Thread #463690
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Beatless Caligula Cardcaptor Cutie Honey Universe Dame x Prince --Episodes 11-12 Cooking with Emiya Shirou Gegege no Kitarou --Episode 1-2 Grancrest Senki --Episodes 9-13 Gundam Build Divers Hinamatsuri Lupin III Nil Admiral no Tenbin Shokugeki no Souma Sword Art Online - Gun Gale Online Toji no Miko --Episodes 7-13 Uma Musume
the fuck is that anime list jesus
A mix of new stuff from the new season and some lingering shows from last season.
I don twan tot watch Cute honey it looks dumb
Okay, that's no problem.
For me at least.
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okay Does anyone have anything they particularly want tonight? Cagilua, Hina, and Shoma seem like good picks.
i wanna watch new shows
Caligula and Hinamatsuri are both new shows. We could watch the SAO spin-off, apparently it's VR PUBG with cute girls.
what is caligula about>>463707 okay but is it like SAO
Kirito shouldn't even be anything more than a cameo at best, I believe. I don't even know if he shows up. It's just taking the framework world of GGO and putting new characters into it I think. The characters are designed by the person who did the characters for Princess Principal.>>463710 I don't really know what it's about but it looks a little bit dumbfun.
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>>463711 well i guess it's bad to be closed-minded i'll give it a shot but SAO was just dumbdumb not dumbfun to me
Kirara was watching it earlier and seemed to enjoy it; that's honestly what I'm basing my review of Caligula off of.
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hmm sounds okay to me let's do sword art online souma (bang do you watch souma? caligua hinamatsuri
>>463710 the SAO spinoff is actually pretty cool
>>463712 The SAO author isn't even credited with working on it, really. The guy who wrote the material for this spin-off is actually the author of Kino no Tabi.
i wonder why they bothered mentioning SAO
Franchise selling power, probably.
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there is a game that goes with this. Maybe it is advertising for the game. we ready? sword art online will bang be joining us? okay then let's start!
Ready.>>463730 You'll probably be done before Ika remembers to check the thread. Yup.>>463730 You'd be looking for episode thirteen of the second season. Third season I mean. Third season. Oh no Jan. Bang might be video games at the moment?
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i'm almost done downloading okie doke huh where is souma not on nyaa?
sao>>46373 → >>463730 i see it on HS
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someone burst into my room scared and told me they needed me to murder a spider it was fuckin like a quarter centimeter big i got up for THIS
>>463733 Well you know what they say. Spider venom tends to be stronger the smaller they get. You probably saved someone from a lethal infection. Totally. Undoubtable.
>>463733 did you murder it
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>>463735 uh yeah i poked it with my finger and it fucking died >>463734 a spider that small can't even puncture the skin with its fangs
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>>463736 wtf man it just wanted to be pals oshit this ain't the mainthread
>>463738 i really waant to believe this isn't photoshop and that's just a 1/128 scale battlestation
Nice one Maria.
I watch Souma but I'm behind
I mean i've been watching from the beginning and i'm on like ep 26 or something
>>463739 more like a scaled up spider you know what the radiation does to those outback spiders in those nuclear testing fields
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>>463742 Want to watch SAO right now?
SAO? like a new series of SAO? kimochi warui
There's a spin-off series of the gun MMO game.
>>463745 it's a spinoff about little girls shooting people
>>463745 no it's a spinoff with nothing to do with kirito
i think i'd rather just watch souma
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I think these characters are from the game. The game is supposedly pretty good. I may get it when it's on sale.
like souma episodes that i'm currently on
A super weaboo battle royale game might be fun. FPS games aren't for me though.
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>>463751 We're doing SAO now. We can do Souma or something else after. We can do something else since you aren't caught up on Souma.
no no no i mean like i'm just gonna go watch season 2 of souma because that's where i'm at
>moving this fast without sprinting is this DOOM
Dude she's got rabbit ears on her hideously pink outfit. Rabbit ears make you go FAST.
also hot pink is probably not the best choice of camouflage
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>>463757 fashion over function that's how you need to play games
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>>463758 There is a happy
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wow i got dropped happy medium between the two also look she got spotted by like 15 fucking brazilians this is what happens when you're so hot pink everyone on the server can see your ass
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These guys are wasting a lot of ammo.
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haha look at these bros
>not burst firing fucking CASUL
They're getting fucking SNIPED
that's a really cute mao in the OP btw
snipin's a good job m8
I'm fond of it, yeah.
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>we're going to camp in bushes and not fight yep it's a battle royale game all right
I know eh. But that's how you win. Being the flashiest don't mean shit if you don't get the prize.
why the fuck
what are you doing out there tom cruise you're going to get fucking sniped
Well at that height anyone shooting at them would have to be a pretty good sniper.
seal team eleven out here stomping noobs
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How did this little girl end up teamed up with this super pro dude?
Rakki gaaru
Holy shit she's HAYAI
>>463775 $200 an hr coaching sessions just like on twitch
Yeah c'mon man. What you doing just shouting out like that.
Haha fuck
Bombs fall, everyone dies
so where is the rest of their squad don't the others have like 8 people
Maybe it's not balanced on team numbers and you can come in with like five or six other people.
yeah it seems like the ruins team and the other team had drastically different numbers i guess they're just buddies
ive been expecting this guy to betray her for so long now maybe hes a cool guy
Pink munchkin
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>>463786 He's unrepentantly used her as bait at least twice.
>Doesn't give us height >Don't think to look up
Holy shit she gets real compact.
Wow they just copped out.
haah waaw an anime starring rika
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I had a feeling that she would be tall or like an ojou in real life. I bet the big guy is actually a little guy.
the big guy must be a little guy
>Next time on GGO >Doesn't actually PV anything What the shit
>>463800 wow it's fucking nothing
that wasnt bad
It was pretty fun. Hayai Pink seems like a fun way to play the game.
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What's next? Souma? I couldn't tell if Bang was joining us or not. We should do something else instead then. Any suggestinos?
He's not, at least not for Souma. I don't think he'll watch through whatever he has of season two and the first half of season three in the time it -time between today and tomorrow. If you're set on not watching it tonight we could do Gegege no Kitarou.
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Are you here Bang?
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how many shows are you going to make me download
>>463810 you have to download all of the shows
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well no bang it seems so souma okay lets start
so u ma
Coo Kin Gu
wow i downloaded kitarou too
Oh yeah this was the cliffhanger at the end of the first half.>>463816 I'm kind of curious in that one so it'll probably get watched at least.
they're both in love with saiba
Souma tends to get pretty solid OP songs.
the opening was pretty good
Souma is pretty much unflenchingly positive.
What's with these trumpets. Is this a love scene or something.
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Souma's dad is pretty kakkoii.
Defrosting the Ice Queen with COOKING
This is a good set of chapters to resume the show on though. It's adapted straight from the manga but it kind of recaps a bit.
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Yeah, this is a good place to pick back up.
I like the parts of this show that are Souma throwing together good food with cheap ingredients. I think it's a nice service to Oh for fuck's sake. Talking about nice service.
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it's over
haha holy shit
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But yeah I think it's good of this series to show that good food and fun cooking can come from average ingredients. It gets kind of FINE CUISINE at times and while the food looks amazing, it's not as impressive in a way, because it's the kind of thing you'd have to shell out like sixty bucks for a plate of.
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I guess he won her over. I guess this also kind of punctuates the conflict with Central too.
this guy has the fucking rinnegan
He's kicked Erina into HIGH GEAR.
i think the manga is nearing its ending unless a secret cooking god like gordon ramsay shows up
I haven't caught up since shortly before the big team vs. team shokugeki. I could see it being close to ending though.
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okay, now we need bang. Cagiula or however you spell it, words are dumb oh okay we don't need bang then I guess we'll go orange again when Ika returns.
You're dumb. We don't need Bang he doesn't seem to be sticking around the waking realm much longer. I shall enduuuurrrreeee
caligula>>463849 ok
i need like 5
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okay we're all orange let's starts!
this is either gonna be really good or really bad
Don't you think, Mew? Aw shit we're watching Pokemon.
i thought that sign meant muse did love live lie to me to us
Love Live was u's. Only the mu sign because I'm lazy. So "mu-zz" if you think of how it's pronounced. So "muse".
But yes the Greek symbol is pronounced more or less "myu".
everyones going to die
Ugh look at this little snot. Takes any chance he gets to show off how well-versed he is in psychology.
Just look at him he's so smug at how smart he thinks he is.
Hah hah his BRILLIANT PSYCHOLOGY got beaten by the desire for ramen.
outplayed by an idiot
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Are people going to die?
>>463868 it feels like one of those death match shows
I don't really know anything about it. Kirara seemed to enjoy it though, so it might be one of the good death match shows if that's actually the case.
Does this guy always try to lecture his friends. How does he even still have friends.
wew her mom h as an eating disorder
Yeah but her daughter sees digital idols floating about in the air.
Eugh. How can anyone like getting slobbered over the face like that.
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I guess it's getting spooky.
Things took a turn for the weird pretty fast.
Wow he's even reading Aristotle too. What a fucking snob.
>Something's off You fucking think?
This guy is really up there with the "coat hanging off the shoulders" thing. What a bizarre choice for a graduate representative.
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He's kind of a weirdo when you think about it. Wearing a rose around his neck like that. okay what is happening now suddenly touhou
Everyone else in the auditorium looked so dejected. Oh and now they're all glaring at hi- Nani the fuck.
what the fuck
Hah hah hah. Why are there just some people sitting around not panicking from all that's going on.
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I'm thinking that a lot of people aren't seeing based on the ractions of the girls as they're pulled out.
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also haha
That's a big gun to be holding with one hand.>>463889 I was considering that too, but it makes you wonder what they were seeing. She could obviously see him freaking the fuck out, but even if you can't see the crazy classmate monsters attacking the other students, the only way she'd be acting normal like that was if she couldn't see anyone freaking out but him. Because there were a whole - Why is BKUB doing a comic for this. What the hell.
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>someone explain this i'm right there with you protagonist-kun
>>463892 >>463892 >>463892
Yeah I don't know. What the hell.
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okay hina okay lets start!
Hi na ma tsu ri>>463899 Yeah, I've heard it's really funny as well.
evil virtual idol-chan seems like fun
i heard this was really funny or something
oh i heard it was funny too
That's some good choreographing.
sakuga right off the bat
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watashi no smartphono!
hahaha that ws really funny already
Nani kore
Totally wrecked that rug of his.
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Good response from him.
A sensible second response too. Things don't just magcially up and go after a good sleep and shower.
Oh and she's naked. Poor guy.
wait a second i know this manga this shit is funny as hell
>This girl has issues An apt observation.
Wii Fit, huh.
He's really had a rough two or so days.
I guess she has the power to make people want to take care of her
>>463924 Yakuza life is tuff.
How does he figure he's gonna explain how he got that taken care of so quickly all of a sudden.
We real Yakuza business now.
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Yakuza with a heart of gold.
Yeah Nitta's a real decent guy to those he doesn't need to make illicit profits.
EZ win
The guy who adapted the manga designs for the anime for this show also did the anime designs for one of the Dagashi Kashi seasons. Every now and then I kind of see some similarities in the details.
sora wa chigau
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This is a good adaptation but I've read most of the early chapters fairly recently. No wonder I recognized the name. I thought it was just an already airing show.
He got stuck in it now. That thing seems to compact you in real well without excruciating pain.
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what a nasty little thing.
Well that was fun.
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yeah that was nice. thanks for anime!
that show was super funny
thenk 4whatch!!