>>452715 I'm seeing like four shows with episodes released today.
Fate/EXTRA Koi wa Ameagari Cardcaptor Citrus Dagashi Kashi Dame x Prince --Episodes 10-12 Death March --Episodes 11-12 Grancrest Senki --Episodes 9-11.5 HakuMiko Marchen Madchen Ramen Daisuki-Koizumi-san Toji no Miko --Episodes 7-12 Violet Evergarden Yuru Camp
No, it's fine. My anime folder was just being retarded and not opening.
It's kinda hard to make the list when your anime folder won't load.
It's better now.
death march violet evergarden koi wa ameagari ramen daisuki
>>452831 It airs on Saturday nights, there's a good chance it gets watched in the immediately following anime watching session. Airs for Saturday nights, really. So usually in the anime-watching session that starts shortly after 00:00 EST Sunday. If by chance that doesn't happen, we watch it in the immediately following session, so same time, one day later.
I guess the final arc involves Violet having to deal with her toxic brother-in-law.
You've got to be particularly bitter to badmouth a friend off in front of their friends like that, and expect to or to not care about it going over well.
A whole bunch of people from Violet's past are coming out of the woodwork this arc.
>Ready our troops, we must avoid war at all costs
The revolutionary faction didn't seem to be aware of Violet showing up. That'll probably be a wrench in their plans.
They've got exceptionally good hearing, talking quietly like that atop a train.
why dont they shoot their guns \
>>452964 Rifles are not a close quarters weapon. The bayonet attachment is far more reliable at that range. Also atop a train like this you probably don't want to deal with the recoil of a rifle.
I guess it was more building up for the finale, but this episode didn't have the emotion that the last half dozen have had.
Can we trade out the next two episodes for Fate/EXTRA and Yuru Camp. Not that I'd expect Jan to be resentful on us skipping him for Koi wa and Koizumi-san but might as well.
I feel there's some kind of time loop going on or something. Or some anachronisms going on. It's making it kind of hard to follow.
Nursury Rhyme meets the MC in her weird realm where no one can see her, then he leaves, then she gets all mopey and suddenly is back when the pink-haired girl who was Shinji's girlfriend was her Master? And she was fighting Rin. And then she goes beserk and starts eating things, creating the myth of an unkillable monster on her floor. And now we're back- NO STOP THIS IS ALREADY CONFUSING ENOUGH. AAAAAAAAUGH
oh i might not be able to anime the next two days cause im moving tomorrow is maybe the day after is certain
And now she's around again talking to the MC. I get that resetting the scenario or something is in part tied to Nursery Rhyme but some coherency would be nice.
Also the MC in some of the scenes in this episode had a different Command Seal on his hand than he does right now.
Until they casually come along and abduct you, slowly but surely, anyway.
Taking down the camping gear is always tiresome. Especially since it always seems to never pack in as compactly as it was on the ride up there.
Not that you really need a large clubroom for a club that does camping. All your activities involve being outside, and it's not like you need to meet up in the clubroom. It really only serves a purpose in storing gear.
Oh wait this is mapping the first camping trip Rin took in episode one. Yeah the exact same camping ground.
I guess Nadeshiko caught the solo camping build too.
Bug even.
What a sweet finale.
I'd totally be down for a season two of them doing spring camping or summer camping. There's unique stuff to camping in all the seasons.