Nanatsu no Taizai 3-gatsu no Lion --Episodes 43-44 Beatless 12 Dame x Prince --Episodes 10-12 FranXX Death March Emiya-san Chi no Kyou no Gohan Grancrest Senki --Episodes 9-12 HakuMiko --Episodes 11-12 Marchen Madchen Takunomi Toji no Miko --Episodes 7-12
There's also new things that are starting to filter in from the new season that I don't know too much about.
there's the Horse girls anime and like 2 or 3 shows more. tomorrow there's new overlord (but i doubt you watch it since people seem to dislike the adaptation) so yes. many anime
I'm seeing,
Space Battleship Tiramisu which seems to be a sci-fi comedy that might pander a little bit to fujoshi, not sure. Kakuriyo no Yado Meshi, which from what I can gather might be some kind of josei drama, or SoL, or something? The manga's classified as a josei manga but it's originally an LN series. Mahou Shoujo Ore, which is about a girl who becomes a magical girl, except the magical girl is a man in a mahou shoujo outfit. Not sure about that one. Uma Musume, which is part of a multimedia project about horse girls that race on derby racetracks like racehorses. I don't know if it's actually competition-focused or if it's just SoL trying to sell the mobage though. There's also Gegege no Kitarou, which is a new adaptation of a manga from the 1960s, involving a young boy and a lot of youkai and other creatures of Japanese folklore. I don't really know much about this but I've been seeing some chatter about it from Japanese people, so I'm a little curious.
Nananananananana Everything is out of whack because of Ika. >>457115 I dunno, probably becase the season is ending and they have to release the timeslot or something. It's also the finale of the actual season for 3-gatsu too, so maybe they just wanted a nice double-episode finish.
nananananana >>457114 why did 2 3gatsu episodes come out at once
>The pig ate its way out of a dragon's stomach For a comedy character that's kind of metal.
Oh no angry zombies.
Oh right I remember the PV now.
Yandere fairy.
Oh geez Jericho is in for a rough time. And this too hah hah. I was talking more about how crazy Elaine is gonna be seeing Ban walking around with another woman.
crazy wwww
I wonder if she's still yandere. Still dressed in black.
That wasn't quite how I expected that encounter to go though.
>>457151 Jan if you're looking into this thread later for some reason we've saved FranXX you don't need to catch up on it.
Man they've even got the robutts acting like humans being helped by the robutts. How weird.
For a guy that seems to be a total robot nerd, he seems to have surrounded himself with lots of robot-hating friends.
>Showing unauthorized civilians the server room that keeps the AI running your city functional I don't care WHOSE kids they are that sounds crazy insecure.
It's Kamiyan, so yeah. He normally voices those fujobait bishounen characters, so naturally it would be super weird to hear the voice coming from an oji-san like this. Though this is probably more like what Kamiyan looks like in real life, hah hah.
Oof. This is getting kind of terminology-heavy again. That sort of thing is hard to parse in anime form.
Fantaji da
Oh a bunch of the robots are committing robo-suicide.