Fate/EXTRA Cardcaptor Citrus Dagashi Kashi Dame x Prince --Episodes 10-12 Death March Grancrest Senki --Episodes 9-12.5 11.5 HakuMiko Marchen Madchen Pop Team Epic Ramen Daisuki Koizumi-san Ryuuou no Oshigoto Sora Yori mo Tooi Basho Toji no Miko --Episodes 7-12 Yuru Camp
so many animes
So little time.
i mean i have at least 48 hours before work so i have enough time to watch all of it tbh
I'm a bully. What are the Jan shows? We should do 4 jan shows. I thought he watched all this.
Cardcaptor, Citrus, Dagashi, HakuMiko, Marchen Madchen, Pop Team Epic, Koizumi-san; are all shows I definitely remember him watching. I believe he might've joined us for one or two episodes of Ryuuou too maybe? Not too certain on that one.
I've never watched an episode of Yuru Camp but I think I watched some of Sora Yori. I also watched a few episodes of Ryuuou. The rest of this list >>451552 is also accurate.
Okay I can't find it. I did find articles reporting that the last two episodes of the show, episodes eleven and twelve, aren't going to air though. So there's only one more episode of this after this episode. Surely we can survive just one more to actually finish off the show.
well might as well only one more episode of this tragedy i wonder how they will (or won't) resolve this
>>451631 >>451637 watching the rest would ruin it further! let it die not-that-bad in our memories
>>451638 you may abandon her but i will gladly go down with this ship
CHOTTO MATTA Who the fuck is this even.
i feel like this is synonymous with what happened to the studio
>introducing a new character one episode before the ending
>With just four episodes like me This poor girl, she doesn't even know she only gets one episode.
they shouldn't have even tried at least the endcard still looks nice i wonder if the animators that are left are going to be able to get jobs after their studio buckles
Endcard only needs one person to do their job right.
Oh shit found the article. https://blog.sakugabooru.com/2018/03/24/marchen-madchen-a-production-postmortem/
>“By autumn 2017 we were already worried that the broadcast could be in danger, so Kitamura, as production assistant, came up with an outsourcing plan that was then rejected by the CEO for financial reasons. By late January, the CEO finally approved the subcontracting proposal, but at that point we were running so short on time that no studio was willing to take the offer. Even after that, the CEO planned to continue delivering unfinished episodes so as to make broadcast, but the distribution side [NBC Universal?] forced us to postpone it for two weeks.”
Nanja kore
>“By episodes 6-7, the burden on series director (Shigeru) Ueda was so strong he ended up stepping down after #8. On top of that, right before the delivery deadline for episode 8, we lost contact with the production desk, so in the end we spent those two weeks mostly sorting out the production situation for the episodes still remaining.”
Their production desk didn't even quit they outright went AWOL.
Oh this shot is from one of the key visuals released as promotional material.
He's stressing out so hard he's getting auditory hallucinations.
Is she going to charge into the match room or something. Oh the match is on hold anyway.
Oh yeah I think I read about this situation when I was reading up shogi rules. It's the kind of thing that players generally keep in mind and won't trip willingly.
Looks like he almost went into the matrix there for a second.
Oh there it is. I saw we'd finally get the Meijin's profile this episode. Apparently that pose he had is a shoutout to a famous pose of a contemporary Meijin.
Looks like the Meijin is getting into the game a fair bit too.
That was an exciting game of shogi. It only puts him at like, 3-1 in the actual match-up though, doesn't it.
Feels like this needs another cour or season though.
They spent the vast majority of the season actually getting to Antactica. Even more than that, half of it was over before they even left Japan. There's def-
Okay should they REALLY be turning geological history like that into snowcones.
-There's definitely plenty of things they could animate the kids doing in Antarctica. Shame it's only one season.