Beatless Black Clover Cardcaptor --Episodes 10-11 Dame x Prince --Episodes 8-10 Grancrest Senki --Episodes 9-11 HakuMiko Mob Psycho OVA (possibly just recap) Overlord Sora yori ANTARCTICA Toji no Miko --Episodes 7-11
I saw this on /a/ earlier. Apparently it really looks like the world map for Overlord was lifted off of part of the real life Middle East. Some of the miniature details really make it a solid sell.
Seeing someone cry upside down is kind of disorientating.
>Episode ten >Another filler episode Er, not filler, recap. Well potato potahto really.
Well apparently it's a two-cour series. Which doesn't really explain the two recap episodes in ten episodes, but I guess there's still enough time for them to work with all the plot threads they've got laying about still, even if they beat the crazy blonde robot here.
>>444941 >>444940 recap is even worse than filler can't be helped, they must be having big issues with the schedule
okay let's start!
Not that I'm not inclined to agree, but it might be padding. This series is an adaptation of a single novel. I don't know the length, but twenty-four episodes is still a lot of time to adapt your average 400 or so page novel.
>>444944 Could be. Recap episodes are a dark cloud hanging over a series though, and seen as such. Usually they're an indicator of problems with production.
It could be padding but it makes more sense to pad with filler episodes if you have time to do so.
Yeah, especially two in such a short time span. If there's a third at the same period as the last two I'd be inclined to believe it's intentional though. After all, just because you need padding doesn't mean you necessarily have the time to animate extra content.
Aaaawkward conversations.
If they lost contact with Shirase's mother on the expedition, that means her body is still somewhere in this frozen wasteland. Could be a pretty heartbreaking thing to experience.
>>444976 It's been actual years I think. Would be a real asspull to find her alive after all this.