character the same size as them so they can move it more easily
>>465271 To handle recoil better I'm assuming that playing a character with a bigger frame lets you use big guns better Can you imagine the little dwarf girl handling a sniper rifle
>>465277 Maybe it doesn't work that way. Maybe the games actually balanced around trading off smaller profiles for being able to handle recoil better I'm spitballing
Kirara 🚗
i bet she's totally sensitive about her height and obsessively got herself good at being short
>>465273 Just dump a few points into STR and you're good
Kirara 🚗
i think there were restrictions for big guns yeah but probably they just didn't care about that because nobody would play a chatacter shorter than themselves
So wait did the guy put the can on top like that, then?
Also for highly trained combat pros their reaction time is laughable
I thought it was odd he didn't provide sniper support If they just shot the suitcase their plan would've been fucked He should have started shooting them, and then smolgirl takes advantage of the confusion to zippydoodah them
Also she should have jumped up when the scan started for an extra edge in the fight Then maybe it'd be believable like "oh they were distracted" but naw
she's so perfect i'm adding her to my list of Seasonal Avatars for sure
>>465299 I said the same thing about SAOs first episode lol
Kirara 🚗
they probably use airsoft combat as a reference for the fights since they don't have wars in the way other countries do and they don't have street gunfights and shit
You'd think the state could like Ask the people who own the thing like "Hey, we'll give you this money, if you give us our own skill-less instance of the game to use"
To be fair I've effectively watched this stream liike three times and the bows aren't mentioned >>465318 Clearly I kill Catria and feed her to Lilina or something -14 RES'
Lilina's trying to steal my heart back from Morgan huh >>465325 IS the refinement on top of slightly better slaying edge good
Kirara 🚗
they made fir workable but still very bad ephraim is pretty good still
>>465324 adds wo dao which is the sole thing that makes her workable but it's still not good because her attack is so low that +10 damage doesn't make her competitive
hm i have unlocked a really powerful secret move with the bow it's the circle button
Kirara 🚗
blazing blade+ is strong against dragons
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Kirara 🚗
>>465328 lol I switched to a spread shots bow build after getting a tenderizer deco and it's so fun im workin on getting vaal hazak's arms and weapon so i need two vaal hazak gems and i need some constitution jewels for the build im workin on but dash juice works for now
some crazy ass japanese people joined my quest and we killed pink rathian in that event quest with tempered pink rath and legiana in like 3 minutes they paralyzed her and shock trapped and then she got stunned and then tried to fly away and fell down and got trapped again it was great jap players are great
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I like new Reinhardt's sword
Kirara 🚗
>>465335 lmao that's awesome i wanna play more but can't until tonight and Thursday im so busy school is fuckin with my huntin
that's what you get for having a life
Kirara 🚗
i gotta give fuckin 5 hours of psychological assessments tomorrow four fucking tests
Kirara 🚗
at least this time i can record it and write down stuff i missed later
how do they test you for psychological assessments?
Kirara 🚗
they look at the scoring and response sheets and stuff and grade the report i write on the results
I've been made vaguely aware of it, though I'm unsure of the specific details because I avoided reading the log Finbol and demsoc01 both are shitstains on the movement
Kirara 🚗
lmao it's so bad soooo bad and with a 13 yo too
Kirara 🚗
apparently finbol has fucked a 15 year old while on discord voice chat despite being like 25, too what a piece of shit
If memory serves, it was finbol who was involved with another thing I was made aware of back in December, but I'm not sure it was him the chatlogs are followups from conversation somewhere else, so names aren't there
Kirara 🚗
when do we get catgirl
Kirara 🚗
>>465364 probably yeah i remember something happening
>>465371 It really is She got him right in the head too
While he's freefalling
Okay so if the flightplan that CIA filed with the agency actually listed all the prisoners as CIA was merely bluffing with shooting and throwing men out of his plane, then why does Bane say that they will expect one of us in the wreckage brother? Surely Bane is now aware that the flightplan includes everyone since CIA was bluffing
And the plane is moving, too
>>465375 yeah he shouldn't even be in range by that point
It's also something you never want to hear a sheriff say Even in private
it's not something i would want to hear any person say because they are probably a psychopath if they're more worried about saving money than killing people
It's better to kill instead of cripple because then I might have to take some sort of responsibility for my actions if I've just crippled them
This whipped cream cheese advertises itself as great to spread on toast, but it's so light that it it doesn't really stick, so spreading it around keeps most of it on the knife and only spreads whatever's melted in the meanwhile. It's really tasty though; that mousse flavour that comes with the whipping is a good addition to the cream cheese.
How many schools would you say the average person wanting to go to college ///
My Vanguard Ike is -Atk/+Def So, I think I'm going to level up the free one we got since it's neutral. And feed the old one to someone instead. Really wish I was able to roll a Neko Sakura though
the worst thing about stuff like that is that you die generally so you don't get to learn that you did some dumb shit and half the people are too dumb to learn from other people's deaths so they go do the same dumb shit and die in the same way
Oh wait Lightning capital of the world I forgot that part
>>465415 Huh, I read the article. They were 25 feet away from the tree. Spooky
The joke is that the upside down A character is a math notation thing.
So the band name woukd actually be pronounced "For all C DC" Because ∀ is the universal quantifier. You use it like "∀x; x ϵ B" where B is some defined set.
Actually ∈ Not ϵ
It's snowing again. Nearly the middle of April and there's still snow in the air. I just want winter to be over already.
Where ∈ means "the thing to the left of this os a member of the set to the right" >>465426 Same, it snowed here the past few days.
Kirara 🚗
18 hours of rain is starting around now
At this point I'd even take mildly cold and rain than cold enough to snow and snow. I'm so sick of winter weather.
I'd prefer snow right now because it hasn't been snowing as hard, so I'd get more wet in the rain.
Blue Are you getting back into magic anytime soon or no?
ah yes time for Lilina to kill them
I'm feeling an intense feeling right now. But I'm not sure how to describe it properly. All I can think of is "feeling really something".
third fucking time same foot same carpet a fuckingglass shard in my foot and it has been a week since i broke the glass and have vacoomed it thrice since then i guess it is just a case of revenge of the pint
I wonder how tiresome would it to be edit a "bustin'" version of ghostbusters?
Kirara 🚗
i have a client that really identifies with growing up on a texas ranch so when she was describing her patterns of anger to me today, i compared her to a rattlesnake and she got excited and was like, "oh, that's a texas thing? !* not ?
one of my clients was talking to me today, telling me about some issues related to her PTSD, and she started taking off her earrings and put them into her purse like she didn't break eye contact the whole time and just kept talking about it it was so weird
Maybe it's a security thing. Kind of interesting though.
but say the crisis there is at its end having some "pressure" nearby for negotiations might be a good idea
I mean you have turkeyw anting a slice assad the anti-assads russia and usa and usa is fuck away from syria, while everyone else has their guns in the neighbourhood
Kirara 🚗
usa has their guns in the neighborhood too we have like three aircraft carriers out there
>>465497 I wonder what is the average ge over there
Kirara 🚗
supreme court average age is probably about 80
holy fuck that is fucking senile age not working age
Kirara 🚗
kinda explains a lot about america when more than 50% of legislators are over age 60 and the supreme court is 80+
it bloody does
you expect supreme judges to be like 50+ to have the veterancy, but 70+...
Kirara 🚗
our president is like 70
I'm fine with people of elderly age being in important positions but they should be able to display on a comprehensive, public test, that they maintain mental ability. The same means for ensuring elderly people aren't of risk to drive.
>>465508 when the average age is "retirement age" something is a miss
Kirara 🚗
fucking multiple congresspeople aged 88
you are retired, you don't fucking care about the world anymore
Not everyone wants to not care about the world anymore. I'll concede that the U.S. Congress is likely not going to contain many people who are in it for the betterment of mankind, but the principle is not absolute.
Kirara 🚗
looks like the ages are 63, 81, 69, 85, 79, 68, 63, 57, 50 not as bad as i thought but still not good
we got a guy that's been on the supreme court for 31 years another for 26 years another for 24 years
Kirara 🚗
our government is a trash fire
retirement ages exist for a damn good reason
but seriously, why do people vote >>465509 so old people in?
Kirara 🚗
research shows that people are more likely to win when their name is more well known
people are old in congress because they have been congresspeople for 30 years 40 years sometimes probably they keep getting voted in because their name is familiar
americans don't seem to care a damn about their votes
Kirara 🚗
americans don't know what a vote is
Kirara 🚗
on years when the president isn't up for election, we get like 30% turnout
>>465562 Eh, I've been pretty accustomed to retaining interest in series with years-long breaks inbetween releases. If I was much more invested in the franchise from the get-go I probably would still be excited to get all the teases of future Rebirth movies. But I was never really into Eva so there just isn't the foundation there.
Kirara 🚗
like at this point i just want closure
Well There's the Eva geeks wiki
>>465566 Here's part of your closure I it's a sequel
Kirara 🚗
god i hope so
It totally is If you pay attention closely to the dialogeu *dialogue And also look at the moon
Either that or it's MGS2
Kirara 🚗
yeah i know everything points to it but WHAT IF
what is that a spoiler to?
Well Dumb Eva theories that are so crazy they could be true Because Anno loves angering people
Have ya seen the anime godzilla movie that came out like, a season or two ago? It's a movie alright
>>465588 I thought that was okay It was worth a watch. I did really like the tweeest at the end where it turns out they didn't kill godzilla they just killed his babby son and now the real godzilla is fucking PISSED
I wonder what it was like to be inside the suits aside from sweaty
Maybe a bit stressful because reshooting a scene might not be an option because of the time required to make a new miniature city.
>>465597 just imagine ruin a little building smash and it is weeks of rebuilding the set
I mean, the sets were probably modular. But yeah
still takes a lot of time to make those things
I'm sure there's some good documentaries about those films. >>465602 Oh hell yeah
I bet they made it in bulk, though
I mean they shot like 2 kaiju movies a year and quite many took place in the same city and godzilla smashes tokio in each one so... makes sense to have a lot of those props
Now I really want to find a documentary just about miniature city co struction.
>>465605 the two lines get me I'm just not seeing how they're the same length >>465611 fuck I was thinking that and I thought "wait no maybe they are actually illusions and I'm just too dumb to understand why they're impossible" The cube is the most obvious one
I'm actually wearing an impossible staircase shirt right now. >>465610 They aren't, its a joke All of those aren't optical illusions
>>465610 I love the impossible cube one The not impossible one with the caption I mean
>>465612 I stared at that for like 5 minutes wondering why it was meant to be impossible Now I don't understand the devils fork though. That one actually looks weird enough to be an illusion
it was quite curious you had this "eye of god" vision that shew the mind fucked version but then you had to actually figure out the platform rotations in the real normal not fucked up world
Kirara 🚗
every time i look at that guy holding the big gun idk i just start laughing
i have big gun i took it from my lord
There's a lot of shows aimed at girls this season I feel like. At the least ones that aim to give at least some fujobait. Not all of them are that terrible either.
>>465684 Their stuff is cute, but on the other hand she is pretty much a Pink Operator Beato. If not for how varied the characters for the PriPri anime and game were I'd think they're kind of mono-stylistic. On the other other hand a Pink Operator Beato is hella cute so whatever.
It's Dogakobo's show of the season. Mixed cast instead of usual cute girls doing cute things. Has what seems to be a camera/photo club and many good cats. Decent first episode at least.
they could do itl ike they did saiki if I am right, that aired daily shorts or few times a week and then a whole episode collage on weekend so somethign like that
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>465714 I want neo reinhardt so he can marry reinhardt
Reinhardt bringing the hardt rain.
Kirara 🚗
the new reinhardt is so boring why'd they make him so generic
Slap reciprocal aid on that boy and use it before the end of a map >>465748 >not using his unique b skill when praising how unique he is
Kirara 🚗
his b skill is trash it's his sword that makes him unique and interesting
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>465750 It's useful for multi-map gameplay which is like half the events The other events are going to be domain and domain-like
Kirara 🚗
it's not that useful you might be able to use it but it's not worth using over other things the important thing is that his sword opens up a lot of interesting strategies and encourages the construction of a team that allows you to take advantage of his sword's power
The new Reinhardt is 100% true to the original. He's a meme cav unit. Not interesting at all.
Kirara 🚗
>>465755 generally i wouldn't pair him with lilina because i don't want two reds on a team but yes, chill res works with him as does res smoke, res ploy, and panic ploy there are a lot of ways you can build a team around him which makes him a really fun and important addition to the game the other characters added like olwen, reinhardt are very powerful units, but they're extremely boring they're the epitome of bad character design
what kinda scores are yall getting in arena? i got 4840 this week and probably could have gotten 20-ish more total if i declined the shitty ones it's lower than normal because my bun bun sharena doesn't have a lot of bst >>465763 that changes it? huh im only getting 698-702 ish
Kirara 🚗
i get max 714 per i didn't finish my arena last week
714 this week but that will be lower once Grima is no longer a bonus unit.
Kirara 🚗
it won't be lower for me lol just put earth blessings on all your team
Kirara 🚗
if you have a legendary and the blessings that correspond to it, it increases your score substantially my team is grima, v hector+3, v ike, and sanaki +1 this week and i get max of 714 last week or the week before or whatever, i used anna instead of sanaki and got the same max
I'm going to put Myrrh in and give her fortify flyers. Grima gets silly if you put fortify flyers on her, since I don't have fortify dragons.
>>465766 yes that would be SUPER but Ninian does not like me.
My Grima is +res so she's a real wall if I put fortify flyers on her. I also have close defense on her. She's basically invincible against most threats.
Kirara 🚗
wouldn't fortify dragons make more sense oh
Kirara 🚗
my grima gets +10 res/def when being attacked, +6 def, and +6 attack with my team
because you can use blessings and unique weapons to boost your score considerably for example, can you imagine getting 714 score with a unit with as low BST as sanaki? she contributes to my score considerably because she has an earth blessing and a unique weapon
>>465807 Oh that's actualyl very interesting, I like that.
Kirara 🚗
>>465808 it's kind of stupid powerful but i guess it was the only way to make her useful fir's new weapon is wo dao and slaying blade it makes her workable but still inferior to nearly every unit roy's refinement makes him strong against dragons and gives him a guaranteed follow-up if his hp is at a certain point
so far all she does is claim she can talk to digital representations of plastic models and that they feel pain it's not as good as the first season the characters are all like out of digimon
when they're in the game, they all get designs and stuff so there are people that are basically large rodents piloting gundams
>>465840 man she looks like she has no personality a rei clone done bad
Kirara 🚗
indeed she has no personality so far
Kirara 🚗
so far i'm kind of disappointed with it the MC's gundam is also basically one of the most popular ones but with a different head
fuck this rum is good
you have those bad rums that barely taste sweet even the big names captain morgan and baccardi man they just taste wrong how is it fucking sugar canes fermented and distilled, when it don't taste sweet and caramelly?
I don't think it gets hot enough during the fermentation process to caramelize much. Or at all.
and how do you always fuck it up by having it smell of distilly I guess ethanoly you can really tell say a vodka if it is good by smell and taste if it smells of I guess I call it "distilly" it is bad and that applies to many other alcohols, but vodka is the easiest to tell as good vodka practically tastes of nothing
kinda like good water
Also caramelization is weird I'm sure I'd understand it better if I knew organic chem But like Burning sugar should make carcinogens, not caramel. I have no idea as to how ut doesn't. Oh nvm i think i figured it out
my colleague was talking about some depressing stuff and how she feels like she's not worthy of being in the program and stuff and she was like, "you say such insightful things and i'm always wondering why i can't think of that stuff" so i'm like "well i have that kind of perspective because my life is hell" and explained how my life is hell and it made things awkward lol
>>465843 It's fun but like It's missing something the og GBF had It feels like it's advertising a game that doesn't exist The mc and his bro really lack in personality compared to Sei and Reiji. >>465820 Are we sure it's Ailas daughter? I didn't watch Try
>>465853 Nice but really, to get "insighful shi" all you need to do is fucking havesomeinsight actually what does the bloody word mean "in" "sight" it means to examine yourself at times, which no one bloody fucking does atleast it seems like that to me
yeah that's one of the things i was telling her she just got diagnosed with add and i was telling her that she needs to do a lot of self-observation so she can understand herself at a deep enough level to manage herself
>>465854 yeah, she showed up on an island in the Try OVAs and at the end it showed her going back to her world and then she saw aila
fucking meditate take baths long showers walks with your own thoughts you will prolly come up with good quips like dat
>>465858 yeah i'm tryna give her some advice but she's really i'm not sure how to describe it she's not dumb exactly but she's one of those people who are so convinced they're dumb that they sort of become dumb if that makes sense
>>465862 Well at least she checked. Whatever difference between our respective adhd symptoms is I've found accomodations helpful. Rly mks u thnk
so you lost your comp when I got my appartment I guess I cursed you
fuck what was that one manga luck drainer or something guy was an assassin who worked by somehow magically draining the luck out of his targets and then they just died in an accident moments later was kinda fun
I vaguely recall something like that.
and his daughter had no luck, so he had to do it to keep her well not dying
wow that channel, hell's kitchen, became active like NOW I guess they hadn't had the time to edit cut and upload those bits before GR is damn big in yt, so kinda weird the official channel hasn't been propped up for HK before