Thread #454925
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Anime thread
Cardcaptor 12 Anime thread Dagashi Kashi --Episodes 11-12
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downloading right meow
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okay cardcaptor 12 okay lets go!
The secrets of the Clow Were all a mystery But when that mighty book was opened The powers were set free
okay going going going going on
Oh yeah, the D.
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can't beat the D
magic butler D?
They work in tandem really well. I guess being MAGIC PARTNERS really boosts your synchronization levels.
Kero was trying to stir shit there and only got a rational response.
Wow Sakura's a baller.
This sax in the OST right now is pretty ballin' too.
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hail is dangerous
That's some pretty sizeable hail too.
Syaoran finally gets to be kind of useful again.
Or not.
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>>454941 Syaoran is so cool when he actually is doing anything
Oh shit it's a dragon.
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okay dagashi 11 jan wake up okay lets start
Daga shikashi
gomen i had to get up to unlock the door
what the hell is he playing on the switch
Sounds like some kind of Dragon Quest, considering the metal slimes.
barrack cofee>>454949 there's a dragon quest for the switch?
Maybe Japan-only? Probably not though, and he's just referencing something any Japanese gamer would get.
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there's more hotaru in the OP than the show
She's had more screentime in recent episodes of other shows than ones of this show.
what shows was she in? I only remember one
Just the one. But that's still more than she's been in this show's episodes.
nice dreams now crushing reality come at me
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I hope she reappears soon. She makes the show.
Wow the pro artist was able to glean all sorts of stuff just from the pages he submitted. Sasuga pro.
Man when it rains it fucking pours.
Oh there she is.
he's hallucinating his waifu at his lowest point
Nah man he's already had his hallucination for the day.
rika was so shocked that she came back that she died rip
It was pretty sudden. R(ika)IP.
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I went to grab a snack. dagashi 12 okay lets start
oh welcome back
Snow out in the sticks can be really incapacitating. Pretty much everything shuts down.
she's gonna get the winning stick if you knowmsayin
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wow you can't just feature a real character like that
it's gum manga?
Like those comics you get inside Bazooka pieces. Only full comic minibooks.>>454973 They already have for a long time though. The character Doraemon is pretty much always paired with a Japanese snack that gets sold at dagashi stores like theirs.
oh no is she going to fucking leave again
holy shit >making water with snow to cook noodles NO
Snow is relatively sanitary once you boil it through. Freshly fallen snow like that, really. Naturally snow that's been trekked all over will be dirty though.
Aaaand she's gone again.
i knew it
Oh hah hah hah. Got fucking played.
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she wasn't even trying to trick him she had her hand out like she was going to greet him normally he's just bananas
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Hah hah hah. She's won.
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She's still trying to scout him huh.
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Well that was fun. I wonder if they'll adapt more down the line.
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yes that was good and i'm glad that the funny part of this funny show is finally back just in time for season 2 to fucking end at least the art in this season was good
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8 coconuts out of 10
It's a shame it couldn't attain nine out of ten.>His given name is a Kun'yomi pronunciation of the Japanese numeral 九, Kokonotsu (ここのつ, "Ninth")