>>454837 easter supposedly is the first moon after equinox. fools is just april 1st
Yes, I know what day April Fools lands on. Which is why I gave it more leeway. I knew Easter had something to do with a date not particularly relevant to the calendar though, just didn't know which.
Kirara 🚗
I thought easter is always just three days after jesus dies every year
Man Jesus has it rough. Comes back to life every year only to die about a quarter through it.
Kirara 🚗
that's why the summer is so hot he dies and then everything goes to hell
There's also that Pentecost or something, 50 days after easter jesus ascends to heaven and then descends later for christmas. i really dont understand christianity sorry.
>Jesus sacrificed himself for our sins >but he goes to eternal paradise after 3 days I don't get christianity either
Oh sorry I'm kind of paying attention but I got into other stuff because I assumed we weren't watch anything because Ika isn't around. How many episodes of cardcaptor/dagashi do we have?
It would be nice if you paid attention ot things people are talking about. We definitely were talking about this in the thread last night. There's an episode of Cardcaptor and two of Dagashi. I thought we should have had two of Cardcaptor tonight but it seems like that's either a Sunday show or not on this week.
I wanna clean my keyboard, but it seems like such a chore. It is annoying when my "m"s and other stuff jam though. >>455000 Oh yeah you should probably clean it if you do something like that.
I had to cause I spilled stuff in it while I was drunk last night
The majority of the work is taking all the keys out though, really
putting the keys back is kinda fun itself tbh
i spilled stuff on my keyboard so many times it broke so i had to get a new one
I don't think I've ever spilled anything on my keyboard, but there's probably plenty of food trapped in there.
The positioning of the norwegian keys looks so wrong, because I practically do not use them There's just this sudden transition from slightly worn to unused
There seems to still be some issues, but it'll likely go away once it d+ries+ a bi+++++++++++++++++++t+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +o+o++k++ ++
So maybe I need to get a new one
Will have to see It seems to work fine, at least for a while, but then suddenly it starts doing weird shit hopefully theres just some water still in it and it'll dry up
I feel like the generic namebrand antihistamines work better for me than the branded ones. >>455009 Did you come into some money recently? Not that it's any of my business I guess.
Naw I just haven't used a lot for a while
hey /moe/ i just woke up
haha april fools i've actually been up for like 20 minutes
>Adult Swim is known for their huge April Fool's Day stunts (with last year's premiere of Rick and Morty's first season 3 episode), and this year proved no different as the block premiered the first episode of the FLCL revival, FLCL: Alternative
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Kirara 🚗
some "leftist" on twitter was blaming me for being triggered by videos of people being murdered with a car like it's something i chose
over 200 orbs now all colorless it's been over 9% for like the last 25 rolls i'm not buyin this shit
i tried that yellow suwa by the way and it really hurt everything for some reason my mouth, my stomach as it went down, and i had insane toothaches a little afterwards that i dont normally have i dont know if it was related but i thought i'd share that experience
family expects me to go drive an hour each way to spend the whole day sitting around drunk and high people and me getting talked at for an entire day it's such a waste and it's just going to devolve into nigger this faggot that and hateful drunk rambling i fuckin hate this life i really need to be around peers
Basically, I think it was too pricey for what people thought an "indie" game of that level should be afterall, it is what 10 hour long with quite little replay value aside reliving the story
and it doesn't, I think atleast, have the custom story option that made amnesia so poplar
>>455093 I like you too much to want to kill you thougu, you bully
i've run out of free orbs to grind i literally grinded out over 200 of them from all the main story shit i never did starting at book II, 40 from blessed gardens, like 20? from tap battle a dozen or so from the grima map paralogues all difficulties spent them all rolling clear (except on boards with no clear summon) got one brave lyn, no other five stars, no grima i'm at 9.75% right now and still can't pull anything out of earnable orbs the thing ends in a day i'm so discouraged from the game atm i'm probably just gonna uninstall
So I had my charging station for my headphones not work for 2 months and then it just "poof" starts to work again today what why is technology so magic at times
how is it that sands of tiem and warrior within work with no issues with hdmi on ps3 but two thrones fucks up the screen positioning?
>>455143 a game on kickstarter i backed its a metroidvania except it has the big guy from symphony of the night behind it and it got funded pretty hard its supposed to come out sometime this year and i would like that
Kirara 🚗
oh cool i hope you have fun with it when it comes out
hopefully i backed it at a time i was really craving a platformer >>455147 I played My Lovely Daughter and finished it technically so that was fun Im thinking of going back to obscure indie things that get translated since vgperson translated a new game
>>455149 its kind of a parody of one youre an amnesiac father whose daughter lies dead on a bed but fortunately you remmeber youre an alchemist and know how to do soul infusion so you craft up homunculi daughters to work for you until you decide to kill them to feed you daughters souls himan traits then on a full moon you can try to resurrect your daughter by feeding her her soul and hoping it works based on the traits you gave i t
its kind of fucked up and is supposed to make you feel horrible
>>455182 I retain a large amount of information so it's natural that I would know things I've learned. I d I don't think it's strange. Why do you think it is?
>>455184 It's just not really in the range of knowledge I think a guy should know! A lady shouldn't talk about that stuff with guys. Well, a lady shouldn't really think about getting implants in the first place.
>>455186 Women talk about their bodies around me all the time. I don't think it's strange. People in my cohort have even discussed their sex lives with me.
I actually used to know a lot about plastic surgery. There was a brief point in my life when I considered going into that field. So I read a ton about it.
>>455205 I'm generally fairly accepting, and comfortable enough around concepts that are generally considered feminine that I can easily participate in conversations that guys usually can't. I'm knowledgeable about feminine hygiene, for example. I think >>455206 is also part of it.
>>455220 welcome back i counted it out and i've done 43 colorless rolls, one brave lyn near the start no other 5*s until my ~50th roll and got summer elise which i didn't really want i tried to roll all colorless but got about 10 boards that had none ~210 orbs (all free) p frustrate
it's the power cable tho. it keeps the phone alive.
As a serious response though. Try keeping better track of your stuff. If you set up a system then you'll know where it is. For example, i always hace my charger and cable by my bed, but if I go out I put them in the top pocket of my backpack. If you always put them in the same place you won't need to look for them.
haa I forgot there was one glitched health upgrade in this game...
God speed
but yeah third life upgrade in two thrones atleast in the ps2 version has a bug with a pillar you are jumping on basically the last challenge is 4 spinning blades and 4 pillars that drop after 3 seconds of you hanging on them or 2 but basically you are ment to do quick jumps with precise timing there, fuck it up once and you won't succeed however, due to bug, the second pillar shares the same fall time as the first pillar so when you jump on it after waiting for the right timing, it instantly falls down meaning insta defeat so what you need tod o, is glitch jump past the first blade so that it lets you by it, despite taking damage and then continue doing taht on all of the pillars the damage doesn't matter as you get full hp once you get the upgrade but it is annoying, since you can't actually do the platforming puzzle how you are ment to, but have to use an actual glitch to get past it because of another glitch
well not a glitch a bug
welp I thought of doing this in one go tonight, since the game is quite speedrunnable, but nah that fucking bug took the wind out of me
>>455247 I mean I could but you would immediately understand by looking at it.
4chan divided everyone into random teams, slapped a counter at the top of the page that doesn't seem to be associated with any discernable action, and people are spamming posts about what team they're on/
>>455254 I expected it to be a distraction but for life on most of the boards to continue as usual. I've never seen /a/ completely derailed by april fools but they aren't really even talking about anime there now.
Kirara 🚗
>>455256 that's pretty much the result of chasing out most long-time posters and replacing them with redditors
I think a lot of those kids are 20 and 30 something neets. It's good to stay in touch with your inner child. I enjoy some of the memes they've produced.
Those are still kids tho.
We're all a bunch of kids. Everyone is somebody's kid.
Also I'm team creme. but I have no idea of the candies that teams represent. They only sell choco eggs here.
I can't really stand most of the boards I used to visit anymore it's becoming closer to 9gag style shit with the meme spamming i mean not that there wasn't that before, but it feels different now
i visit cgl and sometimes math general on sci, and /a/ just for specific threads i don't browse like i used to though i just use the tags to find the thread im looking for
I use it the same as I always did; means to collect news and topical chatter on anime and manga. It does mean days like today I kind of tune out since the tone shifts pretty sharply.
i think /sci/ has probably seen the most decline due to the autism saturation there and it being /pol/'s favorite playground there's probably more pol than sci on sci at any given time
>>455268 I think the main problem with 4chan, that has been plauging it for awhile, is the general level of conformity that the internet expects from people these days. You could post anything you wanted to back on really old 4chan, and people had a lot of fun back then with things that would be considered cancer nowadays. Weirdos and free thinkers are the best parts of 4chan, that kind of culture was really 4chan at it's height. The intolerant self-policing pre-post-ironic days are often considered the be the good old days, but the site was really just a shadow of its former self at that point.
I think in some ways 4chan has been improving lately because the restrictiveness of everywhere else on the internet today has driven some of the weirdos to 4chan.
i think there's some disparity between ease of access and the board residence people that have frequented a specific board for years now are going to have developed past a little of that pre-post-ironic stuff, but it's still open enough for a broader spectrum of people to flood into it and there's just that experiential divide like coming into an MMO server that's already endgame so there's a lot of trashy spammy stuff which there always was, but it's more noise now
>>455270 yeah mostly to read about a specific topic.
>>455268 Yeah. Everything is different now. The userbase got too many people from other sites too quickly and it changed the culture so quickly that a lot of old posters left. Now everything is really different and it just feels off.
Like, between 2007 and 2011, the site changed a lot, but it still felt like 4chan. Now the culture is so different that it doesn't feel like 4chan at all.
2011 4chan was already a shadow of 2008 4chan because it had moved into the pre-post-ironic stages where the culture was "lurk six months before you post or go back to gaia online faggot" instead of the more free culture that allowed people to produce interesting things.
4chan is always ahead of the curve in terms of internet culture, and the pre-post-ironic self-policing culture predicted the way the rest of the internet would become in the years to follow, which is an orewellian hellscape.
People are always going to come and go and you're going to lose the userbase over time. Content is king, the site is healthy when things are free enough for people to produce interesting content. In that sense, I think we're possibly swinging back around to a better site.
>>455278 You jumped the gun a little bit and replied before I finished my post. My point is that change is inevitable and the site's quality must be judged by the quality of the content it produces, rather than the changing userbase.
I think the people who might have been cool ended up leaving and those who came mostly adopted whatever they saw was popular or at least they liked Since I came to 4chan around 2011 i might never know how it was before, but it was probably nicer than whatever is now.
Bleedover is irrelevant. 4chan had massive bleedover from SA at the very start, which was basically the reddit of the day.
Yeah, the internet was different then but there's no point in bitching about it because it's an inevitability that things are going to be different now.
An evangelicar preacher might be president of Costa Rica.. evangelical, even.
Internet is basically a mirror of sorts of life itself. The internet of today is nothing like 10 years ago.
It's really just not niche anymore
Kirara 🚗
>>455284 you're a very unique person out of all the people i know and have known that have been prolific 4channers, you're the only one that continues to go and still loves it most people can tell that it's not 4chan anymore
I've been there since the early '10s and have probably placed an eye on /a/ at least once a day since then for 95% of the days. I wouldn't say I love it, but my opinion of it hasn't changed much since first starting to browse it.
>>455287 That's because I'm just a touch older than most oldfags and I managed to catch a glimpse of it before self-policing came into full swing, which gave me the perspective to realize that what most people consider the good ole days to be just another phase in the site's history. I've also been butting heads with another 4chan in antoher one of my communities lately about these sorts of issues so I've been given some impetus to think about these things and it has led me to the conclusion that being snobby about internet sites is a bad thing.
>>455290 To describe those things as difficulties implies that I am operating on a lower level than most. That's not the case, I operate on a higher level. I notice these things and disregard them. Abstraction is a distraction, everything can be cut down to its base elements. There are few things that can't be described in short and simple terms.
>>455292 You miss out on a lot of good things by being snobby.
being snobby is a good thing unless you like bad things.
>>455292 Being snobby is part and parcel with looking down on other people for the things they do differently. So no, being snobby isn't a good thing. It's just being an asshole.
I was being sarcastic. It's yeah it's being a jerk because you're "entitled" since you came from the old days or whatever. I like feeling that the things i like are not good or correct but i assume most people dont want to be looked down.
>>455296 My judgment is above average. I'm sure that you can appreciate that, I've displayed that I have good judgment in other areas time and time again. Abstraction is mostly just irrelevant crap. The fact that old posters think that 4chan is different now than it was is a) incredibly subjective and b) not really surprising considering that they grew up in a culture based on snobby board culture.
Why even waste my time dealing with that stuff? there's no way to refute it, all I can really do ti attack it is call the people you know faggots. It's a waste of time to even get distracted with it.
>>455299 >Abstraction is just irrelevant crap I'm gonna tell Sam you said that.
>>455299 I do think you have very good judgment, which is why I'm so convinced your ability to deal with the abstract is below average. You think it's irrelevant crap because it's hard for you, probably.
I don't find it particularly hard, it's just that 9 times out of 10 the stuff is a quagmire that you'll not find any opportunity to be productive in. There's little point in arguing over ideas that people aren't going to budge on anyway. What matters is what is, not what people think.
I think you'll find that the abstract has been considered one of the most productive capabilities humans have. It's okay to be more concrete than average, it doesn't mean anything bad necessarily.
4chan has never been the kind of place to care about "user retention" anyway. The expansion of the internet and diversity of internet culture and ease of going from one place to the next was bound to let this happen.
>>455303 Abstract thinking is a waste of time for 99% of people because they're idiots and their abstract thinknig will never amount to anything with any value. For those of us that are the 1%, there's no point in arguing with idiots.
>>455306 It would follow, then, if that's your belief, that abstract thought is important for the people in that 1%, considering you think they're the only ones that can make it valuable.
>>455307 Yeah, but discussing it is pointless. I do believe that reality trumps the abstract, what is is what matters. I can analyze abstract stuff pretty easily but it's pointless to talk about because most of the time it ends with me being outspoke n and getting dogpiled, which isn't particularly fun.
>>455310 Abstract does not mean separate from reality, and your past interactions with me have led me to believe you do not, in fact, analyze abstract stuff well!
the concrete isn't real it's an emergent substrate that comes from abstract foundations it's just the means through which we communicate and process information every concrete signal is bounded and has some entropy we're just able to use them in concrete ways because we've arranged social systems to treat them concretely and uniformly but sometimes you still get semantic arguments like what a word really means in what context and some people don't have the familiarity navigating the abstract so they're gonna think there's one right way to interpret it and that others are wrong but things like right and wrong and numbers aren't real
I do misread things sometimes but I don't really pay a lot of attention. I don't particularly like metaphors though, that's correct. I don't think they have much place in intelligent discussion.
>>455315 A belief which I think comes from your difficulties with metaphors. Nearly every person that has made great strides in science or literature has used metaphors very frequently, especially in discussions with other intelligent people.
>>455318 No arguing semantics is such a basic human activity it was generalized because we all do it it was just an easy example to grab and use here linguistic entropy really isn't about words, but they're something we all use so much that it's the easiest demonstration
>>455317 That's just another place where you don't get it, though. I use metaphors all the time, it's the reason why I understand and dislike metaphors. Metaphors are useful for two things: 1) explaining stuff to people who don't understand 2) tricking people
In a conversation between two people at the same level of intelligence, you don't need metaphors. You can just explain the nature of whatever it is and they'll get it.
>>455320 Moon and I can communicate entirely through metaphors and vague descriptions of feelings. Metaphors are incredibly valuable in communication when there is a mutual understanding of the context, especially. There are also things you can't understand without experiencing. You, for example, can't possibly understand what it feels like to have trauma-related flashbacks.
>>455320 it's like when you have a potato, or a bunch of potatoes, and you need to wash them but you've only got a bucket of water and no running water what are you gonna do? wash them in the bucket, right? but as you wash them in the bucket, you're making the bucket of water dirty too, and then are you really washing the potatoes clean or are you making them more dirty at that point??
>>455322 Why use metaphors when you could just talk about the situation directly? Details are far too important for basic comparisons or vague descriptions.
>>455322 Well, I'm going to turn the filter off for a moment here and be the kind of Rika that turns people off a little bit but the fact that I can't really understand what people are thinking or feeling in some situations is exactly why I think that stuff is kind of pointless. It doesn't really matter particularly that I can't understand those things. I can understand that a person is feeling those things, and that's really all that's important.
A person's feelings aren't really that important to me past that.
hmm I wonder if I put that to words correctly. Perhaps it's that I don't feel that mutual understanding is all that important.
>>455329 i dont think that that's a problem there's a lot of things i can't do because i don't have that granular thought process your functional world probably consists of it and helps you out there's gonna be communication barriers between any two systems and there's really no way around that but knowing the ways in which they're not understood could probably be helpful? im not really sure what the implication of this argument is as far as where it's going though so im not meaning anything with it
>>455329 If you fail to interpret things that other people interpret properly, that's not a problem with the communication. It's okay to be more concrete than other people, but saying it doesn't matter is just silly. You might not care about it because it can cause you trouble, but that doesn't make it without value or usefulness.
I think >>455332 is right. I am very abstract and you're fairly concrete, which serves as a communication barrier between us. The difference also highlights a difference in how we interpret context. When I say your feelings towards 4chan are more related to your level of concreteness than your time on 4chan, I'm trying to highlight that you don't interpret the environment the same as everyone else and especially me.
>>455329 The obsession with understanding exactly what a person is feeling (especially if it's a bad feeling) just sounds rude to the person. But I think negating that that pain or whatever exists because i have never felt it is even more rude and tends to be implied on the first obesession.
>>455333 It is pointless. It's absolutely pointless. See >>455334 If you can't understand something, you can't understand it. If you try to understand it, you get burned with "you can't possibly understand!" It's a waste of effort. Just try to understand that they're going through some shit and give them distance or support as necessary, that's what I do.
It's not that I have difficulty with abstration, it's that I march to the beat of my own drummer and interpret things differently than most people. Just because I am not interpreting things in the way that you expect me to interpret them does not mean I have a problem with abstraction. The fact that I process information differently than most people is a strength.
>>455334 imo just do what feels natural it's a two-way street, and it's rude to impose on someone and expect a certain response of them all the same as it is to respond inappropriately
The fact that I interpret things differently doesn't imply difficulty though. I'm just good at cutting through the bullshit and ignoring it.
The idea that a group of oldfags thinks that 4chan is different is just bullshit, there's really no point in going in to people's ambigiuous feelings about the site. They're wrong anymore, I just didn't want to say as much because there's no point in getting their.
Like my friend that I'm butting heads with in the other community, they're just up their own asses with 2010 era elitism and should be ignored.
The problem is that when I say things like this frankly, I get dogpiled by people who disagree with me. There's no point.
>>455336 yeah. I don't mind dont do it, but like, i've seen people that try to really understand that pain or a especially negative feeling past what would be reasonable. I guess it's just human spirit.
>>455340 as an example, i've sometimes engaged people who were particularly negative/down and had lengthy discussions with them about it that probably would seem very burdensome to other people but because i'm kind of used to it, it doesnt seem like a burden to me. it's just a conversation and i've already got a fair amount of familiarity with heavy stuff so someone's trying to connect to another person because they feel a way inside and don't understand it, and want to know someone else can relate yeah, i'll tell them how i can relate if possible, or i might express that it's outside of what i can relate to but that i can listen
people just wanna be heard if you dont know how to hear them, you'd make them really frustrated if they tried fruitlessly it's kind of a compromise
>>455339 it does imply a difficulty in the same way that my level of abstraction can cause me difficulties when dealing with things people at an average level would not have, it's the opposite for you both of us have a difficulty in similar but opposite ways
>>455341 to add to this, if i hear someone trying to express a feeling and i think i grasp what they're articulating, i'm compelled to re-word it in my own way if it's something ive articulated before as a way of kind of saying, "Hey, is [this thing] what you're talking about?" and they'll sometimes say, "Exactly!" or "Well, not really. It's more like..." In either case it's helping direct that communication to a point of understanding
that's why here on /moe/ i'm so inclined to jump into others' arguments and see if i can navigate what's being discussed a bit i'm not necessarily defending the points being made, i'm just looking and noticing what expressions aren't quite resolved and ease them along it's probably confusing in the context of discussion though idk it's just what i do
>>455342 I emphatically disagree. The word "difficulty" implies impairment. The fact that I do things differently and that other people can't keep up is not impairment. It's not that I'm having trouble being average or whatever, it's just that I do things in my own way (that's better than the way other people operate)
Kirara 🚗
>>455346 you and i do things our own way because we cannot do things the way other people can sometimes if someone completely misinterprets a metaphor that most people can easily interpret, that implies a difficulty in the same way, i sometimes misunderstand things due to my focus on the abstract
>>455353 As I mentioned earlier, a lot of my mistakes with your metaphors is that I'm not paying 100% attention most of the time. I often tab in and relpy to a single post instead of reading the context just reply to a single post that looks interesting.
>>455354 I never claimed that I'm not different. I just dispute the fact that that difference is a result of impairment.
>>455355 Yeah, but we do what's most natural to us when not provocated to do anything else.
Kirara 🚗
>>455356 sometimes the only context is a conversation you and i are having
>>455358 And you shouldn't interpret our fun little back and forths as serious conversations. Those aren't the whole point is to trick the other person and to win by playing around with the argument. I'm sure you know that though.
>>455360 I understand that, but purposefully misinterpreting the metaphors breaks the flow up so much that it's not even about the argument anymore I've never had the impression that you purposefully misinterpret it because it doesn't seem like your style which is usually more subtle and based on slowly shifting the goalposts to a more favorable place
>>455363 Sometimes I will legitimately misintrepret them and sometimes I will play dumb on purpose when I don't like where things are going. I'm never paying my full attention in those conversations though, they're not the kind of thing one should take seriously. You can't really take observations of my behavior during those conversations and apply them to my character as a whole.
When things are serious I try to be as meticulous about details as I possibly can because it's the details that make or break you. Which is one of the reasons that arguing on the internet is fun, because I can gloss over the details and outright ignore details that I dislike.
>>455361 that's not a very normalizated form of the word
>>455379 Like I said, I pay close attention when it matters. I don't come to the places I like to relax to do work though. Not having to pay attention is one of the ways I relax.
context inference is a non-granular, abstract process by the way and you're probably doing it when you decide what's worth glossing over or not not to bring it back up but you probably use abstraction a lot more than you notice
>>455381 Well if it's not a weakness anymore, I suppose you don't need any assistance with it then.
>>455380 You don't need to be so down on yourself. You've been kinda down recently.
>>455383 That's right, it's not a weakness. I have to be very detail oriented at work because if I miss something that's important it's my butt on the line. Of course there's no such thing as perfection so it's something I have to be constantly working to improve. Life is a struggle and you have to fight to be better every day.
Lethargy has been hitting me hard today. A lot recently, really, but today especially. I've got things I want to do but don't have the want to spend on them.
Kirara 🚗
i had so much work to do today but i haven't even been able to get off the couch it took me like three hours to sit up
>>455390 I'm only really hard on myself when I start coping with my stress poorly like by attacking my friends or sitting and lying on the couch all day and falling behind in my work which will fuck me over
>>455392 Blowing off stress is very important for a professional, and you're basically a baby professional now! Make sure to get your work done though.
>>455397 ptsd is what pushed me past my capacity for dealing with my manageable stressors >>455396 we don't really get time for self care until after we graduate im not even blowing off stress im just shutting down basically
>>455395 Of those things I'm usually likely only to ever have broccoli. Cod is great but we just don't have it on hand often.
>>455399 do you not eat eggs >>455398 yeah im always stressin i just counterbalance really hard >>455402 they dont have to be over easy i was just memin hard boiled (actually steamed) eggs are the easiest to make and you can mash em up afterwards and toss them in shit it probably actually would help you to get choline if you're not eating much eggs or flowery vegetables i was just guessing tbh
>>455401 Not often, and rarely ever -as- eggs. I don't really like the texture and the flavour isn't particularly great. I'll throw them into things and eat them fine but I generally am not too fond of them cooked by themselves.
Kirara 🚗
>>455401 i got triggered really hard it feels like everywhere i look rn except for /moe/, im having a video of someone running over protestors in a car thrown in my face it's been non-stop since like 10pm last night i barely slept because my nervous system was overwhelmed
It's not shutting down even if you have a day you don't feel like doing anything. That happens to everyone.
>>455401 Hard-boiled, over easy, scrambled, etc. I've had eggs in a variety of ways, but when they're not considerably mixed into something, like fried rice or some kind of mixture, it's not particularly enjoyable for me. I do enjoy flowery vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower, it's just easy to forget them when I'm making food for myself. I operate on a bit of "out of sight, out of mind" when I'm in the kitchen; it's really easy for me to forget about what we have to eat if it's holed up in a drawer or cabinet. I really should eat more greens.
Kirara 🚗
>>455404 not being able to do anything because my brain is broken and falling behind in my work while the boss of my clinic is giving me a hard time is very stressful
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
fukken gaslighters i need you to do valuable creative work, also i am going to tie up valuable brain resources with some BS
Sam You missed it Rika was talking shit about abstraction.
bosses suck after all that shit about how i can't have new clients until something is "done", i was assigned a new client it's so stressful i don't know what's going on or what my standing is or why my boss treats me so poorly suddenly
>>455409 idk ive just been trying to get away from it i managed to start playing a game instead of just lying there and it's helping a little
>>455415 yeah, i don't get it she hates my supervisor but she doesn't treat the other person with my supervisor like this
nobody is communicating with me or my supervisor it feels like im at the mercy of invisible forces and if i make any mistakes who knows how much worse it will get
i can deal with it but not when my nervous system is freaking out and im being triggered
I just want to sleep. But I won't be able to fall asleep.
>>455418 The other person under your supervisor is female, right?
Kirara 🚗
>>455420 no it's a guy and he's been like, late for sessions before and he's always late with his paperwork and shit i was late for a meeting that didn't involve any clients, and i missed an intake because i didn't know about it but i haven't done anything else wrong that im aware of
>>455424 this is a little tangential, but when i go to my psych and tell her what's goin on and she says stuff like, "Yeah, that must be hard" or "I'm sorry to hear that" it feels a little off to me because I dont feel like it's what I was expressing and i keep thinking this is what they're taught to do to build rapport from a class they took
i was gonna say something about "didn't you take a class on building rapport why are you letting that happen" but it was so snide against that system of doing things that i didn't think it'd come across properly given your distress over it
>>455424 Oh, that's not very fun. That's a bad situation! Can your supervisor help you?
Kirara 🚗
>>455427 no, last time my boss and supervisor had a meeting, they had a screaming match and my supervisor got so heated that her heart almost gave out and she went to the ER the next day and could barely walk for the next week >>455429 contextually, it's helpful tto know she's obese
>>455426 they actually didn't really teach me any skills for therapy at all they talked about like, sitting in a way that people found comforting and how to listen but that's it
>>455436 the program chair is trying to be neutral because she knows she can't piss off the clinic we use for training so she referred me to a program disciplinary board who will develop a behavioral plan to improve my time management skills despite the fact that my major mistake was not due to a failure in time management
Sounds like a whole lot of annoying red tape. My program kind of just taught us a bunch of crap and then threw us out in the wild to live or die by the rules of nature. It's strange to see how different fields are different.
I think they will step in and help you if things get bad though. Just make sure to do right and things will work out.
Work hard and play hard. I know a lot of professionals that are way more succesful than either of us and they still make time to relax. You have to make time to relax.
>>455443 You are learning to become a professional. You wouldn't go "oh yeah I stupid enter key
You wouldn't go "oh yeah I'll follow the professional rules of conduct once I become a professional", and in a similar fashion, you shouldn't go "oh yeah I'll do that time management stuff once I become a professional" Now is the time to learn that stuff.
back The borderlands games are fun even tho they're not as polished. They're nice casual shooters for casuals like me.
Kirara 🚗
>>455444 you're absolutely right and in a better world, i could do that but the program doesn't allow for that at this part of the semester as it is, i have to dedicate significantly more time to working than a professional does and i don't get paid yeah >>455447 there's no time for self-care some weeks
>>455446 Do your best to make time. I'm sure you remember that special project I got put on in November, I was working 10 hour days every day for like a week and a half but I still took Sunday off.
>>455447 I emphatically disagree, you must make some time to relax or you will not be able to operate.
>>455450 i don't really remember that but that's okay I'm not saying you're wrong just that I can't always make time taking today off will not doom me but it means that i will have to hurt myself in order to catch up
>>455455 Yeah, but learning to take time off is a little different than that. There will always be something you need to do. I have a legal pad with my to-do list on it sitting on my desk at work right now and there are a lot of things I need to check off on it. Being able to take time off means not stressing about the things you need to do from time to time. You have to learn to turn that off so you can relax.
>>455457 Blue, I was only able to listen to four tracks on Giant Steps before I had to turn it off.
>>455460 It gave me a headache Maybe I just wasn't in the mood for it. It feels like there's too much going on in it.
Kirara 🚗
>>455458 i can when there aren't looming deadlines i have big things due on wednesday and my time on tuesday that i usually work on things isn't available anymore because i have clients on tuesday now
Although I really liked Sketches of Spain by Miles Davis. That one did not give me a headache.
>can't handle Giant Steps I don't know how to tell you this but you're allergic to Jazz
Kirara 🚗
>>455464 i was planning on writing a report which will take five hours, write up a treatment plan which will take four hours, and a progress note which will take an hour i can't stay up late tto work
>>455466 Well, let's make a deal then. I'll get up and get moving on some stuff I've got to do, and you will too! I also won't give you the chance to agree or disagree because I'm going to do it.
>>455465 I've listened to quite a bit of jazz and I like some of it. I haven't quite figured out what subgenres I like and which I don't.
Kirara 🚗
>>455467 thats distressing because i cannot get up and work my adhd prevents me from working i cannot do graduate level work without medication if i was capable of working i obviously would try
>>455470 no even putting materials together to start working on later won't work because my brain is broken ive been trying to work without my medication for years and i can't
i will probably take my medication on Tuesday evening so i can work and then again on Wednesday morning around 4am so i can work more the only way to make up for taking today off is to fuck my heart up
>>455471 Well, since you are taking today off make sure to take it easy to the fullest. rest up good!
Kirara 🚗
I can't because my nervous system is overwhelmingly active and fish won't let me deal with it using drugs my brain is fundamentally broken on many levels
>Summoner loses the will to save world after failing to summon the dragon of ruin. I can understand.
There should be a game of those gatcha things where you have to bring ruin to the world instead of saving. kinda like overlord to say something. all the games have you like the hero or a force of good even when you usually only care about your rank.
it's so fucking bullshit i've been over 10% chance of summon for the past 10 rolls i haven't gotten a 5* in nearly 30 rolls two total over 63 rolls at 8% chance i'm done i want to enjoy this game but it's bullshit this isn't like a one-off instance either i put every free orb i had into myrrh also and not only didn't get myrrh but not any 5* along the way prior to that it was the new years trying to get flying azura and prior to that, halloween nowi i've gotten three five stars in the last 7 months one brave lyn, one summer elise, and one fucking cain none even focus units
>>455487 A gacha game where the only goal is to gather friends
>>455495 yeah i'm pretty pissed i've always had bad luck with this but this is some april fool's day shit i sent everybody home and uninstalled not dealing with this shit anymore fuck you nintendo
>>455500 it looks incredibly out of place in that room, and the weird rabbit head balloons on the sticks look like something out of a holiday horror movie it just looks creepy
>>455497 Is the White House normally so sparsely lit. Between this and the Christmas display it feels like they just walk around in the dark building or something.
>>455499 0.7% chance of rolling that many fails in a row at 8% chance not to mention most of it was at 10% plus yeah i sent everything home i'm really fucking livid
Kirara 🚗
>>455503 idek under Obama, it looked well lit in most photos i don't remember what it was like for other presidents outside of long enduring iconic photographs
This song is amazing. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Billy_the_Mountain
>>455500 The biggest thing is the lighting Look how grey and dark it is around the balloons Then there's the rabbits lit up in the center And the balloons clash with the rest of the fancy decour. It's creepy
>>455514 Del Toro handles the monsters and surface-level plot. Melania does the set pieces. Kojima does the characters and handles how it all is complexly fucked up and vicious. And then Yoko Taro writes the other seventeen endings.
>>455499 i didn't send home my five-stars i know you lost your account and had to start new do you want mine? you'd have some five-stars and a whole lot of feathers from units sent home
>>455524 Nah, I was able to get it back! I have been reunited with my Ninian+3 It's just that all my ROLLING LUCK is going into my alt. Which has gotten... 12 5* units since I've gotten a new phone and had them both logged into different devices
if anyone wants an account with a fair amount of effort invested into it hmu
>>455527 I liked Dream land 2. it was a fun kirby.
8% my ass i spent 48 rolls above 9.5% that weren't 5* that alone is a 0.34% if you put a single five star on each end of it, that's 0.7% what a fucking joke always in the bottom 6% of everything in life even when things are randomized without bias
>>455539 That is super good to hear! I brought it when I had a bit of money during a sale and I don't know if I made a good choice. It is interesting but I felt a slight regret that I picked it over Near a Tomato
Kirara 🚗
tou will definitely get more game time out of it than you would with nier the story is actually pretty decent too
nier has a better story and soundtrack though i think nioh has better gameplay
>>455544 A bit apprehensive about my flight coming up. It'll be 18 hours and 30 minutes long in total The longest flight I have ever been on was like 30 minutes from the UK to France. and that was when I was like 10 years old. I haven't been on a flight in ages.
I want an isekai manga about a guy who is accidentally killed by god when god kills like six isekai novelists at once. And then gives the guy a life in another world to make up for killing him.
I wonder how much the forfeiture and forgettance of the sage function played into the temporamental decline in 4chan culture there was so much more incentive to discredit a thread if you weren't bumping it i dont think redditors understand bumping
I wish sage was still visible so people would remember it exists
>>455584 New Mexico! >>455588 Hidden sage was more inline with 4chan etiquette, visable sage was pretty bad. you'd have loads of reports with: SAGED REPORTED HIDDEN CALLED THE COPS ETC
Front page being not a huge thing anymore makes saging and bumping meaningless except for threads never the end of the pages.
Also moot massively changed how threads worked He made them longer he added more pages and added an archive.
Kirara 🚗
auto noko*
>>455602 The catalogue makes generals a big thing too Since these days you can just search for the general in the catalogue Before they weren't nearly as viable since you would have to manually go through pages to find it
The catalogues and Greenoval archives on /a/ and /jp/ were so hidden in the past they were around for ages. in fact 4chan x was not that well known outside of /a/ or /jp/ even. now the archives archive so many boards that they fail regularly and are so costly to host that people stop hosting them. greenoval and easymodo was just /jp/ and /a/ and they lasted for years.
Kirara 🚗
it was better when we needed third party sites for the catalog and extensions people used make a thread and lose it because they didn't noko and they'd get frustrated and leave or lurk until they knew how to post
it's weird to actually talk to people about 4chan i'm so not used to it that it feels really strange even though it's an imageboard and we've all used it
>>455609 totally, there was a whole different culture around posting and lurking. on fast boards threads would disappear and die and then people would make new threads or bump them before they die
Also I see a lot less dumps of manga, ftps, tools etc just basic creative stuff for finding manga and sharing it or making blue images for posting. Moot made some big changes towards then end.
moot probably knew his changes would eventually flood 4chan with new people i know he wanted to improve it and really tried to make it better for everyone moot had a rotten but loving heart and he was totally incompetent that was kind of 4chan's identity to me he was the perfect representative but he fucked it all up and sold out and then joined google
His biggest mistake was living long enough to become a villain.
Becoming disillusioned, disappointed, and then selling out is something I can relate to.
Kirara 🚗
i think he ruined it because he found hope actually he suddenly was like, "4chan doesn't have to be a hive of scum and villainy. we can make something worthwhile!" maybe it was hope that killed it
I wonder if he is doing alright at google. without the identity of running 4chan he doesn't seem to have as big a presence or voice
He said he'd post on his blog and twitter and shit but it is all silent.
>>455622 No one knows. Like actually He's in a super secret department
Kirara 🚗
>>455622 i bet he's fucking dead he's been off the grid ever since he joined
>>455622 my ex just got a position as a product designer at google haha i bet it's miserable and the worst thing ever and never happy or rewarding dumb jerks
He's at their secret R&D division, its their internal startup hub.
If I go visit san fran I might try to track him down.
Kirara 🚗
my professor has contacts in google maybe she can ask around
>>455628 when i was a caster i got invited to play dota with one pro player, two TI-level broadcasters, and two people from google, i think they were PR i was really drunk at the time and accepted it and was on skype with them the whole time one of the google people (the one who was my friend who invited me) got really pissed at me i was flirting with one of the broadcasters the whole time and was talking to him about cosplay
i had a great time with all the pro people but the google people were really uptight i dunno how that really connects sorry this was a dumb post
>>455632 Imagine being so used to shitposting that you have to work hard to avoid shitposting at a proper job. like writing proper long explanations instead tl;dr
I worked with people who did overtime just to cover their friday night drinking because they spent so much money. >>455649 Yeah it feels so eerie after that hours long goodbye stream. like we had such a long stream with him and sudden nothing forever.
Kirara 🚗
there is no news about moot anywhere since 2016 he's fucking dead moot got fucking turned into a sybil brain at google or something
That's good
Nah They keep him locked up underground at the R&D facility. He probably works in the meme mines.
SYBIL sounds definately like a google product maybe MOOT engineered the russian fake news trump being voted in scandal with his society changing google department.
Like a room of people with screen like in evangelion. *screens
Wait actually I should make an foia request for his FBI file If *It may have updates from 2017
Actually Better idea I know someone who is friends with Snacks
Kirara 🚗
it would likely include his current address but fbi files for people like that only get updated when an agent interacts with the person in question and has to file a report on what they did and said there's probably not much new unless he's serving as a witness for ongoing cases
Maybe it turns out he couldn't handle the office culture and just quit early on. Couldn't bring himself to come back to 4chan and just hikki'd it up somewhere where nobody cares who he is.
>>455665 Who knows, I do remember in the Q&A before he left he mentioned that the thought of coming back to 4chan but remaining anonymous was kind of appealing to him. Maybe he's been around but no one can tell.
If I see hiro on the street I'd probably hassle him.
>>455667 He might have been posting as anon hre and there I'd love to see him pop up in a random thread with a legacy tripcode or something on All he'd need to post is "hi"
>>455671 This started off kind of "meh" but then it REALLY kicked off.
>>455676 Valve is making games again. They've got a trading card game based off DotA coming out soon, along with three VR-focused games. And on top of that the wording of the article this comes from implies more games that aren't VR-focused.
>>455683 Yeah but who gives a shit about cripple chan?
>>455682 I believe the game isn't going to be free-to-play, but I don't know the delivery method for players to get new cards from the system. I do know that the emphasis is on the -trading- part of it being a trading card game though. Or well there is an emphasis on it. Because you'll be able to trade your cards over the Steam marketplace.
>>455686 >isn't going to be free-to-play I'll be legit impressed if it's just a one time buy and you can earn all the cards in game without paying money or exorbiently grinding for them
Kirara 🚗
>>455685 idk he seemed like a decent guy i feel kind of bad for him of all the people to abandon us that was the most reasonable
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>getting to play video games with pan tonight got a lot better
this year, mlk's assassination date and saku's yahrzeit are on the same day
Important dates of the year seem to come in pairs ths year.
Kirara 🚗
i gotta find a place ffor saku's candle that lazarus can't knock over but i guess itd be kind of ironic if lazarus who is named after saku burned down my house with the candle that represents saku's soul
>>455713 That is some interesting levels of delusion >loyal labourers even if conditions are better they won't change That sounds like slaves! >transparant legal work lol >without corruption This is a joke right?
I'm a little suspicious of the section under "Stable".
How is it going to work anyway they have literally no one experienced in international trade because of their closed borders and years of false education about other countries standards
are they gonna drop the whole juche self reliance thing
Kirara 🚗
they still claim tto be juche on the site that talks about selling their labor so who knows
>>455726 apparently kim keeps having south korean popstars come and put on shows for him
North Korean pop stars > south korean pop stars
If that's the price they have to pay to end the conflict
>Juche is the official state ideology of North Korea, described by the government as Kim Il-sung's "original, brilliant and revolutionary contribution to national and international thought".[3] It postulates that "man is the master of his destiny",[4] that the North Korean masses are to act as the "masters of the revolution and construction" and that by becoming self-reliant and strong a nation can achieve true socialism.[4] >achieve true socialism some how dictatorship and true socialism seem far apart
Kirara 🚗
i wonder if i can travel to north korea for cheap once they are a little more westernized
>>455732 You already can anyways, they let in outsiders once a year. Costs around $1000 for round trip including hotel and shit
>>455732 You can travel there right now they just don't let you deviate from the tour very much
Kirara 🚗
>>455733 yeah but i mean without being accused of spreading propaganda and being sentenced to 15 years labor camp
>>455731 Eh, a dictator -could- supply the people of their country with socialist care and opportunities, there's no outright conflict there. Now, it -wouldn't- happen because dictators need to control power and avoid giving too much strength to the citizens if the dictator doesn't want to risk being overthrown. But technically a benevolent dictator might have a good run at it.
How are they even going to open up their country when they have propagandised so hard about everyone being enemies to them. >>455739 Yeah but when people leave their country they will realise they live in a shithole? a lot of houses don't have access to modern tech and only have things from decades ago. >>455739 How you going to have proper trade if your business don't have any idea about the outside world. like what are going even do if they think they are superior.
>>455735 They let like a hundred people in every year There are plane and train buffs who go every year and take a bunch of pics since north korea uses vintage ttrains and planes
>>455737 >hahaha yes look the west finally recognises our superiority! We are kind and merciful north kroeans and we shall allow these western plebs to have just a little bit of our "wealth" Are they letting people leave? I was under the impression it was just trade They'd be letting foreigners in and out but not necessarily domestic people
>>455737 Presumably foreign agents would handle that. Like the north koreans would produce the product and foreigners would be managing the trade. idk either I'm no north korean expert
Kirara 🚗
we don't actually have a good idea of what daily life is like in north korea most of what we know comes from deserters that aren't necessarily trustworthy because they are paid a lot of money and made a lot of promises for their life outside of drpk
>>455738 and every year, like two people end up getting sentenced to hard labor for 15 years
>>455740 There are a lot of deserters though. and they all talk about things like public executions and low level of technology and access. 100s of people saying stuff like that makes me believe it more not that it can't be wrong though. But korean isn't endearing.
I saw an interview last year to some guy who was married to an UN worker and he said the people on the embassy weren't allowed too far from the "nice parts" of the city. And like, they were asking him if he was a millionarie because he wasn't underweight like every korean...
There's a really good doco where they follow a north korean ballerina in the city and leave the cameras rolling when they're told not to Like the officials will set up all this food on the table for a shot of the family eating, then when they think the camera's off they take half the food away
Kirara 🚗
>>455741 a lot of them also decide to return though most people that defect and tell their story are groomed so their stories are likely somewhat unreliable i have no doubt that the conditions are poor there but i doubt they are as bad as the media wants us to think
North Korea's only real trading partner is Russia, isn't it. I can't imagine they have the capacity within the country for all the manufacturing you'd need to keep up with even the most impoverished countries that can trade with the outside world.
In venezuela there's so many deserters tho. They are running away to so much places kids don't have teachers at their schools. there's no doctors, or any kind of profession.
>>455744 I suppose if NK was a great example of self reliant socialist state. capitalist countries would hate that and have a lot of incentive to make sure the idea of that sort of system even working a little bit is not true.
Kirara 🚗
>>455745 north korea has a lot of factories and manufacturing as well as a lot of mines and resources they mostly trade with china north korea has difficulties keeping enough food for the people and so china and some other places help a little
>>455747 yeah a lot of the problems those types of states have is that the US will topple them asap too
Sorry, I meant more along the lines of comprehensive production, like producing the whole set of things you'd expect your population to need and demand. But if they trade with China then they can probably get whatever they can't produce self-sufficiently.
Kirara 🚗
yeah if they enter the world stage, their resources will probably destabilize the petro markets for quite some time right now any north korean petro comes through china but very little of it enters the market if north korea can gain access to some of the advancements of modern factories, they will be impressive after the korean war, they spent like 30 years dedicating half of their production capability to building factories
>>455755 I'll be in new mexico for like 1 month then texas for a few weeks and then new mexico again. Not sure of my timetable for things since my family have things planned. How far is new mexico for you anyway?
i haven't eaten in like 24 hours i forgot to go to the store yesterday and i haven't gotten off this couch in 12 hours i sat up a few times fish has just been eating snacks because im too much of a shit today to make anything
Anyone got tips or things to be aware for long flights to or inside of the US? by the way my airline is Delta.
Delta has done good by me the few times I've flown with them. I believe they were my cross-Pacific flight for my trip to Japan, which came with several meals and in-flight entertainment. If the Atlantic flights are as nice as their Pacific ones you won't be treated poorly.
For the long flight, if you'r e worried about blood clots, you might want to consider getting up and walking the length of the plane every few hours or so. Or just take a bit longer while you're up to use the washroom or whatever.
>>455779 it's because people that work with law enforcement end up like this and I also have ptsd being in florida isn't why i feel unsafe especially considering there are nazi rallies around the country with some regularity now
It certainly didn't help.
Kirara 🚗
i just think everyone should have a knife or multitool with them at all times they're incredibly helpful and useful even outside of protection and hurting people
I actually do like 90% of the time.
Florida men and women sound terrifying.
Knives aren't very good self defense weapons though.
Kirara 🚗
knives won't protect me in a gunfight but if someone is coming at me with their fists or a bat or something, i can very effectively protect myself with a knife
You would be surprised at how easily knives can be disarmed.
I've never really had to worry about having a weapon to look after myself. Like in the UK I've been in fights and been able to run away or deal with it.
They say to never bring a knife to a gunfight, but really, why not ALSO bring the knife anyway. Just in case.
>>455790 Yeah, same. Though I I've never been in a fight personally. I've always felt -- well, usually felt safe enough walking around the city unarmed. And I've never felt unsafe in broad daylight.
Kirara 🚗
>>455789 you would be surprised at how many people i have hurt in a fight using a knife
if i could legally concealed carry a larger knife than a pocket knife i would you can only open carry knives here though and i don't want to be the guy walking around with an 8 inch knife on my side
Is there a size-limit on that? Could you technically walk around with a shortsword strapped to your waist?
The knife laws where I live suck.
They could be worse I guess.
>>455796 What about on your back? Could you be the guy with a fucking broadsword on your back?
Reminder that the light rail avenger drowned.
carry a rapier on your belt
Kirara 🚗
>>455800 probably fine as long as it's open carried florida has incredibly vague knife laws that will let you do just about anything but they're vague enough that you could be bothered by police if you were being troublesome
>Five-foot two-hander sheathed on your back >Uh, yeah, this is my knife officer.
Kirara 🚗
my professor that used to be a cop got attacked by a guy with a katana once while on the job
>shall not be infringed
>>455805 By now this sort of thing is so cliched it's hardly even amazing anymore. It's just more of an "oh, no, not again".
>>455805 That is edgy as fuck. who goes around with a katana
well it was near the person's home he was having a mental break and his mom asked police to check on him and police scared him so he was trying to protect himself he attacked my professor and his partner shot him shot the attacker, that is
I was hoping you were going to say "near an anime convention"
Did he survive? wow, I guess you shouldn't grab weapons if you get spooked in the US they might be cops spooking you
Kirara 🚗
no, the attacker died it's rare that someone survives a police shooting, cops are trained to kill and do it on muscle memory when they are in that context
Kirara 🚗
the cop that shot him got messed up by it too ended up leaving the force within a year
Is it common to discharge your gun in the US as a cop? I wonder if lots of situations like that end up with fatal deaths from people being scared or stupid rather than being aggressive and evil.
Kirara 🚗
considering the number of cops, no but it occurs much more frequently than it should due to poor training and some other factors
most people don't get shot by cops unless they are behaving aggressively or are armed and not complying with the cop's orders the exception to that is that a lot of black people tend to be shot in situations where a white person wouldn't most black people that get shot are in the same situation as the whites that do though
basically white people can get away with a lot more
this is mostly due to poor training racism is a factor but it's more complex than you generally see on tv
It's pretty uncommon But the US is big And cops are trained poorly
I wonder if my 4g will work in the us on my phone.
Kirara 🚗
you'll probably get roaming charges it might be cheaper to pick up burner sim
Yeah you'll pick up networks but none of them will actually be "home" ones. When I travel out of the country I just turn off my phone's data radio.
What should I do? I have no idea how to deal with phone stuff for international I've not used a phone abroad
Kirara 🚗
>>455821 if you go to Walmart, you can grab a burner phone or just a sim card It's like a pay-as-you-use kind of deal. You can add funds to the account and just use that.
Oh pay as you go is what I have right now but UK based I assume. >>455822 That sounds good. >>455824 I guess I will have to at the airport and plane.
>>455821 I stick to WiFi. I'll turn off my phone's data and just leech off any WiFi in the area. But I don't really have any reason to use data since when I've travelled I always have friends with local cell plans to lean on.
I'd advise only using WiFi in the plane if you absolutely need to. They definitely charge you an arm and a leg for WiFi on planes since it's the only WiFi you can get. If you have a book or offline game you can bring on the flight, I'd strongly recommend that instead of paying for the plane's network. That or sleep if it turns out you can on planes. I always bring so many distractions with me on a plane but end up sleeping for so much of it.
Kirara 🚗
>>455823 Oh, they might have burners at the airport, but they're going to be more expensive there than at Walmart or something. You can also sometimes pick up Pay as You Go sim cards at Sprint, Verizon, or AT&T stores.
If you just get a SIM, you can probably just put iit in what you have now assuming it's unlocked. If not, you can get a smartphone burner for ~100 sometimes. You might want to check out your current plan to see if it's more expensive to use abroad, whicu i assume it is
>>455825 What is a reasonable price for a sim in the US and what carrier would be recommend? my current plan is https://i.gyazo.com/59c28c5178e26a088a649d0b80061364.png for abroad
i wish people would visit me but honeslty, i'd be really scared. >>455829 raw raw fight the power
>>455826 I might be able to travel out depending on cost 60 usd a lot for a bus trip! I am visiting texas I'll probably visit other places too
Kirara 🚗
>>455830 sim cards with at&t, sprint, or Verizon are generally free you have to sign up for a plan, which in your case, would be a pay as you go plan Most of my burner phones are TracPhone which I've been happy with. tracfone* Tou can always order a tracfone online and have it sent to where you'll be living, too
>>455834 Are // I don't really use phones to text or call. Its like portable webbrowser for me or smartphone mobage device.
>>455852 I'm a rebellious spirit who shittalks his elders whattaya gonna do about it gramps
Kirara 🚗
>>455853 i use it to sync tto my fitbit several times a day and leave it on when im having heart problems i also use it in the car if im driving more than like 30min
I might have used a bit too much since I moved flat.
Kirara 🚗
it will probably be costly to use tthat much here but you might have wifi access some cities and towns have wireless hotspots around too
Here it also costs extra to tether.
>>455854 I was watching Gundam Wing the other day. There's a scene where someone gets thriwn out of a plane and then gets shot.
Okay now I have 14 gbs. nice
>>455859 On top of this, most joints like Starbucks and fast food places will offer free locational WiFi. Public libararies will also most likely have on-site WiFi that's free access too.
>>455861 Heero is great >thrown out of a plane then gets shot "WHAT" Have you seen dubbed Septun?
Kirara 🚗
>>455863 Yeah, that's a good tip. You can sit in a fast food joint with a cup you keep refilling and use their wifi.
I use internet a lot on my phone so I guess I will wifi it up.
Also for travelling, make use of your phone's batter-saving function if it has it. Leaving and entering WiFi sources, and dealing with weak WiFi networks will put additional strain on your phone's battery. You'll want to save every percentage of juice you've got in it.
cactus tea is actually not bad for an American tea probably because it's old and came from indigenous people
>>455892 Probably more because they haven't cultivated a tea culture. Pursuing a specific product for hundreds of years generally means you get damn good at it.
I dunno any american brands or food places, It is weird to realise that there is actually a lot I don't know even if i know the language I didn't realise I wouldn't be able to go tescos or go to the shops I know here. I have no reference for what is good or what is rip-off
Kirara 🚗
i recommend going to random 24 hour diners whenever possible
>>455902 You ever heard of McDonald's or burger king or Wendy's or kfc? They're all American >>455903 Diners rock
>>455904 Yeah I know but all i know are McD, burger king, KFC, Subway Subway is american right? I think it is since I heard about that pedophile guy from ages ago
Kirara 🚗
diners are the best best atmosphere, best people, especially the ones that still got jukeboxes