>>455906 → Does American Burger King do the diner aesthetic For some reason they do over here Like they'll have a fake juke box And those red seats And 50s decour
That's weird.
Kirara 🚗
>>455911 no, they just look like generic fast food places here
we have that thing in a place called "johny rockets" they have jukebox and malted shakes. places like burger king and mcdonalds just have tables and food idk.
>>455911 Some of them do weird diner style american stuff here and some of them are just normal worse than macdonalds places
>>455914 I've never been to one but it sounds okay.
Fuck Now I want to go out to steaknshake or culvers or something.
Kirara 🚗
we got a culvers here now
Culver's is great I'd forgotten there was one near me until I went to a restaurant down the block from it a month ago.
speaking of burger king they have the spicy chicken sandwich now.
I wonder what food I should try out. I want to try a corndog I kept seeing tenshi corndog on /jp/ and I've wanted a corndog since then I have no idea what a corndog is it is like hotdog probably
>>455946 If you don't bully small children they will grow up thinking they can do things without reality smacking them in the face. that and they can't scream and tantrum about not getting sweets kids that roll on the floor with high pitch screaming for sweets are the worst
>>455962 I saw another video clip of a guy being attacked by a flaming turkey. He kept shooting fire at it but the bird kept coming at him unfalteringly. Eventually he was then fighting up close with a flaming turkey that he kept setting on fire again and again.
And apparently this is after there was a day one patch for the game nerfing how dangerous turkeys were in the game.
>>455962 oh god. that is amazing. That bird looks like a last boss and the hands in front of him is so good like the look of shock
Apparently wild turkeys are mean-ass birds in real life though. Probably not "keep coming at you even though they're on fire" mean, but apparently they're huge assholes and are pretty vicious.
>>455969 they got wild turkeys here and i can believe they'd keep coming at you if you set them on fire i was at a stop light once and a turkey came out of the woods, jumped across the hood of my car, and kept going like it was the most normal shit in the world
https://i.imgur.com/itJbXLe.gifv Oh god
Oh yeah that was the clip.
Never really seen a turkey.
Kirara 🚗
turkeys are everywhere here i see them all the time we got peacocks too turkeys and peacocks are annoying as hell
man I wish my coworker would get a fuckin bike late every single day
Peacocks are like exotic fancy birds in zoos for me. weird to think they wonder around in the real world.
Kirara 🚗
one time in cape Canaveral, up where they launch the rockets, i was at a red light next to a farm and they had a fence like up towards the road peacock jumps up on the fence and sticks its whole head into my car through the window and starts screaming at my me
the light turns green and everyone is honkin at me but i got this fucking peacock in there screaming and im tryna shoo it away i had to hit in in the face with a book before it fucked off peacocks are some shit
in texas you mainly see wild coyotes and boars especially boars if you want toI
Florida sounds like basically that island from the caribbean movie.
Florida also has wild capybara.
>>455981 cute i thought capybaras only lived on brazil.
>>455979 if you want to kill some boar please come to texas you can do it without any kind of license just get rid of them please
America sounds so dramatic. Nothing exciting like that happens here.
That's because exciting things are illegal in the UK.
Nah we just are sensible. I say some tv show called last call food brawl on netflix and americans eat some insanely horrifying fast food. like so much oil, grease, fat, cheese and meat. It is shocking when I think a single kebab is filling
That's just some Americans.
Kirara 🚗
>>455989 be careful if you eat fast food, you'll probably get a tummy ache from it the first time you eat it maybe first few times
my business law professor was a chilean english lady and she was so open minded and also very nice. I can't imagine them having less liberties than we do.
Kirara 🚗
free ireland
>>456002 I'm not familiar with your country's civil liberties. But they do have less than the US.
I've never thought of the UK as having less liberties but we do have cameras everywhere
>>455984 I can't give you a gun but you can go buy one at the shop and then go shoot the boar unless you want to shoot boar with a small revolver which i don't really recommend
>>456011 It's kind of like not realizing you have less tiny ceramic Santa statues than your neighbour down the street.
>>456013 Is that the level of freedom you talking about?
No But it's sort of related.
I'unno, maybe. I don't live there.
I don't like the ability to express myself and I know no one who has every got in trouble for saying something even rude and hateful thing? If it is about gun ownership or knife ownership I don't think they are compatible with the UK.
And if you look at the slanderous bullshit that comes out of UK tabloids, they sure have all the free speech they could ever want over there.
The guy who taught his dog to do a sieg hail sure doesn't have free speech.
I'd put my bets no "no" for the UK then. But I don't live there and don't really pay attention to their news.
>>456022 Nope. people often criticise the monarchy in the house of commons we even have MPs who shout "Tell the queen to pay her taxes" >>456019 Anything related to nazis in Europe tends to have harsh penalties in // I don't know how it is treated in the US.
I was just saying, honeslty. all countries are different, and like gun or free speech stuff is cultural as much as it's political.
>>456021 Yeah but katanas are kind of cliched to the point of being underwhelming now. What you really need is a five-food broadsword strapped to your back.
reminder that hate speech is not protected by the first amendment and dankula's video was considered hate speech because it was full of "gas the jews" slogans and suck
>>456033 The knights hospitalier wore plate armor in the middle east in the late 1300s and early 1400s. It s actually not that much of a hindrance, you can fight well in up to around 100 degrees wearing full plate with a surcoat to insulate and reflect heat from the sun.
>>456035 I have no idea. it isn't really an issue here. I am not pretending anything but you seem so sure you have so much more freedoms that UK is kinda off putting you have never been here I don't think and you only know about weird random cases of people being charged for unusual cases That case is in the news because of how unusual it is. Its not like we charge people all the time for hate crime with their dogs >>456040 I don't care to debate what hate speech is.
>>456037 What's hate speech? Can you give me a rigorous definition?
>>456041 He hasn't even be jailed or anything. and he apparently as done more than just teach his dog to seig hail. I don't know how case of it. *whole You are cherry picking and then going the // "The UK is a bad for freedoms even in europe as a whole" which is not even true. >>456049
If you want to know about whats hate speech read the rulings of the Rwandan genocide with the radio thing.
Kirara 🚗
>>456045 to put it plainly, calling for the genocide of a people is probably hate speech
>>456046 He already soent time in jail and was already charged.
>>456048 Okay? But what about quoting that statement? Is a quote of hate speech hate speech?
>>456049 Source? He is due for sentencing next month
>>456050 That depends on context. If you're referencing it and asserting that it's a true or just statement, as in siding with the argument, that could be considered hate speech. If you are merely referencing it in another sense, as in a news article for someone getting arrested for hate speech, it's isn't the same.
>>456052 >spent a night in a cell you blow shit up massively
>>456054 You said he didn't spend any time in jail. I refuted your statement.
>>456055 I assumed you meant actually being sentenced and sent to jail I would not be held in a police station for a night,*I would not call. "jail".
Kirara 🚗
>>456050 it depends are you quoting it because you are endorsing it or for a reason that isn't hateful
There's a definition of it on the books. Basically for it to be hate speech it needs to have a call to violence, or incite violence, or so on.
Of course the law is applied by prosecutors and judges, so there are instances where a prosecutor will mis-charge hate speech and the defendant will still plead to it rather than try to fight it in the courts.
>>456056 Jail and prison are distinct terms. Generally jail refers to where they hold you before and during the trial, prison is where you go after being charged. There are some exceptions to that.
And // >>456059 In the UK I have only heard jail as pretty much the same as prison. In common usage I've never seen a distinction being made. even on popular television here. Looking at dictionaries online the usage for holding people specifically with the word jail is a US usage
in any case you said that article said he was sentenced
Kirara 🚗
in the UK, calls to arms which can be used to promote genocide or are directly promoting genocide are considered hate speech so excitedly saying "gas the jews" and making a dog seig heil is considered hate speech there
Remember when the nazis almost arrested a guy for teaching his dog to seig heil because they thought it made fun of Hitler and ridiculed him And now it supports him
>>456073 >meechum that sounds more like a meme than his meme name
Ackshually it's Meechan
Kirara 🚗
oh, sorry mark meechan
mark nee-chan
Kirara 🚗
anyway he's white supremacist asshole so i say let him rot
marky mark
i hope his dog is ok tho
In any case he has been brought to court for hate speech and gross conduct by some jewish group. He hasn't been sentenced to anything, he will have to attend trial. The group who brought the compliant and action against him is a big jewish group in scotland. With a considerable number people who want to bring this through the courts so it isn't like the UK justice system has already considered him guilty. he may well walk free from it and get compensation for the inconvience.
It doesn't work well to illustrate that our country imprisons people for that
Kirara 🚗
>>456082 it was his new girlfriend's dog he trained it to seig heil because she loved it dearly and he is an emotionally abusive antisemitic white supremacist
>>456085 like, all those things are worse than he being a nazi. i mean being a nazi seems natural for his toxic personality and beliefs
>>456085 wow i hope his girlfriend's dog is ok i guess at least the dog isn't gonna starve just because he acted like a loser
Kirara 🚗
i hope she can extinguish that behavior technically, you can never extinguish a behavior completely so the dog will always have that problem to some degree probably
The dog will probably forget it for the most part. But yeah "to some degree".
Man sometimes I wish I was born in the late 1920s so I could go kill people and watch my friends all fucking die and feel morally righteous about it all.
>>456102 maybe i heard britain first from the brexit movement idk. but there was this brit guy who had a fascist agenda.
Kirara 🚗
>>456100 yeah idg why people think the Holocaust is funny i guess it's just those edgy shitters that want to offend people for no reason
>>456106 I find it weird that people think it is ancient history when there people living or whose children and people grandparents who lived or saw their grandparents speak or parents talk about their experiences it is like still strongly in living memory.
>>456107 You can feel morally righteous about killing anyone if you're good at tricking yourself >>456110 Tell you what mate I'll round up our boys and invade America And you can push us back And then after it's over you can have a holiday How's that sound
>>456107 there isn't enough propaganda in the world to make me feel morally righteous about our current military
Idk, we have that with the dictatorship forced disappeared people. it happened like less than 50 years ago and yet people don't even care some mothers were never able to find their kids bodies. they were thrown to the sea or buried in the desert somewhere.
Kirara 🚗
>>456108 people just want to use it for power now we've completely separated it from the tragedy now it's just Nazis are evil and my enemies are Nazis! and actual neonazis are still running around doing nazi shit and trying to shift people's perceptions of it to make it acceptable and it worked here
>>456108 Yeah, like, I never met one of my great-granddads because he got shot by Nazis invading the Polish town my granddad grew up in. I'm not about to turnface and ever think claiming to support their beliefs or carrying their name is ever a good thing. Shit's so stupid.
>>456115 I thought mini was a typo for mint But they meant some mini egg candy which is... ?????m? >>456117 Hi >>456116 PB and JUSTICE
>>456115 Peeps are actually fucking revolting. I can't recall or even imagine something so terrible as food. It's one of the worst things I've ever tasted much less the worst "treat".
>>456118 My great grandad was amazing, he was a jewish spy for england and was killed by the gestapo. I apparently knew a lot of languages >>456125 It was just shitposting as hard as you can meme event.
Kirara 🚗
peeps milk
the bang less traveled
Oh it looks like i missed a really good meme war on 4chan
The marshmallow thing like a peep but on graham crackers is also really popular here. They fly off the shelf. I hate them, they're so bad. Anyone who eats marshmallows that aren't toasted probably isn't even human.
>>456120 I didn't even know what a Peep was until like three or so years ago. They're so gross I don't know how they're popular or actually sell.
so no Ika tonight, which probably doesn't surprise you by this point. We watched all of our non-ika shows, but I think it would be best to wait on him.
>>456135 oh shit that looks more recent than the image I have I have no idea who won now None of the numbers make sense I don't know which image to believe
>>456142 I believe this to be the case. There was no breakaway group and the leader changed constantly. I think the whole thing was a sham!
>>456142 that was the theory. also there was no price or anything. it was just silly shitposting.
>>456144 Yes yes, well done Slythirin well done HOWEVER GRYFFINDOR WINSLOL
>>456140 The mods were deducting points at random points you know? Creme lost a bunch of points
>>456145 On top of that, despite being the obvious butt-monkey team, the green team always managed to stay just a short amount beneath the next-lowest team. If there were some kind of metric for granting points I figure being clear losers would have made them give up at some point.
>>456162 Eh, maybe. But how many people on /a/ still do the stupid "A FUCKING LEAF" meme that briefly spilled over when /a/ and /sp/ became /spa/ last year.
A few weeks ago I heard a guy try to explain what rickrolling was without saying the word "rickroll".
I bet people will start accusing anons of being cremes or peeps in future arguments
Crossboarders started shitposting on /a/ and /jp/ so I hope they leave quickly now.
So I'm in the middle of the street talking to the signs and these people are pointing and laughing like "This motherfucker's crazy." Do they not see the signs? You must see the signs.
>>456189 I don't like wine so I have no idea. I see a lot of people drink bottles at bars here though. they don't look healthy afterwards though my sense of amounts might be off being around those people.
Named after Masoch, the Russian author. Daily reminder
C³-bu? Stella Jogakuin Koutouka C3-bu was fun as well as sabagebu
>>456205 You remember correctly. It was fun to watch.
Kirara 🚗
four glasses doesn't seem like a lot to me everyone at seder last night was talking about how if they drank four glasses, they'd be on the floor idk what is normal tolerance but that seems so ridiculous to me especially if the four glasses is over like a few hours
I'm pretty sure there were two shows with that premise.
>>456206 I am fond of the memes involving the main girl. sabagebu was actual comedy so it was fun on its own.
Reminder that Nico from Velvet Underground and Nico was anti-Semitic but not towards Jews she was friends with.
>>456208 the point is that they aren't used to it. if you're used to have that much wine then yeah you have a higher than average tolerance.
>>456208 On the floor seems like an exaggeration but I could see someone getting pretty drunk from that much in that time period. Though they'd likely be drinking the wine alongside a meal, right? So that would probably help stave off sheer drunkeness too.
>>456216 drink four glasses of wine or one glass of wine
>>456217 he means other people said they would be drunk
Kirara 🚗
im not going to drink anything >>456213 yeah, a big meal, too
i used to drink way more than that but four glasses just seems like enough to maybe get a rush or at least that's how i imagine other people's tolerances
oh okay I think I could drink four glasses of wine and be fine especially over a few hours
I should probably get rid of the wine we have.
I see people drink 4 glasses all the time and be perfectly functional
>>456222 Four glasses with no hard food alongside?
>>456223 yeah, women in large groups always order wine while they talk and smoke. some of them get smashed on botttles and bottles of wine. I've seen a few order no glasses just bottles. I worked in a bar for a while.
Fuck My favorite shitty manga website is having an error
>>456224 Drinking right out of the bottle? How classy!
>>456227 Classy as fuck it is rare to see people almost sneer at being offered glasses.
Kirara 🚗
all my favorite booze had the anti-alcoholic pouring things in the bottles so i never got to drink from the bottle unless i bought stuff i didn't usually get i probably would have had a lot more if i could have
Alcohol is so expensive compared to soft drink that I don't really like spent money on it. it doesn't give me too much joy to be honest. Baileys is nice though. and some ciders are really nice.
Whisky is weird to me. it just tastes like wet wood. like I am sucking a piece of damp wood
>>456229 I've generally found liquor bottles to be a bit too on the heavy side for me to want to drink straight from. I would constantly clink the glass against my teeth and that would be way uncomfortable.
Kirara 🚗
i used to spend like $75+ a week on alcohol my first semester of grad school, almost all of my extra loan money went to alcohol
Now you can soend that money on figures.
>>456235 The amounts I've seen people spend on alcohol a week is insane. especially the working men that come into pubs every single day and spent all the their time in them.
Kirara 🚗
my favorite store had the 1.75 liter finlandia bottles for like $20-30 usually and my favorite rum was like $20 i only spent like $50 on alcohol a week before i moved out it was harder to drink a lot at home i used to hide bottles in my backpack and sneak them out of the house so i could get rid of them somewhere else one time my mom opened my trunk without permission and found like 10 bottles in there that i hadn't gotten rid of yet i convinced her that they were like a year of drinking man what the hell
>>456251 she will also be asleep when i want it sent out
Kirara 🚗
>>456250 Android's native text app let me until like Android 5 scheduled texts were so good and useful
Google Labs has a lot of neat things.
>>456253 I would mainly use it to trick people. Like I'd be talking to them for ten minutes and then they'd get a text from me. But i never had my phone out
you could use an app like https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/schedule-email/fkbdfpegkhigflljbopnajaoehihlahj?hl=en this extentions seem to be made for it
Kirara 🚗
i used it to send messages saying I was at certain places when people wanted updates on where i was i would forget to text them so id just set up scheduled texts to inform people id reached a destination whenever i thought id actually be there
would have been awkward if i died and then someone got a text saying i was home or something though
you have to be careful about downloading pictures on 4chan for a while with the hidden archives since they used to hide CP and retarded shit them and people would share them without realising.
basically there is some CP images and a lot of links to it saved on the blockchain several countries currently have laws that mean it is illegal to have that bit of the blockchain saved on any of your devices the articles i read were mostly about this fact or about people not knowing what countries can or should even do about it
It's an odd thing in a legal sense. The law still hasn't caught up to technology in a lot of ways.
Most of it was put in there way back when people didn't think bitcoin would ever actually be a real thing it's also funny that people always seemed to think that bitcoin would be useful for shady dealings when it's entire mission statement was to be a currency system that uses the PUBLIC LEDGER ITSELF as the basis for the currency
That's why Monero is better for that stuff.
FormerRei@mobileSearch [iqdb](27 KB, 680x680, 1f9.jpg)the bang less traveled
crypto is some hack shit anyways i don't really get it why?
Mirai what did you do with your share of Sayla's gold? We were meant to have an equal financial burden when raising our children. If you'd kept yours then maybe I wouldn't have to work for the Titans.
@kirara do you have an opinion on the fidelity of a client/patient interview in relation to the setting that the session takes place that's a little loose, but for example i gotta drive an hour to see my psychiatrist, and that long drive and being in the city is going to have my energy fairly focused, which would not really be reflective of how i'm doing through my daily routine even the suggestivity of going to get help intrinsically is mood-lifting and seems hopeful enough that I may not even feel it necessary to express the things i felt earlier like expressing
not about me but i was just giving an example
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
>Grindr Shares Information Including HIV Status with Third-Party Services rip gayfriends
oh no i wonder what products and services get marketed at HIV people
>>456371 I was talking about the legality of it in Finland. Although here in the US "by using this service you agree to our terms and conditions and privacy policy"
i read all the TOSes once you're familiar with the usual terms, they're usually all about the same within the same sphere you kinda know what to expect and just check out "what's this strange term or condition"
yup there is an uncollared husky looking doge running outside all alone
>>456387 ToS can never be unconstitutional or break the law or anything so basically if tos says "the company can do X" but customer protection laws says "naw" CPL wins in court
https://www.amazon.com/Terms-Conditions-R-Sikoryak/dp/1770462740 I ought to get this.
that was the big steam vs EU issue about the refund for a quite long time
it still isn't up to even the basic EU standards, but since they stopped bitching about it, I guess they okay'd the current model
Drawn and Quarterly is such a good name for a publisher.
That kind of ridiculous "let's just have so large army no one even dares to challenge us" is a good mentality for peace and I subscribe to it in many games I play. But it doesn't actually ever work or then someone stupid enough comes and dares to challenge you and then what? You actually go to war and stump them? In game that is okay, but in real life that is your OWN people, you own youth you send to deaths
Kirara 🚗
>>456406 putting that kind of spending into any industry would create a lot of job prospects even like public works or something
>>456409 Yup But aerospace and defense industries hire physicists, engineers and mathematicians so this is ostensibly good for me.
Kirara 🚗
>>456408 It's also ridiculous because we don't even plan anything we need that money because we just throw troops around and throw them targets and tell them to destroy them
They could cut funding off of land forces and just keep a large constant air force and navy and that would be enough in the modern world no need to keep what 4 MILLION men strong land force
You can bomb any fucker to oblivion when the time comes and then gather some boots to control the palce if needed men are easy to get but is there a need to keep the ludicrsiously large land army that US has? your fucking neighbouring countries ar moose canada and desert mexico even if they bolstered large armies and were hostile to US, which they are not, the sheer geographical challenge makes land invasion quite fuckin unrealistic.
Kirara 🚗
>>456410 Wouldn't public works need engineers and math too? you probably can't work for the military
>>456414 They'd be hiring civil and mechanical engineers
I wouldn't be working for the military, I'd work for a defense contractor.
Kirara 🚗
>>456413 yeah we don't need our military to be nearly as big as it is but military recruiters go to nearly every high school and try to snatch up kids every year
>>456415 let's put the money into space exploration then
the british did that for 200 years successfully "THe navy is our wall" wait The fleet is our wall the actual british army was 200k when ww1 began, compared to 2-4 million strong armies of france, germany, austria and russia cause they didn't need larger army, because their fleet made sure no one can piss in their cereals
if what they say that nothing is forever then what makes then what makes then what makes lvoe the exception so why o why o why o whyo why o are we so in denial when we know that there is nothing here >>456455 nice
>>456495 the passive I guess that is my experience from flying in the old world
Kirara 🚗
>>456494 they have tons of shops and restaurants after security here
Samu 🛩 !KW2DbpWwls
>>456498 they fucking don't have anything on them that you could take on the plane in paris, london, wien, krakov, warsaw, helsinki, and few others i can't think of right now
Kirara 🚗
i can get like McDonald's and bring it on a flight with me anywhere in America and i can get some packaged foods through security if they are sealed
>>456501 yeah some packaged food can get passed the security *pass but usually you only have that in the thing going into the cargo, as it is either food you want to eat later or souveniers?
Anyways Kirara, there are plenty of kosher for passover recipes for stuff For real though, just have rice, its okay according to the Sephardic tradition
what is that word even some fucking french gaklösdfjkla why is english so shit at being english? half of your words are french/latin derivates and the other half are fucking ancient nordic
TN/SK do you know anything about this valknot thing or odinists?
is a symbol of old shit dunno if it has anything new going on around it many people wear stuff like that, like thor's hammer around their neck well "many" some rather but they aren't neopaganists or anything just people who like the traditional shit
It reminds me of a symbol used in a game or something, but I can't place it
>>456518 nordic and old german runes are used left and right in every game almost
But I wouldn't say it is some "white supremacist" symbol since I would have seen it then of course some scandic nationalist movements, especially in the actual scandinavia most likely use those symbols, since you know damn old and traditional ones but that could be equited to say using the "don't tread on me" snake in USA
It is definitely used by fash, but it's one of the less common ones, so it could easi- Yeah it could actually be a skyrim reference tbh
A lot of nordic runes are used by that group so the overlap with popular media is big Odal runes and the circle with the cross are far more heavy red flags than that one
It is kinda like how sargon now has an antifa flag hanging on his videos when he uses the webcam feed, cause he captured it when antifa raided one of his live events and got driven away
Seems it's mostly a germanic symbol. If anything people wearing it might be given it more symbolism than whatever it was.
>>456596 Well you think I would ask for permission if I wasn't actually going to do a week ruiner? flimsy defense for fucking sure, but at this point that should be a red flag to say "no go fuck yourself"
You should still not post things like that. I'm guessing from the silence that I was probably too slow deleting it. I'm shocked that you could do something in such bad taste even if you are drunk.
I know I feel bad about it myself, but he gave me the greenlight
tn man we've got people who are recovering alcoholics here please try to not flaunt being drunk too much
>>456608 If you have to ask, just don't do it. Don't blame the other person for saying it's okay when it obviously isn't. We're done discussing this topic now.
I'm gonna have some microwave vermont white cheddar macaronis from marie calendars they're actually really good i like this dish water yall havin for dindin >>456612 oh no don't lie that's bad
>>456612 got a flu or just dead from overwork? >>456613 uhm heating a doggybag?
>>456617 "it's frozen, it's bland" but ramsay jokes aside what is that really?
>>456619 what a cutie >>456620 it's shell noodles covered in white cheddar cheese not really sure what was unclear about it to begin with tbh
sounds quite tasty also white cheddar? that is a thing eh
yeah white cheddar is a thing i really like it not really sure if there's a difference to be honest yellow cheddar is just colored cheese otherwise it would be white i think that yellow cheddar tends not to be aged though
i got the infernal robin cleared but i couldn't nab a grima for the life of me i grinded out over 260 free orbs and didn't get her >>456630 what's yer team if you can take out that blue manakate, it's possible to wrap grima around the crystals and then lure the red cavmage to the other side so you can handle them separately
>>456632 i sorted by "obtained" and counted out my rolls 53 total colorless rolls got one brave lyn out of all of those and i dont even want that bitch
do you have breathalyze 3 seal? maybe putting that on lyn would help
Kirara 🚗
im running v ike, grima, hector, and sanaki sanaki gets to like 70atk lol
snacky is so fucked up i used her at level 32 and she did more damage by a longshot than any other red mage i had
Kirara 🚗
my team gives her +6 atk/def/res she gets +5 atk from being near grima she gets +4 atk wen attacking she gets +2atk/+3spd from earth blessings and also +6hp i need to put gimmer on her because omg
oh yeah i used 120k feathers today to make a +6 boey he's still level 1 right now though it's a little redundant when i have such a good robin but that's okay
Kirara 🚗
wow, fish just logged into feh for the first time in a while and sharena said she was worried about her and gave her orbs
Free 20 orbs yo
Kirara 🚗
did y'all see that normal Hector is getting berserk armads
i got // nevermind i've whined about my bad luck enough
Kirara 🚗
she wanted sharena and got rhajat and was like "i got a slut"
Kirara 🚗
wow she has a really good box hector, brave lucina, roy, eirika, m corrin, tharja, christmas robin, spring xander, tailtiu, raven, spring alfonse, rhajat, and minerva 5*s
>>456697 how do you usually spend it, if it is yours
>>456701 It is mine, usually it's a pretty shitty day but so far it hasn't been too bad, so I have no idea how to actually enjoy the day. And what stuff to do.
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
well whatever you do it's your birthday so yay! i am rooting for you
>>456758 Might sound uninspired but my vote would probably go to Violet Evergarden. There were some really, really, really all-around good shows this season beside it though. Definitely no shortage of enjoyable shows this season.
>>456803 If we're watching things, four of any of the following below, plus possibly Takunomi
3-gatsu no Lion --Episodes 43-44 Beatless 12 Dame x Prince --Episodes 10-12 FranXX Death March Emiya-san Chi no Kyou no Gohan Grancrest Senki --Episodes 9-12 HakuMiko --Episodes 11-12 Marchen Madchen Takunomi Toji no Miko --Episodes 7-12
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
franxx 12 ehhh
this is a bit lewd but good thread https://boards.4chan.org/a/thread/170841266
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
>7-12 for miko damn and to think ep 13 on friday.
Well none of us have been particularly enjoying it. It's not bad, but outright bland and unexceptional. So in a season that has had like THIRTY shows we were actively watching, it was inevitable that it something would be put to the side.
>>456810 ah I see. I enjoy it but mostly as a filler show, i guess.
>>456353 >>456804 are you asking if you think a person is properly representative of themselves when they're in the context of the session?
>>456815 i'm asking two things one is whether that's an active consideration two is whether there are best practices to avoiding that like, possibly suggesting that people write down what they want to say while in their stressful environments to later share
>>456814 That THIRTY shows is a LOT of anime to watch. Like if you consider we rarely watch more than four episodes a day, that already means we're two shows over time-budget for the week. Though a number of them are half-length shows so the actual watching length usually fits in to the week. It has been really tight and scheduling conflicts have made it really easy for shows to pile up, evidentially.
I'm sorry, I'm not in any position to talk about anime watching groups I just wanted to know which animes were likely to be seen. From those, Emiya is the one i havent seen.
>>456816 it's kind of a passive consideration therapists have a vague awareness of it but i don't think it factors into their decision making in the context of therapy unless they feel like there's nothing to address in the session in a case like that, you'd probably suggest that people write that stuff down but i wouldn't say it's a common practice to recommend it
>>456819 sorry to cut you off do psychiatrists do therapy? i think i probably need something outside of the realm of medication how do i go about doing this i dont understand how to interface with the healthcare system should i say something to my psychiatrist or should i be less presumptive and present my psychiatrist with my concerns directly and then ask what to do i'm so nervous about doing anything tbh that i usually do nothing
>>456820 psychiatrists don't do therapy, but psychologists can prescribe medication in missouri
i think i'd say it's best to talk to your psychatrist directly about it and then if you don't think it goes anywhere, you could try to pursue something elsewhere after that psychiatrists and psychologists work together a lot so she may have a recommendation for a psychologist
>>456823 i know you can't really say, but what complications do you think i should present to her i'm asking you for two reasons: 1. i confide this random crap in you when concerned 2. you got some cyclogist knowledge i dont really know what my concerns are, less so through memory loss and more so through state awareness
>>456824 there's this fangame with reisen and the final boss is flan+clownpiece is really fun.
>>456826 it has always seemed to me like talking about the more simple concerns is better, like the anxiety and stuff, to start with, but i'm not sure where you'd want to go with it what would the goal be here? are you trying to get help to be happier? or looking for disability? i think it depends on your goal
ahhhh tokyo tosho is such a traditional search engine i type in "fraxx 12" and it's just like "no fuck you there's nothing"
It's pretty rudimentary. I guess what works, works though.
>>456832 I don't know Rika and Ika's opinion on the Build subfranchise so I've got no clue on whether it'll be watched. Those series haven't been something I've watched before so odds are I might skip over it if they're uninterested. I'll keep you informed though.
>>456829 my goal is to interface with my psychiatrist not interact interface, as in find the commonality and then fully express myself rather than speaking in the uncertain space >>456835 hey kannagi is visiting the US i'ma ask her but wanna do a dinner at zabu zabu if i show her around sf
>>456846 if there's one thing bandai has ever done that was good, it was making the official localization quattro vagina it's something so good that it makes up for all their bad
i hope they do knightmare plamos though for the new code geass
>>456849 my impression of her is that she'd be hard to really interface with because she seemed closed off i think that impression i have is biasing my ability to give you good advice on how to potentially interface with her
>>456850 i dont know what i've said to you but i mean me moreso than her she is contracting with a third party that's really fuct up so there's always difficulty in logistics one of the highest-rated sigh kiatrists in st louis working at the lowest rated facility kind of thing she's very skilled in substance abuse ive discovered should i bring that up to get help or is it just him a steak
>>456850 boy I sure can't wait to not see the new geass movie in cinemas because they pass over releasing it here
>>456857 no, they're doing a three part film series and a new season of code geass the films are recap sunrise has consistently referred to r3 as a new season and talked about it as separate from the movies
>>456853 i honestly think bringing that up would be a good idea if you feel like she's skilled in it
>>456860 i honestly feel that substance use is not a cause of any issues at the moment i feel like the cause of my issues is being around toxic, vulgar, homo-hating hillbillies who just talk at me all day long i feel like substance use is a protective measure against that and that i need a mentally safe environment to live in
i think that saying ive got a substance problem i so beyond the point that i'd be given something to help me be complacent in an inherently dangerous situation to solve a "problem" that's not really even the problem i love being sober it's the best feeling in the world but i can't do it here because i dont want its purity to be sullied by this human trash
Kirara 🚗
>>456863 there is gonna be some new footage in the movies but it's all recap stuff that might be what confused you
they changed stuff in the recaps and now it's canon
I want to feel it's like the first time all over again. but that's probably impossible no matter what
Kirara 🚗
it's totally possible like with cross ange
Kirara 🚗
or valvrave s1
Kirara 🚗
>>456864 if she's skilled in substance abuse, she should be able to parse that stuff if you open a channel for her to access it
>>456873 i dont know what that channel is pyschiatrists meet so many people in their work that it's going to be interpreted statistically especially after 45 years doing it i imagine
>>456872 I feel like S1 Valvrave isn't quite reaching Geass because I don't care about the valvrave cast like I do the Geass cast. Valvrave feels like it's not taking itself as sincerely serious as Geass did
>>456875 and they spend a lot of time dealing with new-age moms who looked up their symptoms on webmd and started sayin shit when i go in with actual pharmacokinetic knowledge it prolly just looks like i'm a hypochondriac like them
Cross ange was fun because NANA is a good VA. but they were still super silly and they dragged the plot too long.
>>456876 That's because you're just watching VVV right now. I watched it with /a/ and well, it felt different waiting for it.
Kirara 🚗
>>456877 idk, i've had conversations with my psychiatrist about pharmocology, drugs, and treatments and stuff where we were able to recognize that the other was knowledgable i think since you have real knowledge, it'll be apparant that you know what you're talking about and she'll be able to engage with you at that level
do you think i should ask about lithium how do i bring that up
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
here's what i would say "i want to talk about lithium."
what about lithium? sorry if i'm meddling but I take that and helped inmensely. for starters it stopped any kind of "real" suicidal thought i might have had.
Kirara 🚗
>>456881 i would just ask if she thinks lithium could help you honestly i don't know if lithium would help you though i mean it might but i don't feel like i have enough perspective to say yeah, you should ask if that makes sense
>>456882 im not sure if i do though sorry sammy if it's an unsavory topic im just tryna prep for tomorrow trying to get my mental health right so im asking all i can
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
nope you're good dude feel free to do whatever you need to
Like, taking it involves controlling lots of levels because of their effects. /stopblog.
oh yeah i'm gonna try to get out to cali forn eye a sometime this summer
>>456887 ?? >>456884 okay im prolly worrying about it too much it's gonna storm when i head out there tomorrow it's an hour+ drive i hope i skid off the fucking road and die slowly
"they said i could be anything i wanted to be, so i became dead"
>>456905 i became ded destroyer of worlds >>456904 honestly samchan I already watched it so im not that desperate to watch it but i do want to at least watch some
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
er arisu and I*
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
ok it'll be nice to have someone to watch it with <3 let's go
>>456920 if i were in your position personally, i would probably not explicitly tell her that unless i felt like i was going to give into a compulsion to do it but i am also not the most psychologically healthy person either! as a clinician i'd say it's good to disclose that but i think it's unlikely you'll get jammed up unless you say you have a plan and intent
>>456924 i wanted to let her know that the medication wellbutrin is giving me ideation, but not fixation, intention, or compulsion, and that it's mostly based around my living environment and not directly the medication i'm torn between switching to a medication that makes me more complacent of my conditions or something that makes me unable to tolerate it and put it all behind (i.e. what im doing now)
sorry this isn't /moe/ appropriate just ignore sorry moe
Kirara 🚗
>>456926 i think that would be totally safe to discuss with her
Kirara 🚗
>>456922 kids are weird i see kids all the time and i'm like, ha, yeah, whatever but then i got this kid who is indirectly connected to me like someone is just like "you're the godfather" and it's like BAM the sun shines out that kids ass idek it's weird
>>456963 All these losers who can't handle a good crossover Sick to my stomach
the bang less traveled
>>456958 i mean it's pretty obvious since sugoi would NEVER come around here now would he but it doesn't matter because you're and anno you could just be me, talking to me
>>456966 the episode was really funny they find like dead bodies and fred is like, OH BOY, WE'VE GOT A MYSTERY ON OUR HANDS, GANG, and everyone gets excited like there's not a mutilated corpse there they're all so fuckin positive
the bang less traveled
>>456967 i'm just memeing, i've never actually sat down and watched supernatural but i've been around when other people were watching it
>find a decapitated body hanging from the ceiling jeepers
you hipoccrat
Kirara 🚗
Kirara 🚗
why don't people say jeepers anymore
>finds uncircumcised penis hanging from the sealing jeepers >zoinks, is it a clue vel it looks like it belonged to a female... approximately 5'4"
Velma made it yoo cliched
Kirara 🚗
there was this scene where velma learns that ghosts are real and she takes off her glasses and she goes "i thought i was blind without my glasses but i guess i was always blind to the truth......."
Kirara 🚗
i bet fred has never fucked even once shaggy though he's probably fucked like a thousand times
>>457028 sorry to impose but how are you doin anyway
Kirara 🚗
>>457033 i am gettin by i was gonna not do anything today but i felt ok enough to go to class this morning and afternoon somehow im tryna keep my head up how are you doin
>>457066 maybe we can virtually watch it over the internet together then >>457070 national park in utah >>457067 dw about it that's not what's happening and the joke is that kannagi is a bikerchick who can destroy any of us nerds anyway
>>457090 i would love to cook real foods for everybody be real though, did you say something? or was it rough coincidence it's important for my mental health to know for sure
>>457106 girls don't need to eat that's why girls don't poop
What about food though.
I was reading about an interesting cold case just now. Apparently Patton Oswalt's wife was a journalist and did a bunch of research into this case and Patton compiled it into a book.
>>457105 my waifu says it's time for bed i say it's time to be dead