isn't it sew not sow like sewing seeds or sewing malcontent
Only if you're sewing them with a needle and thread.
i guess it is sow reap what you sew made sense to me i guess it's talking about reaping crops though and not reaping fabric apart that you fucked up the sewing on
Anyways floating point representation is really important for scientific computing so I support it's continued existence. Also fast inverse square root
we could just put a physical curved slope on the circuitboard with a ball -- a tiny ball -- that can be shifted in height and triggers a circuit and have a physical square root calculator and save all the hassle
Fast inverse square root is magic By the definitions in the Jargon file it wouod be deep magic.
>>457992 remind me to have a conversation with you about summer elises when you're not animeing i adopted a few of them and would like to hear your thoughts
>>458030 Sounds interesting. Ill read more about them on a bit. Hrrrrrrrrm Sounds like they're too slow and have no significant Errr not enough advantages over ieee 754 I'm gonna read some papers about it
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
it’s an unproven concept but i think there’s no reason to believe it would be slower if implemented in silicon for one you avoid all the extra futzing around overhead due to floating point being so leaky and unstable also, savings on memory bandwidth
you're an unproven concept
>>458038 Yeah but Somebody has to implement it in silicon, and then someone has to make the chips Floating point is a mature technology in the sense that it doesn't need that. Sometimes something you already have being good enough is enough to prevent people from investing in something thats even better.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
yeah it’s chicken egg ight now but like say someone wants to make a better neural net chip and stumbles on this shit this. would be huge for running neural nets floating point is well established but man moore’s law is dead and all, i don’t want number perf to stagnate
>>458042 Moore's law being dead means CE's actually have to work on their designs instead of just making shit smaller
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
uh yeah that’s what i’m saying
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
more on chip bandwidth, savings on die space
>456 page tome from CRC Fuck Just publish the spec for free and maybe people will adopt it quicker
oof they're being vague on all the juicy deets though
>Each computation in unum space is likely to change the bit length of the structure. This requires either unpacking them into a fixed-size space, or data allocation, deallocation, and garbage collection during unum operations Uhhhhhhhhh >>458058 Neat
>Zurich man sometimes i just dont even
>>458062 what's uhh about that asking genuinely not snidely
>>458067 That's a lot of extra shit to do Especially if you wanna do millions of operations per second
i only see four operations listed there if you can do millions per second, what's four more?
sorry i couldnt help
>>458069 No, those are operations required to read and write the number so it can be operated on numerically Those are what it nerds to do each time *needs to do Each time it would add multiply subtract whatever a unum So it's not 4 extra operations total It's millions
>>458074 She's a lot like bunny sharena i'm working atm now though >>458072 yes i know,
Oh did you mean "what's four million more"?
i keep dropping >>458078 no i meant four more operations and was glossing over it being many operations for each process and a part of each emergent operation just to be intentionally retarded if it's intentional then i'm probably not really retarded, by my reasoning >>458081 their stats are very close my sharena has 42 speed and my elise has 44 slightly less atk on sharena and more res but tbh spring sharena has a cuter outfit than summer elise even though i like elise
>>458079 The best way to build them is kinda the same way though. Can't beat that build for speedy but squishy red mages.
So I really hope unum guy appreciates the irony of publishing a book called "the end of error" which *with a bunch of mistakes in it Currently going over criticisms of it
>>458084 what do you have on your elise she's just got the basic default stuff now i've also got a +6 boey and an inigo for even more speed with the dance speed buff im gonna do a meme green mage team for arena defense
Oh also the author talks shit about calculus and numerical analysis while failing to understand both
>>458090 I think I have my Elise set up as anti-colorless. But to be honest I haven't done too much with her other than the tome. I haven't used her in awhile.
>>458119 call em up comcast just spent four billion dollars redefining their customer service experience in the last year-ish they're trying to be a good company now
>>458116 Yeah, a build like that would be good for her. She is a bit more speedy than some of the others.
Generally power cycling is the first thing I do when shit fails like this Also it's back up But yeah powercycling fixes a lot of stuff and is in general useful for ruling things out
well, if it's a matter of it being turned off i dont think that's really power cycling that's just powering it in the first place you can power cycle if it's broadcasting, which it can do while it's on and not connected i'm not sure what's being missed here
I consider "unplugging it and plugging it back in" to be powercycling
yeah but you can check if it's broadcasting by checking your wifi connections?
No shit It wasn't broadcasting That's why I said "I think it died"
then it's probably off
It's working again now These routers don't go off They can't be shutdown through software They have plugged in and on And unplugged and off Or broken
yes unplugged and off is what i meant but if it's on now then it's not off idk what the point is here
The point was that i was bothered slightly by the way you gave advice I guess Anyways I have reason to believe that it was not unplugged and is in fact just suffering from some sort of hardware issue , it goes on and off a few times a day by itself
well your specificity that it was comcast-supplied is kind of indicative of a complaint against comcast, which i'm with because ive had trouble with them in the past, but felt it helpful to iterate that they've redefined their customer experience so it's not as painful to call them about problems now, given the vagueness of "died" and that i thought it was equipment failure >>458148 okay then call 'em up and request a new one since yours is crap or railroad the discussion onto subpoints i dont care
Their hardware being crap is my main immediate problem with them
Nah I'm good But for reference I woukd not say "the router/modem died" if it were still broadcasting. I guess it would be better to say "appears to not be broadcasting".
yeah but powercycling isn't gonna fix issues with it not broadcasting so that's why it didn't make sense
Power cycling could totally fix that. The point of power cycling is that sometimes just doing a reset fixes a lot of shit. I've fixed or at least temporarily fixed similar issues in the past with power cycling.
Besides, if I called them the first ththing they'd ask is "did you try unplugging it and plugging it back in?".
The shooter was a rabbit? That makes perfect sense.
Chinese places 'round here commonly use these black plastic disposable containers for take home food. Over the years we've racked up quite the stack of them. It's nice since they're washable, microwave-safe, and lightweight. Barely ever use tupperware. But at some point in the container manufacturer's history, they changed the design of the containers to be just the slightest bit smaller; a change that is nigh-imperceptible. But the container lids of the two different models don't match the other container, but the only way to determine this, aside from astiduous observation, is trial and error. It makes putting away leftovers really annoying.
>>458208 i can't wait to see all the photos you take you're gonna see so much new landscape and geological formations
I was told Americans don't have chip and pin! >>458212 1 hour from now >>458210 I have my camera! I capture rare fat americans in their natural habitat
Yeah sounds like you're in line with us up here then. I have a friend that does all his credit payments with his phone when he can. It's pretty convenient I guess. One less card you have to carry around.
I don't have a wireless card though And it is just a chip and pin card I dont even know how the stripe works since I've never used it
>>458222 I do I don't use it though For security reasons
Kirara 🚗
Oh, maybe in big cities I've never seen it here
Both my debit and credit cards have the functionality, but I only ever use it with my credit card. I tend to review my credit statement each month though so there isn't a way some charge I didn't initialize is gonna slip past me.
Kirara 🚗
>>458223 You just slide it through the swipe thingy it'll have a little logo that says which side you want the strip to be facing out on
>>458238 turn that heart beat into electricity and power yourself up with it turn that heart beat into a EURO beat beat of the rising sun beat of the rising sun
I might go out west in June. Want me to swing by?
💓 >>458241 Hearing eurobeat on a plane would terrify me
Kirara 🚗
>>458243 I always listen to macross music on flights especially macross f
>>458250 If she's with Delta there might be movies to watch onboard. They had pretty thorough service for their intercontinental flights over the Pacific.
>>458297 I didn't have school today I did learn about the Pike River Mine Disaster The department of labour and the Ministry of Economic Development didn't communicate with each other on employee safety so they gave a mining liscence to a very unsafe mine And then there was a big explosion and 29 people died because their ventilation system was shitty and broken for months and no one bothered to fix it
>>458298 No I genuinely didn't have school today for some reason they gave us an extended break over easter
It wouldn't be a big deal if I was only going to be gone occasionally for like a few days but I'm the kind of guy that wants to go on week long or two week long trips I want to do a road trip to el paso and then up through new mexico, colorado, wyoming, and montana
>>458336 too far that's where we'd go We went for a three hour drive with the dog in the car once I told my parents it was an awful idea but we did it anyway It was the drive up to Rotorua
>>458339 Wow harsh but true There's lots of towns and stuff to go to though Travel time would be so much shorter if it was all flat and nothilly though
>>458341 you keep the cat on a leash I saw a guy whose cat sat on the top of his backpack while he went hiking that's so cool
>>458344 Depends on who you ask I really like the hills and mountains And the farms So many farms Oh wait you're pointing out my spelling mistake wow now I look like some kind of idiot
i put him in the car once but i rushed it and he freaked out i gotta take it slow with him and get him used to it I need to get him used to the car either way, so I can evacuate for hurricanes
>>458361 Also, the UV index gets a bit higher in New Mexico than in London so make sure to wear sunscreen if you're out for a while! or england in general i should have said, not just london
No rain is good for the west because you get more beautiful days that you can go hiking and exploring and see the sights!
hiking in the rain is weird most people with experience wouldn't do it, especially in a rocky area
Yeah But I thought you loved taking risks?
Kirara 🚗
but i don't like hiking in extremely heavy clothes it's not really a risk the chance of me getting hurt or dying is really low the chances of me having a horrible time is pretty high though
risking getting a cold isn't as adrenaline pumping as risking breaking a leg
I like hiking in the rain or sunshine. Depends a little on the terrain though.
Fuck Maybe I should turn down the heat
Hike in a hurricane
>32°F What the fuck
Kirara 🚗
>>458371 last hurricane i went outside and did some walkin in the 177km/h gusts when it wasn't raining
hike in a volcano
>>458373 That hurricane was so dramatic. I remember all the news and everything Is that island still ruined?
yesterday in class, someone was talking about how they have a client that is lying to them about having doctorates and stuff and someone asked what religion they were, and they said jewish and someone's like, "maybe it's a jewish thing" and i turned around and gave them this look and everyone laughed
>>458386 ? No, complaining is a very Jewish thing.
>>458392 Hide the pork bro The rabbi's gonna freak if he finds it
Kirara 🚗
>>458394 Nah I'm not Orthodox If I were I'd already be married.
>>458396 I actually have no idea how any jewish terms work between the different strands of it I'm just assuming that rabbi is the jewish equivalent of a priest >married already wut
>>458397 Yes, but a conservative rabbi wouldn't flip out over a mber of the synagogue not keeping kosher. Orthodox Jews often get married relatively young and have like six kids. They're also kind of crazy and its kind of their fault that the Palestine thing is getting worse.
Kirara 🚗
>>458397 orthos get married at really young ages i know a rabbi got married at age 22 it's pretty common
>>458399 why? I can't see myeslf getting married before 30 or ever
>>458398 I thought the palestine thing getting worse was israel is israel majority ortho or something
Kirara 🚗
because you gotta marry early, fuck a lot, have lots of little baby jews
>>458400 No But Orthodox Jews in Israel are kind of ruining a bunch of stuff It's not really a simple single thing
Kirara 🚗
orthodox jews are trying to turn israel into a theocracy, basically they're forcing all kinds of religious laws onto people and are the ones in positions of power that are escalating the conflict with palestine from within israel, and usually the ones ordering israeli snipers to start killing protestors
And the ones in the illegal settlements And dodging the draft
On plane now. Probably gotta go airplane modo i think
>>458403 >It's not really a simple single thing That sums up the whole situation
>>458406 When you get to Atlanta don't forget to post "I just flew in from Amsterdam and boy are my arms tired!"
Kirara 🚗
rei, did you see the onion article about all the dead palestinians
Nope I haven't read the onion in a while.
Kirara 🚗 >Teen On Birthright Trip Hadn’t Expected To See So Many Dead Palestinians
there's been a lot of twitter discourse about brutalist architecture recently it's weird how someone can make a joke and it will trigger like two weeks of serious discourse about something like architecture
Wait, do people not like it or something? Some of my favorite buildings in Chicago are brutalist.
Kirara 🚗
some people like them but others find the style of architecture to be aggressive and don't think they should be preserved
Is that the hateful anti-zionist jews he met up with or whatever? They're so intolerant of squinting Jewish Fascism
Kirara 🚗
yeah, jewdas they're allegedly antisemitic for not supporting zionist pro-israel anti-palestine agendas
Kirara 🚗
their twitter is really funny i didn't know about them until just now though >That the group's Twitter account called Israel “a steaming pile of sewage which needs to be properly disposed of”, Jon Lansman, the founder of the pro-Corbyn organization Momentum and himself Jewish, said on BBC Radio 4: "It's certainly not helpful to Jeremy or the cause of opposing antisemitism in the Labour Party as it happens".[11][10] it's good rhetoric, jon
>>458454 I read that as minute by jew dropping minute at first Why does ANDREW PIERCE have his name in caps Is he narcissistic?
Kirara 🚗
yeah basically
>>458457 who's Jeremy Fuck Jeremy Jeremy can fuck off
>>458457 It is a rather unfortunate way to phrase that though Well, it's an unfortunate stance to have because there's legitimate reasons and extremely wrong reasons to have it
My guy was telling me that my tweets never show up on his timeline and he didn't understand why, so I told him to turn off the "Show me the best tweets" setting and now he can see all my tweets. I almost feel a sense of pride to know that I'm getting filtered like that.
twitter will be dead soon 140 char limit so there's only 26*140 different tweets that can be made after people hit all ~3000 different tweets then it's just recycling the same material again and again
oh that'll probably take a while then that's probably why they increased it
Kirara 🚗
every time they get close to the end of new content they increase the limit a little and hope that they have the tech to increase it again by the time the new content is almost finished
these feral cats have torn apart all the insulation under the house and now there's 400 dollar electric bills in addition to it still being an ambient 30 degrees farenheit in this house im freezing, broke, and have to live with this wretched stench and probably toxoplasma because this idiot started feeding feral cats and took apart the skirting of the house so they could stay warm seriously about to go out there and shoot them all or hire somebody to i love cats but damn they're feral and varmin and carry so much disease this is the hell im livin in and i can't seem to escape
>>458503 cats can get in whether they're "allowed" or not
>>458503 no they're feral i live rural >>458506 what are you talkin about they just go under the house it should be skirted in but this fucker took the skirting down
>>458504 There's gotta be a door or something though right?
I don't know what a crawlspace is and I don't understand how cats can go under a house
>>458508 you got a stone foundation then you got a space where a manufactured home is elevated so that you can lay piping and ventilation and all that shit then you got the house just like a two-foot gap between the floor of the house and the ground
Kirara 🚗
it's just space under a house you've probably seen them in movies and stuff, like sometimes someone will hide in a weird little pocket under their house or something that's a crawl space
Now that you mention it, I do think I've see that yeah I thought that would be like, something that people would close up
Kirara 🚗
yeah, so there's insulation above that space, under the house the cats are tearing it up >>458511 cats can still get in even if you try to close it up sometimes, but it usually is sealed off
>>458511 it is but when it's ten below the cats will claw at it or find cracks to sneak in where the ventilation is or stuff
Ah, I see
the truth of why i had to forfeit my recruiting contract is because i'm living with a mentally ill person who is hoarding cats it's suffocating me logistically and physically i can't tell my clients that though, it's p humiliating i need to fucking not be here though it's fucking up my livelihood and my life
>>458517 my uncle would either keep taking care of them or he'd abandon the place he's like here half the time and in tulsa half the time so he'd have to make that choice every time he's gone i get those cats off the teat and not hanging around on the porch and shit then he comes back and starts feeding them through the cat door and letting them in the shed and shit he's got three domestic cats which are old and now they can't even use the cat door because there are ferals on the back porch at all times everything just reaks of cat piss all the time insulation and probably disease from the cats is being ventilated through the house probably all the time he's like always sick while he's here and can't figure out why
but tbh i dont see how i can leave no vehicle, no one wants to get an apartment with me, very broke all the time, and my mom absolutely guttered my credit so i am really limited without someone else heading the lease on an apartment >>458519 poison isn't really a good choice for a lot of reasons including my own safety plus i'd have to go track them down and clean them up, probably from under the house where they'd go die, and that sounsd more squalid i could just shoot them but i don't particularly want to engage my violent side at this time
Disgusting That's no way to live Did you ever consider poison or something
any chance you could get with quarxx again or something? what about notso and rin
>>458521 agent orange, ptsd quarx moved out because he found a girlfriend who wanted him to move to phoenix notso doesn't want to rin can't head a lease and i can't set him up with a job
Kirara 🚗
i thought notso was down for it that sucks
>>458523 down for the idea, not really the logistics apprehensive and has other concerns i believe that's fine though god everything's just so shitty all the time
pretty affordable i had one when i was younger in st charles for 450 a month kitchen, living room, one bed, full bath, storage space kind of trashy neighbors but not terrible in the heart of the city you can rent a two bedroom house for like 600 a month wanted to get jan in on something like that but idfk
one set of asterisks about a word to italicize it, only works on single words two number signs to make text big caret to make text small spoiler tags are what you'd expect
>>458526 is that something you can manage on your own?
>>458529 yes i tend to make between 1300 and 2600 per month, but in the winter months it's as low as 600 per month sometimes my health insurance is a fair bit and even with insurance my meds eat up a big chunk of that i was supposed to be saving up money while out here but it's so fuckin dumb have to pay 100 a month for satellite internet which is shitty net at that keep getting pulled into people's emotional drama and getting talked at by old disabled people who don't respect my time and want someone to know they're in pain -- yeah, me too and those fuckin heating bills, and cost of gas when you live 30 minutes to the closest store
haven't saved up shit i can afford that cost for rent but i can't demonstrate that i make triple the rent consistently and come up with first+last, and the cost of transition, installing new wifi
i also have no furniture because i couldn't bring my queen bed and table back from memphis after quarx bailed on me has like two days to move and only one truck load everything that made up my life is now scattered around garage sales and estate auctions throughout the country now wish someone would dice me up and sell me at a garage sale
also i gotta start paying back taxes and student loans sometimes at least the taxes recruiting job was like a 1200/mo contract for like 10 hours a week that was a nice gig but i couldn't fuckin do it
i guess it's hard to save up if you managed to move out, could you start the recruiting job again?
maybe but i dont think i would the scope of the job kept changing, kind of a flighty client that i couldn't quite accomodate the way they wanted >>458536 physics as it relates to the field of medicine so development and refinement of some medical treatments, diagnostic procedures, various things you got radiation oncology and plasmaphoeresis and those silver seeds they use for cancer and modelling the connectome during epileptic seizures just stuff
>>458538 i dont really mind that i make enough with transcription to get by just a rough winter season i took it because i wasn't sure if work was gonna pick up, but it did
if i could get things together and go back to school i'd like to do a library science program now that i am grown up and calmed down i think that is where i would excel
>>458559 I can really relate with that, although personally im a bit more of a reptile lover myself. Herpatology would be a dream come true, but my mental health is probably too bad at the moment for me to attempt it again. Ganbatte, though!
I want to major in computer science but my IQ is about half that of an eggplant.
>>458561 weren't you doing some archivist stuff that always sounded really nice im transcribing oral histories for a library right now i love this kind of work i love information and i love archiving and documenting stuff even if the pay is pretty shit i love being a scribe >>458565 you'll be fine
Kirara 🚗
>>458565 even if your IQ is low that won't stop you from being successful in computer science you might have specific deficits that can make computer science more difficult but they can usually be worked past
Oh, man. Ive been up all night in pain, I feel like my ass is splitting in half but I dont need to shit. im literally breaking down in fucking cold sweats over here on the toilet on tears for like 6 hours. at least its finally morning.
>>458578 i didn't mean autism >>458577 there's a more generalizable idea i would like to say in reference to IQ and approaches but i dont feel like fumbling around with loose words atm i used to have really high iq but ive worked hard over the years to drop it lower
>>458579 low Iq people can be just as uninterested and lazy though, what do you mean by broken then?
I can't play MHW because there is a 1.3gb update and it's moving at a snail's pace idk what's going on here my internet connection is fine maybe everybody is downloading this shit at once or something
>>458617 >oh no my friend is dying but I'm too anxious to leave my room >wait I just remembered I promised to go with her to the supermarket. I guess this is enough motivation. Her dying wasn't enough
So I saw the post kannagi made earlier with the movies available to watch on her flight and I noticed one that's supposed to be really good.
It's a mediocre movie about Vincent Van Gough But It was rotoscoped in oil paintings So every single frame of the original live action film had an oil painting of it made. It looks incredible.
I regret not seeing that in theaters But I plan on watching it on Blu-ray at some point. I want to see it in as high resolution as possible so I can see the texture and individual brush strokes.
/moe/, when was the last time you went to an art museum? I last went in mid November.
panhandle is like 5-7 hour drive from me >>458651 going to the panhandle isn't really travelling and driving 5-7 hours for a museum isn't quite my cup of tea
There's probably something decent in St Augustine.
>>458654 Sam I read a bunch about unum and it seems interesting. Also the guy who invented it is full of himself. They seem interesting but the author makes a lot of unsubstantiated claims about them. I think they have potential but they really need some more work. And also a formal spec draft if they don't already have one.
I don't really do trips to museums. I enjoy going to museums in a place I'm visiting, but I'm not big on just driving a while to get to a museum or anything like that. A lot of the museums here are pretty good, but I've already seen the stuff in them plenty of times, and they don't update their collections typically, so I don't really want to go again.
>>458657 Have you ever made an appointment with a museum to see stuff from the not on display collection?
I saw one of the memes discussing whether the meme was classist or not, that was pretty good
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
>>458662 You generally have to make an appointment but you don't neccesarily have to be like a professional researcher or whatever. I have a friend who does that at the art institute. Museums generally have more stuff not on display than on display.
>>458665 Don't they keep the stuff that's not on display in storage?
>>458667 Yeah But they generally have research rooms for people who make appointments to go through things, depending on the type of stuff. Some places require you to have specific requests or whatever. But museums are for learning.
>>458667 Most museum storage isn't too hard to access on short notice. Sure, some of the more hermetically-sealed stuff might need a bit of prep time, but mostly it's all stored in categorized drawers or similar methods.
FYI I've never done that because I'm fucking lazy and get distracted easily so I don't neccesarily feel like making an appointment. But there are a few museums I may do it for.
If I knew Sumerian or Akkadian I would've done that already at the Oriental Institute tablet archive.
>>458674 Not right now. These are from when it aired.
If there was an extended power outage the museum would need a backup generator to keep stuff moisture and temperature controlled. It really is just a big risk for that kind of thing.
I liked the small girl she had the best quips
There's a real crazy windstorm going on outside. Getting to class will be fun.
>>458681 Yeah But not generally ones that need to last a week or two without power. Well I could be wrong. And also the area you live in is too sparsely populated to support one. Big art museums tend to be in big cities for a reason.
How are you not-rei?
Err as in "how are you?" Or "how is it that you are not rei?"?
both, i guess- the first one was the idea of my post.
I'm okay sort of My dog died last week so I'm pretty sad about that still. I haven't been getting things i needed done done yet but I'm going to try today. And then the other thing is that I used to post as Rei!p8eYCadcMo when I first came to /moe/, but that's a public trip so i stopped. Bit for continuity in conversations I started using FormerRei.
>>458686 I can imagine, I hope you can at least get to do things for doggo. doggo wouldn't want you to stay sad i'm sure.
>>458686 oh. yeah i know that trip. Reiclones or something.
>>458689 Something like that. It's still banned on 4chan too I got it unbanned twice but not a third time It was literally siztra or kronie who got it banned the most recent time too.
>>458687 I appreciate the sentiment but you're attributing a level of understanding and intellect to this animal that it was not capable of. One of the bigger reasons I'm still distraught over the whole thing was that she didn't understand what was going on. It just haunts me. FYI she was euthanized
I want a hedgehog.
Fuck I'm crying again
I'm probably going to talk about this at therapy tomorrow.
>>458692 i wouldn't ever want to make the industry of hedgehog breeding richer by getting another one they are not meant to be pets and they will die and you will suffer. ;_;
I bet God threw us out the garden because he sobered the fuck up and realized he'd fucked up He tried to kill us all off, once, but got cold feet the last second
we are life reset button. if things are wrong we just self destruct the whole thing
>>458704 I know your trying to sound poignant or whatever but that's not really poignant or anything..
Really the tower of Babel is like the only time God was legit worried about us, isn't it? He felt he had to stop us, we weren't just acting out but a threat
>>458716 Yeah, but not because we were a threat. Because we were getting too big for our britches. There was a bit of idolatry going on and some other stuff, and the reason he was stated to have destroyed it is because humans wanted to reach His brilliance, basically, and that's super disrespectful God doesn't take kindly to disrepect
Oh or "not canon"
The new testament and the koran are just the extended universe
Lol No That's the Talmud, Midrash and non main books.
But the extended universe is also additions by the community, and rejected as canon by some, embraced by others And right now, it's kind of in limbo cause George says it's canon, but Disney says not
>>458722 No expanded universe is now literally not canon George doesn't have control Oh but don't get confused but the expanded universe in its entirety is not canon but They are going back and grabbing some from it and making that canon. The expanded universe was problematic as a whole and had a lot of contradictions. Starting fresh was kind of a good idea at this point.
In either case my real point was that it's canon to some, not to others
>religious books you know they're all literature right? well that and some law books like the leviticus i think.
Law books are literatture too, I guess, really
Also Talmud is commentary It's like a wiki's discussion pages Where each article is one sentence or two But it's been going on for like 2200 years or so.
Is it like the Director's Commentary track on a dvd?
No Cause the director is god Ostensibly
So like, the crew? Hm, I feel like we're stretching these metaphors
It's >>458730 Nah Trust me on this It's thousands of years of people arguing what shit means
Oh that reminds me of a podcast I listened to where they were talking about how in the early days, one of the reasons people were so split on various decisions in the sequels to the first one was they had fan theories and stuff that were betrayed Cause the fans had this whole universe they had created stories in and stuff, and some decisions in the movie went against those
I think that's kinda beautiful
Oh also I think I have that star wars book written before luke and leia were revealed to be twins And it has romance stuff with them in it
>unhealthy monday >pizza tuesday >now its turkey dinner day
Just say No.
my hrain is telling me no but my body is telling me yes
Kirara 🚗
tell your body to think about how much it'll have to exercise to work off all the extra shit it's putting in its body unless it wants to get sad when it looks at a scale
As a side note, it might help to ask what plans your house has for dinner over the week. Or in lack of those, take control and make the plans. I tend to pester my mother as to what she's intending to make and plan accordingly.
>what plans my house has for dinner whatever i can “cook”