h-hewwo...owunce of weed pwease >///< arigato... dealer-kun puts weedie-chan in bong and inhales waaah!!(β―β½)β― daisuki cannabis desu~! ( Ο ) uwaaa! weedie-chan i feel so kimochi!!(γΒ°ΟΒ°γ) hehe~ ur deep inside me now x3 weedie-chans drug pussy is so good! (οΎΒ΄ Π· )γ everything is daijobu ! n-nani??(O_O;) eehh munchie-sama is over now... (Β΄β’ Ο β’)οΎ devours pocky and left over cummies uwaaa~ daisuki cannabis holy shit =w= . Shit Samurais coding fucked up my ebin copy pasta
he says he doesn't know he does he shopping online so I guess it's a bit easier that way they're the seedless type too, the man has good taste
well people have made much worse mistakes i suppose
yeah it's a bit of a waste but it could be worse
Does anyone actually like seeded grapes. I always assumed it was considered an unfortunate suffering for a...better grape? Specific grape species? Fuck if I know.
no I hate seeded grapes apparently they do have seeds but they're just genetically malformed and the way they grow them is from cuttings off the vine
i don't mind seeded grapes but it's mildly less annoying to have seedless grapes
if only they could make it so the green ones last longer
>darjeeling limited change it to "unlimited" and it sounds like a gup porn doujin
I'd read that
>>451905 dunno about the fox movie, but with the soundtrack, presentation and clooney being the main lead it damn much seems like a "ocean's eleven movie"
that's a good point actually it's a good movie
dunno if the movies are good, btu damn do they have good cinematography so many angles some traditional to animation some like live action movies and so on
also man the guy gets a lot of bignames for his movies, despite not making about just even I guess he is a true artist director type
I don't mean that as in makes art movies but as in sticks to his craft rather than execs demanding for profits which is damn hard, considering money is an allure for everyone
and sometimes just becomign big enough or making that one movie that rakes in all the money ruins people Like looking at P jacksons works after LotR
The Hobbit was more likely an influence of fame than money. Think Lucas in
Oh well I lost 80% of what I wrote there. Enthusiasm gone.
I am actually having something on easter, rather a house warming party of mine for closest friends dunno what I will prepare for it maybe a traditional stew or something with some light snacks + wine and beer
traditional miko neat that easter falls on april fools I think also 1st is a sunday which means friday the 13th
South Park's creators are Libertarians, which are a bit similar in implementation aside from additional "fuck you all, I've got mine." They're less likely to throw a fit over you smoking pot or requiring abortions, but they're also not going to support good societal things like universal healthcare. Or taxes for that matter.
>>451931 Dunno about their actual political leanings, but saying something like that in a situation like that is exactly like them be it to offend, joke or just for whatever reasons.
Might as well be repubs because you'll never get a majority
A majority of Libertarians would be trash anyway. RIP anything that benefits from socialized institutions.
>>451931 if it comes to voting, I'd guess a liber would be more likely to vote a republican making them per se "republican" as US system doesn't really allow a third or fourth party
I've not really found South Park to be all that entertaining. Leans way too heavily on insult humour and other low-brow jokes. I've heard they do have some good social commentary episodes, but it's probably really not worth sifting through shit, and even dealing with the low points of the episode in question.
>>451937 they sometimes do things like long term arcs or something like something mirroring the 2016 elections I think they did last year but the thing just is, there are so many many episodes canyou really just jump into it mid go without missing some world lore etc they have added over all the billions of episodes?
Well I certainly don't care to.
I don't even want to play the games they're making now, no matter how often I hear they're legitimately good games.
SP was the show you watched as a kid/early teen cause it was naughty and edgy and that is how I knew it, it was fun, but not fun enough to keep following for years or to repick It is kinda like rewatching something like Drawn Together now it is still good, but you also go "yeaaaah..." you can really notice how it was aimed at teens wanting to watch something naughty
Oh yeah that running "Canada" joke I used to download an episode when I could might rewatch out of curiosity but meh not dying to
I didn't watch it to begin with, in part because I was a boring. straight-laced kid. But mostly because we only got basic cable that didn't host mature humour shows like that.
Neither does say London have them and it is a port city oh wait fort also for a "fort city" it just has fucking walls around it >>451945 thames hasn't been drinkable since aaaages wells is what they used untill they built the underground pipes
Aqueducts haven't been needed in aaaages. And there will always be easy wells in land near rivers like the Thames.
also another thing most fantasy misses is "how does this city feed itself"
Well just because there isn't farmland ringing the immediate countryside doesn't mean there's no farming towns/villages within a day's cart ride.
>>451944 also points for having a proper looking gatehouse with portocullis or wahtever and not just one big gate/door >>451949 yeah well a city can do this, but say a local castle aor such, usually has some farm community around it *had rather but that is more issue of movies, but then again that goes to budget limitations etc
And other fantasy series literally have magic so typical mundane Medieval geographical layouts may not entirely apply.
but yeah compare it to the usual fantasy city "capital of a powerful kingdom" yeaah...
I mean if you're a kingdom with twenty wizards that can twist the fabric of reality, you've got a pretty powerful kingdom
>>451941 South Park is a lot better than Drawn Together, I do get what you mean about it being hard to go back and rewatch though.
>>451954 it is supposed to be big kingdom with lotsa soldiers but first of all "no surrounding walls" "forest reaching to the city" "forest reaching to the royal castle walls"
Also Truly I am Ohio
>>451955 i didn't compare them in quality, they are just kinda similiar shows in terms of target audience
>>451954 also no so weak they had to summon heroes
And speaking of population sizes since LotGH Remake is airing soonish I wonder will that show have proper numbers sometimes about he population and system sizes etc cause they field tens if not hundreds of millions in their armies and take losses of millions to tens of millions in some battles and campaigns and yet it doesn't seem to collapse their respective socities Neither empire having an open draft policy, I think republic had selective draft like US during vietnam, but not "draft everyone of age" imperial army was either draft or volunteer based depending on the noble, reinhardt basically had a fully professional army
but I think the ova series had the population of the galaxy at something like total 50 billion or something kinda low considering w have 7 on just one planet and even at the writing/making of the series it was at 5 or 6
This is neat. https://www.theregister.co.uk/2018/03/29/exhibition_london_postal_museum/
So while I doubt he series is going to go into details like that, as most people would find them boring, I'd love it. Some details into how many systems and planets both empires have how their FTL actually works travel times and actual distances logistics, food supply, manpower and so on
Going back to sleep
>Thanks to its not-so-secret cargo of 200 tonnes of silver, it became a holy grail for treasure hunters. wow
http://www.scmp.com/tech/china-tech/article/2138960/jaywalkers-under-surveillance-shenzhen-soon-be-punished-text >Now with the help of artificial intelligence and facial recognition technology, jaywalkers will not only be publicly named and shamed, they will be notified of their wrongdoing via instant messaging β along with the fine
I'm so tempted to do this webcam thing with no pants
is a job thing do interview video via webcam >>451972 yeah
Like say, you know the restaurant is somewhat good if the staff and chef eat there too, or nearing bankruptcy in the alternative, so would the same logic aply to a sex store?
>>451978 >It takes guts to wear that officer. You're on the case
>>452005 I'm sorry I just have a thing for office women it's why I got this job
Karen has actually toxic ass, so if you touch it you die
worth it
that is indeed the only reason she isn't biggest serial killer int he history everyone leaves "worth it" as her defense so it is counted as suicide, ie. blaming a train driver for people who jump under it
like unless you bought a pack of bacon opened it ate half and then realised you won't be eating the remainer untill say a week later I'd see no reason to freeze it and even then >thawing meat quickly it will just turn it to mush
god I hate the last parts of cough constant nonstop coughing fits over fucking nothing why is my body so "kill it with nukes" with little things, but "meh nothig to rowwy about" when I have something serious
>>452070 Himmler took power, peace established, Jules met Trudy The trade minister got some movies
>>452072 That's fucking stupid holy shit I hate all these fucking adaptations that mess with the plot so much. Read the book. Or listen to an audiobook of it.
>>452075 Technically the "peace established" part is implied, not stated
Fun fact PKD works don't usually have satisfying endings in the traditional sense. Like the plot might be wrapped up. But the world continues and is probably just as shitty. Or you just don't know.
But it was like the reason Jules did her part in the story by shooting that one dude To keep the secret from the nazis Thus preventing nuclear war because the oberdude was able to do stuff
Yeah, that wasn't quite in the book. She shot a dude, I won't say why.
https://www.theregister.co.uk/2018/03/29/ai_can_predict_destructive_hail_storms/ I'm really surprised it took this long for research like this to happen.
>>452095 Uh, not particularly, but I haven't listened to much of their stuff
My dad told me the other day that in the spring semester of his second year of college everyday before going to class him and his roommate would listen to Who's next and do "some sort of ritual involving a bong".
This is also a man who grew a ten foot tall marijuana plant in an eight foot tall greenhouse.
Although I think that was with a different roommate. They didn't even harvest it much, it just became "wow we've taken such great care of these two trees, lets see how tall we can get them". Well they technically aren't trees. Anyways they had two of em get to like 13 feet tall before someone broke into the greenhouse and stole them.
They grew non marijuana plants too, my dad's roommate then worked at a plant nursery so he grew all sorts of plants as a hobby.
and these are really simple stuff melted sugar and butter mixed with bit of flour and oats and then egg to give them better texture and consitency but take the egg away and... how the fuck do you get them to stay cookie shaped?
>make them thin like original naw, they didn't solidify proper >bit thicker and try to bake them longer naw they burnt >thick, but not so thick and cook carefully to perfection okay, but still not really that good
and you actually need to add more butter to cover up for the lack of eggs in terms of liquid stuffs in the mixture
that's all i got until payday au gratin potaters, smoked clams, some ramen noodles, couple slices of bread, veggies i'm doin this prison spread thing where you just throw everything into the ramen noodles for protein i did that with the smoked clams but it was not the tastiest thing i've made it wasn't terrible but the smell sure was >>452124 i did chili cheese ramen with an egg for texture the other day but i'm out of chili, eggs, and cheese that was pretty good just dump the water out and pour the chili in on medium heat, crack egg in and stir, to make the noodles creamy
>>452132 i mean, the style that it's done is clearly that looming figure where it would reflect a lower angle and then it's like head on instead and feels weird she's so short that she has to float to be even i guess i dont like the cleavage angle it just looks dumb if they wanted to show off some bust then some shapage from the shirt at the looming angle would have been plenty, like in the attack illustration
The poofy pants into tight boots is a complication too. Gives the artist a bit of leeway with what the actual length/joint points of the legs are.
this one looks way more clean of an image i do kind of like her face in the portrait version but the rest feels off >>452136 i think you just don't see the same robin that i do
I don't really like the red blush I think a bunch of those fell vessel designs have up under the eyes. It makes them look like they've just stopped crying.
the team is really strong my robin is -atk +hp but the team makes up for it pretty well with the tactics
>>452137 That looks like a "wryyyyyyyyyyyyy" pose.
what's really upsetting me is there is really good music on the grima map and then it's not continuous every phase change it goes to that bland af enemy phase music then restarts can't they include an option to disable that and have continuous music?
>>452143 it's substantially better than summer robin's artwork at least it's not a matter good/bad work it's a matter of missing charm points but im nitpicking it is pretty good
bridge cordellia keeps shouting, "ITS TIME TO TIP THE SCALES" when i embark on a battle i bet there's some deviantart art with fatty cordy saying this somewhere
>>452191 No, but seven is realistic if I were to spend the rest of my orbs.
>>452192 Yeah, it's getting kinda springy here too.
It's still 41Β°F here.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>452194 I-I got a 4* Klein so I can give Death Blow 3 to someone
Kirara π
>Todd Howard: My youngest, I got him a Switch, and he really got into Zelda. And he hadnβt traditionally played those games, and he was too young to play Skyrim when it came out. Then when Skyrim came out on Switch, I said, βWell youβve played a lot of Zelda, I think you might like Skyrim.β And I want to do it as the father, like βPlease, play this game, and see if you like it.β And the short story is: he got obsessed with it.
Oh yeah my sister was in town this past week. She just left for the airport a little bit ago.
maybe next month i can get a better robin too my team is really strong but my robin is -atk although i'm kind of feeling like that's actually ideal for what i'm doing
I spent 175 orbs, and got Robinx3, Neko Sakurax2, and Zelgiusx1.
I need another Grima and also Halloween Nowi That's really all I'm looking for. Oh and another Gunnthra would be nice. +1 on her and with literally any other IV setup
my team was getting rekt in arena by all the +10 horse teams my team is so high that it's like nothing but +10 horse teams so i took heavy blade off of hector and put on panic ploy and obliterated everything
i killed my male grima to give hector vengeful counter too
so hector gets +6 HP, +3 spd, +2 atk and +6 res and +6 def
Kirara π
QR on ike means that he blasts someone with aether nearly every time he gets attacked vengeful fighter on v hector means the same thing both are DC units then i got grima who gets +8 def/res when being attacked, +6 def in general, +6 atk in general, and with QR, blasts off a bonfire nearly every other turn ike gets +6 atk and +6 res in general hector and ike are healing nearly every time they get attacked
my only problem is that not having a blue unit can occasionally be problematic so i have to just hope that there is a blue unit that i have in the arena bonuses most weeks it's not really that important but there are probably situations where it is
So they added two fucking Jojo cosmetics to TF2.
Kirara π
like actual jojo? or like, "it that a jojo reference" thing
>>452222 wait is that a mother fucking JOJO REFERENCE?!?!?!??!
only 2? I feel a lot better now after sleeping for... what was essentially the entire day Seems like my body knows to get itself together right before the time I would usually go into work
I'm happy with -hp +res because she will be beefy. Well she'll have beefy defenses, +res brings her res up to a really comfy number especially with dragonskin.
Wish my dad had the same responsibility with alcohol, he has relapsed a bunch of times since year before last. i stopped feeling bad about it tho, since i can't - he is already old enough to know about this thing.
>>452239 i just tried it a few times i'm just a bit shy of making it happen i'm left with red cavmage and the blue dragon in the lower left after dealing with grima i would survive if blue drag didn't have threaten res he deals exactly 40 damage and i'm left with reinhardt who has exactly 40 hp that's after a cupid's bow buff
olwen will probably get a new weapon when they do the thracia thing in a month or two or sometime around that they seem to be rolling out new sets of refinements/weapons in threes once a month right now i'm betting on a thracia tempest
at 37 speed she's right at the spot where she could speed advantage almost everyone but at 28 atk or whatever it's so pointless to double quad's great for that iceberg blap but you aint quaddin shit with -5 spd that wasn't already a dead target to another unit first
Kirara π
they managed to fix the 23 atk felicia with a new weapon i bet they can fix olwen
Lunatic Grima was actually pretty tough and was touch and go the whole time but I did complete it pretty easily. I'm going to have to think a little harder about how I'll do it on infernal.
You're having trouble on lunatic? What team are you using? I used Lucina/Summer Robin/Myrrh/Edgy Azura
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I've tried all my good fellows and that was not working.
>>452303 You already got gud at Dark Souls so there's no point in me making fun of you right now. It doesn't matter if you do bad at a shitty mobage because you got bad gacha rolls.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
it has less to do with my rolls I'd say my units aren't bad I just have a low threshold for frustration in FEH
Maybe you should stick to games with less RNG.
>>452302 im havin trouble clearing out the fliers even with b.cordy im going to try swapping out cupid bow buffs for brave bow and see if it is any smoother
whoa anne's dancing looks like it's straight out of a britney spears MV >>452344 >says joker's coffee skills just aren't up to par >... I don't think my bond with Sojiro will become closer just yet.
oh is there new wixoss i might i'll have a lot of classes and have to do like 10-15 hours of therapy a week so idk how much time i'll have for anime next season unfortunately
>>452385 i mind very much how dare you intrude upon someone else's anime watching thing to the brig
I guess I do take anime for granted, classes and work does sound complicated, my sister is doing that.
>>452384 I would like to but rn I'm doing the essay I was gonna do last night and I've got a family dinner tonight that I gotta go to. I dunno how long that's gonna go for or when it's gonna start. I might be able to do it the same time I did around last night. If I'm not there don't worry about me
i dropped my recruiting client, i feel terrible about it i just can't be professional living out in this hellhole and having to take care of other people's cats and this bullshit i need to be somewhere i can focus if i ever wanna do real work
i had fun in synchtube the other night we should do that again sometime
minus whatever that pregnant spiderman shit was rin put up i had to block that out
>>452397 i wonder about that sometimes, how that's treated it seems so dependent on the situation for people who just can't stop they'd want antabuse or something wouldn't they, but you can't do that so it's probably about behavioral methods of coping without?
i think sometimes people aren't addicted to alcohol but are afraid of being sober or hate that feeling i think i'm fortunate because i love being sober but i also love drinking so i don't get caught in a rut
it usually comes down to the client stopping or reducing their usage slowly and then they learn methods to help them manage cravings stuff like learning to identify triggers and then learning how to deal with the triggers sometimes there's exploration of other coping skills
i read in this lady's chart that she went through detox a few weeks ago and had two serious seizures during it
How long does personal info stay in your 'file'? If I tried to kill myself 20 years ago can you still see that?
Also, what kind of security are you running at your place? I wonder how protected this info is. I can't imagine the computer systems at all of these low rent therapist offices is that great.
>>452401 Aren't they supposed to give them meds to prevent that?
>>452403 you use benzos to prevent that but surprise the local clinics won't provide benzos for anyone under any circumstances they won't provide opioids either
>>452402 If it's in your file and I have access to that file, I can see it. If you try that and then 20 years later don't mention that you were hospitalized somewhere for that, I have no way of knowing that happened, so I can't request any information about it. There's not some kind of permanent file that follows people around, it's all just whatever information is available.
>>452405 You can't sue them for not prescribing benzos if they as an institution don't prescribe benzos.
>>452402 We use systems that are HIPAA compliant. Our goal is to protect people's privacy from confidentiality briefs. /// breaches If you're asking if our system is safe, the answer is no, because no system is safe if it's connected to the internet.
>>452404 I hope they also enjoy getting sued. Fucking scum bags
>>452402 Medical records systems are often but not akways very insecure.
>>452406 This is what terrifies me. I don't trust these sysadmins that can see my personal info. You can't know what these creeps might do.
>>452404 You can sue them for that, but it would probably be thrown out. But I don't know the specifics of their policies and how they're advertised yo their clients.
>>452408 What do you expect them to do? They probably couldn't care less about your personal info. It's just a file on the system they work on as a job.
>>452408 It's not the system admins you should be worried about.
>>452410 Blackmail and exploitation, finding someone has a drug problem and using that as leverage for sex, I don't know.
>>452412 If they did that you could sue the company with your records fofor aa lot Also >>452414 >>452414
Kirara π
>>452412 that's a pretty unrealistic concern honestly
>>452412 It really does sound like you don't know.
Now for actual record based blackmail You should fear government employees who have aacess to information in systems with little to no oversight.
Kirara π
the people that work for insurance companies can easily get access to all of your medical information and they're scary too because there's not much oversight there either
>>452418 There actually is more than you would think. They have to be HIPAA compliant too. And they obviously limit access to records
Kirara π
most places that have to be hipaa compliant are actually not hipaa compliant in my experience people view hipaa as a spectrum and refer to things as more or less hipaa compliant
hello /moe/
>>452420 Yeah so here's why insurance companies are a bit better about it than random ass shitty clinics They have billions of dollars to lose. They spend tens of millions on their privacy shit. And while it might not neccesarily be perfectly secure or whatever (impossible by the way) they have to be hipaa compliant. There are eentire departments whose entire job consists of making every otger department is hipaa compliant.
Kirara π
fuckin get this a fax is pretty fuckin safe unless someone is actively trying to intercept communications from it (generally) my clinic is so bad with this, they scan documents and then send them to an email, which is then sent to a fax machine instead of just faxing things
>>452422 A shitty clinic can be closed, while huge corporations have their own insurance for million dolar fines.
>>452423 sounds like with some legal documents here they burn a cd instead of sending by email.
>>452424 I don't think you get it Just a rumor about them having a non hipaa compliant system could cause them to lose millions in stock value over a few dadays. It's not just "fines" and lawsuits they have to worry about
Honestly fax is really insecure. Its only relatively secure because "security" via obscurity. As in not enough people fucking knknow how to intercept a fax bbecause its been phased out inost industries.
>>452401 i dont get cravings whenever i stop personally if anything the sobriety is intoxicating and i get overly addicted to that feeling i'm met/met though so i think my brain chemistry is a little different i mainly imbibe to self-treat that neurosis that comes with me being sober
>>452430 >I mainly imbibe to treat the neurosis that comes with me being sober Uhhhhhhh I don't know what you mean by "sobriety is intoxicating" But drinking alcohol for self medicating is generally considered to be alcoholism.
Kirara π
>>452430 i am unfortunately predisposed towards addiction i get cravings all the time
Kirara π
drinking alcohol for self-medication is generally considered to be a poor coping mechanism, not alcoholism
it is, however, not necessarily a poor coping mechanism and many people are able to use substances effectively to deal with stressors in the short term so that they can better deal with them in the long term
>>452437 then you frequently use alcohol as a coping mechanism alcoholism has some specific characteristics that define it and drinking everyday is only one of them in a specific context
>>452439 yeah agreed just do cocaine guys it's way better.
>>452436 For comprehensiveness' sake, where would stuff like drinking a glass of red wine to help prevent...whatever it is studies have shown it to reduce chances of fall under? Would that also be considered self-medication?
>>452440 Well self medicating with You know what nevermind
Kirara π
>>452442 self-medicating refers specifically to the use of non-prescribed substances to deal with symptoms that are usually dealt with using prescribed substances generally used in the context of psychological trauma or physiological pain
>>452434 denial and justification are also indicators of alcoholism so if i say something like it's different in my case, then that's useless but if you hung out here on /moe/ prior to me drinking you would probably see a notable difference i'm much better functioning yes, it's probably not the preferred treatment method, but it is treating something and it's not treating something i particularly want to get rid of because i love my euphoric sober self, but it is not a good person imo
I agree that other drugs are better than alcohol. But avoiding drugs should be the ideal.
My favourite drugs are Jesus and living a wholesome life. God bless.
I guess my only drug is gay.
>>452446 I don't really feel like getting into an extended serious conversation about ththis right now. But thank you for your explanation. Also >At this moment, I am euphoric.
anyway, sorry, i shouldn't have brought it up i was curious in the clinical aspect of things but i know this discussion troubles a few people, myself included actually
>>452459 It's fine, it was insightful. Normally I'd be up for a conversation about this but I'm just iin a bad mood cause of my dog being ill.
>>452455 "Feeling better" is only one aspect that drugs can modify or have an effet on. More than that it's kind of a vague platitude that doesn't actually describe the effect of being under the influence of something.
>>452462 I should explain it as: I would rather not take any recreational drugs, except maybe sugar and caffeine.
>>452447 What other drugs? Like heroin? Is that better than alcohol? What about crack cocaine? Or meth?
Kirara π
heroin, crack, meth, and cocaine are probably all better than alcohol in a few ways
yeah i would probably agree if used properly like imo i would do heroin but not recreationally in responsible, therapeutic ROAs and volumes but there are more therapeutic substances for the occasion
basically all the things i would be willing to take therapeutically are things that i do not enjoy i dont enjoy adderall, opiates, stimulants, and i don't even enjoy alcohol or benzos i feel highest when i'm sober, but that is not a safe place for me to be so i am often sedated to control my mood
To specify more, i think i - my personality would be even worsened with alcohol. well, i dont want to specify.
I've never had a positive experience with drug use whether illicit or prescribed. I can't stand feeling intoxicated.
>>452470 Maybe get a better doctor? Although that was actually a joke, how stuff makes you feel differs on a per person basis and can depend on a lot of things.
>>452465 I think you might not have enough direct experience with the others to compare them to alcohol but I agree with yoy slightly
Kirara π
feeling intoxicated kept me alive for long enough that i was able to not kill myself
>>452472 all my best friends have used cocaine and a few have used heroin, i know a lot of people that do crack, and i lived next to a meth lab for five years
>>452473 All my experiments with drug use made my depression and anxiety so much worse.
>mfw kirara wont befriend you because of inability to use drugs ;_;
Wait I'm fucking surprised they ran the lab in the same spot for five years without getting caught or blown up. Inb4 they did get caught and that's why it was only five years.
for me, sobriety means cluster headaches, intense feelings of paranoia and external agency, and grandiose feelings to the point of confusion and delusion being sedated helps me process things at a functional level for interacting with other people to say that alcohol or sedatives help me cope is sort of true, but such an indirect statement that's a much more functional way of coping than proper sober coping, unless i was able to be treated more subtly for whatever my neurotic tendencies and episodes of psychoses entail, which would require a lot of clinical involvement that i can't afford and most clinicians would shy away from
so i dont feel bad about drinking or taking benzos when they make me pretty normal any time i'm on here on /moe/ and venting obsessively or acting strange it's because i'm not properly sedated "but those are side effects of withdrawal from sedatives" it was drastically worse before i ever took one in my life, as sugoi, rika, lobster, marsh, and probably kirara could attest to
Kirara π
>>452480 they did get caught yeah i was posting about it on /moe/ when it happened, i remember it was late at night and there was a small shoot out with cops
>>452479 Dont worry I'll teach you just one low payment of put this in your nose
Kirara π
>>452479 i have lots of friends that don't use drugs!
Anyways, my original point was that its unethical for those people to operate a detox facility that does not prescribe benzos. Its also dangerous
>>452484 If any of them disapproved of drug use would you defriend them?
>>452490 you seem to disapprove of me much less now than in my straight-edge days when i was always causing trouble
>>452497 I'd rather people just not but I can't really do anything about it. That being said I generally detest hanging out with people who are intoxicated with anything.
I rather people do whatever they think it's appropriate and not what others tell them.
It's a good idea to stay away from drugs unless prescribed by a professional.
I've seen a lot of self-medication online, as well. that isn't good either, yeah.
>>452499 Same here, it's not about being annoyed but just feeling unsafe given I've been attacked and screamed at by drunk and high people more than a few times.
>>452506 AGREED , i have started opening up to my colleagues and letting them explore my tendency to do whatever i want whenever i want and they all can't believe it i was telling someone how i defaced a cop car after the last hurricane and they couldn t handle it lmao
>>452506 Kind of a selfish and egotistical life philosophy.
>>452506 i want to be a serial hair-snipper who cyberstalks women and then cuts off chunks of their hair by tracking them in public then selling it to people on their facebook friends list
>>452517 I'm gonna pretend to agree with you whilst hiding my own selfish intentions
>>452516 Yeah but what if doing that makes me feel bad Or what if everyone starts doing this and it turns out it'd have been better if we all just co-operated
>>452520 >it's also a good idea to do whatever you want to I want to kill people and stuff their bodies how is that prosocial Sounds potentially selfish to me
You can be yourself and be completely pro-social. It's only selfish and egotistically if your true self is an asshole.
>>452518 I was trapped on an insland by // an island by the cops, so I was mad, and they left cop cars fucking everywhere with the windows open and nobody around like a bunch of idiots.
>>452520 Theoretically if it inconveniences other people some may argue
>>452520 i think my experiences in treating myself as a separate person has helped me develop the necessary self-compassion to survive that is also appropriate with social function in a way i couldn't before it's important to be selfish in some ways, not for self gain but for self compassion and internal health
>>452520 That's still kkind of rude What'd you do?
I feel that selfishness means different things to different people. For some means doing what you want. For others means wanting them to do what you want them to do.
>>452519 Yeah, if you do anti-social things, it's going to be anti-social whether you're being yourself or not.
>>452524 I really shouldn't give the details on /moe/!
>>452526 which is the point Anno was making about it being a potentially selfish philosophy
>>452529 Sometimes the group as a whole requires a majority to co-operate Which means a few people can do things that harm the collective common good and get away with it And if everyone starts doing this then suddenly the whole thing is fucked
>>452530 How did we jump from "it's wrong to do whatever you want if it harms other people" to this
>>452526 Then don't And next time don't deface the cop car.
>>452527 You seem to be confusing people doing what they want with some kind of anarchy. People don't always point their intentions in different directions.
Muh collectivist versus individualist debate
What does 'being yourself' even mean?
>>452533 If you meet buddah on the road, kill him.
>>452533 whenever you think differently than anyone else, doing what you want. or saying/being etc.
being yourself imo is just careful processing it's not being closed-minded and shutting everything out, but it's incubating your internal expressions a bit and having a buffer for analysis and integration between the external system and your internal expressions everybody does this at some level, but it's just about feeling comfortable and confident in incubating it properly to nurture in your internal system instead of exposingi it early for the external environment to nurture or dismiss and then accepting that outcome
>>452541 You can only bee yourself by creating conflict?
>>452544 I don't think that's true. It's normal to want to fit in with the group of people you associate with. Their culture becomes a part of yourself too. Being an individual doesn't mean you have to be so completely counter-culture.
>>452544 okay lets imagine you agree 100% with the group and never do something different from them. is there a "yourself" there?
>>452554 yeah me neither I got like four fuckin (You)s
>>452553 and then they will reply to your posts and then you aren't truly an outcast...
>>452550 But that's not my heart at all My heart's telling me to collect (you)s and shitpost
https://deepmind.com/research/dqn/ fucking dqn
>>452553 What if by definition your decision is one that cannot be shared? Same for an opinion. What now?
Kirara π
>>452553 that's because regardless of how alienated society makes us, humans will always manage to stand in solidarity with each other we're all connected no matter how far apart we are forced to become
your goal is to identify the thief monkey and refuse to become the follower of the monkey this is nor a magnificient plan of the space it's time to wake up
>>452584 Did you know that peruvians have been hunting sharks for their fins? even tho they're protected species and the sea they're hunting is not theirs.
>>452585 the jews want you to think sharkicorn isn't real. open your eyes
alright homework is gay and I have like almost 600 words and I have to wait for an email from the course admin Kirara do you still wanna devilman I got my shit done and out of the way
>>452643 >>452643 hmmmm honestly all of this depends on how my transfer goes but I wanna go I was really bummed out that I couldn't make it to the the last trip
>>452669 watching devilman ova english dub in synchtube with some other meme loving fucks
>>452670 oh that's cool who's winning >>452671 neat I watched a compilation of that and it was pretty funny
Samu π¨π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
currently? the exchanges i guess
>>452659 confess your love to some yakuza too, big guys need support too
guys is it not polite to refer to your lecturer by his last name I did that and he said he hadn't been called that since HS Isn't it more polite to call them by their last name than first name?
Samu π¨π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
you're in college? first name is fine
uni >first name is fine okay
>>452675 do whatever you normally would don't shy away from your cultural upbringing
>>452678 >do whatever you normally would I'm gonna call him a cunt then
Kirara π
first name is fine with some professors and some want last name
if they don't make it clear then don't address them at all
these people keep wanting to play smash but they more garbo than me
>>452687 yay me too i play with my coworkers we're all garbo relative but me and this guy are pretty evenly matched so it's good
>>452688 we're all pretty evenly matched unless I go greninja and then I an usuakly scrape out a win one guy is real good with bowser and I don't see that a lot so it can be fun
...I finally attempted Infernal Robin and it's ... really easy with the team setup that I went into Tempest with. I have to attempt it again but I got down to the last two units and got killed but I know how to prevent that next time.
Samu π¨π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
>>452689 niiice greninja confused me if i really want to win i go falco usually
In the sense that hiking is more fun than normal walking. Snowshoes reduce the effort you need to put into walking through deep snow because >>452765. So it helps you move longer distances and through more difficult terrain. And so you can focus on enjoying the winter wonderland around you as you're hiking through it instead of having to trudge through shin-high snowfall.